Eve Online - This is why Industry is so good!

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Strange Net

Strange Net

2 жыл бұрын

Hi folks, so in this video we look at why industry is so good for making ISK over the long term and dispel some of the myths around why it sucks.
Free link for 1,000,000 Skill Points if you're creating a new character
What is Eve Online - Eve Online is a space-based, persistent world massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed and published by CCP Games. Players of Eve Online can participate in a number of in-game professions and activities, including mining, piracy, manufacturing, trading, exploration, and combat.
#Eve Online
#Eve Online Industry

Пікірлер: 150
@hundun5604 2 жыл бұрын
3:33 "When everything is in place..." That's the thing that costs the most time and effort. Calculations, getting the BP's, filling buy orders, hauling, etc..
@caseylp7121 2 жыл бұрын
Same thing that's kept me from doing industry for the 6 years I've been playing, but who knows maybe I'll give it a go sometime
@Allhavengames Жыл бұрын
true. and then you have to still sell it witch is very competitive. you can list something and 3 minutes later some one beat your price out
@toddpatton1750 2 жыл бұрын
It was an interesting topic to listen too. I haven't gotten into industry because of the start up costs in ISK and SPs since I am still trying to get my Character rounded out to for non capital ships. I was a little shocked to see the ISK your bringing in. Thank you for the video. IGN: Airistin Northgate
@evedustry2056 2 жыл бұрын
I think the other thing is that HS Industry takes a level of investment. It sucks spending 20m in supplies for the job, but it really pays off when you sell you wares off for 50m and make that 30m profit. You hit a great point that industry should be running in the background while you are doing active ISK generating activities. Great video as always!!
@ranex007 2 жыл бұрын
Great content as always Sure hope for that sick skin ;) (Laoniel) cheers from Belgium
@todd7353 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. I do some manufacturing and am adding to my collection of researched BPO's to try and do more manufacturing. I would be interested in knowing more in why you choose Perimeter and Jita to do much of your manufacturing. I know it is close to your trading, but the system cost indexes make it very expensive. You have mentioned one of the TTT structures for some of your manufacturing or research in the past, but the taxes are 10%. Are you a member of corp with a much lower tax rate? If not, I don't see how you can overcome the very high tax rates. IGN: Isabel Katelo
@RhettDKlok 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Mate! I do fly a Vargur in game name Cerebraun!!!! You are the man!!!!
@FuaConsternation 2 жыл бұрын
cheers for that. it gives casual players hope that they too can make isk in the game without needing to play 24/7 following an incursion fleet around, or travelling to another ice belt spawn, or hunting down that next pirate stronghold, or endlessly doing abyssals, etc.
@anthonyzullo Жыл бұрын
Been playing since 98, by 2014 I realized that EVE is like real life. If you're broke, that's your fault. There are limitless ways to make isk in EVE. I used to strictly mission, then strictly pvp, then strictly exploration. Once I figured out you can do it all daily life became easier and my coffers became stronger. Atm, I mine a field of ice then 2 belts then do PI then correct my market orders, input/output production orders then I go pvp or hop on my dronelands main and do escalations. All of that nets billions daily. The problem is not the game. The problem is that the majority of people assume 2 things which they find out they're completely wrong about. 1, EVE is not a game. It's not for casual players. It's a lifestyle. 2, instant gratification does not exist in EVE. Even if you're rich enough to skill your way into a titan, it means nothing if you know nothing about the game at all. People come here thinking this is Warcraft lol.
@kenniltv 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! Been playing EVE for a long time on and off. Haven't put the time in to learn industry, reactions, inventions etc. I think a up-to-date video (with all the newer changes) how it works would be great for me and new players. Material sources, BPOs available, BPCs invention(learned this today), reactions etc. low-sec, hs, null, wh needed? Player structures or Jita cost+tax consideration, system tax. Yea lots to learn... Thanks for great videos! (ign Knett)
@MrLordMooMoo 2 жыл бұрын
As a newish player, the few times I've actually looked to whether it's worth producing any of my BPC, even the most basic calculations (no taxes or processing cost) of inputs cast and sale price indicate that this is not a good use of ISK. Even if I were to gather most of the materials myself I'm better off just selling them raw...
