Luke Skywalker Had a Car.

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EC Henry

EC Henry

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@ViewpointProd 2 жыл бұрын
I was gonna say, considering luke's landspeeder for years was on display at some events prior to TPM, i doubt it was repainted, considering it's still in it's original colours to this day, it would be a very, well built replica of the one from ANH, i doubt lucasfilm would have repainted the original considering its' history
@pwnmeisterage 2 жыл бұрын
There might have been multiple landspeeder models/sets/props during filming. Just as they used multiple R2 droids during filming. One might end up in a museum while another gets repainted and put back on film.
@ECHenry 2 жыл бұрын
I can't really explain what happened... but the Luke's Landspeeder on display in the Petersen Automotive Museum, for instance, (allegedly the original 1970s speeder vehicle) is almost 100% certainly the one that appeared in TPM. Both share weathering and physical damage (specifically in the radiator grills) that match ANH perfectly. It doesn't sound right, but it seems to me that the speeder was repainted green for TPM, and then repainted again to match the ANH coloration when it went on display. Other examples of Luke's Landspeeder, such as the one that appeared at the traveling "Where Science Meets Imagination" exhibit (and perhaps the one you have in mind), is a replica.
@ECHenry 2 жыл бұрын
@@pwnmeisterage There is another landspeeder that appears in the film, which is the one that was attached to cleverly-hidden poles, or attached to a huge offscreen carousel to simulate a floating effect. None of the display versions I've seen seem to match the details from that prop, however.
@ViewpointProd 2 жыл бұрын
@@ECHenry Thanks for the additional info, Sounds pretty interesting, to know that the original was pulled out of storage, repainted, then painted back (or possibly had the new paint removed, idk). But hey, it makes sense at the end of the day, props are reused all the time, hell they pulled out ROTJ costumes for the filming additional scenes for the special editions, i take it they must have had some kind of restoration/corrective work done to them. Kinda reminds me of disney (or ILM, idk) Repainting the Rex animatronics from the original star tours, and using them as static props (i assume they're the aluminum originals, possibly backup animatronics, as their details are a perfect match, and seem a little too "gritty" to be recreations)
@ViewpointProd 2 жыл бұрын
@@ECHenry I did not even think of the "roundabout" one, huh, maybe they kept both
@FatBatMike 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be funny if Henry actually spent MONTHS making fake-looking wheels to put on the landspeeder in TPM JUST so he could make this video on April Fools.
@standupyak 2 жыл бұрын
is that what happened
@Tensen01 2 жыл бұрын
So I just put on TPM to check and see, and no, he didn't they are right there in the movie.
@Signal_Lost. 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tensen01 Lies.
@DioBrando-jm7uf 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s an Easter Egg
@ALEXD4WN 2 жыл бұрын
I feel special to have added the 420th like to this comment
@harbl99 2 жыл бұрын
That looks like a classic Not My Problem on the part of the FX team. "The wheels are visible." "Erm, throw a couple of stock background characters in front of them." [work order goes out to FX artists: 'Add two stock characters in front of green speeder'. The vital 'to conceal wheels' is omitted] "In front of the speeder. Right. Done. Next shot."
@thomasp506 2 жыл бұрын
Having done VFX, I am almost 100% certain this is the explanation.
@aniquinstark4347 2 жыл бұрын
It's like playing telephone
@Panzermeister36 2 жыл бұрын
@DioBrando-jm7uf 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s an Easter Egg.
@HarryVoyager 2 жыл бұрын
I recall in the Lord of the Rings, there's a scene where one of the characters has their vest vanish. They shot part of the scene after lunch, and the first take, he'd forgot to put the best back on. The team spotted it after the take, so he got it back on and they did a bunch more reshoots. Problem was none of them were as good as the first take was, so they just decided to live with it and use the shot with the missing vest.
@atigerclaw 2 жыл бұрын
Landing gear. Just, landing gear. I mean, when you shut the thing off; when you shut the repulsors down, does it hover in the void a foot off the ground forever? No. And if you need to wheel it around while it's shut down, a nice BIG set of wheels makes the job a lot easier. Especially when you consider that repulsorlift technology makes finished road surfaces ancillary to a star wars city. You could stop that thing just about anywhere, on any terrain, and you might need to wheel it around a little in dirt, gravel, etc. Would suck to try that with skids.
