Drs. Whether to treat or build country and its community is must to have,the bases like air to breathe and other basic necessary means that people need however when easily advertise acting films with no fundamental degrees, and you're or we are the age population that youngsters are looking up to us, we need to slow down the thinking towards money making that is based on fast and on hand instead just like older Somali culture gradual knowledge based lifestyle of going to school and Quran in the evening till the person to virtualize and be able to clear my make decisions by them selves that are not premature but could schedule their choice of acting, art, culture with people or individually that they know how guide and measure with no struggle or any difficulties because they are well acquainted and accomplish a required aknowledge now easily make a movie that is based on their Quran culture and even traditions that are not against Allah's path Please encourage us the legacy of knowledge to brighten and shine on Somalis The country that regain its Somalism Allahu Akbar Xabiibo Xassan Muxammed