Sharing isn't "giving stuff away" those are two entirely different things. When you give something away it's not yours anymore, it's a gift that you gave to someone else to have. When you're sharing that typically means that the thing is still yours but you'll allowing someone else to use it. The hardest part about sharing is that some people aren't very kind when it comes to other people's things. My brother has a tendency to break things because he's mentally challenged and doesn't really know how to take care of things. So many of my toys have been broken. I don't let him play with my things anymore because I can't really trust him not to break my stuff. He even managed to snap a video game in half just taking it out of the package cause I was trying to explain there's a way to release the disk safely without damaging it but he just wanted to not listen and yank the disk out while it was locked in place. So it broke in half and now neither of us can play that game anymore. I like sharing with people who are actually going to take care of my things and return them when they're done in the same condition as they got them in. But if you're just going to throw my toys across the room, bang them on the counter till they break in half, or do other things that make it so no one can have any fun anymore, then I don't want to share my things with that person. I personally take better care of things that aren't mine. Like if I own a book I might write it, especially if it's a script and I want to put my notes for the show in there but if it's a borrowed copy that I don't personally own, I don't want to return someone else property with my own writing in the pages so I'd write whatever notes I'd need on a separate sheet of paper. That way when I return the script it's in the same condition I received it.