Entitled Karen Lets Her Kid Steal A Blind's Cane

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Mainly Fact

Mainly Fact

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@vulpixfairy1985 11 ай бұрын
This is the thing with disabilities. People who have them wanted to be treated fairly like everyone. And I agree with them. Respect to them for being able to adapt in other ways to compensate what they don’t have and it makes me see that the human body is incredible in some ways.
@samanthamorgan2188 11 ай бұрын
That first story really hit home. I have been legally blind for about 3 years now due to optic neuritis brought on by multiple sclerosis, and I definitely had a rough time of it at first, not being able to see things anymore. I'm doing so much better now, I'm even able to leave comments on videos now-thank goodness for the accessibility option on my phone lol. I appreciate people like ag even more now, and I really appreciate KZbinrs like you for having a pleasant sounding voice. Thanks for the awesome content 💯
@mariosgreenshell 10 ай бұрын
I am totally not trying to sound like a douche... curious how do visually impaired ppl text/write
@samanthamorgan2188 10 ай бұрын
Don't worry, Mario's Green shell, you are not being a douche for asking how a visually impaired person can write and text on a smart device. Believe me, I had thought the same before I lost my vision. How it works, for me at least, is the accessibility option on my phone reads back the text and the keyboard to me. This allows me toactually use my phone, since I wouldn't be able to use it otherwise. Hope this helps, feel free to ask if you have any other questions
@rooktallon3141 11 ай бұрын
I'm totally blind. The closest thing I've had happen was me breaking 5 canes within a one-week timeline because people kept trying to jump over them while I was using them. Guy actually managed to break an aluminium cane. Don't even know how you do that but yeah. It really does feel like you've lost something without a cane. I mean, I've been blind from birth and have the white eyes so very few would question the fact I'm blind. But for someone who had sight before, I could see this potentially being a traumatic experience that would set me back in my training for a small amount of time. And before anyone asks, I can still use the same language as everyone else even if I don't see anything. Ridiculous that we as blind people must use different language or discriptors to indicate the fact we can't see stuff. Firstly, blindness is a spectrum. Second, we're entitled to the same verbiage as everyone else.
@JAY31072010 11 ай бұрын
Damn My heart goes out to you good sir, it’s like breaking someone’s prosthetic i imagine. Have a nice day.
@michellecoleman5577 11 ай бұрын
Btw, for those curious: a lot of us are taught to go straight to customer service and request a helper to both guide us around the store because isles move, and help pick the correct products. There are useful apps to scan products that I didn't have when I was learning as a kid, but finding the right isles is stupid even when you have perfect vision. And it's very slow to scan every single thing and sometimes the new things aren't found. We are also taught to label and organize everything in our kitchen and even ask someone we trust to read out directions so we can write them down ahead of time if necessary. Again, tech has made this much easier. what tech has not made easier is checking out. I can't see the stupid little screen to know it's asking me if I want cash back or confirming my total before I can put in my pin or whatever. Stupid touch screens on appliances are the worst.
@Peersoncasteell 11 ай бұрын
@hecatenocturne7808 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing my story. I'm happy to know AG isn't the only decent person in the world. If it's any consolation, I was told that, while I didn't press charges, Walmart did. So she didn't get away scott-free.
@michellecoleman5577 11 ай бұрын
story 2: Some people need to learn that a child is a human being that YOU STILL have to care for after the birth.
@Neonsilver13 11 ай бұрын
There is one more point in the second story, parentification is also a form of child abuse, that's when a minor is forced to act as a parent. So not only are the parents careless stupid a-holes for essentially wanting to bring a child into the world when they aren't able to care for it and then expect others to pay for it, what they did to OP and might have done to the younger sister was potentially abusive. Granted we don't know how much OP had to do, but it's possible that it crossed the line from helping the parents out a bit to abuse.
@calliesploon 11 ай бұрын
tbh I thought you were gonna finish at "can you imagine... if this person had friends?" because someone like that doesn't deserve friends.
@kriscynical 11 ай бұрын
Ever seen the video of the cops who tried to take a legally blind man's cane because they claimed it was a weapon when they saw it folded up in his back pocket? Even once he showed them that it was a cane and told them he was legally blind, they just made up other bullshit charges like disorderly conduct or whatever so they could arrest him for something.
@QuikCrow 11 ай бұрын
Hey i enjoy the videos alot but am curious about what has happened to other content example like the ask reddit stuff? Keep it up!.
@RenTheWren 11 ай бұрын
Damn, I think "Pick a lane" might the most accurate one-line response to christian shenanigans I've heard so far!
