Ep0 - Did People Hate DnD4e? - Rangers Afterdark

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Arjades Rangers

Arjades Rangers

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In this video we are going to take a quick look at the societal factors that led to DnD 4e getting the bad reaction that it did. We are also going to ask, was it actually a garbage fire?
*NOTE: Arjade Rangers Afterdark Videos the focus is on discussion rather than gameplay.

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@IcarusGames 3 ай бұрын
I have maintained for years that most of the "innovations" that have been made to 5e, especially by 3rd parties, since launch have their DNA in 4e. I think he most common ways people "improve" their 5e games brings them closer to 4e. If someone released a new TTRPG tomorrow that was exactly the same as 4e but with a different name and different names for the powers, but all the mechanics were the same, I think it would pass $1m on kickstarter without breaking a sweat. 4e also has IMO the best DMG of any edition, regardless of what edition you play. It actually introduces the concept of the dungeon master to someone who has never done it before and is full of practical advice you can apply no matter the system.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Completely agree re dmg. My next video about it talks a bit about it haha. And yeah i often read posts about "i want to do this" and im like they do that in 3e or 4e haha. Also thanks for watching my video. I know you are a busy creator.
@clarkside4493 3 ай бұрын
I noticed that the 4e inspiration goes deeper than even that. The 5e warlock ends up with 2 cantrips, 4 spells slots that return on a short rest, and 4 spells that return on a long rest. This is effectively identical to the 4e class model. I was so taken with the notion that I adapted the 4e Players Handbook classes to 5e as closely to the original version as possible. Like, 2 at-wills, 4 encounter attacks and daily attacks (each, in total), various Utility Powers, Paragon Paths at 11th level, but I had to make Epic Destinies essentially epic level guilds because of 5e's level cap. Fortunately, it slotted into that framework pretty seamlessly. I call my book Player's Guide to Powers and it's on the DM's Guild if you're interested.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
@@clarkside4493 nice I'll have to check it out
@clarkside4493 3 ай бұрын
I faithfully adapted the 4e Player's Handbook classes, Paragon Paths, Epic Destinies, and Magic Items to 5th Edition. And I do mean "faithfully." They're as close to the originals as I could get. The Powers, the levels you get them at, the Paragon Paths, everything except the races. Epic Destinies slotted into the Guild/Piety framework pretty perfectly, so that's where they went due to 5e's level cap of 20. They're in my book on the DM's Guild. It's called Player's Guide to Powers.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Cool man. I bet you worked hard on it.
@clarkside4493 3 ай бұрын
@@arjade_24 Most certainly. I even did Keep on the Shadowfell and The Slaying Stone the same way. I've done work on Seekers of the Ashen Crown, Thunderspire Labyrinth, and my Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms adaptation: Player's Guide to Faerun Powers.
@Arcboltkonrad13 3 ай бұрын
I love 4e, it's my favorite edition actually!
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
It's secretly mine too haha
@davidtripp2118 3 ай бұрын
Mine, too.
@BunnyNiyori 3 ай бұрын
I didn't hate 4th, bought a lot of books for 4th. But I made one mistake with 4th, I forgot my mistake with 2nd. I bought a lot of books from 2nd. Fool me twice eh. I never bought 3rd because of buying so much of 2nd. But I forgot my mistake with 2nd. I learned though. I have almost every single pdf in existence for 5th, so I got to see what it actually was like. Not worth the cash. But in the end, 4th was just about selling books. Just like 2nd and 3rd and 5th was. I frankly couldn't care less about shareholders and Hasbro. I went with the nostalgia bid, I bought some brand new 1st edition AD&D pod hardcovers. Actual real genuine original D&D. Not the bloated sell sell sell disaster that has been the case since. I likely will not even waste time hunting the pdfs for 2024. No one really needs it. Remember, rolegaming began as a wargame, and thus, 4th was closer to its origins than ever since. I think the hate was fabricated to make room for 5th.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
That is a good point about the wargaming. I think it is very tactical and thats one of the things i love about 4th.
@artistpoet5253 3 ай бұрын
By the time of this edition I was deep into playing miniatures and trading card games. I played a lot of the WotC D&D minis game and still have a few of those minis. They were pretty cool. I didn't even realized that the combat in that game was pretty much D&D4e's combat. I might have really enjoyed 4e.
