Flying Feet - LIVE Authentic Irish Music & Dance Show - 2021

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@WaledWaled-ht3zp 11 ай бұрын
The Irish dance is beautiful, and at the same time, Irish girls have a beauty that attracts attention in a unique state of beauty.
@LNixon-d2r 8 ай бұрын
Hi, English guy here. This music video really captures the spirit of Ireland and the Irish!
@biblbrocs 8 ай бұрын
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@dumokadik4450 11 ай бұрын
I am from Azerbaijan, I love Ireland very much, its culture, music, and I want to see Ireland's nature🇦🇿🌍🇮🇪❤❤🇮🇪💕🌹🇦🇿🇦🇿
@daniellongsworth4484 3 жыл бұрын
Irish song & dance are among the greatest treasures.
@desmondquigley220 3 жыл бұрын
And it took a Yank to reinvent it ….. and a gorgeous Irish Redhead with legs all the way up to her Armpits!
@GordonYim 3 жыл бұрын
agree~! absolutely~
@09070605uty 3 жыл бұрын
@bretagnejean2410 2 жыл бұрын
Irish girls also😃
@tabathastaples7884 2 жыл бұрын
Shepherd's Chapel Network !!!!!!! Chapter by Chapter / Verse by Verse !!!!!!!
@cliffnelson1174 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is pretty freaking cool that Irish people play Irish Music for the rest of the world to enjoy....
@TheGweedMan Жыл бұрын
I just love the music and I wish I could dance like they do. The feet move so quickly and so efficiently and when two or more do it at the same time it’s perfectly in sync.
@ner12800bb3 3 жыл бұрын
You just can't stop tapping when Irish music play
@seanmcginnis7865 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly how every trip I've taken to Ireland goes. What an amazing country.
@Wayne55231 Жыл бұрын true lol
@tonyjlorns1727 Жыл бұрын
That so full of fun and charisma
@christianmaluck7497 3 жыл бұрын
A normal day in Ireland .... Music, Dancers ... Guinnes ... its real Happines ....
@DeanRimus Жыл бұрын
Long live Ireland!
@pApNewMexico 3 жыл бұрын
My great grand mother was from County Cork.. Very enjoyable
@davidbrattain1446 3 жыл бұрын
Love Ireland. Been there a number of times. If you've never been. You should!
@Artifactsofmars 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! The Irish know how to do music and dancing. I have grown to love traditional Irish music.
@sasouri 3 жыл бұрын
this music make me happy (respect from morrocco)
@austinhenry6377 3 жыл бұрын
I an Irish man have been in Tangier 25 years ..... you have beautiful traditional music too .... in fsct both traditions have so much in common
@sasouri 3 жыл бұрын
@@austinhenry6377 you welcom and thank you to replay me .
@M.H.D-y2z 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really love Irish dance and music 😍😍😍😍😍 from sultanate of Oman 🇴🇲
@patriziaurso4213 3 жыл бұрын
Cliffs of moher stavo passando senza fermarmi... cose da matti. 🇨🇮❤
@stevekaminski1215 2 жыл бұрын
I've been to Ireland and loved every moment there but sorry you will never see this.
@derfinger 8 ай бұрын
Happy St. Patrick's Day 🥃 from Germany
@TheSuperplus1000 3 жыл бұрын
it remembers me at the good evenings we had in Killeens Bar in Shannonbridge.... God Bless Ireland
@craigarussell7176 Ай бұрын
Now that's what I call the real Irish dancing, but I think it would be a helluva lot better if we heard the actuall tap shoes connecting with the floor,i reckon that thats the best way to appreciate how the difficulties there are doing this fantastic Irish dance
@danieloliveira-vz2wp 2 жыл бұрын
Η φύση είναι η φωνή του Θεού!!! Η καρδιά του ουρανού του ηλιοβασιλέματος είναι ένα εργοστάσιο παραγωγής ενέργειας που λειτουργεί σε τέλειο συγχρονισμό και ακρίβεια της δύναμης της ζωής!!! Ο ποιητής πυρετώνεται από ελευθερία και αντικομφορμισμό!!! Ένας άντρας είναι ένα εσωτερικό κάστρο από διεφθαρμένες αναμνήσεις που τον στοιχειώνουν μέρα νύχτα!! Ο πόλεμος θάβει τους νεκρούς του στον τάφο των μηνών και σε ατέλειωτες κραυγές σύγχυσης ελευθερίας!!! Η χολή της φωτιάς από το λαιμό των όπλων είναι αδυσώπητη και σπάει τη ζωή των χρωμάτων του ανοιξιάτικου κήπου της αγάπης!!! Η ελπίδα χαμογελά σε αυτούς που χαμογελούν με την ελπίδα!!! Το διαμαντένιο ουράνιο τόξο των δακρύων της βροχής αντανακλά τα πιο εκπληκτικά χρώματα