Final Fantasy X Changed Everything (and I hate it)

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@LethalBubbles 11 ай бұрын
I got FFX when it came out, and HATED it. And indeed, it spread like a cancer that devoured the entire genre. imo, voice acting in particular killed RPGs, but not simply from being a good or bad performance. Cutscenes too, but to a lesser degree. When dialogue was text based, and you were a fast reader, you could play far more efficiently. With retro RPGs, there's less pausing between you and the world. But voice acting and cutscenes force you to sit down and force your brain into "movie mode".
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
OTOH, skippable cutscenes are now an industry standard.
@OrdinaryMan1999-tn4hh 7 күн бұрын
I'm going to play devil's advocate and ask why do people hate change? So you value the ability to skip through dialogue and just play the game? Then why have a story? Movies are stories and stories are what drives RPGs. So I really don't get the complaints. Are you suggesting we regress back 36 years?
@TheSlinja 7 жыл бұрын
Now to be fair, one shot hentai manga is the most powerful form of literature available to us
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Not even wrong.
@thorhighheels 7 жыл бұрын
It took me a while to get here, but MAN this video is great. I like the game a decent bit, but I can't really disagree with anything you state either. I guess it's issues just don't bother me that much. I will say though, seeing the game's mechanics brought under this light, really makes me realize how much of a slippery slope the series was already on leading up to FF13. The linearity of the world, and especially the sphere grid's lack of choice, are very obvious precursors of what was to come, in retrospect. Same thing with the weird area transitions. I remember at one point in 13, the entire party hangs on to this random thing as it flies around, and then they crash in to a building, but then the evil pope teleports them to an abandoned military base or some shit, and it's like... what? And while 10 is no where near that bad, the Yeti smashing the ice bit is definitely getting there. Again though, great job on this one my dude. The fact that I was able to watch the whole thing in one sitting says loads about it's quality.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Thor! I love your videos.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't even make this video to be like: "X IS WORSE THAN XIII YOU IDIOTS!!!" It just seemed to me that no one wanted to recognize that both have VERY similar problems, and the little I did search around about that revealed a neoGAF thread, that tried to justify the bad in X compared to XIII. Both suck, and Final Fantasy continued dumbing down it's gameplay afterwards. Denying that is ludicrous.
@tropichawk850 4 жыл бұрын
So... I started at the Story section and worked my way from there. I don't know too much about the intricacies of X's gameplay to comment on them, but I do know and love X's story, so that's what I was interested in hearing about. Thus I decided to write out my thoughts on everything you had to say about it. I was expecting to have my opinions altered in some way, but it turns out nearly everything I had to say became a rebuttle. I don't really agree with your take on the story at all, and while I do get a bit more snarkytowards the end of this comment, I also was doing it more as my own catharsis as well, and I already spent far longer on this comment than I meant to so I don't want to go back in and edit everything. That said, you have every right to hold these opinions, and I respect that you do, but I would also like to share why I disagree to such a large degree. Of course Auron didn't reveal the whole truth about Yunato Tidus right away. How was he supposed to be aware Yuna's sacrifice was being kept from him at that juncture? How was he supposed to know nobody else had told him yet? I agree. The truth about Yuna was given at an inopportune time story-wise for developing the cast, and the fact that Tidus was never told about it at any point beforehand definitely requires suspension of disbelief. But it's not horrible. In fact, without it, it would have been, if not impossible, at least far more difficult for Tidus's ignorant charm to have worked its way into bringing Yuna happiness. Because instead he'd feel bad for her just like everyone else does. Something that clearly only makes Yuna feel worse. The reason Tidus finds out about it here is because it offered him and Yuna time to connect organically. After all, this story is about them, first and foremost. Thus they receive story precedence over the others. Does that mean the others shouldn't be mote fleshed where they can be? No, of course not. But I think they do happen to be fleshed out pretty well regardless. Also, Lulu doesn't really contradict her personality here. She's had time to digest Chapu's death. That didn't just happen. So she's cold about it just like everything else, even if it dies still sting to think about. What's happening to Yuna is current. That wound is scabbed over and mending. It's massive, and gaping, and oozing blood to the floor. Of course she's going to react differently to it. I don't remember whether or not the Fiends would've disappeared if Sin were defeated naturally to comment on the intelligence in the Al Bhed blowing up Home. If they don't, then I fail to see the problem here. If they do, then yeah, you actually have a pretty good point. The fact that Tidus and Yuna have awkward interactions towards the beginning of the game make them feel more real. Of course they're awkward, they're both fish out of water, and have never met before. I'd argue that the fact they still manage to find joy in their awkward conversations because they both recognize how awkward the other is being and accept them for it is a huge part of what makes their relationship so strong. It shows that they allow one another to see them floundering and still find joy in it. That's a good thing to have in a relationship. Not the other way around. The idea isn't that you should force yourself to laugh. Yes, that's what Yuna wants him to do, but it's clear that doesn't actually make her happy. Like you say, that doesn't actually help you move beyond the pain. Tidus takes that lesson and intentionally delivers it in an over-the-top (so called "obnoxious") way to get her to laugh for real, and while she finds it awkward and thinks he should stop, she still finds herself joining in regardless. Because unlike the fame smiles she forces on herself, Tidus makes her laugh for real. He makes her happy for real. And that's worth treasuring. The scene isn't anot Yuna teaching Tidus to pretend to be okay when he isn't. It's about Tidus giving Yuna a reason to be happy for real. The scene does not fail in the slightest. In fact, it showcases yet another great reason why Tidus and Yuna DO have chemistry. Just because you didn't feel anything doesn't mean nothing happened. If it doesn't work for you, that's okay. You have every right not to enjoy it. But there was very clearly chemistry and a budding relationship there. Tidus is doing what he always does for Yuna in that "water sex" scene. He gives her a legitimate reason to be happy. It makes him happy too. Isn't that a huge part of what relationships are about? Similarly, Tidus and Yuna do grow. Tidus went from someone who simply went through the motions day-to-day, didn't ever stop to see things from anyone else's point of view, failed to understand the complexity of relationships, (In general. Not just romantically,) and turned away from his own responsibilities, to the exact opposite of all that. He found genuine contentment with Yuna, and thanks to her came to understand why everyone felt the way they did about The Calm and everything else in Spira, he put his grudge against his Dad to rest by understanding what the man was going through and learning how complicated the situation was. Tidus owned up to the fact that only through his sacrifice could he save not just Yuna, but Spira, and went through with it for their sake. He is still a bit full of himself when he says he wants everything, but the thing is, that moment isn't where he stops growing. Tidus's character does evolve. On the same note, Yuna does suck at sticking with her decisions. She keeps bouncing back and forth between how much she should give up for the people around her. Her life? Her future? Her emotions? Her love? Does she have to give any of it away? Is there a better path? If she gives away her life, doesn't she have a right to enjoy what little she has left? Or does that defeat the purpose? She's got an insane amount of inner turmoil raging on inside her, and when she keeps being prompted with decisions that involve that inner turmoil, of course she won't always know what to say, do, or choose. In actuality, Yuna goes from someone who is selfless to the point where she gives up her own life, livelihood, and even her identity for others. She closes off her emotions and allows her declining mental state to fester. She lacks agency because she simply goes wherever she feels she must to help others, and she doesn't stop to challenge if there could be a better way. Yet by the end of the game, Yuna realizes she can fight to find a better path, she makes the most difficult decision she could for herself, she opens up and allows herself to heal mentally, she claims her own identity and stops being so awkward with her forced persona in conversation, she acts goofy and sometimes clingy, and she learns that you can help others without sacrificing all of who you are. Yuna grows a lot. You'll notice a large portion of Yuna's character development happens thanks to her romantic relationship with Tidus. Just as much of Tidus's growth is facilitated thanks to his love for Yuna. They both make the other to want to work to become the people they want to be. Which is another fantastic thing to have in a relationship. Also, Yuna does not live the rest of her life trying to find Tidus, and Tidus does not come back. the first game. ...I think the first game deserves to be viewed within a vacuum. I wouldn't say Yuna appreciates Tidus treating her as a person, so much as she appreciates him allowing her to laugh and be happy. Remember at the beginning of the game when Yuna wanted to bring gifts for all the places she'd visit and Lulu shut her down with a reminder that Yuna shouldn't treat this like a fun trip because she was marching to her death? Yeah. Everyone treats Yuna that way. Everyone but Tidus. It isn't that Tidus is otherworldly, it's that Tidus doesn't know what's going to happen to Yuna, so he just allows Yuna to be... Yuna. He doesn't tell her how she should act, behave, or feel. He allows her to say what she wants, want what she wants, and experience things the way she wants. Also, Yuna wasn't supposed to sound happy in the scene where Tidus says they can hang out after Sin is defeated. Because that reminds her of how she can't. Why would that make her happy? Tidus and Yuna's relationship is built upon words, but what matters isn't what method in which their relationship builds, what matters is that you can see it positively affecting both parties in a believable way, which it very clearly does here. Again, you have every right not to enjoy this game, but to say Tidus and Yuna don't complete one another in any way, that their relationship is shallow, that no one can feel a connection with them, and that they do nothing to make the audience root for them is something I cannot, in the slightest, agree with. Not to even mention all the ignorant choice words you had to jab at it. Also, I would like to deposit that Yuna's interest in Tidus being Jecht's son when they first meet isn't because he reminds him of her, but because he was someone Yuna has heard only great things about and who gave his life to the same cause Yuna fights for. I don't see how that would negatively affect her chances of being in a relationship with Tidus.
