FGO Servant Spotlight: Jeanne d'Arc Analysis, Guide and Tips

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@TheMechanizedsnipe 7 жыл бұрын
"They can make the whole team invincible as a skill" Looking at you MERLIN. broken ass support mage.
@yosht6110 7 жыл бұрын
Hoping they do some necessary nerfs and buffs.
@TobiasJost 7 жыл бұрын
exactly what i thought, this ass broken caster xD
@JohnPeacekeeper 7 жыл бұрын
Or once Morgan le Fay appears, she and her minions do like 200-300% damage to Merlin
@dagon7259 7 жыл бұрын
You can't nerf a unit. That's very stupid(although merlin is stupidly broken). You can only buff other units or make the mobs anti-merlin.
@starwalker2022 7 жыл бұрын
In case you don't know, David has a team evade+healing skill. And he is a 3*
@6ANUR34DT81S 5 жыл бұрын
What? Jeanne was my lifeline for the longest and even now I only whip her out if I know can't do it with anyone else, she's the reason why I'm still playing and putting money into this infernal game! Servant Meta: C(+) Morality Pet & Sanity Protector: S
@timcruz2822 7 жыл бұрын
to be fair to Jeanne, she is an amazing Tank, and when your entire team dies, she can normally clutch you to victory, even in late-game. There are better servants out there for support, true, but as a ruler, she will always survive due to resisting most if not all damage (only berserker, beast, EA and avenger can damage her properly, but then again you can easily focus fire on those to make sure Jeanne stays alive), and with her HP and NP, you won't have to worry about servant NP's. I equip my Jeanne with Prisma Cosmos, and Marie with Divine Banquet, and with that setup, I can normally spam their NP's around 3 to 5 times. Like, at least once every 3-5 turns, espeically on an Arts heavy team. She has quite a low ranking, but for me, its more that she's very situational. In early game, she's a good support, and is good on pretty much any team setup, but by late--game, your forced to use a specific team setup on specific battle formats to properly use her. So to counter her weaknesses, simply use a specific team setup. What makes her bad is that she's situational, but she's still pretty good even into late-game depending on how you use her. She still has bad skills tho :( but granted, her HP and NP kinda make up for it
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
IMO she is still the best ruler in the game, even in JP, her NP is strong and I agree with what you said, but my main issue boils down to her skills. They are all really bad, if she had just a single taunt she would be five times better. I am still hoping she gets a strengthening quest
@timcruz2822 7 жыл бұрын
agreed tho, that she can really use a skill buff. Excluding her skill set, she'd be between a B+ or an A for me in virtue of her HP, her class and NP alone, but the way she is now, she doesn't give much to the team other than being overly tanky. Her ranking can range from C+ to A depending on situation in late-game cuz of her half-a skill set, so I'm forced to make a specific team setup just to use her effeciently. Though, despite that, I still think she has far more uses than Artoria tho. The ye old saying that Nasuverse made so many Saber copies, they forgot about the original. Just my opinion only though, since even tho Saber has tons of uses with her skill set, but in the end, I'd prolly even use Nero or Ceasar, who costs less and can do a similar job (What. I actually prefer Faber NP over Artoria's. Come at me Saber fans :) ). Though one thing I do notice though, is that Jeanne really works well as the last servant standing. Especially if you remove her stun debuff from her 2nd Interlude, she can easily spam her NP every 2 turns, and basically become invulnerable half the fight. Just use the first mystic code for evade every 8 turns, and she becomes invincible. IN early game, she can be quite reliant to Marie antoinette, but after her 2nd interlude, she still works really well on an Arts heavy team such as with Vlad, Medea and EMIYA. She works extremely well with Vlad since she can make sure Vlad stays alive long enough to spam his NP's. But I can't really say a lot. I'm admittedly not an FGO expert since I don't really dedicate a lotta time on the app other than for collecting salt after every x10 summons.
@andrewlee7009 6 жыл бұрын
just get it for the waifu material
@belphy205 5 жыл бұрын
Jeanne is one of my faves. I usually have her as the last servant standing and once she loses her stun she's gonna be lots of fun
@tedhu111 7 жыл бұрын
Tbh, the second Jeanne skill should be upgraded into the 'noble phantasm prevention' skill, that would synergize with her NP building kit as well. I hope they do that in the future...
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
That would be awesome
@yaco77 4 жыл бұрын
Finally they will Never do that...
@zhen5537 7 жыл бұрын
even though some servant gets her np immune as regular skill, but skill have high cd. jeanne's np on the other hand can be spam-able after the stun is removed. actually her strength lies in soloing, she can solo 90% of the quest in this game without problem.
@RePhantomz 7 жыл бұрын
in normal quest yep but agaits broken later boss cough goetia cough with that kind of skill set is too painfull
@zhen5537 7 жыл бұрын
right except recently, in the king hassan fight, she saved many ppl's ass.
@KRP71390 6 жыл бұрын
Heh, even now before that interlude, I've had her as my last support Servant, and had her be the last alive, outnumbered, outleveled, and even with the NP stun, she still managed to pull a victory. Of course, she's not outleveled anymore, but I completely agree she can function as a saving grace. I can only imagine after that stun is gone.
@hazelnut88 6 жыл бұрын
Cough cough did anybody forget about the vessel of the saint CE.
@possessedloneliness1253 5 жыл бұрын
Hazelnut sadly I got np2jeanne instead of even one copy of that damn CE
@bigfoot875 6 жыл бұрын
Just got Jeanne, Mordred, and Jalter with 180 quartz from the Banner!
