記得來過這地方 有無數人倒下 I remember coming to this place, seeing countless people falling/dying 搖搖欲墜的警笛 堅守著立場 Wavering sirens, holding on to their stance 說巧不巧 老婦人祈禱 I guess it’s a coincidence that an older woman is praying 嘴裡彷彿是有我姓名 She seems to be mouthing my name 那截石雕 沒有烈士二十三號 That statue doesn’t have “Hero No.23” carved on it 記得離開這地方 誰眼角有光 I remember leaving this place, whose eyes were reflecting lights? 血腥滋味在徬徨 爬不出絕望 Taste of blood lingers, can’t climb out of this despair 冠冕堂皇 誰趾高氣揚 The grand but deceitful gestures, who’s being arrogant now? 志願者沒有權利失望 Volunteers have no rights to be disappointed 三遍口號 Chanting for three times 倖存的人不求回報 Survivors have no wants for compensation 我 操控麻木的四肢去尋找 I’m controlling my numb limbs while searching 我 靠著模糊的意識開了竅 Although my consciousness is blurring, I’ve realized 拿捏剛好我的噩夢不老套 With just the right measures, there are no cliches in my nightmares 袖手旁觀的人邊記筆錄邊推敲 Bystanders are taking notes and scrutinizing ...有無數人倒下 Ah, there are so many who have fallen 搖搖欲墜的警笛 堅守著立場 Wavering sirens, holding on to their stance 說巧不巧 老婦人祈禱 I guess it’s a coincidence that an older woman is praying 嘴裡彷彿是有我姓名 She seems to be mouthing my name 誰在我床 刻下烈士二十三號 Who’s at my bedside, carving down “Hero No.23” 看那二十三顆彈殼 Looking at those 23 bullet cartridges 鎖進二十三個檔案鐵盒 Being locked into 23 filing cabinets 二十三聲鐵絲斷折 By the 23rd clanging, the chains were broken 榮耀謝幕甚失色 The glorious finale has lost its colours 我已經懂了 誰趾高氣揚 I understand it now, who really is being arrogant 志願者沒有權利失望 Volunteers have no rights to be disappointed 三遍口號 Chanting for three times 倖存的人不求回報 Survivors have no wants for compensation 我 操控麻木的四肢去尋找 I’m controlling my numb limbs while searching 我 靠著模糊的意識開了竅 Although my consciousness is blurring, I’ve realized 拿捏剛好我的噩夢不老套 With just the right measures, there are no cliches in my nightmares 袖手旁觀的人邊記筆錄邊推敲 Bystanders are taking notes and scrutinizing 拿捏剛好我的噩夢不老套 With just the right measures, there are no cliches in my nightmares 苦盡甘來的我趁機笑出了瘋狂 After being through hell, I took the chance and let out a maniac laugh