Fastest C64 10 PRINT (one-line) With New Benchmark BASIC?

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8-Bit Show And Tell

8-Bit Show And Tell

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@xcoder1122 Жыл бұрын
RND(x) where x>0 calculates a random number based on the last random number generated, stores the result for the next RND call and returns the result. In whatever way it does that, some calculations are performed and something is stored. If x=0, nothing is calculated or stored but the return value is directly constructed from the CIA 1 Timer and the Realtime Clock value of the CIA 6526. This results in a very bad random value as all randomness is based upon two time values but therefore you have no calculation or storage overhead. And for the sake of completeness, if x0, but the calculation is not based on the last random value generated but on the value of x itself, so RND(-x) will always return exactly the same value for the same value of x.
@Webfra14 Жыл бұрын
Your obsession with the 10? code is adorable. And the amount of stuff we learn about the innards of C64 Basic is astounding.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
I really like how these simple exercises lead to a much deeper understanding of the whole system.
@andymanaus1077 Жыл бұрын
I love how these videos take me back to my teens to early 20s when programming in BASIC was my favourite hobby.
@BillAnt Жыл бұрын
Some guys were chasing after girls, while the smart ones were chasing after shortening and speeding up a one liner as much as possible. lol
@merman1974 Жыл бұрын
Benchmark BASIC is an interesting idea, but I love the optimisations. Magervalp's idea of using a REM statement to hold machine code is incredibly clever.
@JustWasted3HoursHere Жыл бұрын
I was about to say the same thing about storing the machine code in the REM statement. Very clever indeed!
@BillAnt Жыл бұрын
You could also store the machine code in a print statement between the quotes. It would print the "garbage" on the screen and you could actually execute it from two locations, the Basic ram (somewhere around $0800) or from the screen ram ($0400). ;)
@evansdm2008 Жыл бұрын
It’s not. It’s existed since the beginning of basic listings.
@judgegroovyman Жыл бұрын
so clever. I'm working to get it running right now. Its really cool
@royalestel 10 ай бұрын
@@judgegroovyman let us know how...
@patton72010 Жыл бұрын
I love these kind of videos. It'd be perfect if you ran that machine code so we would see how fast it draws compared to some other method.
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
If he wants to factor that in, then it might be worth considering stopping drawing to the screen until complete. In Atari BASIC, the program will run about 30% less time. For this testing, I don't think that that kind of savings is worth it, though.
@Barcrest Жыл бұрын
I was hoping he would show that.
@MichaelDoornbos Жыл бұрын
11:38 That's pretty clever. I often time things and never thought to soft patch the kernel to get a more accurate result. 27:00 Last time I had something make it to hacker news, the number of people who thought they could unroll better than anyone in the history of the world was staggering. I'm going on record and saying yours is excellent for educational purposes. 28:56 Your point here is so important. Learning, fun, and community over who is the best
@exidy-yt Жыл бұрын
Regarding "copy/paste" on the C64, I recall more then one terminal program featuring this in the mid-80s, they just called it a 'buffer' and you could activate the buffer with a command, type whatever, close the buffer, then paste it all you liked. I have no idea if any of these were written in BASIC or not, I was a 14 year old gaming geek and didn't care much about the underlying tools that made my hot rod run. ;-) Very cool to see all this optimization of what at the first time I saw it I thought was a cool effect and something to type into the store's display computers as a kid, but nothing beyond that.
@markjreed Жыл бұрын
Integer variable values are actually _stored_ as integers (though with the high byte first for some reason); they're just converted to floats for all arithmetic operations. That doesn't matter much for individual variables, but is very helpful for arrays, since an array of N integers only takes up 2N bytes instead of the 5N required for floats.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
That's correct, thanks.
@codahighland Жыл бұрын
High byte first is basically irrelevant on an 8-bit machine because there aren't any meaningful 16-bit operations that would actually care.
@markjreed Жыл бұрын
@@codahighland Well, except the ones that read an address from memory. :)
@JohnnyWednesday Жыл бұрын
So are there any extensions to BASIC that wrap up Integer instructions for pure integer based calculations?
@codahighland Жыл бұрын
@@JohnnyWednesday On Apple II, you instead use a separate "Integer BASIC" that's less capable but faster if you optimize your code for it. There may be a similar alternative here.
@75slaine Жыл бұрын
Simply the best way to enjoy my morning coffee. Thanks for another great 10 PRINT video Robin.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
Thanks Glen, nice to hear from you.
@giuseppe74921 Жыл бұрын
Wow seeing the basic of the c64 drawing so fast is incredible, it s like seeing a total different computer, very nice!
@rotordave81 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the joke thumbnail (even if unintentional) and that you used two exclamation marks instead of one or three. That makes it authentic. Just missing a red arrow pointing at something random. Somehow I never tire of your 10 PRINT antics. Making an Apple version drawn with pixels on the C64 would be interesting.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
Ha, I'm glad you noticed the 2 exclamation marks :) Okay, now I'm tempted to add the random red arrow and actually use that as the thumbnail. I wonder where I should point it. Maybe at the F5 key, that just seemed funny to me. You know, I actually did a pixel version of 10 PRINT for both VIC-20 and C64 that somehow turned into that Apple video last month with no mention of either of those. I'm not kidding that for every three or four things I play around with only one gets turned into a video. There's a huge trail of good ideas that I need to get back to.
@rotordave81 Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit it's all the rage to include a photo of yourself looking aghast; apparently that works as clickbait. That would be funny but I know you prefer not to show yourself.
@MarianoLu Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bitplease add the arrow!! You should point it at the run stop key 😂
@lactobacillusprime Жыл бұрын
Programming the C64, first in basic and then in Machine Code with this visceral direct connection to the hardware being able to modify registers and address spaces directly is something that is missing from today’s first computer experiences.
@Jackpkmn Жыл бұрын
Dang that MV guy had the same idea that immediately came to my mind about how to speed it up 🤣
@brooknet Жыл бұрын
I was giggling all the way through this, at the amazing, ingenious improvements that you made. Clever stuff, and to me, it's a programming comedy.
@RobinsonTechnologies Жыл бұрын
The speed savings are wild! Especially that assembler one, geesh.
@JustWasted3HoursHere Жыл бұрын
Yep! Literally 10 times faster than the fastest previous attempt. Long live the 65xx processor!
