About kumiko and colouring/coloured woods… Water-based dyes don't penetrate; I can't speak to solvent dyes. I can't get access to decent basswood, so I use poplar and it works well but only the surface takes the colour. Pine doesn't colour well - could be something to do with the resin content. I bought an airbrush and used it as a spray gun - you get more control than you do with full immersion. Since they use aurbrushes in tattoo parlours and nail bars, I reckon those with the necessary skill can get a high level of precision. There's no substitute for coloured woods, although they will change colour over time. Padauk, redheart, walnut and cherry all work but most exotics are too hard, especially when you're planing pieces at sub 10mm (3/8"). I hope this helps. Note to his BENificence: I was happy to pay $5 a month but then my subscription doubled with no extra benefit (outside North America), so you lost a subscriber.