της ζωής!!! Η θλίψη της χήρας του πολέμου - όραμα στην ομίχλη των νεκροταφείων της ανθρώπινης καρδιάς!!! Το μεγαλείο του μεγαλείου της ζωής βρίσκεται στις φωτογραφίες, σε ένα φωτογραφικό άλμπουμ που είναι αποθηκευμένο στη σοφίτα της ψυχής. και ο ποιητής στη σοφίτα του ανεμοστρόβιλου των θλίψεων των ανέμων της συνείδησης της ενοχής, που φωνάζει για το μαρτύριο των αμαρτιών του !!! Το γυμνό φεγγάρι βγήκε από το κρεβάτι της στο φως των αστεριών, κάτω από το κάλυμμα της νύχτας, για να αποκαλύψει τη μία και μοναδική της αγάπη!!! Η Μπλε Πριγκίπισσα, διάσημο και μεγαλοπρεπές σπίτι της ομορφιάς και του φωτός, μαθαίνει να παίζει λαούτο στο ωδείο. στην πόλη όπου το φεγγάρι φιλιέται από το λυκόφως της τελευταίας λάμψης της τελευταίας λάμψης. Λαχταρώ το λυκόφως της τελευταίας λάμψης, και τα βουνά, στολισμένα με χιονονιφάδες χτενίσματα, δείχνουν αρχαίες χιλιετίες!!! Το ξίφος του λόγου της πίστεως κατακτά την ήπειρο των εντολών στην καρδιά!!! Η θλίψη της χήρας του πολέμου είναι ένα όραμα απόκοσμο στην ομίχλη των νεκροταφείων της ανθρώπινης καρδιάς!!! Η γκριζομάλλα αλαζονεία είναι η τρέλα της ανθρωπότητας!! Η φύση είναι η φωνή του Θεού!!! JJJSSS
@thenerdyglass8793 3 жыл бұрын
I want to visit Ireland for this great music nd their culture wow Irish people r amazing
@danieloliveira-vz2wp 2 жыл бұрын
Lo splendore dello splendore della vita è nelle fotografie, nell'album fotografico, custodite nella soffitta dell'anima; e il poeta è nella soffitta del vortice di afflizione venti di coscienza colpa gridando la miseria dei suoi peccati!!! La luna nuda emerse dal suo talamo alla luce delle stelle, sotto il velo della notte, per rivelare il suo unico ed eterno amore!!! La principessa Azzurra, famosa e maestosa patria della bellezza e della luce, studia il liuto in un conservatorio di musica; nella città dove la luna è baciata dal crepuscolo dell'ultimo bagliore dell'ultimo bagliore; i brama il crepuscolo dell'ultimo bagliore ,e le montagne adornate con acconciature a fiocco di neve mostrano millenni antichi!!! La spada della parola di fede conquista nel cuore il continente dei comandamenti!!! La tristezza della vedova di guerra è una visione ossessionata nella nebbia dei cimiteri del cuore umano!!! L'arroganza dai capelli bianchi è la follia dell'umanità!! La natura è la voce di Dio!!! Zachód słońca na niebie serca to potęga działająca w doskonałej synchronizacji i dokładności mocy życia!!! Poeta gorączkuje od nawiedzonych koszmarów, pragnień i nieposkromionych i niegościnnych lęków przed niezgodnością wolności!!! Człowiek jest wewnętrznym zamkiem zepsutych wspomnień, które nawiedzają go dzień i noc!! Wojna grzebie swoich zmarłych w grobach miesięcy i w niezmierzonej konsternacji krzyków wolności!!! Żółć ognia z gardeł broni jest bezlitosna i łamie życie kolorów wiosennego ogrodu miłości!!! Nadzieja uśmiecha się dla tych, którzy uśmiechają się do nadziei!!! Diamenty Tęcza Deszczowych Łez odzwierciedlają najbardziej niesamowite kolory życia!!! Wdowa po smutku wojny to wizja we mgle cmentarzy ludzkiego serca!!! Splendor splendoru życia tkwi w fotografiach, w albumie fotograficznym, przechowywanym na strychu duszy; a poeta jest na strychu cyklonu ucisku wiatrów winy sumienia, płacze nędzę swoich grzechów !!! Nagi księżyc wyłonił się z jej wzgórza w świetle gwiazd, pod osłoną nocy, aby objawić swoją jedyną i wieczną miłość!!! Niebieska księżniczka, znakomity i budzący podziw dom piękna i światła, studiuje lutnię w konserwatorium muzycznym; w mieście, gdzie księżyc całuje poświata Hesperusa; a góry ozdobione fryzurami w kształcie płatków śniegu wskazują na tysiąclecia!!! Miecz słowa wiary podbija kontynent przykazań w sercu!!! Białowłosa arogancja to szaleństwo ludzkości!! Natura jest głosem Boga!!! Serce niebo zachód słońca to elektrownia, która działa w idealnej synchroniczności i dokładności mocy życia!!! Poeta ma gorączkę wolności i nonkonformizmu!!! Człowiek jest wewnętrznym zamkiem zepsutych wspomnień, które nawiedzają go dzień i noc!! Wojna grzebie swoich zmarłych w grobach miesięcy i w niezmierzonej konsternacji krzyków wolności!!! Żółć ognia z gardeł broni jest bezlitosna i łamie życie