@Inshibevisangue 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome video man! I love these. I'm finding it difficult to research anything on the game because a lot of the perspectives are from japan only (or early NA only). So the comparisons between the two regions are making these great. I'm sharing with all my friends. You also nailed her name :D.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Yea I practiced her name a bunch before recording lol
@heisdarkness7141 7 жыл бұрын
Please do Vlad next! also i love these vidoes please keep up the good work :D
@kingdomheartsfan3002 7 жыл бұрын
please do waver next
@Harkz0r 7 жыл бұрын
In the US version, I pulled on the Kintoki+Waver banner a few times and got Jeanne along with Saber Alter and Stheno. Was ecstatic to see her pop up. She may not be Waver, but at this stage I'm happy for any 5*, particularly as I've only used about 150-180 Quartz in total so far as I have only started recently. I've heard some horror stories of people sinking over 1k quartz and not getting any SSR's so while I wanted Waver, at least I have one as a support and it'll take a while before Jeanne's usefulness is phased out. Plus I liked her in the Orleans campaign so :)
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Congrats, and that is a good attitude to have in this game. There are indeed a few stories of people dropping thousands of dollars on quartz and not getting the 5* they want. On average you have a decent chance to get one 5* for every 400 or so quartz
@itsv302 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for adding the craft essence suggestion!! Great video can't wait to hear more from you
@positvechao 5 жыл бұрын
I havent watched this vid in nearly 2 years. it's obvious how far the guides have come.
@TheN13 7 жыл бұрын
At this point in the game, people are happy to get any 4/5 star characters. Granted, some are much more sought after than others. But when I was rerolling for a 5 star, I stopped when I got Jeanne (though I would have probably been happier with Vlad or Waver). My point being: in early game, people will jump at the opportunity for characters like Emiya or Jeanne. Thus, it's good to see videos showing how to make the best of these characters, and what we can expect of them down the road. However, with everyone focusing on these high ranking characters, they are probably left wondering, "what 3 star characters should I now fill out my team with?" So I'm glad to see you mentioning 3 star servants that work well with Jeanne. That said, I would love to see your opinion on what the best 3 star servants currently are (Cu Chulainn). As, in comparison to 4/5 star, most players probably have a large selection of 3 stars, and are not sure who are worth focusing on in the long term.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
A "best of the 3*'s" video is definitely coming soon!
@JohnPeacekeeper 7 жыл бұрын
Put this fair lady on the same team as Mashu and (yes, I use her) Boudica and nothing can hurt you. Sure, you can't hit hard either, but you'll tank everything. ...I feel like I'm in the 2% that actually uses Boudica seriously.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
I sometimes forget Boudica is even a servant lol, unfortunately she doesn't get much love
@JohnPeacekeeper 7 жыл бұрын
In my experience she doesn't work well in any team but a tank team. In that situation, paired with either Jeanne or Mashu, they could end up stalling forever. Add Lancer Cu and Nero to the mix and you have a nigh-immortal team
@zacklol8075 7 жыл бұрын
I blame Boudicca's illustrator
@timcruz2822 7 жыл бұрын
Add in Marie Antoinette there :) Beautiful Princess is such a troll skill (especially when its on the Marie Antoinette enemy AI. Goddanggit)
@TheAlexSTI 7 жыл бұрын
I dont use her at first..its until i got her to np 5 then i start thinking hahaha
@crimsonice89 7 жыл бұрын
Just got her, my first 5* servant.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
mlal89 Congrats, she was my first too
@crimsonice89 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks :)
@astralm8072 7 жыл бұрын
I think you're mildly understating her usefulness after her NP-interlude. While she's not very useful before the interlude, she's a B+ or an A- after it. Rather, her somewhat selfish survival kit is definitely superior to a lot of the cockroach type servants if you spam her NP on a stall team, and that's enough to rate other survival type servants highly. A self arts chain, without an Arts/NP boosting CE, gives 50% NP gauge, so pairing her with an Arts team that enables more chains makes her NP even more spammable. The debuff cleanse is a nice bonus, but the invincibility and heal are sizable regardless. Obviously the Mashu pair, with her light Arts deck, is an easy support. Bar Avengers and Berserkers, her having an effective 33k HP makes her useful for stuff that needs long-term survival. Yeah, her skills suck (bar her 3rd), but her utility apart from them puts her even higher than the other 5* servants. Obviously you already know all this, though. Her worth really shone through in light of 2017 Nerofest, where she (and BB) were hands-down the most useful servants for the high end content- the more frequent invincibility and heal were invaluable, even compared to CW. Pre-Nerofest 2017, I think I basically agreed with your opinion here, though.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
My problem isn't with her NP, I agree that post-interlude it is one of the best in the game, my biggest problem is her lack of skills. Outside of her stun her skills don't do anything and have been horribly power creeped. She is in desperate need of a strengthening quest. And because my analysis are comparative she is being compared to Waver and Merlin and Tamamo all of whom just do a better job of supporting because they can support multiple areas while Jeanne can really only do 1 thing. And then you have Iri, a free 4* who I would argue is better than Jeanne in some cases. A spammable NP that gives everyone guts and heals is often better than healing and invincibility since a number of servants, especially in challenge quests, have invincibility pierce and instant death which bypass Jeanne's NP. Basically I have a problem giving such a high rating to a servant who doesn't have any useful skills since that is a gigantic portion of their kit. If Jeanne got a couple of strengthening quest, which she most likely will in the Apoc event, then yes I would easily put her in B+ or A- tier, she just needs 1 really good skill that adds variety to her abilities
@doorto6152 7 жыл бұрын
These are some pretty nice reviews. I think they'd be even greater if you used the visuals to emphasize your script, like marking each section (Stats, Skills, Passives, Deck & NP, Roles, etc) with a section header. A little effort can go a long way to making this information much easier to digest for the viewer.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking about adding that as well as a visual for the score at the end, thanks for the advice!
