01:34 Section A: Rapid fire / 快问快答 01:36 Q1 If you don't rely on passive income such as partners and savings, can you support yourself every month with the money you currently earn from freelancing? Q1 如果不靠伴侣和存款等被动收入,你目前自由职业赚的钱每个月能不能养活自己? 02:56 Q2 What is the biggest benefit of freelancing for you? Q2 自由职业对你最大的好处是什么? 03:20 Q3 What would you do if you had to find a company to work now? Q3 如果你现在必须找一家公司上班,你会怎么办? 04:00 Q4 If you could have any new skill and use it in your freelance career, what kind of skill would you want? Q4 如果你可以拥有任何一项新技能并把新技能用在你的自由职业上,你会希望是什么技能呢? 05:04 Q5 What kind of people do you think freelancing is suitable for? Q5 你觉得自由职业适合什么样的人群? 05:35 Q6 Do you think there will be more and more types of freelance work in the future world? Q6 你觉得未来自由职业会不会越来越多? 06:43 Q7 The pros and cons of freelancing and traditional work. Q7 自由职业与传统上班的优劣 14:24 Q8 What does freedom truly mean to us? If we translate it into our daily lives, what is some specific evidence of freedom? Q8 自由对我们究竟意味着什么?如果具象到每一天,有怎样一些自由的表征? 18:01 Q9 What do you think about self-discipline? Q9 你对自律怎么看? 22:25 Q10 It is quite difficult to be a freelancer, because you do all the administration yourself. (The strange sense of unworthiness when it comes to money.) Q10 如何看待关于“钱”的奇怪的不配得感以及自由职业者自己做行政、会计工作的难处? 26:27 Q11 Have you ever experienced loneliness and how do you treat it? Q11 如何面对、处理自由职业者的“孤独感”? 32:18 Q12 How to transition from a traditional workplace to a freelance career? Q12 如何从传统职业过渡到自由职业? 33:25 Q13 How to obtain your first client? Q13 如何获得第一个客户? 35:57 Section B: Common freelancing options / 常见的自由职业选择 36:37 Case 1 piano coaching / 教钢琴 38:02 Case 2 study abroad coaching and career coaching / 留学辅导、职业辅导 38:34 Case 3 software development / 软件开发 39:29 Case 4 photographer / 摄影师 40:47 Case 5 make-up artist / 化妆师 42:42 Case 6 actor (extra) / 群众演员 44:02 Case 7 B&B / 民宿运营 46:20 Case 8 psychological counselling and life coaching / 心理咨询与生活教练 48:37 Case 9 Real estate agent / 房产中介 49:42 Case 10 beauty and hairdressing / 美容美发 53:02 Case 11 dog walking / 遛狗 55:09 Case 12 pet grooming / 宠物美容 56:35 Case 13 video production and editing / 视频制作编辑 57:53 Sum up: - Selling services and selling knowledge - Freelancing options that we think have the lowest threshold: self-media, video editing, pet boarding, etc. - Risks management