Living Through the WORST Case Scenario | EE 75

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Expedition Evans

Expedition Evans

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A fire on board is a disaster. Having a fire on board where you also catch on fire is a worst nightmare. This is exactly what happened to our friends on SV Naida. Dre literally caught on fire and jumped in the ocean to put himself out. Aiyana's quick thinking saved the boat and now they are on the long road to recovery and repair.
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@SailingNaida 2 жыл бұрын
Love you guys! Thank you for supporting us through this and helping tell our story. This was a tough experience to relive but this video was beautifully done. 💜
@bobuncle8704 2 жыл бұрын
Subbed to your channel. Waiting for that backflip. God bless guys.
@conwaysailors 2 жыл бұрын
Get well soon. Sending healing.
@freyja4954 2 жыл бұрын
Did you guys ever determine the cause for the fire? I hope he heals fast .As somebody who went through a severe burn trauma myself I know how painful it can be. Tegaderms are extremely helpful. Hope he recovers to 100%.
@santyclause8034 2 жыл бұрын
Lose the kero stove. I got shingles from a wok spitting hot oil on my left arm cooking bacon, I think. Obviously Chicken Pox has lay dormant inside me from some forgotten encounter of the ancient past, now my whole arm went numb for weeks. It reminds me, around a week later at the time this happened, of a medical episode: I had nearly died right on my own lounge room floor of a ruptured Pancreatic-Duodenumal artery in a burst aneurysm (holy mouthful, batman!). Bleeding continued, unhindered, into the abdominal cavity until my physical collapse. Its a small vessel, but this condition of sustained blood loss would inevitably have killed me. Only warning was a massive abdominal cramp (beginning of organ failure) at which point the aneurysm has established critical blood loss, and within that short window rested my remaining free agency to act: I dialled the Emergency number, and told 'em something's up, this cramp is not panning out like anything. I rattled off my body signs and some observations - I last ate a tomato sandwich more than a whole day before, something else is up. My breathing started getting faster, I was having trouble catching my breath and trying to speak at the same time, I was perspiring, there were dark after-images in my vision and in general blacks took a more a faintly luminescent deep blue hue. Seemed to me I might be going into shock, just on these signs, and I said so. The gal asked me to check if I could stand and maybe try walking. I made it across my lounge to the front doorway, unlocked the security door and left the main door open, turned around again and in a few more steps the hydraulics just stopped working... I collapsed on the spot and fell heavily to the floor, there is no slumping slowly, folks, this was like a surreal switch had been flipped; I was lucky not to bang my head as I went, fully conscious, thumping onto the mat. As soon as I relayed that this unexpectedly sudden loss of locomotor function had occurred, on Speaker back to Emergency Services (mobile phone) we also discovered that neither could I now get back up and off the floor, nor could I easily lift an arm. My Free Agency window was closed. This is what people mean when they say "Its an Emergency." I had not much life left in me by the time an ambulance medic called at the door, I could barely use my voice, they might not have heard me and then just left. Thankfully the guy poked his head around the front door and saw my body. I needed blood pressure, my temperature was dangerously low, my breathing was shallow and uncontrollably fast, and my pulse shallow and rapid too. I needed thermal regulation. Looking to be in pretty bad shape I was immediately transported into ICU. The prognosis was a mystery, everything hung upon what I could tell the doctors, or they wuz going exploratory, knives out an' all. A brief history exam recalled an earlier kidney x-ray had intrigued a doctor concerning a mass in the upper abdomen area (actually the aneurysm), along with all them big kidney stones that time way back, around 4 years before this new death experience. So I suggested medical imaging once again might help, and the smart money was on some sort of Haemorhage.These could be inspected somewhat like a bicycle puncture, air bubbles under water provide a telltale cue to the puncture site: a dye stain was intravenously injected and the CT scan showed a small artery had ruptured, along with the surprise that I had a second such artery besides it. There was now no urgent need to rummage across my insides while holding a torch, looking for a small blood vessel rupture in all the dark recesses of my fold. I needed a lot of blood, fluids first up, warmth, and another 4 pints whole blood on top during the embolized coiling surgery thing, same day - my body was running on fumes. This is a rare medical condition, I am the first ever such case treated at my hospital and given all the circumnstances this case made minor medical history. Not least a whole conga line of good judgement calls had to happen for my case to pan out the way it had: I am a quarter mile from my hospital, its literally on the street around the corner and I am 4 doors from that corner. Thats one happy circumnstance that weighs in the picture. Most aneurysms are fatal, most occur in the cranial area, and after that if still alive most survivors experience some loss of function. Turns out I am a rare specimen, because my own genes had provided two upper abdominal Pancreatic-Duodenumal arteries to do the same job. Its more common to find something like this occur in the lower abdomen, some people get an extra set of taste buds and so on... Thanks for your upload.
