[Blade and Soul] Review: Worth Playing in 2019?

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My thoughts on the state of the game and whether or not it is worth picking up in 2019
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@brutalriff1053 5 жыл бұрын
I played this game every waking moment of my life i wasn't in class or asleep, ever since launch, up until I recently quit in January. I cleared the hardest content in the game at the time, TT raid, and did the entire daily train on hard mode every day. I had max level pvp gear, and was always at least gold in every single pvp game mode, every single season, (except 3v3). I spent around $1000 during the 3 years I played BnS, so I was considered a semi-whale (you'd be surprised how little $1000 will get you in this game). The game itself is fun, fast paced, and absolutely beautiful to look at. The combat system is so immensely satisfying, I've never had more fun in a combat game than this one. What ruins the game for me is the company running it, and how little of a shit they give about their player base. The gap between F2P and P2W was immense back when I quit, I can only imagine how bad its gotten since they've added so many new things to upgrade. This game is an endless treadmill of upgrades, and the carrot on the end of the stick never gets any closer unless you're willing to open your wallet to outpace the treadmill every 3 months. If you are looking at this video as someone who is brand new to BnS, or maybe thinking of returning after a long break, your options of playing are: 1. Casual F2P ::: You will basically get nowhere. Just enjoy the casual easy dungeons, costumes, story, and big boobs everywhere. 2. Hardcore F2P ::: Playing 12+ hrs a day, you might reach mid-level content, maybe. If you have a group of friends who are willing to fund you and carry you through every dungeon and raid, you might actually see some relevant end game content, but its unlikely. 3. Semi-P2W ::: You love the game, but don't have the time of a hardcore F2P (job, school, etc.) and still want to see decent progress, so you throw a few bucks at the game. You will probably see endgame content, but will soon realize that your gear is basically temporary, as the cost requirement of every new tier/piece of gear gets more and more impossible to achieve without continuing to pay on a regular basis, not just once or twice. 4. Full P2W Mega Whale ::: You are part of the problem. You not only feed into the widening gap between F2P and P2W, but even encourage it and belittle those who didn't spend as much money as you. Nothing against EvilDoUsHarm, or anybody who enjoys playing the game still. But 99% of the game's issues stem from the greedy corporation running it. - Optimization? they don't care to optimize things because whales will still cough up $1000's every trove, whether or not they fix it. - Cross server? 99% of the elitism exists because the gap between F2P and P2W is widening every day, and players are frustrated they can't do any content to get the gear they need. Without the gear they need, they can't be strong enough to join better parties to do harder content...... and the cycle goes on. - Customer Support? the more money you spend on this game, the better you are treated. hard stop. I used to love this game to death. Looking back on it now that I've escaped the bubble I was in, I still do really miss playing. I miss my characters I worked so hard on, the outfits I bought them. But I refuse to support the P2W model that seems to be injecting itself everywhere into gaming nowadays. I'll stick to my $60 one-time purchase steam games, thanks.
@am_9944 5 жыл бұрын
i feel you and i agree with everything you say. its just sad they killed the game such good story and combat.
@VanssOfffTheeWalll 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your review. The video i came here to watch is sort of aside what i came here to find out but the way you break it down is perfect.
@tomenart 5 жыл бұрын
Sucks to see they never changed at all since I quit like 3 years ago
@stanleyrame2942 5 жыл бұрын
You said my mind about this game after I quit because I am going to college and not have the time grinding. I absolutely love this game but I give up knowing I will never get past the raven weapon.
@leo-fg9du 5 жыл бұрын
I absolute love the game especially for the combat system, hope people release something similar in the future D:
@HereIsYourMaster 5 жыл бұрын
Part of the problem lies with the toxicity of the community. Highly geared people right down refuse to do dungeons with new players because it allows them to skip mechanics, and you're left with either a slow, painful grinding which might make you do mid-tier content, or wildly swiping your credit card and join the whales. There's no middle ground anymore. I still love the game and its combat system with all my heart, but let's face it, it's just not worth getting into. To summarize: I wouldn't recommend getting into the game nowadays, unless you're just interested in the story or if you don't mind emptying your bank account for ever increasing gear upgrades.
@rammpage4468 5 жыл бұрын
Not entirely true. I refuse to run dungeons with less geared people not because I want to skip mechanics, but rather, less geared people normally have less understanding of the mechanics. I know alot of people would say "gear doesn't matter, mech is everything, blah blah blah", but based on my 2.5 years of experience, the ratio that high geared with bad mech is much much much much much less than low geared with bad mech.
@HereIsYourMaster 5 жыл бұрын
@@rammpage4468 I played blade and soul when it first came out, dropped the game around the lv50 patch. I'm on point towards mechanics but if anyone in my raid ever fails I'll always be the one to take the blame. While I do agree that gear doesn't matter much as long as you're mechanically on point, go tell that to F8 people. Most of them are absolutely cancerous because they can't do mechanics proper and just want to run through the dungeon as fast as possible, so if you "hold them back" by not having enough DPS, it still ends up "being your fault". (My experience doing Ransacked Treasury) A complete newbie would have an horrendous experience playing this game even if he wanted to learn proper mechanics, people just don't give them that chance.
@leo-fg9du 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love the combat system and can't find anything similar arrg and for me the combat is top priority in any game so I don't know wha options I have ;
@mlgbblade5221 5 жыл бұрын
Paradigm statistically speaking, newer players are likely to just afk dg cuz they don’t give a shit about this game, I have seen so many rift/dawn3 newbies just afk in my heavens mandate, like, they don’t even take the dragon pulse up, idc if ur less geared, but AT LEAST TRY TO FKING PLAY THE GAME
@IllJoy 5 жыл бұрын
You can basically remove BnS and replace with BDO scratch out dungeon and replace with grind spot and you'd get the same feeling. Or atleast thats how I feel
@HawkinaBox 5 жыл бұрын
I play it for the storyline and avoid people like the plague since they all get pissed off so easily and kick me from the party if I'm not high enough of a level.
@CodedGaming 5 жыл бұрын
i get it.... i started that way myself......but i dont think thats the best way to do it...
@HawkinaBox 5 жыл бұрын
@@CodedGaming I go back to the people though in the end when I become desperate.
@theelementalflow432 5 жыл бұрын
It's like waiting for the next anime season which is good if you're just playing for the story. I came back playing from 3 years ago to play the story. Now I casually play every once in awhile. I get people complaining often that I'm taking too long, but it's bc it's my first time seeing the dungeon and admiring the cinematics. :P In a way, I think it's good for casual players as long as they don't care about douche bags complaining. I meet nice people in the game as well willing to carry me through dungeons. I always tell those people that I appreciate them and make this game better bc they're being nice about it.