@BillAnt Жыл бұрын
If apps nowadays would be written with the same care and optimization, they would run perfectly fine on 100 Mhz machines too. ;) Unfortunately the virtually unlimited CPU power, memory and storage, has created many lazy programmers.
@josephkarl2061 Жыл бұрын
From all the discussions in the comments, it looks like you've got a follow-up video on your hands 😉😄
@3vi1J Жыл бұрын
Wow, I really would have expected the integer variables to be faster. Thanks for the insight into the unoptimized integer implementation, that's an interesting find!
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Wow, either I had totally forgotten about the "step" part of Commodore BASIC or never learned it!
@aner_bda Жыл бұрын
I love the concept of these videos. It's very similar to speedrunning video games. Who can get the same thing done fastest? It's awesome to see the ingenuity it takes.
@JCCyC Жыл бұрын
Suggestion for improvement: Create two internal variables, a line number L as a breakpoint, and a number N as repetitions. When the program hits line L for the Nth time, stop and print the jiffies. That'll allow you to benchmark non-halting programs that never scroll. (Like, updating a number at the top left corner of the screen.) You could combine this with your "array of time points" suggestion setting a third variable, NE (number of external repetitions).
@keancv Жыл бұрын
called a loop by any chance?
@thygrrr Жыл бұрын
This basic had a PI constant, and it was the actual character? Wow. I'm beyond impressed. (the float vs. int thing is a bummer, but as someone who took their first walking steps with AmigaBASIC, this is something I can still appreciate, as I had seen my brother do these weird "BASIC" things when I could still barely write) The "crunch" by removing whitespace thing is absolutely barbaric, but it explains how the parser works in 8k.
@noland65 Жыл бұрын
It's not only the actual character, it's also a BASIC token of its own. 🙂
@thygrrr Жыл бұрын
@@noland65Yeah thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense in a memory constrained environment.
@noland65 Жыл бұрын
@@thygrrr It's actually a bit weird: Commodore 8-bits have two character sets, one upper-case/graphics, the other upper-case/lower-case. Pi is only "π" in the upper-case/graphics set, but is displayed as a checkerboard character in the upper-case/lower-case set. To make this even a bit more interesting, this appears twice in the character set, at 0xDE (222) and at 0xFF (255), and Pi as a BASIC token is 0xFF. It get's even weirder: using the BASIC command 'VAL()' we can evaluate the numeric value contained in a string. E.g., 'PRINT VAL("1")' prints 1, as does 'PRINT VAL(CHR$(49))' - 49 being the PETSCII value of the character "1". So which is the real "π", 222 (0xDE) or 255 (0xFF)? Turns out, neither of them: both 'VAL(CHR$(222))' and 'VAL(CHR$(255))' return zero! 'π' is only recognized by the routine that tokenizes a line of BASIC text present in the BASIC input buffer - when you hit return to enter a line of BASIC -, but nowhere else. It's just kind of a magical patch. Or the other way round, as a BASIC token, it doesn't have any character value, just like the token for PRINT doesn't have one.
@andymanaus1077 Жыл бұрын
I used to write code in a Z80 BASIC for a machine known variously as the LASER 200 and Dick Smith VZ200. It had a total of 24k RAM including expansion module. I wrote a text adventure game in BASIC and crunched everything I could to fit it in. Free memory when I was done was 6 bytes. Those blank spaces were memory munchers I just could not afford, let alone REM statements or any other niceties. But it worked and it sold quite well when it was published.
@peterszabo3584 9 ай бұрын
Great video again Robin! I haven't had the chance to read all the comments yet so maybe my contribution is redundant. I used C64 VICE in NTSC mode to compare the different versions. The original for/next version was measured as: J:246 S: 4.1 Here are my one liner versions for even less jiffies spent: (Best being 239 jiffies) What works for the program version: instead of using chr$(a+rnd(.)) I swapped the two operands of the addition. The idea behind this was that in some cases multiplications, divisions etc can take more or less iterations depending on the number of bits on the left and right side. Without knowing exactly how the C64 FP arithmetic internals work I still had this assumption. So the chr$(rnd(.)+a) version ended up with overall 1-2 jiffies less than chr$(a+rnd(.)). J:245 S:4.083 What only works in immediate mode: Two more areas where we can speed up this program: 1) Doing less FP arithmetic 2) Unrolling more iterations somehow For 1): I looked for a solution which can branch without doing arithmetic operations. NEXT does FP addition and comparsion against STEP and TO which takes time. From all the branching instructions I found only a few which are not based on line numbers (so works for the one liner versions): END - Not usable as branches into input mode STOP - Same as END RETURN - Requires a GOSUB and heavy trickery on the stack CONT - Hm.. we have a winner What CONT does is that it simply restores the basic program counter and line numbers to where a STOP or BREAK occured. So I just needed to force it to somehow break before the ? so that CONT jumps back. Obviously breaking is not an option. But the way BASIC works is that it stores the address of the current basic instruction in the (61,62) zero page locations before it executes it. CONT uses this saved address to resume the program. Sadly it is not usable in a stored program because BASIC automatically updates this for every instruction, so a simple CONT in the program would jump back to the same CONT. However in immediate mode you can not CONT, so basic does not modify (61,62) location. So all you need to do is store the address of the first statement of the loop in (61,62) then any CONT can jump back to that location. The immediate mode maze generator using CONT is: a=205.5:pO61,20:pO62,2:?cH(rN(.)+a)cH(rN(.)+a)cH(rN(.)+a)cH(rN(.)+a);:cO J:240 S:4 Sadly this is one less iteration unrolled than the original version, but still faster. For 2): To add more statements into the same line these must be crunched even more. The idea here was to enter the already tokenized basic code somehow because the functions and statements take 1 byte instead of 2 or 3. At the end of your video there was a version which contained a machine code after the REM. Using the similar tech but for basic we can write the following immediate mode maze generator: (If you see a that means you need to press Commodore key with the key after it) a=205.5:pO61,24:pO62,2:cO:":#6G(#f(.)#na)G(#f(.)#na)G(#f(.)#na)G(#f(.)#na)G(#f(.)#na);:#7 J:239 S:3.983 Explanation: 61,62 is set to the location of the first : after the ". The first CONT jumps to that location so the " is skipped this way. The one and only quote mark here is needed to store the special token codes. Basic directly stores the string without altering it. No need to close the string. Sadly there is no way to enter the token code of NEXT (130, 0x81) in the string so the for/next version can't be used this way. P.S.: I had to make a patch for your BBASIC to measure immediate basic lines too.
