Find Familiar Guide D&D 5e

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Treantmonk's Temple

Treantmonk's Temple

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Here is the much requested guide for the Find Familiar spell!
Find the transcript of this video (Thank you Adurnis) here:
Love the Treantmonk image as much as I do? It's from Dino Kranjcevic who can be followed
on Instagram at / beard.positive
For my guides and handbooks find me at:
Thanks to:
@makemyanthem for the intro music.

Пікірлер: 363
@timeforsuchaword 5 жыл бұрын
On a warlock with devil's sight, I like having an imp familiar fly around holding a little rock that I cast darkness on. I can reposition the darkness spell every round for free, and by having the familiar fly higher or lower I can change the portion of the sphere that's interfering with line of sight.
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
That's brilliant! Thanks!
@BrotherKluft 5 жыл бұрын
Thats sick - I am stealing that one
@servine1212 4 жыл бұрын
Ur brilliant
@imofage3947 4 жыл бұрын
I had a similar thought but using a necklace so it could potentially be attached to a target, just in case you need to say "Screw you in particular".
@Nr4747 4 жыл бұрын
An imp is an all-around fantastic familiar any way you slice it - it certainly will be my familiar of choice when I get around to making a Pact of the Chain warlock.
@liminal79 5 жыл бұрын
I know nothing of DnD builds for 5e but... an Elven Lore Bard with find familiar... summons a celestial songbird to sing duets.
@shallendor 5 жыл бұрын
With the permission of my DM, my Orc Necromancer's Find Familiar spell was the spirit of his grandfather that takes the spirit of a weasel. It also allows the DM to give me story hooks and other information.
@acm4bass 5 жыл бұрын
very cool.
@pettersonystrawman9291 5 жыл бұрын
I just pictured TF2 medic and his dove, when you were speaking about healing spells and familiars :D
@viciousclam2417 5 жыл бұрын
Couldn’t you use the ready action to cast a touch spell when your familiar gets within range of a target and then command your familiar to get within range?
@Peoples_Republic_of_Cotati 5 жыл бұрын
SO am DMing...running LMoP. Iarno Albrecht got very assassinated before he could reveal his corrupt allies. Are there any rulings on recovering his ex-mouse Familiar, so it can testify?
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
Not that I'm aware of.
@acm4bass 5 жыл бұрын
the familiar will have departed, but speak with the dead makes sense.
@Peoples_Republic_of_Cotati 5 жыл бұрын
@@acm4bass my non cannon assassin's guild makes sure that raise/speakwDead are unusable on a successful hit.... Assassin is a PC. But the 'employer' overlooked what might be had from a recovered Familiar. My best guess would be for a caster to perform the ritual at the site of the murder...and maybe go see their world for little while.
@hawkname1234 5 жыл бұрын
@@acm4bass There's no body left behind to question.
@Templaridm 5 жыл бұрын
as long as the familiar was not in its dimensional pocket, there's no rule that says the familiar vanishes when the player dies. it disappears only if it's killed, dismissed or sent to its pocket dimension.
@Fenlander216 5 жыл бұрын
Was in a game with a DM and he informed me that all familiars can only use the text in red, so all the familiars loose their special abilities. He also demands that he controls the familiar rather than the player. I walked out on him after he de-summoned my pact of the chain imp familiar and then told me that I can't have a imp familiar with the special abilities. Basically destroying the unique ability of my character.
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
The DM has one job. Make the game fun. If they don't even do that...
@Jonestein13 4 жыл бұрын
I know.. how do these people even have tables...
@jrg305 3 жыл бұрын
@@Jonestein13 well, you storm out on enough tables, you become the DM, then you repeat the cycle of abuse. :)
@MarkProjMgr 3 жыл бұрын
he might have confused the guidance in the DMG on alternates as applying to all familiars
@lightning2034 2 жыл бұрын
can he even do that? i know its because the dm and they can but what is the point of even including a familiar if you cant use them?
@edsiefker1301 5 жыл бұрын
Important to note, that since the familiar is a spirit shaped like an animal, enemies with Truesight will identify it immediately.
@edsiefker1301 5 жыл бұрын
@Sean Fisher Absolutely. Sending a familiar in to scout a BBEGs lair sounds like a great idea. Unless...
@Quandry1 5 жыл бұрын
@Sean Fisher If I recall correctly they technically show up as magical as well if somebody is using something like detect magic. It will also show up to abilities that locate fae creatures. which most familiars actually are. But if they are fiend or fae they will show up to those instead.
@bbbarham6264 5 жыл бұрын
@Quandry1 I’m not sure if they do actually. Oddly enough, Find Familiar has a casting time of Instantaneous. This means the magic ends as soon as the spell finishes and it can’t be dispelled. Because of this the familiar may appear like a regular creature, as far as Detect Magic is concerned.
@Ashkinda 5 жыл бұрын
@Sean Fisher I see nothing in the spell description that alludes to it showing a magical creature's type (especially the colour part). Detect magic shows the schools of magic, so unless there's an official ruling outside of the PHB, i'd take the wording to mean that, at most, the detect magic spell might be able to determine an aura of conjuration magic around the familiar since it is a conjuration magic spell that summoned it. Boston Barham's post has a point too and I can easily see it being ruled that way, but when I DM I will likely rule that the creature gives off a faint aura of conjuration magic. I'll do this because whilst the spell officially ends as soon as the creature has been summoned, the creature is still magically bound to the caster and returns back from where it was summoned from after the duration so it must have some sort of magic affecting it to return it back (or to hold itself in the material plane).
