Another thing about Enterprises is that they’re very pandemic friendly since the cabins are enclosed the ride is socially distanced by design and you can still run it at full capacity. That being said having guests check the cabin doors on Zulu is not that much fun and slows down operations considerably.
@sawblade54 жыл бұрын
That's the old SFoG one operating at FunSpot Orlando.
@Kickinpony664 жыл бұрын
Very cool! Similar to Zulu, at World's of Fun, but not the same. I believe the lifting arm is different.
@cofcoasters4 жыл бұрын
Not only that but also the cabins are very different from the Huss ones, having ridden both Huss and Schwarzkopf enterprises and the Zamperla Endeavor and having worked Zulu, I prefer riding the Huss Enterprises but I think working a Schwarzkopf Enterprise or a Zamperla Endeavor might be better because you don’t have to open and close the cabin doors yourself on those.
@1962speiche Жыл бұрын
Schwarzkopf Enterprise=best Enterprise! More than 45 Years old and in best condition!
@cofcoasters4 жыл бұрын
That’s cool, the Schwarzkopf Enterprises are alright but I personally prefer the Huss ones. Though I prefer both to the Zamperla Endeavor which are fun and all but the Enterprises are much better.
@cofcoasters4 жыл бұрын
That being said, fortunately I don’t see Zulu leaving Worlds of Fun for a while, Maintenance takes really good care of it, it hardly ever has downtime for mechanical problems, and it’s using parts from other Enterprises that Cedar Fair removed specifically Valleyfair’s Enterprise. That and Zulu still gets really good ridership. On busy days it consistently has full cycles and guests tend to enjoy it from what I’ve experienced working the ride for a couple hours a day all Summer.
@cofcoasters4 жыл бұрын
Zulu also has a newer panel that is very easy to use and the ride cycles automatically all you have to do is twist the key and press the foot pedal during the entire cycle then press the turn slow button at the end of the cycle as it stops to park the ride where it started.