Europe, What's Next? - Through the Czech Republic | In Focus

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Ten years after our first journey through the Czech Republic, a location scout gives us a peak behind the scenes of the legendary Prague studios. We find out how the long-standing Czech car brand Škoda is doing in the financial crisis and how a former textile worker sees his future. This journey through the Czech Republic reveals how rapidly it's been changing since the 1989 Velvet Revolution.

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@romanhana3466 9 жыл бұрын
About roma people - Im from Czech rep and I should say that its not mostly about racism or anything - its just about behaviour and tolerance... I work in services and I can say that most terrible things happen when you deal with roma people - they are rude, destroy things, cant adapt to society - nobody will have they girlfriend walking through the "brno bronx" after sunfall by alone - its just too dangerous. I have some good friends among romas and they basically think the same thing - young roma people suffer from behaviour examples of their parents. They live like 50 years ago... Modern Czechs dont mind different religions, sex prefferences, nudism, etc... but they do mind anyone who shout at you from no reason, who steals from you, who endangers you with knives, etc... I believe its the same everywhere - so its not about that Czech people cant accept Romas - its mostly the other way! And from my job experience - most racist and intolerant are Romas cause they see themselves always as minority, not as part of our neighbourhood..
@karinasmith2214 8 жыл бұрын
+Roman Hána Exactly. Why is it that people immediately brings up the work racist? It is the way the act that it is intolerable
@histochronos 6 жыл бұрын
But the context is important. It isn’t easy for an oppressed people to think, want or try to integrate into the larger society. Lack of Education, ignorance and prejudice can cause a lot of harm. Luckily, time is on their side as they should progress as Romas move into higher classes.
@poisoninyourcoffeewolvesof5182 5 жыл бұрын
Romas or Gypsies behave the same way everywhere, in my country they do the same and then complain about racism!
@havoc_theory 4 жыл бұрын
Sry ale nemyslím že máš 100% pravdu
@icemachine79 10 жыл бұрын
The Czech Republic is a beautiful country. Definitely the best of Europe! Even when I was a kid and Czechoslovakia was still a communist country with closed borders and a secretive, brutal regime I wanted to visit Prague. The place and its people have always fascinated me. Ah well... maybe one day I'll get to go. To look out my window every day and see the breathtaking skyline of the old city would truly be a dream come true for me.
@havoc_theory 4 жыл бұрын
icemachine79 I’m from the Czech Republic and it’s not that great It’s always wet and mucky and with gray skies
@jarlRiess 4 жыл бұрын
Hardly any of us, Czechs, would describe Czechia as "the best country of Europe". :o We are quite critical people, prone to underestimate ourselves, our state and society. Partially, it is a fact-based, justifiable stance - we know our weaknesses and problems (including unsightly, ecologically destroyed parts of Czech landscape or whole quarters of old Prague devalued by mass turism and/or unscrupulous developers). Come here and live here for some time - a few months, at least. You will see the situation more realistically and, maybe, your rose-coloured glasses will fall down... ;)) Btw., your words about pre-1989 "secretive, brutal regime" is fairly exaggerated. In 80's I was a child and can assure you that situation in those times wasn't so horrible at all - especially since 1985 when Gorbachev's era of the "perestroika" and "glasnost" started... Life under the rule of Communist party was displeasing, annoying, full of hypocrisy, we sensed that our country (then Czechoslovakia) economically lag behind the West, but the words "brutal regime" are too strong, I think. Maybe if you would talk about the 50's, the era of Stalinism, in this case you will be right.
@TheJanchleboun 7 жыл бұрын
Haha, neighbouring countries like Romania and Bulgaria, really? Stopped watching right there, what a bad journalism.
@dwnews 10 жыл бұрын
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@dobrkiss1356 5 жыл бұрын
DW English it's not bruno it's spent entire documentary misprounouncing it.
@lomien007 6 жыл бұрын
What a poor translation... the people there say completely different things than the English story!
@YamiKisara 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but I have to pause during the Brno part. They keep talking about better political will and expect the majority to somehow give them more rights without talking about them having to follow the rules the state sets. They have the same rights as anyone else, they just don't like to follow the same duties everyone has and hence end up with poor education and a shitty job, if they can get a job at all. The only disrimination they are facing up against is what us Czechs call "positive discrimination", where someone receives more for less work than an average person (many of them get LARGE amounts of social benefits even though many working people with too little money from their job don't get anything to support their children, for example). And Czechs are fed up with anyone abusing the social system like that, it has nothing to do with ethnicity or skin colour (we feel the same about Czechs living off social benefits without trying to get a job). I'm sure you all have a similar group in your country, be it Roma, black people or migrants and there's nothing wrong with feeling strongly about a person (any person) wanting rights but refusing duties, it just doesn't work that way and it's not the majority that has to understand this. The ones that actually pay attention at school can do any job they want and they usually do it well, it's just still the minority of them, even though I dare say that number is slowly growing.
@MORAVIADONAUtv 10 жыл бұрын
Velmi "bezpečné" ulice Bratislavká, Francouzská a Cejl ulice tzv. Brněnský Bronx =)
@angeloacosta9411 3 жыл бұрын
I'm from the Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago...
