Well, I went to my doctors a long time ago probably about three years ago. It was a back doctor. He told me I had disc degenerate on top of that I have arthritis and two bulging disc was three years ago. I’ve had a couple of injections. I don’t know if they were epidural. I think they were. I had a radio frequency ablation done to my back so then I found out about a month ago. I had an MRI done and I have some nerve damage, but I don’t know how severe it is. I don’t think it is but it feels awful. I feel like I just got hit by train. It is very painful and then I went to my physical therapist and she worked on my back and I walked out of there and I felt like it hurt a little bit and then the next day it started a burn starting to travel but I am getting my injections tomorrow and hoping it works very nervous because I’ll be awake