Answering horrible comments with revolutionary technology

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Emily Hopkins

Emily Hopkins

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Answering some rude comments from uninformed and angry Redditors, featuring a special guest
Big thanks to 29 Pedals
Check out the 29 Pedals collection:
Huge thanks to Evan for the animated EUNA/OAMP!
Other pedals used in this video:
GFI Skylar -
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@travisnorman 11 ай бұрын
That's gotta be the first time someone was relieved to find their partner hiding someone in their closet 😂
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
😂 lmfaoooo travis
@SisterRose 11 ай бұрын
waiting for Russ to officially come out as an Elf guy
@OffscreenkillVA 8 ай бұрын
@@docwhammo I cant tell if that is an sarcastic comment or not.
@BugsBunns 11 ай бұрын
There's that good old saying "Bees don't waste their time convincing flys that honney is better then shit"
@ClaydenLee 11 ай бұрын
Bees don't eat honey tho
@gapster77 11 ай бұрын
@@ClaydenLee Yea, they do, they use it as an energy source, essentially a reserve. Read a book dude! 😂 Honey is Bee puke, to a fly it might not be as inviting!
@ClaydenLee 11 ай бұрын
I don't like them anymore, that's disgusting@@maxiokua
@ClaydenLee 11 ай бұрын
books suck@@gapster77
@gapster77 11 ай бұрын
@@maxiokua Yea, it’s good stuff. A nice alternative to cereal covered in the lactations of another animal. When you stop and think about it, Humans are gross.
@nerdebynature 11 ай бұрын
These pedals are outside of my price range, but i really appreciate the time taken talking about the difference between studio work vs solutions/problem fixes in live audio. Just because i don't need this for my silly bedroom playing doesn't mean it can't make someone's recording or live set up sound so much better!
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
So true!
@emilyharpist 8 ай бұрын
yes if it has an output! @@dejuren1367
@Vobango 11 ай бұрын
I love that the pedals get a comfy couch to hang out on while Jeff gets to sit on the floor.
@ashuggtube 11 ай бұрын
Well who is the video about? 😂
@VocalChainsStudio 11 ай бұрын
I come to this channel to observe a very clever and confident musician rise above the constant harassment and gatekeeping from Dudes of Gear Culture and am never disappointed. This app does not deserve you, queen.
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
@djencode 10 ай бұрын
@sherondapramusog 10 ай бұрын
@stevedaymusic 10 ай бұрын
DoGC is just wonderful - and so true. Who cares how we do it, or with what? Just create, celebrate it and enjoy. Well said ⭐️
@BasedHyperborean 10 ай бұрын
Bro. Go outside. NOW.
@gapster77 11 ай бұрын
I had a friend, and when it came to buying lunch he would eat bland and tasteless food, not to save money, but because he didn’t care about it, he didn’t choose to savour the taste of something or try something new. You are never going to win the majority of people around to these pedals, in a similar way to my friends eating choices, they don’t care, they’re not looking for something special, they dont have the nuance. These pedals clearly work, and this dude has put his heart and sole into them, and it shows …if you care enough to look.
@coffeedudeguy 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, same with cheap vs good coffee, or cheap vs good alcohol etc.
@gapster77 11 ай бұрын
@@coffeedudeguyYes! Exactly.
@brown9671 9 ай бұрын
This is true for musical in general. Some people don’t geek out over the drummers feel, or the chromatic note in the bass. Which is fine, but then to say it doesn’t matter is a lie because that’s what defines mine and others favorite music
@frottery 9 ай бұрын
The issue is that a massive amount of disinformation and magic-black-box goes into music gear. a crazy amount of "boutique microphones" are just rebadged and QAed mics from overseas. a bunch of pedals are hyped to be something exotic but are just very minor mods of common circuits. Your analogy also assumes that novelty/variety has a value. I also know people who eat bland food because their taste is so sensitive they don't need variety. The pedals might work, but that doesn't mean they're doing anything that other cheaper options aren't doing already.
@frottery 9 ай бұрын
@@coffeedudeguy yeah, especially when you do a taste test and the $1 version is preferred to the $500 version. /rolleyes
@BQhjort 11 ай бұрын
The speed with which Emily said "piss" is both impressive and worrying.
@theavera9ejoe 11 ай бұрын
"♥ by Emily Hopkins" 😂
@almostkinda 9 ай бұрын
@AirborneAshes 2 ай бұрын
average sweeney todd fan honestly
@rick-deckard 11 ай бұрын
Like a good number of people, I have several hobbies. I haven't met a single community that doesn't have an infestation of vocal, toxic and uncreative members that care more about fighting about gear and trivial things than discussing the actual art or experience of the hobby. They almost ruin everything and tuning them out is vital.
@frottery 9 ай бұрын
The counter argument to this is that those people are effectively self-identifying as protectors of the community to alert people to scams and inform everyone to save money and not support dubious actors. They are discussing the ACTUAL art/experience, it's to not pay $X00 for something that you can get for $X0. And so on. I learned a long time ago that some massive percent of audio equipment does not have any real correlation to what it costs, or how it functions. I own $5000 black boxes that have the function of "make it sound better" with zero settings. Is that to say they're worth it? Dunno. Is a $300 pseudo-boost-buffer pedal worth it? Up to you. I like my other pedals that do what this does similarly. If I didn't have them, maybe this would be my mostest favoritest front of chain pedal.
@scamp7887 9 ай бұрын
The one constant is "humans". We suck
@EntropicEcho 8 ай бұрын
I;ve found the modular synth community to be pretty cool though! Everyone's just excited about finding creative ways to make fart noises with expensive shit and having a good time.