@jack002tuber Жыл бұрын
Very cool video. Love the benchmark basic. I also saw the thing you mention at 29:04. I was going to mention it before I saw you did. You can stack CHR$ in there as much as you like, not just one. Good stuff.
@spitefulwar Жыл бұрын
This is a gem, this taught me some new things about Basic, 35 years after I ditched my C-16. But never too late they say right?
@deavo74 Жыл бұрын
I was today years old when I learnt you can add a line number after run!
@fuzzybad Жыл бұрын
Some very cool optimizations there! Will have to give Benchmark Basic a try. Your lowercase crunched BASIC lines reminds me of obfuscated Perl lol
@josephkarl2061 Жыл бұрын
Back in the day, one of the TRS80 magazines ran a one line game challenge, where you had to write a game in 251 characters. All the concepts you talk about here were used to get the best performing game 😄
@BigCar2 Жыл бұрын
I remember my computer studies teacher gave us a challenge to draw a circle full screen in the fastest time. It was a great lesson in optimisation and the tricks you need to do. Could still be a good interview question.
@noland65 Жыл бұрын
Can you do faster than Marvin Minsky? NEW X = OLD X - epsilon * OLD Y NEW Y = OLD Y + epsilon * NEW X where epsilon is a (very) small number and this is essentially a division. Which is, why we can use right-shifts, instead, here using 1 / 2^8 for epsilon: X := X − ( Y >> 8 ) Y := Y + ( X >> 8 ) Discovered by Marvin Minsky in the early 1960s on the PDP-1 (actually the first pre-production model). David Mapes made the same discovery, also on a PDP-1, the other pre-production model at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). (It's actually not a perfect circle, but a fat ellipse, but with a small epsilon it's "good enough" for an approximation.)
@FadkinsDiet Жыл бұрын
This is actually a numerical methods approximation to the differential equation for the circle.
@noland65 Жыл бұрын
@@FadkinsDiet It's actually a quick sine/cosine approximation for small angles, where we use 1 for cos(x) and epsilon for sin(x), gone wrong. For the traditional approach, we'd use both the old X and old Y to derive the new coordinates. But this approximation isn't good enough and the curve will spiral out. By accidentially using the newly derived X, instead, the function somewhat magically auto-corrects. (To see why that is, we may have a look at the determinant of the matrix representation of the function: this must be 1, in order for a conic to meet up with itself as it wraps around a cone. With the original formular, this is greater than 1, it's off by epsilon^2, and the ends do not meet, resulting in the spiral. The accidental version introduces just the right amount of error in order to make this 1. But it's a fat ellipse rotated by 45 degrees.) Rich Schroeppel commented in HAKMEM, the collection of MIT AI-Lab memos, on this: "PROBLEM: Although the reason for the circle algorithm's stability is unclear, what is the number of distinct sets of radii? (Note: algorithm is invertible, so all points have predecessors.)" (HAKMEM, Item 150) Gene Salamin observed in HAKMEM, Item 152: "With exact arithmetic, the circle algorithm is stable if |epsilon| < 2. In this case, all points lie on the ellipse X^2 - epsilon X Y + Y^2 = constant, where the constant is determined by the initial point. This ellipse has its major axis at 45 degrees (if epsilon > 0) or 135 degrees (if epsilon < 0) and has eccentricity sqrt(epsilon/(1 + epsilon/2))." The really interesting thing about this is that this is a discovery, which would have been hardly made without a computer with a display attached to it to plot the function. But, as soon as there was such a thing available, particularly the PDP-1 with its X/Y plotting display, it was made several times about at once, since it's based on an error easily to be made and the result is as easily observable.
@jjeeeekk Жыл бұрын
Another boost: 0 a=4:a$="...MNMNNNNMMMMNNMNMMNM":forb=16to.step.:printmid$(a$,a+b*rnd(.),a);next The M is the graphic backslash, N the graphic slash (shifted M, N on the keyboard). The sequence gives all 16 possible variations (2^4) of 2 symbols on 4 places by indexing from 4 to 19 (16 + 3 symbols). This index is randomized, selecting one of the 16 different 4 character sequences. The dots are a filler to be able to use variable A (primarily needed as string length) also as some offset, because MID$ needs something > 0. A is defined earlier for faster access, because it is referenced twice, A$ and B only once. This takes on my PAL C64 171 jiffies or 2,85 seconds. This seems the maximum possible if keyed in via screen editor (with abbreviations). If we dismiss the line limit of the screen editor this game could played further as far as we keep A$ limited to the maximum of 255 characters (the line length is unlimited, but a re-chaining of the program must not happen). If an appropriate A$ can be composed, the a possible for A and B would be 7 and 128, giving a length of 140 for A$. This task is left to the readers (or Robin), to push it to the extremes ... ;)
@jjeeeekk Жыл бұрын
Just for comparison and analysis: Saw @csbruce's MID$ approach later skimming through the comments, but it is limited to a 3 character sequence. The above one accomplishes a 4 character sequence by using a overlapping structure of all needed 4 char sequences which have 1 index distance (saving a multiplication too).
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
Really nice, great idea to have all the combinations overlap like that. I guess there's an algorithm that will generate an optimal sequence like that?
@csbruce Жыл бұрын
Wow, each "bit" combination is present in the string exactly once. You could *almost* fit a second unrolling of the MID$().
@jjeeeekk Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit Did it manually. My first attempt for triple sequance came fast. I'm not expected to be successful for quads, but found also a solution quite fast. I thought it would take much more time to develop an algorithm for this task ... I didn't check, if there is already a known general solution. However,, a contest to search for a Basic solution would came into my mind ... 😉
@crosswingrobots Жыл бұрын
​@@8_BitIt's called a de Bruijn sequence.
@Compuscience-Python-Prog-Exps Жыл бұрын
I used to own the C128 back in mid 1988, but I stared out on an Atari 1300 home computer system back in the summer of 1986. I just loved that C128. I played around with its 6502 Assembler Language, after understanding peeking and poking, via invoking into machine code, but it still wasn't as fast as full 6502 machine code. Peeking and poking were from advanced basic near the back of the thick white book. They don't make computers like that anymore. Educational machines at one point in time. I was lucky enough to get into it back then. I was 21 years very young when I started.
