ESPN 30 for 30: "Once Brothers" - A Broken Relationship

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Hum. Org. Divac

Hum. Org. Divac

Күн бұрын

This film tells the gripping tale of Drazen Petrovic and Vlade Divac and how circustances beyond their control tore apart their friendship.

Пікірлер: 193
@jtee788 4 жыл бұрын
Something that makes this even sadder Is that Drazen didn’t live to see peace. It’s a lot easier to be reasonable when the war has been over for two decades. Maybe they could have become friends again.
@tylerkeller8869 5 жыл бұрын
This film breaks my heart. It's a perfect example of how race or religion can destroy friendships
@comunistanuncatemcomida 3 жыл бұрын
USRR didnt have religion or race and made a lot of wars. Ignorant! Go read Balkan history
@powderskier5547 3 жыл бұрын
yes your so right, so if the serbs and jugoslavs didn't invade Croatia then everything would have been fine
@pomorackotor 2 жыл бұрын
@@powderskier5547 if croats did not kill 600 000 Serbs during ww2 it would be fine, fucking nazi
@claudiocerrato6632 2 жыл бұрын
Holy words
@gru9078 2 жыл бұрын
@markshaggy7914 4 жыл бұрын
So sad... the big fellas heart was certainly in the right place. Had dražen survived, I’m sure they would have long since made up.
@deckisknezije4447 3 жыл бұрын
@@kenanjusic4829 nope Dražen i s Croatia
@emilcecunjanin2765 3 жыл бұрын
@@kenanjusic4829 I always thought about that lol
@johnnycleveland216 3 жыл бұрын
@@kenanjusic4829 Dražen was actually ethnically Serb/Orthodox on his father’s side and so is his surname. Which blows my mind that Dražen had so much Croatian pride that he was willing to end his friendship with Divac over it.
@tolistolis8277 2 жыл бұрын
Drazen half serbian from his father
@danilosavovic7476 3 жыл бұрын
It breaks a hart to all of us who were witness of all tragedy that was against our ties,friendships and simultaneously sport has gone and never back again...sad,sad, great that generation was-Drazen(RIP),Divac,Radja,Kukoc,Paspalj, svi,koga da preskocis a da se ne osramotis
@IrontoughItalian 4 жыл бұрын
The slav teams are still amazing on their own but imagine the great teams in many sports that could have come from a unified Yugoslavia
@powderskier5547 3 жыл бұрын
forget it, jugoslavia was never a nation, its just like saying imagine Italians and Greeks uniting and forming a team
@IrontoughItalian 3 жыл бұрын
@@powderskier5547 I get it
@lukky333 3 жыл бұрын
We would've dominated. Something I wish could happen is an exhibition game between the US and Former Yugo. I wish that would happen in the future.
@EdenHavaov 3 жыл бұрын
@@powderskier5547 You are right to a degree, because The Italian & Greek are different languages, The Serbian and the Croatian language are identical, & since it's a south Slavic language, everybody in Yugoslavia understand's it. The problem with The Slavs is, that every Slavic country hates its Slavic neighbor, that's without an exception. If there are two slavic countries next to each-other, it means they hate each-other.
@SATULAL 8 ай бұрын
@@lukky333 Not just basketball. The Yugoslavian football team in the 90s too. Suker, Mihaljovic, Stankovic, Savicevic, Boban, Biic, Tudor, Prosinecki etc. I likely miss a few names and it is a shame!
@classicmatchup Жыл бұрын
Drazen Petrovic vs Vlade Divac - One on One:
@mestreinsolito Жыл бұрын
unfortunately their friendship was lost in the middle of a war they hadn't caused and there wasn't time to see it blossom again.
@matejhorvat817 2 ай бұрын
Dražen became a nationalist, manipulated by politicians. Divac was his friend and he was not to blame for the war. I don't know what Dražen wanted in the first place, that Divac should renounce his Serbian identity, or what?
@adrianhorvat9054 5 жыл бұрын
vlade is a good man
@sanjamatsuri 4 жыл бұрын
@danijelhrup9715 3 жыл бұрын
he ain`t a good man ... He trash
@pomorackotor 2 жыл бұрын
Did Drazen stop talk to his father?