@ewoenam9919 5 жыл бұрын
Noticed you avoid that toxicity quite a bit if ur playing buff
@user-jk8yg5ch9h 4 жыл бұрын
I played bnS just because there was cute big ears and tail people It was in an AD My first class played was assassin, then blade dancer Assassin (free murder) Blade dancer ( kids plays with sword)
@teodorodecastillo1597 4 жыл бұрын
do you expirience stuttering on your game ? did you fix it ? if so how ? i have similar problem with black desert online
@Gamerlife-du6cg 5 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to start playing BnS thanks for the content. will be checking your new player tips and guides. I do believe you missed to talk a little bit more about what means to try and play this game... to be casual or hardcore you need to expend X time... you will need to invest $ (what is needed and what is dont) cuz you can play for free but how far will it take you? etc... like the below breakdown
@Trilink2 5 жыл бұрын
I came back to see the gear that I grinded 3 hours a day for a year is free and low tier now.
@Chika-kc6gr 5 жыл бұрын
@cassiehack1370 5 жыл бұрын
Gear of a casual.
@kylo0053 4 жыл бұрын
Trilink2 damn man...I’m sorry..
@MrTsugaru 5 жыл бұрын
That game was totally one of my favourites! That was some kind of next gen for me.
@SukixSan 5 жыл бұрын
Idk why everyone is thinking that you only get foreward with cash... I don't have much money for bns. When I buy something it is mostly fashion :'D As long as you find a nice gilde you can also play without cash. Theres no need to be under the top 5% to have fun! Play with your friends or search new ones. There are a lot of new players recently and bns optimized the leveling at the beginnig so that you don't take as much time to max level as before. You can play the game 2h a day to make prozess. No need to do 10h+ Most of the asian MMORPGs have a shop system and lots of grinding. It's nothing new 🤷🏻‍♀️
@botagasss 5 жыл бұрын
No idea how do you progress with just 2 hours per day. I find it pretty boring to grind for those 2 hours doing meaningless quests in the end-game. Daily challenge and dungeons become a routine, not something interesting anymore. I can no longer see the interest in dungeons like in 2014-2015 anymore. It is all about AP and knowledge now. I myself love the game, or used to love, but being an occupied and tired person I find it very difficult to give even those 2 hours such a meaningless approach. Maybe I've seen too much of the game. The coming dungeons and raids ask for more and more, and you fall behind by more with each passing day without getting to try out the new content. I have decided at this point that I'm going to host my own BDO server rather than play BnS right now to be honest.
@user-jk8yg5ch9h 4 жыл бұрын
I can finish all the story in 1 week Side stories in 5 days The hard are the faction quests I see mostly 9 end game in other faction while only me is in the other faction And I’m only a veteran
@navodlakchan9288 5 жыл бұрын
Any tips on increasing dps?
@dominic_s6164 5 жыл бұрын
Is it better to use the simple mode, instead of mashing your regular f and rmb keys?
@Milennin 5 жыл бұрын
Manual combat is better for top DPS, but for most stuff, you can easily get by with simple mode.
@cassiehack1370 5 жыл бұрын
I love how smooth your PC runs it.
@Milennin 5 жыл бұрын
It's a pretty balanced review, but I think you should've included a section about the cash shop, since it's one of the things people will care about the most when deciding to play a 'F2P' MMO.
@desolat8369 4 жыл бұрын
ofc he wont speak about it, when he is getting paid to make this video.
@kaisenwastaken 4 жыл бұрын
Deso lat no he isnt?
@kaisenwastaken 4 жыл бұрын
Deso lat It’s illegal to record an ad without saying that it’s an ad
@r_yo 5 жыл бұрын
honestly, my biggest con is the unnecessary loading segments
@haisesasaki8473 4 жыл бұрын
Where can i play this game? I just want to play something similar with Glory from the King's Avatar
@EvilDoUsHarm 4 жыл бұрын
@Syeal7 4 жыл бұрын
So, when will they re-release Blade and Soul "unchained" (like they did with Archage), a non-P2W version. I never played BnS but if they fix their business model, then why not. Or are there private servers of this game that are popular and don't have a p2w mechanic?
@aymanelm0n945 5 жыл бұрын
can i run it with >>> ( AMD Phenom ii x4 b97 3.20ghz ) ( ATI Radeon hd 7450 1gb vram ) ( 8gb ram ) and on what graphics ?
@endou5817 5 жыл бұрын
run it - yes play it - no
@nite9560 5 жыл бұрын
How long would it take to get to end-game without any micro transactions? Does it have input buffering? because i'll be playing on 80-100 ping. So many combat questions aswell.. Is there a global cooldown when using any ability or is it just the actual channel of that ability? How much of a difference from casual combat to tryhard combat in terms of APM and reward for tryharding? Lastly, in general is it mostly solo focused or team focused grinding for items?
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
1) end game as in the top 1% of content? You won’t see that in years of playing without paying. End game as in 95% of the content 3-6 months f2p. 2) 80-100 ping is very good in this game, anything sub 120 and you’ll be fine. 3) skills have a cooldown and mana costs. Cooldowns can be rest with other skills and your gear you have. 4) try hard classes vs easier classes all perform about the same in PvE. PvP is where having more options available gives you more ways to outplay your opponent, and where the APM is important. 5) game is solo for your first 30 hours while playing through the story, or in 1v1 PvP, beyond that the entirety of end game content is co-op dungeons or PvP. (There are 6 solo dungeons as well, but 99% of your time will be spent in the co op ones, only doing the solo ones for gold or 1 item you need wayyy later in your playtime) I think that answers the majority of your questions. Lmk if you have any others!
@nite9560 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm I meant if you use one ability, do all other abilities go on a short cooldown? I know that abilities have their own mana and cooldown but can you use 10 abilities in 1 sec or does it have some sort of a short lockdown to not spam too quickly or run out of mana instantly
@thenameisjohncena2005 5 жыл бұрын
@@nite9560 each ability have their individual cooldown, so no if you use one the others won't go into cooldown. Unless we are talking about the party buffs in which for example if you have 2 people with soulburn in a party and one of em uses it then the party will have a 1min cooldown on it hence the other person can't use it.
@thenameisjohncena2005 5 жыл бұрын
@@nite9560 they do have a cast time if that's what you're referring to.
@nite9560 5 жыл бұрын
@@thenameisjohncena2005 Ah no I meant the cooldown between casting 2 abilities. looking at the vid there seems to be about 0.33s global cooldown whenever you use an ability
@Venompapa 5 жыл бұрын
I would have a question here because i got confused about one thing, how actually one can try out any class at max level? i never ever seen this option in the game, at last not when ive started.
@SukixSan 5 жыл бұрын
You could get a lvl 60 ticket a view months ago. As long as you didnt click the finish button after the skilltraining, you could delete the character, make a new one and use the ticket again
@Venompapa 5 жыл бұрын
@@SukixSan yea i knew this but that option only avaiable for those who got the ticket (like i did). Thought they added a separate option for this for newcomers or something.
@SukixSan 5 жыл бұрын
@@Venompapa sadly not. I would love it if they add one though 💕😫
@Venompapa 5 жыл бұрын
@@SukixSan ah well, i guess i just keep showing Levi's class review vids to my friends then :D
@tres2112 4 жыл бұрын
I have a higher pain tolerance so I re-installed. I'm interested to know, this time, how far I can go without going mad.
