Running for Many Players, Mini Campaigns, and More | GM 911

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Enter the Dungeon

Enter the Dungeon

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@Ichisip 11 ай бұрын
I'm always waiting for new uploads of your channel, and I see the other comments and realize that I'm not alone when I say thumbnails don't matter (to me). As others have said, do what you must! If there's a celebrity in the thumbnail, I don't expect to hear about that one person. You have invaluable opinions, and we're always eager to hear them.
@ShrodingerFu 11 ай бұрын
As long as you see an honest connection to the topic you're discussing, using familiar faces to draw more people in is a good tactic. I don't know if any of your other videos were recommended to me before. But I do know that I like Brenan Lee Mulligan's GMing style and seeing his face drew me towards reading the title and then watching my first video of yours. Now, looking through my most recent history of videos I have clicked on from channels I am not subscribed to, I see that I have largely checked out channels which either have great art (which is subjective) or have "Crafting" in bold font on the thumbnail (since I have recently been focusing on building a crafting system). By comparison, connecting the topic of a video to familiar faces is better related to what the video is about than a beautiful piece of art and broader reaching than relying on subjective art tastes or that your video will happen to be about my current hyperfixation. You have great content. And as long as the thumbnails stay somewhat relevant to the topic at hand, I'm not going to be upset by this change.
@TableTalkRPG 11 ай бұрын
Your question comes at a perfect time for me as I am joining the scene and to answer it for MYSELF, it would be I don’t view this as a “business” venture/job replacement or for monetary reasons. If your looking for those views and need it for income then rock on and “play the game” no one can blame you. Focus on YOUR “why” and not what others have to say.
@angelasmith1126 11 ай бұрын
I too appreciate the honesty. Has long as i know why you are doing your thumbnails the way you are, I say do what it takes. Good luck.
@thewholesomecultist6702 11 ай бұрын
Hey man do whatever is good for the channel I don’t mind clickbait being that as a general rule of thumb I watch all your stuff regardless ^^ especially your subclass and class guides which have been fantastic for someone new to the scene like me
@retro_crasher 11 ай бұрын
I think the faces are fine, to please the haters though, you could just tie the thumbnail to the topic. You create the best videos, and I love your point of view. I had night and day improvement after understanding your point of view. The knowledge feels like a hidden truth that seems obvious, but does come to fruition until you say it. The insight is real. Keep it up.
@pdaddy989 11 ай бұрын
My vote is that tangential face thumbs are fine bud, you're doing a great job, keep up the great work!
@Castheknotted 7 ай бұрын
I think do whats best for your business. You are providing this for free, the content is always quality. And as long as there is some connection to the thumbnail its valid
@oblivioncubed 11 ай бұрын
First, solid answers all around. Second, do what you have to! Get the channel growth you're looking for - add photos to the thumbnails!
@grimmftw3439 11 ай бұрын
My take on your question at the end of the video is, admittedly, anecdotal, but hopefully you find it worthwhile: The information you provide in your videos is legitimately practical and useful. For example, the plot web videos are the first in years that have made something click with me in terms of storytelling techniques. As much as people dislike clickbait, I may not have encountered that video without it. You can say with confidence that the information you provide is worth something. So if making a clickbait-y thumbnail gets that out to more people, then you've successfully made the creative space of DnD and ttrpgs better, which seems to me like what you've set out to do. Ultimately, a person is only going to look at a thumbnail for a couple of seconds. Let people get twisted out of shape about it if they want; the positive impact far outweighs the negativity they bring in
@SmileyWaffle 7 ай бұрын
I'll be 100% honest, I found your channel from the first plot webs video because it showed up on my home page, and it only took the one video to get me interested in all your content because that one video was the first one I've watched in AGES that I felt actually taught me something new! I say do what you gotta do, because your content is too good to get missed. I feel for you though, I hate playing those sorts of algorithm games :/
@FrostSpike 11 ай бұрын
24:40 I do exactly the same thing. I mine other game systems for good ideas. The irony is though, AD&D 1e and 2e were, and are, criticised for having bespoke "subsystems" for various things, whilst the d20 approach with 3e onwards streamlined that. I've found that I've added such subsystems back in, sometimes aligned to d20, but sometimes not, where I've felt it useful to do so.
