【ENG DUB】07-2 Preliminary Practices of the Great Perfection|Human Life is Precious

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Yiming Pureland Academy Center

Yiming Pureland Academy Center

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@yimingpurelandacademycenter 15 сағат бұрын
四、思惟数目差别 4. Reflecting on numerical comparisons 若观察众生的数量及次第,则可推知获得人身实属仅有。如经中说:“地狱众生犹如夜晚繁星,而饿鬼则如白昼之星;饿鬼众生犹如夜晚繁星,而旁生则如白昼之星;旁生众生如夜晚繁星,而善趣众生则如白昼之星。” By comparing the populations of different kinds of sentient beings, we can infer that it is extremely rare to be born a human. As stated in the sutra: "If the beings in hell are as numerous as the stars in the night sky, then hungry ghosts are as few as the stars in the daytime. If hungry ghosts are as numerous as the stars in the night sky, then animals are as few as the stars in the daytime. If animals are as numerous as the stars in the night sky, then beings in the higher realms are as few as the stars in the daytime." 此外又说:“地狱众生犹如大地的微尘,饿鬼众生犹如恒河沙,旁生犹如酒糟,阿修罗犹如弥漫的大雪,而人及天人仅仅像指甲上的微尘一样。”总之,善趣的身体极其稀少。 Furthermore, it is also stated: "The beings in hell are as numerous as the dust particles on the earth, hungry ghosts are as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, animals are as numerous as grains in a beer barrel, Asuras are as numerous as snowflakes in a blizzard, while humans and heavenly beings are as few as the dust particles on a fingernail." In summary, beings in the higher realms are extremely rare. 现在我们观察夏季仅仅一方草地上存在的含生或仅仅一个蚁穴中蚂蚁的数量,也超过了南瞻部洲的人数。如此人与旁生的比例显而易见。 We can observe that even the number of insects in a summer meadow or ants in an ant nest exceeds the population of humans on Earth. Hence, we can see how few human beings are compared to animals. 思惟人间也是一样,如果观察无有佛法光明之边地的众生数量,就会了知生在佛法光明地方的人是极为罕见的。尤其是具足暇满的人身更是绝无仅有。 Similarly, in the human realm, compared to the people in border lands without the light of the Dharma, those born in places where the Dharma is flourishing are extremely rare. It is even rarer to have all the freedoms and advantages. 思惟这些道理之后想到自己如今已获得了真实暇满,应当生起欢喜心。 After meditating on these teachings, we should feel joyful that we have all the freedoms and advantages. 如果暇满的所有功德完全具足,则从今天起实现了所谓的珍宝人身。 A human life can be called "precious" only when it has all the freedoms and advantages. 如果不具足,虽然世间法方面聪明伶俐,智勇双全,但也不算是珍宝人身,只是普通人身了,或称为相似者、灾祸者、无心者、空返者。这种人就像手中已得到如意宝,却无义空耗,或者已到珍宝金洲却空手返回一样。 Without these conditions, even if you are intelligent and talented in worldly matters, you don't have a precious human life. What you have is only an ordinary human life, a similar human life, an unfortunate human life, a meaningless human life, or a human life that returns empty-handed. It is like failing to use a wish-fulfilling gem despite holding it in your hands or returning empty-handed from a land full of precious gold.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter 15 сағат бұрын
如颂云: “获此人身宝,得摩尼难比,诸无厌离人,岂不见空耗? As it is stated: "Obtaining a precious human life Far surpasses getting a rare jewel. Yet, look at how those without renunciation Squander their lives! 遇殊胜上师,得王位难比,诸无恭敬者,岂不视等伴? Encountering a perfect teacher Far surpasses winning a kingdom. Yet, look at how those without devotion Regard their teachers as their equals! 求发心律仪,得官位难比,诸无悲心者,岂不见抛石? Receiving the Bodhisattva vows Far surpasses governing a province. Yet, look at how those without compassion Cast their vows aside! 得续部灌顶,转轮位难比,诸无誓言者,岂不徒灌水? Receiving a tantric empowerment Far surpasses ruling over the universe. Yet, look at how those who do not keep the samayas Abandon their promises! 见心性本面,见诸佛难比,诸无精进者,岂不见迷乱?” Seeing the true nature of the mind Far surpasses encountering the Buddhas. Yet, look at how those without diligence Sink back into delusion!"
