How Good Is Richard Turner REALLY?

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Eduard Todor

Eduard Todor

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This is my honest opinion. If you like this sort of thing subscribe as I do weekly videos. Thank you for watching!
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@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
Eduard: As a friend of Richard’s that monitors his KZbin page I saw your video yesterday and emailed the link to Richard, knowing that he’d have to get someone to play him the video so he could listen to the audio. His wife played him your video and he enjoyed your analysis but disagrees slightly. Here’s what Rick wrote me this morning: “Regarding what Eduard said. I 100% agree with him regarding mechanic and magician he is just not phrasing things right. So this is how I state what Eduard is trying to say. “My show is not a magic show but it is very “magical.” I use all gambling techniques demonstrating putting pat hands together or dealing black jack or stacking but under very tight conditions that when viewed as an audience member seems impossible or in other words “magical.” So I agree with him that it can seem like a magic show, but it is a magic show that some of the best magicians have no clue what is going on. But he was not right when he stated it is a magic trick when I shuffle cards back into order or I say I’m false dealing when I am not.”
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Bruce, thanks for setting that up! I hope Richard found the video entertaining at least :) While I think he may have misunderstood a couple of my ideas (or I might have miscommunicated them) I'm in no way going to argue with the greatest of all time 😁🤣 He's 100% right in saying that magicians have no clue what he's doing haha. I hope he's doing well 🙂
@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
@@EduardTodor You’re welcome; I can’t copy the text of your message but I will email Richard your sentiments. While he can only listen to a KZbin video if someone plays it for him, he did indeed enjoy listening to yours because he rarely gets to hear or “read” the comments that people make about him using his computer when I forward him the text to such comments in an email message so his computer program’s voice feature can read the text to him. He will enjoy reading your response, too...thanks on Richard’s behalf for your kind words!
@MrFangyPants 3 жыл бұрын
@Bruce Simbuck As a sports massage therapist seeing what Richard Turner can do, and the level of skill that he has with his hands has actually inspired me to be better massage therapist. While I use my hands every day to gain sensitivity he is on another level that I will never be able to replicate, but will strive for the rest of my life. What I think most people fail to see is that he makes all his effort look effortless and it's something I have tried to get good enough to do in my own business, and in my humble opinion is what true masters of their craft are able to do. I think what Eduard (and correct me if I'm wrong) was saying wasn't that Richard turner isn't specifically a card magician, but the theater and charisma that goes into what he does makes him a performance artist of sorts. So he has the flavor of a card magician while actually being a true card mechanic that has spent decades of hard work and skill to do what he does. While I wouldn't describe him as a card magician, I would say when looking at the performance aspect of his craft/art the closest a layman would think of, in terms of razzle dazzle, would be a card magician over a card mechanic (despite the fact that Richard Turner is a card mechanic through and through.) @Eduard it's important though to remember the terminology is important. It is like when someone calls me a masseuse instead of a massage therapist. Masseuse as a word has become associated with sex work, and so when people call me that I find myself saying "Please call me a massage therapist from now on." I think the difference between card magician and card mechanic to someone like Richard Turner is a very very important difference. *edit* He doesn't cheat though. I think his sensitivity and the work he has put him onto a completely different level. I believe it is a big misconception since it's really hard to understand how sensitive your fingers are as most people don't really train themselves to that degree. Aka the entirety of my job is doing that, and even with the ten years I've put into it every single day I'm nothing compared to his training. It's also important to note he is also fully and completely blind, but used to be able to use his peripherals.