@LomiKo 4 жыл бұрын
This comment really made be believe this game is torture. No thanks
@TYA22 4 жыл бұрын
Ur profile pic and this comment together just hilarious. Lolololololololololol 😝
@rynzbaby7367 5 жыл бұрын
Sir! Is this game can run on windows 7 32-bit and 4GB RAM PC???
@pntn3724 5 жыл бұрын
Yes 500000000 FPS ez
@rynzbaby7367 5 жыл бұрын
@@pntn3724 really!!!??? Thanks God I can play this game 😊
@ipKonfig 5 жыл бұрын
is there enough content in the game to keep player busy daily ?
@r_yo 5 жыл бұрын
So far I've played for four days and it's keeping me busy/entertained. They took away most of the side quests, and I'm only level 45 by consistently doing the story quests. Last night I've been grinding some bosses for free costumes/adornments and whatnot, with some dungeons too, and it's pretty rewarding if you're not into spending real money on stuff. I don't know how the game will resolve once I get to level 60, but I'll be sure to come back to this to update my reply.
@winterbeattv 5 жыл бұрын
Also in PvP, you'll suffer a lot if you're playing on high ms (which is the case for everyone outside NA, and even NA players have easily +90-110ms). The servers are extremely bad and the use of WTFast or other VPN based software to improve your ping is not supported, obviously. Other than that and the occasional event focused on the top percent players, the game's still pretty good.
@SacredFlapsProductions 5 жыл бұрын
Only worth playing if u have a nice clan with friends to play together and chill in voice, atleast for me. Now that our clan has grown i cannot quit the game xD, especially now that we can clear almost everything and share loot without bidding so every1 gets geared. If that was not the case i would quit a long time ago. So your best bet if you are a new player or you have plans to start playing BnS is to find a clan with people you can get along and will help you so once you are on your two feet you can be an asset to that same clan and progress together with your friends. Thats goes for most mmo's those days but i would say its a must for BnS as i enjoyed our clan progression in the last 2 months since its inception more than my own gear and skill progression.
@patrickhenwood5199 4 жыл бұрын
Hey so would this game be worthwhile if I played with some friends and we all played together?
@EvilDoUsHarm 4 жыл бұрын
Yes it is a lot of fun with friends! Plus you can all work together to learn the dungeons and do them as a team. Would recommend. Solo play is a lot harder than with a group!
@patrickhenwood5199 4 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm Sweet, thanks for the advice dude :D
@dragunhado 4 жыл бұрын
Dont listen to hater's comments. I have been playing since its beta, i have hit the top rankings in PvP for many years with over 200 ms ingame. I have... maybe... 20 runs as max. in every PvE dungeon and i can run all the game's content. Its far from being p2w, you only pay for a faster way to gear up, or fashion stuff like outfits and such things. The game is absolutely worth playing in 2k19, u wont regret it.
@patrickhenwood5199 4 жыл бұрын
@@dragunhado I uh.. downloaded the installer, installed the game but when i try to start it it doesn't work :c cheers for the info too man ^_^
@TYA22 4 жыл бұрын
@@patrickhenwood5199 did u fix it? If not fixed dont forget the area: europe/america etc. Click the right one and then login. ;)
@mantis_monk 5 жыл бұрын
I need an mmo to keep be occupied until Pantheon releases...Would you guys recommend this or Black Desert?
@mahmoudemad4505 5 жыл бұрын
Black desert is even more ptw but bns is much fun
@mantis_monk 5 жыл бұрын
@@mahmoudemad4505 As long ad it can hold my attention for a few months...
@Crimsomreaf5555 5 жыл бұрын
Great game but every damn update is more mtx/ loot boxes and less content
@mimo5383 5 жыл бұрын
You didn't mention the true end game.. fashion!
@WXKFA 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, collecting all the costumes is the true objectivef of the game
@7Roxer 5 жыл бұрын
Especially the custom color outfits
@Astraeus.. 5 жыл бұрын
I stopped here from FFXIV, and that's our endgame as well. It's all about that swag no matter where you go.
@user-jk8yg5ch9h 4 жыл бұрын
The true end game: “ i don’t need help from anyone” I also have the lone survivor title, you all are scum”
@haiko3154 5 жыл бұрын
I returned in game before 2 months, started from 0 because i didnt remember anything. I have a BM with currently 1387 ap, I have joined a clan and I play around 2-4 hours per day (i played more at the beginning). I only have one character. My daily routine is: - purple train (NS->TSM), im not always doing all the dungeons because im bored or i cant find a pt fast and im tired of waiting xD - HM, CS, Mushin 20F quest only, Outlaw Island, MSP - crafting (im buying mats most of the times because it's boring for me to farm them and thats dopping my daily gold income but idc :P ) - once a week i run weeklies and bt with my clan or without > I make 100-150 gold per day and some days up to 200 gold. I don't have premium and I never paid for something with real money. F8: I've encountered toxic players but they are just the 5% of the people I've met In dungeons like RT, TSM people will leave the party if we fail more than 2,3 times, I usually do them in first try though. In dungeons like HH, DD people will leave the party after first defeat or second and I think thats normal because they are easy dungeons nowdays People have carried me when I had lower AP Party's chat is not always active, most higher HM level people wont talk too much (that doesnt apply to everyone), but lower HM level and especially new players are talking to each other. Faction chat: (ceru) People are talking, about the game or making fun If you ask something they will answer People are recruiting for weeklies, 85% of the them doesnt ask for AP, i think story gets you to 1.1k now so you are able to run weeklies. Arena scales the players so you can play there after you unlock all the skills and talents. Battleground is not recommended since old players have maxed or almost maxed gear, leave it for later. My advice is to do the events, you can buy good items with the event currency and some events has good drops. Run dungeons you can do with your current AP, if you can reach up to SSM and cant find a party for more it's ok you will eventually get there. Do daily challenge and weeklies (if you can) --JOIN A CLAN-- , thats the most important thing to do, ask for a newbie friendly clan until you find a good one, you will be able to run more dungeons and they will carry you a lot, discord clans are more active from my experience. First thing for new players is to do all the yellow, purple and orange quests. When they finish them they have to do blue quests "thine enemy part 1 or 2" and "dead refuse to die". There is no MMO without toxic players or players that leave the party after defeat in easy dungeons. Every MMO nowadays is p2w and helps whales cause the companies will die if they wont. A company cant stay alive from casuals or semi whales cause the MMO players are not as much as they used to be. If you like the game, play the game and see for yourself and that goes for all the games out there!
@narraator118 5 жыл бұрын
Hey comments: I want to play an MMO with a good emphasis on fun, fair, and at least somewhat stylish PvP combat. Since the video had a player without a lot of PvP experience, what did you guys think of it?
@Caesarsal4d 5 жыл бұрын
so, with the extreme combat system, pvp is fun! it’s gear worthy and fun because you can farm so much with it. butbthatd where it ends, the numbers are so high and it feels so lack luster later on due to drawn out battles and lack of just variety
@blahblahgdp 5 жыл бұрын
3:32 lmao how ms2 killed itself partly.
