Eclipses in the 12 Houses in Astrology Workshop

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The Astrology Podcast

The Astrology Podcast

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@TheAstrologyPodcast 2 жыл бұрын
Let me know if you have an interesting eclipse story in a separate comment below! 🌛
@beatdizzy 2 жыл бұрын
Any link to the handout material would be appreciated.
@TheAstrologyPodcast 2 жыл бұрын
@@beatdizzy It is in the description
@sallygold 6 ай бұрын
Yeap sure did. May/November 2022. Sun, Pluto, mercury, Saturn 7h house in Scorpio. 8 house sag Stellium, Venus, Uranus, Neptune. 9H cap moon, Jupiter, mars Stellium. Houses change completely if use placidus. I love your whole sign stance. Watch all of your content thank uou trying to understand my natal chart by comparing past events. Very interesting no idea yet which system I’m sure about yet though out of whole sign and placidus as houses change and resonate with parts of both.
@ColorMyWorld250 2 жыл бұрын
your commitment to being so diligent, clarifying, educational, and approachable with astrology is AMAZING! chris, you are incredibly thoughtful and i am grateful for all that you share ❤️
@mlouw8218 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Chris! These recordings from the Mercury cafe always make me want to relocate to Denver 😊
@ldfashionista 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Leo rising (25 degree ascendant) and the day of the August 2017 Leo eclipse (at 29 leo) I moved across the country - which was to start graduate school and moved with/moved in for the first time with my partner. I didn't plan anything with this eclipse in mind, but it's really wild to look back on.
@beatriztavares3500 2 жыл бұрын
i just love that u guys have an astrology meeting at your town 🥰 i live in a small city in brazil, so i cant even imagine how great that would be 💖
@jennysrp 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you everyone for sharing! This is amazing. Nov 19 2021 eclipse was in my scorpio 10H/4H Taurus and I was suddenly let go from my 7 year job - then this season my mom was having major health issues and I was trying to travel back home (4H parents/home town) and just couldn’t get there, and I’m STILL trying to re-create my career, but doing it totally differently and moving forward with it slow and steady.
@fangsofmay 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on 14 years, Chris! 🎉
@beatricetivadar6191 2 жыл бұрын
Scorpio sun, scorpio rising with sun mars and pluto all conjunct in scorpio. The eclipse was not fun…. It was like all my dreams and all i ever wanted came tumbling down before my eyes. But hey, that’s just another friday🤣🤣
@MissJoy16 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry! Are you a day chart too? I hope things get better for you soon. Uranus in Taurus probably isn't helping right now either!
@beatricetivadar6191 2 жыл бұрын
Night chart. I am fine now. Uranus is a rollercoaster indeed🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣
@stars_will_fall 2 жыл бұрын
this was perfect timing, i just finished watching the previous meetup you did on eclipses and i've been realizing more and more how much they've strongly affected me (makes sense since i have my nodes closely conjunct my ascendant and descendant). so excited to watch this!
@perolatuon4613 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s a full 8th house eclipse story: I have Sun and Venus conjunct Aldebaran in Gemini in the 8th. During the last eclipse season in Gemini-Sagittarius all 8th house matters came into play: 1) The father of my son finally started paying child support. 2) I was diagnosed with breast cancer and received a significant amount of money from my life insurance. 3) I got paid sickness benefit by the government for one entire year although I required treatment downtime for only one month. 4) One of my best friends passed away at age 48. 5) My stepmother passed away and I inherited money. 6) My father passed away and I inherited properties. 7) The inherited assets came with a hefty tax bill. PS: When this eclipse season started, the Moon was the ruler of my Profected ASC and at the end of this eclipse season, the Sun was my Time Lord. PS2: Pluto conjuncted my IC, so I used most part of the money to refurnish and redecorate my home.
@LuminosityYoga 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Chris, I really like these live meetings you‘re hosting. Very insightful and fun to listen to. Even though I live far from Denver (Berlin, Germany) I can relate to people‘‘s stories and enjoy your thoughtful way of presenting. Thank you!