@BruceSamboy44 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrFangyPants I enjoyed really reading your insight as a massage therapist who recognizes Richard’s reliance on his hands, although one element that few people are fully aware of is the incredible hand-strength that he has developed over his many decades of weightlifting, martial arts training, and his incessant card-work on a daily basis. Sitting at many a card table - and at Richard’s kitchen table that is covered with custom-made felt - I have always been dumbfounded by the extreme pressure that he exerts on his decks of cards as he breaks them in with his vice-gripping fingers powered by strong wrists and Popeye-like forearms. As a massage therapist that relies on strong hands I am sure that you’ll understand the stress and toil that such exertion has had on his hands requiring numerous delicate surgeries to permit him to perform at his age. For example, a few of the bones in his hand once “flipped” as the ligaments were stretched to their limits, and he had three bones in one of his hands removed to allow reattachment of those ligaments. (I know this because my wife was informed by a hand surgeon that he could not reattach the ligament in her right hand without removing three bones and, never hearing about such surgery - and knowing that Richard had extensive surgery on his hands I called him to see if he had heard of it. His reply was, “Yes I’ve heard of it and, in fact, I’m having that surgery next Monday.”) I recall Richard telling me ten years ago that he went to a surgeon that told him he should have been examined years ago due to the extensive damage, and that there was nothing she could do for him now. Undaunted, he sought-out one of the leading hand surgeons in the country - a doctor who successfully reattached fingers severed in accidents - and that surgeon was able to keep Richard performing ever since. Your comments to Eduard that “terminology is important” and that “the difference between card magician and card mechanic to someone like Richard Turner is a very, very important difference” are spot-on: Richard does not like to be called a magician and does indeed refer to himself as “card mechanic” but, I’ve had numerous conversations with him lately wherein I’ve told him that his “act” has evolved so much over the last half century that he is now a world class entertainer whose card mechanics are “magical” to witness…a description that he now accepts. Your citing his “charisma” is also spot-on. Thank you, on Richard’s behalf, for your insightful post!
@MrFangyPants 3 жыл бұрын
​@@BruceSamboy44 Thank you so much! I really appreciate you telling me some of the crazy things he has done to allow himself to keep performing at the level he cares to. For me as a massage therapist I always hated it when people would say what I did was magical or I had "magic hands." To me magic is the unexplainable, or something has no metric to measure with. It undercuts every moment of every hour I've tried to improve and understand how to be the best I can be at my craft. The realization that the mind and body are interlinked, the years I spent training my fingers to be sensitive to touching muscle, and how I've learned to become more efficient at the work itself. If I'm able to take care of someone's leg pain they have had for a few years sometimes in just a minute or two it was because of how hard I've worked. In trying to strive to be the best at what I do every day. I had to let that frustration go, because it's meant to be a compliment in the way that they can't understand how it works the way it does. While it's measurable to me to them it's something that is to skilled to grasp. Interestingly enough I've actually watched a few of his videos over and over again and not looked at his hands or tricks but what he is saying. It's a bummer since I feel that many people don't quite grasp the level of how he performs and the knowledge he tries to impart. Many people talk about the "laziness and procrastination" line, but to me the one that matches up well with my way of thinking is when he talks about how hard being a card mechanic was/is, and how one mistake could be fatal so being flawless is important. A saying I live by is "I'm only as good as my last client" and I'm sure, in Richard's mind as well, he would also believe he is only as good as the last time he performs. I strive to always get to the point where you are so good at the intricate and tricky nature of the work that it becomes second nature. Something that was so hard becomes something so easy that you could tell any story, or talk about anything you wished as you perform something that looks so easy, but is actually extremely complex work. I think it's frustrating not being seen. To know that other people see something and not spend the time to really understand the effort put into it all. For me even if I'm able to be the best at what I do I still want to be better. I want to be able to look back on myself from six months ago at any time in my life and think "That guy? That guy sucked. I'm way better than that guy now." in terms of my work. I know this sounds cheesy but one day I hope I'm lucky enough to meet him, and let him know how much the mastery of his craft has allowed me to see what being a true master of one's craft looks like.
@KN-op3et 4 жыл бұрын
"Magic" is what the audience feels after watching the performance. Richard Turner definitely makes people feel that way.
@Constant.Connell 4 жыл бұрын
Dude! How about "How good are Penn & Teller really?" 😁
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
@Constant.Connell 4 жыл бұрын
@@EduardTodor Well, it seems that they are really accepted as the litmus test for other magicians with "Fool Us", so I thought maybe an examination on whether they're good enough to be able to make the call might be entertaining/insightful.
@shubhsaxena8745 4 жыл бұрын
@@Constant.Connell richard turner has the best sleight of hand in the world and if people think magicians like shin lim and leNNART GREEN have the best sleight of hand. LET ME GIVE U ONE ADVICE CHEATING IN POKER IS WAY MORE DIFFICULT THAN MAGIC TRICKS
@eclipseshineswhite 4 жыл бұрын
@MexieMex 4 жыл бұрын
How good are Penn and Teller can also be framed as how good are Teller and his Juggler mate? LOL
@Rom0.5 4 жыл бұрын
Love how he's so good at what he does that there is still a very small doubt on the fact that he's not able to tell the difference of weight between two card due to their ink.