@MnemonicHack 2 жыл бұрын
Manufacture away from the big population centers and sell in warzone or on the border between highsec and null. Along with that, get a second income source. Industry is passive, like PI.
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
as a newish player, you shouldent get into industry right away, besides maby really small setup to test the waters. first off, its really importent to be carefull with what systems and stations you choose to do your industry in, cause the taxe rate on jobb and system cost index makes a significant difference on your profitt margin. allso there is alot of stations out there that dosent give any bonuses to production speed whatsoever. but in correct station type with correct rigs, you can cut production time down by 72%, witch means a t2 frigg of any kinds takes about 8h to build instead of 21h. if you wanna get into production however, i would suggest you look into rigs, cause those gives usually somewhat desent profitt, easi to sell, and dosent cost that much to get started with
@anthonyzullo Жыл бұрын
Industry is long and hard but pays off in the end. EVE is not the game for those who enjoy instant gratification.
@anthonyzullo Жыл бұрын
It's simply not a game for casual players.
@TheSingularity. 2 жыл бұрын
Keep these up! Very useful!
@IanEdmonds 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy these videos. Hearing your thoughts on reactions and whether those are still worth the trouble (especially after the gank) would be an interesting topic. IGN: Donovon Frost
@michaelgrube5343 2 жыл бұрын
I am not sure why players think you cannot make isk with industry...im a small fry when it comes to it, however, i started industry from your content and i follow what you say....it gives me ideas an what to build and how to build them....i appreciate content creators like yourself that Barney style things that i have never touched....thank you for all you do :)
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
Im going to guess the eve subreddit and others like them. Absolute cesspool. The subreddit would turn away any new player.
@michaelgrube5343 2 жыл бұрын
@@vayneglory655 no doubt....people need to have a good sense of self-awareness and independence to survive in New Eden....of course you need the community....that is part of it....but there are some very negative people's in this universe....I think they all belong to CODE...jkjk
@rmquelch 2 жыл бұрын
Great summary of what it takes to get into industry. I think many budding industrialists complain simply because they don’t understand the longer time frame required to make a profit and that it’s not instant like ratting. Best advice you had is to build up a reserve doing something else before jumping into industry. Once you have enough ISK you can invest it and not miss it while it’s beginning to generate returns. IGN: Endgame Crisis.
@hairlokk8672 Жыл бұрын
Problem imo is the meta stuff that most often make t1 useless
@MrMRThomson 2 жыл бұрын
Good to hear your opinion on this. Been watching a lot of your older videos Ign. SpaceManMark
@llongone2 2 жыл бұрын
I do industry part-time, so to speak; I can't seem to commit to it full time. But some day, I hope to try. The start-up costs are significant, as you pointed out in this vid, but after a while of gathering resources on EVE, perhaps anyone can make the leap. Some people in my corp are "super space rich", and their wealth comes from industry.. IGN: Roddick Serling Willoughby
@swuff3197 2 жыл бұрын
I am closing in on a full year of playin eve now, my main focus is industry and only active profession I really do is mining. But your videos have tought me a great deal! You have made many helpfull videos about how to find good items to manufacture, but I am still struggling to figure out how to math the cost of creating tech 2 BPCs (calculating the cost of invention). But I have a feeling it's not enaugh to it for a full video.. x) anywho, I look forward for more videos to improve my industrial knowledge! ign: Swuffles
@stmwald 2 жыл бұрын
Have been trying to figure out what careers to do in Eve and your video was helpful. The issue I hear with industry over some others is that you need multiple Omega account to make ISK. The research I've done said that the characters all must be Omega while some of the other Eve careers (e.g. exploration, pvp, FW, mission, etc) can be done with an Omega account or even an Alpha account. So as an industrialist what would you say is the 'bare minimum' number of Omega accounts needed, since I hear no Alphas really will work for being an Industrialist, and would the 1m SP referral make them profitable or will it take them months to get the skills up to run the research needed to do the stuff you showed in the video?
@AltAlloeys-xg3js 4 ай бұрын
Exploration > gas huffing> fw
@zombiehaiku7527 2 жыл бұрын
Have just shifted my mining Alt to and industrial focus and will be going through your past videos. Kovacs Vat-112
@Avengelite 2 жыл бұрын
Hey I just subscribed and I just want to thank you for showing that industry can be profitable in Eve. I'm a returning player that has always wanted to get into industry, and I'm looking forward to learning how you started out when you first dipped your toes into it. Excited for more of your videos! IGN: Avengelite
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
Should send a message to edwinjpb - leader of the centaurs of the north. Indy corp. ;)
@zacharyhalsema3709 2 жыл бұрын
Gim Baliz here! I'm just breaking into the T2 industry and it's worth the effort! Just keep building up bpos and bpcs! The pay off is there!