@Hafaechaes 11 ай бұрын
I think the first plot webs video just has a way better thumbnail than the second regardless of whose face in on there. It's a GM in front of a plot web board. That just makes way more sense than Orcus in front of a plot web board. Though it does help that Brennan is recognizable. But considering that the video that comes after that one also has Brennan in the thumbnail and just did average, I think there are other factors at play as well. Not a lot of people will click on a video that is clearly part two when they haven't seen part one yet. And for me, though I did click on part two, part one satisfied me. I think you could achieve a lot without leaning too much into the annoying side of KZbin thumbnail clickbaiting. Take this video (series) for example: GM 911. Great catchphrase! Short and sweet. It conveys excellently what the video is going to be about. I recommend you put that in the thumbnails. Also, most of your thumbnails have too much going on in terms of fonts and colors on top of a complex background imo. It's kind of hard to explain, but it feels messy and overwhelming, and it sort of just blends together with the rest of the thumbnails on my screen. Hopefully you can find something useful in my feedback! Best of luck!
@ShrodingerFu 11 ай бұрын
The idea of a West Marches game within a city is interesting. I would especially love to try it out with a Kowloon Walled City type location where the players have to get creative with their maps and update them as old shops fall and new ones emerge in their place. It would be very different from a standard West Marches game, but it could be lots of fun.
@aedankennedy8263 11 ай бұрын
100% go for it as for putting peoples faces in the thumbnails, I really appreciate the honest discussion. As for a question. I run two games that my players seem too enjoy. One of them is a seafaring adventure based on Chinese culture. It has been a blast and quite a light hearted campaign. There is a central faction called the Ruthane Dynasty that drives the plot forward. I won’t go into too much detail but essentially the players made a huge decision to go after their head ship, and actually managed to bring it down. But then they were surrounded and captured. And as a punishment they were forced to fight in a gladiator arena against other monsters and warriors. In the second fight, one player character was killed. And it was especially brutal because the character was a kid. Now the campaign has become far darker in tone, and a whole ton of different factions are soon to converge. I am just wondering if it is a good idea to try and bring back some of that lightheartedness? And if so how? I have built up a slow burn tension until now, and war is about to commence in the world, and with the players at the center I fear there will never be those good old days of peace shenanigans anymore. Any advice? And I apologize for the very long comment.
@lukanobes140 11 ай бұрын
first of all you you should think about what you want and be sure that you want your game to have this different vibe and theme. If yes, then you should ask your players, see what they think of it and if they are okay if its becoming more serious.
@FrostSpike 11 ай бұрын
09:58 In the old days, these "mini-campaigns" just used to called "adventures" or "scenarios". IMO, the word "campaign" is massively overloaded these days.
@HomebrewerHelper 24 күн бұрын
A roguhly year later, I am curious to know if anything as changed for you about having D&D celebs faces on your thumbnails. Thank you for your amazing content! I keep finding myself coming back everyday and learning something I did not catch before
@XiomaroTV 11 ай бұрын
The only time click bait is bad is when channels hook people in with something misleading and off topic, and the video is completely unrelated to the thumbnail and title. In your case, you create great content. You would be doing yourself a disservice to NOT play the system a little bit. I don't know if you watch him, but Veritasium has explored the topic of thumbnails and click bait in great depth. He even employs people specifically to optimise thumbnail layouts, designs, titles etc to optimise viewership. He also creates high quality content, so it's absolutely fine, and honestly just smart. If you haven't already you should look into how Veritasium manages thumbnails and title click bait.
@sweetderpg 11 ай бұрын
I think folks wouldn't have cared so much about BLM on the thumbnail if you had a clip of him stating something similar to the premise of your video or even a quote. Clickbait isn't always bad if you actually fulfill the promise in the thumbnail/title. People only notice it if you don't follow through with the promise in then thing that made them click. That said, your plot web video was game changing for me. Normally I run prewritten modules so when I started my first homebrew campaign I did it a bit backwards. I loved the info in that plot web video and shared it with my DM friends. I mostly don't care about tier videos or class break downs, though so mostly I haven't watched those sorts of videos unless KZbin added it to my auto play.
@chrisg8989 10 ай бұрын
Recently found your content. I think you should keep doing the silly "click bait" thumbnails or titles if it means more people will see your content. What you have to offer is far more valuable than trying to supercede or overcome the KZbin algorithm. But at the end of the day. You gotta do what you feel is right. Follow your heart. Keep up the awesome work!
@starfish263 11 ай бұрын
I have no problem with Matt Mercer being in a thumb nail. As much as WOTC probably hates this fact, Mercer is one of the faces on 5e Mount Rushmore.
@alexm1376 11 ай бұрын
yes, absolutely use images of tangential people. Personally as someone active on youtube, I don't even see that as clickbait anymore. The thumbnail is supposed to catch the eye, and nothing is as eyecatching as a familiar face. With the plot web video as an example, sure the image of Brennan caught my eye, it was the text and title that got me curious enough to click. I watch your videos for the titles and quality, so making (in my eyes) such a minor change to the video to promote it in the algorithm benefits the content in the long run. Do what you need to do and keep making helpful videos, my friend!