@comedygeek 4 жыл бұрын
"Do you really need someone to ask that question?" Yet you still got 15 minutes of content out of it. So I'd say YES! Haha.
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
True 😂😂
@comedygeek 4 жыл бұрын
Also, to answer your question at the end: you should totally do Penn & Teller next! It would be fun to see you analyze their career in-depth. Or to bring it to someone from my hometown of Winnipeg, I'll throw a suggestion for Doug Henning.
@captaincaptaincaptainaller8937 3 жыл бұрын
A few people mentioned it already but to sum it up: in a lot of interviews and his documentary it is stated that his eye loss was progressively. During his combat training he still had some peripheral vision but was considered "legally blind". Nowadays there is no light reception left in his eyes so he is completely blind. He still sees conscious images due to his Charles Bonet Syndrome (CBS) though. The rest of your review is damn accurate 👌🏼
@TheHookBoy 4 жыл бұрын
I watched his documentary around a year ago and I found his life story amazing and inspirational yet very dark and sad in certain areas. In the end, I can easily agree that he is a great magician and can perform some amazing tricks. However, through his strength and dedication, I feel that he is magic.
@stephen-ng Жыл бұрын
Richard Turner is not a "magician". He's a card mechanic.
@TheHookBoy Жыл бұрын
@@stephen-ng You are correct. He is a card mechanic, but he does far more than just that.
@DrMBej 3 жыл бұрын
One thing about him to remember is the fact that he is known as 'THE CHEAT' and that actually I think reveals hell of a lot about everything he does and says ;)
@halfbee7886 4 жыл бұрын
That opening is so sick! More of this, please.
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@clow0123 4 жыл бұрын
Richard is amazing, his old videos are the best ones. Where he meets other "card man" and they share the moves. He misses a few tricks, but you can sense how good he already is.
@halohero147 4 жыл бұрын
How good is Chris Ramsey Really? *video starts* Eduard shrugs “meh” 15 minutes of black screen.
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
lmao he's dope
@halohero147 4 жыл бұрын
Eduard Todor agreed
@xtort92 4 жыл бұрын
He’s okay
@stevengriffin1406 4 жыл бұрын
Eduard, I don't know if you remember me but I critiqued a video once and told you that you need to study the real masters, or something like that. You made a vid. and said my name and responded to it. You have come a long way with your magic and knowledge of it. You are on point with this one! Keep these coming.
@josepereznarvaez4923 4 жыл бұрын
His performances remind me of a type of performance René Lavand used to do, simulating a poker game, but with a magical context
@mrborgeusborg9164 4 жыл бұрын
As someone that loves magic, and from time to time practices simple tricks. I'm no magician. Just a fan. Richard Turner is a magician using card mechanics to do his tricks. I strongly believe he is so good that he can keep track of all 52 cards, knows where everyone of the card is and can in his shuffle stack the cards in the order he wants. I believe as a fan he is that good!! I also heard something about filing codes on the side of the cards so he can feel on the side of the card what card it is. Because he is blind, he has enhanced touch senses so people that aren't blind can't feel these "barcodes". I say plausible to that. He is one of the greatest, and a man to look up to. I love the interviews with him, and I love fool us with Turner. It is the best thing ever.
@rheadog9546 2 жыл бұрын
ah, very interesting how you say he can keep track of all 52 cards. That I buy into more than how he can feel what card it is. If he could do that his act would be simple. He would just ask people to pick a card put it in his hand face down and he tells you what the card is. 1 by 1. I have not seen him do that?
@JoeySonal 4 жыл бұрын
Never thought about the fact that he'd have to learn the eye contact thing... That's actually crazy if you think about it. Loving this series btw
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
Richard was taught to follow voices by Steve Terrell, his acting teacher with the Lambs Players. Richard explained that to me the first time we met, when I told him I was certain he was looking me in the eyes.
