Hopefully you can find all the collectibles. The first three (Lloyd, Finley, and Rambley plushies) are in the start area at the entrance, One in front of the gate, One on the stack of boxes behind you at the gate, and one of the stack of boxes in the generator room, the second one (Mollie Plushie) is across the area from the gift shop, the fifth one (Raction figure) is in the women’s restroom before Rambley’s railroad, the ramble ears are on the shelf next to the generator when you’re collecting the gears to fix the ride, the poodle plush is on the second floor of jetstream Junction while you’re heading up to Molly’s rooftop races, the berry is in Rambley’s rush arcade game in Molly’s garage, the gold ram we pushes in the restaurant in the indigo Park Plaza, the Rambley juice cup is in the café, The Rambley costume mask is on your right on the shelf while you’re running away from Molly in the chase scene, And the Retro Lloyd plush it’s OK on the shelf to your left when you head to the royal wrangler room before you exit the door that is also to your left. Hope you can find them all including the secrets. If you don’t have all of the collectibles with you please be sure to find them in your second play through on the updated version to learn about them. Good luck PolarisRune!