☀ Hiccup x Jack Frost ❅ - SAVING GRACE [Crossover/SLASH]

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WARNING:This is HIJACK (not frostcup :D),contains SLASH (Yaoi-boyxboy) DON'T LIKE,DON'T WATCH.
ADVERTENCIA: HIJACK (no frostcup :D), SLASH (Yaoi-chicoxchico) SI NO TE GUSTA,NO LO VEAS.
EXPLANATION: This is a gift for my dear friend Sheila, cuz today is her birthday and she LOVES this couple. This is a crossover and, as you can see,I'm not good making crossovers,neither amv 's,but I tried it. I know,it's weird and horrible,I know. Well, Sheila likes it, So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA! YOU'RE A GREAT FRIEND!
ACLARACIÓN: Este es un regalo para mi querida amiga Sheila,porq hoy es su cumple y a ella le ENCANTA esta pareja.Este es un crossover y, como podrán ver, no soy buena haciendo crossovers,ni amv's, pero lo intenté...Lo sé,es raro y está horrible,lo sé. Bueno,a Sheila le gusta,así que...FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS SHEILA! ERES UNA GRAN AMIGA!...
PLOT: I doubt someone would be interested in knowing the story,but I'm going to mention some hints, and let the rest to the imagination: 1.Jack arrives Berk(the rest is obvious),Hiccup keeps staaaring at him 2.Stoick says "Why are you standing over there like an idiot? I told you to go home" and Hiccup says "Look, that boy is making snowing... Really! Look!" And nobody believes him 3.Hiccup goes to look for Jack to see if it's true,they meet,become friends and then... you know♥ 4.Stoick wants Hiccup to get a girlfriend (LOL)"She's yours, tiger!" 5.To please his father,Hiccup goes to a party with Astrid,she kisses him,Jack sees them(LOL,I made Astrid a bad girl,don't take me wrong,I like her but couldn't think of something else) 6.Hiccup explains to Jack about his father,Jack says"Then I'll leave, it's the best" 7.Hiccup decides to look for him and...ehm...run away with him(what a cliché),meanwhile Jack is kidnapped by Santa's errand(LOL)in order to join the guardians and impede that Pitch destroys the...ehm...world,yeah,the world;So Hiccup doesn't find him and thinks he left forever 8.Hiccup's all sad,then he listens to something out and runs out thinking it's Jack,but it isn't 9.Stoick asks him what's wrong,Hiccup answers something like"I can't find Jack" expecting for Stoick to perceive the message,but he just laughs"HAH, thought it was something serious" 10. Pitch attacks(the world),the guardians go to fight against him,Hiccup sees Jack(He has a straight eye),he goes to help him,and his father understands(Aw) 11.Pitch attacks Hiccup(cuz he was the best fighting)and AAH! Dramatic moment,but he's alive! 12.Guardians fight (finally e.e),Jack defeats the bad guy(don't ask me how)and Santa says'Booyah!' 13.Hiccup wakes up, Jack hits him(the way to express his love),Santa says "Aw,They're so in love"(wtf)and everybody live happily ever after...THE END. Wow,that was ridiculous,wasn't it?I'm so bad for this*leaves*
HISTORIA: Dudo q a alguien le interese saberla,pero voy a mencionar algunos puntos y lo demás se los dejo a la imaginación: 1.Jack llega a Berk(el resto es obvio),Hipo se le queda miraaando 2.Estoico dice"Por qué estás allí parado como idiota? Te dije q vayas a casa" e Hipo dice "Mira, ese chico está haciendo nevar... En serio! Míralo!"y nadie le cree 3.Hipo va a buscar a Jack para ver si es verdad,se conocen,se hacen amigos y luego... bueno, ya saben♥ 4.Estoico quiere q Hipo consiga novia(LOL)"Ya es tuya, tigre!" 5.Para complacer a su padre,Hipo va a una fiesta con Astrid,ella lo besa,Jack los ve(LOL,hice a Astrid una chica mala,no piensen mal,a mí me cae bien pero no se me ocurrió nada más) 6.Hipo le explica a Jack sobre su padre,Jack dice "Entonces es mejor para todos que me vaya" 7.Hipo decide ir a buscarlo para...ehm...huir con él(qué cliché),mientras Jack es secuestrado por mandado de Santa(LOL)para q se una a los guardianes e impedir q el tipo malo destruya el...ehm...mundo, sí,el mundo;entonces Hipo no lo encuentra y piensa q se fue para siempre 8.Hipo sigue todo triste,luego escucha algo afuera y sale corriendo pensando q es Jack, pero nah 9.Estoico le pregunta qué le pasa,Hipo responde algo como"No encuentro a Jack" esperando q Estoico capte el mensaje,pero sólo se ríe "Hah,creía que era algo grave" 10.Pitch ataca(al mundo),los guardianes van a luchar contra él,Hipo ve a Jack (tiene buena vista),va a ayudarlo y su padre lo entiende(Aw) 11.Pitch ataca a Hipo (porque es el mejor peleando) y AAH! momento dramático,pero está vivo! 12.Los guardianes luchan(por fin e.e),Jack vence al tipo malo(no me pregunten cómo)y Santa dice'Booyah!' 