@twobob Жыл бұрын
and yes I was totally thinking the same thing about embedding assembly. hats off
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that ending SYS example _is_ a cool idea, even though it is technically a cheat according to the spirit of BASIC. So what does that system call to memory location 2016 (decimal) do: read whatever's in the REM statement and take it in as ML bytes? And what does SYSing that without the REM statement do?
@codahighland Жыл бұрын
2061 is where the source code of the REM statement is stored in memory, so SYS just jumps to it as machine language, yes. Without the REM statement it would just run whatever junk happens to be in memory. It'll probably crash.
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Oh, interesting, @@codahighland, thanks! I could try the SYSing myself, but first I have to find or replace my A/V cable. I suppose I could just download the VICE and try it on there, but I'm never really sure how picture-perfect the VICE is.
@tirsek Жыл бұрын
@@HelloKittyFanMan it works fine in VICE, but it looks like you can't actually _type_ the line perfectly like it's displayed. There's a couple of characters that don't come out right when typed. See the thread by @judgegroovyman below.
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Oh, that's interesting, @@tirsek. Then it doesn't work in VICE after all, I guess.
@AndyG-_- Жыл бұрын
Awesome stuff, brings back memories of the '80s! Such a shame that young programmers these days have no insight of the inner workings of the machines the write programs for. Thanks for making these videos!
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
I encourage young programmers to look into any free Coursera computer science courses. There used to be a great Computer Science 101 course. There are probably KZbin videos, too.
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
"It's able to do this with BASICally no overhead at all." Haha, nice pun!
@professortrog7742 Жыл бұрын
In some languages a print statement itself is very slow. In those cases it helps to add characters to a string var and print that. Dunnu if that would work here.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
PRINT is fairly fast on the Commodore computers. String variables have a limit of 255 characters in this (and most 8-bits) BASIC and we need to print 1000 characters to fill the screen, so I'm fairly certain it'd be slower to loop through multiple times.
@bjornna7767 Жыл бұрын
2032: Humanity is ready for the PC and C64 finally runs Crysis
@thomasg6830 Жыл бұрын
Here is a mid$ version that calculates the "lookup table" s$ with overlapping strings of length l (here 7 chars). 10 s=0:l=7:n=2^l:dima(n-1) 11 fori=1tol:s$=s$+"M":next 12 : 13 fori=1ton:a(s)=1:s=s*2+1:s=s-n*int(s/n):s$=s$+chr$(206-a(s)):s=s-a(s):next 14 : 15 fori=.ton-1:k=k+a(i):next 16 ifknthenprint"checksum error":stop 17 : 18 fori=nto.step.:printmid$(s$,rnd(.)*n+1,l);:next The precalculation takes a while but you can print s$ and write a new program that uses its value directly.
@xxxJinGejxxx 10 ай бұрын
but... its 18 lines...
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Robin & Alex!
@ThomasGrillo Жыл бұрын
Ah, so that's the basis of the "backrooms" portal field generator. LOL :) Kidding! I remember this simple little code, back when I had the C-64. Was always cool to watch that random maze generation. Thanks for sharing.
@bikutoso Жыл бұрын
You've made it fast, now try and make the the slowest 10print
@andymanaus1077 Жыл бұрын
Add an empty FOR A=1 TO 2 STEP 0:NEXT loop. You can make a program infinitely slow without much effort.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
It would be an interesting challenge to make the slowest one-line #10print possible that actually will (or at least, could) finish.
@csbruce Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit: 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1))MID$(CHR$(157)+CHR$(0),RND(1)+1+1E-9,1);:GOTO10
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
@csbruce KZbin/google has been censoring more of your comments lately, maybe because there's more code than english? I don't know. When I find them in the "Held for review" I of course approve them, but if anything goes missing completely that's why. Sometimes KZbin just deletes stuff and doesn't even give me a chance to do anything about it.
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
@@andymanaus1077 I think that a good rule is that infinite loops are not allowed, but 1 loop to print the code is allowed. There could be several categories. * single line 1 loop * unlimited lines 1 loop * single line unlimited loops * unlimited lines unlimited loops
@simonscott1121 Жыл бұрын
As soon as I saw "an addendum" I knew it was about print :) I actually fired up vice while you were talking and tried it myself :D
@timsmith2525 Жыл бұрын
Great video! It would have been nice to have a scoreboard in the upper-right corner, as my short-term memory isn't what it used to be (and it never was much, to begin with).
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Wow, how cool that we can compact the typing of one BASIC line into what's still "80" logical characters, or originally 2 screen lines, but then it uncompacts into what ends up being most of 3 screen lines! OK, your new challenge: Write a C64/128 mode (but still 40-column) noticeably working BASIC program with the longest unfurled logically "80"-character line! IOW, use the longest BASIC commands and operands, etc. with the shortest abbreviations that you can assemble to do something that's noticeably functional.
@MagerValp Жыл бұрын
Hat's off to the MID$ with a de Bruijn sequence, that's really clever! My SYS to a REM statement was always cheating, and I typed it in using the monitor. It's possible to tweak it so it works when typed in though. Not sure how to share the listing, but a hex dump looks like this: >C:0801 26 08 00 00 9e 32 30 36 31 3a 8f 22 a0 df c8 8c >C:0811 15 08 20 be a0 a2 cd 8a a4 8b 30 02 49 03 20 d2 >C:0821 ff 4c 13 08 00 00 00
@royalestel 10 ай бұрын
You could write it as 9t and so on. I typed in your solution in Basic, but it never worked. Even made sure to reverse the checkerboard dice.
