This is actually much better way to go about tier lists than the usual S>F tier lists because it actually works off the context of “what’s your skill level?” more than only just “THIS CHAMPS SO BROKEN” and not explaining that you need actual hands and a functional frontal cortex to pilot them.
@mxxnlt214311 ай бұрын
Pretty much any tier list content with a "educational" focus you should just ignore the tier list tbh. Its usually pretty meaningless and the value is all in the discussion of where they're placing things. I do appreciate how it puts a natural structure too the video though. Alois did a good job talkin about the champs here (:
@frankiecdg76217 ай бұрын
ksante broken tho
@Breakbeat90s Жыл бұрын
Isn't it beautiful how Varus wins against everyone except Yasuo, who loses against everyone else? Very poetic.
@zlxkekxrmx6925 Жыл бұрын
yasuo does not lose to any matchup
@ZMJJKK-t4i Жыл бұрын
@@zlxkekxrmx6925WHAT HAHAHAH
@JeffGranja27 Жыл бұрын
@@ZMJJKK-t4i My guy probably never played Yasuo against something as dumb as Nasus or Malphite with a functional brain in toplane
@vgamedude12 Жыл бұрын
No there is nothing beautiful about abusing braindead marksmen in top lane. Riot should've gut marksmen long time ago. Only class that is required in every game, best scaling, best dps and easiest champions. Actually disgusting.
@obscuriguity4365 Жыл бұрын
@@vgamedude12 one assassin and they're gone. one mage q and they're gone. if you get close to them they're dead, if you cc them then they're dead. marksmen have good dps, but they die very fast to literally everything except supports because everything goes into damage. if theres a marksman topelane they're probably going to be shoving the wave under tower, and a jungler can gank and kill them in 2 seconds. though, i will admit, that never happens, because they're too busy ganking bot lane. but still, varus especially has no mobility, if he wiffs his ult hes a sitting duck. if you're really that worried about marksmen play someone like jax who can just say no to autos with his e and close in with his q, then burst with his w or something
@RanarrDealer11 ай бұрын
This video is so valuable for begginner top laners, not only for helping select a main, but you also go over at a very high level the strengths and weaknesses of all top lane champs. Obviously this isn't enough, but it's a baby step for the HUGE top lane learning curve that is learning match-ups
@aaronperez9518 Жыл бұрын
I watched this whole tier list get created live. I love that the editor managed to milk so much content out of it (and more importantly, spread it into bite size pieces so everyone can actually learn some things instead of only those who watched the full longform video).
@tomynaumann Жыл бұрын
Very good take on Urgot, I also believe he's gonna be better in s14 with the mythics gone and the reworked hullbreaker might be really good on him
@Costin1289 Жыл бұрын
U urgot otp? i am currently 67-70 wr in 90+ games(on the champ) emerald 2 with 65 wr in 128 games(first ranked season on a lvl 30 acc)
@tomynaumann Жыл бұрын
@@Costin1289 I'm not a otp but I do main him, there's some matchups where I'd rather go renekton or jax. Im emerald 4 70% winrate on urgot
@pooplord6688 Жыл бұрын
100% he will be better. He is almost the prime example of a champion who never benefited from the mythic system.
@egosumv3112 Жыл бұрын
He can't stack Hullbreaker with W
@tomynaumann Жыл бұрын
@@egosumv3112 It's bugged, it should proc it
@HamsterPants522 Жыл бұрын
There aren't enough videos like this. Thank you Alois.
@papyehnck Жыл бұрын
Hey AloisNL, jij bent de enige waardoor ik de macro fundamentals echt ben gaan begrijpen. Ik win nu veel vaker mijn lane en games. Thanks daarvoor en ga zo door!!!
@CesarPerez-in9ij Жыл бұрын
Camille in easy to pick up i think is nuts. Bul i think your explanation about The champion is very accurate
@ajx4 Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with your Gnar/Ezreal comparison, but I believe that they are both pretty good lane bullies if you play aggressive while abusing their safety mechanics, like don't just play a chill lane stupidly and use the movement for backpedaling, these guys are a threat pretty early and saving yourself from overextensions that you win is really oppressive if you do it correctly
@TheBritishPoro Жыл бұрын
There are very few champions that Gnar can bully in lane. His range is too low and he's too squishy. His E cooldown is much longer than most other dashes (Camille E, Renekton E, Riven Q, etc) so as long as you don't overcommit you can trade dash for dash then zone him pretty hard. Once he gets to Level 9 though it's an entirely different matter. He has 343 base MS instead of 335, he has 450 range instead of 400, his Q slows 35% instead of 5% and the cooldown when caught goes from 12s to 6s so he can chain them together extremely easily. He becomes a kiting machine.
@Thiago-o7c Жыл бұрын
Gnar is trash but is boring to play against
@manbunna3388 Жыл бұрын
@vgamedude12 Жыл бұрын
Ezreal is way better than gnar and has always been busted. Safe laning, can abuse so many items and builds, one of the highest dpm in the game with also capability of sustain and sustained damage, and he's safe as hell. Ezreal is literally one of the most busted Champs in league.
@karsonkammerzell6955 Жыл бұрын
I started one tricking Illaoi because I realized that I had a nasty habit of getting ganked due to not paying attention, so I turned to a champion that basically wants that exact scenario, lol. I've gotten a lot better about paying attention now (in large part to you and KingStix), but I definitely love it when my team is warning pinging or telling me they're all coming for me and I'm like, "Oh I know. I want this." and then 1v5 them and live in their base, lol.
@claudeheinrich3613 Жыл бұрын
I hate playing against her she just spawns infinite tentacles and her soul pull thing is sooooo annoying
@karsonkammerzell6955 Жыл бұрын
@@claudeheinrich3613 It can all be played around, but top lane, regardless of champion, really and truly comes down to whoever won the lane gets to basically live rent free in the side lane unless the whole enemy team devotes to shutting it down.
@joshuakoldistier9592 Жыл бұрын
as a singed main i disagree with "easy to pick up" tier. i mean his abilities arent hard and mechanically he's besinde the goofling(E into W) or flash goofling . BUT its really difficult for singed to lane against almost any enemy top laner. to a straight 1v1 singed looses against 90% of all top laner. proxy is a thing but u can also start struggeling if u 2v1 top and bot still loosing. usually u start to play singed and int for the first 20 games or so not that easy needs alot macro almost always agreed with the rest keep it up Alois
@shadowwizardmoneygang30 Жыл бұрын
Wow, i started to look for my main 2 days ago and now i have a very good video to help me with it, thanks!
