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@dofusdeweller 2 күн бұрын
I have said this with Hearthstone and I will say it again here! Counter play is being able to adapt to things your opponent does as it happens. Things like flashbangs that are powerful that force you to take things like lightborn into the game does not create counter play, it creates new metas. If you are forced to play with certain cards, certain perks, and certain items that are chosen before the game starts, then that is not countering anything. That is giving you a chance to win BEFORE the game starts, thus meta, not counter.
@assnasty4043 2 күн бұрын
Scream it to the heavens
@drip_gami458 Күн бұрын
This 100%. Agreed.
@JAMARI645 2 күн бұрын
For how hard the chains are to hit they are not rewarding enough
@OgichiGame 2 күн бұрын
I've been saying this for awhile. Pinhead is just Clown with a harder to hit power and less hindered.
@heyiamnick4144 2 күн бұрын
Try to land it basically on the survivor so you don’t need to control the chains a lot. And regarding the chains, his impaling wire add one definitely make them more reliable. Combine that with the original pain add on that puts them into deep wound and they’re actually really nice. You can counter OTR DH as well as insta heals and styptics
@Boolahan 3 күн бұрын
I always run lightborn. The immunity is cool, but the aura reading you get is insane. I also run lethal pursuer. With flashbangs, blast mines, and flashlights everywhere I get a lot of value
@LuigiGreen50 2 күн бұрын
I always run madgrit, agitation, and irongrasp with most likely lightborn enduring or save the best lol. FUN
@lechampion0 2 күн бұрын
Pls nerf flashbangs so the survivors i play with dont bother to use them when they cant pull them off 99% of the time anyways.
@MightyJabroni 2 күн бұрын
Exactly, for every play that the light sabers and Flashbangs pull off, there is a blooper reel of 5+ failures, where they just end up out of position. In soloQ, I typically dodge 2 or more flashlights, because chances are overwhelmingly that it is gonna be a shit show, where the killer gets to snowball early. People acting as if you would have to bring lightborn just have to realize, that you can't just play around these things but use them to your advantage. I've forced people so often into poor positions, by just faking the pick up.
@bacazardbacazard6443 2 күн бұрын
Just because your teammates can’t use them doesn’t mean that they are weak moron. Game balancing should be done on how good players can utilize something just because bad players can’t use them doesn’t mean they are balanced if they are capable of causing this much of an advantage. It’s like saying this shit player can’t use something means it’s weak, u have to balance something of the capability of it’s usefulness
@Sweetness_01 2 күн бұрын
My last match was on DDS against a SWF that abused the side by side locker, head-on, flashbang, DS build. I will not be returning to the game until that is nerfed
@sebastiangelbert3637 3 күн бұрын
background player is hella unhealthy imo for one reason . it takes away the killers ability to fake a pickup they know as long as their perk is not active you are faking a pickup is its kinda busted
@Whobilation 3 күн бұрын
Brother you’re playing a killer role, get over it. If you want free easy kills/wins go against bots. As a solo q player I’m so sick of the constant bitching from the Killer/SWF community.
@sebastiangelbert3637 3 күн бұрын
@@Whobilation how is saying background player is unhealthy because it cannot be countered in a lot of situations me wanting easy wins or kills?
@osi3718 3 күн бұрын
​@@Whobilation Doesn't background play grant survivors free and easy saves tho?
@Nightbane104 2 күн бұрын
I’m a Demo main and it just so happens Demo’s have no eyes so I always run Lightborn. I wish we could just move our camera mid pick up so we can look away.
@puma263 2 күн бұрын
While yes there's no real counterplay to stop them from getting one, there is a perk we all know that makes it and all blinds useless. I'm less inclined to care about counterplay when one single perk makes it useless, plus it takes skill to use. There are far more annoying things than that in my opinion. People only care if they go against skilled survivors with them else nobody really conplains about bangers
@hezitation4868 3 күн бұрын
I always hear lightborn is a waste of a perk slot but I just can’t see how a perk that saves tons of time and waste the survivors time while also making the item they brought useless is bad.