@flutechannel 11 ай бұрын
Almost spilt my tea after seeing the "Chesty" comment! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
@kelli217 10 ай бұрын
@HelicopterRidesForCommunists 11 ай бұрын
I couldn't hear a difference when you turned on the pedals, however when you turned them off it was as if I was listening to it from another room and someone shut the door. It definitely sounded worse without them activated, therefore it definitely sounds better with them. Nice job.
@MrPinkfloydian 11 ай бұрын
I could hear a difference but what this got me thinking was if it is usual to see in these YT videos this generous amount of turning on/turning off thing. 🤔 Because I never realized its importance as in this video. I mean, I know its importance since I usually complain when some KZbinrs don't even care to start (or even to show) the clean tone of the instrument as a comparison. But this generous on/off switching was great. I would just have appreciated even more if we could have listened to the booster pedal (JFET) solo.
@obsoletecd-rom 11 ай бұрын
I’ve had this pedal for over a year. I’m running it through my magnatone stereo twilighter and my suhr Bella reverb combo. The euna is never coming off my pedal board. The best way to describe it is that it elevates your sound in overall clarity, almost hi-fi in the way it drives the signal.
@HelicopterRidesForCommunists 11 ай бұрын
@@obsoletecd-rom Interesting. I wonder if anything further down the signal chain can remove those extra frequencies/ overtones or whatever it is that gives the signal the extra clarity. Might want to keep an eye out for that if something can essentially mute or cross out the benefit.
@JaffetChacon 11 ай бұрын
I could hear the difference Immediately with the 1st Pedal turned on. The second Pedal didn't seem to add much, but when they turn it off, you could hear a noticeable difference in the highs. Once both where off, holy crap, like you mentioned, sounded like utter trash.
@Quimmoo 11 ай бұрын
@@MrPinkfloydian it's also true for some reverbs. When you mixing a track, you want to have imaginary room for all the instruments to be in, and one of the tricks to figure the sweet spot of how much signal to send into "room" reverb bus is to set the amount right when you can't hear the reverb turns on, but can definitely hear negative effects of turning it off. Some effects are not meant to be obvious, so frequent bypassing is a nice, really nice touch in demos.
@Enemy0fMine1415 11 ай бұрын
I am not a musician, I just love music... but I am a frustrated artist, so that paint analogy, I felt on such a level I cannot even begin to describe it 😂😂😂
@jcortese3300 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad I discovered effects boxes through you and not other online forums.
@PhilthyCasual 11 ай бұрын
Because all other online forums are suspect? C’mon....
@isaacthecorncob 10 ай бұрын
​@@PhilthyCasualNo because a lot of them are extremely toxic and gatekeepy. At least thats what i asusme they were going for
@samuelhatman8995 11 ай бұрын
Yes, sure, I've played guitar for 60ish years. Your video is delightful Emily. That young man's pedal is amazing. So, at 70, I am still trying to figure how to build my 9 pedal board. But because of you, I want one of his pedals on the board. Oh! Back in the day, I approved production of line production in a pharmaceutical factory. I took care of getting right all the stuff that other manufacturers did not care about. Our production was perfect. Just like your music. Beauty from you every time! That man's pedal is the path and the way.
@iaido777 11 ай бұрын
I am a pedal steel guitar player that bought the EUNA because of the review/demos on this channel, and I am most certainly pleased with it and consider it a good value. The pedal steel, like the harp, has a pretty wide range, tonally. Emily's demo of it convinced me it would be a good fit for my instrument. The best I could explain verbally, is that the pedal steel sounds more 'flat' without the EUNA, and just more "alive" with it on. So, for the price of the EUNA, I get to sound better, all of the time, for the rest of time? Sounds like a good deal. It's hard to quantify questions like "how much better does this actually make me sound?" and "is it worth the money?" - There is always going to be a subset of people who think their ignorance is knowledge, and try to convince you that, they, somehow, know a way to achieve the same result, in a different way, more efficiently, for less money. You'll basically never convince these people otherwise because their delusion is attached to their ego. I have seen the hateful comments about the EUNA. I cannot conclude if they actually have, or have used the pedal themselves in those cases. I think I saw a EUNA on Reverb for sale, used, and the seller at most said, "I just don't think I need this." I really just don't understand having your identity so wrapped up in 'pedal-geekery' or whatever that you would spend your time posting on Reddit threads about pedals you don't actually own. I'll defend this pedal to my grave.
@macdeluxe733 10 ай бұрын
I looked up the price of the pedal - having never heard of, let alone used one - then the price of a semi-decent instrument, setup, amp, etc.; the pedal's price pales into insignificance when looking for a good sound, regardless of instrument. I have no dog in this fight, but I could hear the difference it made in the last part of the video and it sounded excellent. It's definitely not the "empty box" Reddit (groans) suggests.
@Patrick-857 9 ай бұрын
It's a high quality buffer or line driver. It's basically taking your passive pickup signal and feeding it straight into an input that doesn't put much load on it, because it's high impedance, and because it's a unity gain amplifier, it's sending the signal back out at the same level, but really low impedance, so now it's got some muscle behind it it. It can now drive anything up then chain without losing much signal. It helps with long signal chains, long cables ect. It will also potentially make passive pickups behave closer to actives, since actives are just low impedance pickups with a buffer (or preamp to be precise) built into them. Overall effect should be subtle, but I'd say a good buffer is like a blanket was lifted off your amp, and your instrument feels like it can breath more freely. You'll probably get less noise too, because when you're losing less signal, you're amplifying less noise.
@redbeardedt3437 9 ай бұрын
@@macdeluxe733 $270 is expensive? Where are you buying an entire setup and a decent instrument for that price?