@facettedbag8293 3 ай бұрын
We played 4e from its release until well into the life of 5e. We finally swapped only because our only laptop that still had the old character builder finally died. I find it much easier to DM than other editions. The rules have an internal consistency once you learn the basics that's just incredibly hard to find in other editions and games. 5e in particular is a mess of ill defined interactions and edge cases. My biggest critique of 4e is that it's even more combat centric than other editions, and the exploration and social pillars are a little anemic without a good DM to compensate and massage the rules as necessary (allowing creative out of combat power usage). Skill challenges in particular were presented clumsily in the original release as well, which didn't help. Sidenote: I still weep for the loss of streetwise from the skill list in 5e
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Haha yes. The character builder! Im going to try and build a character without it. But i do remember the builder being very useful haha. Again i totally agree with the clearer definitions. I think its combat focus is probably responsible for that. Haha.
@nevisysbryd7450 3 ай бұрын
Skill challenges were an excellent premise that were horribly underbaked and more horribly presented.
@davidcardoso3525 3 ай бұрын
I DM'd a 4th ed. campaign for over a year & played in one for just over a year. When I moved to the town I currently live in I knew no one, so I beelined to a game store to look for 'my people'. I was happy to hear the clatter of dice from the back of the store. I went to take a look & saw 4th ed. character sheets. I turned around & walked away without saying a word. I will play solo PF1 before I play 4th ed. again.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Oh wow. You dislike it that much? What is it about it that makes you feel that way?
@davidcardoso3525 3 ай бұрын
@@arjade_24 Fair question. Keeping track of all of the conditions as DM was painful to the point that I felt, for the first time in my life, as if I couldn't keep track of everything going on on the battlefield. The long campaign I played in I played a minotaur paladin/cleric hybrid (long live d12's!). He was enjoyable/powerful, but in looking at the Powers I found little outside of those Powers I chose that interested me. There is a too-optimal way to build each class. As an aside at this point, I still have the 4th ed. character creator on my old PC & I no longer (read rarely) power game. I found the classes to be not as distinct from each other as I'd like. Too many classes have a (let us say) 5th level Power that has an effect on the battlefield that another class can do at the same level & with the same basic effect...but with a different name. Balanced does not mean interesting. I'm a fan of Vancian spell-casting. Combat length at high levels was nuts, in part because of action economy. A single combat lasting 5 hours is usually a bit much. I have no issue with the occasional long combat - I ran a seven-hour long combat using 2nd ed. D&D rules & it was incredibly memorable, but when each session is but a single combat, it grows stale. My first 4th ed. character was named Thaco & no one got the joke...not a reason to dislike a system, but still... I started playing from the Moldvay Box in the earliest '80's. Maybe it's a generational thing. Off the top of my head the handful of things I liked - the term 'Bloodied'. Minions. Rules for hypothermia reflected in loss of Healing Surges. Having a Skill Challenge that takes multiple successes & can be achieved using different Skills....I learned from the last & it has changed how I approach Skills. As an aside, at that same game store I found a 'looking for players' posting on a bulletin board & am still playing Pathfinder 1st ed. with that group 11 years later.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
@@davidcardoso3525 they are all very fair criticisms i guess. It can certainly creep up on you, especially at higher levels. Im glad to hear you found a group though. :) happy ending for all
@kitgoodyear9270 3 ай бұрын
If 4e was not a D&D version it would have been better received. It is a great system and the game plays very well. As for being a D&D product, the artwork supasses just about any version and something a bit lacking in 5e. The monster stat blocks are so well laid out together with the encounter building design and the 4e Dungeon Master Guide 2 has to be one of the best DM companion books out there. Would love to see a show about 4th if you do one. Great show.
@Arcboltkonrad13 3 ай бұрын
It would have been better received MAYBE but it would NOT have sold nearly as well as it did. And I am happy that as the years have gone on more and more people are going back and finding the system was actually good.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Yeah. This is kind of what I have said for a while now. 4e isnt a dnd game haha. I probably wouldn't have played it if it wasnt dnd but. Haha.
@jorgejurman7158 3 ай бұрын
love the vid buddy, thx for sharing!