@wesleyblake8774 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks alot man! This vid was helpful, now i can use my Jeanne to her MAX Potential. I hope on the low chance they buff her skills.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
I'm also hoping for that, she needs it more than anyone else imo
@Tfbrave 5 жыл бұрын
In preparation for the ccc event in a few months in na you should do the following: 1. Get at least 1 ruler martha on your support list if you don't already have her 2. If Jeanne is your only ruler servant, MAX OUT HER ATK FOU CARDS!! (I currently have her at lv.80 with 9500 atk)
@blackheartzerotheundergrou3225 5 жыл бұрын
It's a New Years Miracle! I just got Jeanne out of single pulls today.
@mahakuroenvt6956 7 жыл бұрын
I 10 roll the past month and when I got her, I was the happiest man who ever lived lol, she the leader in my party. I'm always making team with her, just because of her I was able to make the most difficul Daily quest when I was lvl 20 - 30.
@maidarthur4502 2 жыл бұрын
My idea for her skill buffs Skill 1:gain critical stars per turn+gain NP and buff ally's def and atk at 10% (lvl 1 and 50% at lvl 10) Skill 2:debuff's enemy's def+debyff's enemy's atk,decrease NP charge at one enemy, Skill 3:inflict stunt on one servant+removes enemy buffs(including evade and invisibility),decrease crit damage one one enemy,seal enemy's skill for 3 turns My recomended CE is arts that has higher effectiveness or NP start or increase atk for few turns
@guadalupemontero902 5 жыл бұрын
Just got her on the guaranteed SSR roll. Honesty I was happy to get her or Jack. Got to enjoy what you get from the gotcha. Even if you think it's bad find a way to use it( low star C.E or servants).. This is advice from a former free to play player.....😣(as I have paid to the GSSR) I just remembered, when I bought the quartz my game turned off. I was a bit worry but I restarted the game and, you know when you open up the game you get info on a servent.....well guess who's info showed up. "O Lord, I offer my body to you..." By then I just wanted Jack or Jeanne but when I saw this before the roll, I knew I offered my body(money) to the game...😯
@supremok 6 жыл бұрын
I got her with a summon ticket they gave just now... Yolo rolls are helping me so much now... XD
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
@supremok 6 жыл бұрын
G&A Reviews thanks... As soon as i get a new servant i search for it here lol... Thanks for your reviews they are very helpful... For her... I think that her strenghts lay in the stall team... For example, i once saw her and mashu and asterios trolling tiamat and spamming their noble phantasm with debuffs defense and invincible every few turns... In the Japan tier list she is very high, only Merlin and lord el melloi are above her... But you have to enjoy using those teams which isnt for everyone...
@fishinabathtubalfonzo2798 3 жыл бұрын
Man this really brings me back.
@unkindled6410 6 жыл бұрын
i kinda fell in love with her on orleans. i already liked her as a character and simpatizes a lot with her story, but after seeing how awesome she works on stall teams, specially with mash (that i ALWAYS use because i really appreciate her defensive buffs and she is also my waifu in this game so...) although i was realizing how it was becoming dificult to work around her low dmg and bad skill set. but at london finale, against salomon i picked a lv 90 support from a firend and put mash and my lucky-pulled ozy from the camelot banner, and her NP along with mash just saves everyone all day, and ozy was able to carry the teams DPS. mash can stall dmg until an enemy NP, then i pop jeanne NP to save from the NP and recover some HP, and if i have mash NP and first skill up afterwards, i just get 2 turns of 4 defense buffs. its amazing, i really like these stall teams as at least for me, its a safer way to play. i REALLY wish i can pull my own jeanne one day. i still want to try her along nightingale and mash just to be nearly imortal and still pack some damage to an extense.
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
I wish you luck, hope you can pull her!
@unkindled6410 5 жыл бұрын
​@@GAReviews 4 months later, and i got her on the NY luckybag. (i cant call myself F2P anymore, but i will only spend money on these GSSRs because in my country, quartz is too expensive) im cant describe how happy i am, she is lv94 currently and im grailing her to 100 by the end of the year (still need to try dantes, and he is also getting grails to 100 if i get him)
@LoneWolf20213 4 жыл бұрын
if I made her skills, I would have made one skill able to stun, decrease the defense, and lower the NP and attack damage of one servant, another skill team heal everyone as well as remove debuffs and apply a taunt to herself, and have a team-wide gut's, ATK, and DEF increase applied to everyone for the last skill makes much more sense like that
@voilavoila196 3 жыл бұрын
2 np and half as skills ?? U should never be given the possibily to work for them xD
@LoneWolf20213 3 жыл бұрын
@@voilavoila196 what does that mean, don’t those buffs sound like a good support
@voilavoila196 3 жыл бұрын
@@LoneWolf20213 yeah but those "buffs" would turn her into an absolute BEAST....her 3 skills could become 3 NP by there OWN cause they would literally have as many effects as Merlin's, Waver's and Skadi's Np have....can't u see that those new Jeanne "skills" would be way too strong, having way to many effects and STRONG effects. "one skill able to stun, decrease the defense, and lower the NP and attack damage of one servant" = good NP effect "team heal everyone as well as remove debuffs and apply a taunt to herself" = really good NP...like...really " a team-wide gut's, ATK, and DEF increase applied to everyone" = a broken NP Even Merlin's second skill doesn't have that many effects....and it's still one of the best defensive skills in the game. Those modifications would turn Jeanne from a A+ servant to a EX++ servant like totally OP tier
@LoneWolf20213 3 жыл бұрын
@@voilavoila196 then how would you handle it
@Madman6231 6 жыл бұрын
Her skills are trash, but her post interlude NP easily makes her a B+ to S on stall teams. Imo the biggest problem with Jeanne isn't her skills, it's time. To turtle up the precipice of a challenging quest (solo or with a stall team) takes hours...
