DAWN OF DESPAIR! Overlord Season 2 Episode 1-2 Reaction

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@KarNeoLeX 2 күн бұрын
Episode 014 I will explain a few things in this chapter as always. Don't worry, some data may seem like spoilers, but they really aren't because they are only clarified in the novels. In the first scene we see 2 individuals from the Slane Theocracy talking and the first thing we notice is that a woman is playing with a Rubik's cube. This is not an object from the new world but from ours and the man mentions that it is a toy left by the 6 great gods who are objects of worship in the new world, especially in the Slane Theocracy. That gives us a hint that these "gods" were actually Players who arrived 600 years before Ainz. Then the woman mentions the "Dragon Lord of Catastrophe". This creature was the original target of the Black Scripture, who had the mind-controlling World Item and were heading towards where it was to capture it... When they accidentally ran into Shalltear and we are confirmed that, in that brief encounter, 3 of the most powerful individuals of the Theocracy were killed. Finally there is the detail that this woman asks: ¿Who is stronger, the vampire or me? And the man answers: “You”. This statement is not a lie, but it is not true either. You must remember that the man only saw Shalltear for a few moments before the mind control was cast and never even experienced combat with Shalltear in her red armor. What happens is that this woman, who has the nickname of "certain death" is the trump card of the Theocracy and, according to the words of the author of the novel, "She could be the most powerful being in the New World." That's why that man assumes that she could beat Shalltear, but for now I'm not going to affirm or deny that. The second scene shows us a dragon and an old woman. The woman is no less than one of the 13 heroes (mentioned by the adventurers who accompanied Momon when he was escorting Nifrea) who defeated the “Demon Gods”, which means that she is at least 200 years old. The second is none other than the Platinum Dragon Lord, one of the most powerful dragons in the new world. From the conversation between the two we can deduce that this dragon was also one of the 13 Heroes, but he never accompanied them in person, but rather through armor that he controlled from a distance. Apparently the rest of the 13 Heroes didn't realize until a long time later that one of their companions was actually a puppet. This dragon knows about Ygdrassill, but not as a game, but as if he had heard about it elsewhere. He is a native inhabitant of the new world, but seems to know about the origin of players like Ainz and from his conversation we can also deduce that there were other players who came to the new world before, every few centuries. The Platinum Dragon Lord seems to think that the players are a serious threat to the world and is constantly on the lookout for them. We then see in a Flashback that, sometime after Shalltear was mind controlled and before Ainz found her, the Platinum Dragon Lord encountered Shalltear and attempted to attack her in order to destroy her using his puppet armor. But Shalltear counterattacked automatically (attacking any hostile) and the Dragon decided to retreat after taking some measure of her strength, though the armor was damaged as a result. In the novel, there is a dialogue between the two where Rigrit and the Platinum Dragon Lord lament the death of the leader of the 13 Heroes and then we learn that he had to kill a friend "who had come with him" at some point and he was so sad that, before dying, he made it clear that he did not want to be resurrected. So we deduced that these two people were Players, although they might not be level 100 but level 60 or 70. Finally, the Platinum Dragon Lord asks for a Magic Ring, which Rigrit had but has actually given to a young man, who turns out to be Gazef Stronoff. The ring has the power to make a person exceed human limits. ( i am very sad that the Anime never tried to explain any of this⬆ 😭) Then the story takes us to the kingdom, where we see again how little control the King has of his nobles, the same ones who tried to assassinate Gazef by selling him to the assassins of the Theocracy. The king knows this, but he can't do anything because he needs them to defend the kingdom from the Empire's annual attacks.This is only understandable if you pay attention to the dialogues of the nobles. In the kingdom, the king and Gazef are good people, but the vast majority are rotten with corruption. The story then focuses on Ainz returning to Nazarick. The Guild Ring is an Item that allows you to freely teleport between the 9 floors of Nazarick, avoiding all traps, and was only used by Guild Member Players. Naturally it would be catastrophic if an enemy to get hold of one, so Ainz never takes his out of the Great Tomb. Hence, Mare is waiting for him to return it to him. There are many of these Guild Rings in the treasury. Ainz gave one to Mare in chapter 2 and also to Albedo. What Albedo