@jerryjerri2936 5 жыл бұрын
Very good review man
@dozah9790 4 жыл бұрын
Thnx for the update, Still looking for the right moment to return. The horrible FPS drops made me quit, but it seems that at the end of 2019 when unreal 4 drops, I'll be back into it.
@EvilDoUsHarm 4 жыл бұрын
Probably looking early 2020 on UE4 now, new class comes out next month as well. So early 2020 should be a good time for the game, assuming they keep their target date..
@Auriel_1337 5 жыл бұрын
I started playing again about 3 weeks ago. After a 3-4 (?) year break. They totally destroyed the game... The last time I played it you had a Hongmoon weapon which you could upgrade with other weapons you got from a "Wheel of Fate" for example. Also they deleted so much side quests from the beginning areas. You just rush trough the whole story and the game feels so boring without the side quests... I still play because the combat system is a lot of fun and I really wanna see the difference between now and UE4!
@mastersora091 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, i was there for every update, it saddens me how much it changed, even some of the dungeons i used to farm have become useless or insignificant.
@tungming5749 5 жыл бұрын
Have you played Black Desert Online? That game has the best combat system I've seen in any mmorpg games
@majoodlastsin4468 5 жыл бұрын
Tung Ming but no raid no dungeons no end game there’s no goal in bdo just pvp
@Glace1221 5 жыл бұрын
So is there a lot to explore and see in this game, or is it just toxic PvP, gear grinding, and fashion?
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
1v1 PvP is balanced, 3v3 PvP is a ghost town, 6v6 PvP is toxic. World is huge, but feels linear as 90% of your time in the areas is spent going from NPC to NPC doing quests. No incentive to explore areas, as it provides no EXP or other rewards. There are some pretty cool views in the game though that you'll miss just running from point A to B. Gear Grind for the first 85% of the game is non-existent. The super end game stuff however is a grind fest (100s of dungeon runs, strict party requirements etc..) Fashion is the true end game of any game. My final verdict in the video is what I would say to anyone. It is free to play, so give it a go. It's the best combat you're ever going to have in an RPG. You'll absolutely love the game until you hit super end game stuff (3-4 months in) which is well beyond the time a typical gamer spends playing a game. At that point you'll either be so hooked you'll stick around, or you'll have had your fun and can move into something else.
@Glace1221 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm I'm tempted to play it, but idk. I just got through getting to level 65 in TERA, and even though the game world was beautiful and the PvE combat was fun and weighty with its target-based combat system, I found the whole experience to be repetitive and lonely. Even after I got to level 65, I just didn't feel like playing anymore because I didn't feel like running more dungeons and I didn't have faith in the community. I think I'll stick to ArcheAge, that's more my cup of tea. I love it's crafting, trading, and exploration. Sailing the seven seas with a boat I built.
@bossymoto4615 4 жыл бұрын
i want to know is it worth to play this game because im new in this game, so i hope there is someone could tell me if it worth it.
@noyelumhalim3610 4 жыл бұрын
unless u know an elite player to carry u in his guild ur not gonna get very far at all. You'll prob be fine till level 50 if i remember correctly cause story quest gives u equipment. After that its P2W unless u have 12+ hours of your time everyday to grind for equipment which is still not enough. You'll have to grind dungeons that you'll prob wont be able to complete cause no one will let u join if u dont have strong enough equipment and the gap in power will only get wider with each upgrade update. Just forget crafting, its 12+ grinding or P2W and thats at level 50. You might also not get many friends as community is toxic af. Don't expect much help as a new player tbh, and you might not really need it for the early dungeons since new classes just demolish them with no effort. Plus no one is willing to do them so u can't even find team members lol. Your gonna reach level 50 quick tho and anything below 50 is just there for the sake of world building and content. Real stuff starts at 50. But the game looks really nice but don't put ur settings to high, frame rate is pretty shit. Boobs everywhere. The combat tho is satisfying af, it's really, really fun. If u only wanna play casual I'm just gonna tell you this now, DO NOT SPEND A DIME ON THIS GAME, it's a never ending spiral. Especially if you're sure u aren't gonna play long term. That's just my opinion on the game tho but I think a lot of people will agree. You can give it a try if you still wanna play. I can't say the game is worth it but it's worth a try.
@jeanroure4138 5 жыл бұрын
Thx for the video, you opened my eyes on a few things. Pretty good sum up of the game and objective. You are clever and trying to get players into the game, NC should pay you for that. The only issue the game has is NC itself and their game policies.
@TakaChan569 5 жыл бұрын
Only fun to play if you had friends that play with you or find a good clan that isn't mostly dead, if not this game is not worth it the community sucks so bad. I say play for the story and play something better till the next patch, kinda like swtor.
@Glace1221 5 жыл бұрын
I had a hard time getting into the game when I tried playing it last time, and from what I hear so far, 90% of the gameplay experience is fighting mobs and running dungeons, 5% min-max gear, ad 5% dealing with a toxic playerbase. Why should I play this?
@special4570 5 жыл бұрын
@leo-fg9du 5 жыл бұрын
The combat system for some players are not compared to the other games that's one of the main reasons people like it (me included)
@maydietera 4 жыл бұрын
@@leo-fg9du i think this game doesnt worth it anymore
@AdonanS 5 жыл бұрын
Is anyone else having massive performance issues with this game. I have a relatively new gaming laptop (a few months old) and everything I've played so far has been able to hold an FPS of 60 at max settings (I usually cap mine at 60). When I tried to open the game, not only did it take probably close to two minutes to run, but it clocks in at about 10-15 FPS, and it's a massive resource hog according to my task manager. Is there any way to fix this or is my PC just worse than I thought? I'm inclined to think it's the game because in all the time I've had this computer, this is the first time this has happened. Any help would be appreciated because I'm really looking forward to playing this game. Edit: By the way, I have tried the option for optimization of the game for low end computers. Even with the option on I only get 25-30 FPS (game looks horrible with the option on, so I would prefer to keep it off if at all possible). Also, I suppose I should mention I haven't made it past the character creation screen to be fair, but that usually gives you a pretty good idea of what you're working with.
@user-kf6yq9gx3u 5 жыл бұрын
on the launcher before u open change it to 32 bit mode it will be so much faster like i went from 10 - 15 fps to 60+ fps i dont play anymore but i remember this helps alot so i hope it does
@AdonanS 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-kf6yq9gx3u Mate, if I had any intention of having children, I would sacrifice my first born in your name. That worked like a charm, thanks.
@user-kf6yq9gx3u 5 жыл бұрын
@@AdonanS glad i could help :)
@lexifontaine4219 5 жыл бұрын
Hi! I’m the voice actress who plays the characters of Myo Chaewoo, Kunkun, and Fortune Harbor Child in this video game. Do you have any game play / footage of these characters? Please let me know or DM me. Thank you!! :)
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Lexi, can you share some of the lines (or something like the lines) that you voiced? It would help me narrow down a search. You can message me on discord EvilDoUsHarm#7475, or instagram Its_Me_Levi_ if you don't want to post publicly, youtube doesn't have DMs anymore.