@osi3718 3 күн бұрын
It's not exactly a waste but it is pretty niche. It was made to counter a survivor item aka flashlights which is does, the issue is that if survivors become aware that you have it. They don't bother to flashlight blind/save and it makes one perk somewhat useless as it not does nothing since survivors won't bother to use their flashlight. The next issue is that it doesn't do anything against flashbangs in the way it would benefit. U don't get blinded but you still get stunned. Which is useless because ur just there awkwardly. So it's not bad or really that useless just niche and can become useless during the match
@tylerbrock4432 2 күн бұрын
It is not a waste at all
@Neekowitz 3 күн бұрын
AGREED lol I just uploaded a vid going against such a force. Lightborn isn't enough nor worth it. Useless if they don't bring any flashers
@KingsNerdCave 2 күн бұрын
I say it's actually unfair if it's timed right (which was made easier) you just have to take it when picking someone up. At least flashlights you can try to avoid.
@lordjiraiya6230 3 күн бұрын
Honestly I find them less annoying than flashlights. I like flashbangs. Even the timing is fun as a survivor
@rpg1497 2 күн бұрын
they're far stronger when someone who knows what they're doing uses them, I actually started running lightborn for awhile just to counter the flashbangs, not the flashlights
@HUNK5222 2 күн бұрын
Freddys` perk Fired Up can counter it, just by looking up quicker
@KingsNerdCave 2 күн бұрын
I do wish that perk was a little better, takes a good while for the % to be worth.
@rpg1497 2 күн бұрын
the numbers on that perk are too shit to be useful though
@davidovalles1076 2 күн бұрын
Off topic idea what if they removed bloodlust as a mechanic (change the corresponding perks) and enhanced the killers powers to be better at chase or have certain effects after downing survivors or make some addons basekit like the iredescent lament config or better yet a new mechanic to encourage interaction between killer and survivor like for pinhead he can attempt to take the survivor with the box and a teammate has to disrupt it
@damousx6860 2 күн бұрын
Just make flash bangs challenging again
@Luxxxor 2 күн бұрын
just try to fake pick up
@sebastiangelbert3637 2 күн бұрын
background player
@Millenniuhm 3 күн бұрын
@Emiliano.B.H 3 күн бұрын
You still get the stun effect from blast mine and flashbang.
@שגיאאדרי-ו4צ 3 күн бұрын
Lightborn is gay
@Millenniuhm 3 күн бұрын
@@Emiliano.B.H no?
@Millenniuhm 3 күн бұрын
@@שגיאאדרי-ו4צ don’t project your sexuality on a dbd video. Its plain weird.
@quamoneymann2235 3 күн бұрын
Thank you somebody said it
@contractslivid5118 3 күн бұрын
Blast Mine and Chemical Traps should be removable, it's annoying to watch a blast mine be placed in front of me and I can't avoid it. Maybe M1 hitting a generator or pallet will remove these items?
@rylenmccoochie4198 2 күн бұрын
That would make these perks useless then, there’s annoyances in both sides that sometimes you just gotta deal with it’s part of the game.
@NumberSkillz 17 сағат бұрын
You can definitely avoid it Wait the timer if it's that serious to not get stunned/slowed for that little bit of time Not an optimal option but it's still an option
@ericknunez291 3 күн бұрын
they got one flashbang save and he made a whole ass video saying they need counterplay 💀
@seniorfiance 2 күн бұрын
its what fuels a lot of this channel's content XD
@DonaldRoll 2 күн бұрын
Yeah but what about the matches when survivors get 5? If you play killer from time to time, which I do about 50/50 you get games where you pick up someone against a wall and then their teammates runs right in front of you, drops a flash bang and then it’s all over. And there genuinely is no counter play, besides lightborn of course Because it’s not like you can look away while you’re picking up, by then you’re already blinded.
@DonaldRoll 2 күн бұрын
Oh yeah and let’s run lightborn 24/7 because at least with a flashlight you can see in the lobby that they have something to blind you with, flash bang is a perk 😂😂😂 nice balance
@ericknunez291 2 күн бұрын
@@DonaldRoll yeah i get you i just thought it was funny he picked this game with one save to say that lol im sure he has vids where they get multiple
@DonaldRoll 2 күн бұрын
@@ericknunez291yeah lol
@excusemylunacy 2 күн бұрын
but there is counterplay…you just bait the pick up and look around for survivors waiting to flashbang. stop being lazy and crying for a change that isn’t needed
@MrNorbi001 2 күн бұрын
Another one who don´t know what crying means and don´t know difference between constructive criticism and crying. Thinking is lost art in these days. Baiting pick up works against same subhumans you´re used to play against. Not against people what are using at least one hemisphere.