@lukanobes140 11 ай бұрын
I get the conundrum and i am really glad that you talk about it this openly. But first of all is ths your channel and if you dont want to play this thumbnail game and are okay with not being see as much its completely your decision. On the other hand am i really apreateating your content and wish for more people to see it and share your advice so that we all can have more fun at the Table. Comming back now to the original question: i really dont care about what you put on a thumbnail, if it helps you using faces or other things from media go for it, i understand it and will support your decision. I hope it has not to be said that i still want to understand what the content is about and not just have flashy words and pictures, but i dont think that you will do it to this extreme. If you want to do it to support the reach of your videos and your channel in general, than you should do so since i think that you and your content deserves it.
@lukanobes140 11 ай бұрын
I also have another Question i didnt think of at the time of the q&a questionaire, i am very new to GMing, have played before and am very well known with the interactions and the mechanics of dnd 5e. But i have a problem with DMing. I want it to be enjoyable, well written with an cohesive story and fun for all players involved, but i think that its just to much for me as a beginner in the craft. I am stressed because i am overworking myself with it and especially overthinking it. Its currently a bit much and i feel like i cant turn it down since i feel like it wouldnt be a good enough game anymore. I dont think that i want to dm this campain much further if its overwelming like this. I am having already strong difficulties with keeping tension, making challenging encouter that are fun, mooving the story forward and am mostly seeing many things that could greatly be improoved, but where i am just not experienced enough to improve the Game and the Sessions My players say they like the game when i mentioned it and are defenetly not expecting as much of the game as i am. i dont know if its a bit much for you to really give an helpfull comment, but i would greatly appretiate it.
@kain50144 11 ай бұрын
Click bait it up man. We all have to be realistic. It works and there is a reason everyone does it, and I would rather have your videos do well with whatever tools you deem necessary. Do I like the thumbnails? not particularly. Is it going to make me stop watching? Nope, the content is what I, and what I imagine most others, are here for. The fact you asked your community is really cool.
@thwingster 9 ай бұрын
You've got a great channel. Play the analytics game. KZbin sets the rules. Smaller creators have to follow them. That's not your fault.
@Jonny_Rhombus 6 ай бұрын
Love ya vids ✊
@YoungFox78 9 ай бұрын
Great video! And go right ahead and click bait away!
@Uknon_The_Knight 11 ай бұрын
Mr. Dungeon, you said you had veteran players scared. How did you do that and how would someone else do that.
@Ichisip 11 ай бұрын
This! I'm curious about that too, what was that campaign like?
@TimonSaarneva 11 ай бұрын
For the clickbait question, I think if you really want to grow and/or make this channel your job, then make the thumbnail clickbait. despite preferring channels that don't stoop to the level of clickbait, I can't deny, it works, I've caught myself tending toward more clickbaity video's. so, I guess if you want to, go for it, you'd be expanding your viewers and the people you help, but not using clickbait much is part of what makes you genuine.
@Dag59990 11 ай бұрын
I have a question. How do you decided BBEG health based on party size and lvl? Thanks!
@petrickspringorum3027 11 ай бұрын
I am fine with clickbait thumbnails as long as the content is good. I subscribed because of the useful content not because of someone's face in the thumbnail.
@Miskatonic1927 11 ай бұрын
I dont click on videos just because there is a face on the thumbnail. I dont recognize many of those people you referenced when talking about this topic or that Plot Webs video anyway. I actually assumed that was you on the plot webs video thumbnail. I usually click on a video due to the title because it is something I looked up or was interested in anyway. Sometimes nice art will be attractive to click, but still usually only if the topic and video title is interesting. The only time I will click on a video specifically if there is a face on the thumbnail is if it is the content creator's pic and I like their content and they use that in the thumbnail to have their video stand out as one of their own videos (examples: Me, Myself, and Die, Seth Skorkowsky, Dave Thaumavore, etc). But if you are concerned with clicks, then you do what you have to do to grow the channel. Is it possible that KZbin's algorithms favor video's with peoples faces in the thumbnail - and that is why they are getting more views?