@carsteNmlk 2 жыл бұрын
Your content truly helps to understand more about the intricacies of Eve, because the entry is easy. But digging deep is whats hard and your perspective is very much appreciated! (IGN: Adelaan Verhuizen)
@chubbyman6929 2 жыл бұрын
I have been doing industry for 3 years now in highsec, not very well I might add, and I still traded 11 billion last year. All of this has been plowed back into BPO's. Mined most of my own minerals, traveled to get the rest from trade hubs. Started with T1 ammo BPO's and am now buying battlecruiser BPO's at over 500m each. Slow and steady growth, make connections in game and trading minerals at over 500m each time now on a single character. Love the content, fly safe. IGN: Chubbyman 69.
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
difficult to make isk from industry in high sec. cause there arent really any stations thats good for that sort of things, and if you by luck find some stations thats allmost usefull, they are taxed to heaven and back. station where im doing my building have structure role of -30% production time, -5% job cost modifier, and -1% material cost modifier. it allso on top have rigs that gives additional -42% production time, and -4,2% material cost. not unusual that the usefull stations in highsec have 17-20% tax in total. station im doing it in with those stats, have total tax off about 4%, witch makes a big difference in cost, espiesially if you add up all different steps needed to make a t2 ship as an example. this is btw -72% reduction in production time, and the best stations for reduced production time in high sec are usually around -30%, but then we talking high tax rate. for PI, we dont have any taxes at all, wile its usually 10%+ in high sec, not to mention the planets have overall alot more resources on them
@targetthyself 2 жыл бұрын
The thing about industry is that it has a very, very, very high upside if you are a business nerd who loves the idea of trying out unregulated market concepts for fun. For the average joe, it's only ever going to be some passive income. But that's ok. It's very low risk income. And like mining, that should be a slower burn activity for a very spefic kinda person. Active players are putting 25-150M isk usually on the line in Gila's usually running around in low-sec or Null Sec. There is much higher risk, you should get bigger rewards for it.
@techmisek5061 2 жыл бұрын
Good to see the back side of Eve :) If you could do a vid on highsec moon goo and its production values etc that would be interesting since its not that popular anymore :) IGN: Techmisek
@KyleMaxwell 2 жыл бұрын
I did a lot of industry in the old days and it's still possible for sure. One thing people have to keep in mind is that they need to think about what they *enjoy* doing... if this seems fun to you, then keep doing it and finding ways to make it profitable. If active ISK making is more fun for you, great! Do that instead, and don't worry about what other people do or find profitable and fun! IGN: Rogue Integer
@CptWow2 2 жыл бұрын
That is a beautiful vargur skin! (CptWow2)
@MalclypseTheElder 2 жыл бұрын
Great episode, very on point. Being part of a NS alliance will also boost these numbers. Perhaps do an episode looking at this? IGN: Entropian Brinalle
@eschulergmailcom 2 жыл бұрын
Gortack here. I'd like to see more trading content. I feel like market strategies are more of a closely guarded secret, and it would be nice to see your insights on advanced market concepts. I'm specifically looking at speculation and long term investment.
@dougunderwood2313 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand your profits. You are not deducting the price of BP copies you are using or the cost of materials. You are not deducting the price of putting the items up for sale. You are not making what you say. I've tried industry and have one character trained up to max on buying and selling as far as cost goes and it's not the profits you state...not even close. Mind you I do believe that industry is essential to the game. The isk is made by those that have been training their skills for a long time and can make some very profitable items. Good video, but making isk in industry is far below other venues.
@TroaBarton 2 жыл бұрын
I’d really be interested in the entire process of setting up and running the mission etc of research agents. It’s probably not complicated but there’s nothing detailing the process that I can find. You went over the idea and the numbers in a video but not the process of setting it up. IGN Troa Buell
@Manish-vv9qg 2 жыл бұрын
Informative content. i started eve online recently and wanted to start industry any suggestions ?