@danielmtzgreen8126 Жыл бұрын
Imo Camille is at least relatively hard because of her lack of wave clear+not having a decent way to farm in bad matchups, which leads her to spike late and to her being stuck in lane even after getting a solo kill
@lightdk6321 Жыл бұрын
He said she wins early in most maychups
@Not_NI0 Жыл бұрын
@@lightdk6321 Jax, Renekton, Fiora, Riven, Darius, Teemo. Give her a pretty difficult time, and they are relatively common (Not including Teemo but still)
@oravla8470 Жыл бұрын
Camille and her 1k true damage is really painful. She May have bad times against 5 of the 160 champs@@Not_NI0
@Not_NI0 Жыл бұрын
@oravla8470 That list didn't even include Warwick, Volibear, Mordekaiser, Shen (not too confident on this one), Trundle, Kennen, or Qiyanna TOP, because they aren't used much at all (in ranked or quickplay). That aside, Camille is a terrible blind pick for the fact a lot of her worst matchups are very commonly used. (Like, getting matched against Jax means you auto-lose lane, if they don't suck) Say what you want about her 2-shotting your midlaner/adc, but the notion that "very few champs" in lane contest her is completely untrue. Unless you're trying something ChoGath, Nasus, Illaoi, or Garen, who have no fast way to interrupt her E or Q2. Though these champs arent as common as the others I have listed. She won't be pushed up in your lane. She's better off a pick "just in case", rather than "My OTP".
@fastcow7013 Жыл бұрын
Brain rot @@oravla8470
@effag931 Жыл бұрын
Great vid as always. Seeing as there are a lot of comments on Camille being easy to pick up, maining her myself, is not a false statement. She indeed has a pretty straightforward and easy to understand kit. But where i do join you Camille enjoyers is on the fact it's becoming harder when you can't access the wave : if you can't get the push lvl 1, even lvl 4 against 3 seems underwhelming by the time the wave bounce. If you can' get this early advantage : oh the pain, oh the suffering. Imo it's not only the meta champions but any champions who has a form of wave clear be it Darius Q, Gwen Q... who is hard to deal with since you really need to understand what trades you can take. One mess up and your lane is pratically over since Camille scales a lot with Gold and you have no way to get to natural ressources quickly before Tiamat. Jax & Fiora being natural counters they are hard to deal with, scale harder but you can still manage the wave as they have bad waveclear too. She is one of the only champions where you need to understand that even with a slight gold lead, you won't win trades if you don't play perfectly. We all did the Sheen + Long Sword advantage E into D.Shield Boots Darius lvl 5. Well all ran down with our tail between our legs chased by a madman with an axe.
@bokbliner Жыл бұрын
as a Voli top main i can confidently say that W1 is not useless in lane, sure i know its underwhelming damage wise its just an aa with like 25 more dmg in the earlygame. But what gets overlooked is that W1 (and W2) have 50 more attckr ange then his regular autos, maing it good to proc another grasp when the enemy is going for last hits while saving your q in case they engage on you. Along with W only have 5seconds cooldowns makes it very spammy on minions (especially canons). In the Lategame W1 deals a solid 350dmg when building tank or bruiser with an even lower cooldown and more dmg W1 is really good waveclear. But i get it, on paper W1 looks underwhelimg (with its numbers) and because you wanted to save time you just siad its useless wich is understandable since you didnt have enough time to go in-depth.
@GingGongg Жыл бұрын
problem is that when you use W1 on the wave, you have to wait for 8-10 seconds to be able to land a W2 on the enemy (because you have to wait for the cooldown twice). Good laners will take advantage of this in some matchups and find a trade/all-in opportunity
@99temporal Жыл бұрын
Literally every single auto enhancing ability in melees give 50 range(except passives) So, in the end, W1 is just a worse version of Jax W or trundle Q
@anger8033 Жыл бұрын
The problem with Volibear is the fact that against any player that knows how he works, hes completely and utterly useless. HIs kit is way too telegraphed and easy to ignore and everyone knows that you should wait for his W1 to wear off before fighting him because he has 0 sustain otherwise.
@bokbliner Жыл бұрын
That ist sadly true. Volibear is all about knowlege, Not really execution @@anger8033
@bokbliner Жыл бұрын
@@GingGonggyeah that might be true, but If the opponent Just traded with you W1 and W2 on a Canon can Work. E.g you Just traded into a Darius but you both disengage,to win some health Back you W a Canon twice ,you can do this because you know that e.g His E is still on cooldown. (Also works with stuff Like renekton W) But good Player Will Always exploit it
@NightridingDoom Жыл бұрын
About bel Veth top (And mid for those intrested. In midlane, you pick bel veth only against assasins, with the exception of akali). This is my experience and is not the full truth. Strengths: 1) Strong lvl 1 and 2. You start usually Q, then E. Against mobility you start Q and W. Miss W=Back off. 2) Quit easy to pick up. 3) Play around levels and herald. Very hard to shut down once you start snowballing. 4) Versatile build path. 5) Your tempo midgame can be only matched by riven and yone. 6) Scales really well. 7) Strong invader, if your team has any long range cc (Zyra E, Lux Q, Morgana Q etc) 8) Quite self reliant and hard to counterplay around. Weaknesses: 1) Enemy will camp you 2) Only works as a counterpick. You do not want to play her against likes of Jax or Fiora, as they can dodge one of your spells completely. 3) Very unorthodox build path. When ahead: Build damage with some mix of defence. When behind: Build defence. 4) Likes short trades early, will lose extended trades against lanebullis. 5) Once you fall behind, hard to get back into the game. You have to keep yourself even. 6) Will get camped. You have to track of jungle and mid, because they will try to stop you from scaling or getting herald. (This starts happening from silver already). 7) First herald is a major win condition. 8) Your only sustain is your E and conqueror. So second wind and revitalize is suggested for most game as secondaries. This dampens your damage potential. 9) Knowledge check champion. Kinda like Illaoi, if enemy dodges your crucial ability for that match-up, you lose the trade. 10) All skins are pay to lose. You do NOT want a skin on Bel Veth. Without skin enemy will underestimate you. 11) Do NOT blind pick. You want to avoid akali, Akshan, Illaoi, Rumble, Renekton, Gnar and Camille early on. Too much damage or too mobile. It becomes a who dodges crucial ability first, wins matchup. Win Conditions: 1) Lvl 1 or 2 kill. If countered, focus on farming. Most lanebullies can harrass you, but can not dive you. 2) Cannon minions 3) You want to freeze the lane in most matchups or force the enemy to push. Good bel veth top is a nightmare to handle, since she can easily manage waves even when behind. 4) Lvl 6 Before Herald spawns. You want that early herald as soon as possible. 5) Almost always take ignite for kill pressure. 6) Lvl 1, 2, 3,5,6,9,13 are your spikes. 7) Damage when even or ahead, defence when focused or behind. Signs that shit is hititng the fan: 1) You need waveclear. Any time you need waveclear, you will also need defences. 2) You can not get a chance for herald. This means you are not in control of your lane or the game. In this case, build more defensive, cause if your team is losing, you will be focused. 