kolorów wiosennego ogrodu miłości!!! Nadzieja uśmiecha się dla tych, którzy uśmiechają się do nadziei!!! Tęcza diamentów z łez deszczu odzwierciedla najbardziej niesamowite kolory życia!!! Wdowa po wojennym smutku to wizja we mgle cmentarzy ludzkiego serca!!! Splendor splendoru życia tkwi w fotografiach, w albumie fotograficznym, przechowywanym na strychu duszy; a poeta jest na strychu w wirze nieszczęścia, wiatry sumienia winy wykrzykując nędzę swoich grzechów!!! Nagi księżyc wyłonił się ze wzgórza w świetle gwiazd, pod osłoną nocy, aby objawić swoją jedyną i wieczną miłość!!! Niebieska księżniczka, słynny i budzący podziw dom piękna i światła, studiuje lutnię w konserwatorium muzycznym; w mieście, gdzie księżyc całuje zmierzch poświaty poświaty; a góry ozdobione płatkami śniegu ukazują starożytne tysiąclecia!!! Miecz słowa wiary podbija kontynent przykazań w sercu!!! Smutek wdowy po wojnie jest nawiedzoną wizją we mgle cmentarzy ludzkiego serca!!! Białowłosa arogancja to szaleństwo ludzkości!! Natura jest głosem Boga!!! Żółć ognia z gardeł broni jest bezlitosna i łamie życie kolorów wiosennego ogrodu miłości!!! Закат на небе сердца - электростанция, работающая в идеальной синхронности и точности жизненной силы!!! У поэта лихорадка навязчивых кошмаров и неукротимых и негостеприимных желаний и страхов несоответствия свободы!!! Человек - это внутренний замок испорченных воспоминаний, которые преследуют его день и ночь!! Война хоронит своих мертвецов в могиле месяцев и в бескрайнем смятении крики свободы!!! Желчь огня из глоток оружия неумолима и разбивает жизнь красок весеннего сада любви!!! Надежда улыбается тем, кто улыбается надежде!!! Слезы дождя, радужные бриллианты отражают самые удивительные цвета жизни!!! Вдова печали войны - видение в тумане кладбищ человеческого сердца!!! Великолепие великолепия жизни - в фотографиях, в фотоальбоме, хранящемся на чердаке души; а поэт на чердаке циклона ветров скорби совести вины, плача о муках своих грехов!!! Обнаженная луна вышла из своего ложа при свете звезд, под покровом ночи, чтобы явить свою единственную и вечную любовь!!! Принцесса Азул, прославленная и величественная
@Jenifer_G 19 күн бұрын
2024, glad I have Irish in me as it gave me a sense of dance.
@sama-s2 3 жыл бұрын
I'm from Morocco and love Irish music 🇲🇦🇮🇪
@bilbobaggins8108 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore the Irish
@tonyjlorns1727 Жыл бұрын
Me to everything about them the culture the people sense of humor nobody like them and I am English
@thegamingskull4842 11 ай бұрын
Excellent girls
@WickedScott 3 жыл бұрын
Remember how happy the world was? I don't either but this almost makes me believe it was.
@YouSuprised 9 ай бұрын
Perhaps once... not with the evil ones in power now trying to attack all Europeans through the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan.
@goonertrooper 4 ай бұрын
Fills my Irish heart with pride.
@mikehaney6512 8 ай бұрын
Fantastic and original. Love it. want more.........................
@krukhlis 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you from Canada!!! I need to visit this place ASAP as soon as C19 bshit is gone.
@MonaLisa-lu8zi 3 жыл бұрын
Plan for during the Fleadh. That said, it was cancelled due to C19 dictat in 2020 +2021.
@mauriceogrady4447 2 жыл бұрын
Please come and visit us
@nickmills4073 2 жыл бұрын
Z v hi job jn n in u I o
@mauriceogrady4447 2 жыл бұрын
This is Maurice in Ireland I was in school with the drummer from U2 We are full of love Please come and visit us
@krukhlis 2 жыл бұрын
@@mauriceogrady4447 thank you for the invitation! Unfortunately, my motherland Ukraine was brutally attacked by Russians almost 2 weeks ago. I have to fight for my Motherland, even considering the fact I have moved to Canada long ago. Russian H*i*tler has to be stopped until it's too late for the civilized world. 😢 I believe after Ukrainian victory my next trip will be to your Maurice in Ireland. in order to heal my soul. 🥰
@bud7648 3 жыл бұрын
The life i imagine constantly, just wow!
@АнджейНаумчук 2 жыл бұрын
I really love Irish and Scottish music! Greetings from snowy Russia! But I am Ukrainian!