@MebKet 2 күн бұрын
​@@MrNorbi001 try speaking english if you want people to take your meaningless rants seriously
@MrNorbi001 2 күн бұрын
@@MebKet Are you trying to say something? Subhumans what are not able to comprehend that there are capital letters at the begging of sentence, like you, don't know difference between these words as well, huh? 🤣
@MebKet 2 күн бұрын
@@MrNorbi001 You continue to prove my point with your immense stupidity.
@Mlg_Roger 2 күн бұрын
Light born is a hard counter, once I wasted so much time following my teammate for the flashbang save only to waste so much time because light born
@redmoon9179 2 күн бұрын
I always check the corner to my immediate vicinity, it is always a free hit due to how close you have to be with the flashbang. The killer would has to be partially lazy not to take any preemptive measures against it, right?
@Whobilation 3 күн бұрын
I really wish they would just give us solo q players super tuned AI killer bots. It’s nauseating listening to the Killer/SWF community bitch about every single thing.
@FriskKoshimizu 3 күн бұрын
i rather lose 100 times over than go against bot killers, its fun having the random nonsense in a match like all your teammates throwing or getting 3 other super experienced teammates
@Whobilation 3 күн бұрын
@@FriskKoshimizu Nah, because you could make the bot killer strong and then still have your survivor bots be mid (because they are) which would balance it out a lot better. The only time this game even feels like there’s a person on the other side is if they’re just being malicious for no reason anyways. & nothing that has been said here detracts from the fact that the Killer/SWF community cry to no end. Let them sweat against each other.
@marche434 3 күн бұрын
Survivor mains are the majority of the playerbase and are the most loud ones, that is why all the killer basekit changes this month are exclusively nerfs
@Whobilation 3 күн бұрын
@@marche434 That doesn’t change anything, it’s still constant bitching from both sides and it’s been that way since 2017. It’s like someone has a gun to all these peoples heads and is making them play the game.
@hououinkyouma6063 3 күн бұрын
​@@marche434we did truly see that with the 2v8 mod, surely survivors dominates dbd playerbase Surely Usually killers mains only play killers, whereas solo Q survs do play both
@angelmorin2873 2 күн бұрын
True you complain to much, you win 99% of your games, killers have literally all the perks you need to counter these survivors. As a person who plays high ranked games you should already know what perks to run, flashbangs better not get nerfed cause that would be terrible
@MrNorbi001 2 күн бұрын
Can you show me that stat where I can see that he wins 99% of his matches? Can you show me that magical stat you were doing for being able to make such stupid claim? All perks? Like what? Obnoxious Lightborn what is just wasted slot for much more useable perks? I´m really wondering how you did your stat that you can claim that 99% of his matches are wins.
@angelmorin2873 2 күн бұрын
@@MrNorbi001 there is no stats stupid mf sarcasm went over your head, if you watched his killer videos you’ll see that he either wins the game or one survivor escaped and he has red badge everything earning all his points
@angelmorin2873 2 күн бұрын
@@MrNorbi001 or how about using the knight ? Ever thought about how crazy that killer is and how hard it is to counter, or the lych, dark lord, pyramid?? The Chinese dude that throws knifes?? So many good killers. If your ass just say that
@MrNorbi001 2 күн бұрын
@@angelmorin2873 You can't read? I asked you where did you get those stats? 99%? Knight is crazy for you? Now I can definitely say that you have no idea how high level gameplay looks like from personal experience. Knight is average at best. So I have to play killers I'm not interested in to being able to counter it? Impressive way of thinking. Still waiting for those stats and where did you get them.
@angelmorin2873 2 күн бұрын
@@MrNorbi001 that’s your problem if your not interested in them, but the game has em to play against or with so they matter fool. And I got those stats from yo mommas bootyhole
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