@davidpina5287 7 жыл бұрын
As of now, it helps if you pair her up with Martha due to the fact that one of her skills removes debuffs. Allowing her to attack after using her NP. Other than Martha...Mash and Waver are good.
@MrThejograt 7 жыл бұрын
David Pina one the ultimate stall teams center around the Jeanne + Mashu + Merlin combo Having two invincibilities that work on different times make the combo so damn good, but its fricking cheezy tho lel
@charandattamuddana1741 4 жыл бұрын
Got her an hour ago... my first SSR servant 😅
@anthonyosornio2291 6 жыл бұрын
Well glad I got her with literally one roll. Shes about level 70 rn for me so this was all good to know. Ty
@ryuujin9573 7 жыл бұрын
The CE I'm eyeing for my Jeanne in NA is GUDAGUDA Poster Girl. fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/GUDAGUDA_Poster_Girl (Of course that means that the Gacha will refuse to cooperate...) It's not a flexible taunt, but pairs very well with Berserkers (I use Herc) and boosts her damage output for the first 3 turns. Rolling out a team with Jeanne(+GUDAGUDA), Herc(+Bond), and Georgios, plus D'Eon(Gacha willing) and Mash could get rather silly.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
That does sound pretty insane
@21exis 6 жыл бұрын
Replace Herc with Vlad and you got yourself an arts team.
@Nijobo 7 жыл бұрын
hope she gets skill upgrade interludes
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
I'm praying for that. Hopefully because the Fate Apocrypha anime is out we might get an event where she gets skill upgrades? But maybe that's just wishful thinking
@NevarKanzaki 7 жыл бұрын
It'd be nice but her NP interlude already effectively fixes her, regardless of the issues with her skills. They honestly can't do all that much to her skills with her NP being as powerful as it is post interlude. I think they kind of boxed themselves into a corner a bit by making her interlude as they did. It goes a long way towards making her useful again but being a team invincibility means that many bosses can't get through it and losing the stun makes it very viable in more stallish teams, making it near impossible to lose when cycling through multiple NPs. Merlin for instance. Merlin does have his invincibility on a skill but Jeanne's is much stronger due to it being on a spammable NP, same reason why Medea Lily's heal is so much stronger than anyone's skill based heal. Of course Merlin has other massive merits that boils down to his entire kit but as far as stall goes, Jeanne is already pretty top tier post interlude. Just so long as you're patient. The other issue is that all strengthens so far have at least followed the theme of the original skill. Hers are sort of dead ends other than true name discernment which is a bit weird compared to what the skill is supposed to do. Maybe something that would weaken the target like an additional defense down effect on the account that revealing the true name allows you to pinpoint their weaknesses more effectively. It'd be convenient if she had a saint buffed charisma of some kind but that's not happening as none of the skills were heading in that direction.
@vc180191 7 жыл бұрын
I'm kinda hoping we can get either a Taunt onto her True Name Discernment, a Def-Down on it, or one that would really be interesting is a Trait Damage Multiplier (that would be massively unlikely, but really cool if they could get it working, it would be limited in use as the foe would need a Trait Weakness that can be abused, but could create a new possible way to form parties with her by allowing units like Siegfried to get some insane multipliers on their Attack vs Target buffs. Then again, combined with Gil and the insane number of "Weak to Enuma Elish" out there.....)
@NevarKanzaki 7 жыл бұрын
What would be the flavor reason that you'd get a taunt on true name discernment? A trait damage multiplier would be interesting, though maybe a little mechanically advanced to word properly. I think Gil would be fine, though since he's anti army still and such a skill would be best against bosses. More potent would be multipliers that hit higher numbers. Euryale and Scathach come to mind.
@vc180191 7 жыл бұрын
Well I was thinking something along the lines of combining St George and Dragon-slayer units (George can force Dragon trait onto the enemy through his NP, and Siegfried can multiply his attack with his skill and his NP does bonus damage to Dragons), since I'm playing NA I don't have much knowledge of future units and I'm trying to refrain from spoiling myself.
@roxasdrayheart5561 6 жыл бұрын
you saw my joy in the 11/25/17 stream Sober. so you KNOW that this is useful for me
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
Congrats on getting her!
@yochitoranaga 6 жыл бұрын
Ever since I've given her vessel of the saint, she's become a pretty reliable np blocker thanks to better np charge and 3 debuff immunity... I love to use her in a team with vlad or either neros and tamamo (unfortunately I have to rely on a friend for tammy). I hate using her with Zhuge though... I often forget that zhuge's np can stun... rendering jeanne's np misplaced half the time. Can't wait to get the strengtening quest for her np though... having a debuff removal (and loosing that annoying self stun) would be great... and I feel that an np is somewhat more reliable than skills to have a consistant np blocker... especially in an arts team... I can easily get Jeanne's np charged up within 3-4 turns, sometimes in two turns it's ready to go again with luck... I really only struggle against assassin and archer enemies whose np charge is 3 turns + some self charge ups. can't imagine how it would look like if I used a ce that is better than vessel in np charging effect...
@ggdatboi 6 жыл бұрын
If she got an interlude that made her first skill also increase critical star drop rate for all allies then she would help out a lot more
@brazguard3akabg357 6 жыл бұрын
So with the current point in FGO, do you plan to do a 're-evaluation vid' for Jeanne in the future? Surely she has gotten better since the early days.