@sarahb.poetry 2 жыл бұрын
I love these eclipse videos, eclipses are one of my favorite astrology topics to study. I have a few stories of eclipses that I’m kind of just now putting together in my notes. Back in November 2013 right after the Scorpio eclipse (which hit my MC within a degree and my Mars within 4 degrees) I was sexually assaulted one of my first college parties. This was an 11th house eclipse and really affected my views on my social life, I became very isolated and had a lot of trust issues with new people, and actually ended up pursuing legal action around this eclipse too. By the Taurus eclipse in the following April, the legal case was wrapping up. This more recent round of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses though, I ended up self publishing a collection of poetry on my experiences with trauma. (Poetry, 5th house Taurus eclipse in April 2022 within a 2 degree opposition to my MC) Related to this, back in March 2016, with the Pisces eclipse (my 3rd house) I began to really get serious about writing poetry. I took a creative writing class in college that focused on poetry and it really helped me grow as a writer. Another story, in July 2018, the Cancer eclipse fell on my AC/DC axis and I met a guy who became my longest relationship and also my most toxic. I broke up with him in 2020 right around the Cancer eclipse which also fell right around my DC. Last eclipse story! During the last round of Sagittarius/Gemini eclipses in my 6th/12th house, I spent a lot of time in trauma therapy AS WELL AS physical therapy following a car accident where I injured my back. Literal 6th/12th health issues. I actually started both right around the first Sagittarius eclipse in my 12th conjunct my Moon.
@glsnk8326 2 жыл бұрын
Bonjour de Belgique, je viens de vous découvrir et je regarde les vidéos en sous-titres. Merci beaucoup 👏👏😊
@matheusazevedo9582 2 жыл бұрын
1:54:00 so great that this was mentioned. My birthday was april 30th, and I was curious on whether or not this would make this year more significant for me
@susansmalley_spiritualcoach 2 жыл бұрын
I sooooooooo much love your teachimg. Your whole energy vibe is so awesome Chris. I am praying I can attend live.
@anu-hz4be 2 жыл бұрын
oh this is so intriguing! i started volunteering as a mediator after the taurus eclipse in april. the mediation course also began somewhere around the taurus eclipse in 2021. taurus is my 11th house. so far the volunteer job has felt really meaningful and i have met so many new people and even an old friend through the job.. so excited to see where this will take me
@nano3014 2 жыл бұрын
Chris before 2020 I was planning a trip Colorado and attending one of the Denver astrology group meetings was on the bucket list.. So good to see you back there! May need to revisit these plans
@EmpressTarotGabbyTurner 2 жыл бұрын
The recent eclipses happened across my 3rd and 9th houses (Solar eclipse in 3rd, lunar eclipse in 9th). The rent in my apartment was unexpectedly raised quite substantially (Taurus influence--also Uranus bringing in that drama) (3rd H=apartment complex, neighborhood) I also had unexpected interactions with neighbors and with stray cats suddenly appearing that I feel conflicted about feeding (also seems sort of Taurean) because the new lease I had to sign specifically has an addendum against putting food out for cats, but the cats will come to my door and beg. I just don't want to get evicted because that would be stressful, but I have been feeding them because.... I have a heart? lol. Ultimately this has kind of lead me to realize that when my lease expires in a year, I won't continue to live here and I would like to save up money (Taurus) to move (3rd House--changing neighborhood, environment). With the 9th House/Scorpio energy of the lunar eclipse, I've been learning more about witchcraft and spellwork and having interesting insights revealed to me from my spirit guides about the nature of magick (communicating to them using tarot about the effects of spells I've done etc) as well as reading and listening to the witch Laurie Cabot. This makes sense considering Scorpio relates to occult and 9th house to expanded knowledge.
@ValEvansAstrology 2 жыл бұрын
A very interesting group - thank you all for your sincerity and honest review of how the eclipses played out for you. Chris, glad the meetings have resumed! Your analysis and commentary are so insightful. Look forward to seeing everyone back again with their updates.
@louisagroos1278 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for this - it was great - luv that I can tap into this from Australia
@kenedijordan1084 2 жыл бұрын
It's so fascinating to hear these stories.
@TheMovingfuture 2 жыл бұрын
Happy Anniversary thank you for the knowledge you have given to so many.
@sheilaeisele8490 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed that the children who died in Uvalde's shooting incident were likely born in 2011 (they're now ten years old). This would place their Jupiter in Taurus, the dispositor of their NN in Sagittarius. The eclipses in Scorpio/Taurus axis may have occurred conjunct their Jupiter natal positions.
@braxton4666 2 жыл бұрын
The recent Taurus eclipse occurred in my 4th house and my parents since then have decided to start a business together. It's been very exciting!
