Enchanter VS Engage - Who's The Better Support Class? | League Of Legends

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Got an fun video for you guys this time around. We're gonna be comparing the two main support classes: Engage(Tank) and Enchanter to find out which one is truly the superior race in League Of Legends.
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#Support #LoL #LeagueofLegends

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@VarsVerum 2 күн бұрын
"We dive at Level 2"
@glaceray8776 7 сағат бұрын
Why level 2 when you have Rell? You can towerdive lvl 1 😂 just skill w and go in like a bonobo, if your team follows it can work out pretty well
@AaronCrest Күн бұрын
I'd argue an enchanter is better because they have a higher chance to get an S and thus a hextech che- oh wait
@extreme4888 Күн бұрын
Long gone the days where we play enchanters once a week for a chest 😔 ✊️
@snowman2395 20 сағат бұрын
do u guys not earn S fairly often playing ranked normally?
@ZEFFENWULF 19 сағат бұрын
Complaining over cosmetics in a free to play game is peak casual
@saiajyn3270 2 күн бұрын
I got GM playing only enchanters, the problem I have with engage is that they only feel good to play when your team has a lead, if your teammates are really bad or just got a bad draft, you can't do ANYTHING, either you die with them or don't help at all and get flamed, there's no middle ground, as an enchanter, I'm able to help their stupid 20% chance of success play, without having to die alongside them.
@newweaponssoldier4127 Күн бұрын
Counter argument: I don’t enjoy enchanters outside of Renata.
@FreddyOxwood Күн бұрын
Spoken like a true Janna player. (I say the exact same thing.)
@atsukana1704 Күн бұрын
That is why I like nami the most because she still has lots of cc to bridge that gap more. And when your teammate realizes they have made a mistake you can buff their escape heavily
@danieleduardomorenoperez1886 21 сағат бұрын
Yeah but lulu is
@GuardianGrarl 2 күн бұрын
They engage... They enchant... Braum Protects.
@PowerEd8 Күн бұрын
The Heart of the Freljord has the strongest muscle!
@kreeperkiller4423 6 сағат бұрын
Warden moment
@LappKek 2 күн бұрын
I believe in engage , now let's watch the video
@Scudmaster11 2 күн бұрын
Im guessing the answer is neither/depends But im going Enchanter
@ChucktheSpicyChicken 2 күн бұрын
*Hits lvl 2* "Fuck it, we ball!!" "Leona no i do- GOD DAMNIT!" *An enemy has been slain* *An enemy has been slain* *Double kill!* *An ally has been slain.* "Worth." "Don't do that again please…"
@Telados Күн бұрын
Engage is the best, how else am I supposed to find the one copy of Raye in my deck?
@J6llyJ9 2 күн бұрын
People hate on Enchanters because they multiply OTHER PEOPLE's results more than of adding results of their own (like Engagers), so when the team/ADC is underperforming, it doesn't matter if the Enchanter is multiplying by 5x...if what he's multiplying 0.005. They are also easy to blame because the game doesn't track how many times you saved the dumbass ADC out of position or how much damage you shielded during the match. Engagers are favored because they do all the work and you can take credit for the kill, but you still get flamed if you miss 1(One) hook in League of Dashes, so we are both losers because we made the mistake of playing Support.
@Elimbi1 2 күн бұрын
There are far more games where a tank is needed to round out the team comp than an enchanter. Enchanter players tend to play too passively. Being a meat shield is inherent value even if you don't land a single hook/stun. Whereas having to land a certain ability at a certain time is conditional value. Reasons right there
@totovaretardslap7986 Күн бұрын
Meanwhile wildrift counts ur shielded damage during the match, most enchanter's are even stronger with most sup items giving more stats than tank items and yet they are still more useless than the average engager
@katama_1 Күн бұрын
@@Elimbi1 ngl maybe it's because I play playing champs like vayne jinx aph but I enjoy having an enchanter than a hard engage unless it's a good thresh. I don't mind any sup tbh aslong as it's not blinded yummi or yummi into pyke draven
@thomaslequesne5475 Күн бұрын
As an ADC I feel like enchanters scale better but engagers have an easier time getting you leads. But it's a matter of preference + which champion does your ADC play.