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
Yea she is on the short list for re-evaluations
@possessedloneliness1253 6 жыл бұрын
Is she better now ? When is her quest coming ?
@Spar7anProjec7 6 жыл бұрын
i just want to know why she's tier s+ , the 3rd strongest servant of all (jp) in the most common tier list
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
The JP tier list prioritize whoever is the most useful in the challenge quests above all else, which is why they fluctuate so much. Jeanne used ot be considered the worst 5* in the game until the new Nero Fest came and she happened to be very useful for certain challenges which made her skyrocket to the top. IMO those are artificial ratings because they depend too heavily on how good a servant is at one certain quest so it favors heavily niche servants over balanced ones which is why Drake and Artoria are usually ranked low. I base my rankings both on how good the servant is in challenge quests and also how good they are in the story, at farming, at working in a team etc...
@Spar7anProjec7 6 жыл бұрын
perfect, thanks!
@darthkarl99 5 жыл бұрын
Arguably a huuuuge part of her issue, (like many early servants with similar stat biases), is that raw HP is next to worthless beyond a certain point.As long as the enemy can;t burst you down in one turn your good. heals, Def buffs, attack debuffs, and evade/invincibility periods, (and in Mash's case extreme damage cut effects), are all vastly more effective defensive tools than pure HP. Arguably the issue is scaling. They valued +1 HP as being equal to +1 attack, and the ratio isn't anywhere near that good, it;s probably 3 or 4 to 1 in practise.
@elgatto3133 6 жыл бұрын
Jeanne + Hans is basically invincible. Watching my team be one crit away from death but then gain all their hp with luminositie eternelle and marchen Maines leibniz is pretty fun.
@typesirius3653 5 жыл бұрын
She need a skills rework, badly
@Flaris 6 жыл бұрын
Not who I was expecting to pull from the Christmas banner. But, pretty happy to have her. Certainly the cons are there, but honestly I'm going to enjoy having her around. Will try to put together some stubborn team combinations and look forward to the eventual improvement to her NP. Maybe stick her with Nero who I enjoy using anyways.
@joaquincastellano3900 7 жыл бұрын
Honestly the only Jeanne that matters is Alter. Those crits are beastly and overpowered as fuck, when we get to roll for her in 8/9 months, i know i'm going to pay quartz if needed be.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Yes can't wait to do a spotlight on her
@Demiurge13 7 жыл бұрын
There's a banner for jeane alter coming?
@Titan8091 7 жыл бұрын
If it follows the JP server timeline, sometime in april or mayish.
@kcazzzzz 5 жыл бұрын
jeanne's shield is still better than merlin's shield though. merlin's is a skill, it need 6 turns cooldown, but by that time enemy would have already fired off another NP. on average for me, jeanne can use her NP in only just 3 to 4 turns
@YRPX 6 жыл бұрын
Why don’t they give Her a rework so that her skills will work on enemies instead of just limiting them to servants only
@lzfsburner 7 жыл бұрын
i did my first 10 shot on the EN version and pulled Jeanne first try, after watching this im like, "did i waste 30 quarts?"
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Nah, even the worst five star is still one of the best units in the game, not that she is the worst by any means. Hopefully she will get a massive upgrade if they decide to do an Apocrypha event
@Malvekazar767 6 жыл бұрын
I really like your videos but I have to respectfully disagree with your view on Jeanne. Yes, right now on NA she falls off toward the late game but in JP she is one of the strongest servants due to being able to spam her noble phantasm and nearly solo bosses. On NA, compared to other 5 star servants I would at least give her a B rank, while on JP she is easily S rank.
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
That is true, and I do want to revisit my score on Jeanne because I think I was a bit overly harsh on her. But imo she is definitely not top tier. I know a lot of people put her at the top because she is the queen of stalling and can solo a lot of challenge quests, but she still is seriously lacking in her skills. She has some of the worst skills in the game, probably the worst skill set among 5*s and that counts for a portion of my reviews. If she gets an interlude that revamps her skills to include at least a taunt or something else useful for the team then I would easily rank her as the best defensive unit.
@Malvekazar767 6 жыл бұрын
That's fair...I know her skills are lacking but some 5 stars are just so...bad in general thats why I feel like she can be rated more highly then usual due to how well she can wall. I really appreciate that you responded and actually have changed your mind on her some. Got yourself a new sub.
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! And yea I am really considering updating this guide and the Emiya one
@JohnPeacekeeper 7 жыл бұрын
Hopefully with Apocrypha still going we get an Accel/Zero-esque event and Strengthening Quests that come with it that buff her Skills (I'm still hoping Heaven's Feel movie will buff Saber's Intuition and upgrade Emiya's Eye of the Mind True to Rho Aias) Such a shame she gets super power creeped. She's one of the top most beautiful Heroic Spirits out there--and even THAT gets threatened by Jeanne Alter :(
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Agreed, I am still holding out hope for that Apoc event where we get the remaining Apoc servants and a massive Jeanne and Siegfried buff
@JohnPeacekeeper 7 жыл бұрын
G&A Reviews Semiramis would be friggen OP though. Especially if we have her as yet another broken Caster. I can see her being an Arts Assassin though
@DaSinofGreed 7 жыл бұрын
I don’t get it you say she falls off like a brick but on many tier list I see her at 9.5 unless somethings changed since you made this vid
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
I you are looking at NA only tier list then I can see her being 9.5, but when I make these ratings I compare the servants to all the unreleased servants and events as well. And while she is absolutely one of the best servants right now, she doesn't remain there. The major reason being that her skills are all useless. All of her skills get drastically powercreeped to the point of not even being functional in the current meta in JP, her atk is abysmally low in a game where atk is 100x more valuable than hp, and she is a tank without any taunt or defense up skill. Mash actually makes for a way better support than her. Really, Jeanne's only strength is her NP giving everyone invincibility, but that isn't as impressive when you consider Merlin has that ability as a skill and that free servants like Irisviel also can give your entire party a giant heal and guts. I love Jeanne but she is in desperate need of a skill interlude and hopefully she gets one in the Apocrypha event So I think anyone giving her a 9.5 is just basing that score on her current standing in NA, not her future standing. Because that would be a hard score to sell.
