感恩父母畀我去读书, 雖然我 英文教育, 不曉中文(我是用Google translate) 冇学个 佛學,but I came across this 菩提本無樹, 明鏡亦非台, 本來無一物, 何必夜塵埃, this me think and I interpret it as, I am nothing why want to attract trouble / 煩惱問題? To it?
I don't meditate, I still can feel anger about someone but now when anger or evil thoughts, or whatever bad feelings or thoughts in my mind,我而家學伍仔講, 集中呼吸, 嗰啲歪念thinking, 唔會響我腦playing
@meucheechang379 Жыл бұрын
人有 經過人生, 喜怒哀樂,so it's very hard for those people below 40rys to understand... 五仔,you so young can derstand, I salute 👍