@richards.5964 4 жыл бұрын
He says he's not a magician, but what I find interesting (in addition to what you said about "merging" the concepts, which is a great point) is that he actually knows a LOT about magic. He's done plenty of work on common card magic plots such as Do-As-I-Do, Open Travelers, and The Signed Card. Hell, he even got quite a bit of clout for doing Triumph with one hand for years. For many magicians, this reputation is usually reversed; they display their skills as a magician, and show off mechanical stuff on the side. For Turner, his expertise usually outshines his overall knowledge. I think Marlo summed it up best: "Technicians as a rule are not usually good actors or entertainers. Richard Turner is all three." As you said, there's an aspect of intrigue and entertainment that puts him beyond that of just a mechanic, who are often one-trick performers who get a singular feature in a magazine before fading away from the entertainment scene. I like this topic of video. At first, I was skeptical if it was somewhat of a clickbait but you really do address the reality of the performer, through not only a layman perspective but also from one who has practiced/performed a lot. I think a good subject for a similar video would be Juan Tamariz. In terms of card magic (not just handling, in the case of Turner), I think he's the best magician alive today, and he is unfortunately under-represented outside of Spain. Not only does he show a very distinct persona while performing, his work is nothing short of genius. He applies both theory and technique in a way that no other performer alive has. Regardless of my input, great video!
@rheadog9546 2 жыл бұрын
I don't agree he's a good entertainer. I just think he is a real and genuine person. He is just very likable and interested in others. So, in turn, he is fun to be around.
@chrisjung7139 4 жыл бұрын
Btw, loved the intro. Showing a little on how stuff is done then playing us with your way.
@serafim194 4 жыл бұрын
Alba neagră, mișto, cultura româniei în finețea ei, good video, soooo good video and videos !!!
@elmerfudd5650 2 ай бұрын
I have watched Richard T. many times on TV. He is incredible! But, my question is; who was sitting beside him while he was practicing all that time to let him know if he did the cards right?
@evansphenomenal Жыл бұрын
The most amazing card trick is the one where the performer allows the spectator to pick a card, shuffle the deck without having to steal the selected card from the deck, and somehow manages to locate the selected card, that's what Richard does. Imo, the more bizarre the effect, the more suspicious it is.
@FlatStan1l 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting to hear some insight on Turner from a magician, always wondered about him after seeing the penn and teller act
@thesmuggest6680 3 жыл бұрын
So basically he's not using a cheat code... HE IS THE CHEAT CODE.
@meeeee3527 4 жыл бұрын
Oh and to answer how he competed in karate, for the longest time he was legally blind, so he could see but it was mostly just shadows and outlines. Compared to how he is completely blind now, due to the fact that his sight has been slowly deteriorating throughout his life. But yeah totally insane that he competed like that.
@houseofaction 3 жыл бұрын
plenty of blind people can do martial arts. even ones born blind
@AngelicusImmortus 3 жыл бұрын
Different folk talk about him with cards. Five companies gave him five different decks with mixed up inks. He sorted them all into new deck order and into the “right” decks every time. One company has given him a lifetime supply of cards. All five go to him whenever they change their dyes or labels, prints etc. The guy is simply incredible and unmatched.
@herbivorouscyborg2398 2 жыл бұрын
Unless you can provide a source regarding the 5 different decks story, I don't believe it. I can easily believe that he could feel the differences between different brands of cards, but so far I have not seen evidence of him being able to determine what the rank or suit of a card is by touch. On Penn And Teller's Fool Us, he was able to feel out the 4 kings to control them to the bottom of the deck, but the obvious solution is that he used short cards for the kings. You can tell by the way he riffles through the deck to find them immediately after Teller gives them back.
@rparker8761 4 жыл бұрын
loved your enthusiasm about him
@charlesshrem4875 5 ай бұрын
I agree with you but I thought your video was a bit too long. You repeated a lot of things over and over. I like what you had to say and I will subscribe
@oldgoat8861 2 жыл бұрын
The Architect PLANNED the building EXACTLY. The Contracter CONSTRUCTED the building to THE PLAN. Who built the building...??...From Concept to Final variables ALWAYS divert from the original plan. The Contracter/MECHANIC makes reality from mere concept !!!
