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Max & Sujy POL

Max & Sujy POL

Күн бұрын

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@MaxSujyPOL Ай бұрын
Dzień dobry!
@nickeywilson7883 Ай бұрын
Cześć ( helo) :))
@maciejzniebuszewa8077 Ай бұрын
Hello to my favorite couple ❤ Kashubian is not a separate language from Polish. It is one of the dialects of Polish, but for political reasons it is separated as a separate language. I live in Kashubia, so I know what I am talking about. People who preach this do it for 30 pieces of silver.
@TheAZAZEL35 Ай бұрын
Dzień dobry :)
@Gri_Gri_80 Күн бұрын
Życzę miłego dnia :)
@Tyka_1 Ай бұрын
English: DOUBLE, doubles, doubling, doubled Polski: PODWOIĆ, podwajać, podwoiłem, podwoiłam, podwoiłeś, podwoiłaś, podwoił, podwoiła, podwoiło, podwoiliśmy, podwoiliście, podwoili, podwoiły, podwajam, podwajasz, podwaja, podwajacie, podwajamy, podwajają, podwoję, podwoisz, podwoi, podwoimy, podwoicie, podwoją, podwoiłbym, podwoiłabym, podwoiłbyś, podwoiłabyś, podwoiłby, podwoiłaby, podwoiłoby, podwoilibyśmy, podwoilibyście, podwoiliby, podwoiłyby, podwajając, podwoiwszy, podwój, podwójcie, podwajany, podwajana, podwajane, podwajani, podwajający, podwajająca, podwajające, podwajano, podwójże, podwójżesz, podwójta
@elacyb7985 Ай бұрын
@marianmechanik4845 Ай бұрын
To ich zachęciłaś do nauki języka polskiego 😅
@Vatharian Ай бұрын
@@marianmechanik4845 u nas to pikuś, deklinacja w fińskim to znacznie radośniejsze zajęcie. Wcale się nie dziwię, że cały kraj ma depresję...
@emilial.4132 Ай бұрын
What about: podwoiłybyśmy, podwoiłybyście, podwoiłyście, are they missing can't find them? Maybe it is impossible to list all of them? Haha, our language is crazy!
@marianmechanik4845 Ай бұрын
@@emilial.4132 Polish lengague is very difficult ...KONSTANTYNOPOLITAŃCZYKOWIANECZKA ....It's a little girl living in Constantinople ...
@janpolak5354 Ай бұрын
I just realized that I wouldn't have learned Polish if I hadn't been born in Poland ;)
@bziunda Ай бұрын
So true. My sister was born in US in Polish speaking family, therefore she naturally uses Polish correctly. But learning it would be horrible 😅
@carskipisarz Ай бұрын
Fakt życia Polsce i osłuchanie się go , mówienie w nim sprawia, że kiedy patrzy na niego z perspektywy obcokrajowca mamy wrażenie, słuszne, że nauka tego języka byłaby niemożliwa. Sam jestem ciekawy jak to możliwe, że to wszystko bez tak mocnego nacisku na gramatykę tego języka jestem wstanie wyrazić siebie w każdy możliwy sposób przez różne zdania. PS. Oglądając to mam wrażenie, że Obcokrajowcy muszą się uczyć na pamięć lub szukać jakiś małych różnic aby wiedzieć kiedy czego użyć, współczuję nauki Polskiego, cieszę się , że ja mam ten język od Urodzenia
@JoGemma Ай бұрын
Ja to samo!
@rechtech5474 Ай бұрын
I realized that wouldnt have learned finnish if i hadnt been born in finland
@figard9855 Ай бұрын
3:45 Pierogi is a plural form of the word Pieróg which is a Polish dumpling
@twkolejofil Ай бұрын
And it has English "double plural": pierogis, just like Polish "double plural: chipsy 😉
@olobolo3563 Ай бұрын
Polish language is very simple. I learned it as small kid so it cant be difficult 😅
@katarzynaxx563 Ай бұрын
No, it’s not. 98% people around me, including tv, professors, etc. use very poor polish and make crazy amount of mistakes. People like you, who think that they speak good polish, are the worse, because they don’t know a shit. They speak poor language like 98% apoplectic around them.