@GosnSvetolik 2 жыл бұрын
Дражен је показао какав је човек. Чиста нула. Није ми јасно шта данас Рађа, Кукоч и све остале рватине траже у Србији. Имају милион изговора зашто су сишли са подијума, зашто нису причали са српским кошаркашима. Џаба данас покушавају да се оправдају и покажу да су људи. Показали су свој образ. "У добру је лако добар бити, на муци се познају јунаци." То Хрвати никада неће разумети. Дивац је за разлику од овог олоша увек био људина.
@speedygonzales2052 Жыл бұрын
Yes he died
@pomorackotor Жыл бұрын
​@@speedygonzales2052what about Aca?
@zorastankovic9715 Күн бұрын
Dražen was influenced by his mother, he was ashamed of his Serbian origin and always had to prove that he is a better Croat than others. Pure vanity 😢
@milamali9168 4 ай бұрын
The biggest paradox is that Drazens father is Serb.
@calvinbrice.t2140 3 ай бұрын
True but he himself was Croatian born and raised. The tie was different
@pistolpetetc 2 ай бұрын
​​@@calvinbrice.t2140The father of Drazen was as Serbian as much of the rest of the Serbs in Croatia (before they all got ethnically cleansed in 1995), and there is no difference between Serbs if they are born on the other side of an invented AVNOJ administrative line within Yugoslavia.
@calvinbrice.t2140 2 ай бұрын
@@pistolpetetc ahh I see
@zeljkobankovic4592 4 жыл бұрын
Vlade, Dražen, Toni, Dino and co were representing Federal Socialist republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ) which was still the only country at that moment. Federal unit Croatia (a federal unit, not an independent state) at that time had another (official) flag with red star on it (like all other federal units including Serbian federal unit) So the checkered flag that was brought in the court was a provocation with separatistic intentions, and Vlade's reaction, being Yugoslavian representative, was understandable. And if Dražen Petrović or any other Croat from that team were mad about what Vlade did, then they were faking the whole Yugoslavian spirit in that team, and should not had played for Yugoslavia. Nobody forced them to play for Yugoslavia. If you identify as a Croat, want independent country Croatia and you hate Yugoslavia, do it but do it honestly, and do not play with other Yugoslavs in a Yugoslavian team, and win a victory guessed it-Yugoslavia. Simple as that.
@Ante-I Жыл бұрын
Željko, to i jeste problem.. Znači, igrajmo za Jugoslaviju, ali Hrvati ne postoje u timu, ni Srbi? U tom trenutku se dešava "nacionalno buđenje", počelo iz Srbije (vidovdan, Miloševićev miting u Beogradu, itd), i prelijelo se u Hrvatsku. Zbog komunističkog pokušaja da prisilno sprječava nacionalno izražavanje, tada je eksplodiralo. Kad se zakuhalo i pale prve žrtve, gotovo je, raslo je eksponcijalnom brzinom, mediji i političari bacali benzin na vatru. Ja potpuno razumijem Divca, ali potpuno i razumijem Dražena. U pravu su obojica bili u tom trenutku. Igrao bi tada Dražen za Hrvatsku, da je Hrvatska bila država. Ako me razumiješ. Jugoslavija je bila dobra ideja, ali u lošem trenutku se stvarala, 2 puta. Oba puta, Srbi su koristili ono: "mi smo pobijedili u ratovima i spasili vas, pa zaslužujemo dominirati." Kako ste nas spasili, ako će te dominirati nad nama? Naravno, nemoj me krivo shvatiti, nisu svi Srbi tako mislili, ni blizu, ali takva retorika je postala dominatna 90-tih, pod utjecajem Šešelja i ostalih. Pa to je gore od okupacije, okupator dominira, ali ne ulazi u to da ne postojiš, ovdje je postalo da Hrvata ima 10%, ostali su pokatoličeni Srbi... Nećemo biti ni Srbi ni Hrvati, bit ćemo Jugoslaveni, ali s vremenom ipak, svi Srbi, pošto vas je najviše, i priroda će asimilirati večinu s vremenom. Jer ipak, Srbija je bila Kraljevina i država, dok Hrvati nisu, oni se tek trebaju izboriti za državnost. (Što i jeste istina bila, i ta činjenica je Hrvatima uvijek bila u podsvjesti, da nečemo nikad biti ravnopravni, dok prvo ne dobijemo državu). Realno, ako se treči put bude stvarala Jugoslavija, i da se ne stvara poslije rata, gdje je neka strana prisiljena birati manje zlo.. možda uspije. Mada, EU je ustvari Jugoslavija. Ono što je Jugoslavija trrbala biti