@yimingpurelandacademycenter 15 сағат бұрын
@@yimingpurelandacademycenter 这样的暇满也并非是偶然或侥幸获得,而是多生累劫中积集二种资粮(福德资粮、智慧资粮)的果报。 These freedoms and advantages do not come by chance or luck. They are the result of accumulating merit and wisdom over countless lifetimes. 大智者称幢说:“得暇满人身,非由力强得,乃是积福果。” The great scholar Trakpa Gyaltsen said: "The precious human life Is not the result of your resourcefulness. It comes from the merit you have accumulated." 虽然仅仅得到人身,但若无正法的光明,(未信佛教者)恒时造恶业,则比恶趣众生更恶劣。 Those who have obtained a human life but constantly engage in evil activities without the least notion of the Dharma are worse than beings in the lower realms. 如米拉日巴尊者对猎人怙主金刚说:“本来佛说暇满人身珍贵极难得,但看见像你这样的人,便觉得人身并没有什么珍贵难得的。”如此没有比人更容易成为恶趣的坠石。 As Jetsun Milarepa said to the hunter Gonpo Dorje, "The Buddha taught that it is rare to obtain a precious human life. However, when I see someone like you, it doesn't seem precious at all." Nothing has as much power to drag you down to the lower realms as a human life. 如今无论行善或者造恶都是自己作主,如颂云:“此身行善即是解脱舟,此身造恶便是轮回锚,此身一切善恶之奴仆。” Whether you do good or evil is up to you. As the verse goes: "If engaged in virtuous activities, this body is our raft to liberation. If engaged in evil deeds, this body anchors us to samsara. This body executes both good and evil commands." 因此由往昔积累的福德力,如今获得了具有十八种暇满的人身, Therefore, because of the merits you have accumulated in the past, you have now obtained a precious human life endowed with eighteen freedoms and advantages. 如果没有求得殊胜妙法精华,而在寻求今生的衣食和世间八法中无义空耗暇满人身,临终时只能是手抓胸口,追悔莫及,多么可惜! If you neglect the essential thing-the supreme Dharma-and instead spend your life acquiring food and clothes and indulging in the eight worldly concerns, you will waste your precious human life. At the time of death, you will only regret and lament. How pitiful! 《入行论》云:“已得此闲暇,我若不修善,除此更无惑,除此更无痴。” As stated in The Way of the Bodhisattva: "Having obtained a precious human life, If I do not engage in virtuous activities, Is there anything more ignorant than this? Is there anything more foolish than this?" 因此,今生是决定永远行善或永远做恶的关键。所以我们应当思惟:如果今生没有得到坚固地(佛果),来世也难以获得如是闲暇。如果转生到恶趣之中,则无有正法的光明,不知取舍之处,将越来越向下堕入无边无际的恶趣中。 Therefore, this very life is the turning point at which you can choose between lasting good or lasting evil. Thus, we should contemplate: if we don't attain firm realization (Buddhahood) in this life, it will be hard to obtain such freedom again in future lives. If we are reborn in lower realms, there will be no light of the Dharma. Ignorant of what to do and what not to do, we will descend further into ever lower realms. 如今应当精进,并且以加行发心、正行无缘、后行回向三种殊胜摄持,反复观修、行持。 Hence, we should diligently meditate on this teaching over and over again with the three supreme methods: generate Bodhicitta in the beginning, do the practice without conceptualization, and dedicate the merit in the end.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter 15 сағат бұрын
