我讀男校,同學講野、舉止都較開放。前情提要:上年一個gay係1B22,叫佢做A 結果我今年係1B22,咁啱活躍於3項extra curricular activities ,人人都AA吓咁樣叫我,仲以「because u r 1B22」 ge原因蝦我,而且因為A好gay所以話我做出嗰D行為,越唸越無辜😢
Yup; I skip the shelves/aisle if I see a salesperson starting a salespitch to me....or just skip those rows if I see a person in uniform at all and buy the item somewhere else where no one bothers me. Or avoid an entire store if a hell annoying high pitched sales lady announces some promotion....how to scare customers away...🙄