@zorankostur 4 жыл бұрын
zasto nema nigde da se izgleda ceo dokumentarac,aj ako moze neko neka ga prikaci ili neka mi da link ceo filma
@emilmujahodzic3603 4 жыл бұрын
Guess what..everybody spoke the same language reguardless of the breakup ..just different religions one point Tito’s Yugoslavia was once a powerhouse ..the Yugoslavian flag was about unity for all religions and all ethnicities one was better then anyone ..everyone was equal
@claudiabulic1402 4 жыл бұрын
@deckisknezije4447 3 жыл бұрын
500 000 croat civils exicuted or yugoslavia
@Ante-I Жыл бұрын
Equal under Serbs domination.. Yugoslava was working until Milišević didnt take domination with his "jogurt revolution" in Kosovo, Vojvodina, CG.... Then Serbs alone have politics power against all others. Are we all forgot how war start?? Federal Army and police its was been already under Milošević control. Then, when others refuse that, its not how that contry can go forward, Serbian leaders start war everywhere where Serbs live, and want draw NEW border... Becouse in that territory dont live only Serbs, they start etnic cleaning. They are been strong at start, becouse army and all weapon was been in their hands. That is not my JUGOSLAVIA. That is SERBOSLAVIA. My Jugoslavia was been other Yugoslavia, equal and unity, with respect diffrents, and all nation. That was not happen, too bad.
@LoveHarmonica 7 жыл бұрын
If a stupid war can break your friendship, it wasn't a friendship after all
@nyxpho9336 5 жыл бұрын
GROBARA this is very late but a war can easily break a friendship, how would your home country view your friendship with an enemy, what could happen to your family
@andrejknez6851 5 жыл бұрын
ask your how many friends he lost due to that stupid war
@stevenhardaway6138 5 жыл бұрын
Nije to lako za objasniti. Nema tog filma koji to može objasniti. Duboka je to priča. Iskreno, imam osjećaj da oni nisu bili tako dobri prijatelji kako Divac prikazuje. Na kraju krajeva, Petrović je bio i Srbin jel, barem pola, tako da nije priča baš tako jednostavna. Nitko nije Divca odjebao SAMO zato jer je Srbin. Prekomplicirano je to za objasniti samo tako ..
@tylerkeller8869 5 жыл бұрын
You're a fool to say such a thing. They clearly loved one another but race & warfare tore them apart. It's not as simple as you explain it.
@powderskier5547 3 жыл бұрын
Stupid war? Yes, then just ask the serbs and jugoslavs why they decided to invade Croatia
@TheWeedmate 4 жыл бұрын
and he is right we are the same people
@claudiabulic1402 4 жыл бұрын
We are not! Its time to move on and respect that we from ex Federation of Jugoslavija are all neighbors!
@TheWeedmate 4 жыл бұрын
@@claudiabulic1402 ostrascena zena. Sledece generacije ce se opet ujediniti da znas
@eltoro10-v5t 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheWeedmate mi smo sad vec daleko ispred vas kao i slovenci i nemamo nikakve koristi od bilo kakvih ujedinjenja sa propalim primitivnim balkanskim poludrzavicama. ujedinjujte se, ali ovoga cete puta bez krava muzara odnosno slovenije i hrvatske.
@TheWeedmate 4 жыл бұрын
@@eltoro10-v5t veruj mi mozete vi da se brecate koliko god ocete , ali nasa deca ce opet ziveti slobodno, i nece se primati na koske ,koje im baca zapad , vec ce se baiviti ekonomijom i zivotom
@eltoro10-v5t 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheWeedmate srbija je raspala zemlja, neuredna i prljava. nikakve buducnosti nema.