@jeksixten5751 2 жыл бұрын
thank you
@billmiller4972 2 жыл бұрын
When you like good music and a good beer we're all from here!
@richiemiller1538 Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t matter if u ukrainan or russian or african, what matter the music connect to eachother
@morozka1k Жыл бұрын
I love Russia and Ukraine music for real and Im Irish ❤❤ I like Hopak dance from Ukraine🇮🇪🇷🇺🇺🇦
@fotoyartefotoyarte1044 2 жыл бұрын
I am argentinian; italian, spanish and french ascendance ; however I absolutely love irish music, dance, landscapes and aesthetics; if I don't have an Irish person in my past then I don't know where this feeling of joy and ease comes from
@movinon1242 2 жыл бұрын
Some of what makes up the contemporary Irish came from somewhere in northern Spain and / or southwestern France (Basques and Brittany). You feel the Gallic and Celtic thread that runs through the French, Spanish and much of Western Europe ;-) Ireland went on to be invaded by the Vikings, the Normans, and the Anglo Saxons, as well as did their fair share of raiding and slaving of the Welsh, Scots and Picts. There is a great deal of genetic crossover in Ireland, just as is in all if Europe.
@nikallen8435 Жыл бұрын
Even though I’m from India I can’t stop myself dancing on this beautiful music
@عبدالحميد-ت9ع 17 күн бұрын
Good music... 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
@MegaAnushavan 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect 🥰 like this from Armenia.
@karenwhite2338 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from America. Loved the music and dancing!! ❤❤😘😘🤗🤗🍀🍀🍀💃❤
@katewild2194 3 жыл бұрын
What a boring world it would be without the Irish and their culture. God bless them
@strikerchooo 8 ай бұрын
I love this land and people!
@anxofernandez3344 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in Ireland for a year and I fell in love with the land, the people.and the music. Both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are wonderful and every city, town and village from Derry to Cork has at least one pub with live music once or twice a week. And it's amazing when you're in a small town and people at the bar sing folk songs all together.
@Chalamita7448 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful!.. All from Tigray!
@dragonfly-pg8jl9nq7z 3 жыл бұрын
Very beautiful country, very beautiful dance!
@germanzamora4732 Ай бұрын
@elbaraaosman5615 Жыл бұрын
cool ppl, respect from Sudan :)))))
@bibaba3980 Жыл бұрын
The most beautiful music🎉🎉
@terrencenizam1775 11 ай бұрын
OMG 😮😮😮😮😮 too short too short..❤please for a longer version pleeeeze
@danieloliveira-vz2wp 2 жыл бұрын
What is greener than the poetic emeralds of oceanic splendor verses? the eyes of the poet's autumnal composition!!!
@danieloliveira-vz2wp 2 жыл бұрын
The sunset of the heart sky is a power plant working in perfect synchrony and exactitude of power of the life!!! The poet is feverish from spectral nightmares, and from the indomitable and inhospitable cravings of freedom's nonconformity!!! The human being is an inner castle of tainted memories that haunt him day and night!! The War is burying its dead in the grave of the months, and in the immeasurable dismay of the cries of freedom!!! The gall of fire from the throats of weapons is relentless and shatters the life of the colors of the spring garden of love!!! The Hope smiles, for those who smile to the hope!!! The rainbow of rain tears diamonds reflect the most amazing colors in life!!! The widow of the war's sadness is a vision in the mist of the cemeteries of the human heart!!! The glow of the splendor of life is in the photographs, in the photo album; kept in the attic of the soul; and the poet is in the cockloft of the cyclone of the tribulation winds of the guilt of conscience crying the misery of his sins !!! The naked moon entered from her thalamus in the light of the stars, under the veil of the night, to show herself to her only and eternal love!!! The illustrious and formidably homestead of beauty and light, Blue Princessa is studying lute in a music conservatory; in the city where the moon is kissed by the twilight of the afterglow of the Hesperus; and mountainsadorned with snowflake hairstyles, display ancient millenary ages!!! The sword of the faith word is conquering the continent of commandments in the heart!!! The white-haired arrogance is the madness of humanity!! The Nature is the voice of God!!! Le coucher du soleil du ciel du coeur est une centrale électrique fonctionnant en parfaite synchronie et exactitude de puissance de la vie !!! Le poète est fiévreux de cauchemars spectraux, et des envies indomptables et inhospitalières de la non-conformité de la liberté !!! L'être humain est un château intérieur de souvenirs entachés qui le hantent jour et nuit !! La Guerre enterre ses morts dans la tombe des mois, et dans l'effroi incommensurable des cris de liberté !!! Le fiel du feu de la gorge des armes est implacable et brise la vie des couleurs du jardin printanier de l'amour !!! L'Espoir sourit, pour ceux qui sourient à l'espoir !!! L'arc-en-ciel de diamants larmes de pluie reflète les couleurs les plus étonnantes de la vie !!! La veuve de la tristesse de la guerre est une vision dans la brume des cimetières du coeur humain !!! La lueur de la splendeur de la vie est dans les photographies, dans l'album photo, gardé dans le grenier de l'âme; et le poète est dans le grenier du cyclone