3) You are behind, everyone is ahead. This is the best case scenario when behind. You build defence, as you can dive deep enough to force the enemy to focus you, while staying near enough to your team to survive that and get out. Again, build defensively, rely on your team and scalings. I'd say only 20% of games go like this. ========================================= *Build paths* : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Bel Veth --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) *Standard runepage* : Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, Last stand. Sudden Impact and Treasure Hunter secondary. Shards Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor. *Standard core* build: Collector, then Triforce. After that situational. *Standard summoner spells* : Ignite,Teleport, Ghost, Flash. Skill order: Q-E-W, Max Q first. Second E for execute/Sustain, W to catch enemies. Usually you want second point at E for level 5. *Explanation*: This is your go to runepage. You want to snowball, You know you are stronger early and you know you will have tempo advantage. You do not want to get to lategame, you want to end before 25 minutes. Your weakest point is 30 to 45 minutes, then you spike again thanks to your stacks. For boots look at Berserkers, Mercs, Tabis or if you can roam alot, Swiftness. (you still need in combat mobility early, so mobi only works after you completed triforce). Collector helps you snowball, paired with Triumph thats extra 50 gold every kill. Add the treasure hunter stack and you get extra 150 to 250 gold every time you kill a new champion. Triforce fixes your early attack speed issue and will last you through midgame, until your stacks (Around 80+ needed) start to kick in. The whole reason bel veth is played in jungle, is because he has insanely healthy clear and gets stacks a lot faster there. In lane, your only source are cannon minions and champions. You take ignite if you need strong execute. You take ghost if the enemy is prone to taking ghost. You take TP if you know you don't need ignite to kill the enemy. *Playstyle*: You want the middle brush to ambush the enemy. Ward the brush closest to enemy tower. If the enemy enters it, you can engage for a short trade, but they usually back off when you have conqueror stacked. Level 1 sieze priority by waiting for both sides melee minions to get low. Thats your chance to trade, since your 4Q's clear the entire wave. After that, play around fundamentals (Easier) or around constant wave crashing, locking the enemy into the lane. If level 1 trades fail, then wait for bounce back. At level 2 or 3 you can look for all in. *High Snowball matchups*: Kayle pre6. AD Udyr, Assasins. Pre6 mundo, Wukong, Lee Sin. (Yes, lee sin top is much weaker against bel than lee sin jungle), Urgot. *Good matchups*: Tryndamere (Watch for ult), Aatrox (Dodge his W), Yone (Watch for Q or Ult), Fiora (Watch for W) *Can deal with*: Ranged squishy toplaners like vayne or akshan. In this case, you max W second, and put one point in it at lvl 4, then into E at lvl 5, after that continue maxing Q. This gives you sustain and better catch potential. *Bad matchups*:Gankplank, Pantheon, Gnar. You need to avoid multiple key abilities of theirs. See under "Hard Counters" how to deal with them. Difficult to deal with: *Illaoi*: You need to dodge her E. When she Q's, use your Q to damage her and dodge it as well. After she gets her first item, she has outscaled you till lategame, play around the map. This and shen are the only matchups you need teleport for. Skip collector, take triforce and Steraks. *Darius*: When he Q, you Q inside his range, Then you W and Q sideways. If he apprehends, use your E. Do not look for lvl 1 trade against him, instead, play around the wave bounce. Q to dodge Q, E to waste his W, W-Q to escape. Do not expect to win this one. You can build collector if the enemy is bad, but it is reccomended to build Iceborn Gauntlet first, as it helps you with both kiting him and surviving his early burst. *Jax*: Good jax will go for short trades and make your life a living hell. A mastered one will go for short and long trades, forcing you to farm under the turret. Either way, if you can dodge his E, you will win the matchup. If he lands it, you lost. Play around your spells, do not let him too close. Max W instead of Q, you want to be able to cancel his leap as often as possible. Exeptions: Vi, Irelia. The two champions you want to take the following runepage: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Bloodline, Last Stand.Second Wind, Revitalize. Attack Speed Shard, Double Armor shard. Start with Dorans shield. Vi: You want long trades, she is fine with either. So you let her engage, dodge her Q and then go in. You take attack speed shard, because if vi goes for extended trade, the AS speed shard will help you outdamage her. Legend Bloodline, since you will not have sustain from Conqueror. Irelia: This is a matchup. If she gets her stacks (And mind you, she usually does), you will have hard time doing anything. However, your W allows to distrupt her dashes, if placed properly. You want to aim towards your low health minions the moment she engages, this has the highest chance of distrupting her. That way even if she stuns you, at most, you both come out even. At worst, you lose the trade and can sustain back up. Corrupting potion on second back is reccomended. Sett: You can handle him with conqueror or lethal tempo. Key point is to dodge his stun, and keep a Q ready to also dodge his W. He will outscale you fast early, but fall off late. Look for farming over fighting. However, key thing to watch out for: If you both have lethal tempo, you win. if you both have conqueror, you win. However, if he has lethal and you have conqueror, or vice versa, then trading will be extremly challenging.
@NightridingDoom Жыл бұрын
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruiser Bel Veth: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruiser build paths are champion specific. This is what you go, when you know you will not be allowed to scale or if the lane is difficult to survive. Hense, 3 types of runepages. 5 generalizations. 1) Runepage: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth. Legend Tenacity and Last Stand secondary. Attack Speed Shard, Magic Resist and Armor (Full ad or ad lanebully go double armor instead). Items: Jak Sho or Iceborn gauntlet. Renekton, Volibear: Titanic Hydra into Jak Sho. This will give you enough waveclear and sustain to be able to effectively clear the waves. If the enemy tries to freeze, your W-Q combo can bait out their engage, and thus, unfreeze the wave. You will have to be in the thick of it during teamfights, so Jak Sho is much more potent defensive option here. Rumble: You want Maw of Malmortious into force of nature here. Don't worry about the mythic, your main goal is to survive the lane and come out even. As long as you don't die, you will be fine. Start with Dorans blade and corrupting potion. A good rumble will not allow you to trade when his heat is down. If rumble goes for a trade when he does not have heat, he loses. Jax, Kayn, Galio, Low CC Tanks. (Malphite for example). All of them are good with short trades. This is where grasp comes in. While those matchups are winnable with conqueror, it is much easier with grasp, as it gives you more control over when to proc your sustain. I also prefer this setup against Sett, as it allows me to build more defensive. Core items are going to be Iceborn Gauntlet and Steraks Gage. 2) Aftershock, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Transcendence and Gathering Storm secondary. Matchups to use this for: High CC Tanks and heavy burst with CC. *High CC Tanks:* Maokai, Sejuani, Amumu, Poppy, Shen. Summoner spells: TP+Flash. You usually can not kill them anyways. You want to proc aftershock as often as possible here. Avoid trades when their key abilities are up. With poppy, important to bait out her W (Dash blocker), and with shen his W (dodge zone). You want to go even and build somewhat defensive so you can not be burst down as easily. Iceborn first, then Botrk second. *Heavy Burst: AP Malphite, Riven. Kled. * You farm. That's it. Farm farm farm. And when they engage, you hit them with W and run away. Now the reason you need aftershock is that you can survive the laning phase relatively unscatched. Once you get Iceborn Gauntlet (Or Maw of Malmortious against AP Malphite) they can not damage you. Playstyle wise, there are differences. Kled/Riven: Avoid their engage, then continue farming. You do not let them trade. However, with aftershock, they can not freeze either, as you can enter into their range, bait out their abilities and thus force them to clear the wave. You can also use your multiple Q's +W to kite around them. The reason you take aftershock is for a bit of lane safety, but more often, you need it in teamfights, because in these kinds of matchups the enemy tends to roam and your team tends to be so blind that even with 3 fucking pink wards the enemy walks over and multiple pings they still manage to feed your lane. As long as you keep farming, that will matter nothing, as when the time comes to group, you have Iceborn, You have Steraks and you have enough stacks to deal some serious damage if left unfocused. However, if they focus you, you can sustain long enough to survive. Iceborn also allows for great sidelane pressure. Ignite or TP at your convenience. AP Malphite however: Early game you are stronger, so you can trade freely. Once he gets level 3, you have to rely on your E for most of the damage. So max E first, Q second, W third. Once he gets level 6, track his ultimate. When he foes for an ult, you use your E to reduce it's damage. While you are knocked up, you can spam Q to get behind malphite and then W in the direction he is moving. Now that you have survived his burst, you sustain up with E and then all in him once you are in position to do so. This lane is aggressive on both sides, as you both want to stay atleast equal or snowball. This matchup you can use Conqueror runepage, with second wind and Revitalize as secondary.