@jimikguitar 4 жыл бұрын
I am Croat. Divac was a good man, Always. But the trick is about admiting that Serbian (Yu) army attacked Croatians. Many thoughts about that, but Croatian war was for independence. Croats and Serbs have a long history of love and hate. But we only defended ourcountry. It is nice from Dicac to try to relive friendship. But say the truth. About war. Any wax thats how I think as Croat. But I have respect for everybodys reasons. To believe in something . Divac is Great for trying to be friends again with Petrović. It means that he is a great man.
@tolistolis8277 2 жыл бұрын
Why drazen stop speak with divac? Because serbia attack croatia?i dont think this is the reason,divac falt if the politics of serbia attack to croatia? Something else must be happened (in this subject,serbia-croatia)and makr drazen mad,some comment,some talk about this think?i dont know,
@perodjungla4894 2 жыл бұрын
Divac ljudina
@djesidjenis4576 4 жыл бұрын
... also Stojko Vranković was Dražen's best friend, not Vlade Divac.
@andrejknez6851 4 жыл бұрын
Vlade vas actually best friends with Dino Rađa, whom he never called during the war.
@schuhsterpilz66 Жыл бұрын
Volio sam Drazena Kosarkasa vise nego Divca,ali bi ucinio isto kao i Vlade,Postujem Hrvatsku,Srbiju kao Novo nastale Drzave.Ja sam iz Bosne.U to vrijeme svi su igrali za Yugoslaviju i to je logicno sto je Vlade napravio.
@bmop978 Жыл бұрын
@farsarubin7728 3 жыл бұрын
This has nothing with War , Drazen best friend exlained diferent reason
@JmanB71 6 ай бұрын
and what was the reason?
@lastzeit2251 4 жыл бұрын
Razumijem Vladeta i ja bi u tom trenutku tako reagirao da u jugi netko meni sa srbskom zastavom ispred nosa mase ali on i petrovic nisu nikad bili toliki veliki prijatelji
@strahinjavuklisevic4008 4 жыл бұрын
Vlade je rekao sam da bi uradio isto da je i sprska zastava bila ali valjda su bili dobri mislim jbg tako su obojica govorili
@jurajuro5865 3 жыл бұрын
@@strahinjavuklisevic4008 Bili su dobri prijatelji, nebi Divac bezveze napravio dokumentarac o Draženu da nisu bili dobri. Divca je malo ponijelo to sa zastavom i rekao je da se kaje zbog toga ali jbg to nije trebao napraviti.
@robertrakic4752 6 жыл бұрын
Grobara, today Serbian and Croatians sportist is friends. But when the boms felt over Dubrovnik and other Croatian city's it was not possible. But the Serbian people also had to forgive Croatia for entic cleansing in operation storm where around 1800 serb sistemeticli was killed.
@jmatches01 4 жыл бұрын
Robert Rakic hmmm... 1800 eh? Where did that stat come from? You fail to forget that operation lasted 4 -5 days, while bombing and pillaging of Croatia and Bosnia lasted for over 5 years, and 100,000+ people were killed, displaced or ethnically cleansed by Serb paramilitary forces supported by Milosevic. Reminder, Martić and his thugs refused a very favorable peace treaty right before Oluja that could have avoided that outcome. But Serbs will remember what they want to remember.
@dark_paradise27 4 жыл бұрын
@@jmatches01 really ? What about before war was 30% serbs in Croatia, now ? Not even 5%... So think about it too! How many empty cities u have in Croatia nowdays.
@33neptun Жыл бұрын
This "ethnic cleansing" was a RESULT of famous "krajina REFERENDUM" where ALL "citizens" in so called "krajina" voted 100% YES, that they want to live in "serbia". So now, they live in serbia. AFTER they chase out ALL people from "krajina" region, which was ALL Croatians. And that was more than 250 000 CROATIAN people. Mostly chased by guns, force to choose beetwen life and death. But somehow serbs always "forget" to mention that.
@33neptun Жыл бұрын
@@dark_paradise27 It was NEVER 30% serbs in Croatia, it was 12% max. And now it's 3%. Thank GOD gor that. You wanted to occupie and to have ALL Croatia. But you forgot that before that you must "talk" with Croatians about it. So now you have what you deserve. You all wanted to live in "serbia", Well now you live in serbia. Good luck and don't make us EVER see you again. We prefer more "EMPTY" cities, than cities with you in them. After all it is NOT your problem. This is CROATIA. You have YOUR own problems and go to deal with them. We don't care AT ALL for you nor for your problems. And i don''t see why you are so obsessed with Croatia ?? For usm you are closed story. Forever. We DON'T want you here. PERIOD.