@doomkingraye7692 Күн бұрын
@@Elimbi1 I mean, if we look at the current meta yes, usually the support role needs tanky champions, but let's also say that currently enchanter champions are a little underpower, so even in games where you don't need a tank support, the correct decision is to play a dps support like senna or elise
@kazuabs 2 күн бұрын
If my team is balanced, I enchant If my team is squishy, I engage
@JohnnieGrooves 2 күн бұрын
As a player who played support for most of my time in lol, only switching to Jungle recently(4-5 seasons now) . If we are talking about the average Solo Q matches, the answer on my book will always be Enchanter. And the reason is risk aversion. In a solo Q enviroment there already are a lot of volatile variables for you to win the match. As an engage support in order to do your job you need to put your faith in the decision making of your allies and put your life in danger for it. If your teamates do not follow up on your engages it is all over for you, you are extremely reliant on your teamates mindset which is one of the most unreliable variables in solo Q. As an Enchanter on the other hand, you still depend on your teamates, but you dont get yourself in danger, you can still add value to anything as long as you keep yourself calm and reserved about going aggressive. In other words you are a strategist so play as one, observe the battlefield and react accordingly.
@konradnowak159 2 күн бұрын
Weird, I have the same conclusions, especially with the "strategist" part.
@Elimbi1 2 күн бұрын
The problem is that most enchanters sit under turret expecting the ADC to do all the work. It took me until DIAMOND ELO to realize that soraka is a lane bully cause most soraka are scared as hell. If I see you blindpick AND first pick certain enchanters like Janna Sona etc. I assume you are either a one trick or super incompetent
@vither134 2 күн бұрын
@@Elimbi1 The low skill floor for enchanters leads to a lot of bad habits but that's a problem with the players and not the champions.
@konradnowak159 2 күн бұрын
@ thats the answer. We are not talking about others playing support but we are talking about playing support in a correct way. Thats true that many support players are idling while they could make a play. And I do not agree with "janna is a bad firstpick". Maybe not perfect but not risky and she will ensure the backline is safe.
@Elimbi1 2 күн бұрын
@@vither134 that is true
@LukeA471 Күн бұрын
The Fire Emblem Heroes menu music gives me PTSD, almost as bad as the lack of Hextech Chests
@panlis6243 2 күн бұрын
Before watching. Engage supports make things happen while enchanter supports prevent things from happening. That's why enchanter support contribution is typically harder to notice
@sunlight1611 2 күн бұрын
It's all about context. No type of support is better than the other out of context. it's about: what champion is your adc? What role is missing in your team? What champions are present in the other team? What are the exact fight situation and surroundings? How skillful is the adc? Because as an example, it may not matter at all how good can YOU engage if the rest of your team doesn't react on time or if the enemy engages first.
@Kaletris 2 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@justhair17 2 күн бұрын
While you are right about these points, I'd also add that engage supps have more agency than enchanters, which makes them generally better in Soloq, as you are more of a playmaker
@WintersEnvy 2 күн бұрын
Enchanters/engage powerlevel also change as you go higher in ranks,engage is better in low elo because team mates are not as good,but higher in rank enchanters are better because your teammates are better at the game and pilot their champs better,this changes in pro play though since u can talk to your teammates,so it’s a big “it depends” there
@Nartanek Күн бұрын
I'll make it simpler, engage wins early, enchanters win late game. So in short engage is better most of the time, but not always.
@doomkingraye7692 Күн бұрын
I mean, right now enchanter items are underpowered so I'd say in the current meta engage supports are better
@alexliossis4859 2 күн бұрын
@justhair17 2 күн бұрын
I fcking hate Swain supp. Anytime I go up against him, he ends up making the lane a nightmare
@lignox7570 2 күн бұрын
I wish he was good... main swain supp but it's so bad in 70% of match up...
@PhantomMarth 2 күн бұрын
There's technically a 4th category.... Bard
@infiniteearth6996 2 күн бұрын
Eh he’s leans towards engage support these days he can make plays unlike enchanters
@Sebastian36962 2 күн бұрын
Engaging enchanter
@just_mefr Күн бұрын
@Mustbeplayingwithhisunibrow 20 сағат бұрын
Rakan same catag
@ramones1314 2 күн бұрын
I would argue engage is better early but it comes with a risk of being outplayed and dying yourself. Play aggressive nab kills build a lead, and with the game being faster over the years and games ending early, it might be all you need sometimes. Enchants are better late with the insane modifiers on their utility, but it comes with a risk of not even making it to that point.