@rheadog9546 2 жыл бұрын
I was thrilled to see this analasis, because I was thinking the same thing. It is astounding what Richard does but some of the explanations you hear from mostly other people but even some from Richard himself make no sense. I agree 100% that there is quite a lot of magic and or slight of hand going on in his preformances. I mean common sense will tell you he can trick anyone with slight of hand right in front of their face just by knowing what he can do. Now, of course Richard wont reveal all he is doing. But, I wont buy that he knows the card by the weight of the card and amount of ink, or that he can feel the print on the card. These are silly un-realistic assumptions that only a very gullible person would believe. in magic there is usually a more simple answer. That being said Eduard is not to bad at what he does either.
@MrWhat-uc4bp 3 жыл бұрын
i agree, the thing is he is not just an insane card mechanic but also a magician.
@aphunt12 Жыл бұрын
Well as Chris Delia once said “he’s just too sick wid it”
@amadensor 3 жыл бұрын
My Hwa Rang Do instructor was blind, and he could still block anything we the at him. I'm not sure how, but I've seen it, and it can be done.
@SamTattooArtist 3 жыл бұрын
He's doing everything (In perfect miracle order) He's insane and he's totally not normal person! He's my best favorite magician! 🙌🏻❤️
@anonymousunknown7845 2 жыл бұрын
In the beginning I was right about where the black card is.
@jrcolonial98 2 жыл бұрын
That last bit at 14:00 or so is a beautiful story
@nightowl5673 4 жыл бұрын
Unbelievable how great is this what an inspiring man awesome video brother
@kujo734 4 жыл бұрын
Re: Richard Turner on Penn and Teller. He shows 4 Kings because face cards have more ink on them so they weigh more.
@ar_xiv 2 жыл бұрын
The one thing that it seemed like he was doing that seemed a bit obvious in the penn and teller vid was the riffle and cut. After the riffle, he never squared the deck, and was able to pull the same two halves back apart. This feels almost attainable as a skill to me. But then pulling four kings out after the “wash” shuffle…. I have no clue. Side note: as far as mathematical level of randomness goes, the riffle (a real one) results in a very low amount of reorganization, and the casino wash results in the highest level of reorganization. A well shuffled deck of cards can be in one of 52 factorial possible combinations. This means that a good shuffle will result in a combination which has likely never occurred in the history of the universe.
@andyauten628 4 ай бұрын
If he can't feel the cards how would he deal after someone else shuffles the deck?
@anupamroy1771 2 жыл бұрын
There's always gonna be people who'd, u know...."i can't ACTUALLY see John Cena"
@stephenboyes5189 2 жыл бұрын
hes the greatest and an inspiration to the human race on so many levels..
@eye4eyelights 4 жыл бұрын
Another great video man! By the way, that move for switching the cards that you didn’t know the name of is called mucking
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@o0KugelkaktuS0o 4 жыл бұрын
I really like to watch you do magic before you get to the topic of the video! How about you audition for fool us? I would really like to see you there :-)
@halohero147 4 жыл бұрын
Controversy: How good is Daniel Madison really?
@JoseSanchez-yo2co 4 жыл бұрын
Insane technician
@letsssgooo4618 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree
@_mrspanky_4587 2 жыл бұрын
TL;DR He's fucking amazing
@susieromano7001 2 жыл бұрын
You mentioned that he still has some vision and that's not true he said that he lost that peripheral vision.
@FusionDeveloper 4 жыл бұрын
My only issue, is when he riffle shuffles, you can obviously see he never pushes them together, and pushes them past to the opposite sides and pulls them apart, making the riffle shuffle nullified. Other than that, I can't follow anything else he does. I have a feeling, if he wasn't blind, he could correct the movements to make them invisible.
@Mahlercougar 3 жыл бұрын
We know how you feel about Richard Turner(he's a phenom. I stumbled across his video a couple of years ago and I was awe!) In your opinion, how good is Shin Lim?
@nejm612 4 жыл бұрын
Love the shirt and the jacket
@mathewbrown5909 4 жыл бұрын
He could fight because he could see out the corner of his eye at that point.
@yommmrr 2 жыл бұрын
I want to know how he practiced 20hrs on cards he didn't know were what. Also regarding how he differs cards from each other now. I've heard how the edges are filed but how can you file a deck 52 different ways?