@Ashkinda 5 жыл бұрын
​@Sean Fisher Re-read what you wrote: you specifically said you remember detect magic saying about the colour. Your last little sentence that it might be something else is what I was building upon i.e. that it definitely isn't detect magic. Since you are keen to try to belittle me with your response I'll stop beating about the bush: If another spell indicates extraplanar creatures with a traffic light colour coding system then i'm all ears but you'd still be wrong with your initial statement which could be misleading to people coming here for useful information. It's to do with phrasing: if you'd began your statement with "This might have been homebrew or unofficial but I heard that x" or even pose it as a question rather than "This does x.... It might not though" then it would be less misleading. As it was you stated it as if it were fact then tried to cover yourself with a disclaimer at the end. The closest thing I can see is Detect Evil and Good, which would detect a familiar due to them being fey, fiend or celestial but it still doesn't colour code them RAW so what you were "sure of" is still incorrect from what I can tell.
@CatOnACell 5 жыл бұрын
delivering touch spells to enemies I think is only set up for ambushes. spiders hiding on enemy helmets being my favorite...provided the spider can get onto the helmet without being noticed.
@lukefranklin5 3 жыл бұрын
11:25 If you’re a pact of the chain warlock, you can take the investment of the chain master eldritch invocation and with that you can use your spell save dc when your familiar forces an enemy to make a saving throw. That means that the save for the sleep arrow can be as good as you are as a spellcaster
@InsomniaOwl952 2 жыл бұрын
not qute the Spirtes Sleep effect specificly says the target goes unconcous on a 5 or lower on the saving throw and otherwise just becomes poisoned. This Does work for the Pseudo dragon as its sleep effect is tied to the actual saving throw of the poisen which investment of the chain master changes.
@amancealexis7360 2 жыл бұрын
Well this is a video that came out before tasha's
@mrfreddorenton 5 жыл бұрын
Super helpful, particularly since you make distinctions between what the rules say, what normally happens, and what different DMs might rule
@Cleretic 11 ай бұрын
Your familiar doesn't need to be in place before you cast the touch spell it will deliver. On your turn you can ready a spell to cast with the condition being when the familiar gets to the target. Then on the familiar's turn it moves into position and you use your Reaction to cast the spell, and the familiar uses its Reaction to deliver the spell. You need to keep concentration on the readied spell until it is actually delivered, and it uses up both your familiar's and your Reactions, but it can be done. And since the spell uses the familiar's Reaction, it can still use its Action to Disengage, moving away without provoking an attack of opportunity,
@lenguini 5 жыл бұрын
I will also use mine to give my human character dark vision when using the owl familiar. I will perch him on my shoulder and simply use my action to see with it's eyes while I move slowly through a dungeon or cave. I don't see anything saying I can't do this but I've never seen it mentioned anywhere and my dm allows it. Seems like a good way to get around having to carry a torch or when trying to stealth but still not normally having dark vision.
@andrewshandle 5 жыл бұрын
Out of combat, that'll work (although you'll probably be slow), once combat has begun you're pretty SOL though unless you want to waste all your actions looking through the owl's eyes during the fight.
@adreabrooks11 4 жыл бұрын
This is definitely allowable. However, as another user mentioned, seeing through your familiar's eyes takes an action, and only lasts until your next turn. Additionally, familiars don't have many hit points and can be easily taken out by an attack or area effect. As such, keep that lantern handy!
@a_guy_in_orange7230 3 жыл бұрын
im 2 years late to the party but since the other two commenters poo'd on your familiar googles party in combat I would like to raise the point of: just have it perch on your shoulder in combat, then have a shoulder mounted flame (weapon) thrower. since they are always with you if have anyone near you they can help you escape need be, otherwise have a nice area of deterrent so people don't get to close
@tranngockha6562 2 жыл бұрын
@@a_guy_in_orange7230 thanks. I didn't think of that
@N20Joe 5 жыл бұрын
Shocking Grasp Familiar works like this: Wiz readies HIS action to "Cast SG on the next enemy touched by the Familiar." Then on the Familiar's turn it touches someone, Wiz uses his reaction to cast SG while the Familiar uses it's own reaction to deliver SG, then moves away.
@thedude0000 3 жыл бұрын
That's exactly how I've used it before. Not sure why that doesn't work. Only down side is it requires concentration to ready a, you can't be concentrating on anything else.
@Andre_the_Lion Жыл бұрын
@@thedude0000 It also takes your reaction, so no Shield or other spells can be used if you still want to be able to use that readied action on your familiar's initiative, but this is definitely the best way to ensure you can use that spell though your familiar
@jsherman5178 5 жыл бұрын
I apologize if already mentioned, but my favorite trick with find familiar is pulling it out of it's pocket dimension on the other side of a door or wall, then use my next action to see through its eyes and use Misty step to teleport my self there as well. Who needs a rouge to pick locks for you? Not me...unless it is a treasure chest. Lol
@steventyler3985 Жыл бұрын
I'm definitely going to try this lol
@nikosskep9506 5 жыл бұрын
I recently started playing a wizard character in a d&d campaign with my friends and your spell guide videos have definitely helped me a lot. Thank you and keep going!
@archmagemc3561 5 жыл бұрын
BTW, about the Owl familiar being able to administer a health potion, they can. bird talons are as dexterous or even more dexterous than human hands. The problem is they can only use one at a time while standing. Granted they can uncork a healing potion with their beak as well, but two handed actions for an owl or other bird familiar would need the bird to be flying or sitting.
@lutherratashak2395 5 жыл бұрын
Archmage MC was going to say some same thing, look at those nests birds build, dex is a thing there.
@jrg305 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly think this is encroaching the benefits of the pact of the chain. An owl giving a potion?? I've gone to renaissance fairs and watched the falconry. They aren't that smart lol.
@toxux4618 3 жыл бұрын
@@jrg305 It's not actually an owl tho. It is a spirit that takes on an animal form
@jrg305 3 жыл бұрын
@@toxux4618 yeah but the way this video is assuming your flyby owl familiar is pretty much as good as a Hallmark defining warlock class ability, I dunno. Y'all's tables seem to let a lot go by. If I was a pact of the chain warlock at a table with a wizard basically doing everything I am, I'd leave.