@venommisery24 10 ай бұрын
5:34 When I was younger, I went to a mental health hospital after a psychotic break, while there, a blind woman was admitted, she had the cane (for now), and blind glasses. Shortly thereafter, the staff -attempted- to take her cane away, stating it was dangerous and a hazard to herself and those around her. This raised hell, for obvious reasons. This poor woman was blind, and surrounded by people with poor mental health to begin with. She started screaming as they tried to pry the cane from her hands, in comes my roommate, we’ll call her Tweak, and Tweak didn’t take kindly to the blatant abuse of the blind woman, and pulled the cane from staffs hands like Excalibur, and placed it back into the hands of its owner. Tweak then assisted the woman in contacting her lawyer, while also keeping the staff at bay.
@michellecoleman5577 11 ай бұрын
There are no words to express the sheer rage because I know that gut wrenching feeling. That power going out analogy: it's not just that the electricity went out and maybe you can still see the emergency lights or something with batteries giving off the tiniest bit of light beside you or light coming in through a window. It is the sudden loss of an entire part of yourself. That cane is an extention of us while it's in our hand and without it it's paralyzing. Even if you're in a familiar place and pretty aware of how to get to a wall and trace it to where you can find help, there's a moment of heart stopping panic before any rational thought. And then to go beyond just having it knocked away where you know it's nearby, but someone actually actively walking away with it? If I were this person, I'd be having to plead my self-defense case in court. And I'm sure nobody here are complete idiots who would think so, but can somebody explain to me why the hell I'd HAVE to have stupid useless glasses? This rant will continue for the rest of my life.
@jccw227 11 ай бұрын
I’ve heard story 2 before, but not the follow up about the miscarriage
@owenforschler5326 11 ай бұрын
Ya I swore he dad that one like a week ago
@josiegipson90 11 ай бұрын
​@@owenforschler5326yep, definitely heard it here several days ago.
@kaziered 11 ай бұрын
I wish OP would have thrown their parents words back at them "Children are a gift from God, it looks like He didn't think you were worthy after seeing your behavior. This was your test from Him and you failed"
@andrewlanglois6362 11 ай бұрын
8:22 I'm seeing a recurrence of people calling prepared OPs selfish. Can't the actual Sell Fishes ever realize the stigma they are placing for their Greedy Ambitions?
@katphish30 11 ай бұрын
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate... ETA: Search the first line, kiddies. Watch the whole scene for context.
@senrioflove 11 ай бұрын
@A8T8T 11 ай бұрын
Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life, they take a huge (and very British) piss at the Roman Catholic Church in a song called “Every Sperm is Sacred” it’s hilarious and a well chosen answer for this post
@senrioflove 11 ай бұрын
@@A8T8T oh you're right!
@flamefangstar 11 ай бұрын
​@@A8T8TI was so thinking like: which Bible is this from
@katphish30 11 ай бұрын
@@A8T8T And I'm still humming it an hour later.
@RenTheWren 11 ай бұрын
Hey mr Facts, I got a request for you. Could you, when you're editing, go through the video and check if the speech recognition for the subtitles actually picked up the text correctly? There's often recognition faults in the subtitles and they make the video look amateurish, even though you have such good takes in them and your voice is awesome. It couldn't take that long to check, and the devil's in the details :)
@Apollos_Triumph 11 ай бұрын
I come from a large (mostly closeted) Catholic homeschool family, where big families were the thing to have even when it does not make sense financially. And the only reason it stopped was because biologically it had to, my Mom was 47-48 when she had her last kid, because of having a large family and Dad working overtime and Mom having to do most of the parenting on her own, things got quite stressful, forcing some of my siblings to act as parents, really messed a lot of us up lot's of anxiety and self doubt, and depression, even a not alive attempt, not me, kinda seems like they were joking but you can't treat as such, that was 10 or so years ago they are now on medication. Also several siblings of mine are closeted LGBTQ+ with my youngest sibling coming out as gay then pan, but were not taken seriously by my parents who are acting like they are going through a faze, also they're gender queer learning towards their assigned gender at birth. As for I'm straight but can't be 100 I'm not bi or pan because of my parents bigotry and phobia. I'm in my late 20s / early 30 and I feel like I missed what my life could have been, and this is where I leave things.
@alyssabaerne9508 10 ай бұрын
One amusing thing about disability aids like a cane or wheelchair being stolen like in the first story,the are places that treat it as full-on assault. Not sure if that is still the case but i do recall it at least used to be (hopefully still is) in the netherlands, stealing them and/or puposefully destroying them under that law was treated akinto taking that which it supplemented. Iirc there was a case of some teenager who stole someone's wheelchair and ended up wrecking it... when the entire thing hit the news after tge case it had a quote of the judge who called it akin to a violent assault breaking a healthy person's legs... brutal but since the owner of said wheelchair was paralyzed from the waist-down. (Edit: i realized i never mentioned it was a case where the victim was being pulled out of the wheelchair for a 'joyride'. highschool bullies are aweful.)