@selthielles2709 2 жыл бұрын
Good vid, as always....would be interested to hear what you have to say about margins and strategy for players in amarr, dodixie, and elsewhere than jita/perimeter...IGN Sel Thielles
@mrmudcatslim1004 2 жыл бұрын
How bout a comparison of the major trade hubs? I am not in Jita at the moment, and can readily see why Jita might be the best to stage out of, however there are other trade hubs and regions that people might like other than The Forge. That would be interesting. Maybe the pluses and minuses of each as you see them?
@Swordphobic 2 жыл бұрын
The only one that might compare is Amarr with its relatively cheaper mineral prices, Check out delonewolf's channel for periodic market insights.
@skulduggerous 2 жыл бұрын
The setup is really the barrier for industry I feel. I have 25B to work with and one industry character only and he's been idling for a while since I'm dreading setting up the infrastructure and stuff. But in the back of my mind, it always calls to me ... Some day. In game name: Ziezie Adoulin for the giveaway! :-)
@MoonDogAFO 2 жыл бұрын
Moon Dog here. I inherited T2 BPO's from a friend who "won" Eve and find these videos very interesting as I consider diving into production. Thanks for making them!
@Denzil3 2 жыл бұрын
Hi what bpo did you get
@MattJones-uv3hw 2 жыл бұрын
@@Denzil3 Some ammo and Mining Drone, I believe. I need to sort through it some time soon!
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
@@MattJones-uv3hw T2 BPOs are quite rare, and extreamly expencive in the game, and they cant be made, so fairly sure its t2 copies you got. they are quite easi to make, i have 100s of them in all different kinds:)
@MattJones-uv3hw 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldeneagle256 I did get some T2 ship BPCs, but also received a handful of T2 BPOs.
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
@@MattJones-uv3hw cheapest T2 BPOs in the game are worth 50-60 bill, and ship BPOs, probalby worth 10x that, 500-600 bill, maby even quite alot more for the bigger ships, so if you have even one of those, your filthy rich if you sell it. they so rare can take months between each time any of them comes up for sale
@sindahir3 2 жыл бұрын
sure you can do it. there is always a need of specialist materials. ships are lost, ammo is need etc. so you only need to find your best productions for the market. only problem would be if the game goes down on players and fights
@davidbeauchemin4771 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! Great video as always! Super helpful and it might have been the little push I needed to jump in! IGN: Cariboo
@minesgr_447 2 жыл бұрын
Nice Vargur skin :) (mineSGR)
@Comrade6 2 жыл бұрын
Just started doing industry in low sec with my corp, and I finally feel like I'm starting to understand it and make good isk. IGN Conrad Tsanen
@fatgrubman645 Жыл бұрын
I just started playing EVE properly and tried out industry and yeah its a low time investment but it makes me decent money with low skills, just need to do a few minutes checking prices and there is still some ISK to be made for a noob like me
@Moadiib1337 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Do you have a prior video you can point me to, something about that flow you mentioned: manufacture, copy, invent, for t2? I'm getting into industry, but I don't have 3 characters to work with. IGN: Moabor Omanid
@Denzil3 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t have to have more than one account to do industrial stuff just need to train in to
@strange_Net 2 жыл бұрын
What Dennis said really, Yes I do mention 3 characters in the video but all in all you can start off pretty well with just the 1x character for you. CCP have just released a video on T2 production, ive not seen it yet but Id imagine that covers most of the questions you may have.
@eddied.1302 2 жыл бұрын
One quick question: Would you consider joining a null sec to get access for low price materials, lower tax, and low index? As a null sec industralist, I see much more profit could been made if you chose to do the manufacture in null sec, just buy a JF everything else should be the same. I know you definitely know this but you chose to stay in high sec, so I am just curious about the reason. (XiaoMing Business)
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
In my last null sec Corp, nobody cared about looking for whs, so I used jf services alot. Current Corp someone allways scouting whs, meaning we usually find good wh connections to hs regularly, and can just jump trought with dsts to buy needed supplies. A friend in Corp have 14 accounts and probably 30 toons, making stupid amounts of ships on daily basis, to point where he spend 1.5 bill just starting up jobs in a go. How he moves all his ships are in occators trought pochven filaments, and it's way safer then the use of jf. Just use a spesific pochven filament, hit clock, wait for timer, then extract from there to hs. That usually makes him end up fairly close to jita, and he can self destruct pod back to home. Then uses high sec alt to move the occators to jita, where he sells occators and the cargo. Same way Corp move all Corp assets for sale to jita, and moved hundreds of billions this way, never lost a ship. Some cases where it's usefull to use jf when you want low value, high volume cargo, but they are fairly expencive and high risk to use, so better avoid if possible, witch is usually are.