@johnnywisconny 2 жыл бұрын
Speedy recovery 🙏🙏🤙🙏
@peternancoz3031 2 жыл бұрын
I've been an EMT for 30 years. In this case, do not hesitate to call for an ambulance. They could have provided pain meds while enroute to the hospital and likely could have gotten him there faster. One of the biggest concerns with burns is an airway compromise. He could have inhaled the flames and burned his airway which could have been a life-threatening emergency. I'm glad it worked out and I'm glad that you commented that you would look for some additional training.
@73Stargazer 2 жыл бұрын
Except that ambulances cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. A lot of people simply can't afford that. 😕
@tomday8352 2 жыл бұрын
kinda late to the game on this, but Peter's comment is SPOT ON correct! 911 should have been called immediately to get fire, and EMS to the scene. basic first aid class with airway management is a must, a "Stop the Bleed" class would be great to have too. who cares what it costs, if Airway was damaged, It could have easily gotten worse on the 45 min drive, JUST like the Burns did, and become an immediate life threat. you only have one life. Fire dept would have ensured fire was out with thermal camera, and the Fire Marshall would want to know cause, so they could possibly prevent others with same stove from getting injured or killed. Peter WINS the internet on that day 5 months ago
@heyhandersen5802 3 ай бұрын
there is a danger of shock and sudden death
@mattevans-koch9353 2 жыл бұрын
Be sure to check the stove and find out how this happened. Dre is one solid man and all of you are a great community to help each other. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and fun in the Bahamas.
@djazt.8053 2 жыл бұрын
Yes exactly, I'd also be interested in a technical debriefing as to what was the cause of the fire. I have basically the same alcohol stove, just the single-burner model (Origo 1500) … so if there's something to be extra cautious about with these stoves, I would be glad to know it. The only thing I can think of right now is to not overfill it … the indicated max. fill level of ca. 40% the tank volume is so that the tank can turn 90° without any fuel flowing out. Since they had the stove in the gimbal and it was happening in calm waters, only overfilling more or less to the brim could cause a fuel overflow. So I can't imagine that would be the issue here.
@number1genoa 2 жыл бұрын
@@djazt.8053 A technical description of how this happened would be much appreciated, I have used a pressurized alcohol stove for 30 years, love it to bits, never had a problem.
@kb1esx 2 жыл бұрын
I bet the can that holds the alcohol started leaking. I had one rust.
@number1genoa 2 жыл бұрын
@@kb1esx I never fill the reservoir unless the stove is cold. Pre heat cups are filled from a squeeze.bottle with a copper tube spout.
@garyc5483 2 жыл бұрын
1st thing is never fill the stove if it is even a little warm. 2nd Never overfill the stove. 3rd Let the stove sit for a few minutes after filling so that any alcohol spillage gets time to evaporate. People say lpg is dangerous but I have found that alcohol stoves are just as bad. I hope that young man heals quickly & has no major scars after healing. regards
@sillydietitian 2 жыл бұрын
Please pass along that Dre's fluid, protein and energy need are sky high when trying to heal from burns! Hope his healing journey is smooth. Love you all! Take care! ❤ your friendly dietitian
@cbxdavid 2 жыл бұрын
I have been there, felt his pain. Spent seven weeks in the hospital for second and third degree burns. Debridement (scrubing off the dead stuff) was the worst. Be very careful to keep it clean, he will be very prone to infection. Best of luck with your recovery.
@martinbeaumont1135 2 жыл бұрын
As non-American I don’t understand the idea of … “I don’t want to go to hospital for my burns, cause I can’t afford it?” WTF? You guys have a crazy system. Great video BTW.
@hansjensen7823 2 жыл бұрын
Except she didn’t say that
@drx1xym154 2 жыл бұрын
@@hansjensen7823 - she implied that, though it can depend on insurance.