@hecatenocturne7808 10 ай бұрын
Yes, most states consider theft or destruction of medical aids to be a felony assault....but this happened to me in Pasco County, Florida where the ADA laws are very lax. The store did press charges against her for the aisle display I destroyed when I fell into it, but that was the extent of what we could do really since neither of them actually put hands on me. Fukin Florida.
@brooketaylor8560 11 ай бұрын
I don’t think you understand what you do for all of us, @mainlyfacts You give us an escape and a time where we can just stop thinking and listen to your stories. Thanks :)
@colinmoore7460 11 ай бұрын
Blue Hair story: I seem to remember a similar story from a long time ago. Exept that the "boss" would blame a man. So he shaved his head..
@codm22712 11 ай бұрын
What the hell was that mom in the first story thinking
@miriley6 7 ай бұрын
in regards to story #2 I was never lucky enough to ever receive as by form of inheritance from anyone (financial or other) but in I am in always shocked and amazed when I hear stories about people who received a financial inheritance while under 18 only to have the parent use/abuse/ or force the individual to sign over rights to the inheritance. Isn't there a way for the lawyer or POA or executor of the estate to enforce the instructions of the will? It almost seems like it's normal for parents to use up or somehow get the rights to inheritance or settlements meant for the kid? idk seems effed up to me 0_o
@UndeadEyes 10 ай бұрын
So, one thing is bugging me about the first story... First, don't get me wrong, this is not blaming anything on them or calling this fake, but a glaring piece is missing for me. They are stating how blind they are (cannot see ANYTHING). They are super detailed in their descriptions, explanations, etc. Yet, they leave out...how they are able to see the groceries they are looking for. Now, if they'd been out plenty prior and were used to blindness, I'd assume many things, but they are also saying this is the first time they are out doing it alone or mostly in general since going blind. I know there are ways for this to work, seeking help from an employee, very limited vision with enough to somewhat make out what may be in front of you, even apps to help, but they are fully blind they say, and a cane doesn't tell you what you're grabbing on a shelf... This is just big point of "Wait, you explain everything in detail but leave out how this is happening..." The bank makes sense. Easily ask for someone to help you. The store? How? Why leave this out? Again, I get there are ways, but for someone so detailed in their story...they leave out a pretty big part for the reader. For as panicked and scared that they become, it doesn't sound like they can just go through a store and grab what they need alone or without some sort of assistance. Then again, I tend to dig in too deep to the stories I hear.
@hecatenocturne7808 10 ай бұрын
Yeah you're definitely overthinking it. I could have gotten help from an employee but I'm a prideful woman who doesn't like asking for help. I did know the layout of Walmart quite well on my own and using a cane while mental mapping an area is a basic skill all blind people know, in fact it's a core skill taught at blind school. Picking out things like milk or butter were super easy, especially when another customer saw me feeling them and would tell me what kind it was, which was nice of them. As for the things I couldn't tell apart like canned goods, I've always (yes, even then) used an app on my phone called *Be My Eyes* that connects me with a sighted person via video call and they assist me with things that require vision like the aisle numbers or product labels. I didn't include it in the story for a couple reasons. Firstly, the story was already long as fuck, and secondly there are things about being blind I assumed would be common sense such as people are capable of assisting me, or mental mapping exists, or blind people can use technology. If you look up my original story on reddit, there were tens of thousands of comments and votes....literally half the comments were "if you're blind, how did you type this" so I added an edit at the end telling everyone how a screen reader works and how five seconds googleing your absurd, stupid questions would save us all from the offensive stupidity of questions like that.
@adinkottwitz-3106 11 ай бұрын
Just to know after effects of Katrina did that to someone and all of us that live here just all went about normal
@temposoleiro4398 11 ай бұрын
I feel it, I reacently got legaly blind and still need a cane to walk, there are tools to still use my phone like (talk back) that narrates every you do so i can leave comments like this one but when i go out with my sister she tells me people look at me like i was faćcking being blind.😮
@jmoney-mb3ef 10 ай бұрын
Sooo, taking a Kane is a huge crime
@dolanvskaney 10 ай бұрын
Don't call a blind person "a blind." Seems rude.
@thesuperdk513 11 ай бұрын
Story 3 Fellas, if you ever get taken to court or you take someone to court, don't be rude to the person deciding whether or not you win.
@lethalty6055 11 ай бұрын
Last story: No, that boss didn’t want to investigate because he would probably be marked as discriminating by the other workers. But still, I think this boss was discriminating anyway if OP isn't Indian. That would be violating discrimination policies.