@bonzwah1 Жыл бұрын
@@jrg305 the imp being invisible is a huge improvement over the owl. The owl will go down after being targeted by one attack most of the time. The imp/quasit/sprite might not even be able to be targeted in most combats. I've played wizard and warlock with pact of the chain before and I gotta say that I'm CONSTANTLY wishing my familiar could turn invisible when I'm wizard, and constantly feeling awesome that my familiar can be invisible when I'm warlock. Of course this is balanced out by wizards being more awesome than warlocks when it comes to spell casting haha, but when it comes to the familiar? It's not encroaching at all if the owl can deliever a healing potion...cuz it's getting plucked out of the sky by some random minion's ranged attack that same round the second the owl does that. It's a heroic self sacrifice for the wizard's familiar. But it's a basic action for the warlock familiar.
@eliasluna9337 5 жыл бұрын
Can a player Ready an offensive touch spell and have the Trigger be when your familiar comes within range to an enemy? Then the familiar can use the Disengage action to get back to safety if need be.
@Adurnis 5 жыл бұрын
Elias Luna I’m glad somebody asked this so I don’t have to!
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
You could, but it's not really practical. Holding a spell uses up your reaction and your concentration.
@darkwing0o0rama 5 жыл бұрын
Treantmonk's Temple it definitely isn’t practical or supremely useful but in your example of shocking grasp cantrip every turn, chances are if that is their strategy, they are very low level and don’t have a lot to use their concentration on or are out of spell slots. So you ready shocking grasp with the trigger of enemy is within range of the familiar or the familiar moves into position next to an enemy. Is it wise? No. A worse choice than using a ranged cantrip? Definitely. But I think you misrepresent it a little in your video as “unworkable” unless the minion just chills next to your target and hope they don’t move. Having your familiar stay next to enemies or having the chance to completely whiff your spell are barely even options if you are trying to do this strategy. (Again it should be probably assumed at extremely low levels)
@edsiefker1301 5 жыл бұрын
​Not necessarily worse than a ranged cantrip. You don't need line of sight. Total cover won't help. And you cost the target their reaction. Sounds better than firebolt to me. However, I don't think you could cast a spell through your familiar and then disengage. "Your familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell." If a familiar casts a spell it takes the Cast a Spell action, so it does not have an action left to use on Disengage. I just wouldn't worry about disengage. Your familiar is a renewable resource.
@WhamBamTySam 5 жыл бұрын
@@edsiefker1301 It says your familiar casts it using their reaction. Not their action. Also, owls have flyby which acts like disengage.
@jamesnickell9818 5 жыл бұрын
Treantmonk has been giving cool advice for years. I appreciate the new format, it is easy to find and watch. the written guides were easier to reference a section of, but overall I like the videos. Thanks man.
@cmikewilson 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe he could post his notes with the video.
@jamesnickell9818 5 жыл бұрын
@@cmikewilson I love that idea.
@SeanBlader 5 жыл бұрын
This was amazing. Love the idea of deep dives into single pieces of the game and how effective they can be.
@legithopecrew 5 жыл бұрын
My favorite is using a ring of spell storing to allow all my allies to cast find familiar as well! Works even better when paired with find steed!
@iancampbell4394 5 жыл бұрын
Which is better for a ring of spell storing: letting your familiar cast Find Steed or letting your steed cast Find Familiar?
@jamesnickell9818 5 жыл бұрын
I suggested this to my players at 1st level, a couple of them finally tried it at 9th level, and suddenly everyone wants it.
@onslaught5012 4 жыл бұрын
Newbie question - are you attuned to the ring, or do you mean you cast the spell into the ring that another party member is attuned to? Also did the guy in the video mean that the familiar can wear a magical item, such as the ring of spell-storing, to cast a stored spell on it's turn? Wouldn't the familiar need to attune to that ring? I'm very confused now, sorry!
@legithopecrew 4 жыл бұрын
@@onslaught5012 The only one who needs to be attuned to the ring is the one who will be doing the final casting of the spell so in this case you can have your party member attuned to the ring, you cast find familiar into it, then they cast find familiar out of it to get their own familiar (casting through the ring treats the one attuned as if they cast it). RAW familiars can attune to items that they are capable of wielding, as such, there is strategy to be had in giving a ring of spell storing (that is already filled with concentration spells you don't want to be using during combat) to your familiar (who would then take the time to attune to the ring) and having them cast concentration spells for you so that you don't have to use your concentration on the spells. I hope this makes sense, if not feel free to ask for more information. No need to be sorry, we were all new at one point or another and are all learning new things every day.
@onslaught5012 4 жыл бұрын
@@legithopecrew thank you so much. I'll see what my DM will allow...
@benderrodriguez6343 5 жыл бұрын
24:19 so long as you have the hour casting time and slots between forms. Edit: also you seemed to miss that familiars can only communicate telepathically with you within 100' but they can still take actions and are loyal to you when they're outside that range. I send flying familiars to track enemies and report on where they set up camp. Have used familiars to deliver messages to people (sort of an old school use), and regularly use them to search for things more quickly. It has to be w/in 100' to tell me what it's seen, but a bird that can scout and report back can let you know what's going on across a while city (of things your *spirit* knows to search for).
@shazariahl 5 жыл бұрын
In one campaign, we were in a siege, and the warlock had his imp fly over and drop wildfire on the enemy trebuchet.
@chainer8686 5 жыл бұрын
Reason why I allow familiars to help every turn or things like familiars getting buffed by dragons breath has to do with investment costs; familiar are 10gp a pop, readying and holding a spell takes up concentration while burning up actions for the pc and familiar, and other characters spells or class features can do a lot more with less.
@jrg305 3 жыл бұрын
Pact of the chain and pact of the time can both do similar things in different ways. If take pact of the tome, could take viscous mockery and give disadvantage, or your familiar attack can do the same. Guidance gives + to ability check, well familiar have proficiencies and the help action while invisible. I think getting advantage is similar to cantrip access all the time in power.