@CGT80 2 жыл бұрын
@@hansjensen7823 1:45 She said he didn't want to go to the hospital and they are super expensive. Whether he could afford it or not, it could have been very expensive, and I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to spend the money even if he did have it. I do think it was very good that he did go. The medical system in the USA is kind of a joke. I pay $411 per month for myself and still have a $1500 deductible. Some things are covered, but I have had to fight them 3 times when their estimates or standard charges were not followed and they tried to charge me far more, for basic services. They do as little as possible and charge as much as possible.
@daversj 2 жыл бұрын
Many people don’t have insurance in the US. If you work for a small employer they typically don’t offer it. If self employed its very expensive at least 1500 a month for one person. Walking into an emergency room cost at least 5k maybe 10 if they do anything. In this case he would have been charged probably 10k and then sent to burn center with just some new bandages.
@quackster41 2 жыл бұрын
Good observation...its actually pretty sad.
@DannyLopezTV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys for taking care of my brother , he talks nothing but great things about you guys ..really enjoyed watching u all are great !
@jsmith5634 2 жыл бұрын
What a champ Dre is !! Recommend an After Action Review on the root cause and prevention going forward as well as what did everyone learn from this and would they do anything different, e.g. placement of the fire extinguisher, first aid supplies, alcohol stove use…vs propane vs induction.
@rice0009 2 жыл бұрын
Dre seems to have a good attitude about his situation. Having a positive attitude is very good for overall outcomes. That and a stellar group of supportive friends and family. Stay safe, have fun, enjoy life!
@necron998 2 жыл бұрын
I burned my right arm three years ago, the pain was the worst I've ever had, including broken bones, cancer, and surgeries. My deepest sympathy for you, keep it clean and heal up quick.
@Tomm9y 2 жыл бұрын
Great reaction, support and care for your friend. I like how you let him tell his story. Aiyana was caring, yet fun at the same time, quick reactions to put out the fire while Dre jumped into the water. Interesting safety lessons, training and equipment. Some info on the cause of the fire would be interesting. Wishing Dre a speedy recovery.
@OxInTheWild 2 жыл бұрын
Thankful for a great community of neighbors. Glad he was quick thinking to get the fire out.
@nolanmailhos1470 2 жыл бұрын
That is exactly what happened to me 2 years ago.. I immediately ran up the companionway and jumped overboard. I was able to get back on board and all my clothes was burnt off. In the worst pain I've ever experienced. My phone was downstairs and the boat was still on fire. I had three fire extinguishers on board. I could only find two and neither one of them worked. So I immediately started beating out the flames with a blanket. And what I couldn't put out I threw overboard. Very very intense situation. It took the Coast guard over an hour and a half to get to me by chopper. Yes I was by myself. 3 weeks and the intensive Care. As soon as I got out and back to my boat. I took a sawzall and cut the alcohol stove out. And put that b**** in the garbage.. people actually wanted the old stove I told him no no I was getting it and nobody's getting hurt again with it. True story..
@rymegkasri 2 жыл бұрын
pressurized stove or the origo? if the origo how did it happen? refill when hot?
@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 2 жыл бұрын
How did the fire start?
@douglasmiller1467 2 жыл бұрын
Man that is just scary stuff, a sailors worst nightmare is fire.
@keithmiller2506 2 жыл бұрын
Jade and Brett, it is not a coincidence that you were there for your friends in their time of need. You are both wonderful people and your story uplifts us all……Bravo Zulu 👍
@_Tylor_ 2 жыл бұрын
Poor guy! Jesus, you can't help but feel heartbroken for him. Prayers for a speedy recovery. So grateful you guys were there to be able to be there for your friends during a time of desperate need! Everything happens for a reason 💙
@thomashealey3246 6 ай бұрын
Just BINGE watching ... This is one of the best episodes for sailors ... How quickly it goes wrong! You guys and Spear it Animal are great friends to take care of S/V Naida. Thanks for sharing this as it guides me for outfitting my boat for the Bahamas. Fair Winds and Following Seas
@Jasmine-mh7kc 2 жыл бұрын
Im so glad Dre is okay! We love him so much over here!
@blaircooper3549 2 жыл бұрын
Glad he is ok. Had a similar experience with a problematic carburetor. I discharged extinguisher on self then the motor a few years back. Getting burnt sucks!
@clarenceoveur778 2 жыл бұрын
Gasoline? Atomic 4?