@NightridingDoom Жыл бұрын
3) Exceptions: Sion: I found it easier to use a different runepage here: Hail of Blades, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ingenious Hunter, with Biscuits and Cosmic Insight secondary. Playstyle: Short bursty trades focusing around dodging sion Q. Biscuits to help with sustain. First item: Goredrinker, Then Titanic Hydra and Botrk. You are going for sustain. You'd think revitalize and second wind makes more sense, but actually no. Ingenious Hunter and Cosmic Insight allow for frequent use of Goredrinker. This allows for short bursty trade where you use coredrinker into Q after it has ended, then E minions to heal back up. Biscuits are there to extend your laning power. As usual with tanks, you take flash and tp. Gnar: Fleet footwork, Triumph, Legend Bloodline, Last Stand. Second wind and Revitalize secondary. Adaptive Force Shard, Magic Resist and Armor shards. Start with dorans shield, first item is either Botrk (Gnar builds botrk), Triforce (Gnar builds Triforce) or galeforce (Gnar builds black cleaver). Goal is the same each and every time. Avoid his Q, then bait out an engage to get it on cooldown. Back off, sustain up, then look to punish gnar in his mega form. His Q and W are easy to dodge. Post 6 however, dynamic changes, as you want to play around his mini form instead. If you have gone even so far, then look to farm. If you managed to get a lead, this matchup just became a lot easier. Gnar will harras with autoattacks. Thats why second wind+fleet footwork is so important. It allows you to save on pots while making full advantage of the sustain you get from runes and items. Magic resist and armor shards since gnar deals insane hybrid damage. Usual build for me is Galeforce First, Sunfire Second. Boots are usually tabis. If the enemy has a lot of CC, it's iceborn, mercs and sunfire. In that case I'm not even looking to trade and are looking to roam around a lot, getting my team fed so they can deal with gnar for me. Fiora: Oh boy oh boy oh boy. The true damage is bonkers. If you can't go for a carry build specified above and need to go bruiser against fiora, here is how to do it. Take Conqeuror, Triumph, Legend Bloodline, Last Stand, Second Wind and Revitalize Secondary. Start with Dorans Blade, go for sustain (if fiora builds hydra, you build hydra. if fiora builds anything else, you go goredrinker or steraks. Botrk only if fiora builds botrk). You want to keep up with fioras dueling power up until level 9. Thats when you can start easily pushing any lane you want and start building more defensive. Steraks is usually my secondary item. if I don't have a mythic, I take Eclipse or Triforce instead. Playstyle wise, you rely less on your attacks and more on your spells. You want to pait out fioras parry with W-Q instead of Q-W. By casting Q backwards, the stun lands further away, giving you time to react the moment it wears off. Overall, trading with fiora is tricky. When you W, you want to make sure it lands just outside the fioras narrow parry range. If fiora makes the mistake of coming close to you, your Q is much stronger early and you should be able to win the trades. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional items: [+] Maw of Malmortious: Against AP. [+] Steraks: Against Dive [+] Edge of Night: Heavy CC and you're snowballing. [+] Eclipse: Again, when extremly ahead, going lethality makes it easy to delete the enemy squishies, and the extra shield helps you survive. The %armor penetration helps dealing [+] with any surviving frontline. Ideally, you do not want bel veth to deal with frontline with this build. (See below). [+] Spear of Shojhin: Oh boy oh boy oh boy, this item is just broken on bel veth. but it is rare opportunity to build it. [+] Rageblade. Against it is an ok item, as it helps with on hit chance. Problem is, if you can go rageblade, you are so far ahead you're better off building more defensive. [+] Kraken Slayer: Godsend when you need more oomph in your attack. [+] BloodThirster/Shieldbow: They both have their uses. Bloodthirster when you need heavy lifesteal. Shieldbow when you need some shield, but are looking to build crit. In this case, your mythic should be Navori or Galeforce. Crit belveth is more oriented towards burst, same as lethality. Crit scaled better into lategame. [+] Deaths Dance: Against heavy AD [+] Wits End: You will find this to be your most common third item. It shores up the midgame attack speed gap, while giving decent magic resist. [+] Tiamat/Hydra: Well if you need this much waveclear, you're in trouble. Any moment you are looking to build tiamat, I suggest getting titanic hydra and also adding sunfire as an item into consideration. Both help with waves and give you strong AoE, and help with survival. If you need to defend against magic damage dealers, then look into spirit visage. [+] Spirit Visage: This item is pretty good on bel veth. it enchances conqueror, It enhances your E and it reduces magic damage. [+] Everything else is optional. Belveth has both AP and AD scalings, and makes heavy use of her abilities in some matchups. This makes it very hard to counterbuild him. Basically, if it works on jax and kaisa, there is a good chance it should work on Bel Veth.
@im_regen Жыл бұрын
amazing the job that you are doing for community, appreciate a lot the effort that you are doing for you in primis but also for us as players, keep going like this, i wish you the best from bodegraven :D
@createdshocked47009 ай бұрын
The amount of work you have done here by spending time on it is very admire.