@andrewperry1987 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do I video on industry with an Alpha clone skills, What are the limits and how you can support others with it.
@dianeradragosha9938 2 жыл бұрын
Recently I've finally gathered the courage to take first serious steps in industry. Thanks to your suggestions, I've started building the new industrial cores. Thus far I've paid off the initial investment on the medium one and started gradually on the large core. Thank you for the confidence to let me get started. What I would like to learn is how to search effectively for a good product. If it is dumb luck and a lot of sweat, don't bother trying to explain. However if there are some in game or 3rd party tools to make the most of industry, that would be fun. IGN : Dianera Dragosha
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
there is some 3th party tools, but i strongly suggest you dont use them, cause chance is high "everyone" else using same tool, and thus defeat the purpose of them. whats difficult about industry are actually finding the modules and such thats gonna give you good profitt. allso keep in mind, what can be good profitt one day, might sell at loss next week, so marked in eve are quite volatile. i personally find modules to not be worth profitt vs work and short time production time. got about 4 toons quite skilled in industry, and im only focusing on T2 ship production, mainly the smaller one, and can easily produce about 30 of those a day on average, and each of them gives me rougly 10 mill a ship profitt on average, with 7h production on the hulls, + it takes bit of time to make the components needed for em aswell on top. for all reactions i go with 3 or 4 days production cycluses, and im building batches of 10 ships that takes 3.5 - 5.5 days depending on size. 3.5 for friggs, and 5.5 days for destroyers. whats really awesome with that kind of production are that all t1 versions of the stuff only need minerals to build. all reaction are more or less same for all ships and races, and all ships withinn same race are built off same types of components. meaning you can change your mind all the way untill you actaully starting to build your ships. if you had originally planned to build 30 malediction, then for some reason marked crash on them, and they dropp significant in price, then you can easily just use allmost same amount of components to build 15 crusaders and 15 retributions instead. t2 ships overall sells quite well, and usually for quite good profitt margin, and instaed of redoing your production ques several times a day, once every 3-4 days are more then enougth, or even longer if you have the capital for it. thats the downside of this type of production, espessially for beginner its quite expenice, to get started with all the BPos, and cost of stockpiles of all materials needed to be able to do it somewhat efficient. typical restock for me cost about 4-6 bill, and im in a corp that have rougly 20 different moons, and mine alot of the materials i need for my production, so stuff i need to buy comes on top. remember its not ony about profittmargin, but how much you actaully can sell. industrial core are bulky, so most people that need them, are industrialists, that dosent have any issues building themselvs, and therefor the sellrate are not that great. but good luck, industry in eve are quite funn:)
@dianeradragosha9938 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldeneagle256 Thank you for your perspective. The added flexibility in T2 ships is something I had not given any thought, this prevents having value locked in place waiting for the market to recover.
@Chazie_ 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work ign BARRY monk
@Antmf712 2 жыл бұрын
what are the main skills I need to do this effeciently?
@SN1P3R230 2 жыл бұрын
is there any tutorial on how to get started doing this? i want to try industry but i don't know where to start
@cyronil8305 2 жыл бұрын
yeah been on the fence on industry a while now. I end up making things for myself these days. The hauling stuff, manufacturing and then hauling to sell again is not my forte. But I do collect BPC/O's now. And I would like some info on what skills to use that make industry life easier. Like the remote starting of industry jobs. IGN: Mirthaner Visteen
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
This is where a great indy corp with buy back programs and dedicated haulers come into play. If youre interested feel free to reach out to edwinjpb or nartona from the corp centaurs of the north. Theyre as helpful as they come.