@mrpenn4613 2 жыл бұрын
Glad the damage and injuries are relatively minor and a full recovery is expected! I see an Induction stove, like Delos, in the future! Amazing spirits that man has, I can't imagine the pain from that many burns.
@stevesteel6066 2 жыл бұрын
Together, people overcome tremendous adversity. Great job helping a fellow sailor and supporting that couple in their hour of need!
@engineerboy9726 2 жыл бұрын
My recommendation is to take a wilderness first aid course. A common place to take it is at local scout offices. This would be particularly useful for remote locations where help is hours or days away.
@StevenHull 2 жыл бұрын
Many places, companies and Orgs teach this all over the country. Some are expensive but the information is very valuable. Good training also teaches you when you are in over your head and need to call in the cavalry.
@AKBoaterChad Жыл бұрын
Yes, for the remote cruising you plan to do (and are currently doing in the Bahamas) a wilderness first aid course (2 days) is a minimum. I strongly recommend the Wilderness First Responder course though prior to going more remote than the Bahamas. WFA is a class that teaches you “big deal” vs “little deal” and some minor care instruction, but WFR goes deeper into long-term remote care.
@AidanWeatherill 2 жыл бұрын
Fire on a boat is so terrifying. I hope that the recovery goes well and you can all get to sailing soon!
@leeannmoore9425 2 жыл бұрын
I am a burn patient too and appreciated your story. You mentioned your friend’s boat was stained with iodine. There is a chemical used by photograph developers called hypo solution (sodium thiosulfate). It reacts with iodine to form a clear colorless compound, completely removing iodine stains. I have some in Ohio but you should be able to get it locally at any store that sells darkroom supplies. Love your channel!
@_pic_7571 2 жыл бұрын
As a first responder and a fellow boater that is what we fear the most. I'm so glad that if it has to happen, it happened where it did and not 2 days out at sea. Well done everyone. Prayers outbound for a speedy recovery. Pic.
@johndavidson6867 2 жыл бұрын
I would guess that incident speaks wonders for having a convection cook top on board. Hope Dre heals good, with no lingering after effects.
@faithharris6268 2 жыл бұрын
I have never came to a video this fast you scared the crap out of me
@mango8918 Жыл бұрын
I swear, Jade and Aiyana could be twins or, if not, at least sisters. More than once I had to double check to see which of them I was looking at. So happy Dre wasn't injured worse than he was and the boat wasn't totally destroyed. Great job by everyone to help friends in need!
@shanemooon 2 жыл бұрын
That's crazy. Burn injuries are wicked.
@lostman9814 2 жыл бұрын
HYDRATION! So important for healing, great support team.
@davidm6553 2 жыл бұрын
True friendship is a wonderful thing to see! Thank you all. We hope your friend heals completely. Stay safe.
@SeaYaSailing 2 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness you guys were close and had supplies to help this poor guy. I hope he recovers fast. You guys are the best sailing buddies, hope to see you one day on the water.
@briansenez7718 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video, and I'm glad you friend got medical treatment quickly. I'm disappointed you didn't include any analysis of the accident. That is really a glaring omission in your video. What happened specifically, why did it happen? What can be done differently in the future to prevent that. It's not about placing blame on somebody, but you have the chance to show the community and maybe prevent something similar from happening. Thank you for reading.
@rymegkasri 2 жыл бұрын
agreed! lots of us have the same stove on their boats. personally i don't see how it would do this much damage - unless filled with a liquid that wasn't alcohol or it was refilled when hot, or something? or maybe it was clogged somehow and pressure built up? (can't see how this is possible but maybe)
@grandsoleil56 2 жыл бұрын
@@rymegkasri like it was filled with acetone or something
@rymegkasri 2 жыл бұрын
@@grandsoleil56 yeah you absolutely cannot fill it with anything that is not alcohol!
@SailingMagicCarpet 2 жыл бұрын
All the best to Dre for quick healing! I was also very curious how that could have happened since we have the same stove and I see it as the safest one around. I also assume that it was being refilled from the melted wine glass while it still had a glow Inside the canister. The sudden flame could have made him spill the rest of the cup onto himself and the flames spread… would be good to hear at one point to avoid the hazard. Again all the best, ~aladino
@peetky8645 2 жыл бұрын
pain is good in a means the nerves are still alive. a very serious burn will be charred and numb.
@albertstahl3474 2 жыл бұрын
Bravo for the Let's Attitude ! Cheers and fair winds, very fondly from Belgium
@Tachikawa5 Жыл бұрын
You're the best of people and have the most wonderful friends. Thank you all and the best to each of you.