@@yimingpurelandacademycenter 名词解释:珍宝人身、普通人身 Precious Human Life and Ordinary Human Life 珍宝人身(获得了暇满人身):闻思佛法的精华教义,调伏自己的三门,劝勉别人行持善法,修行如山王般稳固--不是这两天修个法,一离开上师和道友的监督,就像发疯一样完全变了,真正的修行人始终如一,十年前是这样,二十年后依然不变,这才是具有珍宝人身。 A precious human life refers to a human life endowed with all the freedoms and advantages. They learn and contemplate the Dharma, tame their body, speech, and mind, encourage others to engage in virtuous activities, and maintain a steadfast practice like a mountain. They are not occasional practitioners who completely change like mad when they are away from their spiritual teacher and friends. A genuine practitioner remains unwavering in their spiritual practice for decades. Only such individuals possess a precious human life. 这是珍宝人身,得到了佛法的精华教义,能够调伏自己的身、口、意,并且还能够劝勉别人行持善法,修行如山王般不动摇。 This is what a precious human life means. They have grasped the essence of the Buddha's teachings and can tame their body, speech, and mind. Moreover, they encourage others to engage in virtuous activities and remain as unwavering as a mountain in their spiritual practice. 普通人身:一个人对具足十八暇满、远离十六无暇还有缺憾,即便在世间法方面聪明伶俐、智勇双全、地位显赫、智慧超群、美名远扬,但也称不上是珍宝人身。 Ordinary Human Life: Even if you possess intelligence, bravery, high social status, exceptional wisdom, and a renowned reputation in worldly matters, if you don't have the eighteen freedoms and advantages and are free from the sixteen unfavorable conditions, you don't have a precious human life. 世间有许多成功的国家领导、商业巨子,看似呼风唤雨、无所不能,可这种福报也许会让他造很多业,反而成为堕入恶趣的前兆。这种人身并不稀有,只是普通人身,或者称为相似者、灾祸者、无心者、空返者。 Many successful leaders of nations and business magnates may appear to have great power and abilities. However, their fortune may lead them to create immense negative karma and push them into lower realms. Such a human life is not rare; it is only an ordinary human life, also known as a similar human life, an unfortunate human life, a meaningless human life, or a human life that returns empty-handed. 我们看电视也看得很多,多少的帝王将相不可一世,最后都是惨兮兮地离开人间。那个帝王驾崩的时候,尸骨未寒,就开始争权夺利了,人生就是这样。 We have seen many such cases on television. Many emperors and generals were powerful and arrogant but left the world miserably. When an emperor passes away, before their body even turns cold, others begin to fight for the power and wealth they left behind. This is life. 帝王在世的时候不可一世,南征北战,死的时候就是一具僵尸,大家就开始争夺他权力的空缺,或者他剩下来的财产。人生就是这样,没有什么值得我们羡慕的。 Emperors who once seemed invincible, waging wars and amassing power, eventually become lifeless corpses. Others then scramble to seize the throne or wealth they left behind. This is life-there is nothing worth envying.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter 15 сағат бұрын
​@@yimingpurelandacademycenter .................. 生起暇满人身难得最起码应该怎么做? After recognizing the rarity of obtaining a precious human life, what should we at least do? 华智仁波切应该是有不同层次的要求,最高层次是像金厄瓦格西一样的,不睡觉,非常精进。这个我们做不到。 Patrul Rinpoche may have different requirements at different levels. The highest level is to be as diligent as Geshe Chengawa, who never slept. However, we may not be able to do that. 我们应该尽量能够精进、不偷懒,尽量生起人身难得的定解。假如这个理念非常强,确实不容易睡懒觉。 We should strive to be diligent, avoid laziness, and recognize the rarity of obtaining a human life. If this conviction is firm, we won't indulge in sleep. 我们一定要精进地修,并且要尽量减少自己的睡眠。师父个人就是从出家以后,甚至在出家之前,从九零年开始学打坐,就是尽量地减少睡眠。因为你有定力的话,睡眠就会减少。有定力,白天的情绪消耗也减少、吃饭也减少、睡眠也会减少。 We must diligently practice the Dharma and try to reduce our sleep time. Since I was ordained, and even before that, beginning in 1990 when I started to learn meditation, I have been striving to reduce my sleep. With deeper concentration, sleep naturally decreases. Emotional exhaustion during the day, food intake, and sleep time will all decrease. 睡眠要减少,在睡前一定要打坐,打坐的话,你的六根清净,睡眠质量会提高,早上会醒得早。 