@Rd0Lg Жыл бұрын
As an Illaoi one trick, I'd like to add some notes: she statchecks some champions level 1 with Grasp and W, so you are not completely helpless level 1 against a lot of toplaners. Really only early game monsters like Darius, Olaf and Riven can contest her here. Iceborn also completely warps her gameplay, but it's going to get gutted soon so it's not as relevant. But it's true what you say, she has a pretty mediocre teamfight without Flash and R off cooldown, and even then she can struggle to get much done except get CC chained and die with her damage being so backloaded. You will sit in the sidelane, 1v2 and 1v3, force opponents to match you so you draw pressure from elsewhere on the map. IMO she has been excellent this season, even having a decent winrate even in higher ELOs, but we will see how far she falls next season. It's not a question of if she will be worse, it's how much worse.
@ObeY404 Жыл бұрын
Insane. Thanks for this video, really liked your takes and effort to make it!
@taboretmojzesza1885 Жыл бұрын
@HIK4G3 Жыл бұрын
In lane hes of of the easiest top laners, to be relevant in fights u have to be pretty good and It can be pretty hard since u mostly cant stack Ur Q3 immediatly
@prophet6678 Жыл бұрын
He’s supposed to be, but overturned champions are overturned because of how effective they are even if you screw everything up
@taboretmojzesza1885 Жыл бұрын
@@HIK4G3you can just do E R and QWQ and that's enough aoe dmg to evoporate anything squishy caught with R and that's during R knock up then you can recast E and do what you did while being unpunishable...
@user-nn4yb6vv8u Жыл бұрын
Yeah idk man every challenger/pro player/coach etc. swears that yone is one of the hardest champs in the game whilst the avg player sees him as normal. Im guessing its bcs spacing on him is very important and you need solid mechanics to pick him up
@nimrodszocs2795 Жыл бұрын
He is a hard champion objectively, but he is a bit overtuned so people get away with a lot of things. But in high elo those advantages don't really matter because people play around your champion a lot better. He has a ton of outplay potential, but that part of Yone doesn't really shine because everyone keeps saying he's braindead. Yone has a high skill floor but also high skill ceiling.
@Nymerian_3 ай бұрын
honestly id put nasus at mid because his kit is easy to understand, but if youre versing anyone with half a brain cell they will try to zone you early and if you dont know how to deal with it on nasus youre not gonna have a fun time, also a nasus tip ive learned: you can beat pretty much any ranged champ top and usually mid by going dorans ring and maxing e with scorch and mana flow band, just keep pokin em and watch their hp drop, downside is you get less stacks cuz youre also killin the wave, but atleast you can fight back, can also add ap burn items like liandrys if you want then swap to ad, this also works against hard melee match ups like aatrox, illaoi, morderkaiser, darius etc
@christofgomezmannfeld11 ай бұрын
Amazing! So much knowledge in one videi. Thank you! I will definitely book your courses.
@BOBNavori Жыл бұрын
Overall not a bad list, you tried to explain your way of thinking pretty well. But there are some parts where I disagree. (For context I'm D2 rn): 1. Akshan: I understand that he has a lot of problems later on when he falls behind early and teamfights are not easy to play on him. Apart from that he's still a ranged lane bully and is one of the most impressive champs on the lane as you said. That's why I don't understand how hard it can be to not lose your lane and get out with an advantage. It's still a solo lane ADC with high XP and good item power spikes which can easily carry games when ahead. For me he's not harder than a Vayne cause of his more impressive early and mechanicly not much harder kit. 2. Ornn at the same tier as Fiora, Akali, Aatrox and Rumble. I understand what you said but that's exactly why its way easier to play him than the champs I listed before. He got nearly 0 counters - you can play every matchup and he's one of the best blindpicks in the game. You can still win a lot of matchups early bc your early is very strong with high base dmg and good sustain with his passive. Also, you're a tank where it wouldn't even be that hard if you die early bc you don't need as much gold. On top, your fancy combos (not that easy but still not hard in comparison to Fiora, Akali or Aatrox) are not necessary. You can play ornn pretty well for a long time and the combos won't impact your game that much. So for me, there is no big difference between an Ornn first time with 10 games or an Ornn Lvl 7. In addition, playing teamfights is pretty easy and he scales for his team with the passive. 3. Camille: Hard to get an early solo kill. Pretty rough getting through Lvl 6 till ~10 (Divine/Trinity). Good spike with the first item but not an auto-win, the real spike is with 2 or 3 items complete where many games are already over bc you couldn't impact the game and you don't spike like a Vladimir who can run into 5 enemies and somehow win without outplaying. Even if you're fed you have to play her right. One messed up E or canceled Q2 and it could be over. You still have to use your Sheen CD well and kite back and forth with your W and E. In Addition, animation canceling is pretty important and she won't get easier next season with Tiamat active. For me definitely on the upper end of "Relatively hard". Champ Placements where I disagree a little bit: Yone and K'sante one tier down - Vlad, Zac, Kled, Gwen, Fiora, Akali, Aatrox, Irelia one tier up. Still thanks to your Video, just wanted to leave my opinion here. I'm open to other opinions :D
@PKyeah Жыл бұрын
@michealmeadows736611 ай бұрын
Watching this because it has a lot of value on the insight of characters, although I really don't plan on playing toplane.
@ChaseXZ-me2iy Жыл бұрын
aloisnl please upload subtitles or generated. as a person who uses hearing aids its hard to manage
@stateofcryo3968 Жыл бұрын
If you click the cc/subtitle button, they are there for you to read :)
@hydrus2076 Жыл бұрын
@@stateofcryo3968 except the auto generated ones are absolutely maniacal and dont make sense half the time
@Leiomeno Жыл бұрын
Interesting, I couldn't help but notice how RYZE was missing from this list, maybe the top lane genius could showcase a game of top lane Ryze (Day 7)
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla Жыл бұрын
Over time, some champions just fall off top lane meta very hard, sadlt it's natural. Years ago, it was pretty common to pick Yasuo into Renekton, Fiora or Riven cause they were heavy skill matchups, yes you could argue that these champions still had advantages, but nowadays these advantages pushed Yasuo off top so hard you hardly ever see one unless it's an OTP or a counter pick, Ryze and Vlad kinda suffer from the same and it sucks cause i loved playing those two at top lol
@UncleForHire Жыл бұрын
He has said before that he would rather play kennen or rumble top if they need ap rather than ryze
@sundanser Жыл бұрын
@@Gojiradogzillagodzilla yasuo was common into renekton? im asking cus ive been playing since the end of s9 and i feel like renekton is unplayable for yasuo. im guessing that was when frozen mallet was a thing?