@olobolo3563 Ай бұрын
@katarzynaxx563 Oceniłaś moje umiejętności językowe pomimo, że nie napisałem słowa po polsku. Pokazuje to twoją głupotę i ignorancję. Po drugie, nie rozumiesz czym jest sarkazm...nie widzę więc sensu w dalszej dyskusji.
@katarzynaxx563 Ай бұрын
@ Głupi, to jest ktoś, kto pisze, że język polski jest łatwy. A co do sarkazmu, to sobie przeczytaj lepiej definicję, bo chyba coś ci nie wyszło. Chciałabym się dowiedzieć, gdzie w twoim głupim komentarzu była złośliwa ironia, drwina lub szyderstwo. Ale to ja nie rozumiem czym jest sarkazm 😂 urocze
@olobolo3563 Ай бұрын
@@katarzynaxx563 oceniłaś moje umiejętności nawet ich nie widząc, rozumiesz to ignorancie czy nie? Idź szukaj atencji gdzie indziej...
@Fluffy_Wølfi Ай бұрын
I think learning languages as a child is easier because it is easier to absorb information. But anyway, congratulations on learning Polish, for people who are not from Poland this language is very difficult to pronounce. 😀
@qperski Ай бұрын
I learned English in primary school this way, for 6 years of learning I could barely order something in a store :D. It was only when I started watching movies in English with subtitles and had to deal with people speaking English at work that I caught on in 6 months what I couldn't learn in 6 years :D. The best way to learn at the beginning is always everyday speech. Only when you get the basics, academic speech comes in better ;).
@SiempreConTrasto Ай бұрын
It's much easier to learn English by a Pole this way. Because you mostly cut off features you know to simplify grammar. The other way, when you have to extrapolate something inexistent in your mothertonque is way harder. However for me the lack of pronounciation rules in English was the main problem - not grammar.
@robertjakubczak9437 Ай бұрын
Przecież małe dzieci najpierw uczą się mówić później pyskować i dopiero biorą się za pisownię i gramatykę. Z nauką języka obcego powinno być tak samo
@SiempreConTrasto Ай бұрын
@@robertjakubczak9437 no lepiej bym tego nie ujął.
@madrianzorroonio85 Ай бұрын
1:20 - Kashubian is ethnic minority in nord Poland. Have own language.
@zmiarta666 Ай бұрын
I'm from Kashubian regio
@reginahudzik5533 Ай бұрын
​@@zmiarta666 Zajebiście.😉✌️
@Hope_On_The_Stage Ай бұрын
I'm watching this video and I'm asking myself..why it was my favorite subject in school and how the hell I always had a good grades?!😂😂😂 It looks so complicated here😂
@MaxSujyPOL Ай бұрын
It's complicated because the school system make it difficult. I agree with Sujy. The way we learn languages in school is theoric, but not practical enough.
@Hope_On_The_Stage Ай бұрын
@@MaxSujyPOL True. I was learning English in school for 4-5 years and I learned almost nothing tbh. I learned by watching TV shows and movies with subs and music. I learn Korean just like I learned english.
@Netsuki Ай бұрын
Because in school you don't get flooded by every rule, but get taught gradually about every grammatical rules. Like conjugation is first. But then there is declination that is taught later on. Than there are participles for example and so on. And also conjugation isn't taught before you know random nouns and alphabet. Then you learn adjectives, verbs and so on. And it's taught for at least 9 years through the school, when your brain is the best to absorb knowledge. Also in school you are taught all the rules constantly, reminding you of everything till you naturally remembers it (at least most of the rules). But still, there is plenty of Polish people who can't speak Polish too well. They use wrong words, ignore commas and so on.
@inamina4606 Ай бұрын
Wkroczyliscie na bardzo grzaski grunt😁. Zycze powodzenia i pozdrawiam z Kaszub.
@robertjakubczak9437 Ай бұрын
No lekko nie będzie, trochę jak z motyką na słońce ☀️😆😆😆
@KrzysztofTomecki Ай бұрын
Łeb mi rozpieprzyło😂... Appriciate foreigners, who try to learn polish🤗 Mamo, Tato... dziękuję Wam, że nauczyliście mnie naszego, pięknego języka❤️ See You soon, Friends🙌 I hope...