@fresh2924 2 жыл бұрын
naboo fighters didnt have landing gear, they literally just floated there
@atigerclaw 2 жыл бұрын
@@fresh2924 Must be some good batteries on those things. Or maybe like modern fighters, they have ground external power hookups. I wouldn't expect the same thing from the space backwater equivalent to a Toyota Corolla.
@elipse371 2 жыл бұрын
@@fresh2924 Naboo Fighters are much higher in rank than a simple landspeeder I wouldn’t doubt that because the Naboo military was much richer, they could make something much higher in quality and in efficiency than speeders
@Toon_Lucario 2 жыл бұрын
@@fresh2924 1. Those are royal star ships. They have the budget 2. We see them on racks in the hangar
@AlexSDU 2 жыл бұрын
Also Naboo fighter is plug in to the hangar's wall socket via it's 'tail' for recharge. That would surely keep it's repulserlift on hence keep it floating.
@Abtozzz1114 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe the wheels are landing gear. Presumably whilst doing maintenance on the repulsor lifts engineers would still want to be able to move the vehicle off the ground and it would be enormously fuel inefficient to have it constantly levitating, so some form of movable landing gear would be needed
@raenfox 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, my thoughts exactly. It has to have some kind of gear - it would be too low to get in and out if it just sat flat on the ground, and you'd need a place without rocks to set it down. It would also be impractical to have to set it down on a special stand. So the idea of retractable wheels makes a lot of sense, not just for maintainance but in general.
@boskone 2 жыл бұрын
Seems reasonable to me. The wheels automatically pull up during normal use, deploy automatically when in park, and (possibly) can be manually deployed and are self-powered (or at least one is) for things like moving around a shop. The cornering on a landspeeder doesn't seem great, so maybe you go to wheels in tight confines (when the higher-speed jet-and-antigrav mode wouldn't help anyway).
@solidblockofsunrise 2 жыл бұрын
This seems alot more reasonable than the idea that the model of speeder was once a fixed wheel vehicle. And this still fits the idea that Luke as an tinkerer would get rid of the wheels for weight reduction or some other hotrodding shenanigans
@konstellashon1364 2 жыл бұрын
@@solidblockofsunrise yeah. I can't recall the dialogue exactly, but the Star Wars radio drama had a scene of Luke haggling with the guy he sold the speeder to. They never brought up it being a conversion. Interesting theory, but no. Landing gear for maintenance makes more sense.
@RavenWolffe77 Жыл бұрын
Repulsorlifts don't use fuel. They're explicitly so energy efficient that they never need to be shut off. They're made from stable space-time knots produced by black holes, and only need power when actively maneuvering. To station-keep and remain in one place requires very little power. They're apparently so energy and space efficient that medical stretchers, chairs, observation droids, etc. all use them, needing next to no power to do so.
@Unknown.NotRegistered 2 жыл бұрын
I love the "Luke is a genius mechanic" angle, as it fits so well with Anakin's tinkering in creating C-3PO and his own Pod Racer in the movies.
@suedenim 2 жыл бұрын
Also, both Luke and George Lucas were hot rodders, so it makes sense that the speeder would have aftermarket modifications.
@michaelandreipalon359 2 жыл бұрын
Just like his father.
@zeux5583 2 жыл бұрын
i kinda doubt that repulsor lift adapters are that difficult to install, i believe to remember that in one clone wars episode they moved some crates by attaching a device on them and they begun to float. would be no problem to just remove the tires, add a few generators in the new free space, and add repulsor lift emitters in strategic places and adjust the power output until the desired handling and drive feeling is archived.