@gabrielsroka 8 ай бұрын
this works. i tested it using the VICE emulator and also using CBM prg Studio. and i entered it using just the keyboard--no need to use the monitor 0a$="{sh pound}@*"+cH(141)+"{ct o}T"+cH(141)+"{reverse on}T{cm z};T){ct a}"+cH(105)+cH(109)+" R{pi}P"+cH(244):sY40852 it's case-sensitive. "sh" is the shift key, "cm" is the Commodore key, "ct" is the control key. note there's a space before the "R", other than that, no spaces. the sequences in { } (eg, "{sh pound}") should be replaced by the actual keystroke, ie, press Shift+Pound. "{reverse on}" is Ctrl+R. note: it needs a C64, not a C128 (since the C128 SID is different). asm: .C:9f94 A9 40 LDA #$40 .C:9f96 2A ROL A .C:9f97 8D 0F D4 STA $D40F .C:9f9a 8D 12 D4 STA $D412 .C:9f9d AD 3B D4 LDA $D43B .C:9fa0 29 01 AND #$01 .C:9fa2 69 6D ADC #$6D .C:9fa4 20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 .C:9fa7 D0 F4 BNE $9F9D
@buckplay Жыл бұрын
Not sure if this counts since it doesn't use print or CHROUT, but it fills the screen in about 6 seconds: 10 a=77.5:fori=1024to2024:pokei,(a+rnd(0)):next
@harvey42 Жыл бұрын
Hi. Your code needs 377Jiffies on a NTSC machine. You can speed it up with this changes to 317 Jiffies. That's almost 1 second faster :) 0 A=77.5:FORI=1024TO2023:POKEI,RND(.)+A:NEXT
@AerinRavage Жыл бұрын
I grew up with a C64, but i was just beginning to code. The lessons of space and logic optimizations paid off when i got a HP 48GX calculator for college and began coding lots of helper functions for math and science classes.
@jameschin1046 9 ай бұрын
HI Robin. Thanks for these videos. You can further optimize by changing A+RND(.) to RND(.)+A. Using the unrolled version at 28 minutes, I was able to save an additional jiffy. It's not much, but it does make me wonder what the interpreter is doing to make that even the slightest bit faster.
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
"A whole nother video..." * "A whole _other_ video" or _"another whole_ video." ("Nother" isn't a word.)
@TheUtuber999 Жыл бұрын
Did it give your brain a syntax error?
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Yep, haha, @@TheUtuber999!
@00Skyfox Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a video digging into that REM statement with the machine language in it.
@emanuellandeholm5657 Ай бұрын
Haven't watched the addendum yet, but there is another trick you can do while unrolling. You're repeatedly calling PRINT, which is unnecessary. PRINT CHR$(...);CHR$(...);CHR$(...) should be faster, and as a bonus you can squeeze in more unrolling into one line. Another thought is using strings. Construct a string using unrolling, and then PRINT it. I'm not sure this would save time. Stringa are kinda wonky in C64 BASIC. You could absolutely make a C program faster by doing something like that, because printf() is slow. Then you could also combine unrolling with FOR, because you can amortize the extra cost of doing FOR over several unrolled statements. This way you could combine the one liner AND the A=205.5 without the RUN 1 stuff. Edit: Lol, obviously other people had already suggested this. I should watch the entire video before commenting.
@gfdggdfgdgf Жыл бұрын
Quite interesting! However the main question is: is it jiffies or giffies?
Awesome video, thank you 😊 What band is in the end credits? 🎉
@tirsek Жыл бұрын
I believe it's that Robin also performs in.
@@tirsek thank you so much for your kind response
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Oh! I either never learned or had forgotten that the "ready" prompt could be replaced!
@andrewgillham1907 Жыл бұрын
Now I want to see more assembler source sticking 75 (?) bytes of machine code at a time in REM statements. 😀 (Ok I actually checked and you can get 75 bytes after 1REM” I guess for a line that can actually be typed in.)
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
And I think it'd be 68 bytes left in a one-liner that includes the SYS2061:REM" so it can be RUN. There's also the limitation that not all possible bytes are type-able or compatible with the REM listing. I'll have to study this sometime if I'm to make a video on it, because I think there's a lot of "gotchas" with this trick. But it's still very cool.
@andrewgillham1907 Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit Yeah sorry I wasn’t think of a one liner. I was thinking of a several liner. But yeah the first one has to have the sys for sure.
@0LoneTech Жыл бұрын
Department of cheating: You can type a lot of data on screen before hitting return, and the last two screen lines will be interpreted by BASIC. Then your "one liner" could read the data above. This cheat is broken by doing a clear or list, though. However, if the real line extracted data from the screenful and stored it as a line in BASIC's memory, this could make a super long line that *could* be listed and saved, but not entered. Hmm. Maybe I should stop meta-meta-programming...
@Okurka. Жыл бұрын
Title suggestion: You Won't Believe How FAST This 10 PRINT is!!!
@Kobold666 Жыл бұрын
10 PRINTs you never knew existed
@bruce_just_ Жыл бұрын
Optimize your 10 PRINT code with this one weird trick!!
@csbruce Жыл бұрын
10 PRINT secrets doctors don't want you to know!!
@cpt_nordbart Жыл бұрын
New 10 print discovered. You won't believe what comes after 2.
@anon_y_mousse Жыл бұрын
Was there ever a BASIC compiler for the C64? That was one of the reasons that I loved QBasic 4.5 because it could compile a binary and was so much faster that way, but I'd imagine that the memory constraints of the C64 would make that a significant challenge. For instance, how much memory would the program listing take up versus the binary and could you actually store both without eating all your memory too quickly. Which I guess naturally leads to a second question. How many instructions could you usefully store in memory and still get work done?
@eekee6034 11 ай бұрын
I'm sure there were BASIC compilers for all the popular 8-bits. I'm not sure how they worked, but I'm sure they didn't have such a hard time as the FORTRAN compiler for an extremely early IBM mainframe with hardly any RAM and no ROM, disk or tape. The only IO was punched cards. The way it worked was to keep the program in memory and divide the compiler into programs tiny enough to fit in the remaining space -- 46 of them! The programs were loaded one at a time, and each would transform the program a little bit towards its final state. 8-bit compilers had it much easier, they could just require the user to have a disk drive and transform one file into another.
@robsku1 10 ай бұрын
I liked QuickBasic 4.5 as well, even though when I finally got my hands on a copy I had already gotten Borland C/C++ and Turbo Pascal compilers. Still, I loved tinkering with different languages, it was mainly for *fun.* So... Have you checked out QB64?
@anon_y_mousse 10 ай бұрын
@@robsku1 Yeah, it's a neat project, even if it's not yet complete. It has a nice interface, but it doesn't seem to handle mouse input very well if you resize it. And it doesn't seem to implement the quirky usage of `def` that Gorillas makes use of. I'll have to rewrite that function and see if it works.