@Lawrencezo 4 жыл бұрын
Played this game probably like 10 years or so ago way before it was it's final product in KR. 10 years ago some guy either in CN or KR made a private server for this game with just the lv 20 content and I had the chance to experience this game and fell in love with it. After few years of delays and waiting for it's global release date. I finally had the chance to play it again in OB NA. I enjoy playing it for solid 1 year of no sleep and grind for 18hrs a day. Just to have enough gold to upgrade my sets. This is not a joke but I ran this one dungeon (1000+ not a joke) that drops this rare recipe that can craft u an item that will give u millions of profit and after all that long grind u end up getting outbided by someone with more gold than u. I've only seen this recipe probably 2x or 3x out of 1000+ of running this dungeon. Also I had all my class to max lv, the only one I didn't have max lv was my destroyer. And all 3 of my class was top 10-20 plat rank. Having my Summoner reaching top 5 ranks due to easy wins from unfair match ups and spam kitty skills. I quit due to drop loot system having it so heavily on RNG and not getting any benefits from those 1000+ run. I quit around the silverfrost mountain update and never looked back ever again.
@cresitonia6819 5 жыл бұрын
you should have done the video after the big updates with the archer and engine upgrade
@RavFromYetti 5 жыл бұрын
because engine will make game better.. you seen trailer? fps drops can be spotted there during boss fights and what not...
@Firestar-hk3lq 5 жыл бұрын
RavFrom Yetti btw only the last minute of trailer showed the graphics update, not the whole thing. there were no fps drops on the graphics showcase
@vilomarkitong3107 5 жыл бұрын
Been away for 6 months, grinding in this game is totally tiring and the additional damage is not worth it anymore.
@Firestar-hk3lq 5 жыл бұрын
Long story short: yes, especially in the coming few months with graphics rework
@YuzumiNoya 5 жыл бұрын
One thing that people always forget is that a Graphic Overhaul wont rescue the game from its greedy Publisher. I agree with most of the stuff from the Video though.
@bunta6734 5 жыл бұрын
@@YuzumiNoya well its up to players if they spend money thou. its not like items are only bought by real money.
@tuanang7889 5 жыл бұрын
@@YuzumiNoya imo the game itself is the reason. the music, the art and story they are all good but the crafting and upgrading system of this game is just a pure absolute disaster :/
@Ggg236888 5 жыл бұрын
You really hate the crafting system, but its the main source of gold to me. Crafting transformation stone and masterwork shield bass bundles would give slight profit.
@blahblahgdp 5 жыл бұрын
Yo whats up guys its evildousharm here today
@nayeemsiddique490 5 жыл бұрын
i want to play this game but it cant optimize with my pc imma wait till they optimize it so I can play it better with good frames
@obidjonburhonov6563 5 жыл бұрын
Nayeem Siddique next year unreal engine 4 hopefully
@turbomanmechachrist 5 жыл бұрын
Cash shop loot boxes that makes crafting entirely useless? Big pass for me on this game. But then again NC soft hasn't changed then.
@Benz49421 5 жыл бұрын
new player is easy grind to endgame but for end raid u need guild ,freind
@N1netynine 5 жыл бұрын
i remember playing this game on my then new pc, 20fps no matter what i do. then i just gave up. lol
@atro7436 5 жыл бұрын
happened to me also, by default game lunches in 64bit. enabling 32 bit from luncher settings fixed it, now it runs smoothly in 120fps on max settings
@N1netynine 5 жыл бұрын
@@atro7436 i think before it was also not optimized for windows 10, dunno if they fixed that yet. But i dunno if i still have hope for this game lol
@carlosmatta.p1723 5 жыл бұрын
Disculpe la ignorancia :v cuando llega a North America ????
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
El juego esta disponible en North America.
@carlosmatta.p1723 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm me refiero a la nueva raza archer , aprovechando ¿ llevo semanas y hasta ahora no veo party en dungeos bajos ? tan poca gente juega esto ?
@slash3797 5 жыл бұрын
hmm wow and was thinking of joining my friends in this game who started btw but now I refuse
@seductress6978 5 жыл бұрын
Does this game have SEA servers?
@EvilDoUsHarm 4 жыл бұрын
@RavFromYetti 5 жыл бұрын
No, because the gap is too damn big between casual/f2p and p2w players.
@denosgaming5928 5 жыл бұрын
now are much better. You can be good with out paying.
@insanodeathguy2160 5 жыл бұрын
Denos & Gaming imma try it then ... so its worth playing f2p ?
@denosgaming5928 5 жыл бұрын
@@insanodeathguy2160 yep. If you are playing like 3-4 hours /day in 2 months you can get a decent mid game gear so its not to hard. Without p2w and same stuff only free playing
@denosgaming5928 5 жыл бұрын
@@RavenL1337 Basicaly yes but now the main thing is to do all day daily challange for reward and that take 10 15 minits. you need to clear 3 dungeons and are easy dungeons. I play like 3 4 hours/day day but its depends, in 1 day i can play 2 hours and in next day 8 hours depand by my mood. in all mmorpg what you wanna play you need to spend time or money. But now in bns if you play like a sayd 3 4 hours /day or depends what faster are you in 2 months you can get a very good gear mid-end game gear. on my warden i have 1600+ ap and tt gear and i clear all dungeons in 2 hours and that it. 120 gold/day in 2 hours for me are worth it so much. if i do more thing like raids or solo dungeons i got more gold.
@user-jk8yg5ch9h 4 жыл бұрын
I only do p2w in roblox I have to keep my gang members up or else the group fail
@zsarynikarakoczi7822 5 жыл бұрын
Love this game and been playing for 5 years now. I enjoyed levelling and often restarts a character (deletes one) to see what has happened to the overall game so far. Firstly they removed the "blues clues" a while back which left vast areas of wasteland in the game. Even removed some link quests that make people go "WTF?!" to get from one point to the other. Costs of upgrades and the amount of stray/redundant items are confusing. Are heaps of dead achievements now! The story and combat system are what I love about this game, but is so badly edited in places is hard to follow. Recent new content is kinda back on track but a bit meh... Was excited about playing - now I am disappointed. Thinking of learning Japanese to watch the Series....
@tempslip 4 жыл бұрын
There is a very good fan sub of the BnS anime available so no need to learn Japanese and use the raws.