@cheyhey2170 Жыл бұрын
@@sundanser i cant recall yasuo being picked INTO renekton unless u mained him and ive been playing since s6, aka where frozen mallet was a thing still. just saw a random reddit post from 8 years ago where they also explain how op renekton is against yasuo so *shrug* i think he just made that up or remembers it wrong
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla Жыл бұрын
@@sundanser Nah, that was when we still had Talents, and one of them had life steal based on missing health, so Yasuo could play top into a shit ton of matchups cause of insane sustain, it was also the time when youtube was filled with 1v5 Yasuo plays cause of this talent. Phantom Dancer also had a passive that made you take less damage from auto attacks IIRC so paired with tabis it made yasuo an insane duelist even against the likes of Fiora (except in very late game, but no one tanks late game Fiora). I'm kinda old at this point, but i guess this was between seasons 5 and 6 so my memory is not the best cause i was very young at the time lmao, but i'll always remember it as the age of Yasuo Montages, most notable ArKaDaTa's age.
@ysoholinav8315 Жыл бұрын
Damn I've been waiting for this video
@Bighomer5 Жыл бұрын
I very much like this list. It's good to see you give some respect to tanks like Ornn that can either exist or play to win lane. And that you acknowledge that some champs can be ahead but struggle to carry or even win skirmishes without playing perfectly, which makes them harder. Good analysis on Volibear. Yeah he's easy when you get to mark your opponent and land the QEW full damage combo, but if you blind him you need to be comfortable with matchups and build versatility. If not you're stuck with a super kiteable champion that doesn't scale past twenty minutes.
@deviant315l6 Жыл бұрын
Been seeing shorts of this just found the video. 👏🏾
@Lilacil10 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you :)
@skozy3 Жыл бұрын
Love this content. Wish you would add a few more of the less common top laners because those are the matchups that throw me off the most. Specifically, Graves, Shyvana, and Ryze. I do very well against Sylas, Shaco, and Maokai but those might be worth adding too.
@InnerTriggerer Жыл бұрын
As Yasuo TOP OTP your take on Yasuo is so true, you have to put too much work just to make him "Ok" in the top lane. But his laning Strength also very unique that cannot replicate with any other champ.
@JorkeThePrimal Жыл бұрын
I remember playing Rek'sai top after her passive rework. She had strong enough base stats for me to start cull and just rush trinity, after that either hullbreaker or colosal hydra and then I would split or overall take any tower that I wanted in like few seconds. and If they ganged on me I would win cause the passive healed so much and I could kill them all because colosal auto attack passive and obviously hullbreaker. The downside was that many champions could deny you the wave as they won most very early fights. After the base ad nerfs you litterally weren't able to farm anymore as anyone could zone you off so I droped the playstyle and moved to midlane to play lethality Rek'sai with duskblade but it too got nerfed so I might just have to go back to jungle or wait for the mythics to be gone as I feel like it could give some light to my champion in lane again.
@Janadark122 Жыл бұрын
ngl played kled and he isnt hard except for his passive but it makes big difference. Pro players know what to do and beginners just try they hardest to get the passive asap and doesnt have any plan just on pure luck
@krystiarinno2955 Жыл бұрын
Bro I hit master after ur videos, u are amazing
@bigclark73663 ай бұрын
Yorick is actually a good champion to have as a pocket pick. I can't speak about high elo, but he stomps in low elo. The biggest reason I play him is because he does well into ranged match ups and also beats most tanks because of his % health magic damage, the only tanks he really struggles against are shen and volibear if you can even call him a tank. I don't know however how he would do in high elo where players will zone you out of the minion wave level one.
@xiariser-213 Жыл бұрын
Bro, I've been trying for a year to get shyvana buffs, and she's so bad that she's not even included in the tier list. Like people don't even know she exists, she has a 1% pick rate and 35% of her games are as a toplaner, but she still exists, she's still a champion. If she isn't even remembered as a champion that exists, she needs buffs so bad. It's such bullshit bro
@ReivasMC Жыл бұрын
putting cho, sett, trynda and mordekaiser in the begginer category is actually hilarious, especially considering malphite is there despite being the most simple mechanics wise, trynda is one of the hardest tops to master, your build and gameplay vary wildly according to who you're facing, the decision making of trynda is hardcore unless you're facing goldies or below. He can get crushed just as easely as he crushes people, it's all in your hands and your mastery of the champ
@jorne6863 Жыл бұрын
Thanks you for the list. I mostly agree with it. But I have some ''contradictions'' with you : I think Jax is overrated. He is a pure stackcheck champion, lethal tempo is just broken with him he is not hard to master and he is not hard to start with, I really started to main him back in s5 and everytime I play him the game feel easy but I do agree with the health/mana part since early on he doesn't have a lot of sustain, he can be weak against poke champions for that reason. For example having Renekton ''easier'' than him is kind of weird. I also think Darius is harder to master than Jax, despite the fact he can be a better lane bully. If you are moving correctly, then you should play Jax really easily. A good darius vs a bad darius is way more visible than a good/bad jax IMO. Renekton should be in mid, the champion has a simple kit but hard to master. PTA/conqueror nerfs, + his direct MR nerf (impactful in a lot of match up) + revive timer hit him a bit. Don't forget that in legit 15 days he will loose goredrinker and BC/bork are going to be nerfed. He is not that much a statcheck champion if you compare most bruisers, probably one of the worse statscheck bruiser, especially when it come to scaling. So I don't think he will be that easy to play if you compare a lot of champions that are in ''easy to pick up'' and same for some ''mid''. I think Ornn is way easier than ''mid''. Yes he is not easy to start but his combo is really simple so he is not that hard to master (litteraly the opposite of renekton) and he is so tanky that even if you are doing a bad trade you can still almost win. As someone who played a lot against and as Ornn, I can tell than when you know how to combo with him it's almost impossible to loose against most melee match up except if the guy is just way better and outplay you. His scaling is also insane and give free stats to allies. I think Yone is also overrated, yes he is not easy to master but the only downside of the champion is being squichy and he still have some defensive tools. The problem with Yone is unlike Yasuo he will always be useful, a simple r+q on a tf even behind is useful, he can comeback super hard even behind... He is not that easy to pick up but not hard either. But he has a very high skillcap indeed. So I don't know if he should be in ''mid'' and not in ''relatively hard''. Because he still has a very high skillcap potential, but I just think the r+q cc even behind is just too useful. How many yone that were 0-4-0 just made a tf just by doing that... Cassio is probably too high, she is a very high apm champion but when you master her, it's simple. Not easy to pick up but not that hard to master. She is just based arround kiting... the fact the miasma has no min range made her really easy. So yeah I don't see why she is so high when other ''kite/squichy'' champions like Quinn, Kayle (who have bad early lane except lvl 1) are in mid. In the other hand I think Rengar is super hard to play in toplane, maybe not lvl 1-3 but then he really need to be perfectly mastered to be useful. Most bruisers just destroy him litteraly... A ''random'' rengar will be at best annoying in the first level, a good rengar like Dekar is almost HORRIBLE to deal with. So yeah, I think he really deserve the ''hardest'' spot especially in toplane where his opponants generaly outstat him. I think in low elo a rengar top is almost a free lane, I never saw any of them doing a good thing and they were OTP not ''starting'' players. Fiora could go up by one rank too. She is indeed not that haaaard to play but she has so MUCH skillcap and she is so hard to master, that I think she could deserve to be near Irelia. She is probably fine here but yeah... I mean again, when I compare a random fiora to a good fiora it's day and night. First is almost never doing the right thing, second want you to just ban her every game because she is obnoxious, she is also quite mediocre behind. Volibear is maybe a bit high ? The gameplay is quite straight forward, but after his nerfs he is definitively harder to play. GP is probably a bit high, he should be in ''relatively hard''. I mean again he is super hard to master but even if you play him ''average'' his q poke, ult utility and lane survability make him not that hard. He is so strong right now that I don't think he is that hard to play. If you play him very good is legit broken, just look at solarbacca. The guy is just insane, it's not even impressive anymore because when you saw him, you know that he will destroy ppl.
