Entitled PC Shop Owner BLAMES his FAILING BUSINESS on ME - Reddit Business Podcast

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Am I the Jerk?

Am I the Jerk?

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@CidVeldoril 2 жыл бұрын
Cheater story: Honestly, if they already sleep in different rooms and stuff they like are only together for the kids at this point and don't actually see themselves as a couple anymore. I have known such situations in which hubby was in on it because he himself had an affair too. They'd basically be roommates raising their kids.
@nosywendigo592 2 жыл бұрын
Son: "Mommy, are we in the 1950s?" Mom: "Why do you say that?" Son: "Darrin from Bewitched sleeps in separate beds with his wife. Are you guys living the 1950s?" Mom: "What? No! We're... just... um, taking time off." Son: "Hmm... Then who was that banging the walls off my bedroom last night?" Mom: "Me." Son: "So you're the Miranda Lawson?" Mom: "Uh, yes, I am!" Son: "Then was Commander Shepard an alien or a dog?" Mom: "Sweetie! He was the dog, duh!" Son: "Liar! He was *the Commander Shepard* Miranda bangs in the game as a romantic option! My god, are gonna be a polygamous family, Mom? Dad took in a second wife? Cool!" Mom: "Hey! Listen here you brat! Your father is cheating on me and I am not OK with it!" Son: "Then why don't you confront him, tell him you love him and will be his Miranda Lawson forever. Then, then, quit sleeping in separate bedrooms so he wouldn't have to cheat!" *Son walks away like a boss*
@BM-wf8jj 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: You should absolutely tell your father. The marriage and family dynamic is already toxic and letting this lie go on is only going to cause mental and emotional strain on everyone involved. It'll be rough at first but that clarity will provide a clean slate to build a new, healthier life from. Plus continuously being subjected to your mother's infidelity is going to destroy your ability to have healthy relationships of your own in the future because you'll be too insecure and overly suspicious of partners to trust them enough to build a strong bond without forcing them to live underneath a microscope that they'll very quickly get tired of. Make sure to get therapy afterwards too because you're going to need it.
@kingfisher9589 2 жыл бұрын
Nah bro, i would go nuclear and show it to my dad and brother in front of my mom, i was the op
@kingfisher9589 2 жыл бұрын
but yes, you're right on everything else
@XR3peater 10 ай бұрын
I was getting mad asf hearing this story like bruh you suck as a daughter
@Traci_Websinger 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the second story, I may have misunderstood, but Stella kind of blew them off at the bar. Granted, they spent about a half hour talking inside, but the OP and Billy didn't know anyone outside, other than Stella and the girlfriend. Stella chose to stay at the bar, at which point, OP and Billy were kinda free to do what they wished. 4:00am is a little rough to get back in, but at that point, short of finding an all night diner or something, any time they got back in would have been awkward.
@javeresparza3520 2 жыл бұрын
Third Story: Tell your father. Do not torture yourself. I went through a similar process and I almost went to mental hospital. It is very unhealthy and you deserve better. Plus your dad should know.
@jesust6463 2 жыл бұрын
“ I don’t want their relationship to get any worse than this.” Honey, your family is over. Your mom doesn’t love your dad. He’s not a nice guy. Why would you want to keep this loveless marriage together?
@skywalkerjohn8965 2 жыл бұрын
@thatonedevilguy5001 2 жыл бұрын
@@jesust6463 that's what I'm screaming
@misiosz1983 2 жыл бұрын
@TheOfficialHattyHattington 2 жыл бұрын
@@jesust6463 WE ARE NOW FRIENDS.
@ChickinSammich 2 жыл бұрын
Last story - you need to tell your father and the other guy's wife. You have the proof. You're hurting them more by NOT telling them.
@mrstranger2981 2 жыл бұрын
It's not that easy as it looks
@Ironica82 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrstranger2981 Nothing that is worth it is ever easy. However, that doesn't mean it should not be done.
@ChickinSammich 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ironica82 Agreed. "It's not easy" is a cop-out to avoid doing the right thing. Doing the right thing is frequently not easy. You should do it anyway.