@Darkloid21 2 күн бұрын
Fire emblem heroes music, hehe. That said I think it depends. It’s easy for engage to snowball but as the game goes on enchanters get better due to the magnification. It also depends on the comp.
@abnormalnox 2 күн бұрын
See I like both and i don't mind my boys naut and crank. But sometimes it's not worth playing engage supports when you have teams that won't engage with you. Especially if you happen to be the ONLY frontline.
@JAPSICLE 2 күн бұрын
This one especially hurts when you executed the engage properly and the next thing you know, no one is there for the follow up then you end up dying. I still play engage champs coz I feel like I am doing something important lol HAHAHA
@abnormalnox 2 күн бұрын
@JAPSICLE you are. Downside is the enemy having someone who can get you easily.
@Gashren Күн бұрын
I loved playing enchanter and engage supports... six years ago. Then, I had a two year break from LoL -> my MMR decayed down to hell -> after comaback and losing several games mainly due to team doing very weird thngs mid to late game (like running around and not farming, pushing or taking obejctives), I kinda decided that if I'm not playing a champion that can deal damage, I won't win, so I switched to playing Morgana, Zyra and Lux as support. But by then my MMR was so low, that I actually had to switch to playing adc so the team has decent damage. That was about two years ago, but my rule of a thumb remais - below gold 3 I don't play enchanters or tank supports that don't have damage (I did some tanky-mage Maokai for a while and tried out Tahm, but mostly I felt like wins with those were more akin to being carried by better teammates than the result of me playing the tanky engage champion - and loses were still as hopeless as playing regular tank engager). Winning lane with Braum and giving adc 6 kills and 2 assists does not mean anything if at minute 20 the adc thinks he can push without vision when I help with herald on the other side of the map, or if my team decides it's a good thing to let enemies take three drakes in a row because they want to steal their blue. And not all games I can win the lane, sometimes the enemies are just better and luckier. Yup, learened my lesson, with Lux I can at least try to steal those dragons or burst down enemies. With Pantheon I can go full "THIS! IS! SPARTA!" and sometimes they run when they just see me nearby. With Nami or Leona I can put down a ward and that's pretty much it if there's noone else from my team around.
@juangomez1851 Күн бұрын
As an enchanter often you get either teammates that dont value your spells and play as if they were all alone so they never go agresive when they can, or you have the players that think you have no cooldowns or need to manage mana and expect spells every 2 seconds and flame you when they die. As an engage you get adc`s that hard push the wave all the time so you cant engage and then get mad when you dont do anything in lane, you also get adc`s that keep farming even if you get and exceptional engage on the enemy and never follow up, and teammates that expect you to somehow engage and peel at the same time, they literally expect you to be at 2 places at the same time.
@ChildofMadness9 2 күн бұрын
We all the true answer is, Meta based. Supports must adapt or stay iron!
@therobotFrom94 Күн бұрын
As a support main; I love both play styles especially with mobility supps like Nami, Janna, Bard making it easier to rotate up to mid or Jung for an assist but there is nothing as satisfying as a 5 main Leona R
@TimZoet Күн бұрын
The biggest problem with enchanters in solo queue is that you will enable strangers. A playstyle that relies on how well a stranger plays is a huge coinflip, and especially in lower elo this is amplified. An engage support technically also relies on strangers, but anyone can hit attacks on a CC'd opponent
@13thravenpurple94 Күн бұрын
Excellent video 👍 Thank you 💜
@WatevaMelon 20 сағат бұрын
Riot Employee August explained why engage is safer choice. As an engager, it's safer to face check bushes or fog of wall and being able to survive. Being able to face check and survive that means better map presence and more objectives etc.
@gagehibbins3470 Күн бұрын
I feel like a huge thing in the modern support world is how engage supports have been unintentionally buffed by damage being so power crept now. League used to be a game where damage wasn't a nice bonus, where champs actually did feel more variance in their durability. But now in the modern day with how burst oriented damage is characters that stun or engage are inherently stronger as enemies now have even less time to react than they have historically
@mozzy2968 14 сағат бұрын
In the current meta I think engagers are a lot better because roaming is the meta, at least it was when I last played. Consequently, the good enchanters are the ones who have really strong peel and can mess up an engage, like Lulu, Nami, Janna, and Milio. An enchanter with weaker peal like Yuumi, Soraka, or Sona is going to feel a lot less impactful because they don't have a strong interaction.