is doing is a role-playing game, employing cliché Japanese anime dialogues usually associated with "newlyweds", in which the wife surprises her husband when he comes home from work, wearing nothing more than an apron and saying: Do you want to eat?, a bath? or XXX? According to Albedo she is just playing around, but in reality she is trying to tacitly establish herself as Ainz's wife, and then make it official. She thinks she's being subtle but in reality it's incredibly obvious. However, as Ainz feels guilty for changing her behavior when the world was a game, he lets her get away with it, though she doesn't try to do anything else. In Nazarick we see a depressed Shalltear who is trying to get drunk to no avail, even though, as a vampire, she can't get intoxicated, even if she wants to. We then see that Aura is building a "fake Nazarick" to mislead any attacker. Sebastian is in the Kingdom, gathering information. And Ainz tells us about 2 new countries: The Council of Agrand and the Sacred Kingdom. The Agrand Council or Council Alliance (name is not clear to me) was founded by dragons and they have a mixed human and demohuman population. The Sacred Realm is quite far from Nazarick, but Demiurge has set up a factory there to create "scrolls". Now, why do you think Demiurge has decided to make scrolls so far from Nazarick? I'm not going to tell you yet, but it has to do with the fact that parchment paper is made from animal skin. Finally in the last scene we have the declaration of war by the Lizardmen. But the curious thing about this part is that, although it is evident to us that it is Ainz, the name "Nazarick" is never mentioned. The Mark on Zaryusu is "The Mark of travelers" you could say, which means that the day he left the tribe to be a traveler he is excommunicated(more or less). Well, that's all for now. I hope I have explained a few things. Again, don't worry because, although it may seem like it, there are really no spoilers.
@KarNeoLeX 2 күн бұрын
Episode 015 This Chapter feels like a completely different story which is funny and its well written (props to the Mangaka) The first thing you notice is that the most prominent lizardmen, Zaryusu Shasha, has some kind of tattoo on his chest. That means he is a "traveler", one who has decided to leave his village to see the outside world. That is why they are respected within the village, but they do not have a say in important decisions. Hence the elders try to shut him up all the time. This is also why everyone is surprised to learn that the Dragon Tusk tribe leader is a traveler as well. Lizardmen live in tribes around a lake and their main problem is food. Food is so scarce, that they constantly started fighting each other just to reduce the number of mouths. Crusch Lulu even reveals that her tribe had to resort to cannibalism because of it. Zaryusu left the village to find a solution to this problem, among other things, and learned how to make a fish farm, albeit a very rudimentary one. Zaryusu's pet is a hydra, which should have 9 heads, but he was born deformed and only had 4, so his mother abandoned him at birth. But Zaryusu picked him up and since then Rororo considers Zaryusu his father. (There is also a myth regarding this: the myth of Hercules and the Hydra of Lerna) Crusch Lulu was born an albino which would normally mean that in the lizardmen community she would be abandoned. In Crusch's case however, her parents decided to raise her even with this genetic flaw. In the end she proved to be a strong practitioner of magic, but she has to cover herself with leaves to travel because her white skin doesn't hold up well to the sun. At this point I think it's unnecessary to explain, but Zaryusu's initial squeal was a "Mating Cry" because he fell in love at first sight with the albino lizard. The assistant butler, the penguin Eclaire, is not really trying to take over Nazarick. It just so happens that the members of the Ainz Own Goal Guild designed him as a joke character, because they thought it was funny that a powerless penguin, who can't even move without being carried, was stupidly plotting to conquer Nazarick. Eclaire says those dialogues simply as an act, and in reality he doesn't want to betray anyone, so Demiurge plays along without feeling offended, just like the rest of the NPCs. Particularly Nazarick's Regular Maids hate to hear it, but they don't say anything because they know that's his setup. In this chapter they again bring up the subject of the scrolls. In the game Ygdrassil the scrolls were very easy to get with in-game money, but in the New World that is no longer possible. That is why one of Ainz's first orders was to limit their use to a minimum because, although Nazarick has many, they will eventually run out. That is why he commissioned Demiurge to find a solution to this problem and finally in this chapter we see that the floor guardian seems to have been successful, because Cocytus is given some scrolls that contain "message" and "teleportation" spells. well that is it for this episode. See you next Episode!