@chainer8686 3 жыл бұрын
@@jrg305 yeah 😀 exactly what I ment
@Porphyrogenitus1 5 жыл бұрын
Brassieres are as big as the sorceress needs them to be, duh!
@ta192utube 5 жыл бұрын
Well, don't forget, you have to accommodate both band size AND cup size
@indianajoe9029 4 жыл бұрын
i thought familiars can not use a magic item.
@smbakeresq 5 жыл бұрын
Your average dungeon will have spiders in it, probably all around. One more wont be noticed, and it can just about fit most places including ceilings and just look around.
@venne4018 5 жыл бұрын
It is finally here, the Guide to the most useful Spell imho of the first level. Thanks a lot and good work Chris!
@conradkorbol 5 жыл бұрын
I would argue it the most useful spell in the entire game It remains useful until level 20 It’s a ritual Nearly every character can get it with feats
@christopherbryan160 5 жыл бұрын
Ritual caster can also be gotten with at least 13 wisdom.
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
That's true, I forget you can choose any ritual class regardless of your ability score that met the prereq
@fhuber7507 5 жыл бұрын
@@TreantmonksTemple Actually, The feat RAW doesn't say you have to have the 13 in INT to go for Wizard ritual caster or in WIS to go for Cleric... it just says 13 INT or WIS, then pick the spell caster class you want to ritually cast. RAW you can have 4 INT and 13 WIS and take the feat and say you want to ritual cast Wizard. or 4 WIS and 13 INT and then pick Druid rituals... (and Druid rituals can be as fun as Find Familiar)
@conradkorbol 5 жыл бұрын
F Huber he just he forgot that
@kendrajade6688 5 жыл бұрын
What's weird to me is that you can pick the Bard, Warlock, or Sorcerer lists (though I don't imagine why you'd pick those last two) but Charisma doesn't function for the feat.
@AgentForest 2 жыл бұрын
[Snake slithers up to injured party member] [regurgitates vial of healing potion] :3 "Uhhh... thanks?"
@Mare_Man 4 жыл бұрын
A Familiar can also be used to cast Spare the Dying or Cure Wounds from a distance and potentially save a fallen buddy. Eat your heart out Grave Cleric!
@synthcopathofftheair1148 5 жыл бұрын
You described how the familiar can activate magic items & potions, but familiars can also use more mundane items available at low levels. *Oil* : A familiar can pour a flask of oil to cover a 5-foot-square with inflammable oil *Torch* : The familiar can set something on fire - either to create a diversion or to inflict damage *Balls of Bearing* : The familiar can spill them on 10-foot-squares to create hazards on the battlefield *Caltrops* : Like Balls of Bearing, with less area but higher DC *Clockwork Toy* : The familiar can create distractions by activating this Rock Gnome device *Bag of Flour* : The familiar can spread flour on the ground as a good defense against invisible enemies All of which can also be used in combat by the familiar.
@billyjimbobjr 5 жыл бұрын
don't forget blinding powder, invisible imp flies over an enemy and dumps a pouch of powdered glass on its head, you've just ruined that guys day.
@davidriggs538 5 жыл бұрын
Love your videos on spells. Could you please make one regarding thoughtful combinations of sorcery metamagic with spells from the sorcerer spell list. And perhaps include some spells off the cleric spell list for divine soul sorcerers. Thanks in advance.
@M0ebius 5 жыл бұрын
Yes! A Metamagic guide would be great.
@Esproth 5 жыл бұрын
I like using the familiar to drop oil, or alchemists fire, or caltrops on enemies.
@iancampbell4394 5 жыл бұрын
Fantastic, as always! Can we expect a Find Steed guide in the near future?
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
My issue with doing that is that there are so many conflicting rules and statements for designers on what spells are applicable for sharing.
@jiminkpen9750 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's an old video, still catching up on everything. I suspect you get asked this all the time, but where does it say a familiar can attune to magic items, and also concentration?
@TexasDevin 5 жыл бұрын
Nowhere in RAW does it say you need to have line of sight to the location you summon your familiar to so you could summon it to the far side of a door or wall. Then on the next round you could use your action to look through its eyes and use your bonus action to Misty Step yourself right past that closed/locked/trapped door. We have an agreement at our table that this is off limits.
@alanschaub147 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been using this trick for a while. It’s my favorite combo!
@M0ebius 5 жыл бұрын
Familiar+Dragon’s Breath is one of my favorite combos, particularly on an Owl or an Imp. Even better when I was allowed to Twin Spell the Dragon’s Breath on both familiars, before it was inexplicably banned by Sage Advice.
@jsherman5178 5 жыл бұрын
My illusionist uses malleable illisions as it's action to create a dragon (or other awesome creature) illusion over my familiar using a major image spell cast at 6th level then bonus action cast dragon's breath on the familiar. Now my illusion can breath fire that burns. 😈
@sarezar 5 жыл бұрын
This doesn't change what you've said but casting a spell that requires an attack roll is a Cast a Spell Action and not an Attack Action. The whole thing about whether Dragon's Breath is allowed or not based on whether it's an Attack Action or not is starting a needless discussion (in case anyone was thinking of starting a debate with their DM based on that point) Having said my annoying, pedantic comment, I also love the spell. It is extremely versatile; although I avoid using my Wizard's familiar in combat when I get to mid levels; it dies very easily. Keep it safely away and call it in action during those dramatic moments as TM said
@LordZeebee 5 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of tables just rule that your familiar takes their turn at the same time as you. Ye it's a houserule but it just makes combat so much easier to keep track of and if it allows for offensive touchspells then fine i guess, it's not exactly OP or anything
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, we often play with that houserule at my table, and it does fix the issue entirely. To be honest, I'm not sure why the designers chose to have the familiar go on a different turn, as it slows down gameplay and I'm not sure what it adds.