@sk1dzzz608 2 жыл бұрын
@sk1dzzz608 2 жыл бұрын
@@ChickinSammich you are right,the right thing to do isn't always easy,but still must be done
@stressedartist2496 2 жыл бұрын
Second story. I honestly don't think op is in the wrong at all. First I understand that her friend open her home to op to stay in but that doesn't mean op has to follow her around like a puppy, especially when op was put into a situation where she only know 2 people at the gathering and 1 is already engaged in the activity with others. So op walking to the inside bar with Billy to grab some drinks and chat for a few isn't wrong at all, especially when the probably hadn't really gotten time to 1 on 1 catch up. Also op and billy staying out late is a bit of a problem but in there defense they were both drunk and having too much fun (and don't act like you've never been with a friend and got lost in the moment), Stella should have at the very least sent a text saying the group was heading home as a warning, but I can see why having to wake up in the early morning just to let some drunks in can be annoying
@caduguardrailkingowo 2 жыл бұрын
Hope they tell the father about this, no one deserves it, this is being toxic for everyone
@misiosz1983 2 жыл бұрын
@sk1dzzz608 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly it's worse that she doesn't tell her father
@stevenojeda8097 2 жыл бұрын
In the third story imagine if it was a human child. Your in the hospital: I think my son has a fever. Is he going to be okay? A Karen in room: well clearly you not good parents. Without your permission I’m going to give your kid up for adoption and if you won’t let me I’ll call CPS. Like WHAT!
@Hi_its_me_will 2 жыл бұрын
It's the third story
@stevenojeda8097 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hi_its_me_will my bad sorry.
@Hi_its_me_will 2 жыл бұрын
All good yall
@pamelaprince8134 2 жыл бұрын
Story #2- Sounds like Stella had already had her mind made up once she started to be confrontational in the very 1st bar. The OP only went in to get a drink with a familiar friend as the OP said she didn't know the other 12 people & Stella didn't go out of her way to introduce the OP to any of the other 12 people. Time to keep Stella out of your life I'm thinking she just might be jealous of the OP??!! She had zero right to have the OP leave because they got split up the night before. There's plenty of time's I've gotten separated from friend's and vice versa and never had anyone been asked to leave and find other accommodations. Anyway friend's like Stella who need enemies!!?? Good Luck
@jonnyboy0127 2 жыл бұрын
3rd story. Tell your dad before he finds out himself. When he finds out you knew the whole time and didn't tell him He'll think you hate him and sided with your mom. Sucks to say your family has ended years ago. You just didn't want to accept it
@epicpuppyman5562 2 жыл бұрын
4th story but good comment
@awkstate Жыл бұрын
@juanpavo6291 2 жыл бұрын
Third story: maybe the parents are separated and just want to keep up appearances for their family (the kids)
@MsMrhide 2 жыл бұрын
That's what I thought too
@genesis12259 2 жыл бұрын
This man should be a judge
@awkstate Жыл бұрын
@johnnymcneal5914 Жыл бұрын
You know he's absolutely right you shouldn't blame anyone because they want to build their own computers from scratch instead of buying one
@SMDoktorPepper 2 жыл бұрын
And the updare to the dog story, despite it not being written yet, FB will do exactly nothing.
@kigamezero8636 2 жыл бұрын
When I heard "reported it to Facebook", I just paused and went "...*so*? They ain't gonna do sht."
@domingojohnvic6368 2 жыл бұрын
Third story is the perfect example of why the "Women" meme exists
@carlrood4457 2 жыл бұрын
There's actually the possibility the dad already knows. Since they're pretty much living separately, they may just be staying together until the kids are grown.
@angiemelts2158 2 жыл бұрын
Either directly tell you dad the truth or send to him anonymously while the mother is on her business trip. Either way if she will to have affair with someone else than reality is she’s not thinking about you or your sibling or how she is hurting the family.
@briansmith2113 2 жыл бұрын
shit if I have to be honest. the kid is putting way too much responsibility on themselves. it's not up to them to keep the family together nor is it their business to unfortunately. they idolize their parents but neglect they are people too and that there are clear issues that need to be resolved for any of them to be healthy. the best thing for them to do is tip off their dad. and let them solve what they need to because the parents are both clearly unhappy with each other. and continuing that kinda toxic marriage without ending or fixing it does way more damage than a split.
@briansmith2113 2 жыл бұрын
I will say everyone claiming the mother doesnt care about the family is being way too harsh. and need to listen to how the kid describes the father again. they fight regularly but he shows no affection to the mother for the kid's entire life. tell me that's not insane. the kid just needs to exit the adult situation. clear their own mind and get the guilt of knowing off of them but mind their own business going forward because it sounds like they are lost about a lot going on. that couple has clear issues besides the cheating or hell the dad might be too just not caught yet.