@tropichawk850 4 жыл бұрын
Tidus isn't the stereotypical protagonist, and he does remark on the differences between Zanarkand and Spira quite often. I can't really disagree with you here. I personally don't mind it, though. In all honesty, I liked that Tidus wasn't following traditional protagonist structure, and the constant talk of how different everything was not only help keep the tone for me, but also set up for the Faith's reveal later on. So either it comes down to personal taste or I am very blind to this game's faults. Yeah, Jecht is awesome. He was definitely a shitty, neglectful drunkard from what we know, but he actually managed to put that behind him and grow as a person. Jecht's pretty fucking awesome. That doesn't mean I think Tidus isn't great in his own right, though. I mean, Jecht was likely a pretty shitty person beforehand too, so it isn't really fair to let that slide and not to let Tidus starting out as a douchey sports player slide when he also shows personal growth far beyond that. Tidus does acknowledge the Jecht Spheres when it's relevant. When Auron shows them to him, and when he comes face to face with his father. He also might not mention it directly, but I guarantee you it subtly affects some of his reactions and decisions while in the real Zanarkand. Tidus acts like a lost child for a while because he kind of is. I don't see that as a narrative flaw. Also, the moment you show when you talk about Tidus's fluctuating as confidence isn't so much genuine confidence as it is him really not wanting anything to happen to Yuna. I haven't played the game in forever though, so I can't comment on any of the other scenes you might be referring to. Also, Yuna isn't actually impartial to her pilgrimage. She's hiding it. Like she said she does towards the beginning of the game in that scene everyone seems to dislike. She shows her emotions every now and again. Such as in the "water sex" scene. But most of the time these are moments that slip through the cracks, or they're only ones that show themselves when she speaks to Tidus, because he makes her feel comfortable enough to where the persona slips more often. It isn't until towards the end of the game that Yuna's had enough and makes the decision not to sacrifice her life, her identity, and everything else that makes her her. Yuna clearly has a lot more to her character than just cuteness, and predictably. I appreciate that you have your own perspective, and I really don't want to come off as antagonistic, but at this point it really just seems like you didn't pay attention. The takeaway of Tidus growing into maturity isn't him killing his dad. He's accepting and appreciating his father for who he is, despite his father being a huge part of what made his life sour, however unintentionally. He no longer aspires to be better than Jecht because he realizes Jecht was just as human as he is and they both have their own faults. Once more, Tidus learns to see things through Jecht's perspectice, and he grows as a result. He helps Jecht get the rest he wanted and strives to be his best self, rather than someone above Jecht. Yuna's decision with Yunalesca wasn't a last minute one. The realization that a guardian had to be a sacrifice was the straw that broke the camel's back. The whole game she's been struggling with how much is okay to sacrifice for what she feels is right a lot more than the father theory. Although I suppose that could be a much smaller part of it too. So when she realizes it isn't just her, but her friends and family she must sacrifice she puts her foot down and finally says no. She wasn't forced into this decision at all. She finally had enough. Something she might not ha e had the strength to do if not, again, for Tidus encouraging her to be her own person. So no, the Macalania Woods scene isn't ruined by this moment. In fact, it's only made stronger. Back then her perspective was different, but Tidus showed her another way, and that changed her ideals to fit more of who she truly is rather than what she feels she has to be. I also think the story is plenty focused. Yes, there are a buttload of themes, but the main one I took away from the game, and the main one I hear plenty others have taken away from it too, is that you don't always have to sacrifice who you want to be for who you feel you have to be, who the world wants you to be, or what you feel is needed. Sometimes it's okay not to sacrifice everything you have. You can do genuinely good things in this world without giving up who you are. Which is a great message to have. Yeah, I can't deny there are some stilted deliveries in this game, but I got the feeling it wasn't the writing or voice acting so much as voice directing. The translation being hard to pull off due to the animations dictating the length of sound files actually makes a lot more sense though. Auron has reasons for his vagueness. The one I mentioned before, and his own personal emotions. People don't tend to want to discuss the things that cut them deepest. I don't remember his line that you showed since I haven't played the game in a while, but I imagine it simply signifies a passing of the torch. I... can't remember why Rikku doesn't talk to Yuna before kidnapping her. Maybe she did? Maybe she felt it was no use? I... don't know. Unless I'm missing something, this is a very good point. It is kind of dumb that they didn't communicate about this at some point before Rikku tried to snatch yo girl. Wakka's resentment towards the Al Bhed is easily shut down because his worldviews are being put under fire. He's internally conflicted, so he doesn't know what to say. So are most of the cast about their own issues It's why they don't speak explicitly about their feelings most of the time. Because they also don't understand those feelings themselves. It's hard to describe something you can't exactly pin down. Keeping that in mind, I'd say they still to a decent job at express their thoughts regardless. I'd also say he does resolve his Al Bhed arc. It's just that he's still going to be an idiot. It's not that Lulu doesn't have time for feelings. It's that she doesn't want to have any time to feel. She pushes those things aside in favor of a cold, harsh persona. Hence why the truth about Yuna is hard for her to say. It's also why she comes off as fake. Because she's trying to. She doesn't like to face her own feelings, so she shuts down the feelings of others too. While I'd still like to talk about FFX in a vacuum, I'd also wager it makes sense for her experiences in FFX to have caused her to grow to the point where she'd be more accepting of her emotions by FFX-2 to the point where she'd realistically have that child with Wakka. Whether or not you enjoy her character is up to personal taste. So while the cast of characters aren't as important as Yuna or Tidus, they do play their respective roles and are well rounded and fleshed out. There really isn't anything wrong with them being there in my eyes. Yes. Those are all antagonists. There can be more than two of them just like there can be more than two protagonists. Did you really just say "Outside of Sin fucking up this place, and these people, and this place, and these people, and this place, and these people, and this place, and these people, where is he?" You literally just mentioned where he is. Everyone one of those is its own super impactful moment. Not to mention the Sin Spawn are all reminders of what he's done, as well as the entire pilgrimage being about him, and day to day life of every place you go to revolving around him. Sin is legitimately everywhere. Everywhere. How did you miss him? Also, I hear this argument everywhere, but if you don't empathize with people dying in media, no matter how well it was pulled off, just because you didn't know the characters beforehand, that doesn't mean the scene isn't harrowing or you can't feel for them. If you have to know someone to feel bad that they died in such an awful way as in this game that's not on the game. Plenty of people feel something from that just fine. Yu Yevon... the parasite looking ass... is cute? ...I mean... ...okay. If you say so. Yeah. Seymour is pretty one note. I have to give you that one. The Unsent do not remove the tension of death from the world. It's a fantasy world. If it wants a character to die it will always find a way around it. People who play fantasy games should be well aware of that. How else would Tidus have died, after all? I will admit that the process of becoming an Unsent is more vague than it has to be though. I don't think scenes of Jecht physically abusing Todus were really necessary. They address it, and as you say, neglect is still a very serious and realistic issue which makes it easy to see where our protagonist Tidus comes from. It's also easy to understand that it wasn't so much actually stabbing the Shoopuff that made Jecht stop drinking as it was the negative reaction of those around him that he trusted and cared for who had yet to treat him with any form of negativity. He had also been through a few things up until then. That's why it was more impactful to him than when he used to make Tidus cry. Lastly, saying that accepting people practically being forced to unnecessarily sacrifice themselves, who they are, and what they want in order to do what they feel they have to do, and what people want from them is equivalent to maturing is not a good take. Anyway, those are my thoughts. This was still a really well thought out video that I can tell had a lot of thought and effort put into it and I really appreciate that. I... don't know how to close this comment out, so... there it is. If anyone read all this: thank you for your patience. I hope you have a good day.
@laststrike4411 4 жыл бұрын
Any other games in this vein without turn-based combat?
@tropichawk850 4 жыл бұрын
@@laststrike4411 Perhaps I simply don't know a large enough variety of games, but honestly: not that I'm aware of. Outside of the FF series, the only games I can think of that are worth playing and give off even so much as a somewhat similar vibe to FFX without being turn-based are "Nier: Automata" and "Ico". And those two are only really similar in terms of the feeling I got while playing them. Hopefully that can help you at least a little though.
@Slyguy846 3 жыл бұрын
​@@tropichawk850 This was a very eloquently written explanation of the game's themes. I feel like Final Fantasy X's faults (such as Seymour's two-dimensionality) have given its story a bit of a bad rep, but the game's themes and characters are really great. I think other Final Fantasy games, such as IX, are a bit more clear with their thematic content. A character like Vivi is *clearly* trying to come to terms with his transient existence, but a character like Lulu hides her pain and is thus more difficult for people to understand. Also, yes, defeating Sin does not get rid of fiends. Fiends are an entirely separate issue to Sin, so while blowing up Home is definitely very extreme, it's not entirely unjustified. Also, Yuna doesn't even spend the rest of her life trying to 'find' Tidus considering material outside of FFX. Yuna does plenty of soul searching on her own and only really gets seriously invested in finding Tidus once Kimahri shows her a Sphere depicting someone who looks and sounds very similar to Tidus. It's ridiculous for the author to suggest that anybody *wouldn't* go searching after finding something like that.
@tropichawk850 3 жыл бұрын
@@Slyguy846 You know, I remembered this video and the massive comment I left here like second nature. Yet in truth, I couldn't entirely remember what all of what I'd said. After receiving your message, I decided to read through it again and refresh myself on what you were responding to before responding to you in return. I have to say, I am a bit ashamed. I was definitely a lot ruder than I had any right to be, and the amount of typos I'm finding amongst my words now is frankly atrocious. However, with that all being said, I can't find a single thing I've said here that my opinion has really changed on. So thank you for such kind words. I really appreciate you taking all that time out of your day to listen to my inane ramblings, let alone praise them. In any case, I do agree. There are undeniably faults within this game, but even still, a lot of things I've noticed are surprisingly frequently considered as such by others simply boil down to more subtle nuances that require between-the-line inspection and consideration. And I don't mean to imply I'm some big-brained god for being able to draw connections where others can't. Although, as we all know, this is still, of course, an irrefutable fact. No, the most plausible explanation that comes to my mind straight off the bat is merely that this game has clicked with me from day one, and as such, through frequent, repetitive, likely unhealthy, self-imposed exposure to its narrative, I've had more than enough time compared to those with whom it doesn't appeal to peel back the layers on this massive onion of a story. At least, I would imagine that plays a role in my perspective of this game. It's either that or I'm just another unwittingly blinded, die-hard fanboy. In all honesty, I suspect both are equally likely possibilities.
@razbuten 7 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this, Jac. I don't watch long-form videos very often, but I would definitely watch more if you made it. You've got a knack for it. As far as FFX, my views are pretty much just a slightly less critical version of yours, but still filled with disappointment mainly at how close this game comes to doing so many things great, but trips on nearly every single one of them, leading to an awkward game.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Raz. The critical nature of this video came from both wanting to make a video I wouldn't fall asleep watching and also some very real feelings I had playing it for the first and second time. So the moments where I sound angry and loud is a reflection of my frame of mind I had playing it. I really wanted X to be good
@logancannon458 3 жыл бұрын
i know I'm quite randomly asking but do anyone know of a good website to watch newly released movies online ?
