[Eng Sub]채식이 너무 힘에 부칠 땐 When going vegan is too difficult

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@전향란-r1d 3 жыл бұрын
선생님 알게되어 도움이 많이 됩니다ㆍ
@하얀비12 4 жыл бұрын
오늘도 찐 감사합니다 채식한지 10개월 다되가요 어쩔수없이 일반인 처럼 먹어야 할경우가 있어요 가족모임때요 엄마께서 당뇨때문에 채소만 먹는 딸을 보면서 많이 가슴아파 하세요 ㅠㅠ 그래서 일반인 처럼1~2틀 먹다보면 리듬이 깨지더군요 채식하면서 살까기 20키로 혈당 많이 안오르고 입 ㆍ변냄새 거의없고요 몸냄새도 그렇고요 방귀가 거의 없어요 일반식하면 배에 가스차고 배가 빵빵해져요 소화도 잘 안되고 채식하니 체질이 바뀌어서 일반식이 더 힘들어요 임기동 의사 선생님 앞으로도 채식에 관한 영상 많이 올려주세요 채식을 하고는 있는데 어떻게 먹어야 무엇을 덜먹고 무엇을 추가해서 먹어야하는가가 제일 고민이네요 임기동의사 선생님의 영상은 아픈 환자들은 영상을 보면서 힘이 납니다 많은 도움과 공부를 하게 되요
@User-l3v-t7r 4 жыл бұрын
말씀대로 현미채식으로 먹으니까 밥을 적게 먹어도 배부르고,식사도 2끼만 해도 충분한거 같습니다. 감사합니다
@미가엘-m9x 4 жыл бұрын
@SciSciToys 4 жыл бұрын
I think a strict vegan diet can make people feel nervous and panicky depending on their physical make up and what their individual needs are, last night my BP was 130/90 and felt palpitations and nervous and then fed up I had some animal proteins, I had two eggs and two bacon sandwiches, after 30mins my BP was 110/76 I felt more calmer, strange I was wondering Doctor Im, we need to INCREASE our Albumin levels, Albumin is good or health and long life so how do we do this especially when we dont eat any animal protein? I can understand if the damage to the kidney is fixed then less protein spills out so by not putting strain on the kidneys the Albumin levels can increase and thats a good thing, right?
@nesadcruz7840 4 жыл бұрын
It is worth the sacrifice cutting down on meat at least in short term. My husband has gone from stage 5 to stage 4 in one month. GFR from 10 to 17.
@SciSciToys 4 жыл бұрын
Wow thats great, he did this by cutting out animal proteins? His diet must be very strict if he is eating below his GFR and so not taxing his kidneys hence disease slows down or stops or even reverses.
@nesadcruz7840 4 жыл бұрын
@@SciSciToys he didn’t completely give it up. Ate tiny portions 4 meals a week only, either fish or meat. Also reduced ALL proteins. The dietician recommended 71g per day based on his height, weight and age. But he only ate abt 40g. Also he ate food good for kidneys like blueberries almost everyday. Drank a lot of water. He had no problems with potassium , phosphates or fluid retention so he didn’t have to worry about these. In his case it reversed quickly, was 10 on Dec1 and 17 on Jan 5th. His BUN and Creatinine came down a lot. But his kidney failure was sudden onset, so there may have been some acute kidney injury. In such cases, it is possible for the kidney to recover fast.
@SciSciToys 4 жыл бұрын
@@nesadcruz7840 Yes this seems to be the case from what Ive read, did they find out the origin of his renal issues? Did he have foamy urine? What were his symptoms if any and did they improve?
@nesadcruz7840 4 жыл бұрын
@@SciSciToys the urologist said a small amount of foam like what he has is normal for men. He had no symptoms, no urination prob. No loss in appetite. Potassium was low, then normal. Everything normal except high BUN and Creatinine as well as slightly Low haemogoblin.They think it was brought on by spikes in blood pressure. Now he is on blood pressure meds.
@SciSciToys 4 жыл бұрын
@@nesadcruz7840 Is he elderly man? GFR of 10 to 17 may mean he is older than 70? I think 100GFR is100% capacity and anything over is excess, young men have like 130 I think and so they can have reserve, if he has 17 he'd have to do as Dr Im says and go completely vegan seeing as any animal protein would tax his kidneys, I would have though, mind you - if he has no symptoms at all apart from Hypertension ... They base that eGFR on creatinine levels, age, build, exercise, meat eating also affects creatinine, muscle breakdown from working out etc, if he went to hospital and was dehydrated he'd get that higher Creatinine score maybe, Id be asking the Doc questions if his GFR is 17 and you said it came down a lot, what were his |Creatinine numbers at 17GFR? Well anyway, he's going the right way, well done :)
@user-jjh-p8z 3 жыл бұрын
이 좋은 영상에 정신병자가 하나 있네?
@하얀비12 4 жыл бұрын
2~3개월 동안 채식하면서 밥은 2~3일에 한번 세스푼 정도 먹고있는데요 밥은 끼니때마다 먹어야 할까요? 어떻게 하는것이 잘 하는 것일까요? 저는 당뇨인 입니다 당뇨약은 단약했구요 운동 ㆍ식이요법 (채식)으로 하고 있습니다
@임기동TV 4 жыл бұрын
현미나 잡곡 콩밥해 입에서 죽이 되도록 잘 씹어 밥따로 반찬따로 잘씹어 드시고 식후 반드시 보폭을 넓게 힘차게 30분 이상 걸으셔요. 일주 5회정도 땀흘리는 운동을 하시는게 좋습니다. 잠은 10시전에 주무셔요. 밥따로 반찬따로 잘씹어 드시면 밥양은 문제 안됩니다. 음식 종류도 채식이라면 특별히 가릴건 없습니다.
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