@dummyload7803 Жыл бұрын
when i was young i wrote a programm for someone. I wonder how much faster it could have been with those tricks you showed here which i had no idea about. One trick i used was ... since it was a C128 (i used the C64 mode for my programm dont know why anymore) i Poked the speed up to the C128 Clock. While the calculation was done you could not "see" anything on screen but once it ends i Poked the speed back to the C64 clcock and the videooutput was ok again :)
@robertdaniels2005 Жыл бұрын
Are you familiar with "Waterloo Structured Basic"? Back in the day it was available on the PET computer. My Mom and Sister learned about and worked with it at the University of Waterloo. I heard rumours that it was available on both VIC 20 and C-64. Have you heard of it on the VIC 20 or C 64?
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
Yes, I have heard of Waterloo Structured BASIC, and I've seen cartridge images of it online. I've got it on my long list of things to eventually look into. I'd love to get an original copy of it but I'll use a copy if I haven't found an original by then.
@JosipRetroBits Жыл бұрын
Great video, Robin :) I totally agree with You, even if it's not the fastest solution, one-line is totally sexier :) Thank You for Benchmark BASIC, it will be a very handy tool to have. Cheers!
@jjeeeekk Жыл бұрын
Astounding, something like A$(0)=CHR$(205):A$(1)=CHR$(206):FORA=.5TO-STEP.:PRINTA$(A+RND(.));:NEXT is roughly 20 % slower ,,, Ok, it's fairly plausible that an array access seems to be more complex than the CHR$ function ... ;)
@judgegroovyman Жыл бұрын
The machine language in rem at 30:34 doesn't work as typed. Mine matches exactly in lowercase AND uppercase but doesn't do anything when you run it. Is there something else required that is over my head or does it just not work? Regardless of all that this is a great video and project. Thank you!
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
I'll try to get an actual program file from the author and see if I can figure out what's wrong. I'm only guessing but certain characters appear twice in the character set so it might be that it's using the alternate one.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
If you're using an emulator, or a C64 with a freezer cartridge, then with the BASIC program entered, go into the machine language monitor and enter the command: m 0801 Then compare the hex dump (formatting might be a bit different) with the following: >C:0801 28 08 00 00 9e 32 30 36 31 3a 8f 22 a2 ff 8e 0e >C:0811 d4 8e 0f d4 a2 80 8e 12 d4 ad 1b d4 29 01 18 69 >C:0821 cd 20 d2 ff d0 f3 00 00 00 I suspect there's one or more bytes that don't match up.
@TheUtuber999 Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit Thanks for the hex dump! I was able to shave off nine bytes by removing a few unnecessary instructions, as well as the REM statement since I don't think it's possible to type in the entire line using just the C64 screen editor... >C:0801 0b 08 00 00 9e 32 30 36 31 00 00 00 >C:080d a2 80 8e 0f d4 8e 12 d4 ad 1b d4 29 >C:0819 01 69 cd 20 d2 ff d0 f4 *=$801 ; basic header !pet $0b,$08,$00,$00,$9e,"2061",$00,$00,$00 start: ldx #$80 stx $d40f stx $d412 - lda $d41b and #$01 adc #$cd jsr $ffd2 bne -
@tirsek Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit I had the same problem and eventually came to the same conclusion. After painstakingly figuring out how to type it in with a poorly keymapped VICE setup, things weren't working. Looking in the monitor it quickly became apparent why. The incorrect bytes is a C9 instead of 69 at 0820 and a B3 instead of F3 at 0826. Fixing it in the monitor, then list'ing and hitting return on the displayed line in the listing breaks it again, so wouldn't that mean that it's not actually type'able?
@judgegroovyman Жыл бұрын
@@8_Bit thank you! lets see ... mine says C:0801 28 08 00 00 9e 32 30 36 31 3a 8f 22 a2 ff 8e 0e C:0811 d4 8e 0f d4 a2 80 8e 12 d4 ad 1b d4 29 01 18 c9 C:0821 cd 20 d2 ff d0 b3 00 00 00 clearly there were differences there (c9 instead of 69 (noice) and b3 instead of f3) so now I will do two things: 1. I will try to change it in the monitor and get it working (Update: changing those bytes in the monitor works great!) 2. I will try to see how I could have typed it in differently
@jhgrc Жыл бұрын
Would poke to frame buffer be less overhead over print. Also with poke you write 8-bit value which maybe could be bitwise done. I don't know if c64 basic supports this. Also maybe random value could read from ROM with AND 0X01
@davedavenport8673 Жыл бұрын
As far as I can tell, the machine code version in this video does not work if typed in from BASIC. Any opcode or data in the ranges of $60-$7F and $E0-$FE cannot be used because in PETSCII, they are copies of codes at $C0-$DF and $A0-$BE respectively, so if you type the correct character in it changes the opcode. In the case of this code, ADC and BNE cannot be used because ADC gets changed to CMP and the BNE relative jump back changes from F3 to B3. I made another version that has assembly that utilizes ASL, BCC, and INY to switch between 205 and 206. This can be typed in from BASIC. Here is the assembly of just the executable machine code. 080d ldx #$ff 080f stx $d40e 0812 stx $d40f 0815 ldx #$80 0817 stx $d412 081a ldy #$cd //load y with 205 081c lda $d41b //load a with random # from noise waveform 3 081f clc 0820 asl a //shift hi bit of random number to carry 0821 bcc $0824 //skip increment of y if carry is clear 0823 iny //if carry is set then increment y to 206 0824 tya //transfer y to a for printing to screen 0825 jsr $ffd2 //print to screen 0828 jmp $081a //loop back
@AndyG-_- 11 ай бұрын
Awesome! well done.
@royalestel 10 ай бұрын
Well, what's the basic?
@miles4711 Жыл бұрын
The outro song is really cool. Are you on Spotify by any chance, can we find it there?