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Thanks man. This one has kind of had more traction than anything else on the channel so far haha. Which is surprising because its the one i did the least effort for haja
@jorgejurman7158 3 ай бұрын
@@arjade_24 no problem friend, i am waiting the next video
@nevisysbryd7450 3 ай бұрын
It had a lot of merits, and a lot of faults. I have read that, allegedly, much of the design direction preceded World of Warcraft-however, MMORPGs preceded WoW by quite a while. WoW invented almost none of its mechanics, either-it but streamlined the subsystems from other MMORPGs to make the game more accessible to court a more casual audience. Regardless, the comparison holds more water than defenders often give it credit for. The cry often comes from what often boils down to players who sought a higher level of simulationism than the comparatively more abstract game mechanics (and presentation) divorced from diagetics not only in presentation but often in experience/engagement and narrative justification. Somewhat in 2e and _especially_ in 3e/3.5e, D&D drastically reduced the nondiegetic restrictions on what PCs could do (or attempt) and the narrowness of party roles as defined by especially the singular choice of class through feats, prestige classes, spells, etc. There was a much wider breadth of role specialization and granular customization to the point that rigidly codified roles were not hard-baked into the system, regardless that optimized play (and a sizeable chunk of casual play) veered in that direction. Players going in that direction was a commonly-selected _option,_ though, rather than a restriction or obligation. That is drastically different from: powers with diagetically arbitrary cooldowns (a standard feature largely associated with mmorpgs at the time, due to the weaker internet making online multiplayer games action games more or less untenable at the time); rigid and narrow explicitly-defined roles attached to classes that did not support or outright conflicted with/opposed the player's fantasy (eg a DPS nonmagical frontline straight warrior, ie, Fighter, rather than being forced into the role of a tank or commander); the horrible implementation of skill challenges (largely reducing the lateral thinking that defined the _entire appeal of ttrpgs as compared to linear video games_ to a large portion of players) in allowing basically only two arbitarily pre-selected skills to be relevant and a flat progression system (three successes); hard-baking in a frequency of magical items that massively undercut the fantasy and worldbuilding of most settings in the overall franchise to-date along the reward schedule comparable to the incremental bonuses standard to video game linear progression systems; non-diagetic presentation and mechanics and powers sometimes being directly _anti-diagetic_ to player fantasies; and a lot of smaller things. 4e was designed, from the ground up, to play via a never-completed VTTRPG platform that tracked and automated powers, cooldowns, HP, status effects, bonuses/penalties, spaces, and a lot more. It is not really a metaphor; 4e was intended to be half-ttrpg, half-video game, and the system suffered for the abject failure to deliver on the video game portion along with fundamentally misunderstanding multiple core pillars of the appeal of ttrpgs in an open-ended, dynamic and responsive world which is inherently harder to achieve with such rigid role restrictions and the inflexible limitations of computer systems compared to what a human DM can do. While the comparisons to video games were and are often overstated and unjustly derisive, much of the comparison is fundamentally valid. It is not a fundamentally bad system, but an _extremely_ specialized one, and not necessarily well-executed on its own premises in some areas. It is on the crunchier end _with_ modern ttrpg tools and it requires an immense amount of player buy-in to extremely narrow definitions of character motivation, class, power, progression, and adventure concepts. Given that ttrpgs are a niche activity to begin with (somewhere around 40 million players globally, and that is likely a significant overestimate, with likely loosely around half that active players, distributed across all ttrpg systems), that sort of hyper-specialized, high-investment play was realistically never going to achieve anywhere near the sort of broad appeal and commercial success it needed for the level of investment WotC and Hasbro put into it, or really do very well with ttrpg players at all. Notice that most of its success in more recent homebrew, alternative systems, and 5e, are loosely copying _elements_ onto the core of a different system rather than adopting it wholesale or taking elements from other systems onto the core 4e system. 4e is not for most people. It is okay that it works for those that it does, and it is okay that it does not work for the most players that it does not.
@waterslethe 3 ай бұрын
Went all-in on D&D 4e. Thought everyone online was being knee-jerky with their negativity on it at the start. A few years into playing it our group realized it just wasn't fun to play. The new players in my group who hadn't played 2e or 3e would just tap their power cards and roll dice in silence waiting for combat to be over. Their eyes lit up for the first time when we switched to PF1 and they felt like they could tell the stories they wanted to tell. There's so much rose-tinted reminiscing on 4e these days it feels like a massive overcorrection. For a lot of people who gave it an honest try, it just wasn't fun.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Thats certainly an interesting take. I have to say our playgroup kind of had the opposite experience. 4e brought something to us that 3e didn't have. Maybe we both were just bored with the status quo and needed a change up.
@sashmiel6566 3 ай бұрын
I loved 4E. Especially when they implemented a "Endless cantrip" for magic users so that at the early (and even later levels) We weren't useless when we ran out of slots.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Thats one of the homebrews i now always use. I think adding endless spellcasting makes mages a bit less useless haha.