@pero33403 Жыл бұрын
@@jmatches01 What about Jasenovac and the WWII genocide of Serbs in NDH???
@djesidjenis4576 4 жыл бұрын
This is Divac's soul cleaning story with american cooperation. Every medal have two sides and unfortunatly we can't hear Dražen's side. But we do know that situation with croatian flag was not the main reason for friendship breakup, but the fact that Divac never called Dražen since war started to ask him is everything ok with him and his family. Dražen said "if war is on serbian territory i would call him to make sure everything is ok with him and his family. But war is happening here in Croatia not in Serbia, and he never called so we lost contact, obviously it's not that big friendship". So this is main breakup reason, and the flag situation was just a trigger. That is why Divac is trying to clean his heart, he knows he was wrong and that is ok. People make mistakes but then don't be such hypocrit, tell whole story and truth. Divac was serbian nationalist on that time and funny fact is that Dražen was half Cro, half Serb. But Dražen declared himself as Croatian. He was born and raised here so you serbian nationalist jackasess can spred your lies on comments cause that is what you do beat, but you got nothing with him. He said all about you in early 90 when you start a war and attacked his city and homeland.
@uzelacivana74 Жыл бұрын
Croatian government order to players not to have contact with Serbian players.Divac heart is clean.Drazen betrayed his father and whole Father side Family.Basketball players should stay out of politics but Croatian government use them .
@nunomarinho6950 Жыл бұрын
And if he was wrong at the time. He was a kid, with a broken heart because he didn't have the time to speak to Dražen. Sometimes life is a b*tch
@mrvlatkovic 5 жыл бұрын
Lol what the hell did Vlade have to apologise for? Croats were killing serbian civilians in the name of ''independance and freedom'', we responded with force. That's when they decided to play victims. I don't regret anything that Serbia did at the time.
@bubs_1256 Жыл бұрын
@radicalindependent 3 жыл бұрын
I Petrovic's response is irritating because his country came out fine, they didn't get any push back for their fight against Bosnia, Serbia did even though they shared the same concerns as Croatia, both had their own people surrounded by Bosnian Muslim forces. The US and NATO bomb Serbia killing 2,000 civilians, Novak Djokovic was 11 years old at the time hiding in a bomb shelter. Croatia was fine, most likely because they have been backed by the Vatican since WW2.
@dd.....t.2047 3 жыл бұрын
Wtf everyone here Said that vlade throw a croatian flag yes its right but it was a provocation of a fan. Vlade everytime Said that he is yugoslav and every yugoslav would also react like him if someone held a serbian flag or others ist was a normal reaction. Croations here are telling much shit about him but this is what croats could do the best tell much shit. Because of this selfish Nation (croatia) the war started.they never think whats the best for Other people they everytime think whats the best for them. This isnt correct from croatia but okay
@33neptun 6 жыл бұрын
Divac say "war is created by ALL sides",and THAT, is not true.War was created and started by serbian agression on Croatia.
@SuperZap12345 6 жыл бұрын
@LifeIMO94 Still butthurt over losing that war so decisively?
@33neptun 6 жыл бұрын
But war need only ONE side to begin it. And it was serbian side. Everybody knows that. Facts and tv cameras don't lie. Btw, the entire world know that Serbia and Belgrade was the first country in Europe which was "FREE of JEWS". And that all wars in former YU ws started by serbia. How come serbia was involved, in ALL wars, and not a single bullet was fired in serbia??? We know about "Jugoslav" national army, and who was in charge there. You don't have to bother. Everybody knows the truth. After all, it was SERBIA that was bombed by NATO. Only country in Europe,ever. WHY ??? Because they was agressor on ALL countries in former YU. Period. Truth can't be hidden. We all saw what happened there.
