I got that bell icon ticked so I can stream this as soon as it's available. I'll make sure to get the word out!
@unknownpitfall61352 ай бұрын
you know, ive been looking into the magicite export files, and for some reason, no matter which part of the ability i change, darkness always does the same amount of damage. i want to make darkness stronger, and i think i tracked the ability that it calls, which is 165 (i think) but i dunno, i just feel really stupid right now. i was also going to make an acsessory, that when equipped, changes a command to darkness, and i know i would have to port some stuff from ff6 pr, but i havent gotten that far yet, i just want to change darkness at the moment, and somehow, it just has not worked.
@unknownpitfall61352 ай бұрын
i wonder if i made a mistake of the ability darkness called being 165.
@unknownpitfall61352 ай бұрын
actually, i havent tried every data number, just the ones i assumed would could change the damage.