@Thalaranthey Ай бұрын
Pierogi comes from polish, "Pir" in old-polish means a feast, happy gathering, social event etc and pierogi was a popular dish for such occasion sourkraut is german name, polish people have their own name (kiszona kapusta) and both of them more or less mean sour cabbage. Its theorized to be brought from far east to europe by tatars
@twkolejofil Ай бұрын
Kashubian is the language that emerged in Kashubia (Kaszuby) region of Poland. We eat Sauerkraut but we call it "kiszona kapusta" (pickled cabbage) 🙂
@MarianJakiel Ай бұрын
Kaszubski to język polski, ale archaiczny. Ze względu na odcięcie od Macierzy przez żywioł niemiecki, nie ulegał przemianie, tylko zachował się w pierwotnej formie.
@gabahhhh Ай бұрын
​@@MarianJakielJakiej macierzy? Te tereny zamieszkiwali Prusowie, nie Prusacy. A to, tereny dzisiejszych Niemiec nazwane zostały Prusami, nie ma nic wspólnego z Prusami, dzisiejszymi Kaszubami.
@MarianJakiel Ай бұрын
@@gabahhhh Popatrz na mapę, gdzie były Prusy czyli dzisiejsze Mazury, a gdzie są Kaszuby. Nie pij tyle.
@wraahmobby8428 29 күн бұрын
​@@MarianJakiel To raczej ta twoja "macierz" została zrusyfikowana, bosy Antku z kongresówki. 😆
@Yoanka 12 күн бұрын
3:45 Out of curiosity, I googled it, and while "sauerkraut" is a German word and "pierogi" (actually a plural form of "pieróg") is a Polish one, both dishes were likely first invented in China and may have reached Europe via the Silk Road to settle here as national specialties. :d
@nikki-op4xj Ай бұрын
u spot on it does sound like chinese ... i wanted to learn chinese few years back and after starting to learn letters i asked "how do they have so many polish letters ?" mainly ą, ć, ę, ś, ń/ni - although chinese spell them differently (obliviously) - but chinese and polish are only two languages i know of that use those letters . is rly cool .
@johnalmighty2052 Ай бұрын
The word "pierogi" comes from the Polish word pierogi [pʲɛˈrɔgʲi], which is the plural form of pieróg [pʲɛruk], a generic term for filled dumplings. It derives from Old East Slavic пиръ (pirŭ) and further from Proto-Slavic *pirъ, "feast". Pierogi is a Polish word which means “small round thing” and refers to the shape of the dumplings that are traditionally filled with ground beef, but can be made with other ingredients such as cheese, sausage, mushrooms, or even potato
@MrAelithe Ай бұрын
Pieróg is the same meaning as german Federbrot. Means bread with somethings inside. In Poland is mostly prepare small, but in the east is rather large In Poland we called it nowadays kulabiak.
@grelpawe Ай бұрын
The clewless guy saying that the the declination is like in french (when there is no declination in french and french grammar is just primitive compared to polish) is my hero 😂😂😂😂
@wingedhussar1117 7 күн бұрын
Actually, there is a declension in French, just not for nouns... I think it's fair to say that French has at least four cases for pronouns: nominative - accusative - dative - prepositional N - A - D - P je - me - me - moi tu - te - te - toi il - le - lui - le elle - la - lui - la And French grammar is not primitive at all. Polish has 7 cases, but only two tenses. French has no noun cases, but at least 12 tenses or something like that + very complicated syntax rules, while you are practicallly allowed to do anything in Polish.
@lidiapoczyczynska6623 Ай бұрын
Wesołych świąt ❄️🎄☃️🎄❄️❤️🇵🇱
@MaxSujyPOL Ай бұрын
Thank you! :)
@domiiinik99 Ай бұрын
Łódź literally means "boat" which is funny, because there is no river in Łódź (it's the only big city in Poland without river flowing through it)
@halucynah2823 Ай бұрын
nie opowiadaj głupot.