@yustsomeguy9585 Жыл бұрын
U need help
@sartox1483 Жыл бұрын
Nuh I ain't reading allthat
@jorne6863 Жыл бұрын
@@sartox1483 Then don't read, why are commenting ? You think ya funny my guy ? :D
@jorne6863 Жыл бұрын
@@AmbivalentX There you go. I was on phone so annoying to do
@sartox1483 Жыл бұрын
@@jorne6863 Who?
@sahpphireh Жыл бұрын
from the bottom of my heart: I hate toplane (and I'm sure it's becaus idk how to play there). That said, I'm willing to learn, I'm gonna rewatch this. Thanks!
@Unholyspirit Жыл бұрын
bro your vids help me so f much
@chudcel2134 Жыл бұрын
I played against maokai top as garen recently in high dia elo and it was a free matchup, free plates and proxies whole game. He really isnt a top laner anymore
@HIK4G3 Жыл бұрын
The fiora explanation was so accurate
@insertgenerichannelname Жыл бұрын
I am fairly sure that Trundle has also qutie a good amount of sustain in early game due to his passive that heals him every a minion/creep dies near him
@nartdarym4237 Жыл бұрын
Top notch lol educational videos❤
@StarRider253 Жыл бұрын
I think Camille should be in the mid or relatively hard tier, and Gragas should be in the mid tier. Other than that I completely agree with the list
@gacealeonida3684 Жыл бұрын
You described just half of udyr, you missed the ad udyr,who is kinda weak early,but his scale is insane.
@SeaRasp Жыл бұрын
Camille in easy to pick up is crazy tbh. She does not win any matchup naturally (except maybe Garen), you have to be really comfortable on her to win lane and make very little mistakes. She is one of the worst champions to play when behind as it becomes extremely hard to get back in the game considering her wave clear is some of the worst in the game for a toplaner and you only build tiamat/hydra as a 2nd item. The only thing that makes her somewhat forgiving in lane is her passive shield so learning how to use it most efficiently is a must.
@soeu88946 ай бұрын
@AloisNL Please make a blind pick tier list
@JeffGranja27 Жыл бұрын
17:20 Tobias... Are you talking about Tobias Fate? Tobito? I always knew he was good on GP but I didn't know he was in the level of Solarbacca, damn
@brandondiego8057 Жыл бұрын
Dang no wonder gnar was the perfect champion for me "jack of all trades master of none" sums up most of my experience when it comes to gaming
@MotorcycleYeti Жыл бұрын
Can't wait to see what your opinion of Yorick is after playing him.
@wethumpback392311 ай бұрын
I wish he got to do it before some of these new Yorick changes come. I wanted him to experience the current Yorick state, because early game and lane blows in so many matchups.
@happysong3353 Жыл бұрын
The more i watchur vid the more i ask myself why im not subscribed yet lol
@Jcutler666 Жыл бұрын
finally someone who recognized grag top is difficult
@kingd14868 ай бұрын
It’s only difficult for when he plays into a bad matchup
@Imraneasmarane Жыл бұрын
Nicouu now we want tier list on their strengths
@rayc766 Жыл бұрын
Also the only lane more annoying than Varus is Azir top. I legit feel like I cant play the game at all, the harass is too strong and his dash has absurd range and his ult self peels if he needs
@Mustafa-Mohammed228 ай бұрын
when i feel bored i just go yone top lethal tempo and ignite, getting my ass absolutely kicked until the enemy top laner gets 2 items ahead of me , but idc i just get my botrk and now no one ever can 1v1 me : )
@egecatar424 Жыл бұрын
Hey Alois, I have a question for u. What do u think is the best blind pick champion?
@numbersnubmersnnbunbernumbhead9 ай бұрын
MAIN GNAR :) On the outside we are cute and sweet, but on the inside we are crazy maniacs looking for our next victim
@claudeheinrich3613 Жыл бұрын
I play Sion at the moment as Im new to the game and he seems easy, well from the micro side so I can focus on decisions and farm waves and hit turrets
@corniestpurse40459 ай бұрын
Sion is fun and for giga chads
@hugodomingos222411 ай бұрын
what do you think about a champion pool that consists of Lillia and Camille? I know you didn't talk about Lillia, but I'm not a good league player, idk if camille's weaknesses r covered by lillia and vice-versa or not, so yeah, I need opinions, I love both champs and I think the fact that 1 is ap and the other is ad is nice, but still, idk cuz i suck at this game xd(maybe I'll add ornn into the pool just so I have a tank, he looks fun, but I haven't played him much so idk)
@reneallouis774810 ай бұрын
29:32 would be nice to see you play Hunt with some Friends when you decide to make some variety streams.
@luissolisponce3901 Жыл бұрын
awesome video
@caiovidal1273 Жыл бұрын
The ass part of gwen, is after a certain elo, she basically becomes a counterpick ahh champion, like after diamond or masters shes only useful to counterpick against melee comps or tank comps
@mariaantonia-op8qc Жыл бұрын
"What does Singed want to do?" Piss off the enemy team hsuadhsuadfs it's just fun to run around like a madman somehow getting out alive in situations I shouldn't and being a uber kills for my team.
@RobinNielsen-z2r Жыл бұрын
What champion is between Ahri and Akali in the list? The blue picture with eyes closed.
@Walking_Softly Жыл бұрын
Alune (Aphelios)
@MarioDMar7 Жыл бұрын
Ornn is fun af. Just got to masters with him and Morde (about 120 games), they are simple and yet so fun. I'm masters in LAN tho, not sure how that would translate to EU servers
@oravla8470 Жыл бұрын
What do you do when laning phase is over? When does it end tho, when plates come down?