@BikeArea 10 ай бұрын
x 2 is the first thing after having decided to watch those overlength videos. 😊
@Gruntos Жыл бұрын
First I don’t know the c64 can you not store the A value (int 205) in memory along with the RND val (1) before you read the with poke in an unused part of ram then in your line peek it out as it will already have been phrased so 10 print chr$(peek(stored add)) + rnd(peek (stored other add)). Of course assuming c64 has poke and peek. The other way would be to look through ram for a value of 205 and 1 then use those addresses Bob
@ArcangelOrtiz Жыл бұрын
Robin, you had demonstrated that integer math was slower on the Commodore BASIC, but has anyone ever optimized BASIC to make integer basic the faster solution?
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
There are some BASIC compilers that will speed up integer calculations quite a bit, but I'm not aware of any extensions that add full integer support to the interpreted language.
@G.B... Жыл бұрын
Real C64 nerds should go even further: Next step is to write an Assembly version of this (which was done in a previous video, if I recall correctly), then arguing how using SID's voice 3 as a random number generator is for "noobs", so not good enough for Assembly 10PRINT. And then arguing once again what is the best sophisticated RNG to use, and how can we squeeze ONE more jiffy by tweaking the Assembly code again and again for an eternity. 😁
@barryon8706 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if a peek to the SID's voice 3 oscillator and an AND to grab the lowest bit might work in place of RND, and might be faster.
@TheUtuber999 Жыл бұрын
If you mean something like this, it's still pretty slow... 0 poke54287,128:poke54290,128:a=205 1 printchr$((peek(54299)and1)+a);:goto1
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
@@TheUtuber999Is it possible to store an array with an integer, but store in screen memory?
@FadkinsDiet Жыл бұрын
Sid noise waveform is still a lfsr, i think it is actually less random than basic's rnd
@HelloKittyFanMan Жыл бұрын
Hehe, "RUN 1." Yeah, it makes sense, it's just a bit funny though.
@donaldwiller9238 6 ай бұрын
Great job man
@MiccaPhone Жыл бұрын
30:15 : I guess this is an early example of a code injection attack, albeit not in Java.
@eekee6034 11 ай бұрын
Perhaps, but by that rule, half of the interesting things in DOS would count as code injection attacks. :) Many TSRs hooked into the keyboard interrupt so they could see what keys had been pressed before even the BIOS did.
@R.Daneel Жыл бұрын
I believe you can use shortened 'shift' commands and, as long as you don't list the program first, it will run fractionally faster since the commands are shorter. If you list the program it's destructively expanded back into memory, so you lose the benefits. That may be a VIC 20 quirk, though, as it was a way to get a little more out of your 4K. In that case, if you listed, you'd get an out of memory error as it ran out of room expanding.
@bxdanny Жыл бұрын
Nope. The shifted abbreviations are only seen by the tokenizing routine. Abbreviated and spelled-out keywords result in identical code being stored in the program. LISTing it or not has no effect.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
One of my old videos is called "About Commodore 64 BASIC Abbreviations" and it covers all this; it applies exactly to the VIC-20 as well. The short version is @bxdanny is correct; once you type the line and hit return, all commands are tokenized to single bytes whether they were typed in full or abbreviated.
@stevethepocket Жыл бұрын
Unrelated to this video in particular, I've been curious whether the colors your Commodore 64s and 128s produce in these videos are what your capture device spits out by default or if you've had to do some fine tuning to make it match what you've come to expect it to look like on a vintage TV or monitor. I ask because-while I haven't had the pleasure of seeing a Commodore 64 screen in person in quite some time-it feels more accurate to my own memories than anything VICE has been able to produce, both before and after the multiple tweaks that have been made recently to its color handling.
@vytah Жыл бұрын
VICE by default uses a PAL palette, Robin has an NTSC machine, maybe that's that?
@stevethepocket Жыл бұрын
@@vytah Nope, VICE's NTSC palette looks like the screenshots starting at 30:15.
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
I don't do any video processing for the particular 64C, VIC-20, or C128 that I usually use. Part of why I choose those particular machines (I have multiples of each available) is because I like their video output. I'm not particularly happy with the output of any of my breadbin C64s so I will often tweak those in post, and when I use more obscure computers or consoles, especially with only RF output, I will usually tweak those too.
@dummyload7803 Жыл бұрын
that was a very interessting video, i like it
@pdo400 Жыл бұрын
Cool credits music! What is the song?
@manoftheforest7505 Жыл бұрын
Good question. I'd like to know that too.
@thesushifiend Жыл бұрын
Aproved? That’s not even a word!
@wasserwasser5555 Жыл бұрын
Great! Is it possible to give goto a rnd(2) adress? How fast would a print be with the complete screen hardcoded in it (1000 c) ?
@peterarlington223 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to know the name of the song that played at the end, their voice is interesting and I'm curious to see what else exists for them.
@gnebulon Жыл бұрын
WHAT IS THAT SONG AT THE END??? I must play it on the radio!
@TheGreatAtario Жыл бұрын
…Huh. I guess I was spoiled by Atari 8K BASIC. It tokenized everything, including constants, at the time of line input. So this using-a-variable trick wouldn't help, the number already having been parsed.
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
Are you sure? I vaguely recall reading that using variables does help, even though tokenizing happens as you describe. I understand that with tokenizing, it shouldn't make a difference, but I thought that there was something special going on. Maybe I am mixing up programming languages.
@happyjoy466 Жыл бұрын
14:01 Are the 17 consecutive forward slashes 7 lines above the Benchmark results bound to happen whatever the seed for RND() or just with the pi seed?
@FadkinsDiet Жыл бұрын
The parameter to rnd() is only a seed (resetting the internal state) if it's negative.
@bierundkippen720 Жыл бұрын
I typed in the program with the REM line, but it doesn't seem to work. For example the SHIFT+I character is always interpreted as $C9 and hence CMP, but it should be interpreted as $69 which stands for the mnemonic ADC. Or is there a way to fix that?
@jjeeeekk Жыл бұрын
@8_Bit Жыл бұрын
Thank you, and nice optimizations!
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
Hi. Thanks for supporting Robin. I like learning his programming hacks.