@domiiinik99 Ай бұрын
@@halucynah2823 co ty pierdolisz? XD
@mirosawbraniewski3659 Ай бұрын
Przez Łódź przeplywają małe rzeczki, lecz zostały skanalizowane i ich nie widać. To dlatego w Łodzi powstał tak duży przemysł włókienniczy bo był dostęp do wody. Pozdrawiam.
@halucynah2823 Ай бұрын
@@domiiinik99 no chyba ty wieśniaku
@tadeuszskoczek6266 Ай бұрын
Przez Łódź przepływa rzeka Ner.
@PiotrJaser Ай бұрын
Maybe pierogi are popular in Germany because 3 million Poles and people of Polish descent live there.
@kwasnybalonowy974 Ай бұрын
Pierogi originates from Poland vodka too and we got kiełbasa like sausage but i dunno if its fully ours
@rikak5703 Ай бұрын
Fakt, czasy w języku francuskim przysparzają sporo trudności. Merci beaucoup.
@jerzyblinowski5177 Ай бұрын
11:40 łódka - a small boat, dingey, canoe or a toy, e.g. a paper boat, a boat made of a piece of bark, łodź - a boat but also a small ship, e.g. a Viking ship (łódź wikingów), a submarine (łódź podwodna)
@marianmechanik4845 Ай бұрын
The Kashubian lengague is difficult to understant even by Poles .... in the movie .. Kramerdyner ... a lot of dialogues are in Kashubian ...
@jerzypoprawa7107 Ай бұрын
Język polski jest bardzo prosty, nawet małe dzieci go opanowują w 2-3 lata :) Wystarczy zapamiętać podstawową regułę gramatyczną: tu nie ma żadnych reguł, są same wyjątki :)
@Netsuki Ай бұрын
To nie angielski, że nie ma reguł ;)
@MrAelithe Ай бұрын
Jest najtrudniejszym z języków słowiańskich, ze względu na duży wpływ niemieckiego.
@jerzypoprawa7107 Ай бұрын
@@MrAelithe ....??????? Niby gdzie, pomijajac oczywoscie zapozyczenia slow?
@Netsuki Ай бұрын
@@jerzypoprawa7107 Wszędzie. Słowa, których używasz na co dzień, a nawet nie wiesz, że pochodzą z Niemieckiego. Przykładowo słowo personalny pochodzi z łaciny. Słowo prezydent z angielskiego. Ale wymieniony w filmie ratusz jest już słowem niemieckim. Niemiecki miał olbrzymi wpływ na kształtowanie języka polskiego.
@jerzypoprawa7107 Ай бұрын
@@Netsuki Misiek, mowilem o zapozyczeniu slow. Ale czemu to czyni nasz jezyk "najtrudniejszym" slowianskim jzykiem? W rosyjskim tez jest sporo niemczyzny i nie tylko. PS. Pisanie rzeczownikow z wielkiej litery - pochodza z Niemieckiego - to tylko w niemieckim jezyku istnieje. :)
@doctorproctor9484 Ай бұрын
My favorite Polish word is - źdźbło (stem).
@Netsuki Ай бұрын
Pierogi are polish, as well as it's polish word. As for sauekrkraut, I would say it comes from Germany, but in Polish we call it kiszona kapusta, meaning pickled cabbage, but I believe the dish itself comes to Poland from Germany. I might be wrong, though. Also back to pierogi, it's one of the many similar dishes across the globe. Japan has gyoza dumplings for example. Or maybe it's Chinese dish that came to the Japan, similar way I mentioned how sauerkraut probably came to Poland from Germany. I know China and Japan had the exchange of the culture, cuisine and other stuff, so I am not quite sure if it's Japanese dish or Chinese. But there are dumplings of various kinds in many cuisines.
@MarianJakiel Ай бұрын
Kiszonki to polska specjalność, a niemiecka kiszona kapusta to jakaś breja.
@tamashii6670 14 күн бұрын
Interesting video. :) There are more digraphs in polish, also ci, ni, si and zi, and also one trigraph dzi. And there's no something like pi, bi etc, these are just pronounced as p and i, b and i, there's exception for those where is two versions of letter with line above and with i, like ć/ci, ń/ni etc, in these cases version with i is pronounced not like n and i but like ń, it's different sound that just n.