@macdeluxe733 9 ай бұрын
I think you need to read my comment again.@@redbeardedt3437
@baconscoobysnacks3135 4 ай бұрын
​@@redbeardedt3437people talking about the pedal are more than likely not looking to buy a whole setup because they already have one? Do you people even play an instrument? Because that argument is horrible. "Its not expensive, a setup costs more than the pedal" duh. The question people as is does the pedal provide enough to justify the price
@karlvanbeckum9029 11 ай бұрын
The "Trying the JFET boost" moment on the outro was a Wow moment. It was a striking difference with/without.
@PhilthyCasual 11 ай бұрын
True. It reminds me of using subtle compression on a guitar,even though that may technically be unlike what is happening here. I think this company was smart with marketing. Reminds me of when the Klon Centaur came out. Barely any web presence, shrouded in Led Zeppelin.
@dangayle 11 ай бұрын
That last example with the EUNA is really dramatic. Shows exactly what it helps with. I use it with my baritone guitars and it helps restore that high end clarity that sometimes gets lost.
@OhanaFilms 11 ай бұрын
People get angry about the stupidest shit now. Social media is a toilet.
@walrtbstudios5430 11 ай бұрын
Not only is your content interesting, not only do you seem to be an awesome individual, but your approach is constantly surprising. I’m never entirely sure what I’m going to get from your videos. But then that’s half the fun…
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@charleskilo4383 10 ай бұрын
God, that bit at the end when the EUNA and JFET were brought in gave me goosebumps. It sounded beautiful with just the reverb and then everything just got so much more clear. I was already sold on the 29 Pedals from other reviews but that particular demo was 100% the final nail in my decision to get these.
@SquareWaveSymphonies 11 ай бұрын
I bought a EUNA in 2021 before going to the studio with my band. We were six people in the room (two of which are professional audio engineers) and we all agreed that it sounded awesome. We ended up using the pedal on all of the guitar and bass tracks because they just sounded better that way. You wouldn't be able to match that sound with an EQ pedal.
@shocktnc 11 ай бұрын
Your first mistake was going onto reddit.
@macsarcule 11 ай бұрын
The EUNA is the secret sauce on my board. I saw it the first time on Demos in the Dark and I was hooked, I ordered one that night at 11:30. Then I saw it here and I was like, YES! More people get it! Then I was stunned how long it took for JHS to catch on the EUNA even existed. Sorry haters, EUNA’s a thing. You don’t have to buy it. But you won’t regret it if you do.
@Patrick-857 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, the majority of guitar players have little to no audio or electronics or even electrical knowledge. I come from a background in electrical and electronics, with music and audio being a close second, so I've known about the benefits of a quality buffer for years, and I know why and how it works. But a lot of guitarists still believe the myth that buffers are the root of all evil sent buy evil mass producing pedal companies to steal their tone, so whatever. More choice isn't a bad thing. High quality audio and guitar have for too long been mutually exclusive. It's tlme we looked at the conventional wisdom, the superstitions, the traditions, and the legacy tech in electric guitar and maybe start fixing some of the basic technical problems while retaining the classic sounds we enjoy, and creating some new ones too. I wish there was a shift towards balanced cables personally, but it can't happen because literally nothing would be compatible with it but audio gear. We can thank Leo Fender for that. We could all but eliminate the need for noise gates, but we can't without doing away with every amp and pedal in existence.
@bricelory9534 11 ай бұрын
I love this sort of content - and I think it's clear from the last demo just how much these pedals just clean up sound without fundamentally changing it, even through KZbin compression. It's a beautiful sound... and helps make it just that much closer in the recording. As someone who's worked audio at a very moderate level (university events and production services), we were taught that cutting signal with EQ is better than boosting it, and it makes sense: use the systems that are designed to boost the full signal well, and then cut any problematic frequencies, rather than boosting specific frequencies with something that probably won't boost as cleanly, since extra noise and other distortions can easily get added in and then amplified. Of course, there are times you specifically want to do that, but you should be doing it intentionally, not as the rule of thumb. And it is clear to me that the quality you get from these mean you'll have to do a lot less drastic EQ'ing for a clean sound. All in all, they sound absolutely worth it if you can afford it. Not necessary - but no part of this whole equation is necessary. I love his analogy of the painter: yes, high quality, very specific things, are often prohibitively expensive, but that is because they are high quality and specific not because they're grifts. You can buy a cello for a few hundred dollars, but comparing that one to one that is $100,000+ is absolutely ridiculous and there's only the most surface level of similarity. Very few people can afford an expensive cello, and not every musician will even want one, but that doesn't negate the quality and sound of the expensive one.