@larrywright1936 2 жыл бұрын
Hoping for a speedy recovery! For me this video serves as a reminder to check all of my safety equipment! I love the way you all came together to help! Well done! No pun intended.
@pistolpete8887 2 жыл бұрын
They were lucky to have a caring couple like the too of you, to help them after he got out of the hospital. I can not imagine the pain he has right now, and i think he is doing just great hiding the pain from his lady.
@skipmole612 2 жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly, cling film is the best thing to cover burns between the accident happening and the victim getting to hospital. This is because it doesn't stick to raw flesh as would a towel, and it keeps the wounds clean, thereby preventing infection. However, just lay the cling film over the wounds. DO NOT wrap the area as the flesh will swell and the cling film will become constrictive. Also try to cool the affected area, with cold clean water to lessen the severity of the burn. Give the victim water and some paracetamol.
@earlhunt2815 2 жыл бұрын
Quick actions saved his life and the boat! What a savvy and cool couple... Such a blessing everything turned out the best it could. Wishing speedy recovery.
@IO-zz2xy 2 жыл бұрын
WOW guys, what a terrible experience for you all. I hope Dre heals fast. The MOST IMPORTANT THING IS, KEEP THINGS STERILE. Burn wounds get infected VERY EASILY. There is a problem if a "gel stove" exploded. They are supposed to be safe. I suspect that the gel cartridges were off-gassing. Perhaps cabin is very hot. Maybe keep lid open on cooker to prevent fumes lurking under cooker lid. Best wishes to all of you from South Africa
@MrJerobona 2 жыл бұрын
I am speechless, but wow! congratulations on him jumping in the water as fast as he did! Congratulations to her grabbing the fire extinguisher and saving their home! I and wish Dray recovers fast! Bravo for the help you provided! Courage for Dray, and best wishes to him for the next couple of weeks! Take care of him!
@x602x 2 жыл бұрын
So amazing the little community you’ve all created. Grateful you were able to serve one another through such a traumatic event. Thank you so much for sharing this.
@gradyzans9823 2 жыл бұрын
Thoughts and prayers for you and your friends. You all handled the situation very calmly.
@william6526 2 жыл бұрын
The main concern now is keeping everything clean and watching out for any signs of infection.
@Gwatson000 6 ай бұрын
Don't know if you will see this. I've been binge watching from the beginning... awesome job, but had to comment on the burn issue. My former boss retired and sailed his Catalina 42 down to the Sea of Cortez with his girlfriend. They had an engine fire so he used his extinguisher. The fire restarted so he used the next one. Restarted again. After the third extinguisher and restart, the boat burned to the waterline and sank. They floated for hours at night until luckily some Mexican fisherman saw them and rescued them. He was badly burned trying to save his boat. He swore he would have a water flush system and better extinguishers on his next boat. Keep up the excellent content and stay forever young!!
@halburtonwarrington-minge3434 2 жыл бұрын
Just great you could be with them when they needed you.. That's friends!!!
@larrybraden6640 2 жыл бұрын
It could have been so much worse. Praying for quick healing. Love yall !!
@primitivecruising 10 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for this explanation. Just this evening I came across one of SailingNaida's videos, and I really liked the style of it. (If I ever get my channel going, that sort of "raw and uncut" style is what I'd like to emphasize most of the time. I think it really captures moments of "the real feeling of the real thing.") Turns out, it was their last video, made 11 months ago. I thought, Oh no! What happened? A quick Google search led me to you guys and this explanation. Excellent. ...Anyway, I don't know what happened to Dre and Aiyana since then, but I hope they're well. A really sweet couple, just like you guys. Keep it up.
@carrie3885 2 жыл бұрын
Prayers for Drey. Geez you guys!! Community is such a blessing with peeps like you in it!
@charlesgough3528 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man!, hope you heal quickly
@SailingTipsCa 2 жыл бұрын
Yikes - that’s a horrible experience!!! I also like to keep a fire blanket in the galley that you can throw on whatever is burning without the mess of an extinguisher. Plus the blanket never expires or needs recharging!