@jessco8950 Күн бұрын
1:26 you ruined my joke of commenting the best support is the AP mage support lol.
@mateuszzok3930 2 күн бұрын
The answer: it depends on many things. For example, if I have a short-ranged ADC (Samira, Kai'Sa, Vayne) or team of champs who want to go in, I pick an engage supp. For longer range marksmen (Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Jinx) I would pick an enchanter. But both rely on your teammates knowing when and what to do (not a reliable assumption), so if I don't trust my teammates, I pick a mage.
@citizencj3389 5 сағат бұрын
And proceed to get gapped by enemy Bard or leona because you are picking squishy mage. And then you become victim of a roaming zed or khazix.
@mateuszzok3930 4 сағат бұрын
@@citizencj3389That's actually a good point.
@JoseGuerrero-tk5xf Күн бұрын
The best support would be Riot giving us Hextech chests back
@starmoral5456 23 сағат бұрын
"Which is better? Engage or Enchanter?" Rakan: 👁👁
@ninjavikingtv5931 2 күн бұрын
Babe wake up Vars dropped a new video day 1
@WinterwingsYT Күн бұрын
Just watched your "Items League needs" video and a interesting thought i'd love hearing your opinion on is if League could use a couple items with Adaptive Force stat? (think like Flesheater or Sword of the Divine from Arena)
@AlastorXIV 2 күн бұрын
As long as damage creep exists the way it does, striking hard and striking first will always have an inherent advantage.
@metrux321 Күн бұрын
I do believe that, in theory, enchanters have more potential. But in practice? Engage wins the game. The problem is that enchanters depend on others, even if you play perfectly, if your team doesn't make good use of your skills, it still won't win the game. While engages can be more punishing, it also means you have greater agency, and, unfortunately, in LoL depending on your teammates is always a loosing proposition, even though it's a team game.
@BulgarianRaverTechnoJunkie1312 2 күн бұрын
if you want to do both but not excel at either play Rakan, he is like the Jarvan of the supports.
@justhair17 2 күн бұрын
Rakan is risky if you are not good, because he rly wants to engage, but is also quite squishy. Imo the safest ones to play would be Naut or Leona, as they are super tanky, do a lot of dmg early game and its not very hard to hit their abilities
@someguy1ification 23 сағат бұрын
And if your teammate doesn't know what to do, you will die AND they will blame you for it
@doku6255 2 күн бұрын
While rakan maybe can’t be played as a tank top, there’s a much more lucrative position in between botlane and top lane
@cirqusboy 2 күн бұрын
he uses the old cait artwork xd
@tioman42 Күн бұрын
I think you said that in the past but enchanters are good also because they can help at cenceling your mistakes. Example with soraka: you do a bad trade and she presses W on you, putting you back at full health.
@hasankoi6836 Күн бұрын
Engage-Higher skill floor, slightly lower skill ceiling (except for Thresh theres always room to improve on Thresh) Enchanter-Non existent skill floor, high skill ceiling
@SushiReversed Күн бұрын
I believe in AP Blitzcrank supremacy. Surely the video will validate my brainrot...
@MaryseBarbie 20 сағат бұрын
Playing Taric kinda gives you both! Enchanter and engage!
@TheHumorousOnePlays 18 сағат бұрын
I always play aggressive characters, so I love getting an engage support.
@shadyfire105 17 сағат бұрын
IMO, for solo queue, engage are better for consistency. Supports and adc's rely on each-other's skill to win and enchanters more so than engagers. If you're dps is unreliable, play back and focus on counter engage/peel for engagers. Enchanters are forced to spam their abilities and pray one of their other teammates can pick up the slack.
@nemo3143 Күн бұрын
In a vacuum they're even with clear strengths and weaknesses, but with context engage supps are just so much better and the gap only continues to widen. So far, playing supp in season 15 has felt like I'm the jungler's partner rather than the ADC's. Why babysit the marksman who won't be relevant until 20 minutes anyways when I could roam to secure grubs/rift/dragons that will open up the map and help the adc scale anyways? They're going to sit in bot and afk farm no matter what I do, so I may as well play someone more independent like Rell or Rakan to help out around the map.