@Grandof-the-PentastarAlignment 2 жыл бұрын
​@@zeux5583 I don't feel comfortable taking strange details such as the repulsor lift emitters from TCW at face value. They probably only created those emitters for the story because characters carrying the crates themselves would take more time and money to animate than what they had left over. For a similar reason Captain Rex gained temporary super strength in the episode Trespass where he just slung the pantoran Chairman over his shoulder and then on his speeder, while the Pantorans limbs violently shaked around like a marionette. I think the writers expect the audience to extend their suspension of disbelief to those elements, much like how in Rise of Skywalker First Order captain allegedly all have a Captains Medallion when personal authorization codes have always been stored in code cylinders before. Or in Force Awakens when Snoke and Hux had a weird discussion and explicitly stated their motivation to destroy the New Republic to be that the Republic could help Luke if he returns, in spite of the rest of the story and world informing us that the First Order wants to replace the New Republic, to which the Jedi would usually be the factor that is preventing the villains from achieving this goal. It would be easier to discuss fiction if everyone could agree that anything that was added to a story to facilitate easier understanding for its audience or to facilitate an easier production is not supposed to be taken as an unshakeable fact of the reality of the fictional universe. This would then make issues such as everything that people didn't like in the sequel trilogy into the actual discussion of taste that some people want it to be, but then also separate it from the discussion that lore fans want to be about how well the story integrates into the rest of the universe or how much it contradicts previously established facts, wherein we can collectively deduce what elements should or shouldn't be part of canon.
@Earthstar_Review 2 жыл бұрын
It all pales in comparison to the Singularity Engine. A true testament to Anakin's skill in engineering.
@richardched6085 2 жыл бұрын
I like the Hybrid theory better lol. Wheels retract when the Repulsorlifts fail. Or when parked for a prolonged period of time (Don't wanna waste precious energy keeping that thing above ground when not in use). It's actually quite practical...
@banzeyegaming2234 2 жыл бұрын
And “practical” is basically what anyone on Tatooine will go for, any time , any day.
@princecharon 2 жыл бұрын
Given that there are panels open or missing on Luke's vehicle in ANH, despite being on a desert planet (sand gets everywhere, as Anakin knows), it's not unreasonable to suggest that he tinkers with it, a lot.
@Dee_Just_Dee 2 жыл бұрын
There are a handful of things in ANH that suggest that Luke was an apt tinkerer... like, for starters, he's the one who reattaches Threepio's arm after the Tusken attack, rather than leaving Artoo to do it.
@VulpisFoxfire 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dee_Just_Dee ..Not to mention the T-16...
@twistedyogert 2 жыл бұрын
Or that it broke down a lot. Luke may be a great mechanic but he's in the Outer Rim. The only place you could probably get parts would be a Jawa sand crawler and if a specific part would act up I doubt that Luke would want to take the time to pry off a panel every time it broke down.
@SuperCityscan 2 жыл бұрын
Luke's landspeeder is the Star Wars equivalent of a shitbox
@lynchkid003 2 жыл бұрын
From my observations, it appears that the landspeeder in episode 4 is always depicted as being active and running. The one in this scene is depicted as being inactive and parked. Both theories have their merits, but I believe it would be more along the lines of the fact that the repulser lifts take a lot of power, and there is no reason to have them constantly active when you are not using the vehicle. Similar to how you'd use an automobile engine, you don't run it when you park the car.
@InventorZahran 2 жыл бұрын
At the time when episode 4 was in development, it's depiction of the landspeeder was probably meant to imply that repulsors are some kind of natural "anti-gravity material" that somehow always floats at a constant height without the need for a power source. Not until The Empire Strikes Back do we see repulsorloft vehicles (snowspeeders and Cloud Cars) that are able to change their altitude, which suggests that repulsors are a futuristic gravity-defying technology that requires power to operate, but can be controlled. Or maybe I'm just reading way too deeply into all this, and Luke just left his landspeeder idling because it was more convenient for a quick stop (or he wasn't sure if it could reliably start up again).
@twistedyogert 2 жыл бұрын
@@InventorZahran The repulsor lifts are made from material that are taken from the regions surrounding black holes. They contain sub-nuclear knots of space-time. These can distort nearby spacetime and thus create an anti-gravity effect. I'd liken this to how in our world the wings of an airplane or the shape of a helicopter's rotors distort nearby airflow as they move through it thus allowing them to generate lift. I guess you could say that wings are a sort of anti-gravity just like repulsor lifts are.
@ZER-sc3pc 2 жыл бұрын
It took me way too long to realize this was an April Fool’s joke. Still, I kinda appreciate it because it’s still interesting and informative, presuming the information in the video actually is true.