@hnrynova 2 жыл бұрын
@@briansmith2113 that's big if thought but op didn't say anything about her dad only being cold but her actions or lack of it shows that she doesn't care about her dad and her mother even tried to gaslight the daughter.
@briansmith2113 2 жыл бұрын
@@hnrynova that's the point I'm making here. she doesnt care about her dad and think that being that nonpersonal to even your own wife is normal for years on end. even saying she cant recall her dad proclaiming love to the mother even once. yet drags the mother for being a terrible wife for cheating. seems like she's missing a lot of the picture. and is blinded by idolization of the parents. she only tearing the mother down at the moment because she was out right caught and was the beginning of that image being shattered. but the reality is likely it was over long ago.
@hnrynova 2 жыл бұрын
@@briansmith2113 it's fresh to husband being natural is bad situation without saying anything
@bgjkl7521 2 жыл бұрын
Mom cheating on dad : You should sit your dad down and tell him. I normally do not like for kids to get involved in these things, but last year one of my buddy's daughters caught her mom cheating and was afraid to tell him. Somehow my buddy found out about it on his own, but also found out his daughter knew and did not tell him. He was not surprised about his wife, but was devastated that his daughter was hiding this secret from him. He has since refused to speak to his daughter. You do not want that.
@LeoMessi10_world-champion 2 жыл бұрын
I really want an update on the last story
@mikecarrico2876 2 жыл бұрын
Back2Basic: when training my Doberman puppy, my roommate got mad because every 20 minutes i took dog outside!, i said he will know to go outside!, to NEVER mess in house growing up!! 😆
@hell_yeah52admin67 2 жыл бұрын
Just blackmail the mom and the coworker
@pedrocapo9462 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: It really annoys me how this stupid woman just goes like "you are abusing this dog put it in adoption!"to newcomers and just stealing random pictures and putting them for adoption is simply wrong. Story 3: I got an advice , if your mom tries to hide it and uses excuses to not admit it just tell your dad , i know its hard but your dad deserves someone better than his actual wife .
@CoraErickson-cz3zp 25 күн бұрын
Last story, op should send screenshots of all the messages pretending to be the wife of the affair partner. That way he knows because he deserves to know what's going on, but you don't have to say it to him directly.
@andruaj918 2 жыл бұрын
Last OP made me sooo angry. I know you're going through a though situation and you are not the one to blame, but not doing anything is just making it worst for absolutely everyone, not just yourself, but also your father and the family of the other guy
@Ironica82 2 жыл бұрын
IIRC, she mentioned how she has issues with anxiety (could be thinking of another story). If the father is realistic and the mother is exactly how she sounds, then the father would understand how his x puts pressure on the kids in order to get her way and thus would have guilt tripped her to stay silent.
@queeniethedragon3121 2 жыл бұрын
for the last one even though family means lots to you it means you definitely should tell your father their most likely get seperated anyway and if you care about your brother then you won’t let him grow up with such a diabolical mother
@ChairThrowingTime 2 жыл бұрын
Tell them. OP should tell both dad and the coworkers wife. It’s better to fess up then letting the Dad find out and possibly knowing you knew
@hydra4678 2 жыл бұрын
Love these Videos.
@demonzanddollz1605 2 жыл бұрын
That family is fragile and toxic in the 3rd story.
@shadowprince8217 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I question why they even ask are they the jerk like the answer is so clear
@TeddyLovesAxl 2 жыл бұрын
I really dig ur vids👊🏻 Far-out bro✌🏻
@FreakyyAiden 2 жыл бұрын
12:42 I can relate to this, my mom did cheat on a guy, let's call him "Jacob", I found out in mid-2020 and she was cheating with her " friend" and he even calls me his "daughter" and I told my mom so many times to make him leave me alone but he would call me his daughter despite having 3 kids already, it honestly disgusts me,how he can have the audacity to call me his daughter, he says this to my siblings too
@alexandriayancy1439 2 жыл бұрын
Good Morning everyone!!!!!