@Michelle-cb5jf 2 жыл бұрын
How fun! Wish I was local to be able to attend this!!
@kathleendonahue5955 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this! Your videos have taught me so much! You and your team have inspired me in ways I never imagined🙏🥰
@cherylcallahan5402 2 жыл бұрын
*The Astrology Podcast with Chris Brennan Eclipse appreciate your videos Listening 🌟 from Mass USA TYVM 💙*
@ladyvirgo013 2 жыл бұрын
This was so informative 👏 Much Appreciated 🙏🌏
@valentina47734 Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Gina's story is so similar to mine. When I had eclipses going through my 6th /12th houses I got fired out of the blue and after that just did not want to go back to the same administrative jobs that I actually hated. Just like her I was looking for myself. But I did not have eclipse in the 1st house after that. So, I'm guessing it's the 12th house influence in looking for the spiritual path.
@Stephanie-zg4zk 2 жыл бұрын
The recent Taurus eclipse was in my 2nd house conjunct my natal Mars (Aries rising). I had an issue with sleeping that was originally triggered by a bad bout of heartburn just before the eclipse, and then sleeping was made more difficult due to having a lot of nervous system dysregulation and resurfacing early trauma. I suspect the eclipse, with transit Uranus opposite my natal 8th house Pluto, is what really brought that up..I was sexually abused before age 3 by my father, so perhaps the 8th house factoring in, having to do with psychic inheritance? Sexual abuse maybe? My partner who has been supporting me also made it clear that we cannot go on this way, so basically I feel my early experiences in life are catching up with me with these eclipses, like I am being forced to face the music so to speak..and I can see how every choice I’ve made in life, the development of my personality, has stemmed from those early experiences.. I very much feel stuck and unsure if I will be able to heal, after losing so much (relocating just before the pandemic for my partners job, to a state I hate, losing my analyst, my meaningful work, sense of connection to place, etc.). I am about to start a new job. I’ve begun working with a new analyst and I just hope I can save my own soul, finally allow myself to die (metaphorically speaking) and hopefully survive..I also live on a Pluto/ DS line here, so I’ve got that goin g for me too.
@EmpressTarotGabbyTurner 2 жыл бұрын
Prayers for your healing, Stephanie. I relate to your experience... I was also less than 3 when my father did that to me and my sister.
@perolatuon4613 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a 12th house story. Has Neptune reached half way of your 12th house? Is Jupiter and Mars still transiting your 12th house or have they crossed your ASC line? Pluto in natal DS line (as much as in the ASC) may indicate someone who was born in danger e.g. mother tried abortion, mother beaten up when pregnant.
@si__11amor 2 жыл бұрын
Scorpio rising here, having the eclipses run through my 1st/7th access. And let me tell you, I have just gone through it. I went into hospital on the 24th May to have a minor dental procedure under anesthesia, it was meant to be a day procedure with being able to go home after a couple of hours. Well that didn’t happen. Once I awoke from surgery, there were very severe complications, I was very sick and could have lost my life. It went oh so very wrong! The eclipse so happens to be very close in degrees to my natal ascent during late May, June & July.
@Prudenthermit 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you made it through 👐🙏
@si__11amor 2 жыл бұрын
@@Prudenthermit thank you!! 🙏
@YILDIZ-READINGS-5D 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing job really wonderful work. Always enjoy listening to you.
@paularitacosta Жыл бұрын
This is a beautiful set up for sharing astrology
@sarahmem444 2 жыл бұрын
The girl with the 29° Libra rising who uses placidus! I'm the same!! We have had so many similar life experiences and shifts with eclipses!!
@elendil7 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this, Chris.
@carolynmoennig6477 2 жыл бұрын
On May 18,2012 I had a hysterectomy to remove early stage cancer. I chose this day so that it would never return. it has never returned.😊 The eclipse was in my 6th house.