@DaSinofGreed 7 жыл бұрын
G&A Reviews see I get that I was just confused when one of the websites I use updated their tier list and boom 9.5 and I’m like what changed??? fate-go.cirnopedia.org/guide_faq.php
@TopKirby8305 4 жыл бұрын
I just got Jeanne Ruler off my first of five tix from Da Vinci Shop last night in the Assassin Class Banner! She’s my 26th 5* Servant and got her Max Ascended already & her NP Upgraded. Bye bye horrible stun demerit! lol... Yeah only negative is poop skills but who cares, her NP is one of the best in the game and her godly Ruler resistance can’t be overlooked! I pair BB, Tamamo and Jeanne (w/Prisma Cosmos) together for endless NP spam. x3
@dagon7259 7 жыл бұрын
I'm probably the minority here but I wanna see some 3* spotlights. The F/SN servants: Cu, Medea, and Medusa. Also Hercules, but he's 4* and he'll probably be done a spotlight soon considering how he's said to be the best 4*
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
You are definitely not in the minority lol, a video on the best 3* and lower servants has been requested like crazy so I am putting one out very soon as well as Herc
@renzallen8251 7 жыл бұрын
Oh my thanks man!
@KitsuneHimeR 3 жыл бұрын
Me, sitting here still using Jeanne in 2021 after the interlude removed her NP stun. She helped a lot with the king protea fight. 1 year of experience playing the game or not, she's still useful
@amai2307 15 күн бұрын
Got her as a spook from castoria banner this may, before getting castoria. Was still happy despite it being 2024.
@ramz3119 7 жыл бұрын
now I feel like I should've rerolled waver ;-; also can u do Hercules
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Yep he is coming up soon
@Aether52 6 жыл бұрын
i have a feeling some guides should be revised to the current state of the game. Seeing how several servants have either become immensely more powerful or weaker as the game went on. Jeanne also seems heavily underrated and as youve said in more up-to-date guides. Though it is just a suggestion...
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
Yep, already working on it. I plan on re-evaluating her and a few others. Namely Jeanne, Emiya, Lancelot, Artoria, and Kintoki
@Aether52 6 жыл бұрын
G&A Reviews well hey, those were the specific few i was thinking about xD.
@notsobadguy1894 7 жыл бұрын
Good video
@xsilvermistx 6 жыл бұрын
I watched this forever ago but I started this year out right and drunkenly got her in a single ticket summon so I gotta read, er watch rather, up on my new lucky pull.
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
Congrats on getting her!
@xsilvermistx 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so bummed she's kinda useless :'D but oh well it's just for the prestige of rolling her I guess lmao
@JeiHazama 7 жыл бұрын
Do Waver next!
@zuyungan7964 7 жыл бұрын
Hey just wanna ask. Is it the bond,ascension or NP lvl that makes your Jeanne movable after NP? and in what level is it?
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
That comes after a buff to her NP. A lot of the servants get NP and skill quests that give buffs to them. Unfortunately that isn't out in NA version yet. But once it does come out you will need her to be at least bond lv 4 and 3rd ascension to do it.
@芸術-i2z 7 жыл бұрын
Vlad next please, hes the only 5* I have and EVEN with him at 2nd acension in NA idk how to feel about him
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
He is coming up very soon
@darrylquek1 7 жыл бұрын
Hey which skill should i invest first if i had Jeanne ?
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Go for the stun first, then her first skill for crit stars, and finally true name revelation.
@sarahsuhaily1719 6 жыл бұрын
I just got her today.... Droprate is not a lie
@styraxx 6 жыл бұрын
Good for you😭 I got Chavelion D'eon instead 😭
@possessedloneliness1253 6 жыл бұрын
Yesh got her with 10tickets today ~
@quasar4678 6 жыл бұрын
Spent 60SQ got Cosmo prisma/Imaginary Around/ Along with Jeanne! Feelsgoodman!
@styraxx 6 жыл бұрын
Yow pls stop Y'all makin me jealous😭 I have bad luck summons this time of the of the month
@fadzli1234 7 жыл бұрын
Here is a quick and noob question, I just played this game like 4 days ago and i got her on 1st try. What usually players do? Level her to cap [includes ascension]? Level her skills ? Do story/main quests? Which one I should do 1st?
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Do story/main quests and level her as needed, once you clear the story you can focus on max leveling her by farming the daily EXP quests. Skills vary from servant to servant, you will never be able to max everyone's skills it is too expensive and their aren't enough resources in the game. In Jeanne's case I wouldn't bother leveling any of her skills as none of them are really any good.
@ravenralph123 5 жыл бұрын
I have created a three accounts in FGO NA, now one went to my cousin and one to my brother. The one with my brother before He got it, It has Suzuka, Emiya, Vlad, Martha and Marie, Carmilla, Helena, Zerk Lancelot all level 40 then Jeanne D'Arc still level 1. He asked me what to play on his phone I gave him my account not in use. Now has Altria Alter (Saber and Lancer), Saber Altria, Stheno and Nitocris. Exchanged his ticket on Hercules. He is playing for a week now, He has always asking me about Jeanne. What to do to? I recommended to watch your videos for the servant spotlight for info. What team can she be with?