@Mns_87 10 жыл бұрын
Can you please tell me the name of the violin piece that starts at @2:04? My grand father played it to me as a child and I would like to know the name.
@antonleonov2177 10 жыл бұрын
the music you are (or were) looking for is a set of symphonic poems titled "Ma Vlast" (my country / my homeland) composed by Bedrich Smetana; the most famous of them is #2 "Vltava" you're welcome ^^
@Mns_87 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anton, it's the violin introduction before they start playing the theme from "Vltava" that I am curious about knowing.
@antonleonov2177 10 жыл бұрын
Oh yes indeed it's something different.. Sorry don't know that one :/ good luck finding it though, i know the frustration ^^
@Mns_87 10 жыл бұрын
thanks very much for your interest though.
@jalapenojose1 9 жыл бұрын
It is "proč bychom se netěšili" smth like "why not to joy" played by violin, it is different presentation of czech folk song, normaly played by brass band
@brandonwright1001 9 жыл бұрын
I dont know if any other viewers sensed this, but them two mothers at the end, each with one son each, were the epitome of passionless, blobs of empty european materialist careerism. So sad that neither son will ever know the comradery of brotherhood or the gentle protectiveness of a boy watching out for his little sister. Them boys will grow up never knowing what its like to have a beer with their little brother upon his entry into semi-manhood, cracking jokes and joshing them good naturedly, but filled with love for the lil guys, my little brothers. And they'll also not know the consternation of watching their little brothers surpass them in height, closing fast the advantage of years. At least in my circumstance. Lol. I find it so sad that this country, and other european countries are not at least at replacement levels in birth rates. Losing population causes economic problems, and some short sighted polititions or "heads of industry" or otherwise large business interests, starts flooding the country with "guest workers" from different cultures, who eventually permanently stay in country, eventually bringing all their relatives, all these people with solidly oppossing and competing cultural values that undermines the very fabric of the society. While that foreign culture grows, the native peoples birthrates fall even further or stay the same dividing factor of half, and their population falls quicker and quicker. Before you know it, the single grandson of your single child is a derided minority in the lands of their ancestors. Why not remain what you are? If your french, whats wrong with having a homeland for the french? If your Czech, a homeland for Czechs? Why is this european self hatred taught and glorified by europeans to europeans through the media? Why shouldnt a mother with two children be profiled for this piece as the example of new european cosmopolitan ness? Why is ethnic, national suicide by way of rampant careerism and materialistic goals, which of course infer limiting family size to half replacement levels, held up as some kind of mark of progress? Its sick, souless and vapid. The native nationalities of Europe are torch bearers of human progress at this point of human development, and deserve an existance in the future. Come on Mr and Mrs Wright, Mr and Mrs Gunther, Mr and Mrs Thorlackson, Mr and Mrs Sinclair, Mr and Mrs Brzowzski, Mr and Mrs Angirrelli, Mr and Mrs Moreno, Mr and Mrs Flanigan, Mr and Mrs FROM ALL THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPE, give that boy a little brother or sister. And give their children, your childrens children, more of a chance to see your culture thrive well into the future. Resist the lefts assault upon our various nationalities spread through out the world, yet ESPECIALLY in Europe! They lie to us through The Media, their own arm masquerading as the unbiased truth, yet endangering the future of our people. They do so by deifying "diversity" at the cost of cultural hegemony, in the very lands where liberalism and tolerance are anchored most stably. What will the Czech Republic be without Czechs? What would England be without the English? France without the French? Europe is filled with fascinating cultures and peoples, possessing strong ties to the very land beneath their feet, that ground well-nourished with the blood of their ancestors who died nobly keeping Europe for the Europeans by resisting the Muslims.The Islamic tide (Moors) was turned at Tours, France, in the west (an aggressive islamic invasion predating the crusades by hundreds of years) and at Vienna in the East (the Ottomans). All that struggle, all them hardships, all this history and so much progress, possibly all for nought, because the political Left of these nations has betrayed and lied to the people, inviting non-europeans to establish themselves in massive numbers in European cities across the continent. These immigrating populations often display open hostility to the native europeans and our values while drawing millions of euros in welfare to support large families, while the native Europeans work to support the welfare state and have less children so they may aquire them careerist and materialistic goals. The various European Tribes that became the gorgeous array of modern European nations, struggled and resisted, persisted and progressed, made mistakes and regressed, but, they never gave up, because there were children and future generations of Europeans to consider, and they believed in the inherent goodness of themselves, their families and their culture. Now some European mothers and fathers have only one child, diminishing their peoples by half, every generation. This is a self-perpetuating genocide, and it must be stopped. Europeans, keep making more little Europeans! The good works and progression of science, Art, Beauty and environmentalism depend on it! Fill your jobs and neighborhoods with your children and their childrens children, instead of inviting in strangers, at the cost to your limited space and resources. Make babies! Help birth the life of our peoples! Above all else, love ourselves, and love our future. Even White children deserve to be proud and secure in themselves. Arabs have Arabia, the Chinese China, Europeans should have a Europe.