13.Hipo despierta,Jack le pega(forma de expresar su amor),Santa opina"Aw, se aman tanto"(wtf),y todos viven felices para siempre...FIN. Guau,eso fue ridículo,no es cierto? No sirvo para esto*se va*

Пікірлер: 142
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
OMG, really? *screams like the crazy fangirl she is* That’s great! It’s becoming so real! Hiccup and Jack are made for each other ♥
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Aaaaaaaawwwwww, thanks! *^* I’m glad you liked it! Really, I was hopeless in the start but now I’m happy with all the people supporting this. Thank you!
@BabayBunny 11 жыл бұрын
I love you! I love you! I love you! Thank you so much for making this! It's currently my favorite pairing, and my first xover pairing at that. But these two are just so perfect.
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
OMGOMGOMG you’re so cute, thanks! X3 I’m happy that you liked it that much. I’m making another Hijack amv, I hope that you like that one also ♥
@311tomboy 11 жыл бұрын
i bet disney and dreamworks weren't counting on THIS when they made the movies :P loved this!!!!
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Really? aaww, my heart is jumping in happiness! Yeah, there isn’t another amv with a story, but there will be soon! :). thank you for your coment and making me happy :3
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Gracias por el comentario
@kesomon 12 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant, the best Hiccup/Jack Frost vid I've seen yet. I'd love to see it fixed up with higher quality clips when Guardians is eventually released on dvd.
@Kouga123456789 12 жыл бұрын
This video was SO amazing ! I've never seen anything like it ! the editing and timing and just everything ! it was so perfect ! it told such an amazing story and it actually made me cry, it was so sweet and it held so much meaning, i love this video so much, thanks for making it !
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Kyah, the most perfect? Really?! Aaaw, you’re so cute! thanks! I’m happy that you liked it! :3
@0Cross0d0a0 12 жыл бұрын
That was a REALLY well edited video!! All of the scenes went together so well and told a really great story! I', really happy about it, especially because in a lot of the crossover videos I've found (usually concerning Jack and Hiccup) the scenes don't go together very well and tell a story like yours did. I love it very, VERY much!!! Thank you for making
@faeA05 9 жыл бұрын
*cries from the sheer beauty of this*
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Of course you can! x3 There's not a lot of Hijack stories (they're all frostcup) and I'd love to read it! ♥
@ForeverSunnyy 12 жыл бұрын
OH POR DIOS ESTE VIDEO ES MARAVILLOSO!! Me encanta! No hay nada como Jack Frost y Hiccup. De verdad, los amo. Tanto como Toothcup!
@seishintekikutsu 11 жыл бұрын
FAN GIRL SCREAM!!! I love this!! Swooning all over the place!!! More more please more!!
@nayt013 11 жыл бұрын
WOW... just W.O.W. FTW man! one of the best Hiccup x Jack music video that i've seen and GAH! i can't contain the feels for this and youjustinspiredmetocreateafanfic and gah! a golly well done here mate! cheers!
@ShyraVega 11 жыл бұрын
This is definitely one of the best HiJack vids I've ever seen. You're awesome, FlorDeDesiertoNSfan. :P
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
the best? Aaaawww ♥, you make me feel special xD
@bakurawolf 12 жыл бұрын
OMG! Amazing! Best couple and beautiful editing! Like the storyline flow!