To sleep less, we should meditate before going to bed. By doing so, your six senses will be tranquil, your sleep quality will improve, and you will wake up early in the morning. 第一,你醒过来以后就不能再睡,你就得起来刷刷牙、洗洗脸、然后就要打坐。坐得真的很困的话,也可以再躺一躺。就是说你只能睡一觉,不能睡够了再翻翻身,再接着睡,翻过来覆过去地睡,那就是不行的。 First and foremost, once you wake up, you should not go back to sleep. You should get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, and then meditate. If you feel really sleepy during meditation, you can lie down for a while. In other words, you should have only one sleep session and not go back to sleep after having enough rest. Don't sleep over and over again. 我们修行人,醒了就起来,即使没有那个精力的话,你也起来喝点水、坐一会儿,诵诵经、念念咒。然后真的很累了,真的特别困,你把心放松,再躺一会儿,再靠一靠。这样的话自然而然就会减少睡眠,这样睡眠的质量提高。 As practitioners, once we wake up, we should get up. Even if we are not energetic, we should still get up, drink water, meditate, read sutras, and chant mantras. If you are really tired and sleepy, you can relax your mind and lie down for a while. In this way, your sleep time will naturally decrease, and your sleep quality will improve. 白天也不要去做一些没用的事情,特别是自身的体力、智商消耗太大的话,你会好几天都恢复不过来,然后使得自己提不起这个精力来学习佛法,把这个时间就空耗掉,非常可惜。 Moreover, don't engage in useless activities during the day. It may take several days to recover from physical or mental exhaustion. As a result, you don't have the energy to study the Dharma, and time will be wasted, which is a great pity. 大家对这个“人身难得”真的要好好多观修,过一段时间就要看一看这一段文字。不是说看一次就可以。过上一两个月就要看一看,对大德们讲过的话回忆回忆,把这些偈子抄在自己的笔记本上,你觉得对自己特别受用的话,经常浏览一下,督促自己。 You should earnestly meditate on the rarity of obtaining a precious human life. It is not enough to learn it only once. Every one or two months, you should review and reflect on the teachings of great masters. You can write down these verses in your notebook and regularly read the teachings that inspire you greatly to remind yourself. 我们末法的众生就特别容易懈怠,学着学着就懈怠了。大家到这个道场来,多多少少能够稍稍精进一点。一个人独处的时候,很容易被自己的业习带跑,业习一来就没日没夜地把自己的精力消耗浪费掉,太可惜了。 In the Age of Dharma Decline, sentient beings are often lazy. After learning for a while, they slack off. In the Dharma center, you can maintain some level of diligence. However, when you are alone, you are easily swayed by your habitual tendencies. Once your karmic habits surge, you will waste your energy day and night. What a pity! 都没有好好地思惟这个人身的难得,得到了正法这么不容易。如果不用它来学习佛法,那人身就跟畜道众生没有本质上的区别。 It is not easy to encounter the authentic Dharma, yet you haven't pondered how rare it is to obtain a precious human life. If you don't use this human life to study the Dharma, there is no essential difference between you and an animal. 师父在很小的时候就会这么思惟,虽然我不知道饿鬼道和地狱道,或者天道不懂。但是我看到动物的时候就想:“如果人没有去追求真理,没有去修行,人跟那个动物有什么区别呢?”本质上的区别没有,无非也是吃喝拉撒、繁衍后代。死了的时候,尸体跟动物的尸体是一样一样的,比它的还要臭,这样去想的时候就会舍弃今生。 Since I was very young, I started to ponder this topic. At that time, I didn't know about the realms of hungry ghosts, hell, and heavens. But when I saw animals, I would think, "If humans don't pursue truth and engage in spiritual practice, what is the difference between us and animals?" Essentially, there is no difference. We all spend our lives eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, and reproducing. When we die, our bodies are the same as those of animals, or even stinkier. After pondering in this way, you can let go of attachment to this very life.