@EmpressTarotGabbyTurner 2 жыл бұрын
In 2021 I had a progressed lunar eclipse with progressed Sun at 0 deg Aquarius and progressed Moon 0 degrees Leo. (falling across my natal 12th and 6th). It was actually a pretty traumatic time. I was assaulted by an unknown assailant(s) who broke into my home, which fits the 12th house theme of hidden enemies. I think I know who it might have been, but I don't know for sure, which also fits the 12th house vagueness/confusion theme. This incident brought up a lot of significant trauma memories from my early childhood... fitting the 12th house theme of the unconscious, which with the progressed sun there means the unconscious was brought to light. So in addition to the 2021 trauma, it was like re-living my early childhood abuse as well, which was sadistic and extreme. I had some pieces of the puzzle already, but it didn't really make sense until these other memories emerged. To me that seems very 6th house/12th house axis because it helps to organize (6th house) information that was quite confusing or inaccessible previously (12th). I used writing songs and poetry (12th house imagination) to cope and help me heal (6th house). My ability to do my work (6th house) was obviously disrupted by all of this. My health and sleep were impacted. It did lead me also to start journalling a LOT, which seems like a 6th house thing since it is self-care and also the 6th house seems to use language to organize and analyze thoughts (whereas 3rd house uses words to disseminate information moreso). once I was able to heal more and get back to work, the longer term results so far have been that my working patterns are different and more routine/reliable and also i've been meditating more. lol just trying to see what positives this awful time leveraged. With a progressed eclipse, I would assume pretty long-term effects though, since even a transiting eclipse can bring up to 6 months of effects. Ironically, I had been really looking forward to this progressed eclipse, assuming some great blessing was about to fall from the sky. Instead it was a big horrible ball of trauma. ;) Don't underestimate an eclipse!
@erefiam 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if Laura gets to see this... the person sharing their story at around 1:35:00. You are my alter ego!! I got chills when I heard your birthdate and saw your ascendant. My Sun is but a few degrees earlier than yours (same date) but my Libra ascendant opposes yours (one degree orb)!! I will add my eclipse story here, at least the couple that had super clear results. So, I have a Libra ascendant, Capricorn Sun in 4th, Venus in 5th and Saturn in 2nd house. The Capricorn-Cancer eclipse on 2.july.2019 taking place in my 4-10th and squaring my 7th house Aries Moon found me realizing I had a small alcohol issue and that my 9-year relationship was not helping my innumerable back then insecurities (alcohol issue was also one of our bonds). By end of year I had already informed my partner we would be breaking up. This took some time because we were mostly best friends and it hurt a lot. I formerly announced the end on 15th March, with Aries nearing my natal Jupiter and having had a Jupiter return in the 4th house. Due to covid restrictions and my searching to rent a place it took a long while to part, as I was contemplating having him leave instead (i work from home as a seamstress so the reluctancy was due to changing my whole life). I started packing right after the Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice on 21st June. I absolutely moved out of the house on the 'faint' Lunar Eclipse on 5 July. As my Moon was quite affected in all these cases, I sure suffered a big depression for a long time because I loved my lifestyle, house and cats. With the eclipses taking then place in my 3-9 I decided I wanted to take up astrology classes, study occult stuff and make up for all the time i had lost abstaining from learning (my ex never agreed with a lot of my interests and i sure have aspects showing I was ok restraining what I loved). After the 5 july lunar eclipse my period cycle also changed significantly due to too many changes and pain I didn't want to admit feeling. I have not yet found how eclipses could have affected this but from Nov 2020 to Aug 2021 biggest part of my thoughts was spent on its absense (just realized the Lunar Eclipse of 30 Nov had ruler Mars conjunct my Moon to the degree). I don't know how the Taurus-Scorpio set of Eclipses taking place in my 2-8 will play out (Nodes' return too earlier this year), other than triggering sensitive points in my chart which I already feel, especially the self-value issues. The opposite ones in 2013 i believe were marked by my receiving more custom orders for my quite niche creations. 💜Thank you so much Chris for what you do, always. These meetings are so packed with knowledge!!💜
@TECHN0 2 жыл бұрын
I think I want to move to Denver
@unafides Жыл бұрын
1:29:21 "We'll have to come back and do this again at the end of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse series and maybe we can check in again at the end." Just a reminder.
@petyapetrova1177 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! It was so interesting!
@Prudenthermit 2 жыл бұрын
Gemini rising w sun & mercury in 12H taurus & pluto in 6h scorpio. i was assaulted by a male w a knife during the 2005 april eclipse. ❤ praying for folks experiencing anything similar this go around.