@patrycjar6329 Ай бұрын
Just to let you know, before Poland was named Poland we got other names like Lechia, Lechistan or Lenkija
@neri1220 22 күн бұрын
Why it looks so difficult when it's compared to english? I say this because i am Polish and i always liked polish classes at school. They never seemed complicated at all. It feels like you guys are overcomplicating it on purpose. Or perhaps it's a matter of using the language day by day from your childhood and only later on learning how to write it down and correct some errors in your speach. Let me help you out a little: x doesn't exist because you can just say "ks" to make the same sound (i am more confused that english speaking people pronounce it as "z" ... so whats the point of x anyway?) v doesn't exist because we use w for it english version of w doesn't exist because we use ł for it q doesn't exist but you can say "ku" or "kłu" to make the same sound However we do not have the equivalent of english "th". Everybody from Poland who start learning english will struggle with this one. We will pronounce it as "f" or "s" or "t" in order to try to mimik the sound of it. The simple word or "think" will be therefore pronounced by begginers as "tink", "sink" or "fink". You are thinking polish is hard but for us english is hard at least when you are making sounds like these that we struggle to comprehend. polish ch is the same as h when it comes to the sound of it. You could say we complicated it for writing for no reason but i heard that in the past people used to say them differently so you could say it's the relic of the past or a cruel joke to make us fail tests at school. ó and u are the same in that regard. You pronounce it exactly the same so as long as you are just readiing, its no problem. Problem is when you are asked to write it down and you need to think wich one to use (ó or u). ż and rz are also the same except maybe select few words like tarzan (we read as tar-zan, not a tażan) and marznąć (wich means to feel cold, even freezing) And really polish is easy because you read the letters the way you see them, letter by letter. And these few exceptions of dż, dź, dz, ch, rz, sz should not scare you because you have similar pairings in english (english sh is polish sz basically, see it's not that hard).
@iv0na616 Ай бұрын
Max! Pięknie mówisz po polsku
@lidiapolomskatomes5888 Ай бұрын
I welcome from Poland 🇵🇱 ❤
@izabela5097 Ай бұрын
If you seriously want to learn Polish, this video will not help you. It complicates things unnecessarily. Ps. nice hairstyle (ładna fryzura) 🙂
@TLA77 Ай бұрын
Your wife is really good with language Polish
@barsorrro 10 күн бұрын
For all terrified by what they are seeing: 1. Yes, Polish really is THAT complex/difficult. ... LOL! No, it isn't... Errrr... well... it actually is :D . I mean, everything mentioned in the video is 100% true and it's not some kind of extra-sophisticated, out-of-regular-use variant of Polish that is being presented there. It's all about the Polish that is spoken by everybody here. Well... yeah, maybe not everybody, but some 95% of adult population at least. ... At least I hope that I have not exaggerated the figure :). BUT -- and make it as huge a BUT as you can -- : 2. We, native speakers, don't learn the language from the grammar books, and even less so -- from word inflection charts like the ones shown in this video. We meet them bastards only when we arrive at something like the 5th/6th grade of primary school, and then we're all perplexed at why we're being tortured with them, since they present nothing that would serve us any purpose whatever: we already have a pretty complete and correct command of the language, but certainly not through applying some abstract rules, but through following the patterns that have been ingrained in our minds by constant exposure and practice. CONCLUSION: Watch this as a trivia presentation. Or as a hint to the fact that if you find something in your path, when learning Polish, that you don't know how to grapple with, then you may eventually need to reach for a book on Polish grammar and maybe even study some chart in it (... although you'd probably do better to ask ChatGPT for explanation). DO NOT watch it as a guide to what mechanics of the language you will need to have crammed in before you can hope to understand even the simplest sentences in Polish. That's simply not true. There are many foreigners communicating with us quite successfully in what could be described as "broken Polish", but what is essentially the only Polish that can be reasonably expected from a person who began learning at an older age and has only learned it for a couple of years. We DON'T MIND it, we definitely APPRECIATE the effort, and -- first and foremost -- we are unlikely to have much difficulty in understanding what the striving foreign speaker tries to put across. Well, all those grammatical frills do help clarity and precision a lot, but it's not like a sentence becomes an utter blur without them. And if you are eager to learn the language -- which I'm not sure I should encourage you to do, unless you have a good reason to do it or you really enjoy learning new languages -- then, please, focus on easy, comprehensible input. There are many KZbin channels you can find that on. One I could recommend is, for example, "Polish with Blondes". With time and your vocabulary expanding, start watching videos from Polish KZbin channels that are no longer strictly directed at learners, but simply fit your interests.