@yimingpurelandacademycenter 15 сағат бұрын
@@yimingpurelandacademycenter ..................... 所以说基础还是最重要的。所以说为什么师父一直强调学这个出离心?心中心法大家都觉得好,一听说这个法能够开悟,都趋之若鹜的。但是在真实的生活当中你是怎么观修的? Therefore, the foundation is the most important. Why do I emphasize cultivating renunciation? Many people consider the Mind-in-mind practice sublime. Once they hear that practicing it can lead to enlightenment, they eagerly chase after it. But in daily life, how do you practice? 一天二十四小时你起心动念当中有多少是真实的出离心?有多少时间在想着“我要出离三界”、“我做的事情都是为了解脱轮回”?或者至少也是为了帮助众生解脱轮回。 Out of the twenty-four hours a day, how much of your thoughts are genuine renunciation? How much time do you spend thinking, "I want to renounce the three realms" or "Everything I do is for liberation from samsara"? Or, at least, are you working to help sentient beings attain liberation from samsara? 否则的话,你做的都没有意义,有什么意义呢?没有意义。就是跟个森林里的动物一样的,为了名和利。森林里面的动物它也要名,你看那个狮子,它也要那种名声,它走路的姿势都要告诉其他的动物,它是王者。 Otherwise, everything you do would be meaningless. What point is there? It would be pointless, like the animals in the forest, pursuing fame and gain. Even the animals in the forest seek fame. For example, lions crave for fame. Even when a lion walks, it wants to tell other animals through its posture that it is the king. 这一段是非常好的,我们真的不应该把时间浪费掉,因为人身太难得了。 This teaching is excellent. We should not waste time because this human life is so precious. 记得师父大概十三、四岁的时候开始,就是有这种感觉,对时间特别珍惜,一分钟都不想浪费,觉得生命就是那样。师父那个时候做什么事都是特别特别地珍惜时间,连走路都不浪费,走路的时间都拿来学习。 I remember that since I was thirteen or fourteen, I started to cherish time and didn't want to waste even a minute. I felt life is precious. At that time, no matter what I did, I cherished time. I even studied while walking. 从来不喜欢闲聊、闲玩,没有的,十四、五岁的时候就是这样的心态,知道自己要做什么。但那个时候还不懂自己要学习佛法,只是知道对自己要做的事情这么急迫,可能是过去世修暇满人身修的,过去修过。 I never enjoyed chatting or hanging out aimlessly. That was my mindset when I was fourteen or fifteen. Back then, I didn't know I would study the Dharma; I just knew my mission was urgent. Perhaps it is because, in my past life, I meditated on how rare it is to obtain a precious human life. 但是修行现在不能这么着急,慢慢地,不能急。这是一个阶段,你不能老那么急,老那么急会出问题的。就是说我们知道不浪费时间,能做多少算多少,不要着急。但是时间又不要浪费掉,不要偷懒,不要跟着自己的习气跑。 However, in our spiritual journey, we cannot be too hasty. Take your time. This is a stage, but you cannot always be in a rush, as that can lead to problems. Do as much as you can, but don't rush. On the other hand, don't waste time. Don't slack off and follow your habitual tendencies.
@唐密-w4l 15 сағат бұрын
Thank you Master, this series about "The Difficulty of Obtaining a Precious Human Life" really helps me to focus on cultivating renunciation
@赵曼希 15 сағат бұрын
After listening, I feel that there is nothing worth pursuing in this world, and I should quickly practice to seek liberation! But after a couple of days, I fall back into my old patterns... The power of habit(habitual tendencies) is really strong and hard to break.
@大笑菩提 15 сағат бұрын
I agree. Now I can understand why monks choose to renounce the world. Many of them might not have a perfect sense of renunciation initially, but they need a pure environment to cultivate it. Once they develop even a little bit of renunciation, they need to strike while the iron is hot and solidify their foundation. Returning to the secular world would pull them back into their original lifestyle.
@唐密-w4l 15 сағат бұрын
@@大笑菩提 makes sense🤔
@Follower-v6s 15 сағат бұрын
@赵曼希 13 сағат бұрын
@@大笑菩提 yes
@Gdhhjdnd 15 сағат бұрын
@boundlessseeker 15 сағат бұрын
"Obtaining a precious human life Far surpasses getting a rare jewel. Yet, look at how those without renunciation Squander their lives!
@boundlessseeker 15 сағат бұрын
Encountering a perfect teacher Far surpasses winning a kingdom. Yet, look at how those without devotion Regard their teachers as their equals!
@boundlessseeker 15 сағат бұрын
Receiving the Bodhisattva vows Far surpasses governing a province. Yet, look at how those without compassion Cast their vows aside!
@boundlessseeker 15 сағат бұрын
Receiving a tantric empowerment Far surpasses ruling over the universe. Yet, look at how those who do not keep the samayas Abandon their promises!
@boundlessseeker 15 сағат бұрын
Seeing the true nature of the mind Far surpasses encountering the Buddhas. Yet, look at how those without diligence Sink back into delusion!"
@boundlessseeker 15 сағат бұрын
🙏🙏🙏 Thanks for this beautiful translation work,wish more people could treasure this precious human life🙏
@Follower-v6s 15 сағат бұрын
Almost all religions teach us not to be deceived by worldly wealth, gourmet food, beauty, power, fame, and so on. Life should have a different and higher purpose.
@PegHaya-cn6kg 14 сағат бұрын
Human life is hard to come by. We are just prisoners on parole. If we don’t seize the time to practice, we will soon be reincarnated and even fall.
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