@Cmrntylr 2 жыл бұрын
I revisited this one related to the transit episode where I noticed a specific transit was related to an eclipse cycle. I’m actually not that concerned about some of what I thought was “gnarly” with the 11/08/22 eclipse. If an astrologer wanted to see a full blown example of a natal Neptune sag (4th) with 13 degrees applying to a 1st Saturn virgo; this is the exact topic to infer about. Paying attention to cycles lately, not much of anything is happening, but things I may not be noticing or completely taking as realistic could start to shape more. In most ways, I probably know what it is. It’s the closing out of a chapter. If travel works out, it’s weighing out places to move. Specifics, 2012 is when I made an active attempt to reconcile differences with family which I postponed and regretted deeply very quickly where an there were a lot of unusual events signaling to stay course. There was actually a funny online story about Virgo’s that I kept recently because.. 🤔 (how to put it..) my mother (whom I tried to have a healthy relationship with) has those exact traits and why I view it as unreconcilable. “If it wasn’t for me, everyone’s life would fall apart.” The martyr complex negative trait is equal to Leo. lol. I just responded with “..well..” and then cut off. Part of what set up the attempt was being criticized in a relationship of not having any relationship (refusing) with family where I had a dream I visited to find she died recently, everyone and even the police were happy and not caring at all. I felt so terrible for her that I started taking steps, over time I found that those Virgo traits were why. Sagittarius rising with rahu plus moon conjunct with Jupiter in 10th virgo conjunct sun. My brothers wife met her and bought her “negative energy absorption crystals” and refuses to ever visit. Anyways, I kept that photo because I wondered if I’d fire that person, but I’d probably really either put someone else in charge or flip the switch on with virgo asc, rahu and Saturn until they figured out they’re not Prometheus holding the globe. A good friend said once “you can find something wrong with anything” and it wasn’t a compliment. My concern with 11/08 is (if you want an example of a spirit ruled mars in libra) is my plan has been to move without telling anyone where I just disappear to ensure no future contact. I worry it’s the start of the breaking point which isn’t the path I want to take. Despite the situation, I spent that cycle 12-22 being a fly on the wall learning as much as possible to ensure nothing is kept internally moving forward which is done, the closing out to a next chapter is likely what is indicated. Sounds dark, but it’s not. The only “dark” part is if she doesn’t do her work on bettering herself she’ll be alone with no friends or family which isn’t anyones responsibility but her own. Waiting on that breakthrough, gave up. Virgo episode coming up: virgo CAN have a negative of a martyr complex. 😂 they can get an entitled sense of being “owed” even if quiet about it. I’ll admit, seeing it externally made me more self aware of putting it on others. One of many positives of a terrible experience. *atlas statue.. (I mix them up because someone had me read Ayn Rand and I found it weird she was an atheist, yet, wouldn’t stop rambling about Prometheus.)
@jonathanjames9435 2 жыл бұрын
I had my solar return on April 30, the eclipse was in my 4th and 10th house (Aquarius ascendant) - my mum suddenly passed away 2 weeks later. I was a little confused as the south node (letting go) was in the 10th house (father) yet it was my mum who left with north node in the 4th. The other thing is I am in a 3rd house Aries year where my natal moon is so I wondered if that also contributed to my mums passing? Also Mercury the ruler of my 5th and IC is sitting at 0 deg of my 1st house in my solar return for this year so that definitely indicates ending/beginning with past/family. Interestingly Uranus is my chart ruler and conjunct my MC and since it’s been in my 4th house 2 family members have passed away suddenly around eclipse seasons, I was born 2 weeks before an eclipse so I am just realising that they seem to have a significant effect on me.
@beautifulintentions5678 2 жыл бұрын
This is very interesting, the unemployed office where I live is insisting I’m paying them back & it’s completely ridiculous. I was getting pandemic unemployment & was laid off due to COVID. It is crazy the amount of money from federal government for COVID but our governor wants to send it back to them. I am like are you serious when I really was laid off because of COVID. I paid back some of it but it is not right even the judge in the first hearing said it seems completely unfair she didn’t do one thing wrong & we are going to make her pay all this money back. I seriously think I need to get one my friends involved.
@nelizumrud 2 жыл бұрын
This eclipse season affected my 4th (Taurus) and 10th (Scorpio) in a big way. “Letting” go in the 10th was unexpected and emotional, I am about to take sabbatical leave to answer family/home call where I have not been for 6 years. Family trip is really difficult, but I know I need to do it. I also have Saturn transiting my AC at the moment and Neptune transiting Sun. So I’m super tense and uncertain at the same time
@jilloneill71 2 жыл бұрын
The lunar eclipse on May 16th was conjunct my natal Jupiter and Mercury. The solar eclipse in October will be exactly conjunct my Venus.
