Ste - 11/30/2018 *First Look*

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Erica Love

Erica Love

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Ste - 11/30/2018 First Look

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@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
I get why ste is upset but it's ironic that he wants Irman to pay for attaching him when he never turned Brendan in.I know it's because he loved Brendan
@kloveitalia1053 5 жыл бұрын
Ste is my Favorite
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
How is ste supposed to get on with his life when Irman ruined his business and he has kids to support.
@mckinnb311 5 жыл бұрын
I wish somebody would point out to Ste that, because he pushed Harry out of the way of the falling tree, HE'S really the person ultimately responsible for Tegan's death. But, of course, if he hadn't pushed Harry, then Harry would have been the one killed. He's really caught between a rock and a hard place.
@shortangel333 5 жыл бұрын
Why are they trying to make us feel sorry for Imran?
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe because the explanation for his uncontrollable rage will prove not to be the car accident where Misbah saved Yasmine, and not him, but because Imran too was a victim of Buster`s sexual abuse?
@xalexis.editsx 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tvjunkieful12 Don't go there. Just don't.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@xalexis.editsx What are you talking about "don`t go there?" I don`t write the scripts. But you must have heard what was said about "other reasons for anger issues" in this clip. Not to mention the scene where Imran was just about to confide himself in Sami what those "other reasons" were - when Ollie arrived. I took that as a hint to what was meant by other reasons. Time will tell if I am proved right. But regardless this is a fictional series, so it doesn`t matter one way or the other what has or hasn`t happened to the character of Imran. The actor playing him is just acting. So why shouldn`t Hollyoaks go there? It would make the point which is true in real life too, that sometimes victims can suffer in silence for months or years, without anyone being aware of them being abused. Should Hollyoaks want to address that, I think having Imran having gone under the radar as a victim. Ollie getting all the sympathy and well wishing, while Imran is being condemned and hated because of anger built up in him as a result of what Buster did to him, is a genius way of doing it. Especially if the court case against Buster will not go Brody and Ollie`s way. Because the fact they talked to each other before talking to the police, makes them vulnerable for accusations of having made up the accusations against Buster to protect their friend (Brody) and lover (Ollie) Scott. Remember Scott was who Ollie first accused of having taken the photos, and Brody only went to see Ollie after Scott had been held on remand. Therefore it would be easy for Buster`s defense to suggest Brody persuaded Ollie to accuse innocent Buster instead, so Scott, who the defense would have suggested to have been Ollie`s secret lover, and that was the reason he was willing to go along with Brody`s plan, would be released and free of suspicions. So if when the case against Buster looks not very promising for Ollie and Brody, more and more people being convinced they have framed Buster to protect Scott, who will be seen as a pedophile as a consequence. In enters surprise twist and witness Imran. Tells the court Buster abused him in Barcelona - and can even offer proof. Photos of himself, where the background and surrounding clearly identify them to be taken in more generous climate than in the UK. Leaving all doubt aside - since Scott wasn`t in Barcelona, but Buster was - Buster had to be guilty. If that is what we can expect - and having heard what was said about "other reasons" I am getting more and more convinced this is where this storyline is heading - it would make a great storyline finale, in my opinion. Not only building up suspense, drama and sympathy for innocent Ollie, Brody and Scott being vilified, but by having Imran too being a victim as a surprise revelation, and to tip the scale in the trial, securing a guilty verdict. I don`t know about you, but I would just have loved to see that.:-)
@jwsm2 5 жыл бұрын
Imran should have been sent to jail young offenders instead gets a pass. Misbah didn't murder Tegan if there is any violence that happens against the Maaliks' those responsible should go to prison.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Misbah didn`t murder Tegan, cause she didn`t intend to cause Tegan`s death, but was hoping to save her life with a delicate surgical procedure - cause Tegan couldn`t breathe at the time. But since she had a seriously injured arm, Misbah was not in a fit state to operate. Therefore she acted recklessly when she attempted the procedure with an injured arm. And since Tegan died of an internal bleed due to a wrong cut made by Misbah during that procedure - and not injuries directly sustained from the tree that fell on top of Tegan - Misbah is responsible for Tegan`s death, since Tegan died from a cut inflicted by Misbah by accident. But an accident, because of the state of Misbah`s arm, there would have been a great risk of. Had Misbah instead told the others and Tegan (when Tegan was still conscious) that Tegan would die unless that procedure was performed, but that Misbah herslef could not perform it because her arm was injured. One of the others could have performed the procedure under Misbah`s guidance and supervision - and Tegan could have survived. Therefore Misbah`s silence about the condition of her arm, and the fact she did the procedure regardless combined contributed to the death of Tegan. Misbah is lucky not to have been charged with manslaughter, cause both legally and morally she is to blame for Tegan`s death. But by recklessness - not intent, cause she didn`t want to kill Tegan, she was just - because of her arm - in no fit state to operate. So she is not a murderer, but still have Tegan`s death on her conscious - and by right also could have been charged, convicted and jailed for it.