@Zozeebobs 11 жыл бұрын
Wow I am slightly in love with both the song and now this paring!! (cough cough if anyone DOES write a fanfic about this then post the link please - i think you'd have a few readers automatically ;) ) Aha I tip my hat to you, it must've taken ages to create all this but thank you so so much for doing do :D
@SannaOak 12 жыл бұрын
I take back everything I've commented on every good video I've seen because THIS is the FLIPPING BEST VIDEO I'VE EVER SEEN!
@ElianaZeus 12 жыл бұрын
DIOS! LO AME! La historia esta increible y me encanto como la contaste con el video!
@arcaleblanc3813 10 жыл бұрын
Hermoso el video!! aunque no sé si me gustan más los videos o tus explicaciones de la historia XD jajajajajaja. Saludos!
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Aaaaaaaww, stop it, you people are melting my ice-heart with all that beautiful words! *-* (just kidding, don’t stop! I want to be melted xD). It makes me so happy that you liked the vid and the story that much, I think that I had success transmitting the feelings :3
@jenfrost3906 10 жыл бұрын
This is hands down the best HiJack/Frostcup crossover videos I've ever seen! The plot is well executed and the story itself is wonderful and self-explanatory! It's because of this that "Saving Grace" is the Frostcup official theme song in my opinion and is also one of my favorite songs of all time! Fantastic job :D
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Aw, thanks for subbing! I'm glad you liked the vid :3. To write about this? o_o, that would be amazing! I'd love to read the story! x3. Ah, but, just in case it's not very clear, this is Hijack, HIjack... and not frostcup x3... got it? I don't know why but I like it that way :D
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Sí, soy latina! x3 Yo también amo a los dos! (aunque más a Hipo,de Jack aún no veo la pelicula,pero ya solo con los trailers me encanta xD) Me alegra que te haya gustado el video *w*. Pude haber descrito mejor la historia si youtube me diera más espacio ahahaha! Yo soy de Bolivia :3, aunque me crie en Brazil (pero ahora estoy en bolivia de nuevo! :D LOL xD) Gracias por comentar! x3 saludos!
@fatimabudraa1999 Ай бұрын
Please never delete your videos they are just so good and nostalgic 😢❤
@writtenheart 12 жыл бұрын
I think that this is the most perfect JackXHiccup video out there. =) I mean really. There's a plot and the emotions and the feels and just nope. It's too awesome. Nope. ;)
@kyuubitailedfox 11 жыл бұрын
Puedo decir lo mucho que me encanta éste video!?!?!? *A*
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah! She was fangirling! Hahahah! xD I was about to write that in the plot :D
@xChaseTheWind 12 жыл бұрын
AAAAAAAAAAAAAH ERES LATINO/A!! :DD AAH AMO A ESTOS DOS! El video te quedo genial y ame tu historia y como la escribiste en la descripcion! xDD sdfasdgsddgsg de donde eres? *O*
@smartgirl889 11 жыл бұрын
This was beautifully done, great job! I'm so inspired to draw some HiJack art right now :D
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, at least for me. In yaoi (boyxboy) terms, usually to name a couple they write first the seme (who's in top), and it's different, it's not just about "who tops in the bed", it's about how the relationship is and how you see it, aaaand I don't like frostcup, so I needed to make that clear here: "It's Hijack, don't image it in another way, please :D". The same for the rest of my hijack vids x3
@milynekman4110 9 жыл бұрын
So cute. I love this HiJack.😍
@canalabandonadoparasiempre6815 7 жыл бұрын
me gusto te quedo padre
@Sarali535 10 жыл бұрын
Awww encerio me gusto mucho mucho muchisimo este video y espero que pronto subas mas videos como este
@andibrimi 12 жыл бұрын
Espero no sonar muy stalker e.e pero es demasiado! ayer no te comente porque era tarde y estaba en mi fase de: "mi madre escucha todo lo que tecleo y me regañara" Pero es que yo soy la primera que hizo un crossover Hijack y tengo la necesidad de ver lo que todos hacen >< En fin, soy Andi, tu video es genial. Hey I just met you and this is crazy but you want to be my friend? c: *extendiendo galletita*
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
They can be anything we want them to be ;)
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Of course he’d be his flirty self, I love that gaze of his saying “Come here♥”(and hiccup would smile like an idiot and say “Ok”, just like the vid xD). I’m against the oocness, so I like them how they really are, not the shy, inoffensive, blushing hiccup or the rapist jack, I hate that, eeww xP
@nope6021 9 жыл бұрын
omg i love your stuff! I love the music, i love the way everything is perfectly seamless, i love how i can follow the story here and actually know what is going on, i love you and i love your work you amazing human being!!!