@GAReviews 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for recommending! I suggest Jeanne, Helena, and Emiya as a team. They all have a lot of arts cards so a lot of NP charge, Jeanne can protect them all easily, Helena can give stars and even more NP charge and buffs, and Emiya is very strong
@ravenralph123 5 жыл бұрын
@@GAReviews Thanks for the tip. For me I got spooked by Caster Gil twice, Helena to NP2 and Zerk Lancelot on the account I'm using. It's actually good just for 10 tickets.
@ArielJerseyJr 7 жыл бұрын
Sherlock or Jeanne? I got Sherlock Holmes and his a beast so far. He loves to crit and his NP makes his team even stronger.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Sherlock, he came out right around the time I made this video so I wasn't sure where he ranked in power. But after NeroFest 2017, yea he is the best Ruler.
@ArielJerseyJr 7 жыл бұрын
I hope for a Servant Spotlight of him after 2 years. xD
@CanadianCrits 6 жыл бұрын
Lol. I'm watching this and the Okita banner is on right now! What are the odds?
@sergiusprintar5491 7 жыл бұрын
so, Mash is more useful than Jeane in later game stages? I got waver and jeane as my 5*s (saving for tamamo next). And was wondering what to do with jeane. She's sexy and all that. But when mash is gonna get a taunt, won't that be better to keep heracles alive than jeane's np? tho, mash has no heal, so, there's that.
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Sergiu Sprintar Yes Mash becomes way better than Jeanne by the late game. Taunt, plus targetable invincibility, plus a skill that cuts damage down to nothing, plus her NP upgrade boosts all allies atk a lot.
@sergiusprintar5491 7 жыл бұрын
thank you. I would still probably max jeane, just because i like the french girl :p but I won't focus to much on her skills in that case (maybe just lv 6 on 2 of them)
@imanuelmulyanto885 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah but merlin cant makes his team invincible EVERY TURN, JEANNE CAN..
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
Every turn is an exaggeration her NP gain isn't that high. But the invincibility isn't all that makes Merlin OP, it's his Hero Creation and NP too. Though I do want to re-evaluate my grade on Jeanne, I think she deserves a little bit higher of a grade than I gave her here.
@imanuelmulyanto885 6 жыл бұрын
G&A Reviews yeah not every turn, but maybe every 2-3 turn, not to mentioned that the regen from her np can be stack if you can get her np every 2 turn, and thats OP ( every 2-3 turn you get healed and invincible) thats why she get s+ tier in JP, just put her on crit arts team and you will see how its done..
@Spar7anProjec7 5 жыл бұрын
@@imanuelmulyanto885 currently playing with her, nero bride and switching various tamamo supports. they're doing super good but her np gets way better after interludes and her skills are completely dogshit. they even miss most of the time! i never hit a stun in the entirety of camelot lmao
@shutup1037 6 жыл бұрын
Best waifu
@mrkawaii2022 5 жыл бұрын
How 2 use jeanne Step :1 don't use at Avenger Step 2 : don't die Step 3 solo the fuck out last stage (can take 25 turn if you manage her still alive) Step 4 : ??? step 5: holly shit she just wont die ffs
@penbrush793 4 жыл бұрын
Best female character in Fate/Apocrypha but I agree she was poorly managed by the development team. Thank-you for the review.
@SilvvSidd 7 жыл бұрын
would you pair her with waver? i have jeanne and orion and am not sure who to focus on. thanks!
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
You could pair her with waver if you want a super defensive team, you will need someone else in there to do damage though
@juniperjupiter444 7 жыл бұрын
unfortunately the game is intent on making me a defensive arts team :') I have jeanne, waver, and chevalier d'eon. If it wasn't for berseker lancelot or the support slot I'd still be in septem lmao
@riossioseternal4837 7 жыл бұрын
I did her interlude, but she still gets stunned when i use her noble phantasm????
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
It's a different interlude, when you complete the one that buffs her NP and removes the stun it'll explicitly tell you and change the text on her NP. I don't think her NP interlude is out yet though
@jonerikson5925 6 жыл бұрын
Just got here in the paid gacha thanks for the tips!
@randyitachi100 4 жыл бұрын
Just came back here to check it out since I just got sppoked by her with 4 tickets when pulling for Hassan banner so is she still good at the current and future meta?
@GAReviews 4 жыл бұрын
She is, very good
@LeykRoss 7 жыл бұрын
Jeanne is the best Servant right now in NA. Also she is the only one who can be ascended xD in NA the drop rates are awful and some mats arent even out
@renzallen8251 7 жыл бұрын
Aleix Rodd I've never played the JP version but are there going to be events which guarantee a 5* servant drop? I'm still fairly new and holding on to my quartz.
@LeykRoss 7 жыл бұрын
Letter *A* then the number *two* I havent played it either but yes, there will be one-roll events that guaranted a 5* but dont expect them soon in NA
@renzallen8251 7 жыл бұрын
Aleix Rodd ah I see I guess it's wise to save quartz in the longer run...ofc I would drop a little bit like maybe 3 pulls max but yeah. Good to know thanks
@cake6851 7 жыл бұрын
honestly I suggest picking servants you want ahead of time. Like for me I want ishtar enkidu jalter merlin and lancer artoria either one. Pick out the ones you want then hoard.
@renzallen8251 7 жыл бұрын
Cake# yup yup I took a look at the servant lists and tiers and I'm aiming for 3 of them. tbh this power creep warning really is saving my ass because it's discouraging me from pulling anything.