@Cablebet 10 ай бұрын
Awesome guy is a chad
@Maximalistcollector 10 ай бұрын
" I understand the mom" No you do not, you cannot understand a religious extremist
@UncleMikeDrop 11 ай бұрын
Don't put devices where people sit then get surprised when somepeople sit on them.
@thesuperdk513 11 ай бұрын
When do you think you'll return to askreddit threads?
@ProzacPancakeParty 11 ай бұрын
$100 cane? lol The whole point of a cane is that it smacks into things and gets scuffed up on the ground and from detecting objects. You get them free from various places and for a few dollars on Amazon. Sorry. That part got me lol
@GamingXenZen 11 ай бұрын
Story 1: WHY DID THE HUSBAND NOT GO WITH HIS WIFE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! None of this would have happened if the husband got off his butt and go help her shop or just do it himself. Unless he was soooo Busy that he absolutely couldn't do anything else but send his wife but if he wasn't, then he is an absolutely inconsiderate, evil bastard and just as bad as the entitled mom and her devil spawn for putting his wife in such a situation Edit: Ok I get it. The husband is not a bad guy. NVM
@missingLEGACY 10 ай бұрын
Some folks when adjusting to a new disability don't want to have to rely entirely on other people at all times, so it is likely that she was slowly trying to introduce herself into being independent even though she is blind. In a healthy relationship these things are discussed. it was probably already understood between the two of them considering she has no animosity toward her husband in the story.
@GamingXenZen 10 ай бұрын
@@missingLEGACY Hm you make a good point. I never thought about that. That's owing to the fact that I got no experience with disabled people that can voice their opinions and such
@hecatenocturne7808 10 ай бұрын
He was working. And I'm a very independent kind of person with a lot of pride. Definitely the kind of woman who hates asking for help. If anything, him asking me to do simple things like shopping just showed me the kind of faith he has in me and knew I could handle it. Please don't call my husband a monster when I asked him to let me learn on my own and he just trusted me, thanks.
@GamingXenZen 10 ай бұрын
@@hecatenocturne7808 Ye I already got that from the other reply
@MommaBird1772 11 ай бұрын
Dear Mr. Facts, Consider changing the title of today's video from "Blind's" to "seeing impared" or "person without vision". Categorizing someone as "a blind" seems insensitive. Sincerely, A disabled advocate 🖤
@michellecoleman5577 11 ай бұрын
No, it's just missing the word 'person'. I found it mildly amusing personally, but you're right, some could be much less Cavalier about being blind than me. Thanks for the call out.
@MommaBird1772 11 ай бұрын
@michellecoleman5577 Thank you, I realized that a second after I posted that and included it as an edit under my comment.
@josiegipson90 11 ай бұрын
I'm not trying to be rude but since you are an advocate pointing out insensitive terminology. Just an fyi, disabled is also considered insensitive nowadays. It's differently-abled. 💙 💛 💙 💛
@dreadrath 11 ай бұрын
I'd be considered Visually Impaired, which is the PC term for it at least where I'm from (Though I ain't totally blind) Anyways, I won't speak for others, but me personally, I found the title pretty funny. Pretty sure he just rushed the typing of it since it has that hastily thrown together and not spellchecked vibe. I think "Blind Person" is a good middle ground, has a nice politely casual ring to it without it trying too hard to be inoffensive. Then again I've got pretty thick skin, and I know others can be pretty sensitive about this sort of thing. Person to person basis and all that.
@missingLEGACY 10 ай бұрын
I'm personally of the stance that if there is a word for it that is not directly created for the use of being derogatory, there shouldn't really be a problem with using it. Blind is simply a word that means somebody who is unable to see, nothing derogatory about it, it is simply how the English language works.
@tornado4588 11 ай бұрын
Wait how did a blind person type that?
@HA-nj1qt 11 ай бұрын
Speech to text
@tornado4588 11 ай бұрын
@@HA-nj1qt ah thanks for telling me
@missingLEGACY 10 ай бұрын
I'm still a little skeptical on story one being factual, simply because of how difficult it would be for a blind person to navigate a computer so accurately to be able to read, understand, and post to a website like reddit. I don't think accessibility options on a computer have come quite that far, especially considering how much she emphasizes that she has not been blind for very long. It's a nice story, but I don't buy this one personally.
@hecatenocturne7808 10 ай бұрын
​@@missingLEGACY you better buy it, cause I lived it. Please for the love of all that is holy, Google "screen reader" and save us all from the stupidity coming out of your mouth. If you don't believe me, I was literally sent to blind school and one of the core classes is COMPUTER TECH. Please don't be an insulting dumass without doing research. Five minutes on Google could have saved you this embarrassment.
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