@soveriegn777 11 ай бұрын
Well said
@Patrick-857 9 ай бұрын
I've been deep in the electric guitar space for many years. What this comes down to is guitarists are a funny bunch sometimes. The whole industry of electric guitar is stuck on a few sounds and a few circuits from the early days, and guitar players are extremely suspicious of anything new. We are stuck with a whole host of sub optimal legacy tech as a result. Even the cables are terrible for audio, they were designed for telephone exchanges. They are unbalanced, which introduces noise, if balanced cables were the standard, we could avoid a ton of noise, but we are stuck. The overall emphasis is on things that in the audio world are considered poor performance. It's the limitations of early equipment that created the sounds we chase today, but we aren't willing to let go of some of the undesirable aspects of the sub optimal performance of the legacy equipment. These people criticise this guy's pedals for being snake oil, while being guilty of extreme levels of cork sniffing when it comes to having a real LM308 in their RAT clone, or which fingerboard wood is the best for the classic Fender sounds, or buying handwound pickups potted with just the right wax, with just the right type of alnico magnets. Here's the deal, this guy is an audio engineer. He knows what he's talking about, I know he's because I've been saying the same as him for years. Buffers are a requirement when you start messing with long signal chains. Great buffers are like lifting a blanket off your amp. They stop all the problems you have with loss of high end, loss of dynamics ect. They can also reduce noise. The man isn't trying to sell you snake oil, he's trying to sell you a boring, mundane tool that will solve issues you've been struggling with for years. Buffers have a funny history in electric guitar. Early pedal chains suffered terribly because of no buffers, then the Japanese came along and used their unmatched electronics design prowess to solve the problems of noisy switching, noisy circuits, and tone loss. Their pedals were revolutionary, but then the Internet happened, and somebody came up with the idea that buffers were the root of all evil and sucked away your tone. This became almost a superstition, no a religion, that contained a tiny kernel of truth, because the 1970s circuits of Boss and Ibanez, built to a price, with guitarists in mind, not audiophiles, did contain buffers (and components) that were less than ideal, and were not particularly good by modern standards. Soon every pedal company was jumping on this trend with "true bypass" replacing buffers with a mechanical switch that goes pop, and buffers almost died out except in digital pedals that actually needed them. Eventually people who knew stuff realised that a dedicated buffer was needed on long signal chains, and that's how we got here. I'm not saying buy his stuff, there's lots of options when it comes to buffers ect. But maybe his units do something no other units do. He appears to be dedicated to making the best stuff he possibly can. I applaud him for trying to go against the grain and do something that actually makes sense from an engineering standpoint, rather than just being trendy.
@emilyharpist 9 ай бұрын
Great point!
@cynicanal111 8 ай бұрын
While you're not wrong about buffers being a requirement on long signal chains (or at least not completely wrong; a few of the most iconic tones in electric guitar history have been created by using stupidly long cables precisely because of their capacitance, since that tends to smooth out an overdriven guitar sound some, but for most people, a buffer is the way to go), there's a million cheaper ways to go than spending $300 on a EUNA. Spend $20 on a used Boss SD-1 and don't kick it on, and it'll do the exact same thing. Or, if you really think you can hear the difference in Boss's "suboptimal" buffer after it goes through the rest of your rig (you can't), then there's plenty of them for under $100 you can buy that don't have the supposed drawbacks of Boss's design. The three "sweetening circuits" (lol) are just a three-band graphic EQ, the exact thing the creator says destroys your sound. 99% of "boutique" is just designed to part suckers from their money, and the 29 Pedals stuff is no different. That said, given that guitarists *still* haven't finally admitted that the Klon Centaur simply sounds worse than the TS-9, I suspect that they'll have no problem finding suckers.
@Patrick-857 8 ай бұрын
@@cynicanal111 I don't really agree with you. I mean you make a point I guess, but if you're happy with a Boss buffer or the like, obviously this isn't for you. There's a clear difference with this thing. For those who are perfectionists, this thing is worth it. That's the great thing about a market with a lot of choices. I have personally A/B'ed straight to amp vs chain of unbuffered pedals, vs chain with a typical buffered pedal at the start of the chain, and nothing I've tried has come close to the sound of straight into the amp on a clean tone. The best compromise I found was a Free the Tone ARC53m pedal switcher, which has a buffer system that's significantly better than even a good delay or reverb pedals buffer circuit. (which I don't want at the start of my chain) but still, it's not the same. So I understand what this guy is trying to achieve, I'm much like him in that I'm borderline autistic about details others don't care about. It's not snake oil, it's just a niche product for a niche player who demands the absolute best. There's a market for this product, and as far as I can tell, the guy is telling the truth when he says he made this thing for him, and then decided to start selling it. You are right that a lot of tones people go for won't benefit with this pedal, but one must remember that some players are professionals who record in the studio. If you're losing tone, no amount of EQ will fix it in post. Studio engineers and musicians will definitely be looking closely at something like this, as an alternative to some of the products by the likes of Radial Engineering. And have you looked at their prices? In the studio, every little thing matters.
@cynicanal111 8 ай бұрын
@@Patrick-857 By liking the tone "straight into the amp" more than the tone with any combination of pedals that aren't on in front of it, you've disproven your own point -- cable capacitance is going to create more high-end roll-off than any true-bypass effect that's turned off. In short, you preferred the sound that had the high-end roll-off that a buffer is trying to get rid of! As far as professionals in the studio, there isn't a studio on Earth that uses the unicorn-dust boutique stuff on guitars. Not one. The vast majority of studio gear is the "good-old standbys" (Marshalls, 5150s, Dual Rectos, Mesa Oversized 4x12s, SM57s, MD421s, etc.), and most of the stuff that isn't is stuff that's cheap and flawed or, sometimes, even outright broken, but in ways that are interesting and colorful. You'd be shocked at how many of the top studios are getting their sounds from a mic pre or a mixer that's literally broken, but broken in a way that colors the sound in a cool way.