@LordZeebee 5 жыл бұрын
@@TreantmonksTemple probably for strategic possibiliy or roleplaying reasons. Designers can't predict every strategy that will arise from their design and having control of another creature with it's own initiative sounds way more strategically beneficial than one that can only act on your own turn, turns out that wasn't really the case. Either that or they wanted your familiar to really feel like another fully sentient partymember. Kinda like how Pikachu isn't just a tool for Ash in Pokemon, they're genuinly friends with different personalities who love each other
@conradkorbol 5 жыл бұрын
Treantmonk's Temple it’s to make the beast master ranger better
@Domina7ion 5 жыл бұрын
Could you do one on prestadigitation?
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
There is no combat use for Prestidigitation. I could do one on how Prestidigitation makes you feel like a wizard. Is that something you would like to see?
@Domina7ion 5 жыл бұрын
@@TreantmonksTemple I can see how it would be good for RP, but compared to other cantrips I don't see why I would take it, but I've heard it's useful. You've mentioned in passing building a character based on an idea or picture. Maybe one of those would be good. Although you touch on RP in your build videos they seem to be optimistisation first, but I'd find it interesting to go for a very specific image of a character type and then try to build around that.
@GoodOldGamer 5 жыл бұрын
Are you sure it couldn't be used in combat? I mean, you can heat or cool objects with it, right? Could you make a weapon too cold or hot to hold? Could you freeze a puddle an enemy is standing in? If they're using a torch and you snuff it out, could that give them disadvantage or something? If a torch is laying at their feet and you light it, could that immolate them? 🤔😄
@ChrisCox-wv7oo 4 жыл бұрын
@@GoodOldGamer it says you can chill or warm material, which implies not such a drastic temperature change
@destroyerinazuma96 4 жыл бұрын
@@ChrisCox-wv7oo yes, and even if it lights fires from what I understood even Druidcraft is more potent (can shut down a small camp fire). But it should be enough to light a pipe or cause a very small flame that can still light up a fuse/spread on something highly flammable/blow up the gaz in a room.
@matheusmoreira9951 5 жыл бұрын
I'm the kind of asshole Arcane Trickster that uses the help action from my familiar (I use owl) in every round, so I can basically guarantee the Booming Blade + Sneak Attack combo.
@acm4bass 5 жыл бұрын
As a Dm I don't assume things like familiars or racial abilities granting flight as exploits. They are more like an arms race, and as a dm I just need to adjust the difficulty of the encounter. Somebody uses an owl on an enemy with sentinel will be a bit surprised.
@MattNeisinger 5 жыл бұрын
@@acm4bass By RAW, the owls Flyby ability trumps the Sentinel feat. Sentinel: Creatures within 5 feet of you provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach. Flyby: The owl doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach. The Flyby action does not involve the Disengage action called out but sentinel. You can table rule this how you like, of course, but by the RAW Flyby trumps Sentinel. If Sentinel was worded in a way that didn't include any limiting qualifiers, such as "Creatures within 5 feet of you always provoke opportunity attacks from you before leaving your reach." That wording, including the qualifier "always", would trump everything else that didn't specifically call out the Sentinel feat.
@DotharVahlin 5 жыл бұрын
@@MattNeisinger As a DM you could still solve that issue by giving the NPC the Polearm Master feat, the Owls flyby ability might not provoke attacks of opportunity when it flies out of an enemy's reach, but flyby says nothing about entering their reach...
@jordanwhite8718 5 жыл бұрын
Or you could just use archers
@TexasDevin 5 жыл бұрын
The Arcane Trickster in my campaign did this trick at Level 2 when everyone started. Now all the players are level 6 and he still does it every turn. If my campaign lasts until level 15, I imagine he will still be doing it every turn.
@draghettis6524 2 жыл бұрын
Ritual Caster has a prerequisite of "Wisdom 13 or Intelligence 13", and it doesn't change based on your class selection. So even a 8 INT character can take it, if it has WIS 13, which is more common than INT 13, because of Perception and the huge amount of classes with Wisdom as a primary or secondary ability score.
@binolombardi 5 жыл бұрын
Familiar can use alchemist fire and other similar saving throw mundane items as well. I like picturing an owl dropping it as it darts by over head. Perhaps dropping caltrops and the like too.
@2Cubic 5 жыл бұрын
Looking at this wording "as if your familiar cast the spell" for casting of touch spells, it looks like you could deliver touch spells while maintaining Invisibility if you cast through your familiar. Cool for people who don't want to be seen but still want cast Cure Wounds, Magic Weapon, or other touch range buffs.
@genrepunk 5 жыл бұрын
Your familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast it--that's an ability the familiar has--but RAW it changes nothing else as far as what casting the spell entails for you the caster.
@ShadowRulerZero 5 жыл бұрын
I houserule Familiars to go at the end of the summoners turn. In addition if I have a wizard do the shocking grasp. I would allow them to move the familar into range and trigger the effect on the familiars turn. If something is able to stop it or it cant get close it just means the wizard wasted a turn.
@companyoflosers 5 жыл бұрын
yeah but nobody follows the whole "it has its own initiative" part. any dm out there, including the greats like matt mercer or chris perkins have always just had familiars act on their caster's turn. tht may be considered a house rule, but it seems to be EVERYBODY's house rule. though i can see why a DM may want to use the wording as its written. there are some pretty op uses for familiars that this would mess with. a for using the help action every turn, its in the rules. its written that you can do that. for somone like a rogue who needs advantage to gain sneak attack, if you arent a swashbuckler, its vital to doing the most damage possible. so an owl familiar who can help and then quickly get away using flyby in order to not provoke attack of opportunity, its great! its not an exploit, its meant to be used like that. im tired of other people being sore losers about using something the way it was designed to be used.
@conradkorbol 5 жыл бұрын
companyoflosers all my dms follow it
@dking6021 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know if this works by raw but I use my owl to go third person when I need dark vision.