@Dee_Just_Dee 2 жыл бұрын
It was an April Fools joke? I just checked my Phantom Menace blu-ray and the speeder with wheels really is there. So is the wheel resting against a wall.
@DioBrando-jm7uf 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s an Easter Egg.
@billthomas2652 2 жыл бұрын
"There is absolutely no way that anybody doing that kind of work in that part of the frame could just miss..." Come on. You're more familiar with the history of Star Wars special effects than that.
@crisfrey2753 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of it having (retractable) wheels to stand on when it's parked so it doesn't waste energy on the repulsorlifts.
@eldergroan 2 жыл бұрын
the toy had 3 retractable wheels, with springs shocks, deployed by moving a lever between the seats; they were just plastic discs though, no tires.
@doc_sav 2 жыл бұрын
Everything else aside, I actually kind of like the idea that Luke took a really busted up vehicle and hot rodded it into a landspeeder.
@JosephDavies 2 жыл бұрын
A hover vehicle makes a lot more sense out in the dunes than a three-wheeled vehicle anyway, so it might be less of hot-rodding and more of a practical conversion.
@DiggitySlice 2 жыл бұрын
It didn't happen
@doc_sav 2 жыл бұрын
@@DiggitySlice No we decided it did now.
@philosotree5876 2 жыл бұрын
I can't tell weather or not this is an April fools joke.
@benhooper1956 2 жыл бұрын
Ironically, the Bond Bug would have been a perfect fit for the Star Wars Universe if they were to make a car
@cwaldrip 2 жыл бұрын
Retractable wheels would make sense… coming to a stop, or loosing power and the wheels would drop and lock into place for safety/storage?
@coltnichols4502 2 жыл бұрын
I've always wanted to see more landspeeders in Star Wars, there's a surprisingly limited variety of them on screen
@hendrik7354 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I feel like we're always getting to see speeder bikes, but rarely ever some normal landspeeders
@coltnichols4502 2 жыл бұрын
@@hendrik7354 And you'd think with a world that has such a utilitarian feel you'd see a speeder truck
@hendrik7354 2 жыл бұрын
@@coltnichols4502 Well, in The Bad Batch we actually got to see a garbage truck on Pantora
@coltnichols4502 2 жыл бұрын
@@hendrik7354 that's a fair point, forgot about that one
@Tiredoldchannel 2 жыл бұрын
@@coltnichols4502 I think we saw a speeder truck in Solo on Corellia too
@zacm.2342 2 жыл бұрын
..I'm struggling to tell whether this is a joke or not, with how serious you were there.. Regardless, I feel it may well be a case of not having time to paint them out. Things just slip through sometimes. And the other wheel may have just been thrown in representative of something else tbh.
@BryceByerley 2 жыл бұрын
Note the date today.
@jtjames79 2 жыл бұрын
Could have replace the repulsor lifts with wheels after they burnt out. Lots of junkyard engineers in Mos Eisley, making do with what they have lying around.
@CosmicFisherman 2 жыл бұрын
Poe's law in action
@marcusmanchester1995 2 жыл бұрын
Ignoring that the today is April 1, franchises with the obsessive fan bases like Star Wars and Star Trek have to go about explaining every visual detain in everything. So a prop in the background over the years gets a ridiculous amount of story, even though it's in the background and not meant to be scrutinized.
@zacm.2342 2 жыл бұрын
@@BryceByerley note how I phrased the first sentence
@RamdomGuy1337 2 жыл бұрын
I forgot that April first isnt over yet. GOD DAMN YOU HENRY!
@kfcroc18 2 жыл бұрын
I had a toy landspeeder when i was little and it had retractable wheels.
@GamePlayer553 2 жыл бұрын
Spotting details in the background like this makes me wonder how zoomed-in Henry's watching Star Wars. All joking aside, love these sorts of videos so much
@Angelos_K 2 жыл бұрын
Extra zoomed
@euansmith3699 2 жыл бұрын
Henry [sitting in a darkened apartment, his face illuminated by a computer screen], "Enhance 224 to 176. Enhance. Stop. Move in. Stop. Pull out, track right. Stop. Center and pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36. Pan right or-and pull back. Stop. Enhance 34 to 46. Pull back. Wait a minute. Go right. Stop. Enhance 57 to 19. Track 45 left. Stop. Enhance 15 to 23. Gimme a hard copy right there."