@merchantoo 2 жыл бұрын
Could one of the things that make it more difficult for others be that they are not always based in the forge? I ain't and I think it would be easier to find the goods to make in Jita, but it's definitely possible elsewhere. Caught the tail end of the event, knocking out some endurances at elevated price 😁. IGN: Pollekey
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
alot more difficult to make isk from industry in high sec compared to proper null sec indie corp. cause there arent really any stations thats good for that sort of things, and if you by luck find some stations thats allmost usefull, they are taxed to heaven and back. station where im doing my building have structure role of -30% production time, -5% job cost modifier, and -1% material cost modifier. it allso on top have rigs that gives additional -42% production time, and -4,2% material cost. not unusual that the usefull stations in highsec have 17-20% tax in total. station im doing it in with those stats, have total tax off about 4%, witch makes a big difference in cost, espiesially if you add up all different steps needed to make a t2 ship as an example. this is btw -72% reduction in production time, and the best stations for reduced production time in high sec are usually around -30%, but then we talking high tax rate. for PI, we dont have any taxes at all, wile its usually 10%+ in high sec, not to mention the planets have overall alot more resources on them. and remember all those modifiers that help you out, goes directly to help out on your profitmargin. by default it takes 21 hours to build a malediction. in my main production station, that goes down to 8,5h, and with the decryptors i use to invent the t2 bpcs, usually takes it further down to about 7,5 hours, and 3x faster production time, means basicly 3x higher profit
@Co1lapse 2 жыл бұрын
kessah - Vargur Giveaway. - Great Content bud.
@SupCom78 2 жыл бұрын
very interesting but i assume this only works if you are an omega i am on alpha atm is there a way to build a bit and make profit as an alpha ?
@remcosiero7867 2 жыл бұрын
Impressive that you keep finding items with decent profit margins to sell. Thus far I've been late to find positive trends for manufacturing. Will have to do some more research before I find any decent profitable item. IGN : Spectral Spectre
@solitude9875 2 жыл бұрын
Im personally considering getting into industry to do T2 ammo production just so I dont waste ISK buying ammo xD (Omalie Arnoux)
@theovalbjorn3581 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, great and inspiring video. I don't know if you have already have made a video regarding the best way for earning the raw materials needed for industry production. If not a video about it would be really apreciated : ) IGN Valeo V
@ThEZibadee 2 жыл бұрын
The industry route is looked down upon i think because of all the things that go along with it. You mentioned start up costs which is one aspect but there are so many other things that put players off old and new. Your channel got me making my own ships and moduals after years of 1 click jita and it is personally rewarding for me as a consumer but i would not like to do it full time IGN: Zibadee
@alin116 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! I've been considering industry, but it seems very daunting to me. Will look into it some more. IGN: val ona
@szulik82 2 жыл бұрын
I agree industry should be a second more passive strain of income. Still good isk to be made though. I would be interested to see what items you build and stock away and the reasons you are stocking an item ie you are bullish about an item or was it a mistake, or was the item good and once you had finished production on an item that was good was no longer profitable etc. IGN Chester Como
@darcydickson Жыл бұрын
The main mistake that a lot of newbies to indy make is overlooking the industrial index and the station taxes. Your going to be cutting into your margins doing your indy is HS as well. If you want to do it the least bit seriously you need to setup shop in LS or best null. You also need to be in a player owned station that has the rigs installed for what your wanting to build. a few hours of planning/logistics at the start will save you a lot of isk and net much greater returns
@pythonxz 6 ай бұрын
Strange Net manufactures in high sec.
@Cantatio411 Жыл бұрын
Would you be interested in setting up multi-sector logistics for capital production?
@michaelrode1669 2 жыл бұрын
really enjoy your videos. Keep them coming :) IGN: Wild Justice
@Dragotalon 2 жыл бұрын
I also Manufacture around Jita just cause I was Manufacturing in a system with lower tax but lost 2 Freighters and my hard earned modules. What I was wondering do you buy your mats or do you mine them cause that is what I am running into problems with is if more profitable to mine or buy IGN:Dragotalon
@markbernard8312 11 ай бұрын
do you factor in the raw material costs?
@rpriest43 2 жыл бұрын
Cracking video as ever. Have you ever thought about doing one on the specific skill sets you need for industry?almost a “start with this “ series? IGN Suicidal joringer
@channelfiftynine 10 ай бұрын
EVE = Gankers Paradise^^
@deftsquirrel6738 2 жыл бұрын
Have kinda taken a break from indy. I've noticed the price on a lot of things is on a downward trend. I've been grinding standings for research agents to get data cores recently. Ign: Deft Ozuwara
@strange_Net 2 жыл бұрын
Same, TBH I was making a video on that and scrapped it for this one. Trend has been steady down for a good few months. Interesting times.