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
Well, for one thing it will use up your action every round. There's nothing in the rules about this, but I would imagine it would also be disorienting.
@acm4bass 5 жыл бұрын
It takes an action to use the familiars senses. Which makes using that information difficult.
@aronagerton2909 Жыл бұрын
Give a familiar Gauntlets of Ogre Power...
@Encephalon 5 жыл бұрын
I have allowed the use of the Tressym for find familiar considering it is similar to CR as the other forms. (Storm Kings THunder Creature)
@SomeOneNOR 5 жыл бұрын
great video! I am probably geting my 3 level in warlock next session and i am going to go packt of the chain, so this video is really helpful
@nekobouya 5 жыл бұрын
Someone tell me if I'm wrong but the way I'm reading it for using for familiar for touch spells is when you complete the spell and cast it the familiar uses its reaction to cast the spell *immediately* and then the familiar cannot use any other reactions 'til the beginning of its next turn.
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
You are reading it correctly.
@alexanderchippel 3 жыл бұрын
Here's something for DMs: Give familiars out as loot! Instead of giving your rouge another +1 dagger or boots of elven kind they aren't going to use because they have boots of striding and springing, give them a rat or raven familiar.
@NonApplicable1983 5 жыл бұрын
Magic Initiate is my favorite feat because it lets me have a familiar and reliable offensive spells as any class. I especially love it on a bard!
@ninekindzo3569 5 жыл бұрын
Try having the homunculus familiar, give it a magical item that allows it to increase it's size, and leave it at your base/house/whatever to do everything that your character would normally be doing in your downtime. Need to make a history check? Research some vital clue to whatever? Let me just check my private my house...over 30 miles away...without leaving this dungeon... Need a batch of potions mixed by the time you get back from your current quest? Use the homunculus for all your in-game multitasking needs. ✌✌
@MrNumWalrus 4 жыл бұрын
My plan is to hold my action then on my familiars turn I'll let loose my spell when it's in range it should be able to use its reaction on its turn yeah?
@TreantmonksTemple 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, the unfortunate thing is holding your action for a spell uses your concentration, which hurts.
@adamcauble3674 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Chris, love your videos! Great coverage of the details. Can you do a video about the Arcane Trickster rogue? I know you have already covered parts of this with your Minor Illusion and Find Familiar videos, but I'd love to hear your take on this class, which spells to take, how to play it in combat, how to roleplay it in social settings and even different uses of the Mage Hand Legerdemain. Thanks and keep it up!
@EvanFarshadow 5 жыл бұрын
Arcane Trickster if you can handle putting a 13 in Wisdom (or 12 if you go Wood Elf) could get massive mileage out of a 2 level dip in Trickery Domain cleric. Taking Find Familiar for AT with an Owl Familiar and grabbing Elven Accuracy is AMAZING. Throw in Booming Blade and you're gonna go far. If you can, get ahold of a Bag of Devouring. Mage Hand is THE safest way to remove objects you place in it (use copper coins to test what time every day the objects in it disappear and just remove things before they disappear.) Excellent way to play keep away, hide a dead body, and in general make more use of a Bag of Devouring than any other class. Fun fact, there is no size limit in 5e on creatures that can be sucked into a Bag of Devouring. If you manage to get even a claw or tip of the tail into the bag of holding, it can suck them into it and immediately destroy them if they fail the DC 15 strength save.
@SaneNoMore 4 жыл бұрын
Pa-lat-able? wth is Pa-lat-able... took me a minute to realize you meant pal-at-able lol..
@cl10367 4 жыл бұрын
I always respect someone who mispronounces a word. They learned its meaning through reading. They earned that word.
@drguthrie7621 4 жыл бұрын
I love love love the flock of familiars spell, when it is allowed it is good fun. I have a story where my wizard was able to clear out a room of guards by casting the flock of familiar spell at the 7th level and scaring the guards away with a small rat army, also my DM loves the dragon breath familiar combo it is super cost effective too sense casting dragon's breath is only a bonus action!
@CasaiAgicap 5 жыл бұрын
So, does the familiar variant trait apply to those warlock pets? Because if so you apparently also get advantage against spells when near your Imp, Quasit or Pseudodragon familiar (sprite doesn't get anything like it).
@ItThatIsAPerson 5 жыл бұрын
I dont think so
@estebanramirez1178 2 жыл бұрын
The Dragon’s Breath Spell from Xanathar’s Guide is amazing. It is a touch spell that uses a bonus action and concentration. For the duration, the affected creature obtains a breath weapon of varying elements to choose from. It was ruled in a tweet that any familiar can use a breath weapon, not just pact of the chain. It is very possible to reliably have an attack drone with Find Familiar and Dragon’s Breath. A familiar like an owl is reliable for hit and run tactics.
@SamaelHellscrem 4 жыл бұрын
I love the combination of FInd Familiar and Dragons Breath :D No attackrole, the spell is touch and it's only concentration. And now have a fire breathng owl flying in and out of combat thanks to 120ft flyspeed and flyby xD
@terak4786 5 жыл бұрын
As far as familiars as offense, I recommend Dragon's Breath. The familiar delivers the spell to itself, then gets to use the breath weapon as you like.
@goodgulfgas 5 жыл бұрын
Dragon Breath the owl and then cast a cantrip.
@justinrivas7762 5 жыл бұрын
I had an idea for a build that was similar to the ideas present in this video, and was wondering if you could make it work. The idea is that you use a something else's senses to cast spells using those senses. For example, using arcane eye to cast sacred flame on creatures inside a dungeon, while you are outside the dungeon. Do you know of a way to make this work with the beast sense spell, the find familiar spell, or a similar feature that grants additional senses?