@stephenmanak6024 3 ай бұрын
My thought, 8 months later, you don't use your own face. And it doesn't have to be your real face. Yes, Luke and Ginny use their own faces, but Pointy Hat has a face in the Hat. Just a thought
@FrostSpike 11 ай бұрын
49:20 I'm guessing that this particular video got so many views because people, seeing the thumbnail on their feeds, simply thought it was BLM (Brennan Lee Mulligan) actually talking through HIS approach to plot webs. Plus it has good content when they did start to watch. You might need to be a little bit cautious as using peoples' images without their consent can be tricky from a legal perspective (IANL so YMMV). Maybe the thing to do is to use either your own image or create some sort of "avatar" drawn cartoon or AI generated image, as many other content creator now seem to be doing.
@bolognagiri6443 11 ай бұрын
I think it’s fine to use someone’s image in a thumbnail. It doesn’t take away from the content in the video. I think at the end of the day someone is going to have something negative to say about anything. Some people just want to complain. Game the system if it benefits you. I think complaining about a thumbnail is a waste of time if the content is good
@Lucanx1 11 ай бұрын
I think if you are going to include an image of a d&d celeb then you should include a clip of them performing whatever your point is as it would be more journalistic and it would not seem like you are leeching off of their popularity.
@Legionnegaming 9 ай бұрын
I kind of hate to put it this way but I think you're looking at the situation wrong. If you imagine that your KZbin channel is the game master and everyone that watches it are the players, well then you have to give the players what they want. If 15 to 30 times the amount of people want to do murder mystery than the opposing amount of people who want a dungeon crawl you're going to do murder mystery. I just think you're letting a little bit of your own bias get in your way. By the way I hate the title and thumbnail game to such a degree that I will not click on videos that I find to be over click baity regardless of who publishes them.
@bentapp4534 11 ай бұрын
As a recent discoverer of your channel, I really enjoy the content. Having listened to other KZbinrs talk about the same/similar problems, I have no problem with you doing what you need to keep your channel growing. As long as there is a connection (maybe a quick explanation as to why you see one) I have no problem. Great job, and good luck!
@EyeEagle2000 11 ай бұрын
love your content, im really looking foward your plotweb part 3 video. really wish you the best!!
@thewholesomecultist6702 11 ай бұрын
Also idk where else to ask but can you put your class guides in a playlist :’) just a personal thing if I had a hard time finding the ones you did when I started here
@NeuralNotes5 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the explanation, didn't know the exactnumbers. IMO you gotta do what you gotta do. As with players and you. You need to adapt your game to your audience. Be aware that some things could help you now might hurt you in the future as with combat encounters, where monsters die when it's most entertaining for everyone, but if you're found out you might see the anger of those who fully believed and trusted that you were just godly GM and who take this as a personal betrayal, so... Just know and be prepared for that... Otherwise GLHF. Love what you do, thx.
@wow4everyo 5 ай бұрын
I think a good way to work around the thumbnail issue would be to introduce a mascot. Human faces are probably always going to perform better because its a human tendency to like faces, but! I think if you make a noticable part of your brand to put on your thumbnails it will be a way to show people that the video will be of a similar quality because people can tell its made by the same person at a glance. (pointy hat is an example) Then you can pretty quickly establish brand recognition by going and adding said mascot to old thumbails. If you are ever comfortable using your own face that would also probably work. As long as its a consistent easy to spot image I think people will start to recognize it
@johnadkins9934 11 ай бұрын
Hello, many thanks for the video. I feel compelled in your CTA to provide a response. To answer your question. I for one am not swayed by a thumbnail. I first see the creator/channel. Then check the title, and simultaneously scan the art. During then a clickbait/time worth assessment happens. It is usually a window dressing or bottom rung of priorities. It's important to stay pliable, and adapt to trends as you astutely deferred about the behavior by this platform's algorithm. Keep dispensing your experience, that is mindful (of all stakeholders), and readily actionable. Faces, no faces matters not to me. Arrange your curtains the way you get more fulfillment out of sharing your love of this hobby with us. I appreciate you, keep shining. P.S. Maybe an idea if your going with the face trend. How about some collaborations with others in this space? Then they are in the video, platform win. You get to have a great conversation with other like minded, experienced Dm's on topics related to the hobby. Both channels net growing win win. Easier said i know, just a spark.
@Castheknotted 7 ай бұрын
911: How can i help my newer players follow a plot hook without railroading, ive given them 4 different types but they just keep going back to the tavern.
@watchingbrain 11 ай бұрын
- If you want to try out a little bit of clickbait, go for it. Have some fun for a month. See what happens. Adapt. on a side note: - Why not take your own likeness and put it in the thumbnails with a standard asmongold facial expression? - I looked at your best viewed videos and compared them quickly to pointyhat's just on the basis of the standard thumbnail template. I had the impression that there could be room for improvement on your side when it comes to a more "brand affirming/ more recognisable/ stringent" template. Just some food for thought.