@growtocycle6992 Күн бұрын
Or Janna or bard... 😏
@SirComsicion Күн бұрын
I play support because it's like a game of Rock paper scissors. Carrys are weak to engage or pick Enchanters are good against engage And carries basically function as a way to out scale the opponents faster. I think Sett or Lux support is the most fun for me personally
@deathtaco4095 Күн бұрын
I find it's kinda hard to be a tank support nowadays cause since your always gonna have less gold and less levels you too squishy to front line for more than a couple seconds
@whereispoggers2411 Күн бұрын
Enchanters, but they are intentionally kept weak. No other role can really fit the spot of enchanter, with a few exceptions such as Ivern.
@Ratty524 Күн бұрын
I generally think enchanters do best in coordinated play, hence they’re quite common sights in pro play.
@jigsaw315 5 сағат бұрын
Enchanters loves Ocean Drake Janna: Cloud Drake...Interesting power
@SailorNox Күн бұрын
Haven’t heard the FEH track in ages
@0pulenz Күн бұрын
I've been waiting for a skilled player to talk about this, and it's from VARS?! I'm eating SOoooooooooooooooooooooooo gucci tonight!
@Skarfar90 Күн бұрын
Personally, I tend to do better with an engage support. Much easier to snowball a huge lead on your opponent if things are done right
@YanYanicantbelievethistakenffs Күн бұрын
I play neeko sup and let me tell you. Engaging as a minion/ward/jg monster Has to be the biggest adrenaline rush i got to experience. So while i like enchanters. Engage has a special place in my heart
@TheBest-gk7cp Күн бұрын
Can i request you give a definitive answer even if it's only from your perspective. Love the content❤
@scriptcomedian 2 күн бұрын
As a jungler, setup is the most important factor for me. I can't play around bot in a neutral wave state if there’s no setup, and enchanter supports usually lack reliable setup. As a result, you should be weak-sided. This should also be considered in the comparison, as bot lane is not an island. If your jungler wants to pick an engage champion without the ability to reset turret aggro, engage supports are usually the better choice. The only exception is when there are strong synergies that still work while being weak-sided, along with setup on the top side. At the end of the day, it's more about composition. Picking enchanters into a full-engage comp can be really troll, whereas engage supports fit into almost any composition.
@arielperez797 Күн бұрын
Then there are those bot lanes the duo together and play some wild stuff. Zilian with Nasus support GG
@tak8850 Күн бұрын
Can you make a breakdown about how League got less generous over the years
@smaug8797 2 күн бұрын
Its really easy to anwser, the enemy support is always better than my support, no matter enchanter VS engage
@fleppch4705 4 сағат бұрын
Nah, that's called jng diff
@Sugar_Cook 2 күн бұрын
What in the world is that opening song from? It's so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it!
@Sugar_Cook 2 күн бұрын
@TheNitrean 2 күн бұрын
I believe enchanters and passive play oriented champions in general should always be slightly weaker. As having to many passive champs destroys the fun of the game.
@Stanzbey69 2 күн бұрын
Engage supps are superior. As a samira/draven/jhin main i love engage supports. Though when playing Jhin i do enjoy some nami/lux gameplay
@jefferyherrell1232 7 сағат бұрын
As long as we all can agree we hate Brand and Lux supp then I’m good with either heals and shields or engage
@justasleepu3988 8 сағат бұрын
And that's where we cycle back to the argument that Thresh is the universal support. Need a frontline pressure? He's there with stacking armor and Q ready to fck shit up. Need a defensive planetoid around your carry? He'll be sitting right next to them with fckton of cc and W for shields and reposition. Oftentimes there is a price to pay for being a Jack of all trades, but not this guy, who if played well might as well be the King of all trades. And that's not even talking about the deceptive dmg potential which at one point results in him casually 1 v 1'ing an adc.
@cyvaultwrath 2 күн бұрын
Assuming top laners play like they have low impact (tanks, engagers), jungler play like they need to get their team ahead (early fighters, or tank/engage) and mid laners play like they need to supplement magic damage, then the best support would be enchanter.... But everyone's a carry, and everyone is the special boy, which means in solo queue, engage is better.
@ChickenCast100 2 күн бұрын
Ost from Fire emblem heroes in the beginning of the video!!