@acm4bass 5 жыл бұрын
Without the dm cooperating it will be tough. My version of this was assuming incorrectly I could do it with Find Familiar, an use the bats senses to echolocate there by see in the dark and even magical darkness. However, it takes an action to use the senses. So I suppose you could take levels in fighter and get an extra action once a rest, but even then there will be issues.
@justinrivas7762 5 жыл бұрын
@@sharkforce8147 i thought the "ignores cover" part of sacred flame meant that sacred flame ignores that rule.
@alanschaub147 3 жыл бұрын
Flock of Familiars is on the Warlock’s spell list, Since, Tasha’s came out, Druids can now cast Find Familiar by expending a use of their Wild Shape. Find Familiar is my favorite spell, and these two new options to obtain it are fantastic. My favorite trick is to send a familiar into a pocket dimension, make it reappear within 30 feet but on the other side of a barrier that cannot be seen through, use an action to see through the familiar’s sense (bat’s are great for this purpose), make sure it is safe in that location, then Misty Step to that location still using the Familiar’s senses. This is all totally legal, and super useful!
@iferutoznola5565 5 жыл бұрын
Why not allow the fairy dragon to be a form your familiar takes, especially since the spirit can be fey. This comes from a history of reading books such as Darkwalker on Moonshae, and playing NWN on pc.
@BW022 5 ай бұрын
Another good trick is to remember is that familiars can delivery beneficial touch spells to allies. This can effectively make a lot of spells have range. If you have access to healing, you can deliver cure wounds at range vs. using healing word. Besides healing you have spells like invisibility, improved invisibility, defensive spells (protection from evil, shield of faith, etc.), spider climb, fly, gaseous form, etc.) If you can't reach your rogue, let your owl deliver an improved invisibility while you are safely back.
@CruentusV 4 ай бұрын
on a rogue (not necessarily a trickster sub) through ritual casting feat: it comes in "handy" once too often (usually raven, but also rat), especially if a DM allows swapping a feat for a stat improvement during character creation...
@arcanerecovery2567 5 жыл бұрын
on your turn you can ready an action to cast shocking grasp with the trigger being when your familiar is within melee range of an enemy, then when your familiar has it's turn it can move into range, cast the spell as a reaction, and then use it's action to disengage and use the rest of its movement to get away
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
I can see a downside to using up both my concentration and my reaction on delivering shocking grasp...
@arcanerecovery2567 5 жыл бұрын
@@TreantmonksTemple I agree, just providing a way that it can be done... also works for any touch spell.
@heavyweaponsguy6824 5 жыл бұрын
My dm let me have a constructor snake as familiar. It started off as a babby boa but by the time it was adult size (10ft) It could crush someone to death (or knockout) if they couldn't escape, or it could restrain them if it couldn't knock them out.
@Seelenverheizer 5 жыл бұрын
I never played it but how about an Imp that you cast darkness on that dual wield alchemist fire. its basicly a wierd ball of darkness that can bomb your enemy while blinding them. Would work well with devils sight
@simonmoody8400 Жыл бұрын
One thing, and I don't think it's cruel if a DM did this, just realistic. If a familiar is carrying/wearing an item, magical or otherwise, that is fragile, potions come to mind, and the familiar is killed, there is going to be a risk of damage/spilling/destruction of said items. If the familiar is in flight the chance would ramp up significantly. And even if the item is okay, or isn't going to break, say a metal ring, 100% if you do not state that you are retreaving it, you are leaving it behind, and I see no reason for a DM to be 'mother' and remind you. You give a familiar a maigcal item, your responsible for what happens, for good or ill.
@camillecutler6868 7 ай бұрын
Note: If you are a warlock with an imp familiar, and you are a kobold, your familiar can pick you up while invisible. Flight at Lvl 3!
@yosharian 5 жыл бұрын
My DM rules that invisible familiars using the Help action become detected - still invisible, but detected
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
That's not entirely unreasonable. I would just be very careful with it, use it for the important attacks then get it out of danger...
@Caludot 4 жыл бұрын
can I position my familiar on the opposite side of an enemy an ally fighter is battling (and invisible) to give my ally adv on his or her next attack?
@TreantmonksTemple 4 жыл бұрын
Does your DM use the variant flanking rules from the DMG? If so, then yes.
@KrakenSlayer47 5 жыл бұрын
You have a KZbin channel?! Hell yeah! How did I not know about this?
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know ....but welcome!
@assinne 2 жыл бұрын
My human necromancer uses finding familiar as a way to get dark vision. For mostly RP i have not used it for combat. In darkness my owl familiar would sit on my shoulders and I would see into its vision. Since in this mode you are only deaf and blind. Me and my DM assume I have control over my body so I can move as normal but see through my familiar thus gaining 120ft darkvision.
@coledabull Жыл бұрын
I'm playing a game where we don't get the special familiars. Mine is a raven, and they can do mimicry. Last session, we came across some rough looking dudes in the woods, which were actually bandits, but we didn't know. So I sent my raven to scout, and used its mimicry to talk to the bandits. My raven convinced them that it was a cursed maiden, and it needed help getting magic treasure to lift the curse. I sent the raven off and the greedy guts followed, allowing us to loot their camp.
@daemonlee6259 4 жыл бұрын
Why do we need Find Familiar variant, when the familiar is NOT actually that creature, but creature of your selection? If we are going to instill a variant, then shouldn't it be for all creatures that fit a familiar attributes? Like size, CR and such, much like the Ranger's beast companion table … which by the way is wimpy as hades!
@ken_cognito Жыл бұрын
Using your familiar as an extension for touch spell is only an issue if it's initiative is higher than yours, right? I always hold my action and wait for my familiar turn to cast my spell. It's herky jerky with action economy but I think what I said is book legal.
