Hello Gary and Nancy, can you please share the job market at Edmonton? I recently obtained OWP and am planning to relocate to either Calgary or Edmonton due to the relatively low living cost. As an OWP holder, we need to work 1560 hours in order to obtain PR. Therefore, appreciate if your input so that I can make a decision on the location. Thank so much.
To add to the reply, for Chinese employment, I have heard the pay can be lower. However I do not know how widespread this is. Also Edmonton seems to have about 50-50 split between mandarin and Cantonese speakers. However from experience it feels like there is more mandarin speakers now. So this may be a consideration.
@ekit2189 ай бұрын
有時住得耐有啲嘢唔知。 我係講緊點心嗰part。 我哋而家幫襯一間好似喺St Albert 做比餐館。 佢哋需要大lot 買,所以我哋有個朋友幫埋其他朋友一齊夾一個order。 都幾好食,尤其是蝦餃。 我哋而家成日喺屋企食點心。