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
really? thanks! I'm glad you liked it
@donnawalczak3354 10 жыл бұрын
Your videos are always so amazing and beautiful and believable. I love them all!!! Out of all the videos on KZbin yours our always the best. I love watching your work, and can't wait for your next video. XD
@DeadBehavior 12 жыл бұрын
"Jack Frost" actually originates from Norse mythology.
@NoirLexusJ 11 жыл бұрын
I simple loved it!!! :D OMG!!!!!! congratulations!! :D
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
por qué será q nos encanta estar en la computadora cuando es hora de dormir? creo q a todas nos pasa hahah! xD. Tengo el profundo presentimiento de q esta pareja se hará arrasadora cuando haya material d la pelicula ROTG entera, ya quiero ver! Mucho gusto en conocete, Andi! A mí me dicen Flor xD. Gracias por tu lindo comentario *-* (me alegra encontrar tantas latinas xD) Of course I wanna be your friend! >w<
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
YEAH! It's the same for me! I keep searching too!! T_T what a shame!... that's why I'd be soooo pleased if you write a fanfic *-*, maybe I should write too xD
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Aw, you understand my feelings! I have problem with that, too, it's so annoying... I just keep looking for "NaruSasu" in the summary and ignore the rest even if it means to leave some "hidden narusasu fic" behind, that's the sad part
@truel8ve 10 жыл бұрын
Hijack thanks you for making this video! Jees hijack feels anyone?!! Lol
@caolouisa 12 жыл бұрын
Wow, I love how the clips are keep up, it makes a so great story ^^
@SilverNightShade544 11 жыл бұрын
Okay that was so freaking adorable.
@andibrimi 12 жыл бұрын
Estuve todo el dia de hoy pensando en que decirte, porque ayer estaba chateando con Gina (xChaseTheWind) y ella estaba como: ANDI. HAY OTRO VIDEO HIJACK. And I was like IODJFIOSDGWJHDIOGJSDOIJG y lo vi y me fije y OH ERES LATINAAAAAA! Y toda la historia fue hermosa T.T y la descripcion! la descripcion! "Jack es secuestrado por mandado de Santa(LOL)para q se una a los guardianes e impedir q el tipo malo destruya el...ehm...mundo, sí,el mundo" Podria quotear toda la maldita descripcion xD
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
lol... yeah... something like that xDD. I know "Hijack" is used in general, hiccupxjack or jackxhiccup, fans don't make differences, but, in yaoi terms, it should be named seme!uke. I don't want them to act like a girl, of course, I like them the way they are, but I like the category of "kind seme" and "badass and sexy uke", sooooo.... Hijack, yeah. Just hijack for me xDDD
@katiekrieter8739 11 жыл бұрын
if someone writes a fanfic for this can they post a link?! it would be AWESOME! I loved this!
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Wow, THANKS! You make me happy!
@vickimclaughlin1484 11 жыл бұрын
what's the show that hiccup is from called? was it somethin' like Dragon Rider? i dunno the name, i've seen it before, but i forgot what it was about. btw, GREAT vid! (good pairing too)
@sweetMisaki911 11 жыл бұрын
oi chibi what does it mean: " I doubt someone would be interested in knowing the story," it´s cool XD -> and i wouldn´t have understand the video XD it was confusing so i looked in the info ;) cool work *thumps up*
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Aw, me alegra que te haya gustado el video y la historia! (la cual salio de la nada, en serio xD, cuando empecé mi mente estaba en blanco e-e) Gracias por comentar ♥
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
Oh, muchas gracias! me alegra que te haya gustado xD. Ah, sí sí, se llama Pitch, al momento de subirlo no lo sabia, solo habian unos cuantos trailers hahaha! pero luego ya lo supe xD
@ItsmeReiRei 11 жыл бұрын
@teodiomundo55 11 жыл бұрын
@finn3551 9 жыл бұрын
Never stop making videos!! :)
@agostinaf6649 8 жыл бұрын
nose porque dices que no cirves para esto eres un genio! TwT
@TheEstee45 6 жыл бұрын
I missed these Hijack videos
@Miki_peach 11 жыл бұрын
Good video and nice song for a sweet couple :3
@NumberOfTheMoose777 11 жыл бұрын
Okay you know what....Best Video Ever.