@33neptun 6 жыл бұрын
Well i know that is was parents of Dražen,who spent days and nights in shelter in his town of Sibenik,and not Vlade's. And i never heard of any bomb or bullet fired in Vlade hometown. Or anywhere in serbia. And tv stations never catch ANY Croatian tank or soldier on serbian soil. But we saw many serbian soldiers (and tanks and planes),on Croatian soil. How do you explain that ?????
@timprex317 5 жыл бұрын
When yugoslavia fell apart serbs immediately wanted to attack slovenia, because they have first moved out of YU, but than they sad, fuck it slovenija is to small part of yugoslavia let them go. And very soon after that croatia decided to move out and serbs couldn't let that happen so they attacked croatia. But croats won they fight at the end. That's the real truth.
@athanasiusdicia117 5 жыл бұрын
Damon King. Well, you must have known better than Drazen's mother, who wormy invited Divac home.
@33bigmoney 3 жыл бұрын
divac was wrong for taking off the croatian flag and throwing it like that and he admits it, that's why Drazen wont forget him
@johnnycleveland216 3 жыл бұрын
They were still playing for Yugoslavia at that time so I think Divac had the right to look at the Croatian flag as nonsense
@JohnsonMalarkey 3 жыл бұрын
@33bigmoney Not true, as Vlade stated at 1:28 for the whole world to see and hear... It doesn't matter who he is, both Croatians and Serbs are same people, but in Drazen's mind this was clearly NOT THE CASE. While Vlade saw what ever that piece of cloth was, it wasn't the flag of Yugoslavia... A country that him and his teammates were playing for and that's why it was absolutely justified, to get that thing outta the way and hoist a Yugoslavian flag, as every other victorious national team does once the match concludes. You Sir, are nothing but a biased ultra-nationalistic Croatian apologist.
@tabijozwick 2 жыл бұрын
According to SEVERAL PEOPLE, the flag incident didn’t even bother Drazen one bit. It was Divac STEPPING on Drazen during an NBA GAME that made Drazen to end the relationship.
@veljko5141 2 жыл бұрын
it was a Croatian ustasa flag form the Nazi party during ww2, secondly they played for Yugoslavia. Too many reasons why Vlade was right and had the balls to grab it out of that hooligans arms, which was probably paid to do that and fuel nationalism.
@DROOPYDP 4 жыл бұрын
This is Divac his story. The true story is different however serbs dont want te recognize the truth. Simple words like we are brothers and we are all the same simple dont work when your country is attacked and innocent people are suffering because of the serbian politics. According to elections in Croatia 95% wanted independancy. The rest is history .Drazen loved his Croatia and Divac blamed Croatian players why they steped back and played for their Croatia. This is his version.
@SuperZap12345 6 жыл бұрын
Vlade's a Serb that disrespected the Croatian flag. Drazen, Toni, or Dino (Croatians) didn't disrespect the Serbian flag. Vlade screwed up and he never really owned up to it. This documentary was self-serving and they chose Drazen instead of Toni or Dino because Drazen couldn't speak for himself.
@SuperZap12345 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, but they focus on the friendship between Vlade and Drazen rather than Vlade and either Toni or Dino. This is done to give a one-sided view. Like Vlade is the victim. You also have reporters and others speaking on behalf of Drazen in generally negative ways, when I never heard Drazen speak in such ways about Vlade.
@SuperZap12345 6 жыл бұрын
@cuts777 No it wasn't. Drazen, Toni, and Dino all felt the same way about Vlade's actions, yet they only focus on Drazen and Vlade. Again one sided story telling.
@athanasiusdicia117 5 жыл бұрын
Well, Drazen's mother spoke after all. But, you must have known better. For your knowledge, Vlade, Toni and Dino, have fully reconciled.
@justsayin6628 5 жыл бұрын
SuperZap12345 better late than never to ask for forgiveness tho! No matter what happens in life we should all forgive one another... everyone makes mistakes borders are meant to divide and used for evil... if the mom can forgive him I think that’s saying something
@onuraksaray8335 4 жыл бұрын
@@b123ilic8 it was not ustasha flag, don't make up shit out of your ass. checkered symbol was already there in the coat of arms of the croatian socialist federal republic and it's at least 500 years old. the ustasha flag was the one with the ''U'' symbol on the left top.
