newbro here, these types of fights look insane! I don't even know what I am looking at. What groups are fighting and for what? Do you have no weapons on your ship? what are the thingies you use on the high slots?
@SussicSussic8 күн бұрын
The fight is linked in the description - the br link. That will show you what groups were flying what and such. He's flying a "HIC" which is like a sabre but it has a permanent bubble which is the module he has in his high slot. He can also script it to make it into a warp disruptor or scrambler but since he is so far away he doesn't need to use them. They are defense against booshes. (Ships that can teleport your fleet and split them up)
@Oridian226 күн бұрын
he also does have guns, he's just moved them to the bottom slot, you can see the one that has an projectile ammo icon