@lunalynxen4402 11 жыл бұрын
AWESOME, i wish i knew how to do that, and wasn't so lazy XD
@foxinsox7787 7 жыл бұрын
this is really great i love the idea and story
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
It's "breath of life" :)
@trishvision5284 11 жыл бұрын
WOW... well done, thanks for this
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you ♥ :3
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
yeee-aaah... just like astrid is more "manly" too, but she's still the girl, you can see a lot of pairings like that. I mean, you like someone like jack as seme, and it's ok, you like that, but that doesn't mean he's more "manly", that's a wrong reason, hiccup is a man too, with a different personality :) Btw, jack needs to be loved, and Hijack is still the best for me~~
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
resulta q el rollo siempre estará ahí cuando se trate d una pareja d dos chicos, ya q unas personas tienen diferentes formas d ver q otras siendo q se trata de la misma parejaxD.Yo no m hacía ningún lío hasta q vi cómo lo veía la mayoría,y sólo quería aclarar cómo lo veía yo y cómo está realmente en mis videos. Sé q uno puede decir q "eso no importa",pero en realidad tiene un efecto clave en cómo interpretas la relación,y a mí me gusta así HiccupxJack,al reves no me parece tan interesante xD
@LIGTHARCANGEL 10 жыл бұрын
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jijiij amo este video me encanto jejeje esta asombros jijiji
@JackeHC 11 жыл бұрын
increíblemente hermoso!!
@bleedgirl231 11 жыл бұрын
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Aah!me siento halagada q a la(practicamente)creadora de la pareja(la llamaré hijack desde hoy :D)le haya gustado el video! >w< (y gracias,Gina x3).La verdad,cuando terminé d hacer el video(q lo hice apurada porq habia fecha d cumple limite e-e)pensé "No!Salió horrible!no lo pondré
@michymixy5155 9 жыл бұрын
I love this Video~!!! (Ahh mi inglés es medio malo así que…) Ame este video. Es hermoso. De verdad. A mi me encantó. Enserio, fue genial, me gustó tu explicación de la historia y el video~! X3 fue genial. Gracias por hacerlo. No puedo crees q veas a Jack como el Uke. Pero igual puede serlo, por ser el más lindo de los dos (?). Es que a mi me da igual quien sea el seme con tal de que estén juntos en mi imaginación. Ok ya ps. Me encanta este video, enserio ;*
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 9 жыл бұрын
Mixyjae Kim Muchas gracias, que bueno que te haya gustado x3, aunque es el primer video hijack que hice y siempre lo vere como el peor de todos jajaja x'Drespecto a lo de Jack uke... pues... lol, si te dá igual quien sea el seme entonces por qué dices que no puedes creer que yo lo vea como uke? xDDDDD La verdad es que en el fandom que prefiere a Jack de seme la gran mayoria los hace muy ooc, a ambos (a Jack lo hacen un pervertido o un acosador chiflado, y a Hipo lo hacen una nena sumisa o super serio, y ninguno es asi en realidad), y pues, a mí no me gusta el ooc, y ademas me gustan los semes como Hipo, tiernos y perseverantes. Jack es, como dices tú, el más lindo de los dos, y es malicioso, caprichoso y travieso, como me gustan los ukes xD así que por eso a mí no me da igual quien sea el seme, creo que la relacion cambiaría completamente, en mi opinion claro, todos tienen su forma de ver las cosas OwOSaludos~
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
It's "breath of life" by Florence and The Machine :)
@amitwinchester752 4 жыл бұрын
Great video good job I have a question from what the song in the beginning I don't remember from where I heard it and I really like it...
@Zrapheina14CKL 11 жыл бұрын
This is simply amazing!!!!