@Spp2244 5 жыл бұрын
@darrendalton5298 5 жыл бұрын
15:52 I literally snorted 😂 She was gettin it!
@dianadepp1864 5 жыл бұрын
Torn song - Directioners notice this?
@carliecairo8645 5 жыл бұрын
He attacked Ste isn't that a hate crime
@RogerMarket 5 жыл бұрын
No. A hate crime is "a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence." Imran didn't attack Ste because of race, sexual orientation, or any other prejudice. Imran is just messed up and angry.
@sergr1lihemar25 5 жыл бұрын
If someone assault a person and caused injuries then that is a crime and also domestic violence is crime as well. Imran got it easy. He was not charged, not even misdemeanor. I like Misbah. She is strong and deals with problems in the right way. She doesn't lose it unlike others. I hope Ste gets his life back in track but sadly enough they will trash him again. Give him a break. Poor guy, he has being through a lot lately.
@lucydillon1790 5 жыл бұрын
I feel for Steven hay he been through hell
@1beartruckr 5 жыл бұрын
LMAO!! Diane, you betta werq!
@docstefmd830 5 жыл бұрын
young offenders would have been the the best place for Imran ... it´s such bad writing AGAIN to let him off scott free ... he severely assaulted his family and ste, no prosecutor would have let him off the hook that easily!!!
@MiwDefender 5 жыл бұрын
Omg the end is da best
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
My fav ste moment today was ste's ew to Sinead and samis hook up lol.
@carliecairo8645 5 жыл бұрын
I hope Ollie and Brooke get together
@davidamicus9757 5 жыл бұрын
Do Sami and Imran have different mothers?
@emilyvass8747 5 жыл бұрын
@davidamicus9757 5 жыл бұрын
@@emilyvass8747 Thanks!
@astriddaniels3141 5 жыл бұрын
Wait so Misbah isn't Sami's mother?
@flomurora 5 жыл бұрын
Dianne moves 😂😂
@gopiyadavgs681 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely I like that character
@JassminaVellucci 5 жыл бұрын
That kid needs serious help. His brother and family need to stop making excuses for him.
@emiliocerrato4484 5 жыл бұрын
@davidamicus9757 5 жыл бұрын
I understand that our Harry is not returning until January.
@Js2Jo 5 жыл бұрын
He attacks Ste and burn the whole restaurant on fire!!!
@bluemoonsy 5 жыл бұрын
if the writers are trying to make Ste into a total jerk, it's working.
@itsMusti 5 жыл бұрын
Where can I watch this series?
@Mitsubachi2529 5 жыл бұрын
Whoa, sexual assault!? I *knew* something was weird about Laurie's character XD!
@gracebenjamin5548 5 жыл бұрын
No clips of Kylie?
@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
Ste character has no reasoning at all. Ste was abused Amy and bullied her up to her death. He hit Harry abused drugs and alcohol hurting everyone around him. He never atoned for anything he did. I'm sorry I am coming to hate his character. And I love Misbah Malik she so strong and loving. She has no hate in her heart.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
You don`t have to have hate to commit crimes. Misbah is guilty of having killed Tegan, by recklessly having performed a delicate surgical procedure to help Tegan breathe. but because Misbah`s arm was injured, the procedure went wrong, and as a consequence Tegan died. Tegan`s death was unnecessary. Had Misbah informed about her injured arm, she could have instructed one of the others present to perform the actual procedure under her guidance and supervision, and Tegan could have survived. The fact she neglected to inform about the condition of her arm, and did the procedure anyway, means she could be charged with manslaughter since with an injured arm the risk the procedure could go wrong was significant - and her behavior therefore seriously reckless. And for that reason she should not have attempted it herself, but instead supervised someone else.