@PUMPJUMPLOL 2 жыл бұрын
@SeikaChroma 2 жыл бұрын
For the last story… I think you may have judge a bit harshly. I do agree that OP’s dad deserves to know everything, but maybe not from OP. What i suggest is that OP talked about it with their mom, tell her how they’ve overheard and saw some of the messages she sent and receive, tell her how it’s affecting OP’s feeling, then as for the rest it’s for the mom to figure out with the dad. It would totally come out different when you come out clean about what you did yourself, compared to being snitched by your own child. And just because OP’s mom is having an affair, doesn’t mean that she couldn’t be a perfect mom FOR OP. OP said that their father have never been romantic, from the limited information that was given to us, there might have been a fight between their parents that might have caused this, they both have done well to hide from their children that we didn’t know of, maybe even OP didn’t know of. A messy marriage is not something a child should try to fix. They can be a huge factor to affect it, but all they should do is try to explain to their parents about how it’s affecting them.
@chaudx 2 жыл бұрын
WTF is wrong with OP in the last story, how selfish one can be to not tell the father and the lover's wife about the affair...just for what keeping the illusion of being a family...dude that train already left...they constantly fight and sleep on different beds, they aren't a couple anymore...they are just stuck and as far as you know only your mother is getting a taste of happiness...OP is denying his father a chance of being happy with someone else for his/her own selfishness sake...
@Tylerb1324 Жыл бұрын
4:18 the video is very interesting for what he says
@devineintellect8421 7 ай бұрын
Dad possibly already knows. They are already in separate rooms. They are just together for the children. They have no intimacy in their relationship. Let sleeping dogs lie.
@calvinwilson1220 2 жыл бұрын
What if he knows?? What if the only reason they are together is the kids??
@cbrunk5370 2 жыл бұрын
DOG STORY: sadly that happens all the time. Social media is one of the worst places to go for advise. I mean don't get me wrong. there are a lot of people out there willing to help. But rest assured you will get a Karen or two.
@Ironica82 2 жыл бұрын
Your reply to the last story: What would you do if you were in this situation Me: What do you mean if? Tone some of the things down and I am that father that their wife cheated on. She needs to tell him and show all the evidence. It shall hurt a lot and the next year shall bring on lots of stress but in the end, you and your father shall be better off without the weight of the secret hanging on you.
@xxpotato_squadxx 2 жыл бұрын
My parents divorced a long time ago.. at the age of 5 to be exact. There was nothing wrong with their marriage they just were better off as friends… i know its not the same but honestly divorced parents aren’t that bad.
@panosplays4297 2 жыл бұрын
I must say: Both of you voicing the stories have said many times you have had expiriences with Karens and entitled people and also had shitty jobs. Have you ever thought of sharing your expiriences
@Burgishot_ 2 жыл бұрын
It isnt their stories, they are reading them from Reddit
@kigamezero8636 2 жыл бұрын
@@Burgishot_ yeah, but they've mentioned they've also had experiences like the ones they're reading. Op is asking them to tell those.
@cb8953 2 жыл бұрын
Last story, holy crap TELL YOUR DAD, your mother is a lying jerk. This is so unfair to your dad, you, and your brother. It'll be a mess either way, but it'll be worse to hide that from your dad... and its already hurting you keeping this secret. There's no easy way this will go. I'm sorry I can't be more help.
@bombdotcom2168 11 ай бұрын
Last story is hard but it's not the kid's responsibility to keep the family together and the OP should tell her dad. It's better for everyone to just tell him and get it over with. It's not worth keeping the family together when it's this flawed
@Azulakayes 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: Poor OP, they should just tell their dad. This is torture and not fair. This child shouldn't have this burden on their shoulders.
@midnashadow8439 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly? In the case of the last OP…they aren’t any better than their mom by hiding such information from their dad…they are lying and withholding this information from not only him, but to the other man’s wife and child! They are excusing their mom and saying “she’s a good mom!” All while saying how much of a manipulator and gaslighting woman she is. It’s also clear that her family and his family matter nothing to them…if I were OP, I’d destroy any little semblance of happiness and love that those two cheaters have…cause they deserve absolutely nothing
@DarkHeartTheEmo Жыл бұрын
The OP in the last story is really her mother daughter, she as bad as her mother "this can destroy my family" like that isn't happen, living in a lie is away better, she doesn't care about a father, she still want to belieber that her mother is a good person, she isn't not even as a mother.