@jjeeeekk Жыл бұрын
@eugenetswong I like his style of presenting all these topics that concisely. All the topics are selected very well and are always on the upper edge of C64 knowledge. 😀
@dr.ignacioglez.9677 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE C64 ❤❤❤
@CB3ROB-CyberBunker Жыл бұрын
question would be more 'how fast the basic random function is' compared to just getting a free running counter from a 6526, noise from the sid or just the scanline AND $01 with peek. ya know. peek is probably faster than anything 'basic' :P lol. just like using 'stdout' 'print' :P (parsing the whole thing, going through basic, going through the kernal, going through the cbm editor rom) is probably hell a lot slower than just poking it into video ram. :P not entirely sure what the 'rules' would be before it would no longer be considered 'basic' or 'one line' :P does this have to run on any cbm/mickeysoft basic compatible machine? or just and only c64's, that sorta thing... :P cuz if it doesn't need to run on 'antyhing' there probably are a lot faster ways.(actually to this very day... the slowest part of any program is and always has been the output to a screen for some reason. it's even slower than most networks :P so 'most of the speedup' can probably be made there. (not limited to c64's. also applies to your pc on your desk :P also options such as simply changing the entire character set to just / or \ and not even having to do the and and add spring to mind. :P would things like 'simply entering the machinecode as petscii into the basic line and then jumping to it' still count as 'basic' :P ya know.. :P at which point does it stop being 'basic' ;P (even basic loads to fixed addresses, so this is no problem).
@fredriksandebert7450 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how fast you could get it if you ditched the requirement that it has to be a single line, and then unrolled it to be 1000 lines of basic, one for each character printed (40 cols x 25 rows). Preferably by cheating and creating it on your regular computer and then loading it into the C64. (But if you're up for it, it might be entertaining to hear you descend into madness as you produce the 1000 lines on the C64. You know, for science. :D)
@eekee6034 11 ай бұрын
It would be much easier to enter: you only have to change the line number to repeat a line. :)
@Papierzeit Жыл бұрын
Nice one \o/
@manicminer4573 Жыл бұрын
There is one more minor optimisation - you can remove the space between the line number 0 and the PRINT. Edit: I now see you do that towards the end!
@beeshepard Жыл бұрын
That was fun!
@deano72 Жыл бұрын
Strangely exiting 👍
@TheUtuber999 Жыл бұрын
Is it crashing?
@kuro68000 Жыл бұрын
Could you convert 205.5 to hex? Might parse faster. Not as fast as the variable version of course.
@csbruce Жыл бұрын
Commodore BASIC doesn't support hexadecimal.
@RainerK. 7 ай бұрын
A+RND(A) looks weird. Isn't tbat BASICally the same as 205.5+RND(205.5)? What happened to the 1?
@8_Bit 7 ай бұрын
Yes. RND behaves exactly the same with any parameter greater than zero, so (1) or (205.5) or (65535) are all equivalent. The difference is that a variable is parsed slightly faster (especially in a program with very few variables) so A+RND(A) executes a little faster than 205.5+RND(1).
@DevEncryptionNull Жыл бұрын
Great video! Would it be faster to poke to screen memory rather than using print?
@csbruce Жыл бұрын
1 PRINT"{clear}";:TI$="000000" 2 N=77.5:FORI=1024TO2023:POKEI,RND(.)+N:NEXT 3 PRINTTI Run time: 314 jiffies = 5.23 seconds.
@eugenetswong Жыл бұрын
I'm not an expert, but I think that POKE does time consuming stuff due to BASIC being an interpreted language whereas PRINT is a genuine short cut. I vaguely recall running my own tests. That's a great question, though. In Atari BASIC, you can treat characters as a colour, in the text based graphics modes, if I recall correctly, but nothing seems to beat PRINT for speed and general convenience. When I say, "colour", I mean that you can draw them across the screen.
@VitorMartinsAugusto Жыл бұрын
I tried my best to make it faster sticking purely on BASIC, but I was not able to achieve a faster version. However, I got a version that is only about 28% slower, but takes a much shorter line. Perhaps it might be interesting: 0 B=77.5:FORA=1024TO2023:POKEA,B+RND(.):NEXT With B=205.5 instead of 77.5, the maze will be rendered inverted, which actually looks nicer. Another nice aspect is that "BBASIC" benchmark does not work with this one liner! In order to measure the time, I had to put the one liner by 8-Bit Show And Tell in the next line and then subtract the time of his one liner from the time it took for both... Anyway, great fun and mind puzzle to optimize a small code.
@harvey42 Жыл бұрын
You can speed up your code by a few jiffies if you rearrange it by inserting the +B after the RND. 0 B=77.5:FORA=1024TO2023:POKEA,RND(.)+B:NEXT
@VitorMartinsAugusto Жыл бұрын
Well, I guess the shortest implementation is: 0PRINTCHR$(205.5+RND(.));:RUN This can be typed in with just these few characters: 0?cH(205.5+rN(.));:rU In terms of actual memory, it is the same to put: 0PRINTCHR$(205.5+RND(.));:GOTO This one seems a tiny bit faster.
@VitorMartinsAugusto Жыл бұрын
@JohnGuillorykf5qeo 11 ай бұрын
How about trying run instead of goto?
@8_Bit 11 ай бұрын
RUN is a little slower than GOTO without a line number. Presumably RUN takes a bit of extra time to re-initialize various pointers, like the variables.
@datassetteuser356 Жыл бұрын
@lordmuaddib Жыл бұрын
OMG i love those LOW% speedruns! :D
@AllGamingStarred Жыл бұрын
is that a C64C or is it a 128 in C64 mode?
@TheUtuber999 Жыл бұрын
It shrinks when you type GO 64. 😁
@MrReyRomantico Жыл бұрын
You Kobayashi Maru'ued 10 print!
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8-Bit Show And Tell
Рет қаралды 22 М.
10x Faster Than C64 BASIC? Hare Basic
8-Bit Show And Tell
Рет қаралды 33 М.
Ten Great Commodore 128 BASIC Improvements Over The C64
8-Bit Show And Tell
Рет қаралды 40 М.
The VIC-II Kawari is a game changer for the NTSC Commodore 64
Adrian's Digital Basement
Рет қаралды 80 М.
One-Line Bouncing Ball: Commodore 64 BASIC
8-Bit Show And Tell
Рет қаралды 60 М.
Lithium cell can get burn
What is inside
Рет қаралды 9 МЛН
Google Pixel 8 Pro на 128 gb! Илии.... #shorts #shortvideo
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Alina Saito / 斎藤アリーナ
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Самый громкий телефон 2000х
Рет қаралды 508 М.
Телефон - самая грязная ваша вещь
Up Your Brains
Рет қаралды 300 М.