翻訳しました! I translated! 凡愚 Ordinary Fools Isonosuke ft. 知声 何処かしらが欠けている Something is missing from us 故に 我らは凡愚 Therefore, we are ordinary fools 用意された 問いの答えを Every time someone recites the answer that was pre-prepared 繰り返すたび 鈍化していく The more simplified it becomes 勘違いの毎日が まるで見えないように These days full of misunderstandings- it's like no one can see 取るに足らない 些細なミスが These insignificant mistakes 気づかぬ内に 底に積もった They sink to the bottom, unnoticed 誤解を解さぬまま 溶け込んでゆく And they blend together without ever being resolved 隙あらば増える情報の渦 A whirlpool of information filling up every hole 他人と違う欠けた部分が The parts not missing in other people 見つからず 故に正されず Are undiscovered, and therefore uncorrected ふとした拍子に その身を晒す Exposing ourselves with a beat we came up with on the spot まるで凡愚 出たとこ勝負 We're ordinary fools- we're out here winging it 誰しもが持つ 歪なピース The warped pieces everyone has 飛び出る文句 The complaints that we bark- 「「知らず」を知らず」を知らず ""Ignorant" of how ignorant" of how ignorant we are 不意に味わう恐怖 And we suddenly get a taste of true fear 罷り通る 余計な警句 Unnecessary snark goes unpunished 誤答に気づき 誤魔化すトーク Realizing we're wrong, we cover it up 正直陳腐 It's honestly so trite クレバーな理想を捨て Only after discarding our clever ideals やがて始まるジョーク Can the joke finally begin 世界に潜む我らは凡愚 We are the ordinary fools in hiding 自動的に放つ言葉が We only realize what we're saying 空気に触れてはじめて気づく After the words slip out of our mouths 誰も彼もが頭を抱え生きている We all live carrying our heads 溺れんばかりの情報の渦 Drowning in the whirlpool of information 記録と記憶 繋ぐ座標が The coordinates to connect our memories to the facts ズレている 故に恥をかく Are offset, therefore we humiliate ourselves 覚悟も無いまま その身を晒す Exposing ourselves with us none the wiser まるで凡愚 出たとこ勝負 We're ordinary fools- we're out here winging it 誰しもが持つ 歪なピース The warped pieces everyone has 飛び出る文句 The complaints that we bark- 「「知らず」を知らず」を知らず ""Ignorant" of how ignorant" of how ignorant we are 不意に味わう恐怖 And we suddenly get a taste of true fear 罷り通る 余計な警句 Unnecessary snark goes unpunished 誤答に気づき 誤魔化すトーク Realizing we're wrong, we cover it up 正直陳腐 It's honestly so trite 何処かしらが欠けている Something is missing from us 故に 我らは凡愚 Therefore, we're ordinary fools 世界に望む理想は遠く We're so very far from an ideal world されど 我らは凡愚。 Nevertheless, we are ordinary fools.
Rare English listener here. Discovered this channel via this music video! I really like the music beat, and the visual of the stationary eyes and mouth inside a program window is very cool.