@Patrick-857 8 ай бұрын
@@cynicanal111 I'm sorry I think you misunderstood. I'm saying I had a TON more high end rolloff with either a chain of true bypass pedals or a buffered chain than I had with just a cable straight into the amp. The difference was like night and day to my ears. And the buffers in most pedals sound similar to an old MXR compressor pedal on conservative settings. It's preferable to a big pedalboard with no buffers, but it's not the same at all. Those buffers definitely do weird stuff to my tone that I've learned to live with. Also I'm sorry, but Radial Engineering products get used in the studio plenty. Engineers know about impedance matching and good quality audio circuits. Guitar pedals have never had good quality circuit designs, because of the lofi nature of most guitar tones, but that is changing. Also you mentioned mixing consoles. You do realise they have great quality circuits right? Like if you're driving effects after the signal has already gone through any proper studio gear, you're probably not going to have an issue. And why be a hater? If you're happy with what you have, that's awesome. Some people see a benefit in buying this pedal, and are happy with what it does for their tone. It's cheap compared to a lot of pro audio gear. Also it's not "magical fairy dust" it's boutique sure, but there's solid engineering principles that have gone into it, I would know, I have a background in electronics and electrical engineering. I understand what is being done here. If a big company made this, maybe it would be cheaper, but also maybe they would save a few cents here and there with lower quality parts. I've got two Fender amps I've been putting off repairing due to the good old bean counter problem. Killed in a couple of years by saving a few cents per unit on caps. I'm capable, but they are a nightmare to work on, so I'm putting it off. It's OK for pedals you don't want to buy to exist. They won't hurt you.
@guidocavallo 11 ай бұрын
I mean, it doesn't require to be an expert to feel the difference when pedals are on/off. Close your eyes, and just listen. You'll be able to know when they're on and when off. Maybe on some cases difference is minimal, but on this example, it's a huge difference. Great video!
@fingolfen01 11 ай бұрын
I'm going to have to pick one of these up at some point. I actually met Jesse at the Portland Stompbox Expo and he was nice enough to pick up one of my first original pedals...
@DysfunctionallyControlled 10 ай бұрын
This makes me so grateful I quit social media-especially Reddit. Idk how ya'll do it. Went for advice on a song of mine that I made explicitately clear was purely advice on lyrics, and course the only comment I had was from a Reddit dweller who thought he smelt insecurity. Which, tbf, he probably did at the time. So happy to see you and Russ doing well! You're both an inspiration to me, I mean it. Doing something you clearly love while getting paid for it is one of the most stressful things, I can imagine. Keep it up!
@ericm8811 11 ай бұрын
Hey Emily Hopkins and Russ and Jesse! This vid really made me appreciate electromagnetism and those who use it in their art! Ride ride ride!
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
Hey Eric M! Ride ride ride!
@WeeWeeJumbo 11 ай бұрын
this still leaves the question open: why is reddit?
@iwaspaidtoflywithyoubatman 11 ай бұрын
Redditor since '06. I don't know. (OK there are subreddits I like and it makes me laugh sometimes)
@tomhrio 11 ай бұрын
there are things only unemployed communists have the knowledge of
@patw9175 4 ай бұрын
everyone always ask why is reddit. nobody ever ask how is reddit :(
@michaeltaylors2456 11 ай бұрын
This man is really helping with my belief in a better world. Wish I wasn’t so deficient in hearing high frequencies, but I could definitely hear the better stuff not ignored in your demo
@loopinnerthe 11 ай бұрын
This video is a big hug. The outro music is the moment in the hug when you just don't want to ever let go because you love that person so much and know that you could hold them forever. The message here is so clear and plain; to use the very best components and not to think that anything is unimportant and then the result will be the very best version of what you can be. Thank you Jesse for sharing your work and your story of discovery and invention. We all want to come for dinner.
@adrianmcgachie 11 ай бұрын
In the early '80's (1980's, not 1880's) I first got to hear a UK folk/rock solo artist (primarily) called Roy Harper, who has had a music career since the '60's. He uses pedals to enhance his already wonderful music, and on that first hearing the music hit me like a wall of sound like nothing else. I saw comments over the years, "Oh, sell out, you can't do it for yourself anymore?". Those that know, just move on. No, he can still do it, he just made it a trillion times better. Keep pumping that foot gas, Emily!
@adrianmcgachie 11 ай бұрын
PS I have remained a fan of Roy ever since.
@marcfruchtman9473 11 ай бұрын
Favorite line: "Russ, you couldn't just read it?" Listening at ~10:30, the difference to me is that it brings the imstrumentality closer to my ears when you switch it on... almost as if the musical instruments were slightly submerged in a thick atmosphere and by pressing that button, it is as if the thick fog disappears and allows the music to come thru. The odd thing tho is that it is a subtle effect. You wouldn't really notice it as an issue until you hear the difference.
@HolyMans 8 ай бұрын
I cam from a youtube short to the channel, digging through the shit that is yt shorts and struck gold. This video is exactly what im looking for, the guy who made 29 Pedals is amazing. Also i didnt realize the difference until you showed it at the end of the video. Thats awesome how much the pedal helps.
@RandoCalglitchian 11 ай бұрын
Being hated and shut down is almost always the best compliment a person can get. Cognitive dissonance makes people angry, because they are forced to face that they have been lying to themselves or been gullible, and anger is the defense that allows them to keep their beliefs intact without facing the discomfort of having to change. You can never rationalize someone out of an opinion they didn't rationalize themselves into in the first place. Being willing to step out of their echo chamber and make up your own mind about this shows you're confident and thoughtful in whatever conclusions you reach.
@shocktnc 11 ай бұрын
You just described politics.
@GCKelloch 11 ай бұрын
There may be some subtle advantages with these pedals, but the huge difference in tone at the end has to be from a Z mismatch of the harp pickups into the what I assume is the Skylar. It's not about "tightness" of phase (phase angle?) or headroom, but in how the Z mismatch affects the high-end and dynamics. Try plugging a Hi-Z electric guitar directly into any Lo-Z input to hear what I mean. Matching the Z with a cheaper preamp or transformer would likely produce very close results to these pedals, but quality components and smartly placed wire runs can be worth it, especially if transformers are involved in the designs.
@diegorhoenisch62 11 ай бұрын
Thank God you're here to help us. You are without a doubt far more knowledgeable about all of the issues involved than the designer. Hopefully you will save the entire world from this devious plan to sell quality gear. And thanks for reminding us that you're a super-genius™.