@LtCaveman 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great channel you have my dude. No one picks apart these movies like you!
@illegalclown 2 жыл бұрын
It's landing gear or wheels for taxiing around town, then it converts to a speeder for high speed travel. 😉
@notthedroidsyourelookingfo4026 2 жыл бұрын
Shout out to Mos Eisley for having achieved a mostly car-free city though.
@michaelandreipalon359 2 жыл бұрын
Wait, tires are a notable thing in this universe? Surprised that this isn't actually an April Fool's joke.
@bend.4130 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, now I can't wait for ECH to do a video on all of the instances of tires on the Star Wars franchise!
@ram64man 2 жыл бұрын
It’s a budget base option , when parked repulsers need energy, the budget option offered landing wheels so when parked or moved around for services it doesn’t consume energy - that or one of the tech crew couldn’t be bother hence bumping stormtroopers
@doc_sav 2 жыл бұрын
Great idea, I was coming to say the same thing. Plus, you really wouldn't want to get stranded in the desert without your vehicle - So if the repulsorlift failed, but one or all of the three turbines in back still worked, this could get you home in an emergency, or at least make it easier to tow the vehicle.
@codycroft6311 2 жыл бұрын
I guess you could say the one in the video clip was an old speeder no longer functional and can't 'hover' propped up on tires.
@neodigremo 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of Luke modifying an old wheeled speeder. Just seems to be a thing a young farm Kid would do and ties him a bit more into being like his Dad. Engineering and all that
@catgoreeestudios9460 2 жыл бұрын
i think that its supposed to be landing gear/ supports so that it can be rolled around and support itself when turned off
@bradbrown8759 2 жыл бұрын
That's a really cool observation! It just tells me my original toy landspeeder with the three retractable wheels is actually functionally accurate to the movie version. I loved that soft suspension. It would glide like a Cadillac across cobble stone. I didn't get why it was even retractable though.
@fresh2924 2 жыл бұрын
we should definitely consult jeans guy about this
@awmperry 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea that it’s retractable landing gear and that it’s just a normal way of parking the speeder. After all, the only time he’s seen parking it in the film he’s in a panic to find Owen and Beau, so might not have bothered parking it properly.
@darthvader906 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe they are some sort of "landing gear" so that the repulsorlift doesn't have to run constantly
@ForksandFreaks Жыл бұрын
I remember going to a museum exhibit as a kid centered around showing off all kinds of props, memorabilia and set design pieces from the OT and PT, and while they had everything from Darth Vader’s original helmet to Obi-Wan and Anakin’s lightsabers, seeing Luke’s original landspeeder is by far the most significant part of the exhibit that stood out to me as a kid. Obviously at the time I had no clue it was a wheeled vehicle for filming, but as soon as I saw it, I nearly toppled over some other people in front of me trying to get a look at it and begging my parents to let me ride it. It was amazing to see in person! And while I never got to ride in it (for obvious reasons), I made up for it a little bit years later by being able to sit in a screen-used snowspeeder from ESB while wearing Luke’s fighter helmet (a reproduction but still felt awesome to wear).
@Gabiman66 2 жыл бұрын
or it's pop-up “Landing gear” that you activate if the ground is unstable under you or you simply dont wanna scratch your landspeeder while not wasting battery with repulsors, you know in my head canon i guess i’ll go with just parking device :) great observation 👍 and great video 👍
@mrmrtrooper7831 2 жыл бұрын
Ironically the toys and merchandising always have the wheels on that same way
@lukesearle1302 2 жыл бұрын
I had always wondered how they parked them, whether it was wheels or some kind skid. I now know.
@lukestarkiller1470 2 жыл бұрын
Wether or not it was intentional, it’s cannon now, which means it requires an in universe answer, and I think the one you gave is perfect. Luke always loved flying so I would understand if he were to retrofit an old car with repulsor-lifts to make it hover
@taylorvanhorn5594 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely intentional. A comment a bit further up said that the toy for the land speeder had retractable wheels with suspension. Whether they are just landing gear or actually powered is a different matter entirely, but the existence of the wheels was intentional.