@sundanser Жыл бұрын
@@oravla8470 yeah usually when plates come down
@animecat7629 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I’m playing in NA and averaging around 100 ms (from the North). Would it be possible for a 100 ms ping run to Masters or some sort of tips for higher ping players :)
@TheRolemodel133711 ай бұрын
the spot on your wall irritates me i thought i had dirt on my screen on 2 different occasions already
@viktorgombos4975 Жыл бұрын
As a spear shot follower pantheon in easy to pick up is too low. I would put him in mid. Top lane pantheon is much harder than mid lane, because you lose to 90% of top laners in melee range. If you can't space to perfection, pantheon easily gets statchecked and dies.
@moldveien1515 Жыл бұрын
I play trundle and shyv, which to me seemed like the same champ almost but shyv is much much weaker in the early game compared to trundle but her spike on 2 items is kinda bonkers
@Dunkaholic1811 ай бұрын
About Kled, Soulmario is absolutely fucking absurd at Kled. NA challenger player, I think you'll end up liking Kled if you pick him up for Season 14 too, hubris into profane hydra is just absurd damage.
@seirayasuo2598 Жыл бұрын
as a Yasuo toplane main, everytime i lock in yasuo i end wanting to end myself irl
@Ash-my4gf Жыл бұрын
on pantheon, are you forced to roam to get a lead? because it feels like pantheon you cant win that easily past 6 unless im wrong
@cronosdimitri4584 Жыл бұрын
watch spearshot
@Bighomer5 Жыл бұрын
you get a cs/kill lead before 6
@yogurtluerik5068 Жыл бұрын
Keep it up man i love you
@darktyphoon2033 Жыл бұрын
Maokai top only exist to make Renekton mains cry, I feel like that should be enough to justify him beingbon the list
@dexydraws9272 Жыл бұрын
I like how karma is timestamped
@lazy270810 ай бұрын
Aye ik this was a lot of work but would be worth a look into remaking this for s14
@nooblearningmlvlogs331 Жыл бұрын
Where is Maokai 😢 hes my one trick top pick but no one considers him top
@H8_1337 Жыл бұрын
Poor Swain, does it mean hes not even playable toplane or what? because i love him and i would love to play him top whenever i got autofill
@Bighomer5 Жыл бұрын
Definitely playable
@popcornism6 ай бұрын
I was waiting for him to talk about Heimerdinger. 😅
@Panrogo Жыл бұрын
This may sounds weird, but I love your videos but im a mid lane player. Can someone recommend someone with the same style for mid? Sorry if this is akward
@UrAwsome55 Жыл бұрын
I play Gwen because she is pretty and I find sadistic joy in giving my lane opponent a vasectomy every time they try and last hit the cannon minion.
@17PAT174 ай бұрын
I’m currently learning Kennen but using him as a support instead of top lane
@_pure101911 ай бұрын
Camille, might be easy to pickup if you are already knowledgeable and confident enough to be aggressive. But her rhythm is definitely not easier to pickup for beginner who don't know how to play the lane properly yet and will get punished really hard.
@ducklauncher Жыл бұрын
Feels good to have someone not call Gragas a training wheels champ lol
@droggellord2 ай бұрын
Ryze? Shyvana? Rammus?
@Therainbrawlstars2 ай бұрын
While playing nasus y'all focus more on cannon minion than enemy champion most of the times and forgot to fight before 200 stacks ( i had this problem for my first 5 dog games )
@JinLin-s8g3 ай бұрын
Where Shyvana,where Teemo,Where Yuumi WHERE ALOIS WHERE ARE THEY ALOOOIS
@ahmetzulfuoglu410411 ай бұрын
What is the music playing in the background?
@Gopuniku Жыл бұрын
As a Karma top main, I'm proud of being so annoying, that he refuses to speak about it 😂😂
@vgamedude12 Жыл бұрын
Id rather play against karma top than some loser vayne ANY day of the week
@noimnotnice Жыл бұрын
I really don't understand the tiering. - Camille is one of the hardest champions to play mechanically. She also has a really hard time against many matchups pre lvl9 and first item. Moreover, until Hydra, she doesn't farm well. Not waves, not jungle camps. - Tryndamere is evidently not a beginner friendly champion, despite his simple kit. The lower the elo, the worse players perform on him. - Volibear is simpler to execute correctly than most champs in "easy to pick up" tier. - Gragas is not a hard champ to play in the top lane. His playstyle of counter-melee, sustain everything, full build at codex, can only die in the hands of imbeciles, is autofill proof. You don't need Bombaguy barrel tricks. - Not a lot of skill floor reqs on Udyr, Ornn, or Heimer (toppest of keks). - Singed needs his own, 'hand and brainless proof' tier.
@vgamedude12 Жыл бұрын
Singed is not brainless. I'd argue he's one of the toughest to play because he's so garbage in a straight up lane and his playstyle is entirely different from anything else.
@noimnotnice Жыл бұрын
@@vgamedude12 Having to resort to non-interaction in lane does not make a champ 'tough to play'. He requires the least mechanical skill of any champion, is perpetually overtuned, and gets to have massive impact with low effort. He is brainless, deal with it.
@vgamedude12 Жыл бұрын
@noimnotnice cope and seethe. I've tried playing singed and literally it's so hard to have any impact, he is not some 1v9 carry champ and there's a reason there's not many high elo singed players
@noimnotnice Жыл бұрын
@@vgamedude12Some troon fanny tells me to cope and seethe, toppest kek. Singed has had an insane win rate with a very low win rate delta at above 2% pick rate for multiple years, above diamond. You being too r*tarded to pilot the champion does not prove what you think it does. D I L A T E, ywnbaw.
@haroldbauer87248 ай бұрын
@@noimnotnice is singed still overtuned?
@CuteFunnyAnimalsTV-yk7hb Жыл бұрын
thx so much bro
@Hjerez17 Жыл бұрын
go full crit with Kled, Hydra, Ghostblade, prowler’s claw and then end it all with Axioum Arc
@TeiTheRat Жыл бұрын
As a Kled OTP, that is a good build to do when you're ahead or into some matchups like Fiora, Gwen or other tank killers where the more HP you have, the better for them. But if the enemy team picks a ton of squishies you can have fun with this build as well. Just ult right on top of them and erase them so fast that they won't even be able to use their kit on you.
@Hjerez17 Жыл бұрын
@@TeiTheRat tbh if the team is on the tankier side i’ll build eclipse second, but if they are squishy yeah it’s the best build
@Kampfzwerk9475 ай бұрын
you forgot to speak about sylas
@BigSzahsBang Жыл бұрын
Slogdog the dogger of yorick
@ollekaven419711 ай бұрын
do you have any video guide how to play riven
@sharkguy666 Жыл бұрын
Surprised no Diana or Viego. Well not surprised no Viego. But definitely surprised no Diana.
@axlvanaudenhove6564 Жыл бұрын
You know what's funny. I'm a Zed otp who hit masters by playing Zed top 30% of the time and having higher wr than Zed mid. Just because I'm hard to kill in top matchups and make sure to scale. I dominate from midgame to end with macro and correct build paths for sidelane.