from start to end, all statements can only be made "at the large scale", "in general", and NOTHING specific. When you talk in general, you can make all kind of nonsensical conjecture, and totally unsubstantiated, because there is no specific real case to back you up. Properties analysis is dependent on so many factors, and you just cannot generalize it.
@storychow707 Жыл бұрын
@guszhang3162 Жыл бұрын
这些专家都是泛泛而谈,大概都没有在中国和美欧具体的大量投资体验,没讲出中国和欧美房地产的许多背后的金融巨差。一句话,中国房地产在走钢丝,银行承担了绝大部分的高风险,怎么走都难,政府把自己套上了,自已搞死自已。一线城市的合理化? 有没有对比一下当年日本泡沫破灭时,一线的东京,大阪的跌幅远高于日本二三线城市,至今仍在谷底。资源集中泡沫也大吗,泡沐破灭当然跌更大,这个时候who care 你的资源。