@euansmith3699 2 жыл бұрын
That's great. I like the idea of a retractable undercarriage for landing.
@redMrCrayon 2 жыл бұрын
You cheeky lad echenry
@pqsk 2 жыл бұрын
Everything out of this man's mouth is canon for me!
@aaronfrank8910 2 жыл бұрын
I was under the impression that these things just glided around on a layer of petroleum jelly.
@lorcan0c 2 жыл бұрын
Car Wars
@slothfulcobra 2 жыл бұрын
In A New Hope, when Luke sold his landspeeder (for a decent chunk of cash even), he complains about how his model isn't worth as much as it used to be after a newer model coming out, which I think implies that Luke's landspeeder is (or at least was recently) new, as opposed to being like 50+ years old. A simpler explanation might be that this is an older model that just had wheel-ish landing gear.
@InventorZahran 2 жыл бұрын
According to Wookieepedia, which draws a lot of its facts from official Star Wars reference books, the landspeeder seen in The Phantom Menace is an X-31 model. Luke's is an X-34, presumably a newer generation of the same vehicle family. The speeder that made Luke's obsolete was the XP-38, which was very recent at the time when A New Hope takes place.
@jommyheyman1180 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, this is an actually interesting subject though. I know the "Same as Luke's Landspeeder" thing is a joke, but unless Wookiepedia & Disney+ changed their versions of this scene just for today to mess with us, that landspeeder DOES have wheels & there IS a random wheel down an alleyway. I guess someone had a landspeeder & when it broke down, not having the parts to repair the repulserlift, they switched them out for wheels. Does make you wonder how prominent wheels actually are in Star Wars...
@jtjames79 2 жыл бұрын
Replacing the repulsor lifts with wheels was exactly what I thought. Mos Eisley has roads, don't need repulsers to get to the cantina and back home. Or to send a slave out to do a chore without worrying about them trying to get away, since the wheels get stuck in the sand.
@jommyheyman1180 2 жыл бұрын
@@jtjames79 Landspeeders aren't meant to hover that much off the ground unlike Airspeeders, so there wouldn't be much of a difference between it & a wheeled vehicle on a 2D plane. Still, that would make alot of sense. PLUS repulserlifts are known to create a ton of heat & in a "crowded city" on a desert planet they aren't ideal...
@InventorZahran 2 жыл бұрын
In the Phasma novel, two-wheeled motor-driven cycles appear in several chapters. They're said to have been made from speeder bikes with irreparably damaged repulsors, so the idea of replacing repulsors with wheels *does* have canonical precedence.
@devinmosley5958 Жыл бұрын
It's more likely that its along the lines of "landing gear" because imagine the energy needed to hover something thats not in use
@darwinskeeper421 2 жыл бұрын
My hypothesis is that the image showing the landspeeder's wheels in "The Phantom Menace" was an oversight by the film company that had a lot of details to wrangle. Repulsarlift technology was very well established in Star Wars at that time, and I doubt Lucas intended to re-imagine Luke's landspeeder as a modified jet car.
@TreeRockCreations 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, the Phantom Menace was years before EP4. Luke's speeder was just another modern version of the land speeder without wheels.
@corvus2327 20 күн бұрын
Fun fact: After a new hope, Mark Hamill was in Corvette Summer, which makes your second theory more fun.
@guillermocanino7808 2 жыл бұрын
My personal theory is that should the repulsors suffer catastrophic damage of breakdown the wheels allow the speeder to keep moving but at a reduced speed.
@chadnine3432 2 жыл бұрын
"Eh, let's put some dudes in front of the landspeeder. No one will ever notice the tires."
@chriss9836 2 жыл бұрын
That was more informative than I thought was allowed on 4/1.
@musicalaviator 2 жыл бұрын
Luke Skywalker had a car... E-i-E-i-O ... and on that car he had some wheels, E-i-E-i-O
@rcschmidt668 2 жыл бұрын
I think it could be like one of the Back to the Future movies where they were converting old cars into flying vehicles. Doesn’t change everything, just recognizes that they could coexist. (Unless we say that A New Hope was an under-budget wonder and had mistakes they thought nobody would really see in 1977, which they wouldn’t. Even so, it does not address any mistakes made during the production of The Phantom Menace.)