@coolgumelo932 10 ай бұрын
To cast a spell through the familiar i do it like this, I'm the one who ready my action, the familiar moves close to the target, I cast the spell and then he uses his reaction, as a flavor before do this i always whisper an order to the familiar to appear tactically planned. Raw i think can be use like this
@PositiveBlackSoul 5 жыл бұрын
In my group due to simplifying combat, the familiar acts on my turn. It also usually doesn't get a token and as long as it's perched on my or an allies shoulder is immune to aoe spells (ie treated as an item worn or carried). I also don't use it too much though as I don't have too many touch spells on that character.
@americusfallout4777 4 жыл бұрын
Give a family a bag have it fly over you and cast light by touch. Flying glowing bag no hands needed lights alot of dark spaces. Carry rope across a cavern or repair a rope bridge on other side. Fire Breathing familiar flying down from the sky or spider to breath attack so to cause distraction. Also a fire Breathing owl or spider that can be from over 100 feet away? You make the guards look crazy or make it look like there is a attack or fire on other side. If yoy can give familiar a ring like invisible makes it a scarry scout or retrieve fallen weapons. Give a owl a decant of endless water and fly over to spray endless water from above for forest fire or carry bag of holding for transport items.
@allasar Жыл бұрын
Druids get a version as well, using their wild shape. It is a bit different from the classic Find Familiar though. I believe it is in Tasha's.
@FakeSugarVillain Жыл бұрын
It is very true that a lot of tables have homerules for the familiar, in our table for example the familiar is allowed to have its turn at the same time that it master, so we kinda let it have the same initiative than the caster. Like that we tend to use the familiar in a very offensive way to deliver touch spells , but as you say RAW it would be very difficult to deliver something like Inflict wounds with a familiar.
@rfbill89 2 жыл бұрын
Hello monk! i am not english so forgive the language. Do you think I can use my familiar owl to grab an item, then dispose of it in the dimension pouch making the item in question disappear?
@DissolvedLogic 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn’t you have your character Ready a touch spell and then have the familiar deliver it on their turn? I know it would consume the reaction of both you and your familiar and it requires your character to concentrate on the Readied spell until the familiar can deliver it but it is possible.
@marcdavis4509 Жыл бұрын
I place the light cantrip on my familiar at night and use it as a mobile light source. If it’s destroyed I know there is trouble ahead.
@guga5708156 2 жыл бұрын
Used a familiar owl to deliver poison to one nobles meal flying through the window and putting it in. Arquimedes was the best owl there ever existed.
@terryroberts5309 2 жыл бұрын
Can arcane tricksters change his spell after a short/long rest .so he could cast find familiar then do a long rest then pick a different 1st level spell while keeping the familiar 🤔 and keeping another 1st level spell slot
@ThirtytwoJ Жыл бұрын
Being not a djmmy but a spirit. able to see thru the familiars eyes easily.. and esp with the expanded uses and thumbs of pact of chain.. let em be more liberal
@Just_som_Ottur Жыл бұрын
I became tiny and convinced my dm to let me ride my familiarback out of a massive crevice while being chased by three flame skulls lmao
@Graxil 4 жыл бұрын
You can ready a Shocking Grasp as your Ready Action for when your familiar touches an enemy, and when he does you use your reaction to use the spell and your familiar uses his to deliver it. Does it not work because of wording I’m not taking into account?
@Sporrik 3 жыл бұрын
That works, but readying a spell uses your concentration, so you won't realy want to waste such a valuable resource on a 1d8 cantrip when you can just use firebolt instead.
@parko246 2 жыл бұрын
Just stumbled across your channel from a comment on the dungeon dudes videos. Got yourself a sub mate well done.
@rogerwilco2 2 жыл бұрын
If you want a dexterous familiar, I would suggest the octopus.
@AzraelThanatos 5 жыл бұрын
Another major thing with the Find Familiar spell is the darkvision/blindsight options several of them have. For races such as Human or Halfling, you're already at a disadvantage compared to the other races in a lot of places without natural vision options for dealing with the situation...
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind though that you use your action each round to use the familiar's senses.
@jakeschreiner8567 5 жыл бұрын
have ever watched a spider feeding they are very dexterous animals they could so carry a small potion especially if they wrap things in silk they could even have a silk bandoleer with a few little things
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting. No, I can't say that I have. Then I stand corrected.
@Joccaren 5 жыл бұрын
Delivering touch spells can be used offensively with readied actions. You just ready your action, and sacrifice your reaction to cast the spell when the familiar is in position. Its not ideal, but it does work. But otherwise a great guide, and basically how I've used the familiar - scouting, and other such non-combat uses mostly.
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
readying your action to cast a spell requires your concentration which has 2 primary drawbacks, 1: You can't concentrate on another spell, and 2: if your concentration is broken you lose the action. The second issue is that your reaction is used to complete the readied action, that means no shield spells or absorb elements or other defensive reactions. This is a problem in itself, but it is compiled by the issue that it means you are more likely to take damage, which means your concentration is more likely to be interrupted. Still, this solution is better than nothing, but it does not compare with simply completing your action on your turn.
@lukefranklin5 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like using shocking grasp through your familiar wouldn’t be that hard. Even if it acts on its own accord, it’s still supposed to listen to you. You can just tell it what to do before the battle and make a game plan for using it
@orleanswarrior1834 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that RAW the familiar has it own initiative so you'd have to hope your target doesn't move until your turn
@lukefranklin5 3 жыл бұрын
@@orleanswarrior1834 well you can just hold your action to cast shocking grasp when your familiar gets next to your target
@orleanswarrior1834 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukefranklin5 well sure, but you would still need to delay your action, which is not ideal and also not that worth it depending on the initiative order, but it's situationally useful yes, but I still don't think it's such a good idea to especialize in it, unless your dm allows the familiar to take its turn on your own turn(which I think it's way better and should be like that for all summons, because keeping track of a lot of initiatives is anoying
@actingkeith 5 жыл бұрын
At 12:34, per Jeremy, you can feed a Goodberry to an unconscious person...
@TreantmonksTemple 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, and I would allow it too, but the critics are correct that the rules don't say so.
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