@SheldonBird 11 ай бұрын
I really felt that demo at the end ❤ Nice work!
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
Thanks Sheldon!
@ChickenLittleOfficial 11 ай бұрын
people are just upset because they have to pay the price for an amazing utility pedal. This is on my wish list now
@JGlassy 11 ай бұрын
Great, unusually candid, insightful interview! Much respect to you both.
@deicidalmaniac 11 ай бұрын
"Chesty Harp Girl" needs to be a t-shirt
@TheAmazingSnarf 11 ай бұрын
i am an old white guy. i would wear the heck out of said shirt.
@wafu6058 11 ай бұрын
If someone listens to that last part of the video and still says those pedals don't do anything or are snake oil they either need to get their ears checked and reevaluate whether they're fit to be a musician...
@baconscoobysnacks3135 4 ай бұрын
People dont truely believe it does nothing 😂 theyre basically saying its nothing new, theyre saying its just another pedal in an overflooded market with a jacked up price. Its like the guy is claiming he reinvented the wheel and showed up on a bicycle 😂
@RemitheDreamfox 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad you made a video about this! I remember being really confused during the pedal overview video. I just bout finally understood everything on it expect this strange lil box. I'm super happy that you got the creator himself to explain things :3
@jebus456 11 ай бұрын
I'm not an audio person and i can tell a difference. I'm also listening to this on my phone's built-in speakers.
@BullyMaguire4ever 11 ай бұрын
Counterpoint about graphic EQ: API 560. Very popular in the studio on tons of records.
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
Yes of course!! API is GOATed
@snackie1359 3 ай бұрын
I don't know anything about music production. I really don't know anything about pedals or the engineering bit. What i do know is that the sound with all the boxes turned on at the end was absolutely beautiful compared to the original, and I'm glad I can rewind the video to listen to it again
@janbam1778 11 ай бұрын
I was really impressed by the demo at the end. Wouldn't have thought that a buffer can make such a night and day difference.
@MrSpleenboy 11 ай бұрын
The piece you play at the end is lovely, and it sounds fantastic, especially with all 3 pedals engaged. Ethereally gorgeous Of course, you could probably just use a delay pedal and a reverb to get the same effect... 😉😁
@matttondr9282 10 ай бұрын
As a classical musician who mostly knows period instruments and has no idea what any of this electronic stuff is, the example at the end was absolutely mind blowing! So much clarity and intimacy in the sound, almost scary to play. I bet every little imperfection in your touch really shows, but if you play it right, it makes a world of a difference.
@StompGojiStomp 10 ай бұрын
I agree. I would also add bright to your description. Like a dim light being cranked to full brightness.
@almightytreegod 11 ай бұрын
Now I want to learn more about that circuit. I just recently bought the parts for a boss EQ pedal mod to reduce the noise.
@LeoPerantoni 11 ай бұрын
I absolutely love the way you deal with the internet shitters lol. Such an inspiration!
@mthalter 10 ай бұрын
@MrMystery666 11 ай бұрын
The statement about not ignoring frequencies was great. Had he ignored frequencies then it would have limited what instruments can be used. Less useful on bass or on harp in your case. Narrow minded folks narrow frequencies
@ProduceGuitarPop 11 ай бұрын
10:00 "If you wanna make good shit, assume that it's at least possible that everything matters." gold
@diegofloor 8 ай бұрын
Why would anyone willingly go into reddit? Reddit is basically 4chan with a fake mustache going "I am a civilized person actually"
@paulciampo2104 11 ай бұрын
I like the physical designs. Reminds me of something aesthetic of a Vietnam War green cover for a radio or something.
@wanbon 10 ай бұрын
The A-B with the boosts on and off sounded like I was dunking my head underwater or walking around in hallways past rooms playing music - game musicians could probably use the difference to affect positional music without having to adjust it in post. Granted, that's an opinion with no experience behind it, but it's a cool sound.
@FluidKaos 9 ай бұрын
I'm an electronics engineer. Though I don't usually work with audio, I work with amps and analog circuits a lot. I feel his struggle, both in designing the right circuit, an in finding and sourcing the right parts. The passion from both of you for your preferred arts is amazing.
@Redonepunch 8 ай бұрын
It’s always the details that make something special.
@rorymcentyre8066 11 ай бұрын
I have a screenshot of your response to my comment on harp hanging in my office. Best thing I've ever read on KZbin.
@Lomoholga2 11 ай бұрын
@rorymcentyre8066 11 ай бұрын
@Bigsauce7593 2 ай бұрын
Lmao those comments in the first 10 seconds had me dying "Beep boop music for people trapped in comas" is CRAZY WORK
@BastrdGod 10 ай бұрын
People who say stuff like "just get an eq" also complain about "no one wants to do anything the right way anymore, they just want shortcuts" and "no one buys made in US anymore" or even "no one makes a quality product anymore, it's all cheap stuff"
@oriusnex 11 ай бұрын
Whoa that comparison at the end is wild, that's such a big difference!
@sidiastor9091 11 ай бұрын
„Simply don‘t ignore the stuff others believe don‘t matter…“ wiser words have hardly ever been spoken. Nice! Loving the vibes in your videos, btw. 😊
@thatvillainjay 10 ай бұрын
Ok but "bebop music for people trapped in comas" is an objectivly funny comment
@oo0O08 11 ай бұрын
I'm an amateur musician and the Euna is out of my budget and not something I desperately need but I can totally see how professional musicians would need it!
@marklangridge2734 6 ай бұрын
As an outsider to these communities i was wondering "who the hell can hate Emily?" I still only sort of get it. They dislike Emily because she tells people a 300 dollar pedal is good? 👍 Cool story bro, your opinion doesn't matter.