@Caspicum 7 жыл бұрын
This video is fucking great. I really did a good job with the editing.
@thisguyyoudontknow4653 5 жыл бұрын
I need you to do a full cover of the Tidus Yuna blue forest sex scene song so I can die happy.
@Caspicum 5 жыл бұрын
@@thisguyyoudontknow4653 We definitely need a petition for this.
@Exigentable 4 жыл бұрын
You edited this? Helluva good job! It added so much to the video. A big project to handle too. good job all around man, I'm definitely impressed and enjoyed the video a lot more because of the editing caliber.
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU. I’ve been saying for years how much ffx was problematic and doesn’t belong as an S or A tier final fantasy game. I’ve never ever understood the hype. I was so pumped when I bought it for the PS2 when it was released and abandoned it ten hours in because I hated is so much. I had recently beaten ff9, which was a masterpiece, so I was so disappointed. Three years ago I finally decided to try ffx again and I did finish it… but incredibly reluctantly, as it was WORSE than I remembered it being.
@camharkness Жыл бұрын
So, basically, I can't like the game and can't have it as my favorite?
L take. Literally everyone else considers X a good game. Let me guess... you must hate the new FF16 too huh?
@sirbradfordofhousejones Жыл бұрын
@@REDEEMERWOLF my comment has six likes, so it isn’t “literally everyone else.” But snark aside, I’m just a loud annoying voice on the internet, you can like whatever you want to like. I was agreeing with the video on why I didn’t like the game and was frustrated by it. Keep in mind I was super poor as I was in college when I first played it and it felt like a lot of money thrown away. Perhaps my bias of that moment clouded the retried experience. Who knows?! Not deeper than that. And I don’t have a ps5, so no “L take” opinion yet for ff16.
@Al-ji4gd 9 ай бұрын
We don't care
@waxstakes 6 ай бұрын
Glad to know im not the only one that realized this game is not good. Trying to force myself to beat it and am so close to putting it down for good. So boring!!!
@TheLonelyGoomba 7 жыл бұрын
I'm about 20 minutes in. And I think this might be your magnum opus. Also, you should probably add some midroll ads since the video is an hour long. You kinda deserve the added revenue at that point.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Means a fuck load man. I'm so pleased with the end result as well.
@zoraroxas 4 жыл бұрын
2 years late but- kings supporting kings, you love to see it.
@Thebigballsmanful 6 жыл бұрын
I actually love this FF game, though I can fully agree with many of your points. There are several issues with it, to be sure. My main gripe is that it's not all that replayable; a 100% playthrough is filled with so much tedium that it's really only worth doing 2-3 times. I also agree that there isn't much dynamism to the combat system. A very good video, man! You obviously put a huge amount of effort into it.
@jacbros 6 жыл бұрын
I love comments like this. I know I'm going against the grain here and not liking a game that is considered an all time classic, so it's really nice that I can get comments like yours that are just like "I still love X, but I respect your opinion". It's the best! Thanks man.
@superdupeninja8149 4 жыл бұрын
I liked the combat system cuz it reminded me of Pokemkn when I played it. I loved FFX so much that I bought FF13 and for the life of me couldn’t figure out the combat system
@BasedRoots 4 жыл бұрын
I would never 100% a game because I have a life.
@joeyvdm1 4 жыл бұрын
@@BasedRoots There are players out there called "Completionists". There are entire youtube channels dedicated to it. So I understand that you might have a "life", but different people live there lives differently. Nothing wrong with that.
@TriableChain552 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. Fantastic right I got it because I wanted to try my first turned based game and get into them and this was the one that was recommended to me as it’s not difficult but for people that have played for a while I can understand why this game is so boring
@mex6623 Жыл бұрын
Agreed FF10 sucked hard. It was the beginning of the downfall of final fantasy games.
@PerrydactylShow 7 жыл бұрын
Great vid, Jac. Super stoked to see something new from ya. I really liked most of what you have to say FFX. I really loved this game, but playing it again in recent years I realized how shitty it was. I will say, I do have a soft spot for the combat. I do agree the lack of monster variation is disappointing, but there's so much cool shit to do.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Hey man. Don't let me tell you what you can and can't like. I'm just disappointed in it myself cuz it seemed like X was one of the last games where Square truly gave a fuck about making history and instead focused on always being at the forefront in the presentation department, which just doesn't carry a game.
@IsaacG8 2 жыл бұрын
@@jacbros Yes! Exactly.
@snomangaming 7 жыл бұрын
Just watched the whole thing. You did some incredible work man. I LOVE FFX, always have, but I couldn't find myself disagreeing with most of what you said. I think the combat/sphere grid came down to personal opinion for me, as I liked both of them but yeah the story is pretty garbo, with everything you pointed out here. For me personally, I think it was a great game at the age I played it (around 12-13), meaning I connected with Tidus because I WAS an angsty, whiny little kid lol. That sounds really weird, but I distinctly remembering connecting with Tidus and crew. It was also basically my first ever real RPG so I think I enjoyed the combat/sphere grid because it WAS fairly basic, and I had a great time the whole way through. The sheer amount of content (bonus stuff especially) was so intriguing to me back then, but when I played it again recently, the story did stick out like a sore thumb. Great job Jac! I'm seriously impressed with all the detail you worked in, keep up the great work!
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sno!
@brandish4952 4 жыл бұрын
So you like games with suck and have garbo story lines? SMDH.
@gimpgumby1127 3 жыл бұрын
Lol the hate from this comment. They were a kid when they played just like me and yeah I enjoyed this game when I was a kid. We all enjoy dumb shit as a kid. Im sure you all watched questionable shows as children and now you might watch things that are much deeper in plot with character development. Learn to form meaningful sentences with a point instead slinging shit at people like a gorilla on the internet, because it makes you seem unintelligent.
@themilkman6669 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything here, but one small thing I would add about the presentation is that whoever worked on the camera angles for the in-engine cutscenes is an idiot. They're pretty bad in my opinion.
@SaberRexZealot 6 жыл бұрын
glittered spork They’re utter shit for the most part. Then you play 12 and suddenly they know how to frame shots to tell the story better by tenfold. I guess this whole switch to full 3D was a huge learning process for Square. I think it paid off by the time FF12 and KH2 came out. And then subsequently every game after has been an utter disappointment.
@themilkman6669 6 жыл бұрын
SaberRexZealot I actually really enjoyed the FF13 trilogy and FF15 though, despite them being disappointing just having the "Final Fantasy" name.
@SaberRexZealot 6 жыл бұрын
glittered spork Maybe Square will win me back some day. If Capcom can I’m sure Square can too.
@kinganarkzie 4 жыл бұрын
I read an interview where the guys that made the game basically said the same thing, I wish I could remember the source but they mentioned the angles in the cut scenes and the cringy fan service. Talking of cringy fan service what was up with the lingering close up of 15 year old Rikku's arse as she gets out of her wet suit after trying to kidnap Yuna in her submarine?
@Gamingnstuff131 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad someone caught this as well. It was embarrassing how badly framed the cutscenes were. 12 ages way better in the cutscene direction alone. It ages better as a complete package than 10 does.
@PerilsofPokey 7 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed X's combat, but I will admit I never felt challenged. It had the basis for something more exciting, but it never went far enough for it. As far as story and characters go, it's a shame it wasn't just focused on Jecht/Auron/Braska. Would've been sick. A sick sausage soiree.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
I won't even say that the Tidus and Yuna plot doesn't have potential to be good. In fact that's kinda my main point and why I'm so frustrated, because if it was good it could've been so amazing.
@brianlaudrupchannel 4 жыл бұрын
X was the start of the huge downfall of the series. As soon as they got rid of the world map
@kinganarkzie 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know about, it was followed by 12 which I think is easily one of the best in the entire series, also there have been bad FF games before 10, 8 comes to mind.
@brianlaudrupchannel 4 жыл бұрын
@@kinganarkzie 8 was great
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
@@kinganarkzie The only really bad things about 8 is the ridiculous orphanage twist and perhaps how linear disc 2 is. Overall it is still miles and leagues better than anything from 10 onwards except maybe 12.
@jessica2575 4 жыл бұрын
Sakaguchi not working at square changed everything not X
@darkdoescosplays 5 жыл бұрын
I thought I was going crazy when I was 13 desperately trying to enjoy this game everyone else thought was amazing. I don't think there is anything I can add to what you've said. Only that I did like the battle system. Probably because it was a distraction from everything else. The acting was the worst part; I desperately wanted to be able to turn the voices off, as it felt worse than amateur dramatics. Being older now, I understand more about having to fit the English lines to the Japanese. But I felt no connection to the characters whatsoever.
@delete7316 4 жыл бұрын
I am 13 and trying to enjoy it but can’t
@alesodaroz 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I just left it after 11 hours. Such a let down after I beat 4, 7 and 8 for the first time in the past 12 months! I think I will stick with 5, 6 and 9 next
@IsaacG8 2 жыл бұрын
You weren't going crazy. You just had impeccable taste and wasn't swayed by "pretty graphics". You didn't fold under peer pressure to like it. You were ahead of your time.
@IsaacG8 2 жыл бұрын
@@delete7316 Did you ever find anything enjoyable about the game?
@christianlove6772 Жыл бұрын
You can’t skip it neither is what kill the joy for me because the first 10 min I was so confused that I didn’t even care anymore. Story did pick back up doing the wedding arc tho
@Phillylove100 5 жыл бұрын
32:40-32:46 If you were actually paying attention to the story, you'd know the reason behind them doing the blitzball tournament was because fun was a luxury that they greatly valued in their world full of misery and destruction. To them blitzball was something worth fighting for so it made sense that the threat of sin wouldn't stop them from holding the tournament. 32:47-32:52 They didn't know they couldn't beat sin. Where are you coming up with this shit? They planned for ages, gathering together an army, capturing sinspawn for bait, and making and bringing some of the strongest weapons in the world. They believed they could do it.
@brandish4952 4 жыл бұрын
the game sucks bud.
@christianlove6772 Жыл бұрын
​@@brandish4952 😂😂
@Phillylove100 Жыл бұрын
@@brandish4952Very compelling non argument.