@karni60 2 жыл бұрын
Eve does take time and it does take effort, but the reward and payoff is worth it.
@jonreese2688 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure. I haven’t move my BPCs to Jita to sell but I feel like the market has dried up a little. They don’t seem to be selling like they use to sell that’s for sure IGN = JonReese
@eight-0899 2 жыл бұрын
As a wormholer all i can say is the logistics of getting the materials in and out is in general too much of a hassle, and makes it a little hard to get consistent industry going without higher skills for ships that can haul a ton. On the other hand its also much cheaper to manufacture there. I don't know, wonder what would be your take on manufacturing not just from Jita. IGN S-089 Anvaurd
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
This is where an indy focused corp with buy back programs and dedicated haulers come in. Check out centaurs of the north if youre interested. :)
@esek308 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any hope of you talking about industry outside of jita? You seem to be manurfacturing and selling there exclusively, but is there any difference outside of volume when operating in, say, dodixie?
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
Should look at mining corps for operating outside of major hubs. They usually have buyback programs and dedicated haulers. Id suggest centaurs of the north. Feel free to reach out to edwinjpb or nartona if youre interested. :)
@esek308 2 жыл бұрын
​@@vayneglory655 You don't seem to have any public channels.
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
@@esek308 correct, none in game anyways. If you want to give me your in game name i can have one of our leaders reach out though if youd like? :) if not edwinjpb and nartona are really good about responding to mail!
@eveiskfast 2 жыл бұрын
I always liked industry because I don't have to do it :D
@zoranhome 2 жыл бұрын
T2 ammo, specifically Void L
@6saa9 2 жыл бұрын
Nick: Nardrus Malto --> Would be nice to talk about the industry an alpha player can do. The main issues I see is the only one slot and hight taxes on the market.
@iotuegliita6995 2 жыл бұрын
Hey strange net, I wonder if there is some easy way for you to keep track of all your jobs and to decide how much are they worth? I always found hard for myself to do industry in the competitive Jita 4-4 because I couldn't be fast enough to follow the market IGN: Iotuegli Falazar
@jhgfghjfuzrtfchchghgf 2 жыл бұрын
With you doing research and copy / invention in Tama, aren't you at all afraid the station will be closed / offlined and your stuff stolen? I assume your BPOs there are worth quite a lot?
@eppydemic5030 2 жыл бұрын
Always enjoy your videos IGN Eppy Demic
@luxiet2518 8 ай бұрын
OR you can join some low - null sec corp and start doing Moon mining where you can make 3 bil. / day .
@Voidstrider40 2 жыл бұрын
my biggest problem is getting the materials gathered and time to figure out what is profittable. IGN Voidstrider
@stephansalzmann2431 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work, you helped going into industry and doing a bit of passive income besides my other activities. IGN: Solveigh Cruster
@theloneclap9699 2 жыл бұрын
Do you play solo? And what do you do while your industry is making $$$
@frechesferkel2749 Жыл бұрын
allright 11 characters running jobs, so 4 accounts at least to make what 60 mil?...
@sert_winner3678 2 жыл бұрын
You are a Great help to me starting Industrie but can you please give a few tips on Howe to Start like schould i only do Industrie or do Industrie in between would be nice to know Ign: sert1 Erquillenne
@justsaiyansteve 2 жыл бұрын
I do manufacturing for fun. Not for profit really. Lol.
@SmallKittyPaw 2 жыл бұрын
What people don't understand is that industry don't generate isk. You are making some margin from certain amount of isk. Say you are pulling 5% margin on a item. You need to invest 1 bill to make 50 mil. Ideally, to sustain constant production line. You need to have 1 bil in resources, second bill already in cooker and third bill selling on the market. But once you are set up it just snow balls into numbers like in video.
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
1 bill to make 50 mill? my main production are t2 friggs of all different kinds. usual production cost for those are between 12 and 14 mill, depending on faction and type. those im producing have lowest sell cost of rougly 20 mill, so minimum 50% profitt margin, wile the highest price i get for my ships are 30-35 mill, meaning we talking profittmargin of 250% at best. im making about 20 different ship types, and average profittmargin across all of them are between 80-100%, means for each mill im investing in my production, im getting 1,8-2 mill back... if you only getting 50 mill profitt for 1 bill investment, you should rethink what you making lol, cause im getting atleast 800 mill:)
@SmallKittyPaw 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldeneagle256 it was just a example...