@bogofinland1 5 ай бұрын
They installed a long rectangular mirror underneath Luke's landspeeder, so the reflection would show the ground underneath the landspeeder, making it appear to float, and hiding the wheels.
@Mr_Flerb 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, speaking as someone who does that kind of work, it’s entirely possible whoever composited in the extras just missed the wheels.
@timewarpdrive77 2 жыл бұрын
The levels of mental gymnastics on this is just.... fucking hell.
@EnraEnerato 2 жыл бұрын
Well, with Luke living out in the boonies, with sand all about repulsors might be the more viable option? I'd still keep the retractable wheels though because that's more economical for parking and stuff, but that might just be me?
@VALI4NTY0UTH Жыл бұрын
I believe the one with wheels was an earlier model, while the one Luke got was an upgraded one that could actually hover.
@ToucanPlays 2 жыл бұрын
That's a crazy detail! George did it just to mess with our heads!
@jeffreycarman2185 2 жыл бұрын
Cannon indeed! I really love your work.
@StrangeGamer859 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, it *could* just be a similar looking vehicle, but I do like the idea of Luke taking and old land vehicle and converting it into a speeder.
@ArmorCast 2 жыл бұрын
The idea that either the wheels are a form of "landing gear" OR that Luke modified and modernized an existing wheeled vehicle to turn it into a "speeder" are both very plausible in-universe descriptions. I like the latter more - not only does it make sense for Luke's character, but it also nods to his father's roots of building his own pod racer
@gabrielanderson8767 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, halfway through this I had to exit full screen and check the date the video was released
@geeksprk Жыл бұрын
Dude who worked on that shot in TPM probably just went "Eh, no one will notice." He was wrong.
@andersonic 2 жыл бұрын
Those "wheels" are galactic cinder blocks for when the repulsorlift is broken. That's why we don't see it moving. Watto's step cousin has been planning to fix it for 3.97 galactic years.
@BirthquakeRecords 2 жыл бұрын
I love this kinda fan in-universe explanation
@Brandon34098 2 жыл бұрын
the wheels could be landing gear, allows the speeder to roll forward in emergencies and keeps the bottom of the speeder undamaged and clean not meant to be used for long periods of time kinda like a spare wheel
@Roosauec 2 жыл бұрын
Logical thought here, what if that speeder is broke down, and it's on rollers?
@zurn56 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of Luke doing a resto-mod
@MonkeyJedi99 2 жыл бұрын
I was expecting something more shocking, like "IT'S A COOKBOOK!" But with seriousness, cool detail catch!
@NEXUS-ALPHA-1-VOID 2 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile me watching the complete saga of Star wars while watching your videos in the opening screen
@huggiesunrise 2 жыл бұрын
.....fuck me i was pissed but it amazes me how i forget the date
@coldfire-blitz3122 2 жыл бұрын
Wheels. With THAT kind of work? In THAT part of the frame? Localized ENTIRELY to this tiny scene in Mos Espa?! "Yes"
@tgs7515 2 жыл бұрын
Whether or not it's the original hero prop or an extra backup prop they had on hand for the original film, I do find it fun to think that they used an old prop of an old, beat up vehicle, to represent the "newer" version of that same old, beat up vehicle in a movie made 20 years later.
@bjarkisteinnpetursson9736 2 жыл бұрын
Considering the general jankiness of a lot of the VFX in the prequels, especially the compositing, I’m 100% sure they just figured most people wouldn’t notice and decided their limited time was better spent elsewhere. That’s far more likely than “hey, let’s purposely put a land speeder on wheels in this shot”.
@jeffreylunger Жыл бұрын
"The wheels demand a canonical answer" Do they, though?
@lynngreen7978 2 жыл бұрын
It's not a car or a speeder, it's a Decepticon. One of the Sweeps.