@bakinganormalcake3875 2 жыл бұрын
Predictable critique, and to no surprise, nothing good to say. Even forgot to take into consideration context in several cases. I'm still looking for that day when someone gives it a fair shake, bad AND good, not this bashing nonsense we see every time a staple FF game comes out. But.... i can also understand you need your clicks, and a positive review probably wouldn't be as lucrative for you. Of course I'm not discounting the fact you could actually, really not be liking the game, that is of course your opinion and taste, but at this point, people seem to just "go with it" when it comes to 10 to the point it's just a broken record. Maybe 16 needs to come out. I'm scared to even think about it... Admittedly it was my fault for expecting more, i just saw your Dust:elysian tale video which was quite balanced, so it made me hope for something better here too.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
Are you high? He provided both reasoning and in-game evidence for every piece of criticism, you are the one pulling negativity out of your ass without backing any of it.
@MasterEm243 7 жыл бұрын
That was beautiful. Thank you for making this.
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Thank YOU for watching!
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
I can break down why I disliked FF10's gameplay but I could never put into words why I dislike FF10 story, specially given how strong its premise and themes are. This video has helped putting some of this in perspective. Having said that, it's worth mentioning Square did redeem themselves eventually as far as FF10's gameplay goes. 1st by creating the best ATB has ever been in FF10-2, and then finally by proving they could absolutely nail both turn-based combat AND challenge/depth on strict turn-based systems with Bravely Default and Bravely Second. They also proved they could make a seamless interconnected world work without overworld map abstractions with FF12. And finally, they nailed controllable Summons in FF Type-0. 13, 15 and 16 all suck though. I'm not fond of FF7 Remake trilogy either, it just feel like a dumbed down Type-0 with the worst possible Kingdom Hearts endings.
@Phillylove100 Жыл бұрын
32:40-32:46 If you were actually paying attention to the story, you'd know the reason behind them doing the blitzball tournament was because fun was a luxury that they greatly valued in their world full of misery and destruction. To them blitzball was something worth fighting for so it made sense that the threat of sin wouldn't stop them from holding the tournament. 32:47-32:52 They didn't know they couldn't beat sin. Where are you coming up with this shit? They planned for ages, gathering together an army, capturing sinspawn for bait, and making and bringing some of the strongest weapons in the world. They believed they could do it.
@yaminegira9239 6 жыл бұрын
This feels like RLM's Plinkett reviews. I like it.
@toomberrebmoot9244 3 жыл бұрын
I know this video is 3 years old, but I recently finished X and I can't help but agree with most of your points. I had been playing FF VII through to IX since about mid-april and I must say that the PS1 trilogy while being dated in many respects, is an absolute work of art that everyone should try out and I can't wait to play through the first 6 when they get their professional ports on Steam. With that being said, I'm gonna need a bit of a break from Final Fantasy until then because of the BS I went through with this game. The Pacing/combat: I had spent 50 dollars on the Remastered bundle with FFX-2 included and I couldn't help but feel as if it was a bit of a drag to get through. It didn't help that the PS1 trilogy remasters had easily accessible features such as 3x speed to help you get through the longer parts of the games, but even then, I still felt as if it took forever to progress. Tidus feels like a fucking turtle in comparison to Cloud, Squall, and Zidane even at their normal speeds and the not-so-subtle linearity of Spira's admittedly gorgeous world doesn't help at all. It feels kinda like Morrowind (with much more graceful save stations), But whereas Morrowind rewards you for your dedication and patience with fascinating meta lore and wonderfully complex villains, FFX rewards you with some busted-ass equipment that makes the mind-numbingly easy combat even easier. Notice how PrimalLiquide's grinding guides for this game mostly involve using Macros and automated shit, that's how fucking boring it gets. The Voice Acting: I love James Arnold Taylor and John Dimaggio for their work as Obi-Wan and Jake The Dog (2003 Grievous too), but I don't feel like they save the game's voice work at all! This is ironic since I feel as though John Dimaggio actually does a great job in this game as Wakka! People point out the laughing scene as the highlight, but oddly enough, that might actually be the best acted "cute" moment in the entire game! Why not point to Yuna in pretty much every scene she's in! Not to rag on her actress, but goddamn did she get the worst of it with the awkward need to lipsync everything perfectly! The Celestial weapons and the horrors of looking up guides too late into the game: Now this one really pissed me off. After Grinding in the Ultima cave for lord knows how long, I had Gotten Tidus to the point where he was casually dealing max damage and had max health (he had the sword equipped which doubled his AP). After realizing that upgrading his strength was pretty much pointless at this rate, I decided to try and get his celestial weapon so that he can break past the damage cap. After obtaining the Celestial Mirror and screaming at my TV during the Chocobo Race with the trainer and opening up the chest that had the base sword in it, I realized that I missed one important thing... The part in Yunalisca's temple... which was then being guarded by Dark-Bahamut... Fuck. I just wanted to be done with the game at that point, Tidus, Auron, and Yuna were dealing max damage and I already learned some of the most powerful spells with them (Holy, Flare, Ultima, etc.), meaning that I could pretty much speed blitz (ball) through the rest of the game. Seymore, Jecht, and the Yu Yevon possessed Aeons were pretty much a joke at this point, almost as much a joke as Yu Yevon himself, who I could've beaten in 2 turns with the Zombie + Life combo had I not screwed up with a Phoenix-Down instead of casting life. I will admit that I never go out of my way to fully optimize everything when I play RPGs for the first time, but I don't want to play this again anytime soon. I played X-2 for about 40 minutes and then the game quit on me because my external storage pooped out for whatever reason. I'm currently replaying Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and I must say that I'm having way more fun now that I've gotten away from X.
@starscorpia4005 6 жыл бұрын
I actually like ffx, mostly because it is my first ff game, but i do prefer 5 and 6 to x But nothing, and i mean, NOTHING will dethrone final fantasy xii for me, the game simply was the game that made me love jrpgs, the plot was enjoyable even to 12 year old me, the gambit system allowed me to control the flow of battle, the hunting quests had me anticipate the reward, and even the bestiary was good since it had fun world building. And ffx isn't the best ff game but it isn't the worst either, i really disliked iv and ii, they felt off to me. That being said, i am glad you enjoy ffxii the game takes a lot to 100% and the superbosses are a bit cheap (at least in the ps2 version) but other than that i still love that game like a son.
@SaberRexZealot 6 жыл бұрын
Star Scornius For me, FF12 is leagues better than FF10, to the point that I simply cannot for the life of me understand why 10 was ever considered the better game, or worse “the last good Final Fantasy”; and 12 was an incomplete experience with a troubled development so that’s saying something.
@madmaxx4178 5 жыл бұрын
SaberRexZealot the same weebs who think Mirai nikki is a superior anime to monster thinks ff10 is superior to 12 Too dumb to understand the story
@brandish4952 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure how you can prefer 5 and 6 and then also like X. This game is complete garbage.
@rennebright5886 3 жыл бұрын
@@brandish4952 because people are capable of liking different games at a time probably, I know that's a shocking concept tho
@Gamingnstuff131 2 жыл бұрын
@@SaberRexZealot replaying them both recently, I wonder the same thing. 10 is almost as horrid as 13. Both had the same director who come accross as incompetent. They both have terrible dialogue and voice acting, dumb plots, bad character design and art styles and are more interested in how they look and their presentation over more important things like the gameplay and exploration. 10 is pure cringe.
@megamike15 4 жыл бұрын
i always felt tales of symphonia did 10's story better. instead of having the reveal being right before the end it's near the end of act 1 so it can focus on it and have them trying to not let it happen be the rest of the game instead of just the last act. also helps that that game has better characters that i care about. this tends to be why i consider 9 the last ff game. 10 onwards just don't feel like ff anymore even thoe 10 was the last game made by it's original creators.
@jacbros 4 жыл бұрын
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees I 100% agree. Symphonia tells the sacrifice story so much fucking better it's insane, and Colette actually has a character. Lloyd knowing beforehand leads to an interesting back and forth between the two, and them having a history as childhood friends, makes for a believable romance that doesn't get in the way of the main plot, but supplements it. If you asked me 7 or 8 months ago that this was the last good FF game, I'd agree with you, but XIV has so much genuine love and care for the franchise and its roots, while still telling one of the best stories ever told in an FF game. It is the best mainline game since the Enix merger
@Chelaxim 4 жыл бұрын
XI is literally the most FF game in the series. All of the major people involved with the franchise worked on XI.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
12 is good though.
@megamike15 3 ай бұрын
@@metastase895 i consider 12 a transistional game. it's to diffrent to be with 1-10 and does not have the same issues as 13-16.
@christianlove6772 Жыл бұрын
41:00 beside the kiss these 2 had I legit couldn’t find any romantic moments these 2 had and the laugh and whistle isn’t romantic more like a friendship
@SaberRexZealot 6 жыл бұрын
The voice acting segment is very enlightening. It’s absolutely shocking that this was the results but at least they got much, much better with FF12.
@InfinityNexusReviews 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. I love 7 8 9 but 10 was really bad. I have no idea why people bitch about 13 then defend 10. It's the same game.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
Same ideas for sure but 13 is WAY worse.
@IchigoRukiaBleach 4 жыл бұрын
30:38 had me in TEARS 😂😂😂
@DibsEquipped 4 ай бұрын
To me, FF10 is so bad that It's at least entertaining. The fandom of this game is insane. Tidus capsulates the game as a trainwreck. Yuna talks like she's AI. Took 20 years that a good FF game came out after this. Even as a kid, I always knew that almost every aspect of this game sucked. Weird game, but fascinating. "Like happy festival fireworks" is the worst writing ever in anything ever. Unbeliveable line😂
@MisterBlackroad Жыл бұрын
Ah of course, the brainlet corridor meme It's not like every single FF up to that point had linear progression through places except they had no map to visualize it and the only thing X removed was the overworld which was even MORE time wasting walking (which you claim to hate) while the areas you weren't yet supposed to go to were locked off, which made the only path worth going completely linear. And then you got your airship and could re-visit every area and visit new ones. Just like in FFX.
@jacbros Жыл бұрын
Dunno what's funnier about this comment. The fact you think overworld maps were "time wasting walking" or that you think my main problem was linear progression and not that most areas in FFX are just one straight fucking line.