@panosts6178 Күн бұрын
One class has Yuumi and the other has Thresh. I rest my case
@ricardoguillen3898 Күн бұрын
Depends on comps
@tankster27 3 сағат бұрын
I'm not sure what's meta in the other regions. For North America though, everyone prefers engage supports in majority, if not all ranks. They dont want enchanters to feed. They also want the power for things to happen now. Finally, if the ADCs make a mistake, they dont have to die for it. They have the engage supports to stop them from dying. That being said, i strongly prefer playing enchanters. I dont like the idea of being left for dead. I snap off at people for leaving me dead after they decide to misposition and leave me to fend for myself after saving them only for those same people to shoot back that dying for your team is my job as a support. As an engage support i shouldnt have to sacrifice playing for a S or an A just to guarantee the other 4 members A and S rank performances for their champions they're using. Im not sure how majority of the community is okay with this as long as they win games like this.
@sauce7489 Күн бұрын
Rakan having the benefit of both:
@hylix1401 Күн бұрын
engage is almost always better unless you can get an engage champ in top or jungle, the amount of times i’ve been fed and shut down but 6 seconds of cc or my support engages on the fed adc/ mid and we one shot it to win the game is too good to pass up
@Souffle42 20 сағат бұрын
Dude, I love it when my Yasuo goes 2/10 and blamed me (Nami) for dealing no dmg... 😅
@matthewmahoney6033 2 күн бұрын
All I can say is I’m an ivern otp and it seems 90 percent of supports play ranged. I need engage for my champ to work but no one plays it.
@ImpPoster 20 сағат бұрын
Engadge beats Enchanter Enchanter beats Poke Poke beats Engadge Or somethink like that...
@radircs9978 22 сағат бұрын
Really depends but I say Enchanter. With a engage you have the resilience to get out of a fight most of the time you start. Problem is to many people follow the engage blind. You do a mistake or vision was not right and now instead of a esay pick its a 3 vs 3? Well you know that you survive get out and regroup but your team? They will follow you like lemmings all the time. Your mistake cost often not only you live but the team as well. Or the other way around. You have a great engage hitting the enemy support hard and maybe even get the ADC stuned just to see your adc famr 3 more minions since he was so focused on the farming that he did not watch the enemy closely enough to see the good fight chance and come so late to the party that they can easly gang up on you or them and often make out of a easy fight and kill a even trade if not a loose. So enchanter yeah just chill stay back keep a eye on the movement of everyone and use your CDs cleaver but no pressure and you can fix mistakes of your allies as well as press a advantage hard.
@sloppyjoe9156 Күн бұрын
I play Taric so that I don’t have to decide
@SomeoneSomewhere42069 Күн бұрын
1:12 2 things. 1, I've never seen Yuumi walk :O and 2 YUUMI IS A GOOD CHAMP, CHANGE MY MIND, ACTUALLY PSYCH, YOU FUCKING CAN'T!
@Dark_Tesla Күн бұрын
I hate playing support, but when I do I ONLY play Leona…
@mantraki 2 күн бұрын
Yugioh has brain rotted the word engage so much i laugh whenever i see it in anything
@UYGLZ Күн бұрын
There one more type, AFKer for Yuumi
@BstansforB Күн бұрын
I main Seraphine so I can kinda be an engage or an enchanter support or both at the same time depending on the needs of the team and it's actually pretty cool (except for when my whole team walks out of my ult because they don't know how it works) Also, if you're an engage support nobody will praise you for engaging, while as enchanter, if you can turn a fight around with a simple shield or heal you'll be absolutely loved for the rest of the game
@nguyen-vuluu3150 Күн бұрын
i thought that was the reverse? in the chaos of a team fight nobody will notice the enchanter shielding and healing the team, while an engage's moves are clearly visible and impactful. getting a multi thresh flay that enables your yasuo to ult is much more noticable than slightly increased attack speed or a little bit more health
@BstansforB Күн бұрын
@nguyen-vuluu3150 it might be, I was just talking about my own experiences but I hope it's actually not like that because there's a lot of engage supp players that really deserve to be praised
@danieleduardomorenoperez1886 20 сағат бұрын
If my team is enchanting i enchant if my team is so so i engage
@Frostgnaw 2 күн бұрын
I feel borderline worthless when I play an enchanter. As an engage support, I can take the brunt of the damage, cc, and peel for my carries. Tank support all the way.