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
me alegra que te haya gustado :) Claro que puedes hacer un fanfic! y me gustaria mucho que me dieras el link para leerlo
@TheEstee45 6 жыл бұрын
Nostalgia right here
@vio_m7494 9 жыл бұрын
This is my thought; One of those moments you think, Bruh, how did you make this?... It. Was. Amazing.
@galaxymeps. 2 жыл бұрын
Me encantó el vídeo y la historia :3
@TheEstee45 8 жыл бұрын
I love this couple
@happypirate1000 11 жыл бұрын
ahhhh! this is wonderful!
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
T.H.A.N.K.S. :D
@pixyelph 11 жыл бұрын
that was AMAZING!!!!!!
@thesamedarkthesamedarkisba6158 10 жыл бұрын
you are vary good i like your videos
@imnaojaz4725 8 жыл бұрын
Realmente me impresionas con cada video tuyo TwT Amo tus videos al igual que tus fanfics
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 8 жыл бұрын
+Nao&Sao 💜 Muchas gracias!!
@carolimachi5403 8 жыл бұрын
concuerdo con tigo nao&sao me encanta tus videos y tus fanfic igual soy tu mayor admiradora me encanta tu trabajo son tan kawaiiiiii arigato flordedesiertoNSfan
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 8 жыл бұрын
Caro Limachi aaaww, muchas gracias! ;w; ❤
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 12 жыл бұрын
Gracias! Me alegra que te guste x3. Sí! Hiccup y Jack son geniales juntos xD
@vanessaromandiaz7570 9 жыл бұрын
Me gusto lo que escribiste en el lick o como se llame. Casi no le entendí al vídeo pero se medio le entendí y ya leí lo que escribiste y todo arreglado (es hermasa esta pareja me encanta
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 9 жыл бұрын
vanessa roman diaz Gracias! Sé que puede ser confuso un video (por experiencia) si no se pone ninguna explicacion, por eso yo siempre lo hago en mis videos. Qué bueno que haya sido comprensible! ^w^
@MrBleachfan12 11 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS paring
@FlorDeDesiertoNSfan 11 жыл бұрын
hahah,yeah,Hiccup as seme(btw, I don't imagine them having uh sex o_o... yet xD).It seems strange,but I like that way maybe cuz I'm aware of the new movie HTTYD 2 (2014),Hiccup will be 5 years older ¬w¬, and besides, Jack is so pretty, cute and sexy xD. Yeah, those are my crazy reasons LOL
@nayt013 11 жыл бұрын
i dunno why but I'm feeling very inspired to write fanfic when I watch this (and then i keep repeatedly watching it) andcanipossiblyusethisasabasisforaHijackfanfic? please~
@9marjo9 11 жыл бұрын
nice work :)
@arecastillo5230 7 жыл бұрын
Hola!!❤ me gusto mucho tu video😍😍❤ en realidad me encantan todos tus vídeos de hiccupxjack están hermosos👌😭 puedes contestar me algo porfavor? Puedes decirme cual es la canción que sale al final porfavor😭😭☝☝👆👆 desde hace mucho que quiero saber porfavor me encantan tus vídeos!💖 saludos bye
@scarlettflame1922 10 жыл бұрын
@nayt013 11 жыл бұрын
you can say that again D8 i keep searching for Hijack fics and all Hijack fics i see are actually frostcup D8
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Hiccup x Pitch Slash Crossover
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Help Me Celebrate! 😍🙏
Alan Chikin Chow
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Will A Guitar Boat Hold My Weight?
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The Joker wanted to stand at the front, but unexpectedly was beaten up by Officer Rabbit
когда не обедаешь в школе // EVA mash
EVA mash
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My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade [Official Music Video] [HD]
NaruSasu - Comatose (Game version)
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Explaining Elsa X Jack Frost
Sarcastic Chorus
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Bionicle Music Video - Cryoshell, Trigger (REUPLOAD) HD
The Beaverhouse
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Hiccup and Astrid - Hot N Cold
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Shingeki no Kyojin Cosplay [Eren, Armin & Mikasa] Fight song
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Fallen Kingdom: The Complete Minecraft Music Video Series
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a hijack story
Frozen Dragons
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Help Me Celebrate! 😍🙏
Alan Chikin Chow
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