Can you ask Hongkong government do something about the following please? Thanks. Hongkong constitution translates 人民民主专政 to "people's democratic dictatorship". Is China democratic or dictatorial? Foreigners seize this term to say "China calls itself a dictator." I am not an expert in translation. Sometimes we translate word by word. Sometimes by meaning. Dictatorship refers to a government being authoritative (专制独裁). It is not the same as 人民民主专政. 人民民主专政 is better translated to "people-centre democracy" or "people-centre governance". It is similar to "the majority rules" that is advertised in western democracy. 人民民主专政 is a collective power of people. As HK constitution says, China is an alliance of working classes incl blue-collar & peasants. Decision is based on the consensus voted by elites eg experts, scholars, professionals etc from all walks of life. CPC then implements the decision. "All Walks of Life" = true democracy for all people. Hence, China is not a dictator. In dictatorship, the power is concentrated on a handful of people eg president & oligarch who do not care about people. For instance, China spent 8 years to alleviate extreme poverty. US California solved its poverty problem by legalizing robbery & theft that is under US$950. The difference of the 2 approaches is that China maintains social order while USA encourages crime. China's approach benefits the majority of people. USA, minority eg capitalist sharks in Wall Street or Military-Industrial Complex. Regardless, to put the 2 words "democratic" & "dictatorship" side by side in 1 term confuses foreigners.