@magadeloi 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. I’m Gemini rising. Soon to be ex husband is Sag rising. Our 10 year relationship started on the 2012 may 20th eclipse in my first house and his seventh. He told me he filed for divorce and kicked me out of our home the day after the the 2022 may 15th eclipse in my 6th house and his 12th. Effectively released me from running his household and becoming combative with me.
@izzym5021 2 жыл бұрын
thank you Chris 😊
@ΔήμοςΜετεώρων 2 жыл бұрын
I once heard an astrologuer saying there are series of eclipses that span decades for the natus, then a new series begins.
@ms413k5 2 жыл бұрын
5th house Scorpio… the eclipse chart for May looked very personal (but positive) it was trine my sun at 24 cancer and right on Lilith and two different Uranus activations both natal and transit. The ascendant of the eclipse was right on my natal moon. Appropriately enough, I have two Scorpio sun children. One of them got seriously injured in an accident a few days after the eclipse. He is ok, but it could have been fatal. I don’t look at the kids charts, they are little, but I can count the degree of the sun in my head. The eclipse was less than a degree off my son’s sun in Scorpio. The night of the eclipse I did some remediation, offerings to Ketu, and a cleansing ritual. There are two other eclipses happening in the next year which are conjunct the other kid’s sun. It’s very worrying.
@ms413k5 2 жыл бұрын
@@oneirologic4462 I had them on my sun, moon and ascendant during the cancer Cap eclipses and yeah, nothing happened either.
@belladonna6149 2 жыл бұрын
What about when eclipses fall on your nodes? I’d love to hear more about Nodal returns
@michellejuridicong1740 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in a scorpio profected year and the last eclipse in scorpio (3rd house) send me to the hospital for 2 weeks. (mars in cancer 11house).
@shaktistudios13 2 жыл бұрын
Hanging out at the Merc
@cosmicdance9177 2 жыл бұрын
For the eclipse handout, could you clarify what ANC, AT stand for? I’m assuming T is for total, P is for partial and A is annular…
@amaelkisrael 2 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one noticing all these people whose name starts with L
@laurafahey542 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my sister in the eclipse of 2020 in January 6 the eclipse happened on the sixth and we lost her on the ninth January 9 and this eclipse I lost a friend so but I did also fall in love this year after years of being single 15 by choice after a broken heart I’m a cancer sign Scorpio moon in Virgo rising so it took me a long time to let go of the Tia anyway
@jennyd_1111 2 жыл бұрын
2nd house eclipse: I got rid of all my stuff. Cap Moon in the 2nd house.
@martianmoongdds 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, love you 💙
@tonyboys7767 2 жыл бұрын
Rectification - Good - BUT why wouldn't you resolve the American Birth Chart that I keep hearing Americans talk about a Sibly Chart which apparently doesn't occur on the 4th of July whenever?
@TheAstrologyPodcast 2 жыл бұрын
The Sibly chart is set for July 4th..
@Silvertestrun 2 жыл бұрын
@raintuition315 2 жыл бұрын
I want to go to a meeting so much! how do I make that happen. Can anyone just go?
@sierrathomas6214 2 жыл бұрын
Is there anywhere we can access the document shown in your slideshow where eclipses were listed from 2004-2025?
@TheAstrologyPodcast 2 жыл бұрын
The link to download the PDF is in the description below the video
@sandrabrueckner6285 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Chris,I have a question what the difference is between ascended and sun sign in relation to the eclipses.I realised that both are affected but the es ascending one less then the sun.
@jennysrp 2 жыл бұрын
1H will be more your external identity, titles, how you define yourself in relation to the world, where as Sun house will be more about your soul, your soul journey and the core of your selfhood and will just really enhance and “light up” that sign and that signs themes in your chart. My take at least!
@dontnoable 2 жыл бұрын
Good episode, but what happened to the diligent start with mask wearing unless you're on the mic?
@yelojazz6199 2 жыл бұрын
@patriciaeorourke Жыл бұрын
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The Astrological Significance of Eclipses
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Рет қаралды 30 М.
Neptune in Astrology: Meaning Explained
The Astrology Podcast
Рет қаралды 75 М.
How to Read a Birth Chart: Identifying the Basic Components
The Astrology Podcast
Рет қаралды 326 М.