des vents de la tribulation de la culpabilité de la conscience pleurant la misère de ses péchés !!! La lune nue est entrée de son thalamus à la lumière des étoiles, sous le voile de la nuit, pour se montrer à son seul et éternel amour !!! Illustre et formidable demeure de beauté et de lumière, Princessa azul étudie le luth dans un conservatoire de musique ; dans la ville où la lune est embrassée par le crépuscule de la rémanence de l'Hesperus; et des montagnes ornées de coiffures de flocons de neige, affichent des âges millénaires anciens !!! L'épée de la parole de foi est en train de conquérir le continent des commandements dans le cœur !!! L'arrogance aux cheveux blancs est la folie de l'humanité !!! Le coucher du soleil du ciel du coeur est une centrale électrique fonctionnant en parfaite synchronie et exactitude de la puissance de la vie !!! Le poète est fiévreux de cauchemars spectraux, et des angoisses indomptables et inhospitalières du non-conformisme de la liberté !!! L'être humain est un château intérieur de souvenirs entachés qui le hantent jour et nuit !! La guerre enterre ses morts dans la tombe des mois, et dans l'effroi incommensurable des cris de liberté !!! Le fiel du feu de la gorge des armes est implacable et brise la vie des couleurs du jardin printanier de l'amour !!! L'espoir sourit, pour ceux qui sourient à l'espoir !!! L'arc-en-ciel de diamants des larmes de pluie reflète les couleurs les plus incroyables de la vie !!! La tristesse de la veuve de guerre est une vision dans la brume des cimetières du cœur humain !!! La lueur de la splendeur de la vie est dans les photographies, dans l'album photo, gardé dans le grenier de l'âme; et le poète est dans le grenier du cyclone des vents de tribulation de la culpabilité de la conscience pleurant la misère de ses péchés !!! La lune nue est entrée de son thalamus à la lumière des étoiles, sous le voile de la nuit, pour se montrer à son seul et éternel amour !!! Illustre et redoutable demeure de la beauté et de la lumière, la princesse bleue étudie le luth dans un conservatoire de musique ; dans la ville où la lune est embrassée par le crépuscule de la rémanence de la rémanence; et les montagnes ornées de coiffures de flocons de neige, affichent des âges millénaires anciens !!! L'épée de la parole de foi est en train de conquérir le continent des commandements dans le cœur !!! La tristesse de la veuve de guerre est une vision dans la brume des cimetières du coeur humain !!! L'arrogance aux cheveux blancs est la folie de l'humanité !! La nature est la voix de Dieu !!! El ocaso del cielo del corazón es una central eléctrica trabajando en perfecta sincronía y exactitud de poder de la vida!!! El poeta está febril por las pesadillas espectrales, y por las ansias indómitas e inhóspitas del inconformismo de la libertad!!! ¡¡El ser humano es un castillo interior de recuerdos contaminados que lo persiguen día y noche!! La Guerra va enterrando a sus muertos en la fosa de los meses, y en la consternación inconmensurable de los gritos de libertad!!! ¡¡¡La hiel de fuego de las gargantas de las armas es implacable y destroza la vida de los colores del jardín primaveral del amor!!! La Esperanza sonríe, para los que sonríen pra el esperanza!!! ¡El arco iris de diamantes de lágrimas de lluvia refleja los colores más increíbles de la vida! La tristeza de la viuda de la guerra es una visión en la bruma de los cementerios del corazón humano!!! El resplandor del esplendor de la vida está en las fotografías, en el álbum de fotos, guardado en el desván del alma; y el poeta esta en el buhardilla del ciclón de los vientos de la tribulación de la culpa de la conciencia llorando la miseria de sus pecados!!! La luna desnuda entró desde su tálamo a la luz de las estrellas, bajo el velo de la noche, para mostrarse a su único y eterno amor!!! La ilustre y formidable heredad de la belleza y la luz, Princessa azul estudia laúd en un conservatorio de música; en la ciudad donde la luna es besada por el crepúsculo del crepúsculo del Héspero; y montañas adornadas con peinados de copos de nieve, ¡muestran antiguas edades milenarias! ¡¡¡La espada de la palabra de fe está conquistando el continente de los mandamientos en el corazón!!! ¡¡La arrogancia canosa es la locura de la humanidad!! La Naturaleza es la voz de Dios!!! Der Sonnenuntergang am Himmel des Herzens ist ein Kraftwerk, das in perfekter Synchronität und Genauigkeit der Kraft des Lebens arbeitet!!! Der Dichter fiebert mit gespenstischen Albträumen und mit den Heißhunger und unbezähmbaren und unwirtlichen Ängsten der Nichtkonformität der Freiheit!!! Der Mensch ist ein inneres Schloss aus verdorbenen Erinnerungen, die ihn Tag und Nacht verfolgen!! Der Krieg begräbt seine Toten im Grab der Monate und in der unermesslichen Bestürzung der Schreie der Freiheit!!! Die Feuergalle aus den Kehlen der Waffen ist unerbittlich und zerschmettert das Leben der Farben des Frühlingsgartens der Liebe!!! Die Hoffnung lächelt, für diejenigen, die der Hoffnung zulächeln!!! Der Regenbogen aus Regentränen-Diamanten spiegelt die erstaunlichsten Farben des Lebens wider!!! Die Witwe der Traurigkeit des Krieges ist eine Vision im Nebel der Friedhöfe des menschlichen Herzens!!! Der Glanz der Lebenspracht steckt in den Fotografien, im Fotoalbum, auf dem Dachboden der Seele aufbewahrt; und der Dichter ist auf dem Dachboden des Zyklons der Trübsalwinde der Gewissensschuld und weint das Elend seiner Sünden !!!
