この動画を観れば建設前からの苦労を感じますが、建設中の動画も観れば納得でしょう If you watch this video, you can feel the hardships that were going on even under construction, but if you watch the video from that time, you'll understand. 関空の経験が14:40以降、日本国内外で建設から運営に至るまで活かされます From 14:40 onward, experience at Kansai Airport will be utilized in other areas of Japan, from construction to operation. 関空は0:02より30年を超えた頃ですが、これからも「転んでもただでは起きぬ」精神で世界へ羽ばたく存在でありたいです It has been over 30 years since the airport opened at 0:02, and we want to continue to be a presence that spreads across the world with the spirit of ``Even if you fall down, don't just get up.''