@bransonS 11 ай бұрын
I understand the faces in thumbnails, more than likely it is how I found your channel. Personally, I feel similarly to everything you described on the topic, it's not ideal, and I'd prefer more "informative" titles and thumbnails (in a perfect world). But the fact that there's a good chance I don't find this channel at all without them makes it seem to me that there is a place for them on some videos, especially topics that are meant to be more far-reaching. Thanks for the great content. It is my favorite dnd channel as I empathize deeply with your dm philosophy. The fact that you put in the time and effort (that I simply don't have for dnd), and then share your results, directly makes my games more fun for me and my players!
@wynq 11 ай бұрын
Regarding thumbnails--do what you need to do. I think most subscribers are coming for the quality of the content itself, and aren't counting the thumbnail as part of that content.
@suraine 11 ай бұрын
Answering your question: I don't mind faces, I care more about the name of the video. As long as it corresponds to the contents, I am happy and see absolutely no fault with having a face on the thumbnail.
@JoaoVictor-ms4zp 11 ай бұрын
About this last question... Do whatever... i really like your content, and i wouldnt know your channel if it wasnt for clickbait. If you dont want to use other people faces on the thumbnail i recomend you put your channel logo or something that is related to dnd, but not straight out of the oficial books
@samuelmitchell6328 11 ай бұрын
I saw this being discussed on an old video where someone was saying they didn't want brennan in the thumbnail. You have the best dnd content for me i 100% say keep using brennan in the thumbnail.
@ramonruijgt4532 11 ай бұрын
with the clickbait thing. i feel its a you tube culture that allows it. too me its, you live of other peoples fame. some how bigger there fame the more you will see of it. but then you need to ask your self is it my fame or a hollow number. i see you try your best to get good stuff out. and you doing your best to stay tour self is not easy. for likes. in my viewers years of you tube i 99% never like or dislike. i am like i viewed it thats my way of its worth. but then again i also dont care about sosial media got whatsapp and discord all i need.
@exigo2625 11 ай бұрын
I would prefere the non face thumbnails in a world where there was no difference in klicks between the two options but the way it is I rather the algorythm recommended me your videos with someones face on it, even if it is inconsequentual to the videos content, than to for whatever reason miss your video because it didn't get enough traction without it
@jakesmarrella6735 11 ай бұрын
Can I join one of your games? I’m a forever DM and would love to play sometime.
@tannerfaucheux1527 11 ай бұрын
I appreciate the tips and will definitely try and implement those tips in my campaign.
@FrostSpike 11 ай бұрын
14:40 Dungeon crawling. Here's a dirty little secret. You don't have to plan out every single room ahead of time if you're happy to use random generation tables to populate the creatures and contents for the "unimportant" rooms as and when the characters open the door. The "Hexflower" approach at creating random tables for the various areas can work quite well to let the rooms and contents "make more sense" than just having them be completely random. Alongside this, you'll typically prepare a number of "set piece" rooms for the various areas of the dungeon that match the theme/story and, like the quintessential "Quantum Ogre", just drop them in whenever you think it would be the right time and place to do so (and don't let anyone tell you that you're railroading the players if everyone is having fun!), or put them into the Hexflower.
@trevorbritt91 11 ай бұрын
Any thumbnail is fine, as long as it is not misleading or a lie of some kind.
@mattw6993 11 ай бұрын
Do what you gotta do, brah. Love your videos.
@JacobHeaton-tx4gd 11 ай бұрын
so happy time has stopped
@RubixPi 11 ай бұрын
Made it to the end of the video and to answer your question. YES! Looking foreword to Plot Webs Part III with Matt Mercer's Face plastered all over the thumbnail! Seriously, I'm in the midst of beginning a new campaign and that first Plot Webs video was immensely helpful and by the end of the video, I had completely forget that Brendon's face was probably the reason I clicked on the video to begin with. Thanks for all the content and keep up the great work.
@GayIrishRebel 11 ай бұрын
Hey, first time commenting here. I don't mind at all if the thumbnail chases the algorithm. I do care when the title is misleading -- which I've never seen you do before, so thank you! Pretty much, if I see two or three really useful/entertaining videos from a creator, I subscribe to that channel and trust they'll keep putting out quality content. For what it's worth, the first video of yours I watched was a GM 911 video with a guy's face in the thumbnail, but I didn't recognize the guy at all. I clicked on it because the title promised a wide range of topics. Whatever route you choose, I'll start hitting the like button more to help boost your videos.
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