@MartaEzis 9 жыл бұрын
Yep. But in the CzR, this trend was at its strongest from 1990 to 2010 - everybody just wanted to explore the newly discovered freedom, but now, there's this tendency to settle down again. Emmigration is really low in the CzR. And fortunately, there's still many families that plan on more than one child in the CzRep. All of my friends do. Also, there's an increasing number of mixed marriages. Many of my friends married Indians or Americans, they live in the CzR and their children consider themselves to be European - they speak Czech, their lifestyle is European etc.
@brandonwright1001 9 жыл бұрын
MartaEzis good. That makes me happy. At least there is some hope. The news, the statistics can be quite dis-spiriting.
@brandonwright1001 9 жыл бұрын
MartaEzis I am so passionate about this because I love my people, I love us Europeans. I'm a euro-american. We deserve a future.
@pholkhein 9 жыл бұрын
other cultures bring new perspective. what's wrong having people of colour? you sound more racist than a reformist to me, US is a great example of how cultures could produce something unique and strong, Europe needs that as well
@karinasmith2214 8 жыл бұрын
+Leunett Anyone who comes from outside, and tries to impose his ways on the people who welcomed him, needs a kick on the butt
@seanford8140 6 жыл бұрын
what breed of dog is that?
@miriammaldonado7848 6 жыл бұрын
People change behaviors change, you cannot held hostage people from 50 years ago their negative behavior will change with role models, and educatin.
@Pidalin 3 жыл бұрын
I have to google where is that mythical city of Bruno :-D
@alexanderrosen1880 7 жыл бұрын
sad i know nothing about this country or language and my family came from here, but at the same time im thankful i live in America, i couldnt imagine having little money!
@YamiKisara 7 жыл бұрын
Overall a nice report though :)
@joliettraveler 7 жыл бұрын
Unfortunate end of the Czech culture with such a low birth rate.
@bnkundwa 3 жыл бұрын
I like Czech language for it looks like Polish language.
@BlindGuardianCz 6 жыл бұрын
Why do you think they are discriminated? If you look on normal people how they behave and on Roma ghettos, every civilized person will get uncomfortable. I have nothing against their race it is their behavior I condemn. When I walk at night and see group of white man I'm calm and cool. But when I see bunch of Romas I start to panic a bit. And who is to blame for this? Only themselves. Next time try to make video about Vietnamese or Ukrainian community and ask them if they feel discriminated. Also that person Jana is marvelous. No sane Czech would say a single bad word about her heritage. She is lovely. Sorry im still adding to this comment. But you said denied Education?!!! Are you serious. They are denying education themselves!
@histochronos 6 жыл бұрын
Commercial for EU/German benevolence? To paraphrase, at one point they say that the environment being destroyed was a needed casualty of progress. Smh
@sulista-consulting 8 жыл бұрын
CZECHIA (read "checkia"). Call our country Czechia, please. Our country has more than 1200 years old history and only very small part of it is the history of republican system. Czechia is a geographical name, which is independent on time and state-political changes in the country, thus, it can be used for our country both in historical and contemporary context. Not necessary to use that clumsy political name (Czech Republic) of contemporary state formation, which leads to undesirable shift of meaning (Charles IV was really not king of the Czech Republic :-D ) #Czechia
@janledvinkaxd 8 жыл бұрын
+Vaclav Sulista Charles IV was neither a king of Czechia, or Czech republic but King of the Lands of the Bohemian crown.
@sulista-consulting 8 жыл бұрын
+Jan Ledvinka So what about Germany or Poland? Germany got unified in the 19th century, Poland disappeared from the map several times. And still has been around all the time.... this is the biggest advantage of an geographic name, as it is neutral and independent of the current political system
@Azzataky 7 жыл бұрын
I actually think most of czechs might prefer czech republic instead of Czechia. I know I do. :D
@sulista-consulting 7 жыл бұрын
Azzataky it is a question of time,people will get used to it as they got used to "awful" Czechoslovakia, as written in National Geographic in 1921 :-)
@Azzataky 7 жыл бұрын
Vaclav Sulista I hope not. It just sounds weird to me the "ia" part at the end. Not sure why. :D And some moravians are mad I bet. :D
@Ricardot14 4 жыл бұрын
Czech Republic is way better and SAFER than Germany!
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu 4 жыл бұрын
The price for prosperity is too high! Look at the air quality! In 2020, Covid-19 disease from novel corona virus is a result of poor environment and species jumping viruses!
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu 4 жыл бұрын
Unique identity for Roma, wandering metal craftsmen tinkers, cobblers, and now trafficked sex workers, pick pockets, mafia style bosses! The have learned well from the Bulgarians and Romanians!
@Federxon 8 жыл бұрын
Nice EU (Russian style) propaganda... Good job guys... :-D :-D
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu 4 жыл бұрын
Work on organized crime and Mafia and of course corruption!
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu 4 жыл бұрын
The culture/brain drain deflates the national economy. Can't fine Czech woolen materials to produce garments!
@sulista-consulting 7 жыл бұрын
and we are Czechia, forget the clumsy formal name
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