@47thSteelLegion 2 жыл бұрын
I live for these videos
@nicholasbiddle7893 2 жыл бұрын
They just didn't expect people to Scour over every inch of the screen
@abyss3424 2 жыл бұрын
I love how at first it sounds like a normal video, but if you listen closely, as the video continues you can hear a cheeky smile in his voice. Love it. Very good April Fools video! 😁
@zebjensen4251 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't also possible that the wheels are just the landing gear if you would. So while in normal mode it uses repulser lifts. And while in stationary mode it uses wheels. I mean real planes do this so why not speeders.
@judybonime8427 Жыл бұрын
I was at opening night of Star Wars Episode 4 in 1977. In that film, and in the original VHS release (not re-touched) can actually see the wheels under the landspeeder! The original film was rushed out to theaters and the "paint out" of the wheels was poorly done, as well as several other special effect gaffs that were missed. When I purchased the first VHS version, immediately looked at the landspeeder shots to confirm that the VHS was released in the films original form. I suspect that prior to the DVD (digital) version release, Lucasfilm fixed many of the special effect "issues" in the original film version. In the later film, I believe the wheels are showing, due to a propmaster screw up, and then saving the cost of painting out the problem...since most viewers would not catch it. Cost will always trump attention to detail, if they can get away with it (and the director does not care).
@jacobtaylor9722 2 жыл бұрын
I love this channel!
@AGuyNamedRicky 2 жыл бұрын
The toy of lukes landspeeder also had three fold up wheels in the same spots
@inthert8118 2 жыл бұрын
Pure brilliance
@monarchsub8884 2 жыл бұрын
very clever EC very clever
@Hoju3942 Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest question this raises from a lore perspective is this. Do the wheels on the space bus go round and round, round and round? Do the wheels on the space bus go round and round, all the live long day?
@Dakarai_Knight 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe the designers just thought no one would analyze these scenes that closely.
@lucahermann3040 2 жыл бұрын
Luke travelled to 2015 and had it modded by Goldie Wilson's Grandson.
@KanpekiJan 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely think it's just a mistake, or something that they chose not to spend their time painting out.
@Quetzalcoatl_Feathered_Serpent 2 жыл бұрын
It would make sense for a backwater area like Tatooine to have durable vehicles that might need alternate forms of movement incase something decides to burn out or malfunction. Hover technology is common place around the galaxy, yet we do see tracked and wheeled vehicles in cannon. I would imagine that in areas like the core worlds Hover tech is so common that a malfunction likely is a minor issue especially if the vehicles have multiple backups and of course the vehicles can be parked with hover on or clamped to something. In a backwater or place where such technology is more a luxury and fixing is expensive. Alternate backups might be considered. Having wheels so your vehicles can rest without straining the hovor tech or to be in use should it fail sounds very reasonable and definitely should allow a person to maintain hover tech for sufficient amount of time or be be useful in a emergency situation. Its likely that Lukes speeder is designed for off roading or to navigate areas where hover technology wouldn't fare well like tight canyons or paths where a ground wheels would keep a vehicle control good unlike a hover craft which would likely drift as seen in the SOLO movie.
@darklordofsword Жыл бұрын
My theory; those are rubberized landing gear. After all, how much sense does it make for a ground-effect vehicle like a landspeeder to just *set the belly down* when the engine turns off?
@theopenrift Жыл бұрын
I like the idea of Luke modifying it into a hovering vehicle, it feels very in-line with George Lucas's hot rod sort of design attitude when it comes to the various vehicles in the Star Wars universe.
@Rumbletheimp2 2 жыл бұрын
Ya know what? Headcanon accepted
@Stretox 2 жыл бұрын
At first I was confused whether or not you were serious. Then I saw when this video was uploaded. Great bamboozle! XD
@MarvelX42 2 жыл бұрын
Another possibility is that, if this is (in universe) Lukes speeder that the wheels were added later by the new owner.
@kirkkerman 2 жыл бұрын
Could also be that the repulsorlifts broke down and whoever owned it ripped them out and put wheels in
@leemiller7165 2 жыл бұрын
Except that in universe that would have been the wrong order. TPM happened before ANH.
@kirkkerman 2 жыл бұрын
@@leemiller7165 I mean that's still assuming it was the same vehicle (or that Luke didn't turn it into a whole project to restore it with new repulsorlifts)
@sokandueler9578 2 жыл бұрын
I think Luke converting a car to a speeder really hammers home his techiness.
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