@marcfiftyfive 2 жыл бұрын
As usual I always enjoy your video's. Keep up the great work. Industry is very viable for Omega alts but not for Alpha alts. Skilling up is so important to be competitive in all the aspects of industry, and then max skilling all aspects in sales also and is why I believe it's not viable for Alpha alts. Alpha alts may be able to make a small profit here and there, but that does not change the fact they are not competitive with Omega Alts.
@Amathylar 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing is, industry makes money while you sleep. Active isk making does not.
@goldeneagle256 2 жыл бұрын
dont understand people comparing industry to active isk activites. indie stuff allways ment to be just extra passive isk you make from cooking stuff in the background wile doing your other stuff in game
@craigkirich9646 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure what people want...Give me ISK for doing nothing or at most very little. That's the another game. IGN: Fire Dancer
@frenchiemike42 Жыл бұрын
Pi is kinda fun but the rest is awfull, from the gathering through the UI until the delivery. 9 billion a year is nothing and not worth the hassle, you might want to stay at work 3 more hours only one day and buy plex instead. There's not a world where industry works for newer players, everything is gatekeeped behind skills / BPO owned by older players. It's kinda sad and what refrained me to do it. Building for your corp / alliance in time of war is the only "fun" thing.
@machopi 2 жыл бұрын
oh yeah, industry sure is nice when you have an army of trained accounts churning out stuff or have spent a paycheck or two on skill injectors now tell the joke about industry being good for a regular player
@strange_Net 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure I did, in this video.
@ephilihp Жыл бұрын
You're losing all of your margin from job fees. If you want to make money building modules, build them in nullsec.
@rainrirox148 2 жыл бұрын
Master of none it`s always a pleasure to watch some industry video great job as usual can be handy for sure :) IGN: Beeoh Le-Duc
@immorttalis 8 ай бұрын
It's kind disingenuous to compare doing manufacturing with 10 characters (that's 4 accounts at the very least running on Omega status) to a guy running incursions on a single character. I enjoy industry, but industrialists tend to forget that people new to industry don't pay for 4-10 accounts to do their stuff. Sure, you can do some manufacturing on alpha clones, but they're extra taxed and have none of the skills that help an industrialist make an item into a profitable item.
@hungryowl1559 Жыл бұрын
I think too much of this $ per hour hurts perspective / enjoyment. In almost every game you see thousands of videos for $ per hour. If you enjoy what youre doing, do that. Over time youll have your money.
@michaelnash498 2 жыл бұрын
It's a shame that you put so much focus into industry and never spent a week's worth of this time into "your corp" (which is dead). I wonder why you haven't mentioned it in a while.
@strange_Net 2 жыл бұрын
Its didnt work out unfortunately. What else is there to say.
@hirasinghdhami4589 2 жыл бұрын
I really want to get into industry since I don't really have a lot of time to play, but I find it hard to find items to make a profit with. Usually if a item is profitable, either the market is filled with them or the blueprints are just too expensive. I was wondering how do you find a product with good returns but also not too high barrier to entry. ING: Ala Vinyana
@elodinesper8216 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Because of your vids ive started to dip my toes into industry as a passive income source while im mining or doing exploration! IGN: Elodin Esper
@francescoragnoni8042 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video! A video or even a short about small tips for industry, like how taxes work, buy order vs sell orders ecc. Ecc wuld be great Ign: Ishtar Barckley
@Africanus1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I made a bundle and learned great insights with the newest patch. People sometimes are just adverse to learning new things at times. IGN: Mickael Corleone
@Lares_Hane 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to see someone enjoying the game these days! IGN: Lares Hane
@s33k3r100 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been getting into industry since watching your videos. Been failing at it pretty consistently with the choices I’ve been making, but I’ll keep at it until I learn. IGN - s33k3r atram
@vayneglory655 2 жыл бұрын
Feel free to reach out to edwinjpb or nartona if you need some guidance. Centaurs of the north is a dedicated indy corp thatd love to help. :)
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