@user-jk8yg5ch9h 4 жыл бұрын
BnS Anime should continue
@chaosoflight3792 5 жыл бұрын
well story was good at first, now its typical anime story "some1 kills half the world, but in the end you forgive cuz he/she wasnt him/herself", combat is good and also the graphic but thats all. in general its an Offline "online" multiplayer game, where u enter f8 (that is completely cancer people want 1.4k for a SSM or even HH) after a loading screen, u create a party with the hope that no one leaves it 3 sec after cuz you know "people want fast party making and dungeon" u create your party after another loading screen u enter a place to face another loading screen to enter dungeon. during the dung no one speak, u say smth for some mech to be done "SILENCE" then u need to ctrl+f cuz the fps goes 30 so u can hide all and it feels a single player game, if some1 dies during the dungeon ITS PUFF everyone leaves, they start insultin all and so u need 2 more loading screens to recreate the party again. During raids like BT people still want 1.5k as ive seen many times or 1.3 like bt is easy (its good now the story makes u nearly 1.25k if im not wrong) but still. game is very unfriendly new player, has one of the most toxic community ive ever faced. its a p2w fiesta and in short terms a dungeon simulator game go f8 exit f8.. open world pvp does not exist, you have arena 1v1 cuz 3v3 dead, 6v6 is whale p2w people. if you dont have a SSD prepare to face a very long loading screen. people still deny sometimes its pay to advance but there is no such thing. as long as someone pays for smth that i will need even 1 hour more to get it its p2w period. the trove is one of the most stupid thing but since people pay shit tons of money why not ncsoft can get money easy.
@4xHitler 5 жыл бұрын
I've been there since beginning and wish for a private server I don't care for the updates I just want the old skill system back and also not feel like I need cash to even pvp (got trashed by some BM,BD with skills I never seen before). came back after 1 year and regretted spending a day trying to get the poorly coded NClauncher running
@bstaznkid4lyfe392 4 жыл бұрын
I was excited when this game first came out in the US server...But feel kind of boring and fighting over players to do the quests..best to not waste your time on this..
@tranthehuy385 5 жыл бұрын
I played untill im lv49 then i switched to Black Desert online for the graphics and more exciting combat system
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
BDO is a fun game too, I play both. Graphics on BDO are much better, both games struggle with end game content.
@tylersruler7545 5 жыл бұрын
Heart me please
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
Hearted and thumbed
@tylersruler7545 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm Thank you!
@caneelYT 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting, been playing this since CBT, when we still do Poharan with mech, 550 AP is lit back there, then i comeback to this game about 1 week ago after 2 years, cause i failed PEN roulette in BDO. And first impression when comeback is "WTF is that 2000++ AP". Bunch of free stuff from e-mail, and story is worth to take on, since i play this game for story and fashion. True end game is Fashion.
@samiam4873 3 жыл бұрын
it's 2021 and i have been playing the game for 9 months, and im watching a review of it in 2019 lol
@yohandrylago841 5 жыл бұрын
If u don't have the right gear u won't be able to join any party. I've been away for 2 years and abot 6 months... and I'm not coming back. Everything is P2W
@endlessdrive8421 4 жыл бұрын
Unless you have friends who are willing to carry you, don't bother playing. Judging by all the comments from veterans, they're as much max gear elitists as they were AP elitists in the first year of the NA release (I still remember all the times I got rejected for having a non-maxed Siren weapon even though I knew the mechanics like the back of my hand...). Let the veterans kill off their own game by constantly shunning away new players for "lack of knowledge" and "lower gear". I'm sure there are some trash new players, but I'm willing to bet more often than not, most of them want to do well, but apparently it's too hard for the Blade N Soul player base to spend their time to teach new players and help them grow into an already 6 year old NA release. But hey new players are always more than welcome to play FFXIV where we actually want to help new players ;)
@Akuretaki_Nikolay 5 жыл бұрын
i played for 3 months, then stopped for a month and when i got back i couldnt run the gmae more than 8 minutes on 10fps..... idk what happened in 2017 with my computer. now i bet it wont even start
@MarshmaIIow 4 жыл бұрын
This game is fun, but like other Korean mmo's servicing on NA, there aren't enough players. The main end game content is raids, unless u r playing for pvp. and each raid dungeons need specific classes to run like a damage dealer tanks healer etc. The game hardly does any balance patches, meaning the broken new classes are going to be broken until an even more broken new class shows up. When I played this was the gunslinger. So basically theres not enough people playing in the first place so its hard to see any parties at all unless having discord, but on top of that, if ur class is broken and everyone else plays it, theres competition to even get in a party, meaning u have to buy gears to play. ive tried scraping people with low gear like me to play raids, but really there's no one with low gear anymore cuz they all left the game like I did.
@soichiZ 5 жыл бұрын
I solo everything .... warden is trash unless you like tons of health with shield
@vipex.v 4 жыл бұрын
im downloading the game now i play fortnite sea of thieves etc its my first time playing a mmo but im a huge anime fan
@EvilDoUsHarm 4 жыл бұрын
make sure to join my discord discord.gg/3bUy9fr so you can ask any questions you might have!
@Vaidulis 5 жыл бұрын
I get tired fighting new launcher so I quit again. Maybe I will come back after a year or something.Levi's videos is all my BnS now lol
@user-nz5gy2dv6u 5 жыл бұрын
You never get to the end game content unless you're willing to put your bank in a coffin. Been playing since the beginning but I always leave after a while since the LAG; P2W; BIAS TOWARDS PLAYERS? yea no thanks. I only come back for the story [which turned shit imo in the kr server; jinsoyoung ;(] I love this game but it just irks me to see this kind of shit ass game management lol
@lordmed9989 5 жыл бұрын
If you like challenging gameplay and grinding for gear and game changing updates : play blade&soul. . . If you like casual playing and no challenging or grinding: play guild wars 2
@fukyfw2999 4 жыл бұрын
I play this game from 3 years and 7 months, i m a poor lfp player, idc about gear because i can do easely solo almost all dngs. In lobby im looking for ppl ho can do parts of mechanic nothing else also idc about loot u can get everything from there, if i rlly need something ill pay for it (online after 17 CET every day)
@summerrose3368 5 жыл бұрын
quit the game about 6 months ago because my pc is getting old. srill have black sun in my inventory wich i farmed for for 3 weeks just to find out no one wants to buy it xD 10/10 love the game
@drae_gon1369 4 жыл бұрын
Founder and played this since closed beta(but not at all in last year). Game is beautiful, combat sharp and in-depth, story is pretty dam good too. BUT it always has been a P2W game. If the monetization would have been cosmetic only then this game would have been one of the best MMORPG's out there... Unfortunately we got Wallet and Cash Shop instead of Blade and Soul. Also for those having issues running at a good fps I noticed a huge difference when I upgraded my CPU. For some reason this game is more heavily CPU dependent than any other i have played. With an I-7 6700k and a gtx 970 i was running consistent 60+ fps in almost all situation except HEAVILY crowded areas with very high settings on a 3440x1440 x34 Predator monitor. I really can't recommend this game for a pure F2P player. If you have money to just throw at it then you'll probably be fine but 15 a month for FFXIV is an enormously better game. Or wait for PSO2 to come out next year.
@TramRide 4 жыл бұрын
Is the PvP p2w?