@MisterBlackroad Жыл бұрын
@@jacbros How were the overworlds not just there to walk and create random encounters for levels? That was their function. It's not like you could go anywhere you wanted. You had to go where you were supposed to go (until the airship part) and level on your way there. Other than that you could take in the scenery while doing so I guess which you can do in X's areas as well. By linear progression through areas (anything not overworld), I meant that if the old FFs had mini maps, they for the most part really wouldn't look diffrent from X's. A path you are supposed to walk and some branching paths for optional things like items. Then the occasional puzzle area with multiple paths to confuse your ass which X has the same amount of or more. Literally the only thing X did differently was not using the illusion of the game not being a corridor with storytelling stops. In Final Fantasy games until and including X, you go your set path until a Textbox galore/Cutscene begins and then continue until the next Textbox galore/Cutscene. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
@jacbros Жыл бұрын
@@MisterBlackroad You have either only played X or played the other entries with your eyes closed. You're so wrong in so many ways I don't even wanna bother number all of them but the biggest one is. The enjoyment of playing older RPGs were that you didn't know where to go every single minute of the game and that often you were asked to explore the world.
@@jacbrosHow can you be this brain dead? All you ever did in the over world was walk to different places, there was nothing special about it.
@Al-ji4gd 9 ай бұрын
@@jacbros He's not wrong, you are.
@FelixS. 3 жыл бұрын
Tidus is a summon. That´s why you can give him a name, like all the other summons - and none of the characters ;) PS: FFX suxxx.
@NuclearCherries 7 жыл бұрын
I'm glad someone finally called out FFX. It's such a sharp quality drop after IX it's crazy. It's surreal that X is remembered as the classic while XII gets shafted. XII has it's problems sure, but it's way better than X.
@crono3015 6 жыл бұрын
Nuclear Cherries Have you not seen Spooney? And Xll sucks. 7 and 9 beat it.
@bigpoints951 6 жыл бұрын
Ten was better than 7 and 9. 9 was a copy of 7 with better graphics and 7 was a for it's time game. Sorry. I know we're all circle jerking the negativity here, but 10 is one of the best games I've ever played.
@SaberRexZealot 6 жыл бұрын
Crono 12? Suck? Wha-
@Gamingnstuff131 2 жыл бұрын
12’s flaws are minor next to 10’s extremely evident flaws. Playing it recently revealed a rushed seeming and pedestrian game that was too ambitious for it’s own good with an ill conceived storyline, unimaginative dialogue, an uninspired battle system, heavy handed presentation of it’s themes, an overdone upgrade system, too many cutscenes full of long winded and empty dialogue that can’t be skipped EVER, an extremely linear approach that makes the game become too easy and brainless most of the time, annoying mini games that are horrendously executed and voice acting almost as pathetic as the original Resident Evil. Yet, this trainwreck is regarded as one of the best games in the series?! It’s a horrible game almost as bad as it’s offspring Final Fantasy 13. 12 ages far better than this catastrophe did.
@dudemcguy1227 3 жыл бұрын
In regards to your 1st (and main) story complaint in the video, the party not telling Tidus the truth of Yuna's fate, I agree that it's a somewhat contrived plot point. Character's holding back key information for the sake of saving dramatic moments for later in the story is common in soap opera style storytelling. It's also pretty common in other Final Fantasy stories before FFX. In FFVII, Tifa holds back key information about Cloud's past, only for Sephiroth to spill the beans at a critical moment. Tifa's justification for holding back this information is not really explained other than she wasn't comfortable with her own memories of the events. But she is also able to confirm that Sephiroth isn't lying during that scene, despite being unsure before that key moment. She is also shown to have doubts about Cloud's version of events when he first retells them to the group in Kalm, but she never speaks up about it until it's too late. During a campfire scene at Cosmo Canyon, she asks Cloud "You really are... you right?" She clearly knows something is wrong, but chooses not to say anything because it would ruin the twist that is coming at the climax of the story. She ends up failing Cloud in the most critical moment. Confirming the Villain's version of events as more accurate than Cloud's. It's a great scene, but it's built on the same writing trope of holding back key info for the sake of drama even when it's not logical or wise for the character to do so. FFVIII also has a ridiculously contrived plot point of repeated GFs causing amnesia, which means none of the characters remember that they all grew up in the same orphanage together. Oh... except Irvine doesn't have the amnesia issue to the same degree. He remembers the Orphanage and all of them there together, but he chooses not to bring it up to the group until they all remember anyway. So yeah, key plot information is held back by characters in the Kazushige Nojima FF stories pretty often. And the reason for doing so is almost always for the sake of keeping a "twist" hidden until later in the game. You are correct to call this out as lazy or cliche writing in FFX. But I hope you would hold FFVII and FFVIII to the same level of scrutiny on this issue as you do for FFX. Because it's a reoccurring trope that's present in all 3 games.
@jacbros 3 жыл бұрын
The VII thing I'm fine with chalking up to repressed memories due to trauma, cuz Tifa went through a little less than Cloud did but still a ton, but I do agree it's a little contrived. The orphanage moment is the worst part of VIII, a game I otherwise really love. Just so stupid and it comes out of nowhere. I think what I dislike so much about the scene in Bikanel compared to the two you bring up, is that it's common knowledge to pretty much everyone in the entire setting. Everyone knows that, that's what the pilgrimage is for. Tifa being unsure is contrived. The GF amnesia shit is stupid. The FFX one is just annoyingly stupid to me.
@camharkness Жыл бұрын
You're not allowed to dislike ff7. No, seriously, these people act like ff10 is the one you can't like, but even criticizing ff7 in the slightest amount will get you death threats.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
@@camharkness Until FF7 was turned into Kingdom Hearts.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
@@jacbros Honestly the orphanage shit is way worse, it is not only by far the worst writing in the entire FF franchise but quite possibly the worst of all RPGs. I can't believe they let the writer do that let alone spent money on it.
@Monroestevens306 Жыл бұрын
Nicely done video. It’s interesting to here an opinion of someone who hate this game. But Imo It’s seems that a lot your criticism are not really deeply thought out. They were a lot of nitpicks because you’re consistently comparing it to the others final fantasies. Instead of just taking 10 for want to is (also what time it was made. 2001) and try to understand it independently. Everything is “idiot this” “moron that” “this is stupid” “that is dumb” “or “this game did it better”. I can really tell you totally didn’t understand the game when you took a lot things out of context to critique them really badly. In my opinion. 😅
@davidtimmer596 4 жыл бұрын
This is a really nice video, and I know this is a weird comparison due to Square and Disney coming together to make Kingdom Hearts, but I feel like VIII and IX remind me of Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin respectively, because of the love triangle between Rinoa, Squall and Seifer, and with Squall's aloof demeanor being very reminiscent of the Beast from the movie, and the dance scene feels very Beauty and the Beast, and what you said about Zidane and Garnet does feel like Aladdin, because of Jasmine wanting freedom, and Aladdin being a symbol for that freedom, despite being a penniless thief having to resort to stealing for survival. Hell, Garnet sings a song to calm herself whenever she's sad or alone. Garnet's a Disney Princess in Final Fantasy's skin.
@IsaacG8 2 жыл бұрын
Mind blown with those comparisons. Since we're talking Disney, then, I would say FFX was like Disney's Star Wars titles. Because it took a beloved, well-established franchise and ruined it. Yes, I like this Disney analogy.
@lullylew9083 2 жыл бұрын
FFX marked a decline in quality for me. Nobuo knew it too. Lost Odyssey for 360 defecates on X and the later titles. FF14 is fantastic but I do not put that into the same camp as traditional Final Fantasies.
@TheMinato707 2 жыл бұрын
Tidus would really piss off cloud
@cupertinoish 4 жыл бұрын
The number one thing I hate about FFX is how unimportant they made the protagonist to be. Tidus is only important in the opening scene in the first scene when he is the blitzball star in the dream Zanarkand, but as soon as he got dragged to the "real Spira" he is the subject of underestimation, belittling, criticism and down right neglecting by other main characters (Lulu, Auron, Jecht, Tidus' mother and Wakka.) There were few occasions I questioned what's the point of playing a character who constantly portrait insignificant. Why isn't everyone sharing more information to Tidus (especially you Auron, you think you're too cool for that?) Because the game designer wanted to create a sense of subtleness in the game? It was so annoying to see Auron laughing at Tidus' questions about the world he has no knowledge of every time. Because Auron wants Tidus to finds out by himself? Yet at the same time Tidus must follows Yuna's pilgrimage even though he may or may not agree with what they're doing? People have issues with Tidus being childish behaviors but I'd say you're missing the point. In his world Tidus is a talented star. He lives comfortably and is on his way up. If you throw a 17 years old into a chaotic world he/she has no knowledge of (and you don't tell him/her anything) 9 times out of 10 he/ she would act in exact same way. Oh and do you which part makes Tidus least significant? It's at the end of the game when he tells his "friends" that he'll disappear after they beat Yu Yevon, and they just casually stand there wave goodbye to him. Not even a thank you or please don't go. Most people in Spira doesn't even know his existence when they listen to Yuna's speech at the stadium.
@DragoonCenten 3 ай бұрын
I mean, the entire point is that he is insignificant. He's a foreigner in a land that has its own stuff going on. How often do you end up the mayor of a town when you go on vacation? They subverted the power fantasy crap that every other game is. This is a game about a boy growing into a man, and doing what he can for the people he cares about. Not "I got sent to a new world so I decided to become the new king".
@jexusdomel5194 4 жыл бұрын
I feel torn on this, since I completely disagree with you but can see where you are coming from. In terms of gameplay I actually straight up agree for the most part, even tho 10 might have my favorite combat system out of the series (I dont think jrpg in general have a lot of interesting strategic gameplay, so 10 just makes it quicker and more enjoyable), I can see that it does have very clear flaws. In terms of story some parts I also agree, like the going to the al bhed place stuff isnt very good, I still dont get why they blew it up, but I feel like there are many parts where you are just wrong. You are totally entitled to your opinion of course, but it feels like you just dont see complexity and depth where I do. To me it feels like you just had a negative outlook that made you perceive every part of this game in a bad light. I relate to this tbh since thats how I feel about ff9, fucking hate the trance system, and because of that my outlook became more negative, the story was passable at first and then became more grating, and I think the romance was way more flat in that game in comparison. I dont think you made this just with ill intent btw, I doubt you have opinions just to be a naysayers. Its a slippery slope for sure. But then criticism is just devolves into two factions, or your appreciation for a work of art is enough to side step its issues, or vice versa. ( I try to be neutral when analysing tho, thats why I dont consider ff9 a bad game for example) So, in the end, im just torn on this. I dont dislike this review because I can understand where you are coming from (and even regardless of that, its clear the effort put into this, I dont mean to downplay that).