@06sharhonda Жыл бұрын
You should tell your mom that you have proof and SHE should tell your dad. If she don't then you will. Honesty it would hurt your dad even more the fact that you knew and didn't tell him. They are already sleeping in separate rooms, they don't kiss or even tell each other "I love you!" That right there only says that they are together for you and your brother. But give your mom a chance to come clean or tell him yourself.
@SunilKumar-os1ir 2 жыл бұрын
Nice video
@michaelawinter4793 2 жыл бұрын
Last Story: Maybe the parents don't divorce bc the kids want them together (and society indirectly tells you to endure almost everything bc children need their parents together.). I don't say that's ok or good. And now a question for this kid: Do you really think it's ok what you do? I got the feeling kids don't like their parents to spy on them. How can it be ok to spy on your mother? If you are so concerned go and confront her with your evidence. You told she's a great mom to you so there's no reason to fear. And yes this may result with divorce but this would in no way be your fault bc it sounds as if the marriage is already over (but who knows maybe this is a chance for your parents to mend their relationship). I stayed in my relationship bc my daughter wanted us together. I feel very miserable but if it is what she needs I'll endure it. I work hard on faking so she doesn't realise the truth. There is no cheating - at least on my side I can't speak for her Dad. Maybe it's the same with your mom. If my daughter is unsure and checks my phone to be sure it wouldn't be ok but it's understandable. But it would be trust wrecking if she tells her Dad without confronting me first. You don't know the agreements of your parents. And yes, I think you have the right to get an honest answer!
@deirdresargent7456 2 жыл бұрын
Last story. The kid should stay out of it. Relationships are complicated. She has no idea what her parents private relationship is behind closed doors, how her father has treated her mother, any arrangements that they’ve made, etc. It is not her business and honestly it seems like they are just being roommates and staying together for the kids and causing this kind of hassle could cause them to completely break up which is what she does not want. You cannot force your parents to have the relationship that you want them to have. Putting spyware on your mothers phone is reprehensible. She really needs to go to therapy and stay in her own lane
@Omega_21XX 2 жыл бұрын
The final story OP is selfish. Its all about themself and what them staying together does for them. There is no regard for what is best for everyone in the family. The immediate result wouldn't be good, but ultimately the end result will turn out being best for everyone, even OP. They just lack foresight.
@colbylawson5331 2 жыл бұрын
OP was not selfish. OP was a child asshole.
@foxyandtwistedwolfsplayhou1877 2 жыл бұрын
The girl in the last story needs to tell her father of the affair that's happening between her moms co-work and the mother there shouldn't be any secrets between the relationship. the father might get a divorce and you shouldn't be scared divorce has happened so many times to me that I'm not surprised that this point I've been through different marriages and all of them have ended in the same way and my mom dated the same person three times after every time they broke up so listen to my experience and you shouldn't be scared after all of the treatment that you're going through.
@Conongnho 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1# from me: so i found a new channel and now im hooked to it, like i like watching his podcasts and his videos for long grinding time, i wonder who it is?🤔
@maxc.2411 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao at all the people talking shit about a child in the last story. OP doesnt agree with what her moms doing but its a scary situation for a kid to be in. Like grow up, she's a damn child looking for advice. You cant expect a child to have the same reasoning skills as an adult.
@pohump 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, if you didn't know a puppy will dump or pee all over the place then you probably weren't ready for a dog.
@markbobu6658 Жыл бұрын
Is there an upgrade for the last story?
@valest9290 2 жыл бұрын
Third story: Your family is already ruined. That's harsh truth. Tell your father asap, he deserves to know that and it would be a jerk move not to tell him.
@dankshinobi4382 2 жыл бұрын
The story about the father being cheated on for over 5 years but there is no romantic Tennessee at all I think they're only staying together for the family and they don't have any interest and each other that's what makes the most sense because why in the world would have married couple sleep and totally different rooms but supposedly the relationship is ok
@4givablyun4givable 10 ай бұрын
I definitely agree that the father deserves to know for sure. But I think that the kids should bring it up with the mom in such a way that they're saying look. I know this is going on. I have proof you're not gonna talk me out of it okay? Stop treating me like I'm an idiot. Now I'm giving you a choice. You can either tell dad that you're cheating yourself. Or I will tell him. Keep in mind that I really do have proof so if you try anything, its not going to work. Which would you like that to be?
@luckilyluke3230 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone have an update on the last one?