@pontiaka1 3 жыл бұрын
прекрасно позитивом веет от видео.. спасибо за видео.. лайк с черноморского побережья
@piyushdubey3570 2 жыл бұрын
I really love Irish music 🤍✨ beautiful soothing and full of life love from India 🙏❤️
@haddock54 4 ай бұрын
Love that Irish dance.
@aleksandardespotovic4280 Жыл бұрын
@gamerhalim4717 3 жыл бұрын
Great music Irish ☘️👏👏👏 respect from Indonesia 🇮🇩
@enzogianforte8916 8 ай бұрын
If I lived in that place, I would be there every night. What a wonderful philosophy of life. I love it!!!
@joemarshall3393 10 ай бұрын
The place to be..May it returned to as it was a Happy place with Great people music and Guinness....In my thoughts stay strong Ireland.
@Edanargu 3 жыл бұрын
Nice! I hope I can make Ireland soon. Covid stopped my plans to travel there. Can't wait to be in Ireland
@KRJIMILIK 3 жыл бұрын
Это потрясающе! 1 000 000 лайков!!!!
@Selenararebeauty201Imsoo-cq1wn Жыл бұрын
Since i was a kid I loved irish songs and dances ,even though I'm not irish but the songs make you feel like home
@margritpiepes8242 3 жыл бұрын
Please don't let this Music end!!!
@jameswilder7649 8 ай бұрын
I love this. ❤
@karljohan2300 3 жыл бұрын
when the irish hits it hits hard
@michaelnaretto3409 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful music! The violinist is gorgeous.
@briankothe5444 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing! The left handed wooden flute... WOW!
@nadhr666 Жыл бұрын
Big ❤️ from Algeria 🇩🇿
@quanah3184 3 жыл бұрын
From France, we love you❤️
@geertcautereels 10 ай бұрын
I adore this stuff. It is what keeps the Irish together. But keep in mind that some traditions are younger than The Beatles: Although it was not illegal for women to enter pubs in the 1960s, it was legal for pub owners to refuse them entry. Others would only let a woman in if she was accompanied by a man and it was his job to go up to the bar and order her a drink. While some pubs would allow women to pay for whiskey or wine, they often prohibited them from buying ‘unladylike’ pints of beer. This comes from a interesting blog on pub culture. (sorry for stealing the lines)
@Richard-gp5tg 5 ай бұрын
Do you know why this custom was enforced? Because then the men could go and hang out and drink, without being tempted to cheat on your wife while under the influence.
@Richard-gp5tg 5 ай бұрын
Most women approved😂
@crptnite 5 ай бұрын
​@@Richard-gp5tgso why not bring your wife?
@crptnite 5 ай бұрын
​@@Richard-gp5tgor have a pub for women only?
@crptnite 5 ай бұрын
​@@Richard-gp5tgor just be a man and learn to resist temptation...?
@ralfschneider3668 3 жыл бұрын
so many young attractive and smiling people... if that is truely authentic irish I must have been in the wrong pubs when I visited irland the last three times ;-)
@patti4785 3 жыл бұрын
Yea, you were in the wrong pubs,
@matthewschoenbaum86 3 жыл бұрын
My live in the US 🇺🇸 But LOVE ME some Fast pace Irish music. Makes me HAPPY 😊 and want to Dance.
@aistaein.biallah Жыл бұрын
المسيقى المفضلة لدي 😍😍😍😍
@ballthemblack Жыл бұрын
this was really beautiful. Love Irish culture
@max-andrewmcmillan4235 7 ай бұрын
that's what we are talkin' about, fabulous.
@mortenbengtson5639 2 жыл бұрын
to walk in a bar unknowingly and be a part of a party/dance evening like that, would be a dream come true!! OMG I love it 🤪🤩❤🙌
@MrSakamotothecat 4 ай бұрын
@yeremychauvin7253 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful indeed , I just found out I'm Irish by DNA test , from USA 🇺🇸 love you
@stayrospaparunas3062 3 жыл бұрын
Ireland has a great folk music...