@gamerex9378 4 жыл бұрын
So for me. This game was the end of the Final Fantasy series for me for a long time and again, for me. It wasn't a Final Fantasy. It did away with everything that made Final Fantasy what it was. No traditional overworld, you walked down hallways. You don't have an airship, just another city that acts like an airship. Almost every character is unlikable from the get go. This was the first FF that began the tradition of reinventing the wheel when it came to the combat system with every entry. The level up system is a clusterfuck at the best of times and is just beyond stupid the rest of times. It doesn't have the actual FF theme as your video showed. This shit show got the FF title but not Bravely Default (loved BD)? How is a random rpg more of a FF game than the actual series these days? And I mean, it has a sequel. Not very final. IX was the actual last Final Fantasy in my book and I believe they knew it. That they knew they were going to do away with tradition. The 4 party member teams made a return, there are tons of nods/references to the FF's of old. They had lots of the most famous classes from previous FF's. It wasn't perfect but I felt joy and was surprised at big moments as I played it. A good moment as a reference point. Remember watching Atomos dwallow up portions of Linblum and it's citizens? Meanwhile Sin destroies a beach village of like 50 people, if that. Wow. What a calamity. That really is what X was about. A disappointment. X was a disappointment from beginning to end. From the unlikable whiny ass MC to the lack luster summoning system. Seymore was and is just the Great Value brand version of Sephiroth. I remember the first time I saw him. I knew he was the bad guy because he kind of looks like Seph. And honestly, the biggest lack luster moment in the game to me. The final boss. Holy crap. A giant flea is the final boss? Really?
@NeedMoreMushrooms 7 жыл бұрын
Holy shit, Jacbros is back?! :O
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't count on it. I just felt like yelling into a microphone for an hour, but I hope the results are enjoyable.
@HighSummonerBWM 3 жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion. However, after I got to you talking about the story, I ended up stopping. You're complaining about why no one didn't just up and tell Tidus EVERYTHING which wouldn't even make sense. It wouldn't even help out any of the character's development of Tidus as well. You talking about it would've opened up more development for the other characters, which I COMPLETELY DISAGREE. Tidus was there and him being completely different and ask them different questions makes them open up lil by lil and even be able to question their own thinking. Your way would've destroyed the development and also the shock/surprise factor and would only make Tidus more annoying instead of him maturing through the story and he would've attempt to interfere in Yuna's journey even more way ahead of time on top of Lulu beating the snot out of him. I honestly do not believe you understand at all how completely flaw your idea is. Yea. I can understand your opinion of combat, respect your thinking about the sphere grid (I don't care about surprise or mystery of leveling up compared to you) but the one about story just made me believe you whine like Tidus and not realizing of the flaws in whatever you are stating.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
Let's assume you're right. Then what? It doesn't make any of what he criticized about the story magically disappear.
@Neethan3247 2 жыл бұрын
I've played it twice now. Once with a friend and once more by myself. It's decent. Not as great as the many that believe it is. My main gripe is with it's story and characters, which is a major downgrade from the last four games.
@jonjon7330 3 жыл бұрын
"Wakka's a fucking idiot" LMAOOO I laughed so hard at that lol
@VenomRaven 5 жыл бұрын
Holy shit. I had no idea the dialogue being terrible is linked to the engine. That explains a lot why they sound so dreadful
@ClutteredGames 7 жыл бұрын
Great video Jac! A very unexpected video. You made very good points. I do love Final Fantasy X. But, that is my opinion. Keep up the good work man!
@milmil5350 4 жыл бұрын
ThorHighHeels directed me here. Awesome video and I subscribed. 💞😁
@ArkThePieKing 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Thor mentioned this video? Was it in one of this videos?
@brocknokli7145 5 жыл бұрын
Tidus lost his mother as a child. They should've used Yuna's impending sacrice as a way for him to come to terms with his mothers death & give him resolve to fight.
@DragoonCenten 3 ай бұрын
His dad was much worse in his eyes so he hand waved any abuse his mother did to him, which is pretty realistic. I could imagine he already came to terms with his mom situation since he didn't hate her like he did his dad.
@XieLiansHat 6 жыл бұрын
You can't name most characters because of the voice acting
@freutty 4 жыл бұрын
How does this video only have 8k views ? Deserves way more.
@Thex-W.I.T.C.H.-xMaster Ай бұрын
I hated the end... even if you play FFX-2 and beat it with the "Good Ending"..........
@dmas7749 9 ай бұрын
there's one major gripe i've always had with ATB, in both, turn order is determined by typically an Agility stat. if you have 11 and your enemy has 10, you go first. if both have 10, then who goes first is usually determined by RNG...except in ATB, the enemy doesn't have a menu to navigate, leading to an unfair disadvantage. hiding immediate upgrades seems like a bad design choice to me. re:coded hid abilities this way and i would save up chips and reset-scum them. after thinking for a while, i came up with a theorhetical solution; keeping upgrades displayed but hiding abilities beyond key spheres until unlocked to prevent spoilers. the soundtrack is hella good, but not very memorable overall. i'll defend Auron, i don't agree with his hiding of information, but understand his intent to let the others see for themselves and come to their own conclusions. but i have a different problem with the 'Sin is Jecht' reveal. why tell the one person who he knows is a 'crybaby' that his father is the big bad monster? its one of the dumbest things in the game and that is saying something. maybe don't say rape when you just don't like how a character is written in other sources you've honestly got a good point though, fuck fake positivity. 50:00 okay...let's um, let's just break this down. Tidus starts out hating Jecht, but Yuna helps him see more of his father, and its clear it's more about putting him out of his misery, and saving the world or something. It transcends the desire for revenge because you can see he clearly cares after the fight. how dare you compare seymour to seifer. seifer pulls a reverse uno card on fucking ODIN. seymour is so nothing, and i will not stand for this slander. you're free to hate this game as much as you want, i don't want to take that away from you. if you took the time out to read this, thanks and have a good day
@scottbenson4406 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, naming Tifa "Beeferoni" is hysterically funny.
@fanyhwang8524 3 жыл бұрын
I just Love FFX and FFX-2 and that's it! This game made me an happy child and is so nostalgic
@KuroOnehalf 9 ай бұрын
Great essay! Very cathartic, and with tons of great critique. Shame I found it so late.
@daoyang223 3 жыл бұрын
I think FFXs biggest problem is Tidus. If they made Jecht and Auron younger and focused on Auron as either the main character or the romantic companion to Yuna (with yuna as the MC) it would have been a more compelling story.
@FirstLast-yc9lq 3 жыл бұрын
That would have been terrible.
@DragoonCenten 3 ай бұрын
I like Tidus, I feel like he's an interesting take on the protag role. However, Auron is my favorite character, so an Auron spinoff would be badass.
@metastase895 3 ай бұрын
@@FirstLast-yc9lq Sure, but still probably better than what we got.
@FirstLast-yc9lq 3 ай бұрын
@@metastase895 No, it really wouldn't have been.
@jy1178 3 жыл бұрын
You should make a video about ff12. A truly underrated great game. Not the best in the franchise, but I always ranked it higher than 10, the locations and voice acting are unmatched in the franchise. Great vid btw
@shakurburton9358 5 жыл бұрын
No, you're not wrong - FF stopped being good after FF9.
@drokles 4 ай бұрын
Dude, to be real. I think the main problem with the story is that the characters are so terribly written that it's impossible to have an emotional reaction to anything that happens to them. Like, we got Tidus - dumb puppy dog whose frustratingly basic monologue we are forced to listen to over and over Yuna - no personality, no believable personal drive, no real personal growth. Just fucking boring and I hated every line of dialogue. Wakka - yo, I'm a racist. Oh, turns out racism is bad you guys, my bad. Ironically the most well developed character in the main cast. I could go on, but I think I'm preaching to the choir. Just happy I finally found someone who has a sane take on this fucking garbage storytelling.
@Tentacle 7 жыл бұрын
Ride Ze Jacbros? Nah, I've shared all my thoughts in private with you since it would take up the comment limit here on KZbin. Amazing work lad
@RoseLostinValley 4 жыл бұрын
FFX is in my top 5 favorite games, after watching your video, I do disagree with some of the points made, but this was still a very well made video Some things are either debatable or personal preference and that's okay
@brandish4952 4 жыл бұрын
I'm curious what your other 4 favorites are because this game made me want to slit my wrists after playing all the previous FF.
@RoseLostinValley 4 жыл бұрын
@@brandish4952 In no order, FFT, Steambot Chronicles, Dragon Quest 8, MHW
@Tenfey 7 жыл бұрын
I miss Final Fantasy.
@devinsisson8432 4 жыл бұрын
Well I think it's good but I've never played pre ten games. I honestly only like 10
@jaskamakynen7766 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you of this vid. Level design was the biggest gripe for me. It was horrible and so tedious going through the game. And I cant believe how you got so long screen captures without bumping to random fights which were way too plentiful if you ask me
@MomoKunDaYo 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100% and honestly this game is overrated. Every time I see criticism of this game, there's an army of people who rush in to defend it, and I've never understood why some people can't admit how objectively bad this game can be.
@undyingsoul3949 11 ай бұрын
I'm not going further into the video, as I haven't finished it yet. But yes, it's still too easy. So that "Beginner's Guide" lied to me warning me about hard bosses. What a shame! But Sin itself might give me a challenge. Hopefully.