@AleksandraOstrowska-Jagoda Ай бұрын
I think that in Polish there are simple and logical elements. For example, the main subject always comes first, before the verb, you know immediately what is most important. The etymology of words is also very understandable to me, whole families of words are created. We have many elements from other languages, so it was easier for us to create Esperanto - an artificial universal language created by a Pole, Ludwik Zamenhof
@MrAelithe Ай бұрын
Polish Jew.
@AleksandraOstrowska-Jagoda Ай бұрын
@@MrAelithe OK, a Jew who liked living in Poland, worked here and was buried here
@j.b.w.4884 Ай бұрын
Jak to dobrze, że nie musiałem się tego uczynić. Ze swoją dysleksją pewnie nie dał bym rady.
@gumishq Ай бұрын
yes, Łódź simply means "boat" - and it's pronounced as Wooj (sort of: dź is not exactly 'j')
@Sandro_de_Vega Ай бұрын
I found funny fact that there is basicaly no unique sounds in polish but people still have problem with them. Sound SZ exist in many langs, like japanise, english, german. Ą and Ę exist in some form in french and portugese. Ż exist in at least french. ś obviously aways put in my mind chinese xie xie. Only really unique sound that we have are combination of D with varation of Z.
@rozmaster3574 Ай бұрын
About Kashubians that map was wrong. There are minority in region of Pomeranian near the sea, but most "Kashubian" city or village do not have acess to sea.
@bonzoble Ай бұрын
Thank you for being interested in my native language. it's a very difficult language to learn. I know people from China and other nationalities who are better at using the Polish language than some Poles. So let's get to work and learn :) Regards.
@MaciejKaczmarczyk-p7d Ай бұрын
Hi uwaga w Europie Polska jest jednym z najtrudniejszych języków do nauczenia się😊 I AM from poland😊 - ja pochodzę, pochodzić, pochodzimy, pochodzą, z polski😅 Bye😊
@nakanarii4622 Ай бұрын
„Nie no, no tak, to nie.” 😀
@faramirgondor6821 Ай бұрын
jestescie fajni ,lubie was
@CarriettaCarrieWhite Ай бұрын
4:00 Pierogi - Polish. Sauerkraut - German.
@adlervonschlesien4869 Ай бұрын
Next to the Kashubian language, Czech, Slovak and Polish, there should also be the Silesian language, which Poland does not recognize, because Silesia is occupied by Poland and the Czech Republic!!!
@robertjakubczak9437 Ай бұрын
I jesteście bardzo uciskani 🤣🤣🤣
@adlervonschlesien4869 Ай бұрын
@robertjakubczak9437 nie masz o niczym pojęcia, więc nie kpij!
@anitamastriaco2540 Ай бұрын
Be grateful that we are allowing you to live in our Poland after you sold us to Germans.
@jurekmagnum8596 Ай бұрын
Łódź, statek, okręt. Pływają po wodzie ale każdy ma inną funkcję.
@user-hb9mz2hp2g Ай бұрын
Max - if you know French & English you can learn Polish :)
@triv4492 Ай бұрын
In English there are also 2 tenses, past and non past technicaly
@michalkrawiec3789 Ай бұрын
Wojenny to jest okręt. Z łódki to można co najwyżej powędkować.
