My father is the 45 year old Acadian handsome young man introduced at Minute 24:45 (lasts only 67 seconds) of this amazing 1967 CBC-HFX video, as he was then President of the CMA, receiving his Doctorate of Laws - LLD (honoris causa) from fawning Dr. Henry Hicks, the flamboyant Dalhousie University MC, right after HRM Queen Mother's historic and heartwarming "Halifax 1967" confederation speech (Minute 15:50 to 19:30 - she receives a standing ovation), and right before the stand-up comic genius of then Nobel prize winning PM Lester Pearson (Minute 26:25 - see Part 4 for remainder). Earlier in this video, you can see my Pop sitting two seats to the left of then NS Premier Robert Stanfield, who was sitting silently next to HRM Queen Mother.