@Scarabswarm 2 күн бұрын
It is amazing how in-depth they get with lizardman politics without making it boring. Every line delivered in the discussions had subtle meaning, and rewatching the earlier discussions between the Shasha brothers, you can see how much of their discussion was going unsaid. In the tribe meeting, there are a lot of meaningful glances and hard stares between them, and the chief later tosses out some random numbers with little context, but it is only until the meeting with Crush that you see how in sync the brothers were all along. Both realizing how bad the situation was, what the only course of action is, and how desperate and cutthroat that only plan really is: Join us or die, and even if you join us, we're going to put a hard cap on the number of survivors if we lose. You either defeat the enemy, or you run and get cut down by your allies. It's cold-blooded, ruthless, and eminently practical; and it was a plan both brothers arrived at without exchanging a word about it in the meeting.
@hhound4283 2 күн бұрын
The Empire has a standing army the Kingdom does not. The Empires stages these attacks during the harvest season so the Kingdom must pull farmers from the fields to make up an army to oppose the Empire. This lessens the harvest in the Kingdom since the farmers are in the army not at the fields, and is slowly causing food shortages in the Kingdom. A few more years of this and the Kingdom will collapse. The layered drink has 10 layers representing the 10 floors of Nazarick, hence the name of the drink being Nazarick.
@Scarabswarm Күн бұрын
@hhound4283 It's a brilliant tactic. As peasant levys are inferior to trained soldiers, the Kingdom has to pull 3 times as many farmers from their fields as the Empire sends soldiers, just to present an equal counter force. Also, the "war" is usually nothing but the Empire marching their troops out, waving the flags, and then going home. But the Kingdom can't ever fail to take it seriously, or else the Empire will just legitimately take territory.
@keegansantoroski9042 Күн бұрын
Jircniv is actually pretty big-brained for this plan. He's willing to play the long game against the Kingdom and is doing it brilliantly
@jurare89 2 күн бұрын
Without spoiling anything (though some of my comments may be overly cautious): the dialogue right at the beginning gives quite an interesting fact, so just to outline the important parts: the rubik's cube is a toy, spreaded by "the six great gods 600 years ago". You could just brush this off as some minor lore, but it is actually quite a MASSIVE hint about the world itself. It leaves the questions "how in the heck did a toy from 'our world' get to this world?" and "who exactly were those 'six great gods' that brought it here?". Also the lines "an aftershock of the events of 100 years ago" and "Is this one not working alongside the world" tie into these questions. So those first few minutes kind of explain stuff, without actually explaining things (like i said, i´m overly cautios with spoilers here, but i´m sure you can figure out with all i wrote). about Nazarick being so close to an outpost: there is nobody that can force Nazarick into war because nobody knows that Nazarick even exists (otherwise they couldn´t even construct a dummy-Nazarick to begin with, and even if they did, it would be pointless). And Ainz has (already in Episode 1 or 2) prepared measures to conceal Nazarick (remember the "terraforming" and illusion-spells that were used) Fun fact about Éclair: his full name is "Éclair Éklair Éklare" and he was created by Ankoro Mocchi Mochi. He has great pride in being the assistant butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick to the point of arrogance. Carrying himself with an enormous ego of self-worth, one of his greatest desires is to sit upon the throne of Nazarick. Though Éclair understands this act is treasonous to the Forty-One Supreme Beings and likely due to him also understanding that his creator specifically made him to be this way, he still respects them highly. He would NEVER betray Nazarick in order to sit on the throne, but he WILL work the hardest in order to EARN the throne. That´s also the reason why demiurge reacted this way, if anyone else would have said they "want to claim the throne of nazarick" he would immediately call them a traitor or scolded them for such acts. But as said before, he (and everyone else too) knows too well how Éclair was designed. by the way, the screech Zaryusu let out was a mating-call done by the lizard-men :)
@shruikan1606 2 күн бұрын
Where do you, and apparently the overlord-wiki as well, get the spelling for Eclair`s name from? Everywhere else his name is written as Eclair Ecleir Eicler. Not that it matters in any way, just curious.
