thank you, just recently coming back and this helps alot :)
@levelierlerias99254 ай бұрын
And then there's that recent balance patch in KR that killed Apsara's universal support but improves her physical debuff and probably her DPS as well since they removed Tigram's debuff to her passive for physical only.
@YamiiSakura4 ай бұрын
Too bad Aps in general is basicly useless now as her damage is ass and her utility is basicly 0 now
@levelierlerias99254 ай бұрын
@@YamiiSakura uh, not really. She's still a good buffer debuffer sub DPS, what they need to fix on her is better tracking+PvE dmg increase on Kite, Orchid Fall dmg increase, new hitbox or rework Spiritual Dragon, and new skill for her since they butchered Tigram as PvP skill and now Apsara have one free slot skill but none of her skills can fill it.
@YamiiSakura4 ай бұрын
@@levelierlerias9925 sure she has a few nice things, but Any healer is about to outclass her especialy SU. As for her damage, as an Aps player myself I can say its bad
@levelierlerias99254 ай бұрын
@@YamiiSakura it's not that bad tbh (*patting poor Innocent mains that's still not having ignore def skills*). I can see where you're going about damage issue, but really after the suppression faster casting and Trigram being replaced her DPS is much smoother. I can agree she do still need some skill changes or hitbox change instead of just relying on Spiritual Dragon for the unga bunga damage and Orchid Fall for the tall boss damaging, but we'll see if the Korean Apsara whales will tell KoG do a revision patch later or not like what they did asking KoG to change Spiritual Dragon and Orchid from orbs to MP.
@YamiiSakura4 ай бұрын
@@levelierlerias9925 sadly they did yea, im still mad that they changed them. Suppression is already fast cast so thats not gonna change much, Trigram losing all value sucks and damage is ass, I guess thats what we get for not being a 2023 or 2024 class lmao
@issai_DxD4 ай бұрын
Pure dps sama dengan selfish dps. Sinergis dps tuh dps yang masih bisa ngasih benefit(buff/debuff) untuk dps lain atau party. Semacam sub dps lah. Sering dapat istilah begituh, betul tak
@levelierlerias99254 ай бұрын
@@issai_DxD iyes betul DPS sinergis itu contoh kaya Apsara, Achlys, Celestia, Metamorphy, dll. Intinya yang bisa lakuin damage+kasih buff dan debuff cukup banyak itu DPS sinergis
@issai_DxD4 ай бұрын
@@levelierlerias9925 Berarti KE juga termasuk kan? Soalnya pengurangan deffnya ngebantu diri sendiri atau dps lain kalau ada dps lain. kalau job rose Minerva yang jadi lalat tuh kira-kira rolenya apa ya?
@levelierlerias99254 ай бұрын
@@issai_DxD itu selfish DPS (Minerva) KE habis balance patch juga lebih ke selfish DPS
@issai_DxD4 ай бұрын
@@levelierlerias9925 KE masih masuk selfish dps ya meski bisa ngedebuff musuh pake reduce armornya... kan masih bisa angkat dps lain... eh balance patch baru ada apa?
@AMatthew0053 ай бұрын
Bang, baru mulai sama temen nih. Rencana mau fokus raid, mereka rencananya mau buat Demersio sama Code:Antithese. Kira-kira kalau ane pakai Avarice cocok ga? Atau bagusan pilih class lain buat pelengkap party? Classnya uda kebanyakan jadi rada bingung wkkw. Ane terakhir main pas Add baru keluar.
@Aschavea_3 ай бұрын
klo secara pribadi ya mau yg gak bingung di accept sama party make class2 support. tapi klo udah siap waktu dan tenaga buat jadi DPS silahkan bang :) semua class bagus
@Lanmb-Lamb4 ай бұрын
Idk why KOG make we need so much supports in Raid and make just 15 jobs really supports. We have more DPS and Hybrids DPS but the majority is useless with low power. Thats make party find so awlful and boring....