@Ghysal94 4 жыл бұрын
While I agree with you that the combat system can feel boring sometimes (my least favorite in all the FF series), it also allows some real strategy, but sadly, most of it comes after you finished the scenario. FFX is sometimes more of a film than a game and as I loved the story I liked it. For almost all the other points, yes, you are right, but the whole game is balanced that way. For example, "sphere grid allows all your characters to acces the same abilities in the end", it's true (but you will feel it only after you finished the main scenario) and without this, you wouldn't be able to beat last bosses. Also on sphere grid I don't agree at all on : - It's not exciting because you know what is comming : I feel it is precisely the opposite, you see that you'll be able to unlock a powerfull skill, then you rush to finally get it. When you don't know what will come, there is always this pleasure of discovery, but the more bac suprises tyou get, the less excited you are. Both systems work imo. - You don't feel like your characters are becoming stronger : When is the series your characters level up and get a really small amount of stats each time, you don't feel a huge powerspike at each level up. Here, when you get on a +4 strength or +200HP sphere is a huuuuge deal cuz it will lead to : hundreds more damages or increasing you base HP by more than 20% at the start (decreasing as the game goes on ofc).
@Ingisen 3 жыл бұрын
34:31 Had me bursting in tears laughing X'D Jacbros, have you ever played Nier Replicant or Automata? If you would consider making another video like this one (preferably in so much detail like here), I HIGHLY recommend Nier Replicant (bonus: the Remaster is soon releasing) Anyway, thank you for the video :)
@KisekiFox 6 жыл бұрын
While I disagree on several points, THANK YOU for making such a good video, your arguments were well structured and very respectable, unlike most people that just go "Tidus bad, Auron and Jecht good" I would love to see some of the missing potential X had in some alternate universe, but even with the "what could of been's" X is still up there with VII and IX as my favs in the series (unless we want to count XIV, despite being an mmo, that game's story and characters are the best the series has seen since the ps1 days) I'm also super interested to hear your opinions on Crisis Core, which is another fan favorite. While I think it's the one pretty good thing to come out of the compilation, there are parts I hate about it, like Aerith being re purposed to some saint and EVERYTHING about Genesis, along with some other smaller things
@jacbros 6 жыл бұрын
The whole concept behind Genesis' character makes me wanna vomit. "HEY LETS MAKE A REAL LIFE ROCK STAR CANON" There wasn't a reason to do this. The game already has FFVII plastered over it. It's gonna sell no matter what, so I don't get why Gackt was even considered My issue with Crisis Core is that it takes points of the FFVII story that really didn't need to be developed, and it develops them in a hackneyed way. Fleshing out the LOVELESS epic, the 89 letters of course and WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYBODY HAVE ONE WING NOW!? Drawing out Zack's death to the degree that they did, didn't make me feel emotional, it felt masturbatory. That added in with an aesthetic that's more boring rather than oppressive. Midgar in FFVII was dirty and mean. In Crisis Core the colors are all muted and streets look so drab and lifeless. I would have to play it again to make a more comprehensive critique, but I was not a fan. Thank you so much for watching the video though. I'm glad you liked it.
@KisekiFox 6 жыл бұрын
I can agree with all those points, although Zack's death did still affect me despite knowing it was coming, and I did like the whole DMW thing breaking down as he broke down, But I will say his death had greater meaning in the optional cutscene in VII, it continued the whole "Death comes out of nowhere and is unfair" thing with Aerith, how he just gets sucker shot while checking in on Cloud Makes me glad the remake is going to be in its own canon, wiping the slate clean of the compilation Here's hoping the stars align and the remake turns out at least decent/good
@jacbros 6 жыл бұрын
I'm more hopeful for the Remake than most. I believe they can make something good out of it, and the attention to detail they've given Midgar is fucking mindblowing if the trailer is anything to go by. I just hope it runs better than what they showed.
@KisekiFox 6 жыл бұрын
I am cautiously optimistic, them wiping everything and starting from scratch in house shows they really care, and the character designs and things I hear in interviews where we won't have a flanderised kingdom hearts/dissidia cloud makes me really hopeful
@clayton7577 5 жыл бұрын
I wish this had more views
@goncaloferreira6429 6 жыл бұрын
i like ff10 1-enemy variety is an issue but i love that you can change party member on the fly. it shows that everyone is there,some engaging the enemy some giving support or holding back. they may be some way apart from each other but if some monster attacks they are quick to go to their camrades help. this also means no more artificial party splits. also, it makes sense for battles to be easy and fast. wakka, lulu and auron made a pilgramage before and are familiar with the common enemies. 2- again, enemy variety is an issue but ff7 has too many enemies types.better said, their design is all over the place and it makes for a weird set of monsters. 3- i feel like your critic of the sphere grid isnt very well articulated. you say that you would like for each character to keep their strenghs and weakness as presented in the early game but that that isnt the case because eventually you CAN make everybody good at everything? well that is a choice you make. and its nothing new. in ff7 and 8 everyone can do everything as well. while i like the grid i wouldnt say its the best. but it really keeps the player engaged. 4- bad minigames are bad. but as long as they are optional i prefer them being there to them not existing. 5- i really like blitzball. but tidus is op. when i replay the game i have to choose not to play him to keep things more interesting. this mini game had great potential and it was a terrible disapointment when ffx-2 changed things instead of improving them. i would like for more teams and more players to scout and more control over how each one develops. 6- the OST is ok. except in that Home scene 7- square cant do npc animations.even in ff15 they are bad. 8- ff10 end is great because of the love story but i agree, the romance could have been better written and build up. tidus treating yuna like a normal person could be enough for yuna to start showing interest for him. yet tidus is not the best and more memorable character ff has ever seen. he isnt your classic stoic protagonist, like cloud or squall appear to be. He should have been less childish. the way i would write him, he would have two sides: on the outside, he would be a star player with more blitzball experience time,, an atractive and confident young man with a swimmer body. on the inside he would conceal his daddy issues and insecurity. this would allow for a clear character progression path, at the end of witch Tidus would become one, at peace with his past and his two sides. Also, we would need more scenes when Yuna and Tidus talk and get to know each other. too expensive to make? just make people rest at the inn and show a dialogue between the two over a black screen. also, tidus is a star sportman and yuna is what, 17? make her react to him showing off playing blitzball. 9- the way i see it the al bhed are not a different race. just people with different beliefs.
@jacbros 6 жыл бұрын
Cool comment, and I can agree with some of it. I might've exaggerated a bit on the soundtrack, but I still find it to be rather underwhelming in contrast. My main issue with the enemy variety is that the enemies do too little in fights. Specialized attacks are very rare throughout and leads to such a disappointing blue magic repertoire. You're mostly just switching out your party members so you can hit the right enemy with the right character, usually leading to a one-hit KO and a weird "overkill" marker appears that apparently means you get more EXP from the fight cuz you super killed your enemy by using the optimal character. It doesn't leave for a lot of on-the-move thinking. When I think of previous games like FFV, your ass can easily turn into grass at the drop of a hat. Even just on the normal plains. With X, I felt myself so underwhelmed with how the game just throws these healing spots at you like candy, when you've barely moved two inches, as well as giving you a 100% guaranteed flee. In the other games, that save point where you could you use a tent, felt like a life saver, those fights you knew you couldn't win felt fantastic to run away from, and I don't get any of that enjoyment from the combat system in X. It's way too streamlined and boring. The minigames comment is a bit dumb. If the minigames are bad, then don't put them in. Doesn't matter much that they're optional. If you put it in your game, you intend for people to interact with it. I won't back down on the sphere grid feeling like a gigantic waste of time, but I can see your point. It was a bit of an oversight to not mention the materia and junction system, but I feel like the difference is that with materia and junction it's not as gradual as the sphere grid. Like, you pick up Bahamut or you draw 100 doubles or make them through Triple Triad cards, and then it's just BOOM you see those numbers skyrocket. With the sphere grid, I just look at it like I look at my dirty room. I don't wanna clean it, but I probably should. I agree with almost everything on your 8th point, and I think it sounds like a way more interesting story than what was told. I wish I could agree with the ending being good though. I think it was well done, but the lack of attachment I had to most of the characters up until that point due to a really disappointing, meandering, tooth grinding middle section of the story kept me from feeling anything. Thanks for the civil comment dude!
@goncaloferreira6429 6 жыл бұрын
thanks for the reply! can i ask how old you are and if you played ff10 at lauch or at a later date? (i am 32 and played at lauch). the reason i ask is cause i get the feeling that people that experienced the game later were usually exposed to some negative critics that the internet popularized (see the laughing scene) and those negatively influence their opinion on ff10. that said, i realy liked that use showed in the video all major interactions between yuna and tidus to back up your claims about their relationship. it also serves as i reminder to people that misremember the game. About the combat: i guess you are saying you miss a challenge and feel the combat is too simple and not rewarding? i started with ff7 and ever since the general consensus is that the games are to easy- so that everyone can enjoy the story? - i believe 7 also introduced superbosses and started that trend of main game vs end game challenges? I would also say that memory is a dangerous thing. many times while playing any ff all we do in easier battles is press x to attack a couple of times cause thats all we need to do. My comment on mini games was made with ff13 in mind. i have found people that enjoy or dont mind ff10 mini games. and kids dont know better. Having no minigames (or having just a casino) is a thing i would like FF to not do. on the sphere grid: i wont try to change your mind!! to each their own. The end always gets, not in small part because of the music. Also, i am a sucker for sacrifice themes. Even if the story has some unrealized potential. Great video!
@FloSick808 29 күн бұрын
The way you pronounce Anima and Zanmato should be a crime😂
@cb8953 4 ай бұрын
Replaying 10... and I forgot if each character doesn't do an action in a battle they get no exp. ....and joy, it drastically out every battle.....
@frogglen6350 6 жыл бұрын
Lmao You just reminded me that Aerith sent Zack over 80 letters. God damn
@gideonzz 6 жыл бұрын
I love this video, even tough I disagree with many things but agree with others. It's really well made and I respect everything you said here. But really, if you can talk so much about Zidane and Garnet's romance story, can I request a video of that ;)
@spaceocean2530 3 жыл бұрын
While I agree with a lot of your criticisms, I think your issues about how Titus and Yuna act sometimes come down to you not liking their flaws. Which, fair, but they are flaws for a reason. I guess I'm confused. Are you are upset that they don't get resolved in a believable way or that they just have them to begin with? Which is a personal choice if its the latter, but not an objective flaw.
