Couple points on this. First, many insects that you don't want by your house will use the leaves as well, So, rake, blow, or sweep the leaves away from your house. Leaves can be slipping or even hide tripping hazards, so remove leaves from walk ways. Lastly, not all leaves break down. If new to a property or tree, rake them up and try them as several composting methods but do not line new scrubs with unknown leaves. Lastly, some leaves do break down but have a chemical, PH, or other variance that will fight with your plans. But do cover freese sensitive plants or beds where you want fewer weeds. If uou do not have a composting mower, try to donate, give, orr get collected by folks that compost. This helps everyone. Do not leave poisons, automotive fluids, animall products, or large rocks in compost pickups. I blow the leaves onto the cutback roses instead of buying compost. After last frost, we collect them and put them out. Really reduces winter weeds. love