@DaedricJohnson 4 жыл бұрын
additional to pvp if you don't have a godlike internet you cannot compete with people that do otherwise the pvp is well balanced I DONT SPEAK ABOUT THE CLASSES THO they are mostly okay since I played but some are direct counters to others so a matchup with those counterparts is almost a instant lose if both players skill level is equal
@muratkoyuncu6503 5 жыл бұрын
I like your content on the subject but I think you should start to add other games in this channel maybe some newcomers.
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
Yes I'm currently searching for new content to add while not abandoning my core audience. It's a delicate balance! I set the goal this year to hit 20k subs and blade and soul doesn't have enough of a playerbase to hit that number for me. So if you have any suggestions for games let me know!
@am_9944 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm A: IR , VINDICTUS, KURTZPEL, LOST ARK ETC.... if you are so desperate for views do reviews on AAA titles there are some great games this year.
@muratkoyuncu6503 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm From what I can see the most played one will be FFXIV for a while as the new update is close and theae kind of new DLC times they would keep giving new content for the people. And the dungeoning mechanic works on this game as well and the dungeons are all pretty challenging as it forces you on the maximum gear limit on all dungeons. End game dungeons are pretty fun and agrivating at the same time. It is pretty fun to play with a clan with discord or etc. but it is P2P game so it is up to your choise but would definitely recommend it. For upcoming games I am looking forward to Chronicles of Elyria as it gives a new look on the subject of character living in the life and ageing. For my personal loved MMO would be The Secret World as the story is pretty captivating for me. I hope this would be helpful for you.
@xristoskonto66 5 жыл бұрын
@EvilDoUsHarm check the game BlackDesert
@EvilDoUsHarm 4 жыл бұрын
I'm looking into it pretty seriously, I just don't know what content I could make on there that hasn't been done already, ya know?
@EeDymonNij 4 жыл бұрын
what a nice guy
@Thetrue777luck777 5 жыл бұрын
I play this game since closed beta so i say: If you are ok with spend money to progress in a game OR if you have a lot and i mean a LOT of time to grind them this game is for you. New free to play gamer's will find very hard to gear up,after you finish all the history quests and orange quest that give you gear you have to start the endless boring disappointing grind. Oh and you will not be able to to end game content until you upgrade your gear a lot and i mean a lot,to be able to get accepted in a party because unless you have friends that play this game and can help you with legendary dungeons so you can get better gear or you have enough gold to pay for people to carry you,and if you are a new free to play player you will not have get ready for the grind. The devs are so desesperante for money that they put upgrade mats on the cash shop and to force people to spend money they made the dgs super hard. I notice that the bosses from Cold Storage and Heaven's Mandare are taking half the damage you do to other bosses now. They used to be super easy to kill,before you could do cold storage with a party with people of average 750 ap now you can't do with one party of average 1100 ap sometimes not even with a average 1300 ap. Ok they made easier to upgrade your weapon BUT! they also made the dgs harder and the upgrade a new player can do now when you finish the story you get you get 1100 ap more or less, but that 1100 ap now is crap because the difficult of the dgs increased beyond and now is out balance. Don't think that you will get a party for legendary dgs cause you will not,players will either kick you from the party or leave the party or start talking about how your gear is too garbage to be in the party. Whales don't notice or care about that and why would they? So many people quit this game that we went from 13 servers to 2 one in Murica and one in Europe in less than 3 years. I see people rage quit after they hit the money wall all the time that's a fact,you see players at the start area but 70% of they are alt's from some still playing player. And the more people quit this game the more the devs make it harder to try to squeeze all money they can from players. A lot of people will say that i'm wrong and they are all players with the best gear that don't give a shit about new players,the most i read in the game chat is "if you think that is too hard go play other game" . This game is dying the devs are killing it old players are killing it by not helping new players. If you are a free to play gamer and you just wan't to play for fun farm some costumes do lower dgs etc yes is worth. But if you don't want to spend money or if you don't have a lot i say that again if you don't have a lot of free time to play this is not the game for you.
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
“Want to know more about blade and soul? Read the comment!” How could my most dedicated comment-er forget to start with his signature line and drive people away from my videos! Joking aside I think you basically said what I said in the video but a lot more negatively and I think we conclude same thing. It’s a great game to pick up and try casually as a f2p player, but a lot of the content is hard to access because of how they have the game set up and you’ll need to invest a lot of time or money to be able to do everything the game has to offer. So if you’re ok with that then BnS is a great game.
@Thetrue777luck777 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm Hey i'm honest is a great game but the devs ruined it. Also i started playing Guild wars 2 after seen your video. And lets be honest you have more subscribers than the game have players. You should start making videos of others games :3
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
I’m working on adding more games now!
@Thetrue777luck777 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm Great :D
@sundaygames7839 5 жыл бұрын
1.5/10 needs more dancing lyns also i don't remember when the clip from shadowmoor was from i can't even remember the last time i ran purples lol
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
It’s from a long time ago because my hair is now 2x longer lmao
@chlorosokita596 4 жыл бұрын
I had a great time playing the game for a good while, but it was very frustrating past a certain level. - My laptop couldn't display anything beyond the game in potato mode. - My internet connection was lagging so much I often got disconnected during boss battles. - PvP is just Mandatory if you want to boost your gear past a certain level. - NCSoft couldn't care less about Linux players. - You are coerced in spending coins to expand your inventory. - That damn in-game shop is nothing short of a casino booth. The day loot boxes are completely banned, this is gonna hurt. - NCSoft is completely oblivious about GDPR compliance. - Can't do enough DPS? Don't know the mechanics of the boss/dungeon? Too bad, you're out! - I know it's a Korean RPG but these names, OMFG they're so similar from one character to another! - The HUD can be customized = you can move them OSD elements around. T_T' Wow, really? - Don't care about the chat? Too bad you can't hide it. - Want all the information about your character and inventory in a clear manner that would not have you hover every single pixel of your screen/element of you inventory to display additional information? Don't think about it. - Play on a controller pad and suffer like the masochist you are. - No in-game voice chat for dungeon crawling. Go Discord or go home. ===== On a personal level I might decide to try it again when I finally get some decent hardware and optic fiber connection, but if the game isn't even GDPR compliant and available on Linux, that can take a good while.
@ellonmusketwannabe2201 5 жыл бұрын
Im new to mmo. Soooo yea dis will hurt ._.
@onikrux 5 жыл бұрын
this was a p solid review esp in comparison to the majority of them made by ppl with less than a lv55 character or more than a few hours-days in the game.
@seppukuyes7880 5 жыл бұрын
Not even gonna watch the video but here’s a tldw; don’t waste your time
@squirrellover69. 5 жыл бұрын
@denosgaming5928 5 жыл бұрын
@@squirrellover69. i play the game from 2 years ago and now after a few updates bns are more friendly with content so it worth it. You can be good with ou p2w. im at 1600 ap woth tt gear and grand celestia 6 wep so its possible. and i make this character in 3 months of playing.