@thatextrovertartist5474 2 жыл бұрын
Third story OP is kinda selfish for keeping it a secret cuz she doesn't wanna cause the family to separate. Tell your dad, let them split. Its better for both of them, and it's better for you. They argue all the time, the marriage is doomed, just let them get divorced and I assure you, they'll be happier (or the mom won't, if the co-worker doesnt also split with his wife). Don't keep these secrets period. Your mom yells at you for it, AND you're hurting yourself trying to protect something thats already gone.
@chalise.x 2 жыл бұрын
Last story. Your a child stay in a child's place why are you investigating your mother. You don't know if your parents agreed to stay with each other just for you.
@SoldierSpiderx 2 жыл бұрын
first Story if I was the store owner and Op told me he build his own PC I would ask him it he look for a job cause I need people like him and with his help and probably low some price I would made alot money with the help of OP and the owner blame him he waste a great opportunity and the cheating story OP you need to tell your father cause cleanly she don't care about your feeling and try give lame excuse and the fact she yelling at you to stay in your room, she be toxic and try manipulate you, and Op parent don't even said they love each other and fight everyday, Op you need to tell your father and it going be mess divorce for sure
@terrancemuzic5157 Жыл бұрын
18:18 Tell. your. Father.
@spiderg4mer861 2 жыл бұрын
omg its om nom
@russellgrover3022 2 жыл бұрын
I swear the last story is similar to my dad and my now stepmom, who must love my family, because her ex husband was my 2nd cousin, but whatever, my dad had been cheating with my stepmom who was married at the time and had a kid with the guy, and my dad was the brainless idiot who bragged about it to the husband, he just left out the name and specific address, one day the husband was told by his neighbor that he was being cheated on and realized who my dad was talking about, and to this day my dad will claim he didn't start sleeping with my stepmom until he was accused of it, and he has been with my stepmom for about 19 to 20 years, including the whole cheating incident, and funnily enough my dad has cheated on her with his best friends wife, and my stepmom knows and for whatever weird reason she actually expects him to cheat because that what she believes a man should do, and that's why her husband was a piece of crap in her eyes, because he always treated her right, according to 20 different people, I will point out my dad should probably be in jail for the rest of his life because he has done crap that violates basic logic/ decency, heck most animals wouldn't treat there own children like he has treated me and his 3 other kids, my stepmom should just be locked in an mental hospital for the rest of her life, because she disowned her firstborn son, because he chose to live with his father who was the only parent who actually treated him like a human and tried to raise him right, and actually told everyone but the youngest kid who was a baby at the time, that her son got ran over by an ambulance at the time all because he chose what was better for himself, and disowned her family for calling her out on it, I only found out last year the full story from her supposedly dead son, he has said that she can go die for all he cares because she hasn't been there for him since he was 16 and for about 8 months when he was a kid, and I can honestly say she and my dad will get there just deserts because I am helping my cousin and his family make a legal case to get the kids, because I know the hell I went through and still somewhat am going through with them, which ultimately ended up In my dad being told he threatens me again he will have about 50 bullets lodged in his brain, and the cops who showed up that dad know about that and they said, I had every right to do that because I was scared for my life, and as far as they were concerned, he deserves to die yesterday
@mohammadmustafakhan7506 2 жыл бұрын
i played the omnom game
@Ayko1x 2 жыл бұрын
@gamergreen7927 2 жыл бұрын
20:48 doesn’t the guy she is having a affair with have a family try to get into contact with them anonymously and tell them
@ForceLight26LIVE 2 жыл бұрын
the rip off of subway surfers XD
@GhostsGF_13 2 жыл бұрын
What game is it
@alivannila9656 2 жыл бұрын
Third story:if that was me the demon i am il send the co worker wife i would send the text message and the dad
@Cloudmaster1511 2 жыл бұрын
would have told his family, and my dad. let these cheaters crash and burn....