@Jejkobu77 Ай бұрын
dobrze być polakiem , i odrazu umieć jezyk polski
@grzegorzpiatek2099 Ай бұрын
Super ❤❤😊
@brichert3183 Ай бұрын
Pozdrawiam z Kaszub to region północnej Polski okolice Gdańska województwo pomorskie
@Music70634 Ай бұрын
Polish apphabet - Q - good observation, but let's not forget about X and V
@miciu1467 Ай бұрын
No widzicie. Francuski ma 12 czasów a polski tylko 3 (przeszły, teraźniejszy, przyszły) i wystarczy. Jak piszesz tak czytasz po polsku a francuski to dramat. Są zatem pozytywne strony języka polskiego Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia ❤🎄❄️☃️
@MrAelithe Ай бұрын
2 czasy według nowoczesnych gramatyk. 3 czasy ma tylko kilka czasowników
@andrzejp.5327 Ай бұрын
O rany, ten język wygląda na naprawdę trudny ;)
@JohnSmith-q7r Ай бұрын
Not gonna lie. Things can get complicated. For example, reflexive verbs. I saw that you had a problem understanding what the author was talking about. And the matter is simple, for example, we have the verb myć - to wash. Myję naczynia = I wash the dishes. but when we add "się" it means: se lave in French. In English we have: I wash myself, he wash himself, she wash herself and in Polish: Myję się, on myje się, ona myje się. Simple, right?
@jankowalski6338 Ай бұрын
Kapusta kiszona sounds Polish to me therefore it has to be Polish. Same logic.
@ulahuminiak2718 Ай бұрын
@eligiuszkorczynski8889 Ай бұрын
W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz coś tam robił
@Paw-ij8ge Ай бұрын
Brzmi w trzcinie😅
@eligiuszkorczynski8889 Ай бұрын
@Paw-ij8ge Bardzo dobrze.Brawa dla prowadzących kanał ale to chyba tylko tak z ciekawości.Bo jakoś nie widać zacięcia do nauki polskiego.Pozdrawiam
@cpt.flamer7184 Ай бұрын
Trzynastego w Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz się zaczął tarzać w trzcinie. Wszczęli wrzask Szczebrzeszynianie - cóż ma znaczyć to tarzanie?! Wezwać trzeba by lekarza, zamiast brzmieć ten chrząszcz się tarza. Wszak Szczebrzeszyn z tego słynie, że w nim zawsze chrząszcz BRZMI w trzcinie. ;p
@eligiuszkorczynski8889 Ай бұрын
​@@cpt.flamer7184 To żeś teraz pojechał.Pozdrawiam
@jakubtomaszglazewski9928 Ай бұрын
Thombs up for patience
@bayabongo Ай бұрын
Być, or not być, that is the pytanie.
@MonikaMazgola Ай бұрын
Łódź - boat, łódka - little boat
@noobfromnet9783 Ай бұрын
To be honest, if I wasn't Polish, I wouldn't learn this language, it seems too difficult to learn ;)
@klau5z Ай бұрын
łódź mens boat łódka means a small boat
@4ma-deu5 Ай бұрын
I'm a pole, and this video confuzes me xD Also btw. just want to say that many poles can't write/speak properly in our language either.
@Maciek-g6r Ай бұрын
@Z_Kanapy Ай бұрын
polskie liczebniki kzbin.infoMBH1Mp7_uKU?si=28qXGsVnEzh5e62r
@marekkonieczny2316 Ай бұрын
POLSKI nie jest łatwy A jeszcze gramatyka i akcent 😂
@TLA77 Ай бұрын
Its wrong. We have q
@faramirgondor6821 Ай бұрын
Nie trudzcie sie aby poznac jezyk polski ,lepiej ugotujcie cos dobrego z kuchni polskiej
@YanTraken Ай бұрын
Why are You doing this to yoursellf lads? Take care!
@annagasiorek4380 Ай бұрын
Dlaczego nie tłumaczycie.!!Nie każdy zna język angielski!!Ogarnijcie się .Jeśli tat dalej będzie to szkoda mojego czasu !!Żegnam!!
@onczaktro1060 Ай бұрын
Co mają ci dziecko tłumaczyć, film nie jest ich, więc czyja jest wina?
@HANAKO-r1r Ай бұрын
No to najwyższy czas by uważać na lekcjach języka angielskiego 🙄
@kikolandzik Ай бұрын
@@HANAKO-r1r nie każdy miał angielski.
@kiul44 Ай бұрын
@@kikolandzik obecnie?. każdy ma angielski w szkole.
@MaxSujyPOL Ай бұрын
Zwykle tłumaczę cały film na język angielski, ale ten film jest zbyt trudny do przetłumaczenia przez tłumacza DeepL. Ale przetłumaczyłem głosy Sujy i I.
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