@herbivorouscyborg2398 2 жыл бұрын
How much evidence is there of him being able to differentiate cards? As far as I can tell, he is just very skilled at keeping the order unchanged and controlling the positions of a very small number of cards. On Penn and Teller's Fool Us, he only controlled the positions of the 4 kings, which easily could have been accomplished with short cards. In fact, I'd bet almost anything that he used short cards or a similar gimmick just based on how he riffles through the deck to find the kings immediately after Teller hands the deck back. The only thing he can feel during that is the edges of the cards, which implies there is something different about the edges of the kings if he is able to locate them by riffling.
@paulstrife Жыл бұрын
I'd say a card mechanic doing it blind is pretty magical.
@fRikimaru1974 2 жыл бұрын
It's kinda curious that some people think that maybe he's not blind. It doesn't matter 🤣🤣 I mean, I think that a not blind person can't achieve what this dude does. The fact he's blind explains in part his absolutely insane skills.
@rikkirikki4892 4 жыл бұрын
Richard Turner can detect moisture more accurately than a computer and is hired for that purpose -- that is the ONLY reason I believe he can possibly detect weight. If his ability to sense touch is that precisely calibrated then I don't see why not, you know? Watching him rearrange cards that another person has (badly) shuffled seems so random yet precise that I just can't see how else it could be done without sight, but then again I only have an understanding of the basics of magic and don't really do any (well) myself, so there are almost certainly possible methods I am missing. But the fact that he's literally hired to detect moisture in cards because he's more accurate than moisture sensors makes me think that the ink detection by weight is possible -- that he can feel the difference between ink on the card or plain cardstock when touching the *face* of the card is almost certain though.
@SwayPromo 3 жыл бұрын
You’re wrong about the side vision, he’s 100% blind....
@billyjeffersoniv4344 4 жыл бұрын
Oh crap, is that right? He only sees shadows peripherally? I stand corrected! By the way, glad I found your channel. Subbed.
@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
Richard has been completely blind for years.
@paysonfox88 4 жыл бұрын
There are only one dozen people in the entire Western world that can do with Richard Turner can do. Card mechanics are very rare. I think I saw it posted somewhere the ratios of good card magicians to true card mechanics like Richard Turner is like one to ten thousand or something.
@Jeffburney89TEN 4 жыл бұрын
@mohammedraiyan9254 4 жыл бұрын
The switch you did was called the one handed turnover switch or better known as the Macmillan switch
@michaelharrington75 3 жыл бұрын
If he can't see how does he know what cards he dealing? It seems to me if you hand a blind man a deck of shuffled cards he wouldn't stand a chance of organizing them in any way. Unless the cards were marked somehow that he could feel the cards? Would be interesting to see someone when he hands the deck for them to shuffle, if they switched the deck for cards he didn't bring.
@johnanderson3731 2 жыл бұрын
He was given 5 random decks totally shuffled and put them into new deck order. Apparently he can feel the different prints on each card as his touch is so sensitive
@stevensallsorts 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty damn good, that's the statement right there
@AleksandarIvanov69 4 жыл бұрын
If a serious businessman (although criminal) like a mafioso wants to pay somebody for their service, you can be sure that what they do, they can do very very well.
@TusharSrivastavaMagic 4 жыл бұрын
How good is Eduard Todor really? It would be interesting to watch 🙄
@jonymacarroni6782 4 жыл бұрын
bill malone, top of the line for sure
@NetAndyCz 4 жыл бұрын
Richard Turner is really REALLY good:)
@luka6257 4 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing he's using LOTS of crimps and nicking. ((apparently) It's been proven that his fingers are super sensitive, so yeah...) (his deck has to be in perfect condition too (why do you think he opens 1-3 decks a day) (a deck doesn't get wear out in one day))
@ASSamiYT 3 жыл бұрын
No. Do all the things he did in his appearance at MIT (edit: that was an 1h show). THEN say how he did that.
@younesmohssen8158 4 жыл бұрын
how good is Usain Bolt really?