@tetra7billy 2 жыл бұрын
Dude..... both parties married.... throw them both under the bus. If life is already miserable, then it couldn't get any worse. If she can't drop her ovaries and file for divorce, then who know what and how much she's lied about with the poster.... family or not, cheating is f*cked
@greggorman5537 Жыл бұрын
Windows should be free It's that poorly programmed
@erniesfat5539 2 жыл бұрын
what kind of goofy ahh game are you playing
@brysonridenhour184 2 жыл бұрын
@tizzlerbeatsz6826 Жыл бұрын
Last story your family is already ruined if fact if I was your dad I'd be pissed at you for not telling me as soon as you had evidence
@Automaton_unit 2 жыл бұрын
The background is a scam game of subway server just use geometry dash or assasin creed
@lisabullen-austin6153 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think you're a jerk I just think she overreacted
@ultraviolet2535 2 жыл бұрын
comment for i was here cookie of your choice
@Gamer-ml3yx 2 жыл бұрын
There playing a knock-off sub way surfers
@epicpuppyman5562 2 жыл бұрын
@bastet7838 2 жыл бұрын
I'd honestly be suprised if you still have any faith in humanity at all at this point.
@epicpuppyman5562 2 жыл бұрын
I dont have faith in Americans, i have watched too many fail clips that where from there
@Xenobiologyt 2 жыл бұрын
@That_guy_zerck 2 жыл бұрын
@SebPlaySpaceflight 2 жыл бұрын
@Grengo411 2 жыл бұрын
pog pog po gp ogp ogp ogp ogp ogpogp ogp ogpog pog pog pog pog pog pog pog po
@nut_man3 2 жыл бұрын
I would never tell my dad if mom is cheating because she knows alot I mean alot but my dad is not that kind of a father who knows alot about math but he is a English teacher I need them both alot and I can't handle a divorce
@MeAndMyHomiesHateYou 2 жыл бұрын
Okay so the 3rd I really do dislike the OP. They are invading their mother's privacy. They could have an open relationship or smth. I do not care 8f she was cheating and I do feel personally that it sort 9f makes me mad. I know they are a teenager and just wanting to snoop but it makes me sort of mad. Can't explain why but yeah.
@zibix4562 2 жыл бұрын
Is it because you condone adultery?
@prof.thiagoalmeida1226 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: This is a marriage that should have ended years and years ago. OP telling their father will not ruin their family: it's already ruined. Things won't get worse if they get a divorce. Maybe things get better. The question here is: OP telling their father will put a strain on their relationship with their mother. I think this is the main focus, even if OP don't put it this way. If OP wants to salvage their mother-child relationship, I think they should talk to their mother what they know and how the gaslighting has affected their mental health. Depending on the mother reaction, then they should decide to tell their father or not.
@alivannila9656 2 жыл бұрын
Third story:if that was me the demon i am il send the co worker wife i would send the text message and the dad
@Heidao623 2 жыл бұрын
That was some crazy ntr story, you need to say something or you're allowing yourself to suffer in false martyrdom. She is doing this, even when caught by you, she is even offended that you're getting in her way, worse still is that she's already manipulated you into this messed up headspace of speaking out and "Thinking about the family" when that's the least on her mind. God this is a mess
@carltonegg3664 2 жыл бұрын
First play nobody is a jerk except dumb ppl
@Automaton_unit 2 жыл бұрын
@kellyplayz3355 2 жыл бұрын
I would certainly tell my dad if I find out that my mother is cheating on him
@billswindells187 2 жыл бұрын
The last OP should tell the Dad. People who don't tell their loved ones about their partner cheating on them become accomplices in their deception.
@neilfriano.malapit9662 2 жыл бұрын
Last story: just say it to your father your mother are clearly don't care about your family and you should be selfish if you not want to be like me who don't care a family because of similar situation btw my father cheated
@Dashel_6601 2 жыл бұрын
I think you should tell your mother that she needs to tell your father about the affair and that if she doesn't then you will!
@EmersonWisp 2 жыл бұрын
In the story with the girl Stella, OP tried to reach out to her. She tried calling only to have that communication blocked repeatedly. Stella doesn't want to communicate and simply wants to cut OP off. What OP did was wrong, but her friend overreacted to high hell. She didn't bother to confront her about the issue and just cut her off. Someone more is at play than her simply being annoyed OP was hanging out with Billy and losing track of time/being a bit inconsiderate. On top of that they attempted to include her and she flat out refused. I don't know. Stella seems to either be really sensitive or OP is committing details.
@Barry-rc5nf 2 жыл бұрын
That girl in the third story is incredibly selfish. She'd rather hold on to the shattered belief that her family should stay together. I hope the father finds out. The daughter is a coward and should feel bad
@zibix4562 2 жыл бұрын
I remember 2 stories where dad found out daughter knew and both dads disowned them completely
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