@OrishaTrompeleMonde 11 ай бұрын
I love hearing people passionate about what they do and the why and how. Just like Josh Scott always says people make things not companies. Jesse has a very discerning ear and a great technical understanding. Not bad with the form and esthetic either.
@sosmanoriginal7048 11 ай бұрын
I want outro of this video as a separate song, it’s really good.
@handshandshands 8 ай бұрын
I am a self taught "musician" or just love listening and exploring sound, so I don't really know academic/technical stuff about it(most likely lazy to research and learn..). And this is my first time stumbling on your channel, so this is also the first time I'm introduced to this pedal/s and the hate it has, apparently. But I feel like after watching this wonderful video, I also get where the hate is coming from. With that, I can say that this informative video(to people like me who don't know technical stuff?) explains it well or at least introduced us to what EUNA does, or how it differs to other pedals it is often compared to. At least that's how I interpret it. So thank you for that. But most of all, thank you guys for opening my mind, and inspiring me to dive deeper in learning more about this stuff! I hope I can get and afford EUNA in the future!(or at least try/experience it first hand) Just subscribed, and is looking forward to watching your stuff and learning stuff in the process!! PS. I'm also a full time visual artist(who is cheap and frugal at it! LOL), so the paint analogy puts the nail in the coffin to letting me understand what you guys are trying to explain! And made me fall in love with this content more!!
@Jawack 11 ай бұрын
"garbage in, garbage out" is a saying in comp sci and it really applies as well to working with audio. it's much easier to get a good sound with a nice input than to clean up a dirty signal and i think the euna does a good job of that. it's a bit pricey for most and isn't totally necessary but for those who want that sorta sound it's hard to beat.
@crunchyfrog555 11 ай бұрын
The problem here can be summed up easily - it ain't snobbery exactly, but lack of critical thinking. You see it in music circles a lot. People who don't understand how something works or sounds and therefore assume it's wrong. That's an argument from ignorance fallacy to a tee. You see it from people who swear they're right but offer bugger all empirical evidence to back up their claims. It's why you get the same whiny comments on Glenn Fricker's channel when he demonstrates that valves don't do shit for tone.
@Studio22mix 9 ай бұрын
Sounds really nice, I could be sleeping and dreaming away to other galaxies for eons
@MusicRider1973 11 ай бұрын
Those 29 pedals sound fantastic.
@bleedgoat 10 ай бұрын
I legit built a similar type of pedal for my final year electronics engineering project. THE INSANE AMOUNT OF TIME it takes to remove noise from a circuit, isolating grounds, making sure your frequency band is not polluted by impedances, you literally can't put certain components next to each other on the board, and you have to keep it compact and ergonomic. What this man has achieved is so close to impossible, if i hadn't suffered through it myself i would have called him a liar.
@hansolo8080 11 ай бұрын
If I had the money I'd buy these pedals for his character, knowledge, attitude, determination and humor alone.
@anteeko 11 ай бұрын
Great video but I didn't quite understood the purpose of the pedal? clean/rectify the sound in entry of chain pedal? but why the sound need correction at that stage?
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
Thanks! The pedal helps retain instrument signal clarity that is usually lost with longer cable runs and can clean up your instrument’s signal before hitting other pedals
@anteeko 11 ай бұрын
@@emilyharpist That make sense, thnks!
@BrianPellerin 11 ай бұрын
Avoid the arguing ❤ Free promotion anyway
@relkavin 21 күн бұрын
Love your channel Emily. TBH I come to your show first to discover new pedals and gear. Also, as a fellow audio engineer I could listen to Jesse talk all day long. So articulate and knowledgeable. What a great community ya’ll have.
@aarond.8586 7 ай бұрын
The difference between having the effect on vs off is like watching a nice clear trickling stream vs a muddy puddle.
@noyd4172 11 ай бұрын
Emily Hopkins ft. Jesse is such a strong combo, like The National ft. Pheobe Bridgers, or Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver, but if they always had left-over fast-food dipping sauce packets. (btw for people who don't hear the difference with EUNA, I didn't hear a change for a while until I heard it under some certain conditions and then I could hear what it was doing all the time)
@crapmalls 11 ай бұрын
Good lord what is happening in there?
@capitanmarmota8562 11 ай бұрын
Aurora borealis?
@griffinhan-lalime4357 11 ай бұрын
At this time of year?
@niclastname 8 ай бұрын
I've never heard of these pedals but what he said about guitar gear ignoring high frequencies feels super true in my experience. I remember when I figured out my amp's "high" knob isn't very high. I kept thinking "man this sounds kind of nasal and has this annoying mid frequency" so I turned down the mids and boosted the high more, and it was still there and not getting better. I recorded it to see, and my "treble" knob is boosting like 3K... 3K?! Most people don't even say "treble" _starts_ until like 6K or 7K. So basically my option was to have annoying high mids, or have a muffled tone with no high end because I have to turn down the "treble" to reduce those harsh high mids.
@HenryWotton99 9 ай бұрын
I'm 1 month late but... wow... i didn't know people have this kind of opinions over you and your channel. I'm a music theory and guitar teacher, i love music, instruments of all kind (especially guitars) and, of course, pedals. The first time i stumbled over one of yours videos i was genuinely curious about the combination of pedals and harps and i was nicely surprised of the crazy results you managed to get. On this day i still watch your videos with great interest because you give the opportunity to watch pedals work in a different environment. For this, i thank you, your work is inspiring in many ways and i'll always keep telling my friends and students to watch your videos (and Josh's from JHS because he is a sort of living bible of the pedals, i never buy something before consulting his channel). So this is it, keep staying as you are, brilliant.
