you are pulling result buy only one Pset. can we get result buy job? one job can have multiple Psets.
@FlexibleAssembly6 жыл бұрын
If you have multiple Psets for one job all the results will be shown together. One of the result columns shows the current Pset. If you are using the trace viewer it will also indicate which Pset is active during that tighening across the status bar on the top.
@bhaveshkumarpatel92426 жыл бұрын
Thank you for input. I was looking for printing and saving by Job number. not by Psets.
@FlexibleAssembly6 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if you can just save one job number at a time through the Atlas software. If you were to export your results to a excel spreadsheet you can create filters to only view the rows with the matching job number. Hope this helps!
@bhaveshkumarpatel92426 жыл бұрын
PF locked in job mode. how can I solve that?
@FlexibleAssembly6 жыл бұрын
This error appears when in a forced cell job an attempt is made to tighten with a controller which is not currently active or when a controller has performed all tightenings. Restarting the job would unlock it. However if you are trying to change out of job mode you will need to connect via Tools Talk PF. Once there you can change the 'Running Job' to none, then select a Pset to work with. If the controller has been locked with a passcode you will need that passcode to unlock it to make changes to the program.