@graveyardshift2100 3 ай бұрын
Magic as a whole definitely decreased in power though.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
@@graveyardshift2100 certainly. In conbat doubley so. The big crazy stuff got moved to rituals i think. I feel it became more clearly defined too. But yes, i can see your point. Overall its a nerf.
@DrWaites 3 ай бұрын
I went through several cycles. Didn't like it on first release. Learned to like it doing Organized Play. Went to other games (5e) then got nostalgic for 4e. Now I've been running 4e weekly for the past 9 months for players mostly used to 5e. I'm hating it. Players are constantly forgetting bonuses, not fulfilling their class roles, making basic attacks instead of using At-Wills, etc. And the combats are long, even at low levels. (We've reached 4th level after playing weekly for 9 months.) I can add roleplaying and story, but the game already moves at a snails pace. Most combats shouldn't have the epic scope required by the system - just move past it! Powers, magic items, etc, are scattered between a half dozen books and everything needs to be on power cards to reduce the page flipping. So players are only studying their sheets for hours. We have no meaningful interactions between the characters or NPCs. It's not good for me in 2024.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
This is true. Your players do need to have that mmo mindset of doing their job if you want them to be successful. I can see how a 5e casual group would take a bit of guiding from the gm to get in the right headspace.
@Shop_S-mart 3 ай бұрын
This was my first introduction to D&D. My first DM was the standard that I measured all other DMs. I believe a great DM can make any edition good. He understood the rules are there as a guide. The biggest and most important rule of them all is the rule of cool. He made the game a blast. The adventures were character driven. If we did something that ruined his story he would adjust it. When the 5e dropped I jumped on it. I did become the perma-DM but I didn't mind. I didn't hate 4e but it was a different beast. I tried using campaigns from other editions and it did not work. 5e made it easier to convert campaigns. 4e is a point and click game. It locked you in a box. As a DM it makes thing easier if you know what everyone is capable of doing but, for the players it mentally blocks you from the possible things you could do.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
I can certainly see that. It is a bit like "math-hammer" at times but sometimes that mental arithmetic is useful to give you a different challenge. And I completely agree that any GM worth their salt will make their edition work for the story.
@PatriceBoivin 2 ай бұрын
The problem is, if it's not backward compatible to AD&D or D&D BECMI, it's not the same game. It's a different game with a DnD sticker on it. Like slapping a Clue sticker on Pay Day and declaring it's Clue.
@arjade_24 2 ай бұрын
Yep. I definitely can see that point of view, and absolutely that is my argument against it as well.
@tablesaltgames 2 ай бұрын
I’ve always said, if 4th would have come out with any other name than DnD it would’ve been a loved. The DnD community wasn’t ready for it.
@DigitalinDaniel 3 ай бұрын
4E is my favorite followed by B/X. B/X is like the easy most fundamental D&D you need to know. All the other editions just feel like a bunch of convoluted jank and needless rules piled on top of B/X, like someone's fanfiction. Where 4E feels like the first and only time they actually changed the chassis and not just the paint. I think 4E is the definitive WotC product and literally the only reason to go with a WotC product. If you wanna play the authentic B/X D&D then definitely just go with Necrotic Gnome... otherwise play any indie game over D&D :') Shadowdark, ICRPG, Dragonbane, EZD6, Dungeon Crawl Classics... they're just vastly superior to WotC imo.
@Dracoaurion 3 ай бұрын
The short answer is that no one knew how shit Wizards was going to make 5e.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Haha are you not a fan? 5e is my least favourite edition to be honest.
@graveyardshift2100 3 ай бұрын
Got that right.
@Luchiop 3 ай бұрын
such a non lazy comment that adds so much to the discussion.
@oldegreybeard Ай бұрын
Great to see someone else speaking truth about how awesome D&D 4e is.
@fedupN 3 ай бұрын
I did! I fucking LOATHED 4th edition. It felt like a computer game in card format, popping a power on cool down. There was no soul, just roll. Like playing an MMO and calling it an RPG. Like Diablo 3, bunch of fucking numbers with nothing to bind it together. It was the basis of a computer game, not one to have characters. The classes, despite the "options," didn't feel like classes. Your warrior didn't cleave with a greatsword, he used the X ability to Y. Be sure to add the numbers as they go! None of the characters felt like they offered variance or choice or flavor. Oh, I get that it walked so 5th could run, that 4th Ed in fact innovated some great ideas that were refined later on, but I did not enjoy playing it at all.