@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tvjunkieful12 I am just appreciating Misbah the character, she did that procedure because she thought she could save Tegan. Which proves my point. When juxtaposed against Ste's blind rage makes her strength and kindness shine even more.
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
I def think ste is being over the top over blaming misbah over yet and death.I def think he should be more sympathteic. However I would be pissed off if someone cost me my business and money and then told to get over it.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@ramonaflowers2813 She still acted recklessly when she performed that procedure with an injured arm. Being a medical professional of her standing and experience, she should have known she gambled with Tegan's life. The fact she got Tegan's consent, despite not inform neither Tegan, nor any of the other people present, of her injured arm makes not only the procedure itself, but the intention behind it, reckless. So you explain to me how intentionally gambling with a young woman's life shows a good heart? Apart from calling Misbah a murderer, Ste is justified in his accusations against her, and also understandably is upset to see Imran not being charged for violently having attacked him. As long as Ste doesnt try to harm Imran or Misbah, he has not broken any law, just excercised his right to free speech. As much as I believe the CPS was right not to prosecute Imran, I also understand, and accept, that decission feels like a slap in the face to Ste.
@ramonaflowers2813 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tvjunkieful12 Ste has done worse than Imran. Misbah has lost her job as a result of Ste's agenda Imran turned himself in took his punishment, he didn't get a harsher sentence as he did not set the fire to the van that was an accident . Yet Ste still wants revenge. He's being a bully. HO is destroying his character and there is worse to come.
@elenakamelia8572 5 жыл бұрын
I miss James and Harry
@lilyreid8831 5 жыл бұрын
I have a question.. how do you get these videos
@ericalove6405 5 жыл бұрын
Kenzie's Army I record the episode live and then edit Ste (and Harry’s) scenes right away and then upload to the various websites that I use. Thanks for watching.
@amangurung3469 5 жыл бұрын
Erica Love Thank you very much for uploading these 💕
@ericalove6405 5 жыл бұрын
Aman Gurung you’re very welcome. I’m here for when Starry get back together.
@amangurung3469 5 жыл бұрын
Please😯 Ste and Harry were so happy together..i'm really feeling so sad for both of em' Once again Thank you very much😊😊
@makeupartistunique4888 5 жыл бұрын
Imran should of gone to prison, he knew what he was doing! Letting him off, absolutely disgusting plus so unrealistic! Hope he gets beat up and abused at this course. It’s what he deserves!!! Misbah has every right to be scared, plus Sami is deluded sticking up for imran!!
@ryanuva5102 5 жыл бұрын
Ste used to beat Amy like crazy, way worse than Imran. Also Diane doing the floss tho!
@starryhollyoaks2291 5 жыл бұрын
Ste should have got justice why didn't Misbah say they pay to get him another van as it was Imran fault it burned down instead of telling him to get over it!? Ste has every right to be pissed!
@jansenlee1995 3 жыл бұрын
i miss aedan as ollie
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
I get why ste is upset but I find it ironic that he wants Irman punished when he never turned Brendan in I know it's because he loved him. Wow Laurie sexually assaulted someone.
@carliecairo8645 5 жыл бұрын
Im feeling sorry for Ste these days
@vanessamillwood9710 5 жыл бұрын
I figured that's what he did and he was trying to pay her off. The truth does need to come out. Glad Hollyoaks is tackling this.
@greywhite4338 5 жыл бұрын
@ashleycharley5348 5 жыл бұрын
Can we talk about the flossing going on in this episode
@ciarabe_cece4582 5 жыл бұрын
ste bad person here but Irman the one beating someone up 😒 people constantly bring up the past
@starryhollyoaks2291 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly and it's so annoying Ste held his hands up to what he did Imran was forced too. Ste has every right to be pissed Misbah basically telling him to get over it Ste has kids to support why didn't they say they pay towards a new van for his business!?
@nataliejones3861 5 жыл бұрын
im glad imran gone😀😁🤗
@JassminaVellucci 5 жыл бұрын
Ste is an hypocrite.
@kamalkc438 5 жыл бұрын
Love u ste and Miss you so much Harry
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