@mlgbblade5221 5 жыл бұрын
That can be said about video gaming in general, “don’t waste your time”, video game in itself is a “waste of time”, just another hater sigh
@seppukuyes7880 5 жыл бұрын
Silent Monologue playing bns since jp release, I figured i would’ve rather wasted my time and money playing tetris, don’t get me wrong bns is a very beautiful game but hell has it gone down the shitter
@tuanang7889 5 жыл бұрын
@@seppukuyes7880 cant agree more
@neuspeed79 5 жыл бұрын
Lag and Soul
@am_9944 5 жыл бұрын
i am also a veteran myself in the game i quit months ago. while i agree with what you are saying in video let me add some extra sight on the game : 1. THE P2W / P2P or call it however you like : its not a secret by now that you have 2 options grinding yourself to death for a 0.01% progress or spending $$$$$$$ on the game to keep up even though there are trying to nerf the grind for the equipment its still not enough. there are requirements from the player base and you have to keep up with or else you out of the game. 2. THE GRIND you will spend hours on hours getting near to no GOLD / Materials even if you play for 10 hours straight and lets be honest here there are people who can allow them self to play 10 hours a day ( and still the progression is shit ) but there is also people who are not able to play that much.... job family stuff to do etc..... 3. ITS TIME TO UPDATE THE ENGINE AND OPTIMIZATION 4. THE STORY IS ONE OF THE BEST OUT THERE... 5. GREAT COMBAT ONE OF THE BEST OUT THERE.... with all that said its worth playing it if you have the $$$$ to put in. sorry but that's just the truth. there are 3 things that this game needs in order to maintain its popularity... 1, Rework of the items and gold. 2. Engine and optimization. 3. Change the grind so people will feel like they are being rewarded for putting their time in it and not only once in a few months.
@Crimsomreaf5555 5 жыл бұрын
I agree the gold gain is so little in this game like seriously 40 gold for purple train? 40 gold is nothing in this game
@am_9944 5 жыл бұрын
@@Crimsomreaf5555 yea because materials are super expensive like 400 + G per 1 for example and to get top gear you will need to play years and years to come to get the money needed .
@anafantasyy 5 жыл бұрын
This game should be optimized ,even the best PC EVER IN THE WORD can handle this game!it is soooo lagged
@MissBun44 5 жыл бұрын
Anna POR Ai I play over 60fps, no drops unless in a crowded area
@teflemateus9996 5 жыл бұрын
Blade and soul more like GRIND and soul :"D
@TYA22 5 жыл бұрын
Blade and soul. I can say it was and is fun for me. I can remember some things from playing the game at beta. Or 2016 don't know if it's the same time, but it was way harder to level up. Now you level up from beginning to level 30 for example (so much faster as I speak and remember.) I play guild wars 2 too. But Blade&Soul catches my attention. I'm a noob though with positive experience back then but leveling was hard for me then. I love the game. It depends which class you play therefore it can be easier or more difficult for newbies like me. With that being said. Try out the game. See for yourself. The graphics and the game for me at least are actually not so bad. The characters are changeable to details. The classes are many there. The ingame is so much easier and more simple with less quests. So in short. Download it. Have a state of mind that is called 'open mind' and the rest might follow. In short: yes it is playable but for farming is just no fun. With the new patch it could have been made easier. Instead it seems for me harder now. Question: Why do they focus on Mobile bns? Will the original blade and soul dissapear?
@TYA22 4 жыл бұрын
Wäääääääaaaaauuuuwww i have found my comment. Lol.
@bufalong 5 жыл бұрын
Ue4 and archer but tired with yhis
@etherwxlf 5 жыл бұрын
The game could be amazing if only it had enough...flavor to it's meat, for lack of any fitting phrasing. It has everything that should make it a great game, but it's just not. It's shallow, honestly. Aion, while questionable in some aspects, has depth in it's content, story, and social environment. FF14, while questionable in some aspects, has depth in it's design and lore.
@mikejame3164 4 жыл бұрын
Way too much spam of numbers. We'll see if this can be removed.
@minhdang803 5 жыл бұрын
Happiest days with this game has gone far away and will never comeback. At this stage, the game is dead, not like corpse but zombie. Still trying to move and maintain somehow but rotting until nothing left at the same time. Its core was very good but not enough to deny many of its negative sides.
@novski3175 5 жыл бұрын
Getting remastered? hopefully it's not much a drag from updating it like how i'm installing it rn. 85-95% f2p? pfffftt... idc people think if its p2w i just want to be a weeb n play mmorpg again. Hopefully this is more fun than Dragon Nest..
@LadyEclairMinecraft 5 жыл бұрын
god Dragon Nest... I'm in the same boat as you. Started up BnS again recently cause I wanted a fun mmo experience again. I logged into DN the other week and it was so painfully dead.
@novski3175 5 жыл бұрын
@@LadyEclairMinecraft I played BnS and the level 50 tutorial quest I couldn't do a part cuz it was like a rhythm game where you press it the exact time. In dragon nest I fall asleep doing a quest in bns the tutorial already giving me a headache.
@datuputi777 4 жыл бұрын
1. No, not all class can do everything unless it had changed. 2. Combat is superficial and with skills being "mainstreamed" it's very far from advertised combat in the trailer. 3. If you are having a hard time to decide and have a very shallow wallet play warlock(support class). 4. Adding to number 3 if your wallet is really shallow the 80% he said is more like 40% of endgame content until your guild gets on your business and might force you to make a new character they need because endgame is locked on large guild dungeons 24+ people teams or somethin. 5. Leveling is lonely because the game is ded. 6. They make you feel like it's populated by having to many people at end game your fps drops *whispers they're all bots*. 7. Dude build planning? really? =.= It's linear you must be riding the short bus to not understand. what about pvp you ask, well if you play that hell hole pve people will crush your balls on the current pvp that matters this wasn't the case before but you gotta reward wallet warriors, so you have to let them win in pvp as well. 8. Ah your getting to it the once nice crafting were wit could get you a tiny profit is gone it won't cum back because wallet warriors mang they to stupid to think. 9. Finally the story ended after you beat jin so yoon. 10. Bad gayme don't even think about touching it you get cancer and syphilis.
@kyomugami8383 5 жыл бұрын
I swear if i gotta see endgame spoilers here as well, probably the safest place is levi's channel. Also, does bladeandsoul finally have server shutdowns in endgame, we'll never know
@EvilDoUsHarm 5 жыл бұрын
There’s no endgame spoilers here, Levi doesn’t play endgame content. Nor does he watch the avengers.
@kyomugami8383 5 жыл бұрын
@@EvilDoUsHarm thank you sir, much obliged
@lordmetallium9678 5 жыл бұрын
i started to play it once again this week and yes greeders taking the game completely, weak players like me getting kicked out of nowhere, i mean people need to help others but no your not a cashers your not OP GTFO from the group rule.
@Masterczulkix 5 жыл бұрын
Have Pc for 4k $ and in EU dungeon drop FPS to 45 because my GPU and CPU use on this game only a 40% of Usage ;/ Optimalization ;/ Buuutt on corean version i have what it must be. GPU 100 % Cpu 60 - 80 % and its stable on 80 FPS evrywhere !!! .... quit this game and wait for LA or TL
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