@ArjadesRangers 2 ай бұрын
I am sorry you felt that way. I can certainly see how it might feel like that. And it's not for everyone.
@RikThunder33 3 ай бұрын
i dont play with minis...
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Thats fair. I think one of the legitimate downsides is that in order to engage in 4e as it is designed is that you do need that physical representation of combat when you get into it.
@graveyardshift2100 3 ай бұрын
You can cut down on the need for minis and grids in 4e by switching to zoned terrain for combat. For example, the Burning Hands spell power is a blast attack starting from your wizard and hitting a small area in front of them. So in zoned combat you would forgo exact grid positions and instead say that the flames simply hit everything within that area in front of the wizard. You still need some method of keeping track of things, but 4e should translate easily into anything that isn't pure theater of the mind, and even then it can still work.
@DigitalinDaniel 3 ай бұрын
You literally don't need minis... just remember 1 square is 5ft and its no different that every other edition playing theatre of mind.
@RikThunder33 3 ай бұрын
@@DigitalinDaniel i know. im just saying to the contrary of what he was saying (we all use minis) that i do not use minis. also squares are stupid. my opinion. ^^° they can be really useful. but also very constricting.
@ItWasSaucerShaped 3 ай бұрын
the hate for 4E at the time was as real and viral as it was nonsensical. i think a significant culprit had nothing at all to do with D&D - World of Warcraft had just come out and TTRPG purists saw it as something that was invading 'their' space and stealing away their players. 4E had mechanics that, for those purists, was too 'videogamey' and represented part of that perceived invasion. the fact that 4E was so clear and concise in its rules was, for them, a drawback - a sign the hobby was changing 4E is and always probably will be the finest editions of D&D ever made. great and clear rules, excellent clarity for newcomers to the game about most if not all concepts and stuff for every single class to do it all came crashing down because WotC put a psycho in charge of the digital development of the game, which is what they bet everything on business-wise, and then that psycho went and murdered the ex-wife he'd be stalking and killed himself so all support for 4E basically just froze right then and there, and the product instantly died in terms of support
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
Yep. I remember having to fight the urge to compare it to WoW. And a lot of my players would be like "in wow it works like this" and id be like "cool, but this game is not wow." Haha
@sashmiel6566 3 ай бұрын
To an extent, I agree, but I think it also had to do with the fact that 3.5 was not that far past and 4E was not backwards compatible at all. The time between AD&D and 3.0 was almost a generation seperate.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
@@sashmiel6566 yep. This was my argument at the time. I was like "4th ed, we just had 3.5 ed?"
@bamboozledgreatcrowd8982 3 ай бұрын
4th edition made me hate combat. Every other session was combat, it seemed. It was long and un-enjoyable. It was the dark age of D&D.
@ItWasSaucerShaped 3 ай бұрын
' went and played a game that from its inception has been about tactical combat. and they made me play tactical combat in it! was truly horrible'
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
I can see how that could happen if your gm isn't on the ball. The combat is more interesting than other editions, but if its all you get then i can see how that would grow stale quickly
@sashmiel6566 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I feel that being the case with Adventurer's league.
@arjade_24 3 ай бұрын
@@sashmiel6566 definitely. Adventure league is geared to some hack and slash wherever you go
@graveyardshift2100 3 ай бұрын
Meanwhile that's my experience with 5e now because it's so easy to get overpowered that the dm has to over balance the enemies at a certain point.
@josephbeckett2330 2 ай бұрын
There are a few, in my opinion, problems that 4E introduced. ABSOLUTE NUMBER ONE is that 4E introduced the concept of just shitting all over historical creators, settings, art, concepts, tradition, and history to pimp 4E. All this bullshit about Gary being racist/sexist or whatever started here. 2.) It felt the exact same at level 1 as level 8 as level 25 as level 50. I use my At-Will card, I use my At-Will card, I use my Daily card, I Short Rest. . . 3.) It focused on this "Points of Light" shit which just kiled lore. Alao, and as someone who hates FR, . . . Spell Plague. 4.) It really focused on the idea that character death was near impossible. It took all the risk of failure out of playing. It actually thought Skill Challenges were both good and inovative. Or Teiflings, or Warlocks as Core options. Really, the main reason it was so unpopular was that it was boring. It removed a lot of possibility and just made the game a flashy game of Magic the Gathering.
Ep 0.5 - Why you should play DnD 4e right now!
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