@adrientreflest3830 3 жыл бұрын
elegant, discipliné. magnifique!!
@rudolfmuehlen8374 Жыл бұрын
Immer wieder schön....
@hobertlee7598 Жыл бұрын
Awesome Video.
@abhisankaradhikary1067 2 жыл бұрын
WoW........what a music .......I am dancing .........Great people, lovely music, excellent dance .....just mind blowing
@LanchenSSanasam 6 ай бұрын
Wish to be irish in my next life❤❤
@antunmrzlecki5225 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. Greetings from Croatia.
@jackk1583 3 жыл бұрын
Bok from USA!
@williamcooper2415 2 жыл бұрын
That was pretty darn good. Now we know what forces created the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader ! Sorry, had to give my team a plug. As yodel is to stringed instruments, so tap dancing is to percussion instruments. They are freshly mimickings of inanimate objects. Excellent film production, as well.
@kuldipdetroja9227 3 жыл бұрын
Love from 🇮🇳 I love Irish songs...
@tonirc5122 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful country. Happy Saint Patrick's day.
@ujayet 3 жыл бұрын
A Cambodian here... I'm watching this cause my new girlfriend is Irish..she's absolutely beautiful.. I can see where her beauty came from.
@davorrodic2723 Жыл бұрын
Lipa zemlja .predivna pozdrav iz CROATIE
@secretagent86 3 жыл бұрын
wow!!! the lady in the green kicks so high!!! can you imagine actually walking into a pub and seeing this, or a show like the Corries used to put on. it would be a dream come true. often i am amazed when on youtube people walk by TOP CLASS performances in the streets. I would forget the shopping and be mesmerized. Anyway, i subscribed!! thanks for posting this!!!!!! From Canada.
@cumhurberat8297 2 жыл бұрын
💚💚💚🌹🌹🌹❤️thank you 🌹
@IanStRic 2 жыл бұрын
my ears and my heart got crushed
@danieloliveira-vz2wp 3 жыл бұрын
The accent on the pronunciation enhances and underscores the magnitude of the eloquence and the beauty of the rhetoric!!! L'accent mis sur la prononciation valorise et souligne l'ampleur de l'éloquence et la beauté de la rhétorique !!! L'accento sulla pronuncia esalta e sottolinea la grandezza dell'eloquenza e la bellezza della retorica!!! El acento en la pronunciación realza y subraya la magnitud de la elocuencia y la belleza de la retórica !!! Der Akzent auf der Aussprache erhöht und unterstreicht das Ausmaß der Beredsamkeit und die Schönheit der Rhetorik!!! Die Betonung der Aussprache verstärkt und unterstreicht die Größe der Beredsamkeit und die Schönheit der Rhetorik!!! Акцент на произношении усиливает и подчеркивает величие красноречия и красоту риторики !!! Het accent op de uitspraak neemt toe en onderstreept de omvang van de welsprekendheid en de schoonheid van de retoriek!!! De nadruk op de uitspraak versterkt en onderstreept de grootsheid van de welsprekendheid en de schoonheid van de retoriek!!! Naglasak na izgovoru pojačava i podvlači veličinu elokvencije i ljepotu retorike!!! The Poet lives in the inspiration art of inventing verses from real words!!! El Poeta vive en el arte de la inspiración de inventar versos a partir de palabras reales !!! O Poeta vive na arte da inspiração de inventar versos das palavras reais!!! Le Poète vit dans l'art de l'inspiration d'inventer des vers à partir de vrais mots !!! Il Poeta vive nell'arte dell'ispirazione di inventare versi da parole vere!!! Поэт живет искусством вдохновения придумывать стихи из реальных слов !!! Поэт живёт вдохновенным искусством придумывать стихи из настоящих слов !!! Der Dichter lebt in der Kunst der Inspiration, Verse aus echten Worten zu erfinden!!! De dichter leeft in de kunst van inspiratie om verzen uit echte woorden uit te vinden!! Pjesnik živi u umijeću nadahnuća izmišljanja stihova od stvarnih riječi!!! I want the desire and craving for the ecstasy of the pleasure of poetry, and the heartfelt affections of life!!!! Quiero el deseo y el anhelo del éxtasis del placer de la poesía, y los afectos sinceros de la vida !!!! Eu quero o desejo e ânsia do êxtase do prazer da poesia, e os afetos sinceros da vida!!!! Je veux le désir et l'envie de l'extase du plaisir de la poésie, et les affections sincères de la vie !!!! Voglio il desiderio e la brama dell'estasi del piacere della poesia, e degli affetti sinceri della vita!!!! Я хочу желание и тягу к экстазу наслаждения поэзией и сердечной привязанности к жизни !!!! Я хочу желание и тягу к экстазу наслаждения поэзией и сердечным привязанностям жизни !!!! Ich will den Wunsch und die Begierde nach der Ekstase der Freude der Poesie, und die herzliche Zuneigung des Lebens!!!! Ik wil het verlangen en