@mfmc3233 2 жыл бұрын
So lucky......awesome to have wonderful friends
@clayfarnet970 2 жыл бұрын
Burns are the incredibly painful. That guy is really tough. Good luck and a rapid recovery. 👍👍🙏🙏✌️✌️
@jeffmorton9220 Жыл бұрын
Blockbuster episode, guys! I shudder to imagine what you could have done if the fire happened in some remote corner of the world. Congrats on instincts to do the right thing! Extending your home to Dre and Aiyana, as well as the help rendered has been exemplary to all people, especially to the sailors. This video has surely awakened in all of us the need for preparedness and the importance of friends. So long until next week!
@toddmalone4384 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for showing what the "sailing community" stands for! I wish the world was more easily able to take that to heart and lend a helping hand across the board, no questions asked. You are some of the best.
@scottiescott9297 Жыл бұрын
Please pass this on to Dre: I’m so sorry to see and hear about your accident!!! I’m obviously late watching this, but I’m truly inspired by your ability to cope and your immensely positive attitude, in the face of such an accident. You remind so much of my son, a computer engineer, who has a heart of gold, he’s adventurous, nearly fearless and is such a bright, resourceful, dependable and soft spoken young man; even tho he’s 6’2”, 200# and almost all muscle. I wish you could meet him, bc I bet u 2 are quite alike. Anyways, I wish you continued fulfillment of all your life’s dreams. Many happy and safe journeys ahead. I’m subscribed and will be tuning in as I begin my (better late than never) journey on the ICW and beyond. I am so inspired by the pair of you. I wish the best of everything in life for you. “Fair winds and following seas.” -From this Navy Vet.
@gorway7 2 жыл бұрын
Best to avoid burn ointments beyond superficial burns as any hospital will have to remove it to assess and treat and that will cause more pain. Cooling is most important then cover with " cling film / saran wrap", this is the best first aid dressing for burns. It is reasonably sterile, non adherent and keeps the air out. Keeping the air out will reduce the pain. It is vital that severe burn cases receive medical attention ASAP due to high risk of shock and infection. Well done though for dealing with this the best you could, that is all any of us can do. BTW iodine stains remove easily with bleach water or any organic stain remover.
@JeffLatimer 2 жыл бұрын
6:25 I would love to see y’all film an episode where y’all are getting taught some basic combat first aid skills.
@hidesertmusic 2 жыл бұрын
You have just demonstrated what friendship stands for. I’m amazed at how you were willing and able to help your friend during this emergency incident. Fire an a boat is terrifying at sea. Thank God you were in port and had access to a burn center. Laughter is such a great release. Keep laughing, smiling and loving my friends.
@sacredboswellia1443 2 ай бұрын
Not sure if this is in the comments already, and I'm not a boater, so please take my comment however you like. I am, however, a Boyscout leader. We find ourselves hours, sometimes potentially days away from help on certain campouts and hikes/trips. Something you might consider would be to take a Wilderness First Aid class. There are schools out there and the training usually lasts an entire weekend, but it really focuses much more on heavy duty trauma and how to be the first responder in those more serious situations. Had to take it for a sailing high adventure trip we did with scouts. There are obviously varying quality classes out there, but it's definitely a good thing to check out. Hope you see this and look into it. Also, love your channel and you guys and have been working my way through your videos!! Best of luck!!
@lyndenlaird6238 2 жыл бұрын
Ugh !! As first responders, a great job was done. Hope Dre has a speed recovery. Follow Dr's directions and be carefull and watchful of infections.
@shaunoakes6803 2 жыл бұрын
WOW ... that show was DEEP and Emotional !! ... Stay safe !! .. he was so lucky and they have a great attitude together to deal with this. And so lucky to have great friends in you two, life long friends :) Stay safe !! ... Thats for a great blog !
@nik0beck717 Жыл бұрын
I’m from Germany. Here it is totally normal to go the hospital for every thing. I can’t believe that you wouldn’t go to the hospital in such a bad case
@nikolasmaclean4450 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you for being there to take care of your people. They seem lovely and are lucky to have you in their lives.
@kevinscanlan9701 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to see that no one was seriously hurt. I would recommend you get co2 fire extinguishers. Those powder extinguishers are nasty if you have to discharge them in a confined space and injest the power in your lungs. The co2 extinguishers leave no mess but are only good for B & C type fires so it would be good to keep a powder extinguisher for backup. Just in case you have a type A fire.
@michaelfischetti1218 Жыл бұрын
You guys are wonderful for not only helping your friends but also opening up your home to them as well
@robaust3049 2 жыл бұрын
The world needs more people like you. Good on you.