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
Asking the real questions
@younesmohssen8158 4 жыл бұрын
Eduard Todor ahahahaha you already knowww ;)
@joshestes6427 4 жыл бұрын
Nice flex on that second deal, you even flipped the top card;)
@dank6617 4 жыл бұрын
I think Richard would disagree with the statement of "actually he is a magician", and I don't believe he would think in terms of "marketing" or branding. I think it falls in the definition of what is magic, and I think the key is that it must create an *illusion of something impossible.* Say, stabbing an icepick through your hand, is that magic? It depends. It becomes magical if the audience believes that they are witnessing an impossible event, not just a display of extraordinary skills. If Blaine actually revealed that he is _actually_ stabbing himself, it would just become an extraordinary stunt, but not impossible magic act. Richard Turner doesn't care about creating an illusion of an impossible phenomena, he is just demonstrating an extraordinary skill without any claims of being impossible or supernatural. He doesn't really care about "visual" effects like double lifts, he only cares about maintaining absolute control of the cards because that is exactly what a card mechanic does. In short, his focus is only centered in the methods and doesn't care about "effects", it is not about creating illusions but about cheating in games.
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
I would argue he creates the illusion of his skillset being of a higher level than perceived. And he definitely thinks in terms of branding, moreso persona. If you're at the highest level of performance you have to consider everything or else someone else will. Interesting points though, thanks for your thoughts!
@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
Your opinions are far closer to how Richard views himself than anyone else’s Dan K!
@coltonpugh9669 2 жыл бұрын
Well said dude. Richard has made the exact same points in various interviews throughout the years. He makes it very clear and easy to understand when he draws the distinction between what he does and what a magician does.
@asspounderify 4 жыл бұрын
1:41 Well you know how good Richard is when seasoned magicians like Penn and Teller, despite what you might think of them in terms of skill level- have been exposed to alot of magic tricks- but even they were losing their shit seeing up close at the table how clean his second deal was with his multiple shuffles as a intro act
@AlIegory 2 жыл бұрын
How do people still fall for three card Monty?
@EduardTodor 2 жыл бұрын
because most people aren't balls deep in magic XD
@FusionDeveloper 4 жыл бұрын
He is good, but even without me being a magician and being fooled by most Fool Us magicians, I can easily see him doing false shuffles, which would be insanely risky with high money stakes. I think even if you don't know what a false shuffle looks like, when you see him do it, it seems weird and could draw attention and be told to shuffle differently. However, I think if he suddenly gained his eyesight, he would improve, possibly to a level that seems impossible. . I want to add, that I have never tried to do anything he can do, so in no way am I trying to say I am better or that anything he does uses any specific level of difficulty.
@mykeday 4 жыл бұрын
You're right but he never claims to do anything different. His whole act is look how good I am at manipulating the cards. It's no different than watching a juggler. I know how they do it they are just throwing the balls and catching them. But could I do it as effortlessly as them? When you are as good as him you can say exactly how you do it you can show me how you do it, and it's still amazing.
@calvinclayton3464 3 жыл бұрын
Take a drink every time he says "dude"
@andersmoore 3 жыл бұрын
“pounded by fresh dudes”
@terrypapineau6993 8 ай бұрын
Well I listened to 8 minutes….. I gave up.
@FlipAndLand 4 жыл бұрын
Are you seriously telling me in all the many hours of Richard Turner videos I've watched, he's been doing that 5:56 and I haven't noticed? I know it's because he's that good, but I still feel like an idiot.
@languageonly 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you said how ridiculous the question is. It's like a new purple belt making a video "How good is Marcelo Garcia really?" lol
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
I like to think my magic level is a liiiiiiiiiittle higher than purple but regardless who you are marcelo will fuck you up XD
@mkrichey1 4 жыл бұрын
Lovely intro!
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you like it :)
@garymusicgk 3 жыл бұрын
Does he play always with his deck of cards.I think he marks them somehow.