@notroublesound 2 күн бұрын
I believe in bard
@Nipa96M 20 сағат бұрын
The question is not that simple. Yes if you want to base it on high elo players, engage is better. The problem here is that at least 95% of players ain't even near high elo. For example, I am a plat/emerald player and my most played support is Thresh and I know that I am good at him. The problem is that you can play almost perfectly and still lose, if your team doesn't capitalise on your plays. You yourself don't hold raw power to win even if you have tools to open the path. With enchanters you just follow your team and they do the decisions. It's arude way to put it, but I can only lead the camel to the water, but not make it drink and some times your team is just too stupid to play well or at least follow up. And the one thing I have learned during my life is that there is no use to do something right or the better way alone rather than do it the wrong way together. Based on this I personally hold the opinion that in the context (being lower than let's say diamond 2) most people in league are, enchaters are way better. You wouldn't use drill to slam nails in and vice versa even tho with drill you can make stronger connections. Players in lower elo are nails and enchanters are the hammer.
@seaslugs Күн бұрын
Poke supports: cries in corner bush
@felixthecat0371 2 күн бұрын
Whats the background music from? Its really bugging me I can't remember
@YAOOOOOOOO966 Күн бұрын
Fire emblem heroes
@sassysaddles9981 2 күн бұрын
as a mage supp player i say we are the best
@viltautasYT 3 сағат бұрын
Enchanter supports are better on average, but engage supports win you games, because your adc cant dodge a hook for their life even with nami speed buff
@didacosred9427 2 күн бұрын
I hate it that the support can't be a "real" role because the moment Yasuo dies 3 times to the enemy support gank it's because support is over powered and brain dead and not because of lack of communication and vision. Please keep in mind that while the support doesn't lose much by roaming it's always a huge gamble if it's even worth it to leave your keyboard masher ADC alone, probably losing CS and being harrassed or even dying(?????). If it happens in worlds it happens in your average ranked game. Also maybe, just maybe, try to play the team game as a team and ping/ward correctly, if you die to a support gank it's a support diff, not a role diff.
@kpsychopath 2 күн бұрын
before i watch, the obv is engager cause they'll mostly stay in front of the ADC instead of cowering behind them
@Kingofredeyes Күн бұрын
"Play making wins more game" Chicken or the egg Does "play making" actually win or games, or does people prefer the agency it provides and as a result play more of them. IMO enchanters are, and always have been, the better supports. Simply put they are consistent and if you are going to climb in solo q you need what is consistent not what is flashy. Once you get to higher ranks then you can switch over the engage as at higher ranks allies tend to follow up with your engage and actually make the most of it. It's the ultimate irony that the class designed around locking down enemies is far more dependent on having good teammates than the class that is all about buffing teammates. It make sense if you think about it though. Even a baboon can pilot an ADC to masters if he is buffed to the point he can stand still and melt the entire enemy team, but same said baboon ADC doesn't know how or when to follow up on engages then all the CC in the world doesn't matter.
@hassanshahrokhshahi6490 2 күн бұрын
Whatever class senna is ...she's the best (tank variant)
@HAOKATOME Күн бұрын
speaking of carry support,i main support akshan
@lolxdlolmfaololxdd8879 Күн бұрын
shielding / healing is nice but if you CC them before they can even touch me, that’s even better stop picking sona, support players. just play a tank please
@GottemGGs Күн бұрын
As jg engage main I can say that nautilus is better than seraphin at jg👍
@ecovrse 2 күн бұрын
seeing seraphine being listed as an enchanter kills me😞 hate what riot has done to her
@WintersEnvy 2 күн бұрын
And somehow,she is still better as an APC than enchanter,even after all the nerfs
@ecovrse 2 күн бұрын
@ because she was never designed to be one😭😭 her W cooldown is far too high compared to other enchanters and her R cooldown is stupidly long unless you build malignance alongside axiom arcanist which at that point you may as well go full ap
@dimondsi Күн бұрын
Before I watch, ima say engage. Enchanters are kept a specific kind of weak cuz if they werent they'd easily run the game. Engagers warp the bot lane but the games built around it
@enginesupreme6187 2 күн бұрын
As a thresh main of course I prefer enchanters To be hooked and deleted by our team
@danielbatista8760 2 күн бұрын
You're a grandmaster in the making
@cylland5060 8 сағат бұрын
Just build full ap, there, now ypu can apply your own pressure.
@FranciscoJG Күн бұрын
"giving them the power to literally 1v9" Holy misplaced hyperboles... if they got help, it's literally not 1v9 (it seems the expression has lost its meaning already lol)
@astronebula858 2 күн бұрын
No class is better than Pyke. Only Pyke. Everything Pykeeee
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