Ferage atehunge lijetwa benatwa yetegodach temeselalech. Westachewn yemyakew fetare naw. Abatem be 13 amete ehedalhu setel denget belo he should have run it by the mom. This girl is the result of a divorce, wanaw egzabher enkwan agenanachew
I know abkoye since she was a little girl, she was my neghbour. she was a respectful , happy , beautiful girl. oh I still remember her smile and lough, My heart was broken when I heard about her disapprance. I am so happy and I do not have a word to express my feeling. I see in her eyes how she probability went through a lot. I hope that sparkle we use to see in her eyes and happiness comes back. EBS Thank you for all you do to mend broken hearts.
I saw so many people reunion in different situations this one is killing me with tears 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 praise the lord and for everyone who works very hard