@davidgrandel7592 3 жыл бұрын
In his documentary he has thousands of new decks of cards and he practices with them constantly
@Daveglorious 4 жыл бұрын
Really good video. :)
@SpellsOfTruth 3 жыл бұрын
10:22 Are you familiar with 'feeling color'? You can teach yourself to recognize color from touch alone within 30 mins. You get a red post-it, green post-it, and blue post-it. Note the location of each post-it, put on a blindfold, and then touch each post-it running it through your hands, make note of how each color felt. Then shuffle the post-its randomly and attempt to identify the color of the post-it with touch alone. After about 30 mins of practice you will be be able to do this with very high accuracy. Thats just in 30 mins, imagine doing this for years. This is how he could feasibly determine red or black on touch alone. Feeling color is a very easily learned thing. If we are easily capable of feeling the subtle differences in color, why wouldn't we also be able to tell the subtle differences in weight of the 52 different cards. If the guy is blind then he's been practicing for years with his sense of touch. He likely CAN tell the difference through weight of the cards and I suspect with enough practice anyone could do this. With insane stuff like this people seem to assume the insane skill or feat was learned all at once, like Turner just started memorizing all 52 card weight, but often times that is not the case. You start small and slowly build upon it, start with just the clubs, then hearts, then clubs and spades, then clubs, spades and hearts, then full deck. He could start by comparing the weight of an Ace with every other card in the suit. Then comparing the weight of a King with every other card in the suit, then queen, jack, etc. Very methodical, slowly building until its as automatic as breathing over the course of hours, weeks, months, years etc.
@billyjeffersoniv4344 4 жыл бұрын
I say this with NO disrespect to mr Turner. However, legally blind is actually different than totally blind. Again, what he does is amazing but even if he just sees shadows, he knows where to strike. I am speaking of his martial arts specifically.
@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
Richard Turner was legally blind decades ago. He has been totally blind for years, but started revealing that fact during the production of the Dealt film. I accompanied him to the Magic Castle several times and during every show he insured that the emcee never tell the audience that he was blind, and few if any of the spectators realized that he was.
@billyjeffersoniv4344 4 жыл бұрын
@@BruceSamboy44 wow I didnt know that. Appreciate the correction my friend, thank you :) I always read/heard he was "legally blind:
@BruceSamboy44 4 жыл бұрын
@@billyjeffersoniv4344 Thank you for commenting, Billy. All of RT’s old videos stated that he was legally blind, so it’s understandable that the description follows him today.
@BeforeEffects 4 жыл бұрын
Killer opener!
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@rockywaters9592 4 жыл бұрын
Richard Turner is a perfect example of the old saying that a magician is an actor playing the part of a magician. His whole back story is part of one big act, he makes you believe that he has superhuman skill and yet a lot of his most impressive feats with cards are achieved via very simple principles that are perfectly masked by his "card mechanic" persona. The difference between a magician like Richard Turner as apposed to someone like David Blaine is that he is believable, people genuinely believe that everything he says he does with cards is 100% legit, and is achieved by thousands upon thousands of hours of practice, while people know that no matter how well David Blaine dresses up his performance, they know its still just a trick. Richard Turner is a throwback to the magicians of old, totally committed to his persona both on and off stage, and yet! he is no different to David Blaine at the core, its just his persona and act is more realistic and believable.
@newfolder2841 4 жыл бұрын
according to penn he files the edges of his cards
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
That's called the short card principle if you want to look into it :)
@pandastasia563 4 жыл бұрын
How good was Ricky Jay really?
@Robmancan1987 4 жыл бұрын
The ultimate deception is having people believe your not a magician.
4 жыл бұрын
Give us some more Dani Daortiz bro!
@saulstrosberg8413 4 жыл бұрын
Hey can i have your autograph
@petechumly985 23 күн бұрын
he uses special cards doesnt he ?
@YuriyDavygora 4 жыл бұрын
Eduard, how good do you think Paul Wilson from The Real Hustle is? (v=DQHMv0Lfhyo)
@elwyncoates810 4 жыл бұрын
Is this guy for real is he on speed?
@maximem.ste-marie3578 4 жыл бұрын
how good is a legit question as you are "measuring" him... if you would ask "is he good ?" THAT, would be a stupid question
@neptunosim 4 жыл бұрын
I think you talked a bit too much , if you know what I mean... Just do whatever you do , and let Richard Turner do his thing .
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
This is what I do, I make videos. Thanks for the input though :)
@purplemediaindependent3897 3 жыл бұрын
He doesn’t switch cards. This guy should be cancelled!
@josefelix4152 4 жыл бұрын
D: crap I lost my money already!!! Fooled me twice on the intro
@EduardTodor 4 жыл бұрын
@kennedysamarakody4925 4 жыл бұрын
Do one for Harry Houdini plz
@АлексейРублев-п8р 4 жыл бұрын
But also his blainb!!! Remember?????
@magic2go992 4 жыл бұрын
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