@turuntashtheboo7681 2 жыл бұрын
Koja izmišljotina
@jamesmichael280 4 жыл бұрын
Vlade was completely wrong. Period.
@samborac46 4 жыл бұрын
Really? Can you tell me why?
@jamesmichael280 4 жыл бұрын
samborac46 because the Croatian flag also represented the Croatian players on the team. He claims he would’ve done the same if it was a Serbian Flag, but he’s not being honest. At that moment his hate toward Croatians was revealed. He could’ve easily walked away as being heckled is a part of being a professional athlete. Instead he revealed his heart.
@jamesmichael280 4 жыл бұрын
Miki Mouse where are you from?
@jamesmichael280 4 жыл бұрын
Miki Mouse so if your friend was from Italy and he threw away the Slovenian flag in front of millions of people you wouldn’t care?
@jamesmichael280 4 жыл бұрын
Miki Mouse so if your friend did this you would go on like nothing happened? Also, you are in a difficult situation. Yugoslavia suppressed many people that is why you had war. Tito was afraid of his people, so he kept them in fear. In return they still love him today. Seems like mental illness. With Slovenia you have a very highly functioning country. Much other advanced than the other republics. I understand everything you are saying and agree with you on many things. However, Vlade is a hypocrite because if Drazen did that to him, he would’ve reacted the same way. If not personally, than from pressure from his country. Also, Drazen’s best friend was Stojko Vrankovic, not Vlade.
@predragkovljenic4214 3 жыл бұрын
The truth is vlade believed in communism he even said it doesn't matter who I am . On the other hand Petrovic believed in independent state of Croatia that's the difference. Coats only joined Yugoslavia to save their skin but their intentions were always to create a independent state. As a Serb the fact vlade said it doesn't matter who he is speaks volumes of how bad the communist brainwashing was.
@yodaandjules29 Жыл бұрын
He cared for others. Communism says the needs of the group are sometimes more important than the needs of the individual. The region was better off when Yugoslavia was united.
@subutaynoyan5372 6 ай бұрын
Americans are literally brainwashed by capitalist hegemony so bad, to them everything is just in memorised reactions towards concepts like communism which they know nothing about. Just bullshit propaganda. Particulary in the age of techno-feudalism, this is just pure obliviousness.
@jajeavioni2171 5 жыл бұрын
Croatians and serbs are not the same people,not even close
@jajeavioni2171 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevenhardaway6138 nope
@stevenhardaway6138 5 жыл бұрын
@@jajeavioni2171 ok, kako hoćeš frende. Tvoje mišljenje, poštujem ga. Živio.
@jajeavioni2171 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevenhardaway6138 nismo mi nikakvi frendovi
@stevenhardaway6138 5 жыл бұрын
@@jajeavioni2171 ok frende, živ bio.
@sale2610 5 жыл бұрын
@@jajeavioni2171 živeo Tesla pola Srbin pola čovek pola Marsovac pola...nema tvoje polovine !??
@user-hy7ig7wv2o 3 жыл бұрын
Укратко, фуј.
@hrvackinavijac7911 2 жыл бұрын
We are not the same people Vlade, do not push your greater Serb propaganda
@drizz7830 2 жыл бұрын
Ne seri mali. Ti si isto stari srbin
@hrvackinavijac7911 2 жыл бұрын
@@drizz7830 Kako to kad su Hrvati stariji od Srba
@drizz7830 2 жыл бұрын
@@hrvackinavijac7911 uradi genetski test
@liquidchair Ай бұрын
Od svih Srba, najgori su hrvati 🤷
@josipmihalke 3 жыл бұрын
Ajde nemoj zajebavat, činjenica je da je Divac baš tada pustio bradu. Budimo realni, to nije bila slučajnost.
@senadbegic4971 Жыл бұрын
Serbia attacks croatia than bosnia the difference croatia only fight for 6 month bosnia was destroyed for 3 and half years
@andrewmitchell9714 3 жыл бұрын
Stupid war. It is because he's Serbian
@Servano_Qamisli 5 жыл бұрын
Who cares about Petrovic...simple past!!!
@georgegurdjieff3854 4 жыл бұрын
You will be simple past because you're nobody...Petrovic is basketball legend and he will live're just a little rat and stay in your hole...
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