@rayleo529 Жыл бұрын
As a 3rd degree burn victim I can relate. My burn occurred in August a year ago and I still get sores on the donor site where they took skin to do the graft. Burns take a loooong time to heal. You are a very lucky man.
@mattgirgenti3595 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Truly one of the worst and scariest scenarios. Dealt with burns a lot back in my paramedic days. The pain is horrific and you never forget the smell. ever. You guys did AWESOME and kudos for being as prepared as you were. They do make a spray (Burnshield?) which tends to cover more than the ointment/burn pads. Worth having some around. If at sea, you may need to apply and manage for 24-48 hours waiting on airlift. BTW - you guy are amazing and wonderful people for all you did to help, open your home, care for them, joke with them, and just being there. Rock on!!
@aportman58 Жыл бұрын
Very fortunate! I am a retired firefighter (captain)/paramedic/ER trauma nurse, and you are one lucky fortunate person! Also a miracle that the sailboat was not lost!!!
@para1324 2 жыл бұрын
Prayer for his full healing. Very well done all of you for the help and support.
@dwtrksvc 2 жыл бұрын
Great friends are priceless. Great video. 👏👏👏👏
@clarkkent772 2 жыл бұрын
Burns are the worst type of injury. Praying for your recovery. 🤞👍
@butchsytek8138 2 жыл бұрын
Very scary. Thank you for sharing. Really glad it wasn't worse.
@Clazers 2 жыл бұрын
What a show guys. Better than any movie. Very emotional. It's good to have friends.
@swatsullivan Жыл бұрын
Amazing how much you saw/experienced in such a short amount of time. The experience bucket is getting full. Happy sailing!!
@julielatwinas7500 2 жыл бұрын
You need to get some silvadene on board. It's for burns. And you can use a tongue depressor to put it on. Hope your friend is feeling better soon. Love your videos.🌹🌹
@tollertollertoller 2 жыл бұрын
And keep the silvadene in the refrigerator or freezer. It feels so much better on burns when it is icy cold.
@julielatwinas7500 2 жыл бұрын
@@tollertollertoller Thank you. Forgot that part.
@garyallsebrook3493 2 жыл бұрын
I think the full name is Silver Sulfadiazine I was prescribed it for radiation burns. Very soothing
@billhollinshead 2 жыл бұрын
My knowledge could be old (my wife spent 2 weeks in a burn unit about 10 years ago, with 30% of her body having 3rd degree burns, and we used tubs of silvadene), but I think Silver Sulfadiazine ointment is prescription-only in the US. Perhaps it is over the counter in Mexico, but it has some notable contraindications (such as for pregnant mothers). I think (and it sounds like) Dre was dressed in silver nanoparticle or silver impregnated bandages (under the gauze), which might be a more current burn treatment (when compared to Silver Sulfadiazine).
@joonyt7124 2 жыл бұрын
Super lucky. Great friends. Cool and calm. Speedy recovery.
@barimedic 2 жыл бұрын
I am a paramedic of more than 30 years and Paramedic instructor. Chapter one is do not panic. You did good.
@billwalker9509 2 жыл бұрын
Really great how you and others came together to help them through this.
@Sailspirit99 2 жыл бұрын
A fire blanket should be mandatory safety equipment. They’re cheap and extremely effective, both on land and at sea. I did a sea survival course which included letting off various flares (a very dangerous activity at best), jumping into the ocean fully kitted and inflating our life jackets (tip: they all overinflated, do it, learn where the tube is to deflate/inflate) and then we put out fires using fire blanket/fire extinguisher. Nothing is better than actually trying these things in a non-emergency situation. Thanks for sharing and all the best for a speedy recovery.
@SoundzAlive1 2 жыл бұрын
A friend of mine was using a tabletop stove that uses an aerosol style cartridge which split open and severely burned him from face to knee. He only just survived with massive scars. The temp of the burning fluid was extremely high so caused much more damage than any other kind of burn. I will never use those as I have heard of other similar stories. In Dre’s case I guess the kerosene or fluid would have burned at a high temp as well. He was lucky. Great points you make and I will now train all crew in medical emergencies before any passages. André in Sydney
@hfoor11 2 жыл бұрын
I've had third-degree burns on roughly 50% of my body and been burnt twice the first took a couple of months to completely heal and the second less than a week, no scares. Believe in your body and don't doubt that it can heal and joke about it a lot.