hartstochtelijk verlangen de extase van de vreugde van poëzie, en de hartfelt genegenheid van het leven!!!! Želim želju i čežnju za zanosom užitka poezije, i iskrene naklonosti života!!!! The day of faith is born in the heart that has the resplendent glow of the morning star!!! ¡¡¡El día de la fe nace en el corazón que tiene el resplandor resplandeciente de la estrella de la mañana !!! O dia da fé nasce no coração que tem o brilho resplandecente da estrela da manhã!!! Le jour de la foi naît dans le cœur qui a l'éclat resplendissant de l'étoile du matin !!! Il giorno della fede nasce nel cuore che ha il bagliore splendente della stella del mattino!!! Der Tag des Glaubens ist im Herzen geboren, das den strahlenden Glanz des Morgensterns hat!!! День веры рождается в сердце, которое сияет сиянием утренней звезды !!! De dag van het geloof is geboren in het hart dat de uitstraling heeft van de ochtendster!!! Dan vjere se rađa u srcu koje ima sjajni sjaj zvijezde jutarnje!!! The Tournaments are verses of the composition of entertainment, and bring players and athletes together for the height of inspiration of competition performance, and pure sporting celebration of personal accomplishment !!! Les tournois sont des vers de la composition du divertissement, et rassemblent les joueurs et les athlètes pour le summum de l'inspiration de la performance en compétition, et une pure célébration sportive de l'accomplissement personnel !!! Los torneos son versos de la composición del entretenimiento, y unen a los jugadores y atletas para el pináculo de la inspiración en el desempeño de la competencia, y la celebración deportiva pura de los logros personales!!! I Tornei sono versi della composizione dell'intrattenimento, e riuniscono giocatori e atleti per l'apice dell'ispirazione della performance agonistica e pura celebrazione sportiva della realizzazione personale !!! Турниры - это стихи развлекательного сочинения, которые объединяют игроков и спортсменов для достижения вершины вдохновения в соревнованиях и чистого спортивного празднования личных достижений !!! Турниры - это развлекательные стихи, объединяющие игроков и спортсменов на вершине воодушевления соревновательных выступлений и чисто спортивное празднование личных достижений !!! Die Turniere sind Verse der Zusammensetzung der Unterhaltung und bringen Spieler und Athleten zusammen für die Höhe der Inspiration des Wettbewerbs Leistung, und reine sportliche Feier der persönlichen Erreichung!!! Die Turniere sind Verse über die Komposition von Unterhaltung und bringen Spieler und Athleten zusammen, um den Höhepunkt der Inspiration der Wettkampfleistung und die pure sportliche Feier der persönlichen Leistung zu erreichen !!! De Tournaments zijn verzen van de compositie van entertainment, en brengen spelers en atleten samen voor de hoogte van inspiratie van de competitie prestaties, en pure sportieve viering van persoonlijke prestaties !!! De toernooien zijn verzen over de samenstelling van entertainment en brengen spelers en atleten samen om het hoogtepunt te bereiken van de inspiratie van competitieve prestaties en de pure sportieve viering van persoonlijke prestaties !!! Turniri su stihovi kompozicije zabave i okupljaju igrače i sportaše za vrhunac natjecateljske izvedbene inspiracije i čisto sportsko slavlje osobnog postignuća!!! Turniri su stihovi kompozicije zabave, a okupljaju igrače i sportaše za vrhunac inspiracije nastupa natjecanja i čisto sportsko slavlje osobnog postignuća!!!
@adrianajimenez4342 3 жыл бұрын
@wpm5077 3 жыл бұрын
Please can I be 25 again, I want to sing and dance with all these talented people, truly a wonderful spectacle, I take my hat off to each and every one and that most certainly includes the filmaker(s), I wish it went on longer though.
@joey_556 3 ай бұрын
The fiddler is damn gorgeous
@rhino159 3 жыл бұрын
Simply brilliant just awesome makes me want to be there Cheers!
@СергейКостенко-я3ч 3 жыл бұрын
Очень здорово и красиво! Приятно смотреть! Привет из Санкт-Петербурга, Россия.
@СергейХаритоненко-х5в 2 жыл бұрын
Аналогично! Привет из Кокшетау, Казахстан.
@nsol7684 2 жыл бұрын
Да , задорно.Привет с Донбасса.
@luisjdavis 3 жыл бұрын
The Emerald Isle is a Bucket List MUST !!!
@kathyevans3251 3 жыл бұрын
That is going to be a fun show
@Iveraghboy 2 жыл бұрын
My God I rolled up laughing at this ``Irish Dancing` and the Derby O`Gill view of Ireland...🤣
@andrispimenovs5129 Жыл бұрын
Very good video, musicians and dancers. Many thanks to the creators of the clip. Very professional.
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