@jurare89 2 күн бұрын
@@shruikan1606 im also only going by the wiki, which to my knowledge takes it from the light novel. Especially names are often not written in japanese, for example Luci*Fer . So while I don't know how it is exactly in the source material, I'd assume it's written in that exact way, not japanese
@shruikan1606 2 күн бұрын
@@jurare89 From the japanese transcription Eclair Ecleir Eicler makes more sense (especially the lastname Eicler), but I haven't read the light novel and I'm not going to just because of a stupid name.
@transneltor 2 күн бұрын
forgot to change episode numbers, my guy UPD: you're welcome
@keegansantoroski9042 Күн бұрын
The Lizardman Heroes arc is genuinely one of my favorite arcs in Overlord. I got so invested in, and attached to, the characters. Zaryusu Shasha, the rizz-ard is a great character.
@hardstyle1259 2 күн бұрын
Spoiler: Six Great Gods were players who were teleported to the New World 600 years earlier. The most popular theory is that the players came to the New World in different years after the server shutdown of YGGDRASIL. edit: and the Platinium Dragon Lord or also known as Tsa is sitting in the Guild Base (a Floating Island) from the players known as Eight Greed Kings 500 years ago, Overlord has so much lore if you want i can comment you about lore ;)
@akmalas4628 Күн бұрын
where you guys watch these anime from? what website? cuz most of em got restricted fr
@koleksimainan2218 2 күн бұрын
@tulaktrash67 2 күн бұрын
Sasuga Ainz-sama! 🦎
@eizy1010 2 күн бұрын
That dragon lord looking guy is one of the characters I hated in this series...you will understand why during season 4 happening later on...
@ognjen-01 2 күн бұрын
Day 1 of asking you to react to Lord of the mysteries anime trailers. You won’t regret it!
@darkavenger5961 2 күн бұрын
Ln readers could you spoil the battle between shalltear and plat drag lord
@paopao. 2 күн бұрын
technically it was shaltear vs plat drag lord's armor.
@redemperor1315 2 күн бұрын
I could see him liking Black Clover and maybe some of the nobles in that series further down the line
@xedinhu 2 күн бұрын
@NoPointTo 2 күн бұрын
@suntedd51 2 күн бұрын
bro I liked your reactions before, but I didn’t like the last reaction to Overlord, you talk a lot, it’s not relevant, it’s like turning a blind eye to Overlord
@ThatOneGuyFox 2 күн бұрын
Bro its a reaction watch overlord by yourself if you want to keep an eye on it. Also, it is relevant as we are hear to listen to his thoughts as he watches the show. i.e. talking about the show. On top of that he often goes back or pauses if he misses something while talking.
@jurare89 2 күн бұрын
if you´re not liking the talking on an episode while reacting, maybe you should consider watching the show for yourself alone. People watch reaction-content for... the reaction. Also, by copyright-guidelines, reactionary content must contain a certain amount of "added" content (the reaction itself) and mustn't focus on the content that is reacted to (that´s also one of the reasons why EVERY reaction-channel on youtube has the show in a smaller part of the screen and the camera as the bigger part. NEVER the other way around). Otherwise you would violate copyright-rules and youtube-guidelines, which can easily earn you a strike or get your channel deleted, since it no longer falls into the category "fair use" (one of the rare exceptions that allows the use of copyrighted material)
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