@jacbros 3 жыл бұрын
It is very much the former. Character flaws are needed for an arc. It wouldn't make sense of me to critique a concept so fundamental like that. I don't find Tidus and Yuna's arcs to be resolved in a way that was properly developed over the course of the game. Yuna's arc kinda just happens to change during the Yunalesca confrontation, when she hasn't shown any direct signs of disillusionment with her religion. And the Tidus/Jecht developement also kind of just happens at the end of the game, when the moments Tidus gets told about Jecht's motives throughout the game, he acts so dismissive and hostile about it, never budging until the very very end. It's too sudden and it's not believable to me in any way.
@indigard2747 3 жыл бұрын
@@jacbros said you didnt understand why these two like each other then fell in love?
@dudemcguy1227 3 жыл бұрын
@@jacbros I know this is an older comment, but I think you may have forgotten or missed the key moments in Yuma/Tidus character Arcs. Yuna starts to doubt her faith in her religion first when she finds out Seymour killed his father and later when he reappears as an unsent. She then goes before Maester Mika, who is essentially the Emperor of this world, and he declines her request to send Seymour and then reveals that he is also an unsent. Her faith in her religion is broken at this point, and she doesn't know what to do, leading to the Tidus-Yuna lake scene. Tidus begins hating his father for abandoning him as a child, but as he learns about Jecht's journey through Spira he comes to realize that Wasn't a good father to him, but he did love him. He just didn't know how to express it. (Which is a problem that many Alpha-male type Father's can struggle with, especially with the first child). The key scenes where Tidus' opinion of Jecht change are the Farplane scene with Yuna when he recalls his mother (Turns out she was the one who didn't love him that much). And the Jecht Sphere scene after the boss in Macalania woods. In both scenes Tidus acts tough and keeps his emotions guarded, but you can see him starting to crack when he says "I think I just realized something... about my old Man." And when Auron tells him "Jecht loved you", he first gets defensive and says "Enough about my Old Man Okay?" But then Auron walks away and Tidus says "Thanks" in a grateful tone. It's fine if you don't find this development compelling or believable. But I think it's a mistake to claim the character development missing.
@levi5073 6 жыл бұрын
I just bought the remastered version on steam for $20.00 I hate everything about it! Especially the endless, irrelevant and boring cut-scenes and dialogues. Hate the characters, hate the landscape, hate the skill development system, hate everything. FF8 is my all time favourite game, yet this game is one of the worst I've ever played.
@camharkness Жыл бұрын
Everyone talks about how they arent allowed to hate this game..... But then insults people who do like it. You know you can find a lot of people on reddit who will help you off people who like it, right? You can get your wish, at least I'm assuming you hate everyone who likes it given thats basically how every single one of your fans are like.
@DanielMartinez-bl2th 5 жыл бұрын
Just listened to this guy complain about FFX and then compare it to only FF7 every step of the way. Disregarding how 9 is better than 7, and basically ignoring 8 all together
@brandish4952 4 жыл бұрын
@Aaron Mason Agreed. It wasn't bad though.
@Twitch_Bear 4 жыл бұрын
that is why i prefer X-2 than X, i hate the grid system and love the dresspheres. i just hate jack-of-all-trades without weakness. this also goes to FF8's junction system and original FF12's license board (thank god for IZJS). ff7's materia is also like this if you got the master materias FYI: i completed all the games i mentioned, so i know whats what.
@OriruBastard 4 жыл бұрын
X-2 was actually much better game in general. And less linear, believe it or not.
@fanyhwang8524 3 жыл бұрын
Yuna is such A powerful character but naive... I love her ♡
@fonkyfesh-old 3 жыл бұрын
Compared to Tifa and Aerith? I dont think so
@a.m.jakimiuk3106 5 жыл бұрын
I agree totally. The game felt like a chore to me.
@delete7316 4 жыл бұрын
It is a chore
@Peytdawg14 4 жыл бұрын
I disagree about the music, I love this soundtrack. But good video !
@loneronin6813 10 ай бұрын
While I'm not a fan of FFX either, there is one thing I love about it...Auran. Just Auran.
@Dreday-dp1jp 5 жыл бұрын
@libraxm9790 5 жыл бұрын
I active my trap card
@Dreday-dp1jp 5 жыл бұрын
@@libraxm9790 what does Yu-Gi-Oh have to do this
@brandish4952 4 жыл бұрын
Cause you're below the curve. Its understandable.
@TriableChain552 4 жыл бұрын
Brandish I hate it to so I guess that makes me below the curve as well
@moonlightprincess449 3 жыл бұрын
I think this ff game is the best :)
@thatonezeldaguy250 3 жыл бұрын
The visuals we're good but I hated alot of the character designs
@crosswalkX 5 жыл бұрын
To Jacbros You forgot to mention the unskippable cutscenes in Final Fantasy 10, why didn't Square Enix let us skip cutscenes and summon animations? Also it's a chore to open up a menu to level grind with the Sphere system, It's the same problem with Final Fantasy 13, but thank god you can skip cutscenes and summon animations and move on and has fixed encounters but the Sphere grinding is a chore to do where you have to open the menu every time. Also the world map in Final Fantasy 10 has been removed which makes exploration restricted, same with Final Fantasy 13. I didn't like the tedious temple puzzles with orbs I had to play through, Blitzball wasn't very fun to play, I have mixed feelings about Final Fantasy 10 gameplay setup, though the music, animation and battle system I thought was good but not the annoying random encounters or the very hard forced boss fights and I never liked random battle encounters in every Final Fantasy game ever, since they spoil the fun of exploring the dungeons or world maps. I would've preferred Fixed Encounters like Final Fantasy Mystic Quest or areas of Final Fantasy 1 NES, or Final Fantasy 13.
@jacbros 5 жыл бұрын
It's fair you don't like random encounters for that reason. I like them because they enforce, that you have to also think about your own well standing, and that you're still moving around a world infested with monsters. Them not attacking you would be weird. I agree that the way it's done is super intrusive however, and I much prefer games like Earthbound and Dragon Quest XI's way of doing things, by having the monsters be viewable from the overworld. Makes a lot more sense, and gives the player an actual thing to avoid. Other than that, yeah I agree with everything you said here.
@hemmy8645 Ай бұрын
I don't see why the combat system get so much hate, it ain't any more boring than the other battle systems is in the series .FFX was a bit fresh air for me, sure it ain't perfect and has some flaws just like the other ones had, it is just a matter of how u choose to play and u can exploit any battle system. Im trying to think of something i hate with FFX but i can't think of anything atm, but there is probably something i could find if i replayed it again. Personally i think FFFXII has the most fun battle system of any final fantasy, FFX-2 pretty good to but i hate the game itself, they turned that into i don't know what.
@seanwalker8279 2 күн бұрын
Whatever you said
@Mire_Klick Ай бұрын
so FF X is your favourite JRPG but you cant understand why.
@NeedleDeedle69 Жыл бұрын
This whole video is basically just a collection of all the same critiques people have already made but done worse. I mean ffs there are Reddit comments that are better presented than this.
@danielmaspoch4314 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you said. I loved 4-9, and I could see the influence 1-3 had on RPGs. X's story was weak and some plot points/characters felt like a poor rehash of previous games. Gameplay was too easy, and the monster arena was a grind to complete. 99,999k hit damage basically made the final bosses a joke (I killed them in 4 hits). The sphere grid was uninspired. Overall, this game was a disappointment
@joshua42777 4 жыл бұрын
so what games do you recommend as examples of great game design?
@kinganarkzie 4 жыл бұрын
I am really not a fan of 10. I like alot of the overall themes in the story but I feel the execution was just not there. Sin being this inevitable catastrophe that the people had learnt to live with was in my eyes original and a really great idea but I just feel that it needed more focus or that other elements in the story that were pulling focus needed to be as good as that one, the blue haired guy could have and should have been cut. His plan made no sense he wanted to become Sin in order to destroy the world which is what Sin is already doing. There was just so much stupidity in the characters actions.
@Gamingnstuff131 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. The story had potential but the execution was poor. If it were remade, it could probably reach it’s potential. As is, it’s a silly and poorly executed game.
@VoltaVoid 7 жыл бұрын
While I disagree with almost all of this video, I think it was brilliantly made and very well written. Hope it gets more views because it deserves it
@jacbros 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, man! I'm really happy you watched it.
@Ceivous Жыл бұрын
This 2001 ps2 game with ~300 NPCs re-uses animations and said animations don't look realistic, game bad
@jacbros Жыл бұрын
wasn't a problem with Kingdom Hearts. 1 year after. About as many cutscenes. Your argument sucks :^)
@Zanji1234 4 жыл бұрын
xD sooo what do you think of the WAY worse game FF13?? ALso: name one FF where battles where hard? I mean FF9 had a nice system but yeah... the weakness and stuff wasn't neccessary since the battles where WAY to easy. Also weakness exploit is a MAJOR point in rpgs (Shin Megami Tensei anyone?)... yeah FFX had a problem since they only re-used Monster mondels but the core idea was great... if they would have included more variants or different monsters that would be much better like a flying type but with high armor so wakka COULD hit him but wouldn't to much damage so Auron would be better but his accuracy sucked so you might have to buff him... Progression: well in FF9 you also new exactly which abilities you could learn from your stuff... so you did battle enough to get the AP needed. So .... how is this different? I kinda liked the idea of the grid (yeah it was not perfect) but it was the most "free" progression system of a newer FF. And ... tbh.. (except for FF9) in the end every Character in a FF game was a Jack of all trades Minigames: YEAH i'm with you!
@Gamingnstuff131 2 жыл бұрын
Both games are abysmal. 10 had the distinction of coming out in 2001, when RPG games were becoming more restrictive and movie like, having more important things like gameplay and exploration take a backseat. 13 came out when this approach was becoming antiquated. Sad thing is, 12 managed to strike a great balance between the more cinematic approach in a way that makes 10 and 13 look like AV club projects and retaining important elements like gameplay and exploration.
@fonkyfesh-old 3 жыл бұрын
Kill people but they don't die Whiny clueless main character One dimensional villains that aren't related to each other in any way Boring as fuck tedius battle system Overly bloated and confusing level system Friends that don't tell you important things until absolutely necessary Totally un-grounded world and logic with no rhyme or reason Jarring and annoying voiceovers Bare-bones plot lines that drag on for WAY longer than they should One of the best games ever made
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