@littleredhen3354 2 жыл бұрын
Agree! When I got burnt, 3rd degree, I used guided meditation to direct healing to the affected areas. It also helps with the pain as nerves start to come back online.
@LiftRanger 2 жыл бұрын
You two are very special, in a wonderful way. May God always bless you and yours.
@MartinPHunter 2 жыл бұрын
Good to see a positive outcome and no panic. My son had a serious electrical burn (33000 volts) a couple of years ago and he then fell into water unconscious. It was down to the people around not panicking that he was able to make a full recovery. Just some scares to show at parties. In the UK We had free access to specialist burns nurses who visit us at home for weeks using all sorts of different dressings. Good idea completing a wilderness first aid course. Martin
@thomasbahr2806 2 жыл бұрын
What a terrible accident, burns are really dangerous, hope his healing goes well. One word of warning: Fire extinguisher powder gets everywhere and is highly corrosive / electronics destroying. So they will likely get in the mid term serious problems with boat tech. They will have to consider this and probably replace some non sealed electronics, because such stuff tends to break at the worst moment on sea.
@jameymathis7452 2 жыл бұрын
You all did an AWESOME job in a moment of urgency ! KUDOS !! Fair Winds.
@fekkim1 2 жыл бұрын
He was so lucky y'all were around. Wondered what happened to their channel and this explains everything.
@chupitos2269 2 жыл бұрын
Fire is dangerous, and it's really the worst it could happen on a boat! Hope you get better soon!!!
@jimalden7130 2 жыл бұрын
Unreal. Glad he is better . I work at 2nd largest burn hospital in florida. Its painful and very dangerous. Pray he completely recovers
@kalgart 2 жыл бұрын
Such a scary experience to have. It is good to see that Dre is recovering well now. The best options for medical training would be talking to both Paramedics ( maybe even some entry paramedic course ) and to those involved in alpine safety & remote expeditions. Their skills and training are about getting patients to be safe and stable to allow access to better treatments often with limited resouces.
2 жыл бұрын
Not sure about the US, but ere in Austria the Red Cross offers very good courses. There is the small course everyone has to take for the drivers license which is 6 hours (used to be 8), and then there is a 16 hour basic course and a 8 hour course tailored towards first aid for injured children. For more intenisice training best talk to them, or a siilar organisation. If I remember correctly there is a 120 hour course for thse volunteering as paramedics in the Red Cross.
@williamlewis8741 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Sailing Expedition Evans. first of all, thank you and thank you for your love of neighbor. your immediate and generous actions made a bad situation livable. you two rock. thanks to your parents who raised you. your loving concern and grace helped the young couple weather the storm of adversity. burns are not easy to handle. they require constant care and time. i've been a follower of your channel for awhile. i'm glad i've stayed with you. such love and empathy will always attract like people. i'm with you all. again thank you.
@dianetetz438 2 жыл бұрын
Sending healing thoughts and positive energy to your friends, SV Naida! 😊
@mikeraymond9088 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh! Best wishes to the burnin man. You folks were great in a crisis. Well done.
@danielcourtney7478 2 жыл бұрын
So glad your friends are OK, and that you were there for them.
@jamieminton172 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with Clyde Barker. EMT courses or at a minimum Industrial First Aid courses are available everywhere. Survival hacks and learning what uses things like Saran wrap or aluminium foil have. You have a lot of resources already on board. And the best resource is the one between your ears.
@bundyboy65 2 жыл бұрын
Hi guys. I work in Australia for a training business that teaches advanced first aid and specialised courses for remote marine situations. One of the best hacks if you don't carry large burn dressings is to wrap all accessible burnt skin areas with kitchen cling wrap. It helps immensely in preventing infection.
@Alsinsin 2 жыл бұрын
It hurts just to watch this. I had a 3rd degree burn on my leg in a motorcycle accident. It was only a small patch of skin. It got infected. It was so painful. I can't imagine the pain he was in. Wish him a fast recovery.
@michaeldouglasmason 2 жыл бұрын
No click bait here. Wow... what a whirlwind. Glad you guys were close by to help!
@peterc.anderson1840 Жыл бұрын
Wow, you folks are SO cool!!! Thank you for helping them kid's out the way you did. Good hearted people, I love it! This was an absolutely AMAZING story! Things can go south SO fast, life changing in an instant. So glad you were there! Bless you!!!
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