Great review. I completely understand what you're talking about. Have epilepsy and have been struggling with seizures most of my life. Lots and lots of seizures during the day and even more st night and in my sleep. I see no future for myself. I don't feel worthy of love because who would want to take care of a 29 year old man thst still needs to rely on my parents to survive. I've never had a job or do the things others can. I'm scared of being outside the house. Scared and embarrassed to have seizures in public because of how I react when I'm in them. Screaming in pain while I'm awake during the seizures and feeling all my nerves being electrocuted. I don't see a future for myself and so lots of times I wish and think of death, but at the same time I don't because I don't want to harm my family if I was to commit suicide. Like the Phoenix, whenever we fail at something, we always have that chance to rise up and continue forward. Even if we don't see it