@FrostPMN 6 жыл бұрын
hello love your channel .. are you planning to make an ushi review as well .. thanks and more power
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
I covered her in a mini-spotlight on my F2P guide. I will be doing another F2P Team comp video soon that'll touch on her
@4kageden 5 жыл бұрын
When is Jeanne's Noble Phantasm interlude releasing and will you be re-evaluating this spotlight again when she gets it? I've heard tales of her becoming extremely useful again when she gets her NP interlude
@GAReviews 5 жыл бұрын
Should be around May, and yes. She is a lot better than I gave her credit for so I plan on releasing an updated analysis like I did with Emiya soon
@BoyHedgehog 7 жыл бұрын
I know is kinda.... early but, can you make a guide of Iskandar?
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry, for now I'm following the English release, but his time will come!
@BoyHedgehog 7 жыл бұрын
Then, I'll change what I said, maybe Siegfried would be good, because I see that lots of videos say that is good for slaying dragons, I tried using him as a support but I did not get how he works. Thanks for response :D
@ivansimarmata8118 6 жыл бұрын
I want to ask a question, what's the requirements for ger interlude quest? I have finished London arc, I have fully transcend her but her 2nd interlude quest won't come out. I'm from global server
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
She also needs to be bond 4, but I don't think her 2nd interlude is available yet. It'll be added in later
@ivansimarmata8118 6 жыл бұрын
G&A Reviews Ah that explains a lot thanks
@DoNotPursueMe 6 жыл бұрын
Spotlight Tama When
@who298 6 жыл бұрын
When will you do alter version spotlight
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
When she releases in NA, so around May
@voilavoila196 3 жыл бұрын
Ok I'm a 1 month old player and I was wondering if a team made of Jeanne, Jalter and Merlin synergises well ?
@GAReviews 3 жыл бұрын
It does, and if you have all those servants, congrats!
@voilavoila196 3 жыл бұрын
Only Jalter at the moment, I don't plan to get Merlin myself ( at least for the moment ) but I really want Jeanne even if I haven't seen any real upcoming rate up ( sadly ) Oh and I forgot to mention that I also have Shi Huang Di in my backline to secure the win
@PharaohofCulture 5 жыл бұрын
does the interlude quest already exist in NA? Or if not, when will it be here?
@GAReviews 5 жыл бұрын
Nope not yet, it'll likely be sometime in May next year if they follow JP. This is a pretty handy site that'll give you a list of all the interludes and their expected NA release dates: grandorder.gamepress.gg/all-interludes-and-rank-quest-release-dates
@PharaohofCulture 5 жыл бұрын
@@GAReviews thx, I needed this in my life. 😂
@quasar4678 6 жыл бұрын
Got her just now!
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
@asdasdasdasd61932 7 жыл бұрын
do a video on attila the hun!!
@mesieurt2 7 жыл бұрын
Gonna cry that this is the only 5* i have
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Don't worry she is due for a strengthening quest soon, and even with the score I gave her she is still strong enough to solo most of the game by virtue of being a 5* alone.
@wakefreeman1595 6 жыл бұрын
mesieurt2 me too
@PhiDuyanh 6 жыл бұрын
jeanne is not weak lol
@possessedloneliness1253 6 жыл бұрын
Anyone know when her stun remove quest is coming to Na ?
@HusBrand0 5 жыл бұрын
@@possessedloneliness1253 May 2019 I believe
@metalmao2734 5 жыл бұрын
i bought a summon ticket for 3 saint quartz i thought i get scrap as always but i just got ruler i was so pleased
@peanutfish94 3 жыл бұрын
As much as I love Jeanne (which is alot) that Skill set needs some serious work. Like holy shit, stop doing my girl dirty like this. Hell, I'm not asking for too much either just replace her skills to more useful shit. Cuz right now, those skills are plague-ing her and are borderline useless, NP needs work too but those goddamn skills man. Will always love Jeanne despite this, but would be really nice to have those skills be replaced with something that's more workable
@TwinkieSora 3 жыл бұрын
Wait.... Ok I finally got her! But on all banners I got her on Kama’s. Well ok then.
@darrylquek1 7 жыл бұрын
If Jeanne had better skills, she's basically a cheat code character XD
@Edusturluson 7 жыл бұрын
u must be kidding me.. I wasted a lot of resouces upgrading her skills dude... should I stop now? I think I should xD
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Yes before it's too late lol
@tienkieu4806 5 жыл бұрын
was hoping for Jack in the GSSR banner, got her instead... Feelbadman
@UNIT5016 7 жыл бұрын
Vlad next!
@alv1561 6 жыл бұрын
And then JP decided to remove her NP Stun! Woop!
@razonjeffersoncuarto5325 6 жыл бұрын
Can you do some spotlight about your enkidu please I want to save quarts for her if its worth it or not. her skills are good and she is a waifu.And if she is worth it to be level 100. Thanks
@GAReviews 6 жыл бұрын
I follow NA order so it'll be awhile, but Enkidu is very good and worth grailing for sure
@razonjeffersoncuarto5325 6 жыл бұрын
OK thank you very much. I'll save for Merlin first then save for enkidu next. thanks a lot I owe you one I'll grail her to 100.
@meychongsoon3848 7 жыл бұрын
She's the best ruler? How bout Amakusa Shiro? o.O
@GAReviews 7 жыл бұрын
Oh no, Amakusa is nowhere near as good. Although you can make a case for Martha and Holmes probably surpassed her
@susano.o 6 жыл бұрын
martha is more like bruiser instead spammable NP but hey who doesnt like full buster Ruler combo and she thicc too
@briannguyen6248 6 жыл бұрын
Jeanne wins cause boobs.
@Degen9111 6 жыл бұрын
The sub said "fake granddaughter"
@adamrodriguez31 5 жыл бұрын
Well on the plus side I got her in 36 quartz. Leveling her atm.
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