@cremdilly7176 9 ай бұрын
Shes not gonna bang u bro
@HenryWotton99 9 ай бұрын
@@cremdilly7176 I don't mind jokes and i don't get easily offended, but people who get exposed to mean words everyday surely deserve a little and honest appreciation. I hope you'll grow up to be a better person someday.
@Ryousake 11 ай бұрын
I love this video! I've been cackling and crying in laughter, but also learning more about pedals since I know literally nothing about them outside of these videos :D Great work and I'm excited for the new pedal which is sounding incredible!
@scottdahneke1031 11 ай бұрын
I can't imagine the kind of harassment you receive from misguided, insecure people who feel like they have something to prove, and that cutting down someone on the internet will somehow make them feel better. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns. I'm sure its difficult not to take some of it personally. In times like that, please know that for as many hecklers as there are, there are even more who either dont mind or, like me, are fans. :) you are a talented musician, a nice person, and are doing good things in the community. We appreciate you and your content.
@fakshen1973 10 ай бұрын
So... from what I know of high impedence audio cables is that they are great for unbalanced audio like synths and guitars. However, the longer of a cable run, the more high frequencies that are nerfed by the accumulated impedence. With that said... what is the Euna actually doing? Is it adding a shelving boost to the signal? Is it messing with the impedence? Is it a preamp? The sound is brighter. But how is it technically getting there?
@leemeadbatten 9 ай бұрын
I bought into the Euna message, so I bought one to try (or send back). It makes everything sound better. It makes playing feel better. Great job!
@rickydeathtower 11 ай бұрын
Love your channel. After some years of not having a space to create music you’ve helped inspire me to get playing again and get my stuff setup.
@lowbrowminis 11 ай бұрын
I can immediately hear the difference on my television, so I don't understand how people can say that it's snake oil especially when hearing it directly
@naomimoore47 8 ай бұрын
I'm a big fan of buffering / boost circuits to counter the losses on the way to the amp. In modern guitar amps, there's often a pre-amp volume before the master volume to address this issue. Love it and as a hi-fi diy-er I appreciate the techniques he talks about to improve the circuit.
@obtwon 11 ай бұрын
Hi Emily is it pos too connect the harp that converts it into letters but use it in a game like WASD space for jump, Q and E for some attack spells ect, love what you do keep it up!!
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
I tried doing this for a video but didn’t have a funny enough angle yet! Hopefully we can think of something soon!
@Hooples 11 ай бұрын
@@emilyharpistqwop, if that game still exists somewhere! Would be hilarious.
@MSivonen 8 ай бұрын
Get some duct tape or bluetack and connect your harp to guitar hero.
@Gary-zq3pz 10 ай бұрын
When you showed the Avalanche Run pedal, you started my case of g.a.s that has hurt my bank account to no least it's cheaper(in long run) than drugs.
@emilyharpist 9 ай бұрын
@boringgearreviews 11 ай бұрын
So good 🤣 Also, such rad info from Jesse 🎉
@emilyharpist 11 ай бұрын
Haha thanks! He’s seriously the best
@BananaManPL 11 ай бұрын
Two questions: a) what do you mean by "tighter" phase response? b) why does phase shift matter on a single-source mono instrument?
@cynicanal111 4 ай бұрын
It's meaningless, obviously. It's just meant to sell snake oil to people who will be amazed with just a top-end boost.
@brown9671 9 ай бұрын
There’s people who believe everything below 100hz doesn’t matter? They must play audio through their phone speakers. Or never gotten in a car with subs. The sub range is crucial to get more modern stuff to hit hard as fuck
@yeeaahBUDDY 10 ай бұрын
"that chesty harp girl" should be your channel name. Own that shit! Lol
@coffeedudeguy 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting us listen in on this therapy session 😆 I wonder if the Euna can fit in a smaller enclosure? I’m kinda willing to spend the money, but not give up more space on my board. Love your work!
@captainbozo01 8 ай бұрын
Even through youtube compression, with my DT 1990 Pros I can hear a pretty clear difference in how crisp/clear the sound is.
@jonkerrmusic 11 ай бұрын
Very funny moments, and that test at the end in Pt 8 really demonstrated the sound difference well! It seemed like subtle changes at first - until you shut them both off. Then it sounded like you stole something from my ears.
@TobiasC-mg4zk 11 ай бұрын
The music gear industry is full of snake oil peddlers and carnival barkers who exploit consumer ignorance. The guitar industry realizes that their customer base is largely compromised of credulous chuzzlewits and cork sniffing blues lawyers with deep pockets. Amplifier companies marketing “Class A”amplifiers” is just the tip of this iceberg. This leads a lot of musicians to be jaded and wary of boutique gear. Amateur musicians don’t need pro-studio quality equipment to have fun and even professional musicians can make music with affordable equipment if they’re willing to spend time and creativity rather than money. 29 seems to make wonderful, useful and unique studio grade equipment and it’s really priced well. People on Reddit can be dicks too. Great work again!
@Pextin 10 ай бұрын
Okay, not pedal related but holy moly, your eyeliner is always on POINT. I am jealous. Also you’re an incredibly talented musician!
@gustersongusterson4120 8 ай бұрын
As a live engineer that works with artists that play orchestral instruments through pedals, something like these pedals is absolutely essential. I typically run any on instrument mic or pickup through my console then out to the pedals so I can get the most headroom possible, though the available headroom in pedals is generally dogshit. I've been very pleased with the grace design pedals as they are quite versatile and sound great. I'm curious what the advantage is of these over a typical preamp pedal with some EQ or impedance adjustment capability.
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